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Corporate identity of a hotel for animals. Hotel for animals as a business. Costs and estimated profit

About every third Russian (76%, according to VTsIOM) has a pet. In total there are about 20 million dogs and 35 million cats in the country - and there are also turtles, parrots, aquarium fish, Guinea pigs and other living creatures. Against the backdrop of people’s stable attachment to their “little brothers,” the pet market is also rapidly developing. IN major cities New pet boutiques, veterinary clinics, grooming salons, as well as foster care centers and hotels for animals are regularly opened.

In Russia, pet hotels arose at the beginning of the 21st century and quickly became popular. A pet owner planning a trip for several days or more can leave the pet in a facility where it will be provided with care, food, and leisure.

Currently, there are more than 200 pet hotels registered in the Zooboking.com database, most of which are in megacities. High demand during the holiday period - from May to September - and in new year holidays. The annual turnover of a 25-bed animal hotel with an average daily price of 300 rubles is about one and a half million rubles; maintaining the hotel costs approximately 600,000 rubles. The experience of “pet hoteliers” shows that business is most profitable in large cities, where wages are high, the pace of life is intense, and there are many travel enthusiasts.

What services are provided at the pet hotel?

The standard package of services is presented in the table.

Table No. 1. Popular services and average market prices.

Service name

average price

Cat foster care

400 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing 1-10 kg

650 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing 10-25 kg

750 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing more than 25 kg

850 rubles/day

Overexposure of hamsters and guinea pigs

150 rubles/day

Fostering ferrets and rabbits

300 rubles/day

Bird care

250 rubles/day

50-250 rubles

Price depends on the problem


700-1500 rubles

Delivery of the animal from home to the hotel and back

Price depends on distance

The cost of overexposure includes the following services:

  1. Regular veterinary examination.
  2. Providing food and access to water.
  3. Bathing the pet. Usually carried out on the 7th day of your stay at the hotel.
  4. Ear cleaning.
  5. Eye treatment.
  6. Regular brushing.
  7. Walking according to schedule.
  8. Sanitary and hygienic procedures.
  9. Informing the owner about the condition of the animal.

Many hotels arrange rooms or boxes for pets and create a feeding and walking schedule according to the client’s preferences. Additional services may include haircuts and dietary menu planning.

Pet hotel formats

There are no clear requirements for a pet hotel from regulatory authorities, so when choosing a format you need to be guided by a business development strategy.

The most common types of hotels for animals:

  1. Mini-hotel in private apartment. A great option for an apartment owner who wants to make money. In conditions limited area content large dogs will cause certain difficulties, and small animals create noise, which annoys the neighbors. The apartment is suitable for keeping cats, decorative dogs, parrots, hamsters. To avoid conflicts with the residents of the house, sound insulation and ventilation will be required.
  2. A private house. You can keep any animals in the house and create the best conditions for them to stay without their owners. From a profit point of view, it is good if it is located within the city or not far from it. It would be ideal if there was a fenced area for enclosures and walking.
  3. A separate building in a residential or central area. Convenient format (neighbors will have no complaints), but you will have to spend money on rent.

The hotel can be regular, VIP-class or combined - combining standard and luxury rooms.

A regular pet hotel means a room with cages for cats and dogs. This format is popular in sparsely populated cities. The average daily price is 300 rubles (price does not include meals).

VIP rooms are cost-effective in megacities, where you can attract an audience with above-average income. Here, as in a hotel for people, they offer deluxe and junior suite rooms. Luxury rooms have more space (from 7 to 10 m² for cats and from 15 to 20 m² for dogs) and more comfortable conditions(houses for animals, exercise equipment, comfortable places to sleep). Some establishments install video surveillance, allowing customers to monitor their pets remotely. The average price of a day in a junior suite is from 700 rubles, in a suite - from 1,500 rubles.

Let's look at how to open a hotel for animals and what is needed for this.

Documentation and permission

To legally register a business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, you need to find a room and prepare it for inspections by the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

The client of the pet hotel is provided with an agreement with mutual rights and obligations. There are holding centers that operate without a contract. But they do not give the client guarantees that his pet will be provided with decent conditions during the entire period of foster care.

Registration and obtaining permits will cost about 20,000 rubles.


You will need not only a room of considerable size, but also an adjacent area for walking animals and setting up enclosures.

On renovation work and the arrangement of the rooms requires about 500,000 rubles. It is also necessary to organize water supply and baths for bathing animals. Walls should be decorated with environmentally friendly materials.

This project of a hotel for animals involves conducting activities in a 2-story building with a yard. It is located in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants. The hotel has 45 places for cats and dogs, and there are also places for small animals. Cats, rodents, birds, and other small pets are located on the second floor, on the first floor and in the courtyard there are rooms for dogs. The rent will be 200,000 rubles per month. Utility costs - 20,000 rubles.

The business plan for the pet hotel assumes the following rooms:

  • five VIP rooms for dogs and cats;
  • five rooms for setting up enclosures;
  • two rooms for rodents;
  • medical office;
  • five bathrooms (2 baths each).

It is necessary to build enclosures with stable fences in the yard. Remember: if the animal escapes, the owner has the right to sue.

Table No. 2. The area of ​​enclosures depending on the size of the dogs


Minimum staff with calculations wages described in the table below.

Table No. 3. Pet hotel staff


Number (persons)





Animal Control Officer

Customer Relations Manager/Marketing Manager

Grooming master

You can entrust accounting to an outsourcing company and handle deliveries yourself.

Animal hotel equipment

Table No. 4. Necessary equipment



Aviaries (indoor, indoor)

Houses for cats

Beds for cats

Feed cabinet

Scratching posts for cats

Accessories (dishes, toys, muzzles, collars, etc.)

Rodent cages

Bird cages

Carriers for cats

Marketing and advertising

To attract customers and ensure a good reputation, it is important to approach advertising campaign as responsibly as possible. You will need a high-quality website with photographs of rooms and enclosures, detailed description services and advantages of your pet hotel, customer reviews. Also groups on social networks, announcements on forums, in thematic communities, on advertising and news portals, in print media.

Install a bright, beautiful sign that attracts the attention of passersby. You can order advertising on a billboard in the area where the hotel is located.

An effective and free marketing tool is barter advertising. You post your flyers in pet stores, veterinary clinics, and other places that pet owners frequent. The owners of the listed establishments leave their advertisements in your hotel.

You can develop a reward system (promotions, Special offers, discount cards), which will increase the loyalty of the target audience.

Financial plan: calculations of profitability and payback

First, let's determine the amount of the initial investment.

20,000 (collection of documents) + 200,000 (rent) + 500,000 (improvement of the house and territory) + 395,000 (equipment) + 20,000 (feed) + 60,000 (advertising) + 20,000 (transport and other expenses) = 1 215,000 rubles

Now let's calculate monthly expenses.

20,000 (utilities) + 340,000 (salaries) + 20,000 (taxes) + 20,000 (feed, medical supplies etc.) + 10,000 (advertising) = 410,000 rubles

The planned average check per day from one client is 600 rubles. When fully loaded (45 seats), the daily income is 27,000 rubles. It’s easy to calculate your monthly income:

27,000 * 30 days = 810,000 rubles

Net profit per month (minus fixed expenses) will be 400,000 rubles.

Table No. 5. Financial calculations

This is the “ideal” payback period. In fact, it may take more time to promote your business, “gain” a reliable reputation and occupy a stable position in the niche.

If the demand for services is high, you can safely raise prices by 10% during the season.

Pet hotel franchise: is it worth buying?

Since the business requires significant start-up capital and taking into account many details, the help of a competent franchisor will come in handy. Thanks to his practical experience and knowledge of the market, he will help you pass inspections, select and prepare premises, purchase equipment and feed from reliable suppliers at adequate prices, as well as select and train personnel, and develop a marketing policy. If the franchise brand is well promoted, it will be easier for you to attract customers.

If you are a beginner and do not have strong confidence in your abilities, use a franchise when opening a pet hotel.


Compose detailed business pet hotel plan and conduct careful market monitoring - then you will cover all possible services that are of interest to pet owners.

Here's what can become an obstacle in business:

  • bad location;
  • low quality of service;
  • negligence in drawing up the contract and assumed obligations;
  • lack of marketing strategy.
If you own your own home, costs will be significantly reduced. In this case, your position in the market will be more stable.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Enough a large number of people have their own pets, which they take care of and pay a lot of attention to. However, there are situations when owners are forced to leave and therefore are not able to care for their pet. This can happen for absolutely any reason: a business trip, a long-awaited vacation, an illness requiring inpatient treatment, a trip to relatives and the like. In this case, the animal must be constantly supervised and receive appropriate care. In this case, the owners sometimes turn to neighbors or relatives living nearby, but this is not always possible. In this regard, it may be relevant to open your own hotel for animals. This type of business appeared relatively recently in this country, but the number of players is constantly growing, which indicates good prospects and great opportunities for such an undertaking.

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Not in all even relatively large cities you can find hotel services for animals today. At the same time, quite often such hotel business combined with an animal shelter and veterinary clinic, allowing owners to offer more wide range services, placing your entire enterprise on one territory. An aspiring entrepreneur must assess the market situation in order to know about competitors’ offers and their strengths and weaknesses, this will allow him to offer potential clients something new, and in this direction there are many opportunities for additional services. Thus, the level of competition in most cases cannot be called critical, and players already operating in the market can easily lose their positions only if they do not offer their clients the services of a truly large hotel.

However, some competition for entrepreneurs who decide to open a full-fledged business based on sheltering animals for a while can come from private individuals who, for a much lower fee, are willing to care for someone else’s animal, guaranteeing the abandoned pet virtually the same conditions as at home. The main disadvantage of private individuals is the conclusion of an informal agreement, which means legal point in view of complete avoidance of responsibility in the event of illness or even death of an animal left in care. Private individuals in in rare cases can also provide veterinary care, provide proper nutrition; Moreover, such a person cannot always find the right approach to the animal, which only a professional dog handler can always do. However, such individuals who have been engaged in foster care for a long time (this is what temporary care for someone else’s animal is called, and this term is used by both professionals and amateurs themselves) can open their own hotel because they already have some reputation and a certain client base, which will allow It’s much faster for them to start a business and grow it. In this case, the competitive advantage will be precisely the professional approach and the conclusion of official contracts, which, of course, entails full responsibility for the entrusted animal, but allows you to attract more and more consumers.

To start your work, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. The easiest way is to register as individual entrepreneur, because it will not require large financial costs, it will take a little time and effort. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then the preferred form is a limited liability company, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, allowing you to transfer to the state no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating profit. The situation is somewhat more complicated if a veterinary hospital is opened on the basis of a hotel, because in this case it will be necessary to obtain many permits and comply with certain working conditions, including placing your shelter at a certain distance from residential buildings. Even though most pet hotels are located on the outskirts or even outside of cities, sometimes this can be inconvenient. More detailed information about the opening veterinary clinic provided in the corresponding article. To open just the hotel itself, you do not need to obtain any special permits or licenses, and therefore most entrepreneurs provide outsourcing veterinary services to their clients. The activity itself falls under the definition of (OKPD 2) 75.0 Veterinary services and (OKPD 2) 96.09 Other personal services not included in other groups.

An important point in organizing your business is finding a territory to locate a hotel. As already noted, often hotels for animals are located on the outskirts of the city, where there is fresh air and a lot of open space for walking animals.

Other factors that determine the location of a hotel away from residential buildings include banal sanitary and environmental requirements. You just need to take into account that the site must be really large, because the work will require several rooms, an area with enclosures and a walking area. Often one animal hotel occupies a site of several hectares, although it can be located on several acres of land if you do not plan to take care of a large number of animals. The size of the plot is ultimately determined by the entrepreneur himself, depending on his requirements and the planned volume of work, as well as the presence or absence of additional services, because the shelter and veterinary clinic require their own buildings and adjacent territory.

If there are opportunities and financial resources, then it is better to buy the territory as a property, while its location does not imply such a high price as, for example, in central regions cities. It is optimal to find an abandoned territory of some kind kindergarten or camps, because such organizations are initially built with the expectation of a large plot of land and the construction of several buildings with their subsequent arrangement.

In this way you can get good territory with an established infrastructure, and you will only have to invest funds for the repair of premises and buildings. If there is no opportunity to buy such real estate, then you can consider options for renting premises and territory, but in this case you will have to include a fairly large amount of funds in your monthly expenses.

If suitable real estate is not available, then it is necessary to find a good plot of land, large in size, and construct the necessary buildings. The minimum required is an administrative block, in which all organizational issues are resolved, has its own warehouse and kitchen, as well as premises for housing small animals (primarily rodents), birds and reptiles. In addition, buildings are being built to organize your own animal shelter and veterinary clinic, if this is provided for in the business plan. The cost of constructing the necessary buildings will cost several million rubles, and, incidentally, the purchase of a ready-made territory with infrastructure will also cost a lot.

Ready ideas for your business

The next stage of planning is equipping your territory and premises. Here you will also have to invest a lot of money; however, the amount may vary depending on the work format chosen. The simplest hotel is one that accepts only cats and dogs (or only cats or only dogs) for foster care, but does not have the capacity to accommodate a large number of animals. In this case, it is necessary to equip insulated enclosures outdoors and cages indoors, and often, if there are few animals, small ones are allowed into the premises without being kept in a pen. However, often hotels are still focused on a fairly large number of pets at the same time, while accepting for a time not only the main animal partners, but also all others. These are rodents: mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs; birds, reptiles and even arachnids. Each of these types of animals requires its own conditions of keeping and care, and there must be a specialist who monitors them and provides them with everything they need.

Of course, the most difficult thing is to allocate and arrange places for cats and dogs (the likelihood that someone will bring in another difficult-to-keep animal, for example, a crocodile or a hippopotamus of some kind, is critically small); all other small animals are placed in special racks, chamber by chamber. The main thing here is to monitor the condition of the animal and give it food at a certain time, reptiles in general, for the most part, lie quietly all day long, if only they fed them, arachnids feel great within the terrarium, the main thing is to make sure that the huge spider does not crawl out, because then there is not only the risk that he would be crushed, but also that a couple of people would faint.

Ready ideas for your business

With all small animals there are much fewer problems, but they are also not brought to the hotel so often, but it is still necessary to have a place for them. To do this, you will have to allocate a rather large room; one stand for about 20 small animals is half a meter wide, two meters long and two and a half meters high; more passages are needed between them, and their proper placement is important. The cost can vary greatly depending on the characteristics (additional lighting, climate control, heating, automatic feeders), but one rack is unlikely to cost more than 100 thousand rubles.

Next, enclosures are equipped, and they differ not only in size, but also in internal equipment. It is advisable to immediately order the installation of heating devices, because otherwise it will be impossible to keep animals there in winter. The cost of one enclosure for a small dog is 25-40 thousand rubles, but for large animals more expensive devices are needed. They cost approximately 60 thousand rubles. In general, you can find cheaper enclosures, and many hotels even offer their clients different level service and comfort for animals. If you want your pet to live in royal apartments, pay extra money. If you buy enclosures and order their installation in bulk, it will be slightly cheaper per unit of production. Cats can be kept in relatively small cages, providing the animal with relatively a lot of space and everything necessary for living.

Some particularly advanced clinics even install video surveillance systems in each cage and enclosure so that the owner can monitor his pet in real time. Installing such a system requires additional expenses and maintenance costs, but clients appreciate it very much and are willing to shell out extra money.

In addition, you need to count on the equipment of a shelter and a veterinary clinic (if the decision was made to build them, of course), while the shelter is equipped approximately on the same principle as a hotel, only the level of comfort here is an order of magnitude lower, but a veterinary clinic is very complex undertaking. It will be very useful for hotels and shelters, but not all entrepreneurs can afford this line of activity. More details - again in the corresponding article.

Ready ideas for your business

An important issue is personnel selection. The first are administrative and service personnel; their direct boss will be the entrepreneur, only if he is not a veterinarian, for example. There will be few people here, but the exact number of employees is calculated depending on the size of the hotel. Can't do without help veterinarian, who, ideally, should be constantly on the territory or at least be able to arrive immediately upon request. Some hire final-year veterinary students to help the newbie gain experience (and require a lower salary). The veterinarian examines incoming animals, examines residents, and carries out treatment, including preventive treatment, if necessary. His services are initially included in the cost of the foster care service. If there is a veterinary clinic, all the necessary personnel are hired, from the chief veterinarian to cleaners and assistants.

By the way, it is worth noting that most hotels do not accept animals without a veterinary book or at least a health certificate. If a sick animal gets into the hotel, the infection can spread to other animals and even people - I don’t think it’s worth talking about the consequences. This is in best case scenario loss of a certain amount of money, and often reputation. Therefore, an incoming animal is examined at a veterinary clinic on site, if there is a clinic and if the owner has not taken care of this in advance.

Next, you need to make sure that animal specialists work at the facility. These are, first of all, dog handlers who can interact with other people’s animals and calm them down. To help them, people are hired to walk dogs, monitor free-roaming animals, ensure order, and monitor the condition of food and enclosures. Next staffing units– kitchen staff who prepare food. In this case, the owner is offered a choice - to buy food himself and leave it or pay for the kitchen services.

The hotel, as one could understand, offers a sufficient number of services. In addition to the accommodation itself, this includes food, games and walking, even training, additional mating services are also offered (which has nothing to do with the hotel at all), and veterinary services. The shelter can hardly be called a commercial activity; it is usually opened as a charity, accepting and giving away animals for free. In this type of business, such charity looks very organic. The cost of overexposure depends mainly on the size of the animal, as well as on the conditions of its keeping. The most difficult thing, perhaps, is with dogs, because they need a walk, dogs can fight with each other, sometimes even attack a person, they are always the most difficult. It is easier to adopt cats for foster care; they can only pose a serious danger to each other or to small animals such as birds and rodents, but they are usually kept in closed cages. In general, a hotel usually excludes as much contact between animals as possible, but, for example, dog walking is rarely carried out individually; usually several animals gather and go for a walk. Only an experienced dog handler can cope with this, because the dogs have crossed paths with each other before, and their reaction is difficult to predict.

A small dog is accepted into the hotel for 300-500 rubles per day, the cost per day for large breeds can reach up to 1000 rubles. Fostering a cat is a little cheaper or the same as for small dog. Rodents, reptiles and other spiders are taken for even less money, only if it is not a dangerous animal, although who keeps such animals at home... All additional services are discussed with the client additionally, and it is advisable to immediately inform the person by phone about the conditions of check-in and accommodation.

Such a business can operate in different formats. This article largely described a fairly large hotel with a shelter and a veterinary clinic, designed for a large number and a wide variety of animals. However, many companies operate in a different format, having no more than 10 places for animals, and only take dogs. You can start a business with this, so that you know in which direction it is better to move later.

Matthias Laudanum
(c) - portal of business plans and guides to starting a small business

Get current calculations for your business plan

  • What is important to know?
  • Selecting a room
  • Costs and payback
  • What documents are needed?

Pets often become a burden for their owners, especially when needed go on a business trip or on vacation. At the same time, organize proper care Caring for pets is not an easy task. If the neighbors agree to feed a cute, fluffy cat and clean the toilet after her, then the dog fighting breed will likely scare them away. In order for neighbors or acquaintances to agree to look after an animal, you need to be their best friends or be interested financially. But it’s not a fact that pet will receive normal care. Here the best solution will become a hotel for animals. We will tell you below how to open this business and how much it will cost.

What is important to know?

A business based on animal care seems quite simple matter, you only need a room, cages for keeping and various feeds. But in reality everything is much more complicated. A mini hotel for pets is a multi-level preparation for opening, requiring close attention in the future. These instructions will help you open a hotel for animals from scratch, using money wisely.

So, where to start preparing and organizing your business? And you need to start by assessing your capabilities, both physical and financial. You should not set your sights on implementing a large-scale project; first, it is advisable to open a hotel for 10–15 animals for cats or dogs.

Second important pointpractical experience, you also need to love this business. After all, in order to develop a business from scratch and save money for its further development, you will have to independently engage in leisure activities and feeding your pets. But you can hire a specialist, which will require additional opening costs - wages. Don't forget about employee taxes.

Attention! According to sanitary standards, it is impossible to open a hotel in an apartment in a multi-story building. The neighbors will definitely complain about constant noise And bad smell, which will lead to trouble. A hotel for animals in a residential building is a violation of sanitary standards, which will be the reason for its closure and payment of a fine.

Selecting a room

It is better to plan to open a hotel in a private house or an extension to it. For starters, 30–40 m2 will be enough. It is advisable to renovate the room, ensure its effective ventilation and equip it with a heating system. It can be central, autonomous or based on heaters. This is especially important for cats. These animals love warmth, especially Sphinxes; they freeze even in the heat. It is worth considering that walking is important for dogs, so a spacious yard will be a good help.

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If there is none, then it is advisable to open a pet hotel near parks or green spaces in the suburbs.

Costs and payback

On average, to open a hotel for animals you will need from 10,000 to 30,000 dollars. Moreover, in maximum amount included construction of premises from scratch it’s about $20,000. Experts recommend contacting construction organizations, but if you have the appropriate skills, you can build the structure yourself. This will help you save money. Care should be taken to create comfortable conditions for animals - division into zones, for example, for dogs and cats. This is necessary so as not to create a nervous situation; the hotel should not cause stress for pets.

The remaining $10,000 will go towards:

  1. Production of enclosures for animals, size 1,500×2000 mm. For small pets (cats or parrots) compact cages are suitable. All living spaces should be comfortable.
  2. Grooming equipment: toilets, feeding bowls, leashes, combs, although in most cases the owners bring everything of their own to make the animal feel comfortable.
  3. Disinfectants, detergents.
  4. Feed, vitamins.
  5. Advertising company, including creating your own simple website.
  6. Furniture: cabinets for storing feed and other equipment, chairs.
  7. Toys to brighten up the guests' leisure time.

The formation of a tariff plan will be important. To create the most favorable conditions, it is necessary to study the market (monitor pricing policy competitors), and take into account the cost of feed and other consumables. On average, a hotel for animals costs from 300 to 500 rubles per day. In this case, the business will pay off in 2-3 years, subject to 50% workload.

Attention! The weighted average price should be based on detailed calculations based on the regional economy and market conditions. Download a ready-made business plan for a hotel for animals you can from our trusted partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

You can offer discounts for the opening to attract customers. This is very important for business development and accelerating payback.

There are also prices for additional services, for 1 time:

  • combing – 40 rubles;
  • nail cutting – 270 rubles;
  • cleaning sour eyes – 50 rubles;
  • swimming – 300 rubles;
  • ear cleaning – 70 rubles.

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To avoid conflict situations, it is necessary to draw up an agreement with the owners, which will outline the provision of services step by step. It is also mandatory to go through a veterinarian before placing an animal in a hotel. This is necessary to avoid future claims from the owners if any disease is detected. You need to take these points into account in advance before opening a hotel.

What documents are needed?

Where to start registering a business? Immediately necessary open an individual entrepreneur on your own. For this you will need:

  1. Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs - form No. P21001. This is a 5-page document where you need to indicate the OKVED code. This is group 96 “Activities for the provision of other personal services” - hairdressing salons, beauty salons, foster care centers, hotels for animals.
  2. A receipt indicating payment of the state duty. Its size is 800 rubles.
  3. Copy of the passport.
  4. A statement defining the type of business taxation.

Applications and a copy of the passport must be certified by a notary if the entrepreneur does not submit documents in person. Instructions regarding possible options Submitting a package of documents is located on the official website of the fiscal authorities.

A hotel for animals, its opening does not require permission from the SES, only if it does not provide treatment and diagnosis of pets using special drugs and equipment.

Subsequently, in order to expand the business, you can organize a veterinary office at the hotel or open a VIP branch, but at the beginning of the activity it is better to enter into an agreement with clinics located nearby and limit yourself to standard services and equipment.

By the way, veterinary clinic business plan we discussed in the corresponding article, which you can read!

Opening a hotel for cats and dogs does not require significant investments; what is important is a love for this business and the ability to find mutual language with pets. Without such qualities, it will not be possible to organize your own business. This is a specific type of business. Now you know how to open a hotel for animals from scratch and how much it costs to organize such a business idea.

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A good idea for a part-time job from home for people who love pets. There are minimum requirements that must be met:

  • love to the animals;
  • having your own housing (apartment or house);
  • experience in keeping pets;
  • you shouldn't have children.

The main time for earning money is the summer months. Many pet owners go on vacation and during this period are forced to place their pets somewhere.

The most common animals are cats and dogs. Other “kept women” and “kept animals” include parrots, lizards, pigs, etc.

The cost of temporary pet boarding depends on the size of the pet.

For a day of private foster care for a cat, owners pay about 200 rubles. Food is not included in this price.

Prices for keeping a dog are higher – from 400 rubles/day.

When working with clients, it is very important to make a favorable impression, to make the pet owner believe that his pet will be in good hands during the owner’s departure.

Therefore, during the conversation, you need to inform the client that you have a positive experience of communicating with our smaller brothers, everything is available the necessary conditions to keep your pet, that you will be able to find an approach to it, feed it, water it, wash it and walk it on time, and minimize the risk of illness and injury.

If you have professional grooming or training skills, this can be an additional source of income.

Risks when working with animals

This business has its risks. One of the most common fears of a novice entrepreneur is that the animal may remain with him forever, and the previous owner will simply disappear after paying for a few days for the cat or dog to stay.

To insure yourself against dishonest people, it is recommended to draw up an agreement for the provision of temporary maintenance services (apartment foster care). In this case, you will have the passport details of the animal owner, based on which you can find the person. In addition, many pet hotels require a deposit, which is returned after the owner picks up the animal.

This agreement will be beneficial to both parties, since it stipulates the responsibilities of all parties to the transaction.

Pet by Russian legislation is considered the personal property of the owner, therefore, when transferring the pet and its subsequent return to the owner, a Transfer and Acceptance Certificate is signed.

Download standard contract for the provision of animal care services.

If you don't have an apartment, but own house, then you can provide aviary or kennel foster care services. In the first case, the puppy must already be 6 months old, and in the second - 1 year. In this case, the place where the animal is kept must be insulated and prevent the possibility of the animal leaving.

The contract must contain information about providing the animal with ammunition and feed, clauses on penalties and fines. When transferring an animal, the owner must inform about its properties and maintenance features.

In turn, under the contract, the entrepreneur is responsible for ensuring the safety of the health and life of the pet.

Activities for fostering dogs, cats and other animals are regulated by Chapters 47 and 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If you are planning to open a pet hotel and work as entity, then a license for this activity is not required. In addition to the Civil Code, the activities of pet hotels are regulated by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

How to open a pet hotel for cats and dogs

Opening a pet hotel is not much different from providing other services as an entrepreneur. To obtain official status for work, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC and select OKVED codes, corresponding to this activity.

For work, choose OKVED 01.42 - Provision of services in the field of animal husbandry, except veterinary services. This group includes the provision of services for keeping and caring for animals.

A pet hotel is, first of all, providing conditions for keeping and staff for care. It is advisable that you own a separate building with land plot away from schools and residential buildings.

To walk dogs and cats, feed them, wash them, etc., there must be a specially trained person who has similar work experience and loves animals.

In practice, either the entrepreneur himself and his relatives do this, or he attracts volunteers on a free basis.

Free channels for finding clients:

  • Notice boards (“Avito”, section “Services”).

Your first step may be to post an advertisement for dog or cat boarding services. This channel can bring you customers with some regularity (especially in summer period), if you constantly update the information. Both private individuals and pet hotels love to use it.

An example of placing an advertisement for the provision of temporary animal housing services.
  • Social media“VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, “Facebook”, “Instagram”.

A very convenient channel, if you know how to use it, is capable of receiving many requests from clients. However, it requires constant promotion work: posting content and attracting the target audience.

An example of a post in a group dedicated to the temporary keeping of animals.

It is important Feedback, speed of response to questions from group members or page subscribers, publication of real photos. Social networks inspire more trust (and this fact is extremely important for animal owners) because they see the person who will keep their pet, photographs of the living conditions, and reviews from other clients.

Paid (or conditionally paid) channels for finding clients:

  • Contextual advertising leading to your website or group on social networks.
  • Advertising publications on thematic websites or forums. Territorial proximity (one city, district) is of great importance.
  • Placing information in the premises of veterinary hospitals.
  • Agreements with the veterinarian to advertise your services.

As mentioned above, important in this type of business, he has a love for animals and experience working with them. This must be a calling, otherwise there is no point in doing this business.

Do you love animals and are able to take care of them? Then a pet hotel is a great business idea. For pet lovers, their hobby can be a source of good income.

The demand for hotels for dogs, cats and other pets is growing. Living in big cities, people often strive to have a pet. Our four-legged friends They love their owners selflessly, relieve stress and improve their mood. But at the same time, when the family goes on vacation or travel for several days, the question arises: What to do with the pet? After all, not every trip allows you to take a pet. In such a situation, a hotel for dogs and cats can become real way out out of a difficult situation.

Hotel for animals as a profitable business

Opening such a hotel, especially in a big city, will be a successful business idea. If you create a comfortable environment and are able to take care of the immediate needs of pets, then rest assured that you will not have any shortage of clients. But keep in mind, this business requires our vigilant attention 24 hours a day.

The advantage of this business is that you do not need special permits to create a hotel for pets. Experts working in this industry emphasize that to open this business you need to love animals and be able to take care of them. It is also important to have a suitable plot of land on which you can organize a hotel. Its location should be given Special attention. If you do not want to incur the displeasure of your neighbors, you should find a place away from residential buildings. Animals can make noise, often at night and in the morning, on weekends, and in order not to come into conflict with local residents, it is better to protect them from a troubled neighborhood.

The territory on which the hotel will be organized must be large enough. Here you will need to place several separate houses for animals, an area for walking pets and utility rooms.

Comfortable conditions for animals

No one in their right mind would leave their pet in a dirty, unsightly place. Majority modern dogs and cats are raised in their own homes. Thus, it is very important to create an environment close to home in the hotel.

Animal houses should be made of brick or wood. The house should have a removable roof, which will greatly facilitate cleaning, disinfection and ventilation. The door should be made of metal lattice. Thus, after a night's rest, the animal will be able to signal its needs and remain in the fresh air during the day.
The size of the house also matters. The minimum floor area of ​​a dog cage should be from 1 to 2 square meters, depending on the size of the four-legged guest, and a height from 60 to 140 cm. Appropriate conditions are created for cats. The minimum cage area should be between 0.5 and 1 square meter and a height of 50 cm. These are the minimum parameters, and if you have the ability to expand, this will undoubtedly please the animals, and therefore their owners.

Arrangement of “rooms” in the open air

Each pet cage should be equipped with containers for water and food. The issue of additional equipment must be agreed with the client. He might want to bring his pet's favorite blanket or pillow. Dogs are like children - the more things from their home around them, the easier acclimatization will be.

Another important point to consider when creating a hotel for animals is the organization of pet walking. This area should be fenced with a high fence to prevent animals from escaping. if you have appropriate place, then you can create a small dog pool. Many training and behavior experts emphasize the enormous importance of water for dogs and their therapeutic effect on the psyche of animals.

When taking responsibility for an animal, you should take into account the fact that deprivation of a family and familiar environment is a great stress for the pet. To defuse the situation, it will be useful to give animals toys and accessories that will make their life more enjoyable and fun.

Small but comfortable hotel, inspires more confidence

A cozy hotel for a dozen or so animals will probably please the owners more than a few dozen cramped cages. It is clear that it is extremely difficult to provide quality care to several dozen animals at the same time. Thus, it is optimal to take in about ten animals at a time. The client must be confident that his pet will be treated with due diligence and attention.

Before we move the pet into its future apartment, allow the client to become more closely acquainted with the conditions of his stay. When accepting pets into the hotel, proof of rabies vaccination must be required from the client. The animal should also be examined for condition and health and general well-being. After all, you don’t want a sick animal to cause an epidemic in the hotel?

You should also write down basic information about the pet - its habits and moments that can bring joy and pleasure to the pet. The more you learn, the easier it will be to take care of him.

Each resident must have their own individual luggage. Here's what he'll need:

  • favorite blanket, pillow
  • toys
  • delicacies if he gets them every day
  • food (experts recommend that during the separation of pets, especially dogs or cats, do not change their usual diet)

A special questionnaire should be prepared in which the owner of the animal will leave recommendations about the habits of the animal and the conditions of its detention. For your part, you must draw up a standard agreement regulating the rights and obligations of the parties.

The management of the boarding house should be entrusted to responsible employees, or this issue should be dealt with personally, with the support of the family. You must remember that animal care must take place 24 hours a day. It will also be important to establish cooperation with a veterinarian for unforeseen, emergency cases.

Income from the enterprise

The amount of income you can expect to earn depends on the number of animals you board and the region in which you work. Obviously, higher prices can be charged in close proximity to major cities. On average, caring for a dog will cost its owner $6-10 per day, caring for a cat will cost $5-7 per day.

When setting the price, additional services such as personalized cooking, daily brushing or extra care due to specific requirements must also be taken into account. In these cases, most often we are talking about aggressive dogs, or animals after illness.

Many boarding houses, in order to avoid troubles, try not to accept females and cats in heat, as well as overly aggressive animals. If you decide to adopt such pets, you must provide them with comfortable conditions and complete isolation from the rest of the hotel's inhabitants.

Accompanying services

Having created successful business while maintaining animals, you can provide other services, namely:

  • feeding and caring for cats, hamsters or canaries at the client’s home
  • walking the dogs daily, or on certain days
  • grooming dogs and cats

In the latter case, it will be necessary to prepare a special room with an area of ​​about 40-50 sq.m and invest additional funds for the purchase of special equipment, including:

  • Special table with adjustable height – $60-150
  • Several pairs of scissors - $35-80
  • Electric razor - $200-270
  • Dryer for dryer - $55-80

Experts estimate the investment in a pet hotel to be between $8,000 and $13,000, but they agree that the gamble is worth the candle. Services for keeping and caring for animals are in high demand, and the funds invested in this enterprise will pay off in less than a year.