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Dry cat food is dangerous. Super premium food. Which food is better to choose

The article suggests understanding the choice of optimal food for cats, kittens and cats, and also provides answers to the most frequently asked questions from owners of such cute and fluffy pets.

Is dry food harmful for cats and veterinarians reviews?

There are many discussions on the benefits and harms of dry food on specialized forums. There is an opinion among professional breeders that when feeding a cat with Premium or Super Premium class dry food, she gets good nutrition guaranteeing her good mood, appearance And good health.

Veterinarians advise paying attention to the condition and preferences of a particular animal. When deciding to switch to dry food, choose only Premium or Super Premium varieties. Can't mix natural feeding and dry food, be sure to ensure that the animal receives enough water.

Is dry cat food harmful for kitekat, whiskeys, proplan, royal canin, acana?

Economy class cat food leads to development urolithiasis and other diseases, therefore experts do not recommend feeding the animal with food such as Whiskas, Kitekat, Proplan. Feed Premium and Super premium class, containing natural ingredients and a balanced composition, are considered acceptable by experts for feeding cats.

Can cats have dry food and milk?

Feeding a cat dry food with milk can provoke the development of urolithiasis in the animal. Premium class food contains all the necessary components for the healthy development of a pet, and in addition to food, it only requires water.

Is it possible to combine dry food and natural food for cats?

Veterinarians do not recommend mixing cat food. The animal must be fed either dry or natural food. If necessary, combination is possible only at intervals, for example, dry food in the morning, natural food in the evening.

Feeding a cat dry food per day, pros and cons

Cats are fed twice a day, at the rate of 30-60 grams of dry food per kilogram of animal weight. The norm depends on the calorie content of the feed.

The advantages of dry food: it saves the owner’s time, it does not spoil, it is convenient to feed, it is properly balanced.

Cons: the cat must constantly replenish water balance, spoils teeth, contains excess carbohydrates, you need to feed your cat only with Premium class food, and they are quite expensive.

Comparison of dry cat food from Canada, Nutram and Choys, by composition

In terms of the amount of protein and fat, carbohydrates and fiber, the feed is identical. Choice food additionally contains chicken eggs, flax-seed, fish fat and tomato paste.

How to wean a cat off dry food

The first step is to try switching to canned food from the same manufacturer. Then gradually, first, replace the food with natural food once a day: porridge with meat or fish. If your pet feels well and eats with pleasure, you can completely replace the dry food. If the animal refuses to eat, you need to give it time to get hungry and try to find other options for cereals and meat.

At what age should you give dry cat food?

On special feed For kittens there is an age at which you can start feeding them to the animal. Usually this is 4-6 weeks.

Dry food fits tightly into daily life busy cat owners. They are easy to use and animals love them. Manufacturers assure the benefits of this product, but numerous reviews claim that negative impact such a diet. Therefore, before purchasing, you should find out whether dry food is harmful for cats. Veterinarians do not give a definite answer, because much depends on the composition of the food and the characteristics of the animal itself. This article will help answer this and other questions related to

Benefit or harm?

This method of nutrition is used in great demand from animal owners. The advantages of feed are its long-term storage and balance. You can add food for a day and not be afraid that the animal will be hungry in the absence of the owner. Cats eat food with pleasure, and this is not surprising.

But is dry cat food harmful? Many well-known brands of products contain components that stimulate appetite and improve taste. Thanks to modern technologies Low quality feed appears attractive to animals. Eating such a product becomes addictive, and the cat begins to refuse other food.

Many foods are oversaturated with carbohydrates, which are harmful to animals. Such a diet can negatively affect the condition of the stomach and kidneys. 24-hour access to food causes, and it is unnatural for animals. Better to use

Dry food serves main reason the appearance of urolithiasis in cats. The reason is insufficient saturation of the body with fluid. Also, high carbohydrate content in food increases sugar levels and can lead to diabetes. To avoid this, you should choose meat-based food.

Using given food you need to adhere to some rules. First of all, you should not mix ready-made food with natural food, since the imbalance will be disrupted. useful substances. If a problem occurs, it will be difficult to understand the real reason. Also, do not change the brand of food often. This leads to poor absorption of substances and causes disturbances in the body. If it is necessary to change food, this should be done gradually over 1-2 weeks, adding New Product, increasing its quantity.

Cats by nature drink little water, and it is recommended to drink dry food with them. big amount liquids. Therefore, for better absorption, you need to ensure that there is always water next to your food bowl. Veterinarians recommend diluting the diet wet food. When feeding kittens, you should pay attention to the packaging labeling, which should indicate the age at which the product can be consumed.

Which food is better to choose?

When choosing a diet for a cat, you should focus on the composition, which will make it clear whether feeding your cat dry food of this brand is harmful. The highest quality food is made from animal meat and ocean fish. They contain all the necessary nutrients and do not contain harmful components.

A high-quality product will not cause allergies and others unpleasant consequences, but on the contrary, will help prevent them. Often, special dry food is used to treat diseases. Many are put off by the price of such “cat joy”, but considering the cost fresh products, it is completely justified. And if you calculate the effort and time that will be required to prepare balanced menu for a pet, then dry food will be a priority.

Is Kitekat and Whiskas dry cat food harmful?

Since cats are carnivores, they digestive system not suitable for food plant origin. IN meat products There are absolutely no carbohydrates and other vitamins that the animal needs. But wild cats get necessary substances from the stomachs of the herbivores on which they feed. At the same time, they arrive to predators already in a processed form, which allows them to absorb some of the carbohydrates. Received alimentary fiber help cleanse the intestines. But apartment residents can only rely on a person. The owner takes responsibility and must know whether the dry food he feeds is harmful to cats pet.

“Kitekat” and “Whiskas” are unbalanced or poorly balanced feeds and do not contain all the necessary nutrients. Their use often leads to various disorders in the cat’s body. These feeds belong to the economy class and contain meat waste: skin, intestines, heads, as well as offal with low nutritional value. They contain too much corn, wheat and rice flour. In this case, you can answer the question positively: is dry food harmful for cats and kittens? Daily use Such food leads to gastrointestinal disorders, kidney and liver diseases, as well as hair loss. This product negatively affects the growth and development of kittens. Carbohydrates are not digested and disrupt intestinal function.

Is Royal Canin and Proplan dry cat food harmful?

If they want to save money, manufacturers often add moldy products to the feed, which causes irreparable harm animal. So dry Reviews from veterinarians say that it is better to give preference to medium or premium products. These include feed produced by Royal Canin. They are made from muscle meat tissue, without the use of flavor enhancers and flavoring agents. This food is rich in all the essential nutrients that an animal needs for its daily diet. It improves immunity and makes the animal more resistant to stressful situations. Many people are also interested in whether Proplan dry cat food is harmful? No, because all foods are developed taking into account age characteristics cats and their activities. But even premium food can be harmful to the animal if it is not chosen correctly. Any expired product will also negatively affect your pet’s health, so you should pay attention to expiration dates.

How to feed a cat correctly?

Important to consider physiological characteristics animal and adhere to some rules, forming a daily diet.

Natural food

If the owners decide not to use food, but to prepare food for their pet on their own, then you need to know that it differs from “ human food" It should not contain spices, salt, oils and other components familiar to people. Self-cooking food for an animal, rich in vitamins, increases the life expectancy of a pet by 30%, when compared with cats eating dry food. The main disadvantage of the method is the complexity of preparation and the fragility of the feed.

For cooking use: beef, poultry, oatmeal, vegetables. Soups are prepared on meat broth. By-products can be given raw, but they should be pre-treated with boiling water and chopped. To prevent your cat from becoming constipated from natural food, you need to dilute the diet with vegetables and cereals. You should not feed your animal fish, especially if you have urolithiasis. It is better to mix milk with water or remove it from the cat's menu, as it can cause diarrhea. Also, you should not give foods that contain bones; they can get stuck in the throat or injure the mucous membrane. Bad for the stomach chicken skin, it can sit in it for a long time without being digested, and fatty pork can cause upset. Warm food irritates the mucous membrane less than cold food.

How to plan a diet correctly?

The cat can be fed mixed, using natural food and food at the same time. But this method is considered the worst. You should not mix natural food with wet or dry food, except in cases of transferring the animal to another type of food. The animal’s body gets used to a certain feeding option and produces the necessary enzymes for breakdown. You can mix dry and wet food, but preferably the same brand.

So, whether dry cat food is harmful for cats depends on the brand and its composition. For your animal’s diet, it is better to use premium products that contain meat rather than food waste, or prepare natural food yourself. You can combine meals, but with extreme caution. In any case, you should not save, as this affects the cat’s health.


Is dry food harmful to cats?

Purring pets lift your spirits, relieve depression and calm you down. A cat is an animal with character, but it needs human care and love. Choosing cat food - important point, requiring time. The mood and well-being of a pet depends on the quality of food.

There is a wide variety of pet food on store shelves. Many people prefer to buy dry food for their pets. You can leave it in the bowl for long time, dry food does not spoil. The dishes are always clean, and you don’t have to waste time preparing food. Choosing food will not be difficult, but first it is better to find out whether such feeding will be beneficial and whether dry food is harmful for cats.

The main “disadvantages” of feeding dry food

  1. After snacking on dry food, the cat has to drink a lot of liquid. Not all cats like to drink water. The body spends a lot of energy softening dry food with water. If you can't cook homemade food for an animal, it is better to purchase wet food in bags.
  2. The danger of dry cat food is that it contains flavor additives and flavor enhancers. Such substances negatively affect the health of the animal. Veterinarians believe that the life expectancy of a cat eating dry food is significantly reduced.
  3. Constant feeding of dry food leads to the development of allergic reactions. If your cat itches a lot after eating, you should immediately stop feeding it.
  4. Dry food contributes to the formation of tartar and does not clean the animal's teeth.
  5. With constant feeding of dry food, the cat becomes addicted. This is due to special processing during manufacturing. Weaning a cat off dry food is quite difficult.
  6. The most common cause of urolithiasis in animals is dry food.

The effect of food on cat health

Feeding dry food contributes to the development of many diseases: weakened gallbladder function, kidney stones, cystitis. Studies conducted in the USA have proven that owners who feed their cats dry food subsequently spend a lot of money on treating the animal.

Economy feed should be completely abandoned. If your cat prefers dry food, you need to choose an elite product and strictly dose it. The best lunch for a cat is food prepared by the owner from natural products.

Almost everyone caring owner mustachioed furry friend sooner or later he is faced with the question of creating a diet for his beloved animal. Most are inclined to believe that natural food is the best option when it comes to feeding your pet. But not everyone will be able to correctly create a diet that is most suitable for a pet; in addition, preparing food for a pet requires daily time investment. Therefore, it makes sense to turn your attention to dry cat food, choosing the most suitable option for your own pet.

Which food is better

Today there are many companies on the market that produce dry cat food. The main criterion for their classification is the price category of the product. As a rule, experts recommend purchasing food for all mustachioed friends that falls into either the premium or superpremium classes. They are the ones who contain everything essential minerals and vitamins in the ratio that is optimal for your beloved pet. In addition, the line of such products is usually divided into several varieties depending on the age of the pet and its breed. In addition, dry cat food in this category includes many different medicinal products nutrition that pets need to cope with any disease or recover from a serious illness. So, the best dry cat food is undoubtedly a premium or super premium product.

Features of feeding your pet dry food

There is an opinion among veterinarians about the harm that dry cat food can cause. Reviews about this product sometimes contain information that this type of diet can provoke the development of a common urolithiasis in your pet. To avoid this, it is recommended to either soak the food in water or add wet canned food to it. When soaking with water, you must ensure that your pet eats its portion at a time. Otherwise, soaked dry cat food can quickly deteriorate and harm the health of the animal. When it comes to adding wet canned food, it is very important to mix products from the same manufacturer. This is primarily due to the fact that each manufacturer has its own unique recipe. finished product. Therefore, by mixing different brands, you can end up with an excess of some nutrients while simultaneously lacking others, which can also negatively affect your pet’s health.


When you decide to switch your favorite purr to ready-made food, you should be very careful about choosing the manufacturer. ready-made feed. It is also very important to decide in what form the dry food will be served. for a pet. And you should never mix dry food with natural food. Then the good health of your pet will allow him to live a long and happy life.

Since caring for the pet in this case is reduced to a minimum: there is no need to boil or cut up fish or meat, the dishes are always impeccable, you just need to add a new portion of food on time and make sure that there is plenty of water for the animal. All this, coupled with the fact that the pet willingly eats such food, encourages owners to use it for feeding systematically. However, the solution is .

"Disadvantages" of dry food

Firstly, it is that it is dry. Not everyone likes to drink a lot; she is forced to do so by the thirst she experiences after eating. But the animal’s body accepts wet food much better, since quite a lot of energy is spent on additional dilution of dry food with water. Manufacturers advise those whose pets do not like to drink a lot of water to moisten the granules directly in the cup. But here a problem arises: some animals, for some unknown reason, refuse such “porridge”.

Secondly, the disadvantage of dry food is that it is stuffed with various chemicals: taste enhancers, flavorings, synthesized vitamins. These substances are harmful to animals as well as to humans. There are especially many of them in economy-class food, which are often not only useless for nutrition, but also cause significant harm to the health of pets. The opinions of many veterinarians coincide: cats that eat exclusively food will not survive for long.

Modern techniques testing does not allow us to prove that such food provokes the development of allergies in the animal, which manifests itself in the cat, the occurrence of redness on the skin, itchy ulcers on the face, neck and back of the head. But research has shown that this disease causes vegetable protein, which acts as an allergen and is found in excess in dry food. Therefore, if after eating a cat begins to itch intensely, such food is contraindicated for it.

What changes does dry food cause in an animal’s body?

Veterinarians from the USA conducted research and found that owners of cats who eat mainly such food subsequently spend a lot of money on their treatment. Sooner or later the animal gets cystitis, kidney stones form, and the functioning of the gallbladder is weakened. In this case, the recommendation of experts is the same: refuse economy-class dry food, and strictly dose elite products, since they also contain chemicals and vegetable protein.