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How much does it cost to open a wipe shop? Market rules: Why it’s not too late to open a vape shop. How to open e-liquid

Electronic cigarettes, which quickly became fashionable among the progressive part of the population, seemed like a kind of gold mine for business. There are more possibilities than cigarettes; variety of tastes; and in general it is popular. Demand is consistently high! Vape bars began to open everywhere - places where you could not only buy smoking liquids, but also vape, that is, use what you bought with friends.

Vape— the process of consuming a special smoking liquid through a compact hand-held steam generator is similar to the smoking process. The liquid from the container goes to a special evaporator, powered by a battery or battery, and evaporates. The vapor produced by evaporation is inhaled by the smoker.

An electronic cigarette (steam generator) of sorts modern analogue tobacco pipe for smoking, a newfangled gadget. True, the similarities end with reusability and duration of use. The variety of flavors of vape liquid has “conquered” the minds of young people. Smoking is no longer fashionable, but vaping is fashionable! Here and there, everywhere, “people-paravos” appeared. By at least The abundant vapor produced by vaping creates this impression.

site warns! Smoking is harmful not only to health, but also to others. We don't smoke - and we don't advise you to!

Naturally, if a product is popular, then the business quickly reacts to this demand, trying to satisfy it, coming up with various new offers. This is how vape bars appeared. Places where you can not only buy electronic devices for vaping and liquids for them, but also relax while vaping your loved one or new taste. Cool electronic vaporizers are available for rent immediately, for the entire duration of the paid vaping.

Vape bars have become cult places among wide sections of young and middle-aged people - vapers, fans of electronic smoking. Cozy rooms that invite you to spend time in them big company; drinks and snacks; Board games; TVs with sports broadcasts; and, of course, a large selection of different vaping liquids with a variety of flavors - this is how most of these establishments are set up.

Motherland electronic cigarettesHong Kong. It was there, in 2003, Hong League, a pharmacist by training, created the prototype of a vaporizer - an electronic device for smoking. What is characteristic is that the original function of the device, conceived by the inventor, is help people quit smoking.

Establishments where steam smoking is a priority vary in both format and area. There are large halls representing wide range services - all kinds of entertainment, its own kitchen and bar with alcohol, dance floors and other entertainment opportunities. Electric cigarettes in such establishments do not bring the bulk of the profit, but are a good marketing ploy to attract customers. According to experts, electronic vapor smoking as a service increases the flow of customers by 5-7%. Such bars are ordinary entertainment establishments that have included vaping in their services. The capital costs of opening such establishments are quite large and difficult to estimate in a one-time investment.

There are also small establishments equipped only with a bar counter. The services of such bars are utilitarian - smoke the taste you like; purchase liquids and consumables for your electronic steam generator; charge the evaporator; It’s not uncommon for a “bartender” to provide services for repairing or upgrading a client’s electronic device. In these establishments, vaping and everything connected with it are the main services, and most of profit is generated from the sale of liquids. Low costs, necessary to open such points, have become excellent business ideas for most aspiring entrepreneurs. After all, all that is needed for business is a large assortment of liquids, several powerful electronic steam generators (for rental) and, in principle, that’s all. The design is secondary, the main thing is “tasty steam.” Essentially these are hookah bars, but instead of hookahs there are electronic cigarettes.

Vape bars began to open wherever there was free space suitable for opening such establishments. From free-standing trade pavilions to premises located in large shopping centers, decorated in the style of coffee shops, lounge areas and restaurants.

The following OKVED-2 codes are suitable for organizing vape bars:

  • 56.10 — Restaurant activities and food delivery services;
  • 93.29 — Other entertainment and entertainment activities.

There is no need for a special license to operate vape bars. An ordinary individual entrepreneur or LLC is suitable as a legal form for such establishments.

Legality of vaping, vape bars and electronic nicotine delivery devices. Operation of vape bars according to the law


With the current tightening of legislation and the widespread ban on smoking in in public placesvaping may also be banned. The bill responsible for the ban electronic vaping in public places, № 55732–7 , at the time of writing this article, has been sent for revision and has no legal effect.

According to the current amendment to the Tax Code - disposable electronic cigarettes, electronic means for the delivery of nicotine and liquids to them are classified as excisable goods. Most of them related to tobacco are subject to legal requirements for the sale of tobacco products and prohibition of use in public places.

Therefore, vape bars, like hookah bars, must operate strictly in accordance with current legislation. All products sold containing nicotine and subject to Russian laws must comply with Law No. 15-FZ and have permits.

We remind you that smoking tobacco products in any catering establishments is prohibited. That is, nicotine vaping (excise goods) with the serving of drinks and food - incompatible.

It is also prohibited to create smoking rooms at existing public catering facilities.

That is, according to the letter of the law, to organize a vape bar where excisable tobacco products are sold, a separate premises is required, different from a cafe or restaurant. The sale of food and drinks in vape bars is prohibited.

All vape bars must be classified as businesses closed type with entry restrictions. People from the street should not be allowed into such establishments. Naturally, it would not be superfluous to mention - no access for minors! The appearance of a child in a vape bar is punishable by law.

Only correct form bar with steam smoking and excisable tobacco - a closed club with membership visits. Each club member must give written consent that he is not against smoking in this establishment. And, accordingly, to be an adult. Everything is exactly the same as organizing hookah bars.

Modern vape bars - life after the ban

There is no ban on vaping as such. There is a ban on the use of tobacco products in public places, including some electronic cigarettes. That is, organizing vape bars involves a number of small difficulties. Such establishments, as required by current laws, can now exist in the form closed vape clubs.

Most aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open an e-cigarette business think about opening such bars. But, after weighing their capabilities and financial condition, they open small stores selling vaping equipment. It's much easier and more profitable than opening a vape bar.

This kind of business is fully consistent with opening a tobacco shop...

The intricacies of the Vape Studio franchise business

To bookmarks

While vapers are being caricatured, the business of selling vaporizers is turning from a hobby into a global industry. The store owners told how to open a franchise business, what is the difference between metropolitan and regional vapers, and whether it is possible to make money from vaping.

The material was prepared with the support of Vape Studio.

The success of a franchise network highly depends on the performance of the franchisor himself. . It is all the more interesting to compare what problems the vaping franchise Vape Studio managed to solve.

Where to begin

Even in a well-promoted industry, franchisors often do not have serious assets, but only provide support on social networks and give advice of dubious quality. Vape Studio offers its partners something more tangible and meaningful: a well-promoted brand, a full set of instructions for setting up a retail outlet and training staff, discounts from suppliers, marketing support - and, most importantly, connections.

Selling vaping products is a completely new field, so Vape Studio's educational materials are unique. Consultants explain to newcomers what their stores and products should look like, how sellers should communicate with customers, and which e-liquids to purchase first.

A separate line includes consultations on working with government agencies. Vape Studio does not get involved in the accounting of partners, but it teaches how to register a retail outlet so that the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspector do not issue a fine, and also explains the features of the taxation system.

We opened recently, at the end of May. Vape Studio consultants came to us and told us how to build a business, how to make repairs, what to write in social media and what is better to buy for sale. Rodion (with founder of Vape Studio and"vaping sommelier" - approx. website) came to the opening and trained the staff, telling them how to present themselves in the market.

Now the company is well known, everyone knows that we are a network. This inspires trust, and sales grow; many people come to us because we have an interesting concept. Vape Studio negotiates with suppliers and gets us discounts.

- Tatyana, owner of the Vape Studio store in Nizhny Novgorod

Business entry cost

If in some franchises the owner only receives a sign and is otherwise left to his own devices, then at Vape Studio the expenses are broken down point by point and the threshold for entry is calculated. The cost of the franchise itself is 70 thousand rubles per city. Renovating the premises and decorating in accordance with the corporate style will cost another 350-500 thousand rubles, and the first purchase from suppliers will cost 600 thousand. Plus advertising costs. Although the studio provides banners, sketches and layouts for printing, the franchisee pays for the placement.

According to the advice of the co-owners of Vape Studio, when choosing a place you need to focus on traffic, since the share regular customers in this business is small. This is not a restaurant; here people prefer to buy consumables along the way. The one who stakes will earn more the best place in the city.

“You shouldn’t be afraid of big expenses - you should be afraid of small incomes,” they say at Vape Studio and claim that the monthly profit from one store can be about 200 thousand rubles at the very beginning of work. The market is just emerging, there are no established competitors, often there is only one vape shop in the entire city or none at all. This determines the rules of the game: the marginality of commodity items ranges from 100% to 400%.

However, money is not all you need to be successful in the industry. The vape business is a type of retail trade, and without the appropriate experience, as the founders of the studio admit, it is very difficult in this area. Therefore, not everyone who submits applications on the franchise sales landing page makes it to Vape Studio partner.

“If a person says: “Dad gave me one and a half million, and I want to open a vape shop!” “We filter such people: they, as a rule, do not value their time and ours and think that if you open a business, you can immediately fly to the Dominican Republic to smoke cigars, but this is not so.”

A collective portrait of the owner of an electronic cigarette store - a young, accomplished entrepreneur of 25 years of age, who is often developing a second line of business.

“In the first month, we definitely recovered the salaries of sellers and rent, and partially recovered purchases. My accountant didn’t complain,” Tatyana continues to share her experience. “There is always enough for rent, salaries and purchases.”

Model feature

The Vape Studio network now includes 15 stores, four of which are managed by the owners themselves - that is, the franchisors are not divorced from the business, but work daily in the appropriate environment.

Vape Studio managers say their business is more like a consulting business than a classic franchise. Initially, a one-time payment is made for the right to use the sign, and the rest of the money from the franchisee comes in the form of consultation fees.

We test vape liquids and tell you in what proportions to purchase them. For example, milk will go well, but strawberries will go worse. The most important thing is information about what will be sold.

- Yuri, co-founder of Vape Studio

Liquids have to be tested carefully, since in Russia there is still no clear legislative framework and control over the creation of liquids for vaping. That is why Yuri jokingly calls his partner “sommelier.” Although all sorts of sanctions and counter-sanctions have not yet had any impact on the industry, the store owner can play with import substitution. Russia has already established the production of many brands of liquids that successfully replace foreign ones in the budget segment.

Capital vaping versus regional vapor

The difference between metropolitan vapers and regional fans of electronic cigarettes is striking. In Moscow, vaping has become part of city culture and a means of self-expression, which is often laughed at on the Internet.

In the regions there is no strict relationship between electronic cigarettes and the subculture. On the contrary: the phenomenon covers the entire population. Many people see vaping as an alternative to regular cigarettes, while others simply want to choose the taste of smoke themselves.

Different motivations have a strong impact on the consumption culture and, accordingly, the average price tag. If in Moscow expensive “liquids” with complex aromatic bouquets at a price of 1000–1500 rubles are valued, in the regions simpler liquids in the 400–700 ruble segment are more in demand. Only age and social criteria more or less coincide: the average vaper is 25 years old or older, and his income level can be assessed as stable.

Vape Studio resolved the “children’s issue” preemptively, without waiting for the State Duma to adopt relevant laws. The network already sells electronic cigarettes and consumables only to adults.

The most enterprising people today are trying to open their own small enterprise. However, not everyone manages to do this; many face the most various problems. How to open a vape shop and achieve success? This question interests businessmen, as everyone strives to develop their business, becoming a serious competitor in the market.

Recently, the vape trend has gained popularity among young people, so gaining trust is quite possible. In this matter, the main thing is to choose the right strategy and tactics in order to build a quality business.

Business organization

Beginning businessmen are often afraid to organize a profitable store in Russia, as it is very difficult, expensive and risky. Of course, you shouldn’t think about a 100% guarantee of success, but you still need to believe in your business. After all, the choice of activity plays a huge role; a businessman must understand and be able to demonstrate high results in his field.

In other words, it is worth opening a case only in the direction in which the nuances and details are well known. This will give you the opportunity to show your individual characteristics and the best qualities.

When it comes to organizing a vape shop, it is necessary to calculate many indicators. First you need to identify all the risks, build an action plan, assess your capabilities, identify negative and positive side business and solve financial issues.

It is important to understand that the slightest mistake can cause the business to fall apart. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the small details and features of the vape shop. Although there are no fundamental differences between this area and other areas, everything works according to the same principle. The enterprise requires investment, time, effort and money!

Risk assessment

To organize the opening of a store with electronic cigarettes, you need to assess the risks that could harm the business. First of all, you need to analyze the market, determine the number of competitors, and then calculate the costs. But everywhere you need your own order.

Using an assessment test, it is possible to answer the question: are there prospects for this area? This means will there be income from the sale of vapes in a certain region or area? You can also evaluate your own offer on the market: originality, individuality and creativity.

Testing the scope of activity

In order to understand the valuation of your business, you need to study the characteristics that affect the development of the store:

  1. A vape shop must not only win the trust of customers, but also demonstrate its attractiveness. Orders must be fulfilled quickly, so first you need to purchase a large batch of electronic devices, liquids, etc.
  2. A businessman must understand how large the electric cigarette market is. As a rule, in this case, competitors who sell similar products are analyzed.
  3. Each client of a vape store is willing to pay a certain amount for electronic cigarettes, so it is worth assessing the financial capabilities of consumers. Having collected all the information, you can set optimal prices for devices.
  4. Assessing marketing costs will help you understand how much money is needed to open a specialized pavilion. To clarify this issue, you need to do the following:
  • Find a suitable premises and rent for a year. The main thing is that the store is in a crowded place.
  • Buy wholesale original products that are popular in society.
  • Create marketing plan and conduct an advertising campaign. Advertising will show all the advantages of the store and attract interested parties (clients, partners, customers).

It is in these ways that it is better to stimulate sales of electrical devices, since most often vape shops are small businesses.

By adhering to the development strategy of a company or store, the business will flourish, increasing its customer base.


If a businessman knows everything about vaping and also thinks about connecting his life with an electronic cigarette store, then success is guaranteed. Every business action must be evaluated, otherwise problems may arise in the future.

In any case, before you organize your own business, you need to remember that there are no instant results. Almost all successful entrepreneurs started from scratch and moved towards their goal gradually, step by step, working despite life's problems. The modern dynamic market respects strong and purposeful people who are not afraid of difficulties. In order to avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to monitor new products, visit forums and be interested in innovations. Thus, you can achieve high results in the vape field.

An electronic cigarette store as a business is a relevant enterprise that can bring good, stable profits. Setting up a store does not take much time, does not require special knowledge or large investments at the start. The only obstacle may be high level competition in this area of ​​business. But a quality product, competent price policy, and a clear business plan for the sale of electronic cigarettes will be the key to creating a successful and profitable enterprise.

Business idea indicators:

  • Starting investments - from 250,000 rubles.
  • Market saturation is high.
  • The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

Advantages of a business idea

The number of Russians trying to lead healthy image life increases every year. The state, for its part, is doing everything possible: increasing excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol products, promoting sports. Increasing prices for tobacco products make people refuse to buy them. But quitting smoking is very difficult. Electronic cigarettes, which have long gained popularity in European countries and the United States, come to the rescue.

The advantage of electronic cigarettes is:

  • efficiency;
  • no odor or resin;
  • eliminating the effect of passive smoking.

When organizing a business on electronic cigarettes, you first need to determine the target audience. Potential clients are people aged 25 to 40 years with stable psychological dependence from nicotine. According to statistics, of the 70 million Russians who smoke, 65% of smokers are men and 35% are women. Of these, 75% cannot quit smoking on their own.

The above statistics indicate that wholesale trade Electronic cigarettes are a completely feasible and cost-effective enterprise.

What is an electronic cigarette: description of the device

An electronic cigarette is a vapor-generating device that replaces a regular cigarette. The shape of the device can be different: cigarette, cigar, pipe. The basis of the device is a heat generator, equipped with a nichrome-plated spiral inside. When heated, steam is converted into thick mass, completely simulating tobacco smoke.

Those who want to open a store selling electronic cigarettes from scratch should know that in Russia the production of electronic cigarettes is certified. The products are manufactured in full compliance with international standards.

Stages of opening an electronic cigarette store

An entrepreneur organizing a business on electronic cigarettes must:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • choose a taxation regime: UTII or simplified tax system;
  • draw up a business plan with calculations.

After this you can start organizational issues: renting retail space, recruiting personnel, purchasing equipment, purchasing goods, etc.

Organization of a retail outlet

The success of a business selling electronic cigarettes directly depends on the location of the outlet. The place for selling electronic cigarettes and related products should be chosen very carefully. The most suitable places for a store selling such products are shopping and entertainment centers located in prestigious areas.

Electronic cigarettes are sold in the pavilion. The product is placed on the display window. You should be careful when installing a billboard above a store. Russian legislation There are certain restrictions on advertising of tobacco and alcohol products.

Significant profits can be made by selling e-liquids, consumables and other related products.

Business development plan

When drawing up a business plan for an electronic cigarette store, it is necessary to calculate the possible profit received under certain conditions. To do this, you need to calculate the approximate number of people passing by the pavilion every day. For example, if during a certain time (for example, 1-2 hours) about 300 people pass by a store, then 200 of them will pay attention to the display window, 150 will be interested in the product, only 50 people will ask to see a cigarette, and only 5 of them will buy device.

Trade overlap on e-cigarettes averages 45-50%. To attract customers, you should not reduce the markup. You can develop a discount system, introduce different shapes payments and periodically arrange promotions.

Ways to make money on electronic cigarettes

Before opening an electronic cigarette store, it is advisable to choose a way to make a profit. There are several types of earnings from selling such devices.

Sales of electronic cigarettes

You can purchase goods in European countries, America, China and from wholesalers in the Russian Federation. The price of an electronic cigarette ranges from 350 rubles. and higher. Having purchased the cheapest option for testing, clients often return and purchase more expensive devices. The cost of products is influenced by the following factors:

  • manufacturer;
  • product quality;
  • design;
  • electronic “stuffing”.

Trade in components

Fans of electronic cigarettes are similar to users of modern gadgets who are constantly upgrading their devices. Therefore, the sale of spare parts or additional parts will bring a certain profit. In addition, some elements periodically fail. Selling well the following types goods: automizer, battery pack, mouthpiece, battery, etc. The larger the assortment, the greater the interest of customers in the store.

Sales of liquid for cigarettes

Selling e-liquid will bring good profit, because this is the composition that is smoked when using the device. You can purchase refills wholesale in the online store, at retail trade it will cost 35-50% more. If you want to mix liquids yourself, mixing rules can be found on the Internet. By the way, many device users do the refilling themselves. Therefore, along with the finished liquid, you can sell the components of the composition.

Opening an online store

Profitable way of implementation finished products— an online store of electronic cigarettes that allows you to save on renting premises, staff salaries, and advertising.

An algorithm for organizing an enterprise for those who do not know how to open an online e-cigarette store:

  • First of all, the domain is purchased;
  • then the website is created;
  • contracts are concluded with suppliers;
  • The store is promoted through advertising on the Internet.

To organize an online store you will need a little perseverance and a relatively small amount of money (from 50,000 rubles)

Finding responsible suppliers is very important. A large number of electronic cigarettes sold on the Russian market are manufactured in China. The quality of products from the Middle Kingdom can vary, so the choice of manufacturer must be approached with special attention.

Enterprise financial plan

Daily revenue will be about 15,000 rubles. Per month - 450,000 rubles. Trade Overlay - 45%

Approximate consumption:

  • tax - about 2,000 rubles;
  • contributions - 1,300 rubles;
  • rent (2-4 m2) - 10,000 rubles;
  • advertising - about 2,000 rubles;
  • additional expenses - 3,000 rubles.

The amount of costs is 18,300 rubles.

The wholesale cost of products purchased for a month is 240,000 rubles. Monthly expense is 258,300 rubles. With revenue of 450,000 rubles. profit will be 191,700 rubles. per month. The profitability of the outlet is 40%.

When choosing ways to make money on electronic cigarettes, you should remember that the greater the range of products presented in the store, the greater the revenue, and therefore the profitability of the outlet. You can significantly increase the profit of a store selling electronic cigarettes by adding related products, which in this case include: components for devices, refills, liquid components for electronic cigarettes, and much more.

Another effective way increase profits - making liquid with your own hands. It is important to observe the ratio of the components of the composition and use only high-quality ingredients.

Organizing a store selling electronic cigarettes is not difficult, the main thing is to determine the target audience, choose the right location and draw up a competent business plan for the enterprise, clearly showing all the positive and negative aspects of the idea.

Opening a car oil store is not difficult. Naturally, for this you need to collect all the necessary documents, find appropriate place for trade, arrange everything correctly, purchase goods. In order to open your own business, you will also need some starting capital. Let's look at all the questions in order.

What documents should you collect?

Before opening a car oil store, you will definitely need to register as a private entrepreneur. That is, in order to work you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Permit for trade in substances with increased fire hazard and license.
  2. Agreement for the sale or lease of premises.
  3. All permits from regulatory authorities: fire and sanitary-epidemiological services.
  4. Certificates of quality of products sold.
  5. Documents confirming registration with the tax authorities.
  6. Sketches of store signs, seals and stamps.

Naturally, you should also draw up a plan for evacuating employees and customers in the event of an emergency. Do not forget that the institution must be equipped cash register. Naturally, you must have technical passports of the devices being sold. Each employee must have a health certificate.

If, in addition to selling motor oils, you will be replacing them, then you will also need an agreement on the removal and disposal of garbage and used containers. It is also advisable to have a list of the products that you will sell.

Features of choosing a building

Before opening a car oil store, you should carefully consider its location. That is, you need to evaluate the area where you want to organize the sale of goods - what kind of competition is there, is the supplier close, how visited can it be? a store. Please ensure that the building is visible and easily accessible. It must have good access so that you can easily deliver the goods to the point of sale. You have the opportunity to rent retail space in a business center or build a separate building.

The room dimensions are great importance, since you will have to divide it into several rooms. For example, in addition to the sales floor itself, there must be an office for the manager (store manager) and a warehouse. It is advisable to equip a room for staff. If, in addition to selling, you will also be doing oil changes, then it is best to rent a separate building with a garage.

The premises must meet all sanitary and fire safety standards. As for communications, the building must have good electrical wiring, water and sewerage, as well as telephone communications and the Internet.

Personnel and equipment

Before opening a car oil store, you should definitely decide on the number of personnel, their qualifications and experience. An important point are the personal qualities of sales consultants and managers. Employees must be sociable, pleasant to talk to, be able to attract the client, tell him about the product, and advise the best option.

Every employee must be honest and responsible. In addition, everyone should know the basic rules for handling liquids that can be easily flammable. If you cannot choose personnel yourself, use the services of professional managers.

As for equipment, before opening a car oil store, you need to place various racks, cabinets, display cases, and shelves in the sales area. The quality and quantity of furniture depends on the size and operating principle of the institution: the goods are issued by the seller or the buyer has the opportunity to choose what he needs independently. Please note that all equipment must be combined with the interior of the room.

Selecting suppliers and attracting clients

In order for your stores selling auto oils to generate stable good income, you need to choose a truly high-quality supplier of goods that has a good reputation. It is important to find a company with which you can cooperate for a long time. Naturally, you must enter into an agreement with the selected supplier. The document will set out all the requirements and conditions of both parties. The cost of purchasing the goods is immediately determined.

To attract customers you need a bright, beautiful sign, good attitude to customers and excellent advertising campaign. This mission is best left to professionals. Although you can also use advertising space in transport, newspapers, and the Internet.

Cost of opening a business

Now let’s present an approximate business plan for a car oil store. In order to open it from scratch, you will have to spend the following funds:

  • registration of all necessary documents- up to 1000 dollars;
  • premises rental - from 3000 USD monthly (together with utilities);
  • purchase of goods - from $5,000 per month;
  • advertising and store promotion - from 2000 USD;
  • employee salary - from $3,000 monthly;
  • other expenses - from $1000 per month.

The payback period for the project is about one and a half years.

We welcome your comments!

How to open a vape bar and earn half a million rubles a month

Vape, as an element of a special subculture, has rapidly gained popularity, turning from a fun toy that tobacco companies were not perceived as a competitor, in full product. Soon an entire industry began to work around him.

However, not only representatives of the concerns that own the rights to this invention, or retailers, can make money on vapes and vapers. Experts believe that the niche of themed establishments for vapers - bars and cafes with a large selection of accessories and devices, as well as related services - has at least two important advantages. It's less competitive than traditional bars and cafes, and the growing number of vapers guarantees a steady stream of customers.

The first vape bars in Russia began to appear in the capital, but now establishments are actively opening in the provinces. One of them is the Mortar Vape vape bar in Barnaul, and its owner Ekaterina Oseledchenko spoke about the specifics of her business.

Borrowed a model

Vape bars, in essence, are no different from hookah bars, but they are focused on the use of electronic cigarettes. The first such establishments opened in London and New York. The companies' mission was to "introduce traditional cigarette smokers to the benefits of vaping and create a vibrant space that will be comfortable for cultural representatives."

At the end of 2016, there were about 200 vape bars operating in Moscow. In the provinces things were somewhat different. Even in cities with a population of over a million, the number of establishments was measured not in hundreds, but in dozens. In small regional centers the niche was practically empty.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “I decided to open the Mortar Vape vape bar in Barnaul in the spring of 2016. At that time, there were vape shops in the city where you could purchase a device or conduct a tasting of compositions for electronic cigarettes, but this format no longer seemed sufficient to us. “I wanted to create a themed establishment where vapers could not only “vape” without any restrictions, without fear of reprisals or dissatisfaction from other visitors to the establishment, but also get together with a group, drink coffee or drinks from the bar, listen to music and just have a good time.”

It took Ekaterina a little more than three months to open the establishment. The first task that had to be solved was the selection of premises for the bar. It had to be located in the city center, close to the potential audience. It should be noted that Mortar Vape is aimed at young people from 20 to 30 years old. Therefore, the choice of a hall located near a transport interchange near three universities at once was very successful.

The second important and very capital-intensive task that our heroine faced before the opening was the development corporate identity and naming.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “Firstly, we needed to differentiate ourselves from vape shops so that the bar would not be associated with a store of a similar focus. This was not an easy task. The vape shop niche is more developed, so finding a unique design and choosing a name whose elements would not coincide with anything already in use was quite difficult.”

Developing the design and name took almost a month. The renovation of the premises took two months. It was not a cosmetic, but a real full-fledged renovation and equipment was installed - additional hoods, a bar counter, commercial equipment, a stage for concerts, and furniture was purchased.

Branding covered all elements of the bar. A uniform was developed for the staff, and logos were applied to all the dishes in the bar. Quite expensive and high-tech signs are mounted at the entrance and in the VIP area. Their design is a special pride of the owner.

Specialists were involved to develop the design of the premises and naming, but the name was subsequently invented independently. Mortar Vape is an expression from American construction slang, it means “a tank of solution.” Ekaterina believes that it successfully played on the theme of electronic cigarettes and large quantity various flavors of liquids that are offered in the establishment.

Simultaneously with the arrangement of the premises, our heroine was looking for suppliers of high-quality vapes, liquids and consumables. The choice was between Chinese, European and American manufacturers. We settled on the latter - the highest quality, but at the same time quite expensive.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “The market is filled with the same electronic cigarettes and devices from Aliexpress, but vapers have their own gradation of these devices. In youth parlance, vaping with a Chinese electronic cigarette is “not cool,” but having an American device is quite prestigious. As a result, the most solvent audience from the entire niche comes to us. In addition, we are insured against risks. The network is filled with videos that very clearly show how Chinese devices explode in the hands of users.”

Special attention was paid to personnel selection. People were sought among professional vapers, because a person must understand the topic, devices, manufacturers, liquids, and consumables. The person must be able to use a vape and speak the same language with the client. Today the company has 11 people on staff.

Shows and battles

Initially, the bar’s operating model was presented to the owners as follows: young people could come to the bar, try a device or liquid and purchase the ones they liked. Along the way, the client could drink coffee or strong drinks. However, after some time it became clear that it was necessary to work more carefully on the internal content of the establishment.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “The youth needed to be entertained with something. Clients from this niche cannot be retained by simple gatherings, such as, for example, older people. We began to organize various concerts, rap battles and other events that were interesting to young people. By that time I already had experience (Ekaterina Oseledchenko is the owner and director of the oldest company in Altai, specializing in organizing business events. – Ed.). We found partners - a recording studio, which took upon itself the selection of such entertainment content. It should be noted that the goal was achieved. During concerts, which are held several times a week, the bar is completely full. On such days, 100-110 people come to visit us. A room with an area of ​​110 square meters can no longer accommodate more.”

The main method of promoting the establishment, according to the owner, is the reputation of a fashionable youth place to relax, which vapers tell each other about. The establishment does not have large advertising budgets. The group on the social network VKontakte also works well, in which this moment About one and a half thousand participants are registered. With the help of this communication channel, concerts, the arrival of new liquids with different flavors and devices, competitions and promotions are announced. The group was given Special attention. There are several reasons for this.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “Firstly, our audience is primarily users of this social network. Secondly, the social network is a fairly trusted resource that search engines “love”. Therefore, we easily managed to reach the top of Google for a number of queries that were important to us. Thirdly, the development and support of the group does not require any large financial investments. This is important, since minimizing costs is very important for a new business.”

Ekaterina does not hide the cost structure that was required when opening the bar. Funds in the amount of one and a half million rubles were spent to start the project. 500 thousand were taken on credit. Most of them were spent on rent, repairs, development and implementation of a corporate identity, purchase and installation of equipment. According to our heroine, the project should pay off within two years. Now Mortar Vape brings in from 300 to 500 thousand rubles in monthly revenue. Operating costs currently amount to about 150 thousand rubles, another 100 thousand are invested in goods - alcoholic drinks, devices, liquids and consumables for vapes. By the way, the sale of some of the items listed is carried out with a fourfold added value.

The company's development plans are quite ambitious. Ekaterina talks about two directions: the start of production of her own line of vape liquids with original aromas and flavors and the imminent start of franchise sales.

Ekaterina Oseledchenko: “I am sure that the franchise will be in demand among potential partners - it’s easier to use finished product than solving rather labor-intensive tasks on your own. A franchise will allow you to get a ready-made operating business with minimal costs and proven operating schemes. Now the proposal is being developed, the amounts of royalties and “entrance” fees are being clarified.”

Mortar Vape bar in facts and figures

Starting investments

1 million 500 thousand rubles.

Corporate identity development and naming

100 thousand rubles.

Renovation of premises, purchase of equipment and furniture

700 thousand rubles.

Renting premises

30 thousand rubles.

Purchase of cash register equipment and automation

100 thousand rubles.

Initial purchase of goods

400 thousand rubles.

Various organizational and incidental expenses

About 150 thousand rubles.

Operating costs, including replenishment of assortment

250 thousand rubles.


Within 30%.

Project payback period


Vape (electronic cigarette, device – slang) – electronic device, creating a highly dispersed aerosol (steam) intended for inhalation (inhalation). Can be used both as a nicotine delivery device (ENDS) and for inhaling flavored vapor without nicotine. Steam is created due to the evaporation of a specially prepared liquid from the surface of the heating element and is similar in appearance to tobacco smoke. The device can be made in the most various forms, including in forms similar to a regular cigarette or a smoking pipe. The established terms for the process of using electronic cigarettes are vaping or vaping.

Disclaimer. The editors of Thirst magazine declare that this material is not an advertisement for vaping, vaping accessories, or a call to use them. Vaping will not help you achieve social recognition, athletic or personal success. In addition, the use of vaping cannot be regarded as harmless or less harmful than smoking. The material describes exclusively the business model of the establishment that sells vapes and accessories.