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Metal-ceramic crown. Advantages and disadvantages. Metal-ceramic crowns for damaged teeth

Dental products made of metal and ceramics are of high quality and affordable. The answer to the question of how much a metal-ceramic crown costs per tooth is important for the future owner of a beautiful smile.

First of all, you should learn about the variety of products, advantages and recommendations, as well as other nuances and features.

Pros and cons of metal-ceramic crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns have the following advantages:

  • Wide range of shades - spraying for crowns is distinguished by the possibility of choosing from a wide range of colors and textures that replicate the natural reliefs of teeth.
  • Durability of aesthetic appearance - products made of metal ceramics are not subject to absorption of any coloring agents and will not lose their original brightness. Metal-ceramic crowns are designed to solve aesthetic imperfections in appearance, which is easily achieved due to the similarity of their appearance to living teeth and external fusion with the client’s neighboring teeth.
  • Functionality – when eating food of any hardness artificial teeth perform their functions at the same level as natural ones, without being inferior to them and without causing discomfort.
  • Durability and the ability to protect teeth - if used correctly, metal-ceramic dental products will last at least 15 years. The long service life is justified by the design and strength of the alloys used. Metal-ceramic dentures solve the problem of chewing solid food and equally distribute the load during eating. The risk of chipping, external damage, and scratches of such teeth is minimal. The crown fits tightly to the tooth, this ensures its protection from destruction in unfavorable conditions.
  • Hypoallergenic – the materials used in the manufacture of crowns do not contain toxins, so the risk of allergies when using them is minimal, and rejection by the body is excluded. Allergic reactions to metal ceramics are rare. It is explained by the process of oxidation under the influence of saliva if crowns made of base metal were installed. Manifestations of any discomfort are a reason to visit a specialist.
  • Biological compatibility - the use of frames made of high-quality materials for prosthetics will provide only a positive effect on the oral cavity, without irritation and discomfort.
  • Strength – metal-ceramic tooth The denture can withstand significant loads when chewing food.
  • Metal ceramics have high hygienic indicators, because they are resistant to the harmful effects of microorganisms.
  • Affordable cost for the patient.

The listed advantages are common to all ceramic-metal products. They may differ depending on the metal used in the frame and, along with positive ones, have negative characteristics.

Disadvantages of products:

  1. The need for tooth depulpation is a significant disadvantage. In most cases of crown installation, the patient’s tooth undergoes nerve removal, cleaning, and canal filling.
  2. Tooth grinding is the loss of your own tooth tissue; you will need to grind up to 2 mm of the surface on all sides.
  3. The hardness of the material is both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, this is a guarantee of strength and increased service life, on the other hand, there is a risk of accelerated wear of adjacent teeth on the patient’s second, opposite jaw.
  4. Risk of chipping - under conditions of proper use and regular maintenance, metal-ceramics will last a long time, but if there is excessive mechanical impact on it, the veneer of crowns is susceptible to chipping and deeper damage.
  5. Disadvantages in aesthetics - in some cases, for example, when the gums recede, in the place where the product joins it, the mucous membrane becomes blue from the metal frame along its edge.
  6. The presence of contraindications - if the patient has suffered from chronic diseases of periodontal tissues, acute diseases of the oral mucosa - these are direct contraindications to the installation of implants. In addition, metal ceramics are contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the central nervous system, malocclusions, during pregnancy and rehabilitation after acute infectious attacks.


How much does a metal-ceramic crown cost?

The cost of acquiring artificial teeth made of metal ceramics consists of:

  • the cost of the type of metal alloy for the frame;
  • prices for ceramics for cladding;
  • assessment of the qualifications of dentists and technicians;
  • client's wishes;
  • individual characteristics patient;
  • reputation of the dental clinic;
  • prices for additional services.

Front teeth

In case of severe wear of the front teeth, in the absence of alternative exits, metal-ceramic crowns are the best way out from the situation. Depulpation of the tooth at the modern level of technology when installing a metal-ceramic product on the front teeth is not a necessary stage of prosthetics, because Specialists can remove excess tooth tissue using special compounds. The border between the crown and the living tooth is barely visible, the gum maintains its integrity and aesthetic appearance.

An important point is that artificial teeth differ in shade from natural ones, even with careful selection of colors, which can cause aesthetic inconvenience to the patient. Metal-ceramic crowns look most harmonious when the entire front row is completely replaced. The metal frame at the base of the prosthesis (titanium, base alloy) deprives appearance products with the translucency that the client’s own teeth have. The difference is most noticeable in directed bright or daylight. However, crowns based on a gold alloy have the most natural appearance. Gold produces a natural yellowish tint.

The appearance of bluish gums at the implantation site can be avoided by using metal-ceramic crowns with a ledge. This option will increase the cost of the product, because requires additional dental qualifications.

An alternative to metal ceramics for the smile area is metal-free prosthetics using porcelain. Such crowns completely match the shade of living teeth, but have increased fragility and a higher price compared to metal-ceramic products.

The final price for metal-ceramic anterior teeth also differs depending on the type of alloy chosen and the installation of temporary plastic dentures. The implant crown has more difficult process manufacturing and may cost more.

The type of frame alloy is the first thing that determines the cost of a metal-ceramic crown for the front row, incisors and canines.

  1. When making a frame from cobalt and chrome, the price will be from 4,500 to 11,000 rubles per crown, depending on the quality of the manufacturer’s material.
  2. For an alloy with a predominance of gold (in combination with palladium, platinum) - from 10,000 to 17,000 rubles. The cost of gold is calculated separately at the rate per gram. The final cost reaches 18,000 rubles.
  3. An alloy of titanium with special ceramics will increase the unit cost to 35,000 rubles.
  4. The cost of a temporary plastic prosthesis for the duration of dental procedures will be 1000-1500 rubles. It is included separately in the price.

Chewing teeth

Molars, like premolars, are most often replaced with metal-ceramics. These teeth are not visible as clearly as the front teeth. Their strength is more important than attractiveness, but a rich palette of coatings will ensure the choice of the most natural and attractive shade. Resort to installation on chewing teeth crowns made of metal and ceramics means restoring missing teeth even if they are destroyed and the last living one is missing.

Installing a cantilever bridge will help. If previously in such a situation two artificial molars were added and then overloaded, it is now possible to produce smaller products with inside and regular size from the outside. This solution will reduce the load on the supporting teeth. The downside of this approach is that chewing particularly hard food will be difficult, which, however, will not change the service life of the crowns. The cost of metal-ceramic teeth - molars is comparable to products for the anterior row.

Cost of crowns for chewing teeth by type of alloy:

  1. When installing a cobalt-chrome base, the price will be from 4,500 to 9,500 rubles per crown. Ceramics produced in Germany and Japan will cost an average of 6,000 rubles per unit, ceramics produced in Russia and Belarus - from 4,500 rubles per unit.
  2. When using alloys noble metals the unit price will be 9,000-17,000 rubles, taking into account the cost of gold.
  3. A clasp molar prosthesis will cost even more. Its cost varies from 40 to 60 thousand rubles per unit.
  4. The client can refuse temporary plastic prostheses, saving up to 1,500 rubles per unit.
  5. It is worth following the promotions held in clinics. Then the cost of installing turnkey products may vary significantly, up to 50% discounts.

Video: the manufacturing process of a metal-ceramic crown.

Installation price

Installation of metal-ceramic structures will take several visits to the doctor and require additional procedures.

During the first visit, the orthopedic dentist will conduct a consultation and take impressions of the jaw. Depending on the level of the chosen clinic, the procedure can be free or cost 500 rubles and more.

In case of depulpation, the tooth will be strengthened. At subsequent visits, the tooth is prepared, the shade of the crown is determined, the temporary crown is fixed, tried on, final correction and installation are carried out. Thus, in order to install metal ceramics, you should calculate its full cost at the first appointment. The total cost of a metal-ceramic unit varies greatly when choosing materials; it can vary from 6-7 thousand to 35-40 thousand rubles in multi-level clinics.

Which crowns to install, which alloy to choose is up to the client to decide. The final price is calculated individually, taking into account wishes and preferences.

Metal-ceramic crown on a tooth and on an implant in Moscow. The price of metal-ceramic crowns is 8,500 ₽ in our partner clinics.

Metal-ceramic crowns are an orthopedic product consisting of a frame that is covered top layer of ceramics. The metal-ceramic crown has a base in the form of a frame, which made from metal. A metal-ceramic crown costs 8,500 rubles in our clinic. In this case, the crown frame will be made of a standard medical alloy.

The frame can be made of medical alloy, titanium or gold alloy. The base of the crown is cast in a foundry using a specially prepared mold. Previously, crowns were made by stamping and therefore a number of patients believe that a metal-ceramic crown, namely its base (frame), is made, among other things, from gold jewelry.

Alas, that's not true. This could have been done previously in the manufacture of crowns by stamping; now this method is practically not used. To make a cast gold crown frame, a special precious alloy with a varying gold content is used.

The question arises as to why, when a metal-ceramic crown is planned, cast crowns are made rather than stamped ones. Everything is simple here. Cast crowns accurately repeat the shape of the prepared core of the abutment tooth or an inlay, which restores the coronal part of the tooth in case of significant destruction.

The word itself metal-ceramic crown on a tooth does not mean that when using a metal-ceramic denture, the metal frame of the crown will be visible. The metal will be under the ceramic layer and will not be visible.

However, despite the fact that a metal-ceramic crown on a tooth, which has a metal frame that is completely covered ceramic layer, there are cases of allergic reactions and galvanism due to the presence of a medical alloy. In order to eliminate such complications when a metal-ceramic crown is to be installed, many orthopedic doctors have switched to manufacturing a metal-ceramic crown frame based on titanium or gold.

At the same time, it was noted that when the decision was made to install metal-ceramic crown with a titanium base, in some cases a certain gray tint of the ceramic coating on the crown was observed. Gold, on the contrary, gave a “warm shade” to the main color of the ceramics.

The time has come, and technology has become available to dentists, which has made it possible to produce all-ceramic crowns made of zirconium dioxide, which, in the absence of the possibility of allergic reactions and the presence of a maximum aesthetic effect, practically eliminated the need to place a metal-ceramic crown on the tooth. This was especially true for those clinical cases when there was a need to deliver metal-ceramic crowns for front teeth.

Ceramic crowns made of zirconium dioxide have gained popularity not only because of the ability to recreate the maximum aesthetic effect in each individual case of dental prosthetics, but also because the gold alloy was and is much higher than the cost of a zirconium dioxide crown.

It was noted that when asked how much a metal-ceramic crown costs per tooth, the answer was far from being in favor of this orthopedic product when a frame is made from a gold alloy. At the same time, if you wanted to achieve the maximum aesthetic result, when installing a metal-ceramic crown, this could be achieved by using just such a frame. As a result, both patients and doctors realized that cost of a metal-ceramic crown in Moscow, if it is made of a precious alloy, will be higher than the cost of a zirconium dioxide crown.

Cheap metal-ceramic crown can only be manufactured if its frame is cast from a standard medical alloy without precious metals. However, if there is a need for prosthetics in the area of ​​the central teeth, is there a need for a metal-ceramic crown to not only be cheaply made, but also to look “cheap”? Of course not.

It turns out that installation of a metal-ceramic crown, price which will be relatively cheap and inappropriate, for example, when replacing anterior teeth or when fixing it to a dental implant. A legitimate question may be asked about why a metal-ceramic crown on an implant is inappropriate. This conclusion comes from the fact that if a metal-ceramic crown on an implant has a frame made of a standard medical alloy, then in some cases galvanism phenomena can be detected. It is known that such complications, in the form of galvanism, can cause inflammation around the dental implant and lead, in the future, to its removal.

If metal-ceramic crown on an implant has a base made of a gold-containing alloy, then, of course, there will be no such problems, since the dental implant is made of titanium, and galvanism almost never happens between titanium and gold. However, if the metal-ceramic crown on the implant is made of a gold alloy, then its price will be significantly higher than if a zirconium dioxide crown is fixed instead.

In terms of the strength of the ceramic coating, zirconium dioxide crowns are also not inferior to metal-ceramic crowns. and zirconium dioxide crowns are almost the same. At the same time, despite the fact that the service life of metal-ceramic crowns is equal to the service life of zirconium dioxide crowns, the maximum cosmetic effect is more typical when choosing a material in the form of zirconium.

Thus, it is clear that a metal-ceramic crown, the price of which is low, will not be able to provide maximum aesthetic comfort in a situation where metal-ceramic crowns are planned for the front teeth. Likewise, if inexpensive metal-ceramic crowns manufactured, i.e. have frames made of conventional medical alloy (chromium-cobalt), it is impractical for their fixation on dental implants. The very concept of making metal-ceramic crowns for yourself inexpensively and saving your budget is, of course, good. However, there is a proverb: “The miser pays twice.” With such prosthetics on implants, it is possible to “lose” both the implants and metal-ceramic crowns in the future.

Hence, installation of a metal-ceramic crown, the price of which will be cheap, is most suitable for fixation on abutment teeth in the lateral parts of the jaw in the absence of allergic reactions to the medical alloy and without the presence of nearby dental implants.

Installation of a metal-ceramic crown

In the same time price of a metal-ceramic crown based on a standard medical alloy, is slightly lower than the cost of an all-ceramic crown (ceramic crown) and this is important for a large part of potential patients.

The question often arises about what is turnkey metal-ceramic crown. This therapeutic work dentist to process the tooth for a crown, take impressions, make a crown in dental laboratory, fitting and cementing a metal-ceramic crown onto the abutment tooth. Of great importance in this entire process is the technical production of the dental crown in the laboratory.

A strong base can withstand the load without deformation for 7-10 years, provided there are sufficiently high aesthetic characteristics when the dental technician works rationally with modern materials and taking into account the individual characteristics of the color shade of the teeth and the wishes of the patient.

Thanks to these properties, metal-ceramic crowns ideal for restoring chewing teeth. They can also be used for prosthetics of the smile area, but only if the patient wishes to use this particular type of dental crown, taking into account all their “pros and cons”.

It is very important to understand that the metal frame of a metal-ceramic crown can cause an allergic reaction and cause a “conflict” between other types of metal in orthopedic structures located in the oral cavity of a particular patient.

Another important point when considering the issue of choosing the type of dental crown is to understand the issue of the degree of preparation (grinding) of the coronal part of the tooth for the crown.

It was revealed that when grinding a tooth for metal-ceramics, it is necessary to grind down the tooth tissue somewhat more than when preparing a tooth for a ceramic crown. This is due to the need to take into account the thickness of the frame and the ceramic layer of the crown.

Previously, when preparing a tooth for a dental crown, the tooth was depulped, i.e. The nerve was removed from the tooth. Application modern technologies allows you to avoid depulpation of teeth in preparation for the manufacture of crowns.

However, it is necessary to realize that if the surface of the tooth is significantly destroyed or a decrease in the height of the crown of the tooth is detected, then it may be necessary to remove the nerve in these teeth in order to eliminate unwanted complications, associated with inflammation nerve of the tooth.

In a number of conversations with patients, you can hear that based on their negative experience of dental treatment and prosthetics, they tried to undergo dental preparation under metal-ceramic prosthetics without removing the nerve from the supporting teeth.

This ended with the teeth hurting at night and reacting to the thermal irritant. All this ended with the need to remove crowns and depulpate teeth, and in some cases, remake dentures.

When we started asking about the technology of their previous dental treatment, we could hear about the lack of water cooling when grinding teeth and that the grinded teeth were without temporary crowns until the permanent orthopedic structure was fixed on them.

Naturally, with such violations in the technology of preparing teeth for metal-ceramic crowns or under ceramic crowns such complications are possible.

There are questions from patients about which crowns are more durable when performing the chewing function. It should be noted that when making crowns, rational determination central occlusion when closing teeth and bite height.

If these positions are carried out correctly when planning orthopedic treatment, then the ratio of the chewing surfaces of dental crowns made of one or another material will not be traumatic for the ceramic layer in the case of metal-ceramics and for the integrity of the ceramic crown.

Unlike a post, a crown does not require a preserved solid root base. You can install a crown on a tooth that has reached even the most deplorable state.

In this case, a stump inlay is fixed directly into the root of the tooth, on which it will be fixed in the future. dental crown. Manufacturing metal-ceramic crown or ceramic crowns takes approximately 10 working days.

It is very important that it perfectly matches the shape of the tooth and fits tightly to healthy tissues.

Metal-ceramic crown, photos before and after installation:

  • Before Metal-ceramic crown on the front tooth After
  • Before Prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns After
  • Before Prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns on inlays After
  • Before Replacing an old cermet bridge After

Price of a metal-ceramic crown

Prices for dental prosthetics, if metal-ceramic crowns are used, vary in Moscow from 7 to 16 thousand rubles. It should be remembered that the price of 1 metal-ceramic crown is determined taking into account the selected materials, which can differ significantly in performance properties and aesthetic characteristics. In our clinics the price of a metal-ceramic crown is 8,500 ₽.

Respectively, cost of a metal-ceramic crown with work in Moscow will differ more likely due to the difference in the type of ceramic mass than due to significant differences in prosthetic technology.

The cost of a zirconium dioxide crown is slightly higher and can range from 18 to 25 thousand rubles. The price of a zirconium crown also depends on the type of ceramic and the technology for its application. In our clinic, the cost of a zirconium dioxide crown is 17,000 rubles.

For prosthetics with crowns on implants cost of a metal-ceramic crown and the price of a ceramic crown increases due to the need to pay for additional technical components (abutment), which are provided for fixing these crowns to implants.

In our clinic, we prefer to offer zirconium dioxide crowns for use on teeth or implants. This approach to prosthetics is justified by the fact that this type crowns are distinguished by maximum quality both in terms of technical specifications, and in terms of aesthetic parameters.

Our price for 1 zirconium crown starts from RUB 17,000. The price of a metal-ceramic crown for a tooth is 8,500 rubles, and the price of a ceramic crown for an implant is 25,000 rubles.

It is advisable to understand that when requesting “ installation of metal-ceramic crown price» You should receive the same cost as when finding the answer to the query “turnkey metal-ceramic crown.” In our partner clinics, a turnkey metal-ceramic crown costs from RUB 8,500.

This does not mean that you should skimp on the work of specialists. The skill of dentists and dental technicians determines how comfortable the crown will be and how quickly it will have to be replaced.

By giving preference to quality service and durable materials, the patient ultimately saves on dental services. To understand exactly at the current moment in time how much it costs metal-ceramic crown for one tooth, call our consultant doctor.

You can always find out how much a metal-ceramic crown of one tooth costs by calling us or online on our website. Prices metal-ceramic dental prosthetics in our clinic you will be pleasantly surprised.

We can offer you crowns called metal ceramics for consideration - inexpensively. The cost of dental crowns made of metal ceramics in our clinic will be low due to the presence of a dental laboratory with the latest modern equipment, which is our strategic partner.

And so, to summarize this section of our article on the price of crowns, we can say that the cost of a metal-ceramic crown with work in Moscow will be adequate for you both if you want prosthetics on your teeth, and if you need crowns for implants.

However, if you search for the cost of dental prosthetics using the query “” or by searching on the Internet search engine “”, then you must first decide where you will fix these crowns on the jaw: on the supporting teeth or on dental implants.

Advantages of metal-ceramic crowns

  • Metal-ceramic crowns can be installed even on teeth severely damaged by caries.
  • An individually made prosthesis will completely replicate each cavity of the patient’s tooth, and the visible part of the crown will match the color of real teeth.
  • The tightest possible fit provides protection against reoccurrence of caries and tooth decay.
  • The cost of dental crowns made of metal ceramics allows you to restore all damaged teeth in a short time.
  • A durable ceramic-coated crown base that follows the natural shape of the tooth will bear the chewing load. Installing a crown will not change your bite or diction.
  • Crowns do not require special care: the surface of dental crowns is easy to clean due to its smoothness and does not accumulate plaque, and the tight fit protects against food particles.

Disadvantages of metal-ceramic crowns

  • The excessive strength of crowns can lead to premature wear of healthy teeth located nearby and injury to the gum edge if the abutment tooth is not properly planned.
  • Some metals from which the frame of a metal-ceramic crown is made can cause allergic reactions or oxidize in the oral cavity. The selection of the optimal alloy must be accompanied by tests - except when noble metals are used (they are not subject to oxidation).
  • To install a crown, in some cases it is necessary to depulpate the tooth, which is why it gradually becomes fragile. The preparation of the thickness of the tissues of the coronal part of the tooth may turn out to be greater than what is visible at first glance.
  • A metal-ceramic crown is not installed for a period longer than 12-15 years. After this period, the prosthesis will have to be replaced, even if you looked after it very carefully and avoided irrational functional loads.

Indications for metal-ceramic crowns

Metal-ceramic crown on a tooth is a simple and affordable solution to serious dental problems. It is used in the following cases:

  • Severe destruction of chewing or front teeth due to caries, other diseases or mechanical trauma.
  • Anomalies in the development of teeth that cannot be corrected with orthodontics.
  • Congenital or acquired wedge-shaped defect.
  • Fluorosis.
  • Amelogenesis disorders.
  • Replacement of unaesthetic, allergenic or temporary prostheses.

In some cases installation of metal-ceramic crowns Not recommended. Dentists highlight following situations When is it better to choose another treatment:

Contraindications for metal-ceramic crowns

  • A tooth is destroyed, but the pulp is alive in a patient under 20 years old. The proximity of the pulp to the surface and the large width of the dentinal tubules make the installation of a crown potentially dangerous.
  • The patient suffers from severe periodontitis. Increased rigidity metal-ceramic prosthesis can lead to overload of the periodontium of supporting or opposing teeth, thereby aggravating the course of the disease.
  • Polyallergy to metals.
  • Low crown height of living teeth in combination with congenital dentition defects.
  • Bruxism.
  • Specific malocclusions.
  • Small incisors on the lower jaw.

Metal-ceramic crowns

Types of metal-ceramic crowns

The material from this section of the article is especially important when choosing crowns on request " metal-ceramic crown Moscow"because the price for different types of metal-ceramic crowns will vary depending on the manufacturing technology.

  1. Base metal alloys. If you see the offer " metal ceramics - inexpensive", then in most cases these are the crowns that are offered. Chromium, cobalt and nickel in various combinations can form an excellent basis for a tooth: they are strong and take load well. However, some patients may be allergic to such alloys, so be sure to check with special laboratories the reaction of your body to a certain metal from which the crown frame will be made before prosthetics.
  2. Precious metal alloys. Platinum, palladium and gold are used to make the most durable metal-ceramic crowns with and without shoulder mass. The shoulder mass makes it possible to constructively change the part of the crown frame that is dangerous for traumatizing the marginal gum in the form of a continuation of the metal plane with ceramic material. It is this ceramic material that will contact the edge of the gum at the base of the crown. On average, dental crowns last up to 15 years, regardless of the type of ceramic coating. Such metal-ceramic crowns do not cause allergies or darkening of the gums, do not oxidize in the mouth, and protect against bacteria.
  3. Titanium. One of the best materials for the base of a metal-ceramic prosthesis. The properties of this metal, discovered relatively recently, are still being studied. But it is already known that it has maximum compatibility with the oral cavity: it does not cause irritation or allergies, does not deform and does not allow bacteria to pass through. The service life of titanium-based metal-ceramic crowns also reaches 12-15 years.

Features of metal-ceramic crowns

  • Standard crowns in two layers. The metal contacts the gum at the base, but the visible surface of the tooth is covered with a thin ceramic layer.
  • Crowns with shoulder mass. The metal does not contact the gum directly: it is protected by an additional layer of ceramic that covers it from below and imitates the soft tissues of the oral cavity. This solution makes it possible to ensure the smoothest visual transition in cases where the fixation of a metal-ceramic crown is carried out on abutment teeth.

Which teeth are metal-ceramics placed on?

  • Crowns for front teeth. They are installed very carefully and require careful preparation. The main function is the aesthetic and functional restoration of tooth functions.
  • Crowns for chewing teeth. The chewing functions of teeth are completely restored due to the fact that the shape of the crown perfectly matches the shape of the chewing cusps of natural teeth.

Prosthetics with metal-ceramics

Turnkey metal-ceramic crown can be completed within one to two weeks, so a temporary crown is usually placed on the tooth first. To do this, the tooth tissue is slightly ground down by 2-3 mm, and the corresponding ledge must be prepared at the gum level.

After preparing the tooth tissue, a plastic crown is fixed, designed to protect the exposed tissue from the penetration of bacteria. After metal-ceramic crown will be made, the temporary crown is replaced with a permanent crown.

If the color of the enamel differs by at least half a tone from the color of neighboring teeth, the denture is tinted laboratory conditions and only after that they begin to permanently fix it on the supporting teeth.

Metal-ceramic crowns for damaged teeth

Stump inlays are used when necessary to compensate for significant tooth damage. They allow install a metal-ceramic crown even on a severely damaged tooth, since they partially repeat its shape. The metal “stump” of the inlay is an artificial base for the crown.

It helps to save even an almost completely destroyed tooth. It should be remembered that in some cases, stump inlays are usually not placed on the front teeth, since they differ in width and require additional space. The optimal option for using stump inlays is prosthetics for significantly damaged chewing teeth.

Modern technologies and materials make it possible to use ceramic inlays as stump inlays, which are not inferior in strength to their metal counterparts.

Complications after metal-ceramic dental prosthetics

Generally, metal-ceramic prosthetics accompanied by a favorable prognosis for tooth preservation. But if tissue damage has reached a significant scale, and non-precious alloys were used as the base of the prosthesis, secondary inflammation may occur. Prosthetics of a living tooth sometimes leads to pulpitis if the technology for preparing the tooth is not followed. metal-ceramic crown.

If the occlusion of the teeth is irrationally determined at the stages of prosthetics, an inadequate load may occur on the supporting ones under the tooth crowns. Such non-compliance with orthopedic treatment technology can lead to complications in the form of inflammation in bone tissue jaws – periodontitis.

Some patients report pain in the jaw when chewing with pressure on the restored teeth, aching pain in the jaw at night, discomfort when eating hot or cold food.

May appear bad smell from the mouth and there is inflammation with bleeding of the gum tissue. There are cases when patients indicate a “blue discoloration” of the gum edge located at the base of the crown.

All this points to possible complications after dental prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns. Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice such symptoms, this may indicate an incorrect technology for making the prosthesis.

If you were asked to wait and do nothing in the area of ​​those teeth that cause you painful symptoms and interfere with the full closure of your teeth, then try to insist on a more detailed consideration of your complaints without waiting a long time.

In such cases, it may be necessary to re-treat the supporting teeth with alteration of dentures. In some cases, it is possible to treat these complications without removing the crowns using physiotherapy methods.

The cost of prosthetics for one tooth with a metal-ceramic crown It is completely justified if you prefer to use precious metal alloys or titanium as a base.

In this case, the service life of the crown will depend on the condition of the supporting tooth (metal-ceramic crowns on living teeth, on average, have a better chance of a long “life,” but only if inflammation can be avoided) and will be at least 10 years (usually 12-15 years) .

The metal base made of any alloy is characterized by increased strength, so crowns usually have to be replaced due to the natural deformation of the orthopedic structure from regular monotonous loads.

If you have chosen an alloy made of base metals, then do not forget to contact your dentist after 5-7 years: this is the average service life of economical options. At the same time, the guarantee for metal-ceramic crowns usually issued for 2 years. If no problems arise during this period, it means that the prosthesis was chosen correctly.

In any case, with rational oral hygiene, it is advisable to consult a dentist for examination and professional teeth cleaning at least 2 times a year. This approach will preserve the integrity of not only your dentures, but also your teeth and gums.

Before carrying out treatment, our clinic enters into an Agreement with patients for treatment, prosthetics and dental implantation. The Agreement will define warranty for metal-ceramic crowns.

We can provide a standard guarantee on the integrity of all orthopedic products according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is possible to extend the warranty period if the patient observes the rules of oral hygiene and with a free examination of the condition of the teeth by our specialists at least twice a year.

Caring for metal-ceramic crowns

Dental restoration with metal ceramics characterized by the absence of the need for specific care. You still have to follow some basic rules:

  • After installation of the prosthesis, it may take several days to fully get used to the new sensations. Do not “play” with the new tooth and do not overload it with hard foods during this period. There is no need to try to “test” their strength.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day: morning and evening. It also makes sense to brush your teeth extra after eating fibrous foods.
  • Don't skip routine dental visits. In the first year after installation of the prosthesis, you must visit the dentist at least twice.

Dental prosthetics in Moscow and abroad

We will be glad to see you in our clinic for a conversation that will help you determine the best way to solve your dental problems. We will help you choose the optimal type of prosthetics for any clinical case.

If you do not have time to visit our dental clinic, you can thoroughly discuss all your questions about upcoming treatment and dental prosthetics with our doctor by phone and online using our website.

If you want to determine the cost of metal-ceramic crowns by request " metal-ceramic crown price Moscow» in our clinic, then we inform you that the price of metal-ceramic crowns 8 500 ₽ at our partner clinics.

If you would like to undergo a consultation with leading foreign dental specialists with a worldwide reputation abroad, namely in Geneva or Zurich, then we can organize this for you at a time convenient for you and under our full patronage.

In the event that you do not have the desire and opportunity to go abroad for a consultation regarding prosthetics or dental implantation, but really want to undergo a consultation to develop a dental treatment plan with a well-known foreign specialist, then we will help you in this case too.

We will provide you with the opportunity to undergo such a consultation directly in our clinic in Moscow at a time previously scheduled with you. In this case, you will not need to waste your time and money on traveling abroad.

We would like to assure you that we do not use the services of our compatriots who, for one reason or another, went abroad and now come home for a few days for consultations.

We also do not use young foreign doctors as foreign consultants without a worldwide reputation and who do not have sufficient experience in the field of a specific area of ​​dentistry that you need.

You want a real foreign medical specialist with certain experience, and not a holder of a foreign passport in a white coat. We can please you with a competent and high-quality approach to solving all your dental issues.

Metal-ceramic dental crowns are dentures consisting of two parts:

  • Cast metal frame, the thickness of which is up to 0.5 mm. This base is made from various metal alloys that are slightly susceptible to oxidation under the influence of saliva.
  • The outer part is made of durable material - ceramics, the color of which matches the natural shade of the enamel as closely as possible.

Such structures in the oral cavity are very similar to living teeth, which allows not only to restore chewing function, but also guarantees excellent aesthetic properties.

In the photo: metal-ceramic crowns


Depending on the manufacturing technology of metal-ceramic teeth, there are the following types:

  • Stamped. Metal part made by stamping. It is the most unreliable type, since inaccuracies in manufacturing are possible.
  • Milled. Have a more accurate match to the patient’s dentition.
  • Metal-ceramics with shoulder mass. The most modern and reliable look crowns in which the volume of the metal part is reduced and the amount of the ceramic component is increased. Due to this, higher structural strength and excellent aesthetic performance are achieved.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that metal-ceramics is gaining more and more fans both among dentists and among their patients, this method of prosthetics also has some disadvantages.


  • Good aesthetics. When properly manufactured, such dentures are indistinguishable from natural teeth and do not darken over time.
  • High structural strength. The metal base has a high safety margin, and the ceramic surface is not subject to abrasion or the development of caries.
  • Durability. Average term The service life of such prostheses is 10 years, and when using gold alloys, it can reach 15 years.
  • Price. The budget for installing 1 crown is from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles. in Moscow, for example, in Amazing Price Dentistry, a m/c will cost 2,950 rubles. (excluding impressions), and in dentistry Limon on Molodezhnaya the price of a metal-ceramic crown is 4,900 rubles. ( promotional price!). Installing several crowns at once is more profitable, because The impression is taken only once.


  • In order to avoid inflammatory problems in the dental pulp, before prosthetics there is often a need for tooth depulpation, which leads to increased fragility.
  • Since the structure itself is quite thick, before installing crowns on a tooth, it is necessary to remove a significant amount of hard tissue.
  • Incorrect fitting or production of low-quality prostheses can cause inflammatory complications: stomatitis, gingivitis.
  • Since ceramics are denser than natural enamel, it is possible that the abrasion of tooth surfaces in contact with dentures may increase.
  • When the gum edge recedes, a dark strip of the metal frame may appear, which significantly reduces the aesthetic value.

Indications and contraindications for use


  • Loss of one or more teeth.
  • In case of injury with significant destruction of the crowns of the front teeth or premolars, when the use of inlays or veneers is not possible.
  • With increased abrasion of hard dental tissues.
  • For congenital anomalies of tooth formation.
  • When splinting teeth for mild and mild periodontal disease medium degree gravity.


  • If you have an allergy or intolerance to metals that make up the crown.
  • For periodontitis and severe periodontal disease.
  • For severe malocclusions.
  • With small sizes of lower incisors.
  • With a small height of natural teeth.

In the photo: teeth made of metal ceramics

Preparing teeth for prosthetics

Before prosthetics with metal-ceramic structures, abutment teeth must be ground. This treatment is necessary due to the fact that the crown has its own thickness, to which it is necessary to remove dense tooth tissue. In addition, this procedure will ensure reliable fixation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity.

Basic principles of turning:

  • Maximum preservation of natural tissues (turning on each side should not exceed 2 mm).
  • Creation of slight roughness of the walls of the stump for more reliable fastening of the crown.
  • Mandatory preparation of the lower edge with a ledge, which will ensure correct position prosthesis, minimizes pressure on the gum tissue, and prevents plaque accumulation under the metal-ceramic crown.

Also one of important points preparation is tooth depulpation and canal filling, without which the risk of inflammatory complications is very high.

Patients often have the question of how to install metal-ceramics in case of severe damage or destruction of dental tissues? For this, there are special pins or stump inlays, the main task of which is to restore the volume of the coronal part of the tooth and create support for the prosthesis. The crown is securely attached to such a pin, while preserving the natural tooth root.

Manufacturing stages and technology

The technique of making dentures from metal ceramics is quite complex and consists of several stages:

  1. After treating the teeth with a special hardening mass, an impression is made of the dentition, which reflects the individual dental characteristics of the patient in great detail.
  2. Based on the impressions, a plaster model is cast, which is an exact copy of the patient’s teeth.
  3. The future metal frame is modeled from wax, after which the wax composition is sent to the foundry, where the metal base for the prosthesis is cast.
  4. The metal frame goes through the fitting stage, and if no flaws are found, it is returned to the technicians. In the laboratory, two layers of porcelain are applied and the crown is fired in an oven at a temperature of about 1000°C.
  5. A layer of special enamel is applied over the porcelain to imitate the natural color of teeth.
  6. When trying on again, the correctness of the prosthesis and the color match are finally determined, after which the crown is covered with glaze to add shine and finally baked.

How to insert and remove

Stages of prosthetics:

  1. Preparation of the oral cavity for the installation of dentures, which, if necessary, may include the removal of non-viable or damaged teeth, treatment of gum disease and caries. At the same stage, the choice of crown is determined.
  2. Preparation of abutment teeth while preserving the maximum volume of their own hard tissues. In this case, the types of ledges used during turning will depend not only on the type of crown, but also on the place of prosthetics, the condition of the teeth and gums.
  3. Making a denture in a dental laboratory. The method of making metal-ceramic teeth is common to all clinics. The production time depends solely on the workload of the laboratory and averages about a week.
  4. Fixation of finished structures. But before you finally fix the crown in the patient’s mouth, you need to check how comfortable it will be and whether it will interfere with eating or talking. To do this, the prosthesis is fixed with temporary cement for up to 3 months. After this period, the structure is removed, cleaned and finally secured.

Sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary to remove the crown when a metal-ceramic tooth falls out or the enamel is chipped. But this is a rather complex and time-consuming process. Most easy option removal - sawing the prosthesis into pieces and removing it with a Kopp crown remover. But at the same time, restoration of the prosthesis and its re-insertion are impossible. It will need to be replaced with a new design. If the doctor and patient want to keep the crown and repair it, then it is necessary to use more gentle methods. The best option is to remove the prosthesis with ultrasound, under the influence of which the cement begins to crumble and the crown can be easily removed from the dental stump.

Metal ceramics on chewing teeth

Installation of metal-ceramic crowns on chewing teeth included in the visible zone is one of the main methods for restoring dental defects.

Despite the excellent external characteristics, the use of such prostheses on the lower and upper teeth located outside the aesthetic zone is not justified.

This is explained by the fact that preparing teeth for metal-ceramics requires the removal of a fairly large volume of dense tissue, and this increases the risk of complications. In addition, the occlusal surface of antagonist teeth in contact with ceramics is subject to rapid abrasion, which negatively affects chewing function.

Metal-ceramic crown on an implant

Metal-ceramic prostheses on an implant are one of the newest trends in orthodontics, which allows you to restore dental defects of any size, up to complete edentia. The peculiarity of this technique is that the crown is fixed using an adapter-abutment to the implant - a special titanium screw implanted into the jaw bone. In this case, there is no need to treat adjacent teeth and depulpate them. Such designs have increased strength and guarantee the patient not only an excellent appearance, but also comfortable chewing.

Which ones are better

When choosing a metal-ceramic crown, the main point that you should pay attention to is the metal alloy from which the frame of the entire prosthesis will be made. It can be made from simple alloys (cobalt-chromium (CHC) or cobalt-nickel) or from noble metals (based on a gold-platinum alloy or pure gold).

The differences between such crowns different types metals are not only in their cost. In people with intolerance to nickel or chromium, when wearing dentures, the allergy manifests itself both clearly and in hidden form, causing constant inflammatory changes at the site of contact of the metal with soft tissues. If the base is made of gold or platinum, allergies are absolutely excluded, since such alloys have excellent biocompatibility with the body.

In addition, crowns with a frame made of precious metals are more durable, last much longer and prevent the development of caries on the supporting tooth. Gold and platinum are not oxidized by salivary enzymes and do not cause the appearance of metallic taste or bad breath.

Features of crowns from different manufacturers

In the dental market today, manufacturers of materials for the manufacture of metal-ceramic prostheses from Japan and Germany have firmly taken leading positions.

  • Ivoclar. The main feature of Ivoclar materials is the presence of special microscopic crystals in the ceramic masses, which increase the strength and durability of crowns. Such prostheses are practically not susceptible to chipping and can serve patients for more than 1–2 years while maintaining their aesthetic and functional characteristics.
  • Noritake. Japanese Noritake materials guarantee an optimal quality-to-price ratio for metal-ceramic prostheses and excellent appearance. Special properties ceramics do not allow plaque to accumulate on the surface of the tooth, which helps preserve its original appearance even several years after installation.
  • Duceram. Duceram crowns have the best aesthetic properties due to the use of ceramics and paints in their production that most accurately imitate natural enamel. Such teeth are practically indistinguishable from natural ones, have a long service life and have a large margin of safety.
  • Vita VM 13 . Vita materials (Germany) are a new generation of metal-ceramic crowns with light reflection and refraction indicators identical to natural enamel. Thanks to this, the teeth look very natural and aesthetically pleasing. The finely dispersed structure of the ceramics ensures lightweight hygiene care behind the structure and preventing the accumulation of plaque on it.

How to care for metal ceramics

Caring for metal-ceramic dentures is not complicated and consists of regular hygienic cleaning with a toothbrush and the patient’s usual toothpaste. Particular attention should be paid to the place of contact of the crown with natural tissues, as well as to the interdental spaces. The dentist tells you how to properly brush metal-ceramic teeth immediately after installing crowns.

Once every 6 months you need to visit the dentist for scheduled inspection And professional hygiene oral cavity, removing plaque from coffee, tea or cigarettes from the surface of dentures and natural teeth.

Frequently asked questions from patients

Most often, patients turn to dentists with the following questions:

Can I remove it myself?

No, metal-ceramic dentures are securely fixed to the support with dental cements, so independent removal of an intact structure is almost impossible.

How long will they last?

The service life of such prostheses is quite long and is about 10-12 years. When the frame is made of precious metals, it can increase to 15 years or more. But dentists usually give a 10-year guarantee on crowns, provided that all rules for their use are followed.

Is it possible to undergo MRI with metal ceramics?

Yes, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure is absolutely safe in this case and does not cause damage to the crowns or surrounding tissues. But at the same time, there may be changes in the pictures, so before conducting the study, you should inform your doctor about the presence of metal-ceramic teeth.

Metal-ceramic crowns have a large number of both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the issue of installing such prostheses is decided jointly by the patient and the doctor and only after a thorough assessment of all the pros and cons.

Maintaining a perfect smile is quite a challenging task.

This is especially true in cases where a person has dental problems. To solve this problem use different methods. Including dental prosthetics. One such option is the installation of metal-ceramic crowns.

Stages of manufacturing a metal-ceramic crown

Metal ceramics – modern material, which has high strength, reliability and aesthetics.

This explains the popularity of crowns made from this material.

Before going to the dentist, you need to familiarize yourself with the stages of manufacturing metal-ceramic crowns, as well as the method of installing them.

Grinding a tooth

At the very beginning of the clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing metal-ceramic crowns, the dentist visually examines the oral cavity for the presence of progressive pathology. If problems were identified during this process, they need to be corrected. First of all, this concerns the removal of nerves that are located in the tooth.

At the next stage, the tooth is turned. This stage is very important, since it will determine how well the prosthesis will be fixed to the pin. This will also allow you to disguise it as a healthy tooth. Grinding is carried out using special drilling machines under anesthesia.

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  • A special thread is placed between the tooth and gum, which allows you to determine the boundaries of the ledge. The ledge will protect the gums from injury. To do a good job, the dentist must use the right tools.
  • After this, a cast is made. It should fix the thickness of the protective ledge. In this case, durable ceramics are most often used.
  • At the next stage, a circular ledge is made along the prosthesis. Its size must comply with established standards (0.8–1.2 mm). When performing manipulations, it is necessary to ensure that the integrity of hard tissues is not compromised.
  • To make the base for a crown, titanium or gold is mainly used. This will prevent the occurrence of gum inflammation.

If after turning the patient complains of sharp painful sensations, then it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of this anomaly. Thus, pain can occur as a result of the development of periodontitis and pulpitis.

Pain can also signal thinning of the enamel after tooth preparation. Treatment in this case should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

Manufacturing technology of metal-ceramic crowns – making an impression and impression of a tooth

To make a metal-ceramic crown, you need to make an impression.

It must accurately display the relief of the prosthetic tooth and all the subtleties of the contact of the prosthesis with the gum. Therefore, this procedure is carried out very carefully.

A double print will allow you to get an accurate drawing.

To create an impression, special silicone masses are used, which consist of different pastes. At the initial stage, a thick paste is used. A lower viscosity compound is used to obtain the second impression.

So, at the initial stage, the impression is taken using a thick paste. After this, the impression is filled with liquid mass and re-placed on the dentition. The peculiarity of a double impression is that it can be used to create a crown that will most accurately meet all the features of the prosthetic tooth. If, as a result of repeated preparation, the gingival canal does not diverge, then before removing the material, cotton threads soaked in a solution of sanorin or galazolin are placed in the pocket.

Pocket expansion can be carried out mechanically or chemically. Also, for this purpose, the flow of warm air produced by the drill is widely used. If the patient has increased sensitivity, the dentist uses application anesthesia.

You can also get a high-quality impression using temporary crowns, which are made from quick-hardening plastic. Most often, this method is used for prosthetics of teeth that are located nearby.

Why do you need a temporary crown?

Making a plaster cast and processing a tooth for a metal structure are important procedures which lead to temporary prosthetics. The prosthesis is made of plastic. It must be worn for several weeks.

Most patients ask the question: why use such temporary and short-lived prostheses? It may be easier to wait until the metal-ceramic crown is made. In fact, the use of temporary structures is very important. With their help, you can properly distribute the load on your teeth.

The benefits of wearing temporary dentures include:

  • The treated positions on which metal-ceramic prostheses will be installed are open to negative impact various infections. This leads to inflammation of the pulp. Temporary structures help prevent the development of such processes.
  • Under load, the ground tooth may move, which leads to prosthetic errors. A temporary crown prevents such problems from occurring.
  • A plastic crown improves the aesthetic appearance of a smile.

Externally, plastic products are no different from metal-ceramic crowns. The main difference is the low cost. This allows each patient to take advantage of a budget option and improve their smile while the prosthesis is being manufactured.

Frame casting for a metal crown

After the cast is ready, the specialist models the frame. At the next stage, the gating system is manufactured. It is very important, since the quality of the frame casting will depend on it. The manufacturing process should result in a product that has a high-quality surface without pores. This will give it shine. Precision will ensure high-quality fixation of the prosthesis.

To make a high-quality frame, you need to follow some rules:

  • casting areas should be located in equal conditions;
  • In thick-walled areas, special additional depots for liquid metal are installed. This will eliminate shrinkage of the shell and prevent the formation of pores and looseness of the product;
  • thin-walled sections are cast from the hottest metal;

As the product cools, metal is pulled from casting channels and other castings. Thin-walled areas cool relatively quickly. Therefore, gates are installed on massive sections of the gating system.

A durable alloy is used to make a metal frame. This will protect the ceramic coating from cracking during deformation of the prosthesis.

Applying a ceramic coating to the structure

After casting, the frame is polished using diamond heads.

Abrasive particles clean the surface of the material and make it somewhat rough, which improves adhesion to ceramics. When processing, it is taken into account what material the cap is made of.

At the next stage, the cap can be cleaned by boiling in distilled water and degreasing with ethyl ether acetic acid. The cap is placed in special clamps and fired, which leads to the formation of an oxide film. The heat treatment of the workpiece is carried out in a special vacuum furnace, in which the temperature reaches 980 degrees. The process takes 10 minutes. Thanks to the oxide film that forms after firing, the ceramic firmly adheres to the alloy of the cap.

If, after firing the frame, an uneven film has formed, this indicates that the metal was processed poorly. In order to achieve desired result, when processing the cap, it is worth taking into account the features of the cap. This is especially true for the material from which the body is made.

The ceramic coating is applied using the following method:

  • soil powder is mixed with water;
  • the mixture is brought to a paste-like consistency;
  • the prepared mixture is evenly applied to the cap. To do this, use a spatula or brush;
  • excess moisture is removed with a napkin or special filter paper;
  • the frame with the base layer is installed on the tribrach, preheating is carried out;
  • The product can be vacuum fired for a certain period of time.

After the set time has elapsed, the cap cools down to room temperature. After this, a primer layer is reapplied to it, which is aimed at hiding cracks and shrinkage depressions.

If the product has a high-quality primer layer, then at the next stage the dentinal mass is applied. After this, the product can also be vacuumed heat treatment. In addition, the crown is preheated at a temperature of 930 degrees.

When making a crown Special attention pay attention to choosing the color of the topcoat. This will allow the denture to fit seamlessly into the row of teeth.

Fixing the structure on the tooth

Before installing a crown, the doctor must check its quality. First of all, he must check the accuracy of the anatomical shape and evaluate the fit of the edges to the gingival part of the tooth.

If the crown is made with high quality and meets all standards, the specialist begins attaching it to the abutment tooth. The crown can be disinfected and degreased.

First of all, the doctor places cotton swabs around the supporting tooth, which will protect it from saliva. It can also be disinfected and degreased.

The crown is secured using special cement. It is made liquid, which will allow it to easily come out from under the crown during its installation. The cement is placed inside the crown, filling it by a third. The solution is also applied to the edges of the crown. This will ensure reliable and strong adhesion of the product to the supporting tooth. The denture is placed tightly on the supporting tooth.

When the cement hardens, its excess is carefully removed. Cleaning is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the marginal periodontium.

For several hours after installation of the prosthesis, the patient must follow several simple rules:

  • do not eat;
  • keep teeth closed;
  • do not perform lateral movements.

Compliance with these rules will allow the cement to crystallize and ensure high-quality adhesion of the crown to the supporting tooth.

Stages of manufacturing a metal-ceramic crown - video

Metal-ceramic crown - price in Moscow from 8,600 ₽ (Germany, Japan) per tooth and from 18,500 ₽ on an implant. Service life of cermets.

When a patient goes to a dental clinic for dental prosthetics, he expects to find the most successful balance between the aesthetic properties of materials, their strength and pricing policy. Metal-ceramic crown is a compromise solution that involves obtaining an effective, reliable and prolonged treatment result.

Our Elident clinic employs highly qualified professionals who have complete information about what it is, know how to install it correctly, and have solid experience in working with the latest equipment and materials. By contacting us, you can avoid additional costs associated with low-quality prosthetics, as well as ensure the impeccable reputation of our specialists. Metal ceramics installed in our dentistry will allow you to enjoy a truly attractive and natural smile for a long time.

In this article we will talk in detail about what it is and describe the advantages and disadvantages of its use. In addition, you will learn how it is produced and will be able to study pricing policy for similar dental products in Moscow.

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2. Metal-ceramic crown, photos before and after installation6. Stages of prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns at the Elident clinic

What is a metal-ceramic crown?

Metal ceramics, installed on teeth, is presented in the form of a structure that has two layers. Its inner part is made of metal material, and its outer part is made of ceramic. Moreover, gold or a cobalt-chromium alloy with a thickness of up to 0.5 mm is used to produce the crown frame.

In turn, the top coating has a multilayer structure obtained by self made. Next, they are fired in a special furnace at extremely high temperatures (950°C). Thanks to this method processing, a high-strength bond is achieved between the internal frame and the ceramic surface.

Usually, metal ceramics on teeth is installed in cases where there is no possibility of filling, as well as in cases of severe destruction of dental units, when dentists do not recommend the use of any other types of prosthetics.

In some situations, it can be made from precious alloys, using not only gold, but also palladium and platinum.

An important advantage of using such alloys is the ability to obtain crowns whose shade is as close as possible to the natural one. These properties are provided due to the natural yellowness of gold.

Metal-ceramic crown, photos before and after installation:

  • Before Metal-ceramic crowns After
  • Before Metal-ceramic crowns 2 After
  • Before Metal-ceramic crowns 3 After
  • Before Metal-ceramic crowns 4 After

What are the advantages of a metal-ceramic crown?

  • Metal-ceramic crown has good aesthetic characteristics: subject to high-quality manufacturing, such structures have external characteristics identical to natural teeth. However, according to a number of indicators metal ceramics inferior in aesthetic qualities to ceramic products;
  • Metal ceramics, How crown, is considered quite strong and durable. The internal frame, made of metal, makes the structure more stable and durable, and the external ceramic coating prevents abrasion and the formation of carious lesions. In some cases, it may be subject to minor chipping, which occurs very rarely. Moreover, it is possible to restore the ceramic material directly in the oral cavity.

Attending doctors

“Disadvantages” of metal-ceramic crowns

  • A significant disadvantage of such structures is the significant grinding of dental tissues: this is due to the fact that the walls have a small thickness. Most often, grinding is carried out at a distance of about 2 mm deep into the tooth (on all sides). That is why when working with the front teeth metal ceramics not welcomed by specialists. However, not all patients are able to receive veneers;
  • In the case when it is produced dental prosthetics, and is subsequently installed metal ceramics, there may be a need for additional depulpation. Most often this is due to the need for grinding, during which burns and destruction of the dental nerve can occur. Sometimes the inflammatory process in the pulp area may not occur immediately, but some time after the crown is installed. In this case, the tooth is removed and re-treated.

Thanks to the solid experience of the specialists who work in our clinic, it is possible to avoid such situations. We carry out thorough diagnostics, high-quality pulp removal and professional filling of dental canals before installation. metal ceramics. If it is possible to avoid pulp removal, this is a priority for us, since living teeth are stronger and, as a result, the service life of the crowns is significantly extended.

Metal-ceramic crown on an implant

Metal-ceramic crown on an implant used in cases of tooth loss, when there is no possibility of installing any other types of dental structures. Such metal-ceramic dental bridge provides the patient with excellent aesthetic properties and a high level of reliability.

Installed only after completion of the stages of engraftment and formation of the soft tissue contour. Initially, an abutment is fixed on the implant, after which impressions are made. It is on the basis of these impressions that are made in the dental laboratory.

As a rule, when metal ceramics are installed on teeth, abutments made of titanium material are used. All other materials are considered less durable and are not recommended for use.

In modern dental clinics may have a cost of up to 26,000 ₽.

Stages of prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns at the Elident clinic

1. Before it is installed, you need to do. This will reveal the presence of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​​​the tooth roots. If the image shows inflammation of the nerve, the diseased tooth is initially treated. If the canals were filled long before contacting a prosthetics specialist, an x-ray will help determine how well the filling was installed. If improperly sealed canals are detected, the dentist carries out repeated treatment.

2. . Before it is fixed, the doctor must carry out high-quality depulpation of the canals. The Elident clinic uses individual approach to each patient and, in most cases, our specialists try to leave multi-rooted teeth alive.

3. High quality. When identifying carious lesions and poorly installed fillings, we carry out repeated treatment procedures.

4. If the volume of the damaged tooth does not exceed 50%, it is strengthened with a pin, after which a filling is placed. This helps to increase the strength of the coronal part. If we're talking about about the complete destruction of the tooth crown, then, in order to increase its reliability and durability, a special stump inlay is used

5. A metal-ceramic crown is installed after completing all the above steps. Initially, the teeth are turned for metal ceramics, during which the thickness of the future structure is taken into account. After grinding away the dental tissues, a stump is formed. Subsequently, the doctor makes an impression, on the basis of which a crown is made from metal-ceramic material.

Experts recommend that patients take a control x-ray of the teeth on which they have been installed. metal-ceramic crowns, before the end of their warranty period. In most cases, foci of inflammation appear in the root part of such dental units due to low-quality previous prosthetics or unprofessional treatment. In this case, re-treatment of diseased teeth may be required.

If you discover such an omission, then, according to the law, you will have to undergo free re-treatment and re-production of the crown. After the warranty expires, you will have to have your tooth treated for a fee.

By contacting us, you can count on a qualified, attentive and individual approach. We save your costs and try to perform all procedures related to dental restoration in the most accurate way. high level. Besides the fact that our metal-ceramic crown is cheap

Some patients are interested price which has metal ceramics using precious alloys. As a rule, the cost of this high-quality material reaches 16-17 thousand rubles (9 thousand rubles + price per 1 gram of gold).

When additionally installing plastic substitutes, metal ceramics, price which was 6-8 thousand ₽, will cost 1000 ₽ more.

In fact, price which has metal-ceramic crown in Moscow, throws many people into panic. However, if you compare it with prices for ceramic structures, you can feel a significant difference.

At Elident Dentistry price which has crown from metal ceramics, together with work– amounts to 8,600 – 10,500 ₽. This includes the cost of a metal-ceramic crown as well as anesthesia and installation procedures. A metal-ceramic crown on an implant costs 18,500 - 26,50 rubles.

ServicePrice, ₽.
Consultation with an orthopedistfor free
8 600
Metal-ceramic crown Degussa M with shoulder mass (Germany)10 500
Metal-ceramic crown on an implant18 500
Metal-ceramic crown on zirconium oxide for Straumann implant (SPECIAL!!!) 35 000 26 500
Metal-ceramic crown on zirconium oxide for implant Alpha Bio, BioLine, Osstem (SPECIAL!!!) 35 000 25 000
Temporary plastic crown/wedge.1700/1200
Removing one crown with stamped sawing500
Removing one crown with sawing the cast1 000
Removing one crown with sawing MK800