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Temporary plastic bridge. What types of bridges exist and how to install a bridge on the teeth. How to remove a dental bridge

Replacing lost teeth with bridges is a fairly traditional and proven prosthetic technique, used by dentists for about 30 years. Dental bridges restore chewing efficiency to 100%, practically without affecting taste, temperature and tactile sensitivity. In addition, they can completely match natural teeth in size and appearance. You can get used to the dentures almost immediately. Let's try to find out whether everything is really so perfect together with the orthopedic dentist of the AktivStom clinic in Moscow Sergei Sergeevich Voronkov.

Bridge design

The main parts of a bridge are artificial teeth (sometimes simulating part of the gum) and fastening in the form of dental crowns, inlays or clasps. In appearance, all this resembles a bridge, hence the name of the prosthesis. Bridges are used to replace from 1 to 4 missing teeth in a row, depending on their type. In this case, to the right and left of the dentition defect there should be healthy teeth, capable of becoming a support for a prosthesis and withstanding additional chewing pressure, which can reach several tens of kilograms.

The pontic part of the bridge may have various principles connections with the mucosa:

    Flushing. When there is space between the mucous membrane and the dental bridge. Flushing bridge allows food to pass freely under the body of the structure, facilitating hygiene care behind him.

    Tangent. When the body of the prosthesis touches the mucous membrane on one side, which is important for the anterior area of ​​the teeth, where it is important from a functional, speech and aesthetic point of view. A bridge of this type is usually installed on the front teeth.

    Saddle. When the dental bridge is completely connected to the mucous membrane, joint to joint. This is not the best option in terms of functionality and reliability, but there are cases when you cannot do without it, for example, in the area of ​​the front teeth.

Types of dental bridges

Bridges come in different types; they are divided into main types depending on the material and method of manufacture, as well as installation. Let's take a closer look at the types of dental bridges.

Metal bridge structures Recently they are rarely used due to unsatisfactory aesthetic characteristics. However, dental bridges, consisting of all-metal crowns on the supporting teeth and metal artificial teeth between them, are perhaps the strongest and relatively inexpensive. But at the same time, such a dental bridge can cause a number of inconveniences in addition to its unaesthetic appearance: since the structure is quite heavy, the supporting teeth under it can be destroyed, and there may be metallic taste, and soft mucosal tissues may undergo an allergic reaction.

Metal-ceramic bridges are considered as durable as metal structures, but at the same time surpass them in aesthetic qualities, since the ceramic lining of a metal-ceramic crown ideally imitates the natural color of tooth enamel and can be matched to the shade of neighboring teeth. At the same time, a metal frame that runs through the entire structure and connects its parts allows the prostheses to be made quite extensive. But at the same time, it shines through the ceramics, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing in the smile area. In order to solve the problem, recently bridges have increasingly been made from zirconium dioxide, a white metal.

Ceramic dental bridges , or in other words, all-ceramic, are bridge-like structures that do not have a metal frame. They are inferior in strength to a metal-ceramic bridge, but at the same time superior to it in aesthetic qualities, since ceramics have almost the same transparency as natural dental tissue.

Plastic dental bridges are the most cost-effective orthopedic structures. At the same time, modern dental plastics are absolutely hypoallergenic and can imitate the natural color of enamel and the anatomical shape of dental fissures. However, a plastic bridge is more of a temporary measure, since its service life is relatively short, and its strength is significantly inferior to that of ceramic and metal-ceramic structures. In modern dentistry, dental bridges made of plastic are installed as temporary structures for the period of production of permanent dentures or for a short period in case of limited financial capabilities of the patient.

Metal-plastic bridges – stronger and more durable structures than plastic ones, which, however, are also inferior in service life to metal-ceramic and all-ceramic prostheses. A dental bridge made of plastic on a metal frame will last on average about two years, the maximum limit does not exceed five years, by which time the plastic crown part of the structure will most likely change its color under the influence of pigments, saliva and aggressive acid-base environment V oral cavity.

According to the manufacturing method, bridges are divided into solid, stamped and adhesive. A pressed bridge is made from single crowns and artificial teeth that are soldered together, so another name for this design is a soldered bridge. This production method is becoming a thing of the past, as it is inferior in strength to the casting method, and also combines several dissimilar metals, which can cause discomfort when wearing the structure. Cast bridge structures are much stronger and more convenient. An adhesive bridge is made directly in the patient’s mouth from modern composite materials and requires minimal grinding of the teeth adjacent to the defect. Such a prosthesis does not have supporting crowns; it consists of a fiberglass arch, its ends resting on protrusions drilled in the supporting teeth, and an artificial tooth grown on this arch. Since this design is inferior in strength to bridges with abutment crowns, it can be used to replace only one lost tooth.

Stages of installation and manufacture of a bridge prosthesis

Probably every patient preparing for bridge prosthetics is interested in the question: how to install a dental bridge and how long does it take? Installing a dental bridge involves several stages. First of all, the doctor evaluates general state of the patient’s oral cavity, performs sanitation and determines whether the supporting teeth are able to withstand the increased chewing load. The most important point in installing a bridge is the preparation of the supporting teeth. They need to be depulped and the canals carefully sealed, then ground for installation of a crown. All this is called preparation for bridges. If the teeth on the sides of the missing ones are badly damaged, they are strengthened with inlays. It is worth noting that latest developments Modern dentistry allows in some cases to avoid depulpation, that is, removal of nerves. There are situations when the supporting teeth are completely healthy and making them “dead” by removing the nerve is not so advisable. After preparing the abutment teeth, their color is determined and impressions are taken from both jaws of the patient, which are transferred to the dental laboratory, where the bridge itself is made - the abutment crowns, inner part which repeats the shape of the ground teeth, and the intermediate part of the bridge, which is an artificial tooth or teeth with anatomically shaped fissures.

The manufacturing stage of a bridge can take from 1 to 3 weeks. During this period, a temporary bridge can be installed in order to protect the supporting teeth from various irritants or restore aesthetics in the smile area. At the next stage of prosthetics, fitting, fitting and fixation of bridges are carried out. They should fit tightly on the teeth, not interfere with the closure of the remaining teeth and not differ from them in color. In order to install a dental bridge, a specialist needs a special cement that securely fastens the supporting teeth and the crowns covering them. If, a few days after installation, any problems arise or discomfort appears, you should contact an orthopedic dentist as soon as possible.

Bridge installation: contraindications and indications

Direct indications for the installation of bridges are the absence of one chewing tooth or from one to four front teeth if there are supporting teeth on each side of them that can withstand the increased load. Dental prosthetics using a bridge has a number of relative and absolute contraindications. These include:

  • absence of no more than 4 incisors, 2 premolars, 1 molar in a row;
  • bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth, the harm from which can be mitigated by wearing special mouthguards);
  • pathology of the bite (in this case, you will have to undergo orthodontic treatment before prosthetics);
  • periodontitis and severe periodontal disease;
  • pathological abrasion of hard dental tissues;
  • diseases of the bone tissue of the jaw (for example, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis);
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • poor oral hygiene.

This also includes general contraindications for surgical intervention as such: such as, for example, problems with blood clotting, allergies to painkillers, chronic diseases in the acute stage, taking anticoagulant medications, mental illness and other.

In addition to the general rules of daily hygiene (cleaning with paste and brush at least twice a day - morning and evening, as well as every time after eating), additional requirements must be observed. So how do you clean dental bridges? In addition to the usual brushing with a soft toothbrush (each tooth separately, sweeping movements from the gum to the cutting edge), you must also use an irrigator, and if you don’t have one at hand, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water. The presence of a flushing hole between the central part of the dental bridge and the gum makes it much easier daily care behind the prosthesis. In addition, during professional hygiene oral cavity, which, by the way, must be carried out at least twice a year, the hygienist must pay special attention to the bridge prosthesis - check for food debris and plaque accumulation at the junction of the prosthesis and gums, and also carefully polish the artificial teeth and crowns on the supporting ones teeth

A dental bridge fell out: what to do?

Dental bridges, as well as dental crowns, as well as other orthopedic structures, have a service life, after which they must be replaced. Modern materials and manufacturing and installation technologies make the shelf life of orthopedic structures quite long, but this does not negate the mandatory removal of a dental bridge whose shelf life has expired. Unfortunately, many patients, if not the majority, ignore the need to remove the bridge and replace it with a new one until the problem becomes a rib, that is, until the dental bridge falls off.

A timely, regular visit to the dentist will help to avoid such a problem, who will be able to detect that the dental bridge has become loose or has begun to collapse, before the patient feels it himself. The fact is that the shelf life of a bridge is limited not so much by the properties of the manufacturing material itself (with proper care it is practically not subject to erosion), but due to the fragility of the composite materials with which the lateral crowns of the bridge are attached to the abutment teeth, as well as the danger of developing secondary caries under these crowns, which is aggravated by the fact that the abutment teeth are most often “dead”, pulpless, which reduces their resistance to carious lesions. So how is a dental bridge removed? Considering that after removing the bridge, a new one must be installed in its place (in in rare cases it is possible to install the same structure if it is not damaged, but with fresh cement), it is very important not to damage the supporting teeth in order to avoid even further grinding of them. For this purpose, special ultrasonic devices are used, which cause the cement between the crown and the tooth to crumble, after which the bridge is removed.

If the dental bridge breaks and falls off, you must immediately consult a doctor, since the ground supporting teeth should not be open, this will lead to their damage, in addition, the bridge could become detached traumatically, and only a specialist can notice and correct this.

Very often on various forums you can come across the question: “What to do if the dental bridge is wobbly?” The answer is simple: consult a doctor immediately. Perhaps the installation technology was violated or the design was not accurately adjusted to the ground abutment teeth. If the dental bridge begins to sway several years after installation, this may indicate the presence of the above-mentioned secondary caries or partial destruction of the cement between the crown and the tooth tissues.

It is also necessary to consult a specialist if you experience toothache under the bridge. This is another sign of secondary caries. If the gums hurt at the point of contact with the central part of the bridge, perhaps the structure was set too deeply, which caused rubbing of the soft tissues with the edge of the bridge, and this in turn can lead to the formation of bruises and bedsores, and in advanced cases- to the inflammatory process.

If on artificial enamel chips or microcracks have formed in the dental bridge (in the case of ceramic and metal-ceramic structures), it is most often possible to repair dental bridges with composite materials directly in the patient’s oral cavity. In some cases, it is also possible to repair structures made of plastic and metal-plastic. WARNING: If you swallow a dental bridge or a fragment of it, go to a clinic or emergency room. May be required ultrasonography gastrointestinal tract, since the sharp edges of chips can damage the mucous membranes of the stomach, esophagus and intestines.

How much does a dental bridge cost?

Moscow prices for bridges consist of the cost of the casts required for the manufacture of the structure, the prosthesis itself, its fitting and installation. The cost of the dental bridge itself depends, first of all, on the material used. Thus, the most budget option is plastic, but plastic structures are used only as temporary prostheses, the most expensive are all-ceramic bridges with a zirconium dioxide frame, metal-ceramics are inferior to them in cost, but practically not inferior in quality. The price category also influences how much a dental bridge costs. dental clinic where you can make a dental bridge in Moscow. Thus, installing the most budget bridge in economy class dentistry will cost an average of 3,000 rubles, and in a VIP clinic prices will start from 20,000 rubles for a structure consisting of two supporting crowns and one artificial tooth between them. You can find out how much it costs to install a dental bridge by reading the price list on the website or by calling our clinic directly. The administrator will also tell you what is included in the price and which procedures are paid separately.

What's wrong with dental bridges?

Despite the obvious advantages, bridges have very serious disadvantages. Among them is the need for depulpation and grinding of supporting teeth, even if they are completely healthy. In addition, bridges do not cancel this unpleasant consequences tooth loss, like bone loss. Owners of bridges will have to deal with special attention to care for dentures. But the most serious disadvantage of this type of prosthetics is the excessive load on the supporting teeth, as a result of which they deteriorate and become loose. As a rule, in the future this leads to their complete loss.

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If you are missing one or several teeth in a row, you can get a bridge. A dental bridge is a permanent, fixed prosthesis that is attached either to adjacent supporting teeth or to an implant.

The prosthesis consists of a number of artificial crowns, the outer ones of which are needed for fixation. And the intermediate part replaces the defect, that is, the “clearing”. Installed in the mouth, the design is no different from natural teeth.

Depending on the manufacturing method, there are stamped and solid-cast dental bridges.

The latter are considered more reliable and convenient; they accurately replicate the occlusal (closing) surface of the teeth.

Stamped bridges consist of single crowns that are soldered together into a single prosthesis - a soldered bridge. Rarely used due to complex process manufacturing and low strength.

The main “building materials” are metal, ceramics or plastic.

Types of dental bridges by design:

  • rinsing - space remains between the bridge and the mucous membrane, which facilitates hygienic care. Suitable for the lateral areas of the jaw;
  • tangents - the body of the prosthesis is in contact with the gum on only one (outer) side. Installed on the front teeth to maintain normal diction and aesthetics, the gap disrupts these functions;
  • saddle-shaped - the intermediate part fits tightly to the mucosa. Used in the “smile zone”.

What are dental bridges made of?

Metal bridges

Strong and relatively inexpensive designs that can withstand increased chewing loads. They are rarely used due to their unattractive appearance. The product is heavy and may rub the gums, causing severe discomfort. And some patients complain of an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth.


They consist of a metal base covered with white plastic. Not the most reliable option. Metal-plastic bridges are inexpensive, but are used solely as a temporary measure, for example, while a person is preparing for more expensive implantation. Maximum service life is 3 years.


They are used most often. They combine excellent quality, wear resistance and natural aesthetics. They have a metal base (gold, nickel-chromium or cobalt-chromium alloys) and an external ceramic lining. The best option in terms of price and quality, they last 7-10 years.


Budget type of dental bridge. Dental plastic does not cause allergies and imitates the color of tooth enamel well. But the material becomes colored over time under the influence of food coloring. Plastic microprostheses are inferior in strength to other types, so they are installed for only a few months.


They are based on zirconium dioxide (white metal) or consist entirely of ceramics. Not as strong as metal-ceramic bridges, but have superior aesthetics. Ceramics convey the same shade and transparency as natural enamel. This is an ideal option for prosthetics of anterior teeth. Average term service with regular care - 10-12 years.

Manufacturing and installation

Stages of installing a bridge:

  1. Inspection of the oral cavity, sanitation - treatment of carious lesions, if any, removal of tartar.
  2. Preparation of abutment teeth with a drill, taking dental impressions.
  3. In the dental laboratory, plaster models of the jaw are formed using impressions.
  4. Manufacturing a metal frame by casting, applying plastic or ceramic mass.
  5. Installation of a finished structure - abutment crowns are cemented onto previously prepared teeth.

It turns out that you only need to visit the dentist 2 times - to take impressions and prepare the oral cavity and to fix the bridge. Making a custom bridge takes 1-3 weeks, during which time the doctor installs temporary plastic overlays to protect the ground teeth.

Photos before and after installation of a metal-ceramic bridge

Pros and cons of bridges


  • The bridge perfectly recreates the functionality and appearance of lost teeth;
  • a short adaptation period - only a day or two;
  • the design does not need to be constantly taken off and put on, unlike removable dentures;
  • Bridges are cheaper than dental implants.


The main disadvantage is the preparation of supporting teeth. The fact is that after grinding the tooth is destroyed faster. In addition, in most cases, the doctor has to first remove the dental nerve and fill the canals. That is, in order to install one bridge, you need to devitalize 2 healthy teeth.

In rare cases, allergic reactions and irritation of the mucous membrane due to the tight fit of the metal base. And too heavy a structure leads to sagging gums over time.


Remember that the installation of bridges has a number of limitations:

  • the supporting teeth are weak or damaged by caries, so they will not be able to support the bridge structure;
  • running form periodontitis;
  • malocclusion;
  • increased abrasion enamel or bruxism (involuntary night rattle teeth).

If there are contraindications, the orthopedist will offer an alternative option - the installation of soft nylon prostheses.

Adhesive dental bridge

Adhesive “stick” bridges are a more advanced, gentle alternative to traditional products. They do not require preparation of adjacent teeth. The prosthesis is made using the same technology, but is attached to the inside of the dentition.

On the sides of the bridge there are two wing-shaped plates that are glued to the back of the adjacent teeth. The fastenings are not visible to others, but they compact the tooth a little, so the first 2-3 days may cause discomfort, then you will get used to it.

Cons: low reliability and high price. And adhesive bridges last only 3-5 years.

Dental bridges on implants

Fixation of a bridge on implants is relevant in the absence of large quantity teeth and even an entire row of teeth. For example, you can attach a full-fledged bridge to the entire jaw using 4 implants. The method is called All-on-4.

A titanium implant is an artificial tooth root substitute. It is strong, durable, can last 15-20 years and can withstand any chewing load. However, its installation involves surgery. Engraftment of the implant lasts at least 3 months, only after this a bridge or any other prosthesis is placed.

Advantages of an implant-supported bridge

  • No need to grind down healthy teeth;
  • replacement of a large number of teeth;
  • saving on materials - no need to place an implant under each tooth.

The only drawback is the high cost. Installation of one implant will cost 45,000-60,000 rubles.

Repair of bridges

What to do if the dental bridge starts to loosen? Happens often, especially after 5 years of use. You should contact a prosthetist as soon as possible. Most likely, the cement was washed out. The doctor will remove and clean the product, and then re-fix it with new cement.

If chips and cracks appear on the surface of the bridge or the color of the lining has changed, the dental bridge must be repaired. The dentist corrects defects using a composite directly in the patient’s mouth. But if the supporting tooth or fastening elements are damaged, the design will have to be changed.

The official warranty for the product is 1-3 years. During this time, the doctor is obliged to repair your bridge prosthesis free of charge; in other cases, repairs cost 800-1000 rubles.


Average prices in dentists for a dental bridge:

  • metal-ceramic bridge - from 9,000 rubles;
  • prosthesis on a gold basis - about 50,000 rubles;
  • metal-plastic bridge - from 3,000 rubles;
  • ceramic - 25,000 rubles;
  • adhesive - 9,000-10,000 rub.

Carefully care for the bridge, clean it of food debris, and do not overload it with too hard food. And it will last for many years.

The next step after tooth extraction is prosthetics. The absence of chewing elements in the mouth causes discomfort when communicating due to impaired diction and unaesthetic appearance, and worsens digestion, since insufficiently chewed food is poorly absorbed. Modern dentistry offers various options solving the problem. A classic and fairly common method of prosthetics is a dental bridge, which got its name “bridge-like” due to its design with supports along the edges.

Indications for installing a dental bridge

Bridges are placed on those patients who have healthy teeth on either side of the defect. To serve as a support for the bridge, they must withstand the pressure of chewing. Indications for installation:

  • up to 4 front teeth (incisors) were removed in a row;
  • 1-2 premolars or molars in the lateral row are missing.

If the old bridge is out of order (broken, wobbly) or a piece has fallen off of it and the teeth under it hurt, these are indications for replacing the bridge (we recommend reading:). This method of prosthetics has a number of contraindications:

  • grinding teeth, which leads to premature wear of the bridge;
  • malocclusion requiring preliminary intervention by an orthodontist;
  • severe forms of diseases of periodontal tissues or jaw bones;
  • inflammatory processes in the mouth;
  • poor oral and dental care.

Other factors that prevent prosthetics are associated with general contraindications to surgery. These include: allergies to anesthetics, insufficient blood clotting, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and more.

Classification of dental bridges with photos

Classification of bridges is carried out according to various signs. There are the following categories by which types of dental bridges are classified:

  • The material from which the bridge is made. It can be metal, plastic, ceramics, metal ceramics.
  • Preparation method. There are stamped or soldered, as well as solid and adhesive prostheses.
  • The nature of the fastening. The structures can be removable or non-removable, the latter can be mounted on implants, on teeth (classic, adhesive), and have one- or two-sided support.

Removable devices are divided into full, partially and conditionally removable. Some need to be removed at night and cleaned, while others need to be brushed with a toothbrush and toothpaste without cleaning. Fixed structures are installed on previously ground teeth.

If the supporting teeth are strongly inclined, composite bridges are used. A composite bridge is a structure of two parts connected by a locking fastening.

You can see what installed dental bridges look like in the photo and video below. Familiarity with the most common bridges will allow you to find the best option for a particular case.

Stamped or soldered

A dental bridge, consisting of stamped metal crowns or artificial teeth soldered together, is made of various metals and alloys of nickel, cobalt, gold, and chromium. Previously popular and cheap metal dental bridges have lost their relevance and are practically not in demand. This is due to multiple disadvantages:

  • insufficient strength, which leads to rapid wear of the bridge;
  • dissimilar metals contribute to the occurrence of galvanosis, causing pain and discomfort in the mouth;
  • a metal bridge when restoring the front part spoils the smile;
  • do not provide a tight fit to the neck of the tooth;
  • food debris gets under the crown, creating an environment for bacteria to multiply;
  • cause bleeding gums and secondary caries;
  • the bridge-like device creates a metallic taste.

Under a stamped-soldered bridge, the enamel begins to deteriorate and bad smell, inflammation develops, and as a result the patient may lose his supporting teeth. The design is considered obsolete; in rare cases, it is installed only on the lateral chewing units so that the metal is not noticeable.

Adhesive bridges

When installing bridges, it is necessary to grind down healthy teeth that serve as supports for crowns and remove nerves. In many cases, adhesive bridges can serve as an alternative. Adhesive bridge (or as it is also called Maryland bridge) - modern solution for prosthetics of anterior teeth. Composite material is built up on a fiberglass arch fixed in the holes of the supporting teeth. Holes under fillings can be used if the supporting teeth have been previously filled.

Adhesive prosthetics are considered gentle and have a number of advantages:

  • an adhesive prosthesis is made directly in the patient’s mouth from filling materials during one visit to the dentist;
  • the procedure for installing an adhesive bridge takes no more than one and a half hours;
  • adhesive prosthetics does not damage the supporting teeth; minimal grinding is required or is not required at all due to the absence of crowns;
  • The rigidity of the adhesive bridge is given by a fiberglass tape, which is pulled from the inside;
  • fixation of the adhesive bridge prosthesis on the supporting teeth is carried out using dental adhesive or cement;
  • the adhesive bridge adds aesthetics to the smile;
  • affordable price of adhesive prosthetics (how much such a tooth will cost is determined by the choice of material).

The disadvantages of adhesive bridges include fragility (3 years), low strength and the possibility of prosthetics for only one unit. The structure cannot be placed on the area of ​​the chewing segments.

The lifespan of an adhesive bridge is increased with proper oral care. Regular brushing of teeth, rinsing with special pharmaceutical solutions, avoiding excessively hard foods, and timely examination by a dentist will double the “life” of the adhesive bridge.

Solid cast

To restore teeth that can withstand the chewing load, solid bridges have become widespread. Bridges of this type are also recommended for complex clinical cases: change in the height of the lower part of the jaw, pathological abrasion of hard dental tissues.

The material for solid-cast bridges is an alloy of cobalt and chromium. The structure is made by injection molding and is a single whole. One-piece dentures are made without sputtering, gold-plated, with plastic or ceramic overlays. They have the following advantages:

  • strength, reliability, durability (10 years of operation guaranteed);
  • a one-piece denture is made of one type of metal and does not provoke galvanic syndrome in the oral cavity, which distinguishes it from stamped or soldered ones;
  • food does not fall under the base of the product due to the tight fit of the bridge, which eliminates bad influence pathogenic microflora on supporting teeth;
  • installation of the structure requires minimal grinding of hard tooth tissues;
  • The manufacture and installation of a bridge is an economical option and does not require a large investment of time and money.

Among the contraindications to the installation of a solid-cast bridge, in addition to those common to all types of bridge structures, one can note the absence of all incisors, 1 molar, and 2 premolars in a row at the same time. It should be taken into account that solid-cast bridges have a number of disadvantages:

  • the heaviness of the all-metal structure causes overload of the supporting teeth, and there is a risk of their destruction;
  • the unaesthetic appearance of the solid-cast bridge makes restoration of the front units with its help undesirable;
  • the presence of a metallic taste in the oral cavity; in some patients, allergic reactions and inflammation of the tongue are possible.

Material of manufacture

For the manufacture of bridges, various materials are used that differ in strength characteristics, as well as aesthetic properties. Dentistry offers metal, plastic, ceramic and combined structures as materials for making a bridge between teeth (we recommend reading:). There is no universal bridge material that is equally good at correcting any defect.


The cheapest material for a bridge is plastic; temporary structures are made from it. It is used for removable bridges. This budget option has the following advantages:

The main disadvantage of a plastic bridge is its fragility due to insufficient strength and color changes under the influence of pigments and saliva. It is installed during the production of a permanent bridge from more durable materials or to replace front teeth that do not bear the chewing load when the patient’s financial capabilities are limited. this moment. The design of a metal frame lined with acrylic plastic allows you to extend the service life to 2-3 years. A metal-plastic dental bridge is stronger than a plastic one and has an attractive appearance.


Metal dental bridges are reliable and durable, while being a budget option. The safest alloy is considered to be an alloy of gold and platinum, which does not cause allergic reactions in the patient, but the high price makes it too expensive for humans. Cheaper, more accessible and easier to process is the nickel composition, which, however, can cause allergies. The most popular alloys of cobalt and chromium are due to their biocompatibility with the body and high strength.


Metal-ceramic bridges are popular and in great demand. Metal ceramics serve as an alternative to expensive, fragile ceramics and durable, but not attractive in appearance, metal. The coating does not wear off over time, and in case of chips, repairs can be performed without removing the bridge.

They are a complex structure consisting of a metal frame coated with porcelain. The base is made of alloys precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, palladium, as well as from chromium compounds with nickel or cobalt. The prepared base is manually covered layer by layer with porcelain with sequential firing at 950 degrees of each applied layer. The technology ensures reliable fastening of the coating to the metal, and the strength of the frame allows the use of such a bridge for prosthetics of several chewing units in a row.

When replacing front teeth, the metal shows through the porcelain at the joints, making it visible, which is undesirable. Application as a metal base white(recently durable zirconium has been used for this purpose) eliminates this drawback. The ability to select the shade of the veneer to match the tone of adjacent teeth gives the metal-ceramic bridge prosthesis natural look, practically indistinguishable from natural teeth.

As disadvantages of metal-ceramic bridges, one should take into account the need for strong grinding of the surface of the supporting teeth, and also often for their depulpation. Such bridges are expensive.

Bridge installation steps

A solid-cast bridge goes through the following manufacturing stages:

  1. At the first stage, the doctor analyzes the clinical situation, assesses the condition of the supporting teeth, prescribes x-rays and measures to sanitize the oral cavity. The choice of material and design option for the bridge is made.
  2. After this, at the stage of preparation for prosthetics, treatment of diseases, treatment of supporting teeth or implantation is carried out if an implant is planned as a support. An impression is then made from which the bridge is made.
  3. The next stage is trying on the dental bridge and identifying discrepancies. The bridge is carefully adjusted and defects are eliminated.
  4. Final fixation is the final stage of dental bridge installation. Depending on the chosen design, a dental bridge can be secured using cement, an adapter or locks.

There is no universal recommendation on which dental bridge is best. Bridges various types have their advantages and disadvantages. In one situation, a solid-cast bridge will be more suitable; for another patient, the use of an adhesive prosthesis will be successful; a metal-ceramic one will provide an optimal balance between price and quality. The choice depends on the health and age of the person, the condition of the supporting teeth, gums and the number of lost units, allergic reactions to materials and financial capabilities. The decision about which bridge to choose should be made together with your doctor.