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What documents are needed to transport crayfish. Detailed business plan for breeding crayfish at home - competition analysis, financial plan, assessment of project effectiveness. From words to deeds

Crayfish are an indicator of water pollution, because they are found where it is clean. For industrial scale they are not grown artificially, but are caught in wild conditions. Crayfish are found in warm rivers, such as the Volga, Don or Kama, and in lakes in Altai and Kazakhstan. Plus in winter we often sell Sevan crayfish, which live in the most famous lake in Armenia - Sevan. The state regulates crayfish catching, so supplying companies receive special permission for their activities. Poachers, of course, spoil the market. They catch crayfish with nets (allowed only with special crayfish traps), which greatly reduces the number of crayfish.

Another difficulty is that crayfish molt once or sometimes several times a year. And at this time, their catching is completely prohibited. During this period, they shed their old shell and begin to grow a new one. Cancer becomes soft and fragile - you can’t take something like that far, it will die on the road. And besides, they say that its taste becomes much worse. Typically, molting occurs in June - just the peak of demand for the Russian delicacy. We have to look for suppliers from areas where the crayfish are not yet in the molting period. These difficulties also affect the price; we, like all other sellers, raise prices. For example, this year they grew by 10%. After the molt ends, prices drop again. A gradual decline in prices has now begun due to the onset of the so-called big season, when crayfish are caught in large quantities in many Russian rivers. By the way, in winter, crayfish are also in the water, but they only descend to depth.

Crayfish are only boiled alive, so you need to be very careful when transporting them. They are transported by plane or by road in special compartments without water, in which a low positive temperature is maintained. There is no need to feed them, they are not a pet. In this state, crayfish can remain alive for about a week. I doubt the quality of those crayfish that swim in aquariums in supermarkets. Of course, they can live for two weeks or more, but such crayfish already lose their taste. You can buy such a delicacy and bring home a dead crayfish. We sell our crayfish in three to seven days.

Difficult product

Now we have two directions - retail and wholesale. Their ratio in terms of the number of orders is approximately 50 to 50, but maybe retail is a little stronger - after all, we specialized in it initially, and we began to develop wholesale about a year ago. Although if volumes are converted into kilograms, then wholesale outstrips retail. We supply crayfish to restaurants, bathhouses and beer stores. A good restaurant with a beer theme, such as Zhiguli on Novy Arbat, can consume up to 100 kilograms of crayfish per week. Depending on the season, we sell up to 1.5 tons per month to private clients and up to 2.5 tons to corporate clients. Company turnover in good months(summer and with a large number of holidays) can reach 5 million rubles, and the number of orders, including wholesale, ranges from 500 to a thousand per month.

Companies always order live crayfish, because boiled ones need to be eaten immediately and cannot be stored. But we recommend not to freeze even live ones, because the meat loses much of its taste. For those customers who ordered more crayfish than needed, we recommend simply putting them in the refrigerator. At low temperatures, the cancer goes into suspended animation, and in this state it can live for some time. Many people mistakenly believe that crayfish definitely need water - they put them in bathtubs and basins. But tap water is unsuitable for them, especially warm water.

Boiled crayfish are most often preferred by retail customers. Our chef prepares each portion to order. This happens in a special production workshop. Sometimes, when the number of orders goes off scale, we rent a large culinary workshop. Cooking takes about half an hour, and delivery takes one to two hours. Orders are delivered by our couriers, of which we have about 15. Our drivers work on a piece-rate basis, because the workload is uneven during the week. During peak times - Friday, Saturday, Sunday - they are busy to the maximum, but on Monday, for example, only a couple of drivers may work.

We tried to look for a partner company that would deliver our orders. But they couldn’t find it, because crayfish are a specific product. They need to be picked up from the warehouse, delivered in a certain container, understand that, for example, they cannot be exposed to the sun. And logistics and courier services rely on the fact that they are aggregators of orders from different companies. But crayfish are not a box with a phone that can be picked up from a warehouse in the morning and delivered to the client in the evening. Therefore, we decided to control and do everything ourselves.

Selfie with cancer

We always thought that we would have more male clients than women. It turned out that this was not the case. Communicating with regular customers, we found out that even though it’s a man calling, he’s ordering for his wife or daughter. Sometimes stories like the plot of the film “The Irony of Fate” happen. When we cooked crayfish for an order on Mashinostroiteley Street, it turned out that this Mashinostroiteley Street was in Voronezh. A separate story is a photo with our crayfish on Instagram. For example, incompetent players of online games are called crayfish, so you can see photographs with crayfish in the background of a computer. Another favorite pastime for crayfish lovers is putting boiled crayfish heads on their fingers.

Often customers call and ask how to eat and how to cook. Now there are fewer of them, but at first people called, they were afraid and did not know what it was. We could talk for half an hour to explain everything. Since we work around the clock, such calls may occur in the middle of the night. Currently, our company’s team has five people, not counting couriers: a sales manager, a merchandiser, cooks and a warehouse worker.

Our assortment includes not only crayfish, but also lobsters and crabs. We buy crabs from suppliers from Murmansk, but with lobsters it has become more difficult after the sanctions. If earlier they were brought from France, now from Tunisia. Maybe they are caught worse there, but there is only one sea - the Mediterranean. Of course, the price of lobster has increased. If earlier they cost about 2 thousand, now they cost 11 thousand. We keep these delicacies, rather, for the sake of assortment; the main sales, of course, come from crayfish.

We believe that the original Russian delicacy is underestimated and the Moscow market has huge potential. Many people believe that crayfish are grown somewhere in basements and that they should cost pennies. We want to popularize crayfish and make them a fashionable product. This can be done through events. In April we catered for the first crawfish eating party, where they were boiled in a huge cauldron. We also took part in the “Picnic at the Rag Dealer”, organized by blogger Ilya Varlamov - we hope to organize similar events ourselves. We saw that there is a demand for this format. The customers are all very involved in the cooking of the crayfish, listening to how they should be handled correctly. It's the start of crayfish season in Europe and there are a lot of parties going on for this occasion. Crayfish festivals are held in the United States and China, where they are grown in rice fields. In Russia, this delicacy is underestimated, although we could make it as popular as French oysters or lobsters.

Crayfish are a favorite treat in traditional Russian cuisine. Many people buy them all year round. Growing and selling crayfish is a popular activity. However, starting such an activity requires some experience. The entrepreneur must master production technology and arrange delivery of products to the end consumer.

State regulation of trapping

Today business is becoming civilized. Live specimens are grown in artificial reservoirs, and the sale of crayfish is carried out not only on or at roadsides. They can now be purchased in many stores in fresh, boiled and frozen form.

However, there are a number of legal restrictions. In federal reservoirs, catching periods are established: in the summer months - from July 15 to August 15, in the fall from September 15 to November 30. Since spawning begins in spring and early summer. In practice, the time is even less. An entrepreneur needs to prepare documents for selling crayfish and catching them.

Fishing regulations apply uniformly throughout the country. But regional authorities can determine:

  1. Place of capture.
  2. More precise fishing dates.
  3. Limitations on the volume of catching.
  4. Prohibited gear and their sizes.

Failure to comply with the law is regarded as poaching. The minimum fine for such activity is 2,000 rubles. Additionally, the poacher will have to pay 42 rubles for each individual.

For each region, the size of state quotas is established every year, calculated on the basis of permissible catch rates. Issues of protection and restoration environment Several departments are involved - Rosprirodnadzor, Rosrybolovstvo, Ministry of Natural Resources.

Features of product sales

Initially, you need to take care of the transportation and storage of crayfish. Imported refrigeration chambers will be required. Favorable temperature is 5–6 degrees. After delivery to the place of sale, you need to wash them from dirt and put them into prepared pools. In this case, the crayfish live up to 2 weeks.

The implementation has its own characteristics. The entrepreneur will need premises and equipment. Products need to be sold quickly. Proper price planning will allow you to compete with retail outlets and illegal sellers.

The easiest way to negotiate is with small shops and beer outlets. For example, “barracks” are organized according to the principle of pizzerias and other similar establishments. You can pick up your order yourself or place it.

  1. Renting premises.
  2. Purchase of equipment for storing and preparing crayfish.
  3. Salaries for employees (cook, operator).

Business registration

Initially, you need to register your business. You can choose IP/LLC. When submitting documents, you must indicate the OKVED code. You can choose one of two options:

  1. 21 – “Raising domestic animals. It registers the sale of crayfish in bulk. However, the type of activity will be the only one.
  2. 23 – « Retail, crustaceans and molluscs.

Suitable for beginners. You immediately need to choose a tax system. The best option is the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT). His rate is 6%.

To use the unified agricultural tax, the share of agricultural products in the total turnover must be at least 70%.

How to breed crayfish for sale

The first option is pond breeding. Any body of water is suitable for this, possibly adjacent to fish, but not predatory ones. The natural pond system is self-cleaning.

There is no need to purchase special filters. Also, no additional feeding is required. In such places, crayfish gather commodity form within 5 years. This is the least expensive way to organize a business.

The second option is breeding crayfish at home. To do this you will need an aquarium with a capacity of at least 250 liters. Inside there is soil, stones, and small driftwood. In such conditions, crayfish breeding can be carried out year-round, the main thing is to observe temperature regime– 17–21 degrees. The entrepreneur will need filters and an oxygen saturation system. The key disadvantage is limited area and the need to maintain conditions in the aquarium.

You can use the basement of a private house, for example, in a country house. It's usually the right temperature there. Additionally, you will need lighting and shelves for placing aquariums.

Necessary equipment

Breeding and selling crayfish on an industrial scale requires more serious preparation. An entrepreneur will need:

  1. Aquariums. Compressors, filters, and heaters for incubating eggs are purchased for them.
  2. Swimming pools. Independent juveniles and teenagers will need different tanks. Under artificial conditions, crayfish are raised to the fingerling stage, after which they are released into indoor ponds.
  3. Equipped ponds. Their area must be at least 25 sq.m. It is advisable to have at least two ponds closed type. Water must be running or from underground sources. At the bottom you need to place shelters for crayfish: stones, driftwood, pipe fragments. Fingerlings are usually raised in indoor ponds, while open ponds are used for rearing.

Profitability calculation

The initial cost of equipment for a crayfish farm, which will produce up to 5 tons, can be about 3.5 million rubles. You also need to provide for expenses for the arrangement and purchase of fry. However, you can get by with smaller amounts:

  1. The least expensive option is to breed and sell crayfish in your own reservoirs, equipped at your dacha. The cost of purchasing fry, food and transportation means will be from 50,000 rubles.
  2. If you have your own pond and heated room, you can start with 100,000 rubles.
  3. Renting or creating a reservoir from scratch will require at least 200,000 rubles.

Monthly heating costs will be quite significant. Therefore, before breeding crayfish for sale, you need to take care of cheap heat. In addition, crayfish do not reproduce in artificial conditions. You will have to regularly purchase additional young individuals.

An alternative option is resale of crayfish. You can buy products from suppliers for 400–450 rubles. per kilogram, selling to stores for 600 rubles. You can earn up to 150 thousand rubles per ton. For resale and wholesale supply of crayfish you will need:

  1. A room with an area of ​​at least 300 sq.m.
  2. Pool.
  3. Sorting tables.
  4. Refrigeration chambers.
  5. Cars are refrigerators.

To purchase equipment you will need at least 1.5 million rubles. You also need to consider the cost of purchasing the catch. Full payback can be achieved in 3–4 years. If you have your own reservoir, the costs will be up to 200,000 rubles. In the future, the profit per season will reach 150–200 thousand rubles. Profitability will increase every year. Video about breeding crayfish for sale:

The high taste of crayfish meat has long been known to gourmets. Unfortunately, in their natural environment, crayfish grow quite slowly, and low density populations reduces the effectiveness of industrial trapping. For this reason, attempts are regularly made to artificially grow them with varying degrees of success.

However, the classic breeding of crayfish at home for sale in open ponds has a significant drawback - pronounced seasonality. As a result, the entrepreneur is forced to remain idle for six months of the year, waiting for the water temperature to rise to acceptable values. The situation can be corrected with the help of intensive technologies, allowing for a tenfold increase in planting density and a twofold acceleration of the growth process of individuals. Thanks to high productivity and constant demand for products, such farms allow you to recoup your investment literally within two to three years, after which they turn into a source of stable income.

Types of crayfish

It is advisable to start breeding crayfish at home as a business by studying the species characteristics and differences in keeping conditions: these factors determine the cultivation technology, the method of organizing the farm and the size of the starting capital. In artificial conditions the following species can be bred:

  • Narrow-toed crayfish. Widely distributed in domestic reservoirs, it is distinguished by its fertility and unpretentiousness. Recommended as a main breed for beginners - broodstock can be collected in the fall in nearby rivers and lakes;
  • Broad-toed crayfish. It is not as prolific, does not withstand competition from other species well, and is currently considered an endangered breed - individuals can only be purchased for breeding on specialized farms;
  • Cuban blue crayfish. Easily kept in captivity and grows to adult size in six months, however, it requires more warm water(22–26°C) and relatively low planting density (at least 20 liters per individual). Buy blue crayfish for breeding can be done in pet stores or online;
  • Australian red claw crayfish. Due to the growth rate and a large number meat obtained from each individual has become one of the most popular types among restaurant owners. Also applies to heat-loving species - before buying Australian crayfish for breeding, you should ensure the water temperature in the reservoir is 23–28°C;
  • Marble cancer. It is grown mainly in an aquarium for decorative purposes. Unlike other crustaceans, this species reproduces by parthenogenesis (there is no division into males and females).

Where to breed crayfish?

Before starting crayfish breeding as a business, you should choose a priority direction that determines how to organize the farm: for growing industrial types intensive technologies and large reservoirs are needed, while decorative ones reproduce well at home.

Possible options include:

  • Breeding crayfish in an aquarium;
  • Use of closed water supply installations;
  • System construction artificial ponds;
  • Breeding in natural reservoirs.

In natural conditions

From an economic point of view, crayfish farming in a pond is characterized by minimal investment- the main costs are associated only with the acquisition of broodstock. In addition, a natural reservoir is a ready-made ecosystem with a developed food supply, which allows you to save on the purchase of compound feed.

The pond suitable for crayfish farming differs clean water, sandy bottom and many natural shelters in the form of thickets, snags and stones. It is advisable that the shallow water area be shaded; otherwise, fast-growing trees - for example, weeping willows - will have to be planted on the shore.

Before you buy crayfish for breeding, the pond should be cleared of predatory fish and other natural enemies. Then the bottom profile is checked: near the shore there should be shallows up to 0.5 m deep, and in the center there should be a wintering pit 2.5–3 m deep. In such a pond, the density of crayfish can reach 4–5 individuals per square meter.

In addition to the advantages, this method of growing crayfish also has disadvantages:

  • When the water temperature drops to 13–14°C, the crayfish hibernate, so the breeding process is impossible in winter;
  • In nature, crayfish grow much slower than in artificial conditions;
  • There are no adequate ways to improve water quality;
  • To protect against poachers, the pond must be guarded around the clock;
  • The mechanism for purchasing natural bodies of water is not defined by law - ponds and other natural objects can only be rented.

In an artificial pond

As alternative way If you are organizing a crayfish breeding farm, you can consider building several artificial ponds on your own plot of land. Such round or square-shaped reservoirs are bowls with an area of ​​0.01–0.02 hectares with a maximum depth of 1.8–2 meters.

To ensure waterproofing, a thick polyethylene film is used. Broken bricks, stones and sand are poured on top, creating the semblance of natural shelters. Before you buy live crayfish for breeding, the pond must be filled with clean water and kept for two weeks. Subsequently, the water is filtered and saturated with oxygen, and every 10–12 days it is partially renewed, replacing up to 30% of the total volume.

Drainage should be installed along the perimeter of the reservoir to prevent debris and storm drains from entering the water, and shallow water areas should be additionally shaded. In addition, the crayfish breeding pool itself is divided into three parts: incubation takes place in one, larvae grow in the other, and adults are kept in the third.

An artificial pond does not have many of the disadvantages of a natural pond, however, in winter it is also covered with ice. To avoid freezing, the pools are covered with a polycarbonate greenhouse and solar collectors are used to heat the water. Thanks to this, crayfish are constantly kept in comfortable conditions, do not hibernate, molt more often and grow faster.

In the RAS installation

In cold climates, installing a closed water supply may be the only way to breed Australian red-clawed crayfish and other heat-loving species. However, even when using open ponds, this method is recommended for use at the stages of incubation and rearing of larvae, because:
  • In the RAS system, larval survival rate is twice the natural level and reaches 85–90%;
  • In the natural environment, the female carries the eggs for 7–8 months, while in the RAS system this period is reduced to three months.

The significant disadvantages of this method are not only the high initial investment (prices for installations start at 250 thousand rubles), but also the constant costs of payment utilities. Among the advantages is the versatility of the RAS system - after a little reconfiguration it can easily be used for growing fish or.

The RAS is located in a heated room and consists of several containers with a volume of 800–1500 liters connected to a circulation system, which also includes filters and aerators. To create shelter for crayfish, stones, shards, broken bricks, scraps of plastic pipes and other non-metallic and non-toxic objects are placed at the bottom, or the entire volume of the pool is divided into separate segments using a special cellular structure.

Thanks to artificially created conditions, seasonality is completely eliminated: crayfish grow much faster and reach marketable sizes within 10–14 months, and business can be conducted throughout the year, supplying customers with fresh products in mid-winter or early spring.

In aquarium

When kept in an aquarium, conditions similar to natural ones are created under which crayfish show maximum productivity:

  • The bottom is covered with stones, driftwood and sand, plants are planted;
  • The environmental temperature is maintained at a comfortable level for a particular species (for example, 25–28°C for breeding Australian crayfish, 23–26°C for Cuban blue crayfish, or 20–25°C for marbled crayfish);
  • Water quality is ensured by continuous filtration and aeration.

The aquarium itself is a container with a volume of 250 liters or more, made of acrylic, glass or plastic using frameless technology. Any contact of water with metal must be excluded - even traces of iron have a negative effect on crayfish, and copper causes immediate death of the entire herd.

Despite the high stocking density, industrial production volumes in aquariums are difficult to achieve. However, you can buy crayfish fry for breeding and keep them in comfortable conditions until they reach a length of 5–8 cm, after which they are moved to ponds or artificial RAS reservoirs.

Features of crayfish breeding

In parallel with the arrangement of reservoirs, you should look for where to buy crayfish for breeding. Considering that the differences between males and females are not obvious to beginners, it is better to involve experienced specialist- when forming broodstock, it is advisable to maintain proportions from 1:2 to 1:5. In addition, the herd needs to be renewed annually by 20–25% to avoid the consequences of inbreeding.

There is no point in looking for crayfish in stores and markets. In such specimens, the gills have already dried out: even if the affected individuals survive, then high probability become unsuitable for reproduction. Best options- independent catching in a suitable reservoir or purchasing broodstock from a specialized farm: here you can not only buy crayfish for breeding at home, but also get some valuable advice regarding feeding, reproduction and other subtleties of keeping.


Cancers prefer clean water, slightly saturated minerals. You can use artesian, with the addition of 0.3–0.5 g sea ​​salt per liter - in such conditions, molting individuals grow shells much faster. Other water quality indicators:

  • Oxygen content 7–8 mg/l;
  • Hydrogen index pH 7–9 units;
  • Alkalinity 1–1.4 mEq/L;
  • Hardness 6–8 mEq/l;
  • Nitrite content no more than 0.01 mg/l;
  • Nitrate content no more than 0.02 mg/l;
  • Phosphate content is no more than 0.25–0.5 mg/l.

Saturation of water with oxygen is one of the important conditions for breeding crayfish. In natural reservoirs, this occurs due to the large surface area, which makes gas exchange effective; however, in RAS installations and aquariums, forced aeration cannot be avoided.


IN natural conditions The diet of crayfish consists of 90% plant food: algae, aquatic plants, fallen leaves. The remaining 10% are dead and living animals: worms, larvae, fish, frogs, snails. During artificial breeding, various porridges (barley, pearl barley), boiled potatoes, carrots, waste from meat and fish processing, as well as specially developed compound feed, which includes:

  • Wheat bran and crushed grain;
  • Sunflower and soybean meal;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Fish, grass and meat and bone meal;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Vitamin supplements.

Depending on the stage of development, the overall daily norm food amounts to 2% of live weight for adult crayfish, 4–5% for fry and 6–7% for broodstock during the spawning period.


Reproduction of crayfish in nature begins in October, when the water temperature drops to 5–6°C. During the cold season, the female carries eggs under her abdomen and only in late spring, when the temperature rises to 14–15°C, does she begin spawning. The fertility of a female depends on the species and averages 30–60 eggs. The eggs mature within a week at a water temperature of 20–24°C, after which the fry hatch. Within three weeks, they molt twice and become able to feed on their own. If the water temperature does not decrease in winter, the incubation process occurs much faster, taking no more than 2–3 months.

Under artificial conditions, the brood stock is kept separately. Grown-up crustaceans are placed in a nursery pool or pond, where they reach a size of 5–8 cm before being placed in a common pond with adults.

As crayfish grow, they shed their shell several times: 5–8 times during the first year of life, 3–5 times during the second, and 1–2 times in subsequent years. Molting in an artificial environment occurs one and a half to two times more often: adult individuals reach marketable sizes not after four, but after two years.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Like any other, the business idea of ​​​​breeding crayfish has not only strengths, but also weak sides. The advantages include the following factors:

  • With natural or artificial maintenance in open reservoirs, investments in starting capital are minimal and are one-time in nature;
  • The products are in high demand - especially if you buy Australian crayfish or other meat species for breeding;
  • Growing crayfish requires minimal intervention in the process and little labor;
  • The products are positioned as environmentally friendly and natural;
  • A cancer farm can become a promising agritourism site.

The business has few disadvantages, but they are quite significant, which is often the reason why entrepreneurs abandon the idea of ​​​​breeding crayfish:

  • Long payback period - the first profit can be obtained only after two to three years in indoor pools and after four to five years in open reservoirs;
  • Significant financial investments in the construction of artificial ponds or closed water supply systems with heated water;
  • Seasonality of business when growing crayfish in open ponds.

Registration of activities

Breeding crayfish for personal purposes does not require official registration or obtaining any permits. However, any type (including the cultivation of crustaceans) involves the sale of products to wholesale buyers, which is impossible without issuing certificates of conformity for them. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the form of individual entrepreneurship based on the unified agricultural tax with the OKVED code 05.02.01.

The construction of a cancer farm is also regulated by law:

  • According to the Land Code, the owner of the land plot has the right to establish a pond farm. For the tenant, this task becomes more complicated due to the need to go through many bureaucratic procedures;
  • According to the Water Code, isolated ponds located on private territory are the property of the site owners. Ponds should not be connected to natural bodies of water owned by the state;
  • According to the Fisheries Law, any water resources(animals or plants) from the specified isolated reservoir are also the property of the owner of the site - provided that, in accordance with the Law “On Subsoil”, the depth of the object does not exceed five meters.

The sale of live crayfish is accompanied by the execution of certain documents:

  • Sanitary passport for transport for transportation of products;
  • Veterinary certificate No. 2;
  • Declaration of conformity to quality;
  • Certificate of conformity to GOST 50380–2005.

A passport and certificate can be obtained from the local veterinary service office, and a declaration and certificate are issued at the relevant branch of Rosselkhoznadzor.

Financial investments

Depending on the way the farm is organized, the initial investment can vary tenfold. In any case, you will have to buy crayfish for breeding: prices depend on the size of the individuals - from 250 to 600 rubles per kilogram; To form a broodstock of 600 individuals, it will be necessary to spend up to 30 thousand rubles. If you are breeding narrow-clawed crayfish, you can catch adult individuals yourself - in this case, the costs will be minimal, but an annual supply of feed will require additional costs of 35–50 thousand rubles.

The construction of artificial ponds with an area of ​​100 m² will cost 60–75 thousand rubles each. In addition, with this method of breeding, you should think about purchasing:

  • Aerators (from 5500 rubles);
  • Filters (from 26 thousand rubles);
  • Oxygen generators (from 12 thousand rubles).

To control water quality, you need an oximeter, thermometer and salinity meter (up to 15 thousand rubles per set). In general, investments in a farm of four ponds will amount to 400–550 thousand rubles.

Growing crayfish in RAS systems requires maximum investment, since it is accompanied by:

  • Purchase of the installation itself (250–750 thousand rubles);
  • Renting premises (up to 200 thousand rubles per year);
  • Payment of utilities (up to 150 thousand rubles per year).

However, with this method of cultivation, the highest planting density is achieved - up to 50 individuals in cages per cubic meter of pool. In addition, breeding Australian crayfish and other heat-loving species at home is only possible under artificial conditions, and the high price of products helps to accelerate the return on investment.

The costs associated with breeding crayfish in an aquarium as a business include mainly the purchase of the containers themselves (35–55 thousand rubles for an installation equipped with all the necessary equipment with a capacity of up to 400 liters), the purchase of food and the payment of electricity necessary for the operation of pumps, aerators and water heating systems .

Business profitability

Theoretically, a broodstock of 400 females (at a ratio of 2:1) can produce up to 12,000 young animals, however, it is impossible to raise them all to commercial sizes: the limitation is the standard stocking density:

  • 5–6 adult crayfish per square meter of open water;
  • Up to 50 crayfish per cubic meter of RAS or aquarium installation volume.

The average growth rate of crayfish is 1 year for Australian species and 2–3 years for other species. With an adult weight of 150–160 grams, after this period you can get up to 450 kilograms of live weight from four ponds with an area of ​​100 m². In indoor pools with an area of ​​150 m², up to 600 kilograms of crayfish grow over the same period.

At wholesale the price of a kilogram of narrow-clawed crayfish is 600–900 rubles, and exotic Australian ones - up to 1200–1500 rubles. Thus, the total income when breeding in open reservoirs is 300–450 thousand rubles per year, and when using intensive methods - up to 900 thousand rubles. In the second case, fresh crayfish are sold throughout the year, which, with the winter price increase, leads to an additional increase in profits.

In the next video, breeding crayfish at home and the solution organizational issues discussed in more detail:

Video on the topic Video on the topic

Sales market

Before you begin to implement a business plan for breeding crayfish at home, you should study the demand and establish contacts with potential consumers of products in large quantities:

  • Specialized fish stores;
  • Supermarkets with fish departments;
  • Restaurants, pubs, beer bars;
  • Wholesale buyers.

As an addition, you can consider organizing your own retail outlet at the grocery market, where not only live, but also boiled and frozen crayfish will be of interest to retail buyers. Products can be sold either by weight or in packaged form - in this case, a business plan for breeding crayfish should include the cost of purchasing the appropriate product.


Despite the low competition, industrial crayfish farming causes understandable wariness among entrepreneurs - the business begins to make a profit only after a few years, and intensive technologies require an investment of at least a million rubles. However, given the high demand for products, a guaranteed return on investment can be predicted, and attracting visitors interested in agritourism to the farm will become an additional source of income.

The main condition for business success should be considered theoretical training: the entrepreneur must study the lifestyle, taste preferences, subtleties of reproduction and methods of treating major diseases of crustaceans. The second component of success is strict control of temperature and water quality - if all these requirements are met, the main problem will only be the timely satisfaction of high demand for products.
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In the current economic conditions, a novice entrepreneur has every chance to successfully start his own business. It is important to set priorities correctly and choose the area of ​​application of your strength.

It’s worth taking a close look at this type of business, crayfish farming, which is a very interesting area. According to static data, there is an increase in consumption of this product, while supply remains limited.


The bulk of arthropods on the market are caught from natural bodies of water, which leads to a significant decrease in their population. Industrial farming of crayfish in our country is extremely poorly developed.

Thus, competition in this segment is relatively low. The upward trend in demand for this type of product remains unchanged, which helps maintain prices at a fairly high level.

Like any business, crayfish breeding will require initial investments, the volume of which is determined by the scale of the plans. Before making a responsible decision to open your own business, you study technology, experience of organizing a business at other enterprises, and other issues.

After a comprehensive analysis of your capabilities and preliminary calculations, a final decision is made and a plan is drawn up preparatory activities.

Video - video of Sevan Crayfish LLC, which supplies live crayfish in Krasnodar:

Preparation of a business plan

The middle zone and southern regions of our country are the natural habitat for crayfish, which can also be bred under artificial conditions.

The habitat of arthropods is reservoirs with fairly clean water, a rocky bottom and sandy shores.

Crustacean farming is carried out:

  • in natural ponds, lakes or rivers;
  • in reservoirs of artificial origin;
  • in specially equipped aquariums.

Each of the options listed above has a number of features and will require different costs to launch the project.

The simplest option is the first, where the initial investment will be minimal, however, the profit will be much smaller. The explanation for this is quite simple: for the correct and rapid development of crayfish, special environmental conditions will be required. The temperature in winter drops and water bodies freeze, while the optimal temperature for this process is about +16 C.

The best conditions for breeding crayfish can be created in aquariums, but the latter have serious limitations in volume. This option will require the greatest costs for the purchase of a whole complex of equipment, rental of premises of a sufficiently large area equipped with a heating system.

Medium in terms of cost - an artificial pond for breeding crayfish, located near the river.

In addition to the pond, you will need young animals or larvae, food, materials for arrangement, etc. Entrepreneur starting out this type business, you can’t count on a quick return on investment.

Practice and statistics show that the return on investment occurs approximately 5-7 years from the start of the project and reaching the planned level of production.

Organization of a crayfish farm

The first step is to attend to the registration of the newly created enterprise. One of the most common legal forms of business organization in our country is. The easiest option for creating an enterprise is to contact a law firm, where they will prepare a package of necessary documents for a relatively small fee.

The scope of activity in accordance with the legal framework of OKVED has code 0.121 - breeding and sale of crustaceans, fish and mollusks. When organizing an LLC, you must pay charter capital enterprises, minimum size– 10 thousand rubles. The company being created is registered in tax office and in all off-budget funds. After which you can begin business activities.

The next stage is the selection of a suitable reservoir for breeding crayfish and its improvement. This is a responsible process that determines the success of the entire enterprise, from the quality of implementation this stage The main thing depends on whether favorable conditions will be created for the life and reproduction of arthropods.

Experts recommend: covering the bottom of the pond with a special polymer film, which reliably isolates the pond from getting into it. harmful substances from the ground. The material is highly durable and will last at least 25 years if installed correctly.

The next step in organizing a farm will be purchasing the necessary equipment for breeding crayfish. The complete set includes:

Experienced entrepreneurs set up a system of three or more reservoirs that communicate with each other. This contributes to an increase in the production of crustaceans and better selection of species. To reduce exposure external environment A polycarbonate greenhouse-type ceiling is installed over the reservoirs.

As the reservoirs are ready, larvae or young crustaceans are purchased, as well as feed in calculated quantities. The best implementation of preparatory activities will create the best conditions for starting, and subsequently developing, a business.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding

The current practice in our country involves certain difficulties in acquiring the required amount of living material to populate water bodies.

Existing farms are extremely reluctant to sell larvae or young animals. A way out of the situation may be to purchase adult individuals based on the ratio of two females to one male. Mating of crustaceans occurs in the fall; a fertilized female is easily identified by the presence of eggs in a special sac under the tail.

The climatic conditions of the middle zone are quite acceptable for different types of arthropods. One of the promising species is the Australian red-clawed crayfish, the breeding of which can bring good income.

The meat of this type of arthropod is similar in taste and texture to sea lobster, one of the most expensive delicacies. Our country has experience in successfully breeding these crustaceans on a specialized farm near Astrakhan.

Video - experiments on growing Australian crayfish near Astrakhan:

The most accessible species of arthropods in our country are common crayfish. You can even purchase them in a supermarket, the main thing is that they are alive and healthy.

To accurately answer the question of where to buy crayfish for breeding, you should carefully study the offers from working and developing farms.

Recently, crayfish holding farms have been developing near large cities, which purchase crayfish from other regions and supply them to retail chains and restaurants.

Video report from a farm near St. Petersburg that supplies crayfish from various regions of Russia and abroad:

Breeding technology

In the pond

In this section we are talking about an artificial reservoir, which needs careful preparation before starting the livestock. In addition to preparing the bottom, a number of operations are performed:

  • A protective edge is built around the pond and a drainage drain is made along its outer side. This is necessary to prevent rain runoff and debris from entering the reservoir.
  • Trees are planted along the banks, one of the most best views- weeping willow, which will create shade.
  • It is necessary to provide different depths of the pond: near the shore - about 0.4 m, in the middle up to 3 m.

Maximum permissible quantity adult crayfish per square meter of pond area should not exceed 5 units. Before populating the drained reservoir, it is filled, after which the water is allowed to settle for at least two weeks, and preferably one month.

Once the reservoir is ready, instrumental monitoring of water quality for nitrate content is carried out; for arthropods, exceeding the maximum permissible doses is detrimental.

If the pond is properly arranged, crayfish do not need additional feeding; there is enough plankton, algae or larvae in the water.

To accelerate the growth of individuals, complementary feeding is carried out with vegetable scraps, mixed feed, meat and fish waste, as well as cereals soaked in water. Complementary feeding is carried out using special bottom devices, which are removed from the water after a certain time.

This avoids contamination of the pond water, which can have a detrimental effect on the livestock and lead to the death of some of it. Strict compliance expert recommendations and application full complex equipment to maintain optimal conditions for the life of crayfish will allow you to quickly achieve good performance.

In special aquariums

In artificially created environmental conditions, it is quite possible to achieve year-round growth of arthropods. To maintain them, specially designed tanks with a capacity of at least 250 liters are required.

The bottom of the tank is filled with sand mixed with stones, driftwood is laid on them, which serve as natural shelters for crayfish during the period of gestation and laying eggs.

Crustaceans are extremely sensitive to water quality, and the aquariums used must meet very stringent requirements. Firstly, the possibility of contact of water with the metal of the frame must be excluded. Secondly, the tank must be equipped with a water supply system from the bottom. Thirdly, the installation of filtration, aeration and water oxidation systems will be required.

Two plots before moving in, the aquariums are filled with water and plants are planted in the ground. After which the crayfish are lowered into the tank, there should be at least 5 liters of water per individual.

The technology for breeding crayfish in artificial conditions involves keeping ornamental breeds such as Cuban blues. They are an excellent addition to a home aquarium, but before you start, you need to do a little market research. The agreement with large pet stores will facilitate the accelerated sale of grown products.

At home

This type of business can be done at home on a relatively small scale. Technology is the best way to organize such a thing. home breeding crayfish in pools or aquariums.

Each of the proposed options has its own specifics and will require the investment of certain amounts to purchase everything necessary and carry out a number of construction works.

The organization of arthropod breeding in aquariums is described above and there is no point in repeating it. Let us dwell on the technology of growing crayfish in specially equipped pools at the dacha or on a site near a country house.

At the preliminary preparation stage, it is necessary to assess the possibilities of the land plot for the placement of an artificial reservoir with an area of ​​at least 30 square meters. m and the productivity of the water source.

For home breeding of crayfish, you will need not the usual rectangular pool with a flat bottom and vertical walls, but a reservoir with slightly different parameters.

Requirements for an artificial pond:

  • The most rational shape is a circle or oval with a diameter of 6 to 10 m; the bottom should look like a bowl with a maximum depth of 1.5-2 m in its center.
  • The bottom must be lined with a special film.
  • The pool is equipped with all systems that ensure circulation, purification and oxygenation of water.
  • Set up along the edge of the pool drainage system for drainage of storm water.
  • Devices are installed around the artificial reservoir to provide shade to the coastal areas.

Such a pool for breeding crayfish can be dug manually yourself or with the help of professional diggers. The amount of work is quite significant, but quite manageable.

The bottom of the pool is covered with river sand and stones and driftwood are scattered over it. Among other things, it is installed necessary equipment. The presence of a ceiling and water heating systems in winter will increase the productivity of the pond.

Crustaceans grow and reproduce faster in artificially created conditions. This can be explained quite simply: arthropods do not hibernate and the process of reproduction of offspring is significantly accelerated.

The presence of several ponds, at least three, and preferably four to five, per site makes it possible to increase the yield of finished products.

Breeding crayfish in a country house will help you gain invaluable experience and become familiar with the technology.

Organizing crayfish breeding at home is usually only the first step towards creating a farm. Having tested the technologies and methods of growing gourmet products in relatively small volumes, and having acquired the necessary experience, it will be possible to think about expanding the business. This business approach will help avoid significant losses in future endeavors.

The article deliberately did not provide examples; they may vary greatly in different regions.

The main thing is that crayfish farming as a business is a fairly promising business that promises high level profitability. When organizing and preparing a project for launch, it is important to take the recommendations of specialists carefully and responsibly.

Video - how crayfish farming occurs in Louisiana:

Breeding crayfish at home for sale is a very exciting and very profitable business. This type of entrepreneurship does not require large investments, but can bring significant income. A crayfish farm has only one drawback - this type of income is seasonal. You can make money only in the warm season: from the beginning of May until the first frost.

Breeding crayfish as a business is quite an interesting activity, however, to implement it you will have to make an effort, since there are a number of features inherent in this type of activity:

  1. Crayfish must be purchased from a special farm. If you catch them in their natural environment, their growth period will increase significantly.
  2. It is necessary to acquire individuals of mature age. You will raise young crayfish yourself.
  3. To get good offspring, you need to buy twice as many females as males. When calculating the number of individuals to purchase, the factor that one female lays up to eighty eggs is taken into account.

Any business has advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages of this business are:

  • small starting capital;
  • continuous demand for products;
  • abundance of markets;
  • there is no need for constant monitoring of individuals;
  • ecologically clean look activities.

The negative aspects include:

  • business is seasonal;
  • profit can only be made at certain times of the year;
  • long start-up time, at least three years pass from the start of the business to the moment of implementation;
  • payback is achieved in four years.

How to register a business?

Breeding crayfish at home as a business begins with registration.

Any entrepreneur must legitimize his activities before starting work.

Firstly, clients will be confident that you are a serious supplier with whom organizational problems should not arise.

Secondly, you yourself will calmly go about your business, contacting and collaborating with wholesale companies and retail outlets.

Registration of such a business is carried out according to OKVED code 01.21, which indicates that the company is engaged in raising domestic animals. It is very important. If you do not indicate the type of activity, this is fraught with litigation in the future.

A business form that is suitable for crayfish farming - or. If you are doing business for the first time, it is preferable to register as an individual entrepreneur.

Crayfish breeding methods

To understand how to breed crayfish at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of their reproduction.

There are three methods for raising crayfish:

    • Method of growing in ponds. Breeding crayfish in a pond is considered one of the most available methods. Any body of water can be suitable for this type of work. The main thing is that there is no swamp or silt in it.

Fish ponds are also suitable, although it is important to ensure that they do not contain carnivorous fish.

It is worth considering the fact that as soon as the temperature drops below 17 degrees, crayfish go into hibernation: they stop feeding and growing. When the pond freezes to the very bottom, the crayfish die.

The convenience of a pond is that it is considered an independent aquatic system, in which the water is renewed and cleaned by nature itself. This allows you to reduce the cost of equipment for breeding crayfish.

Important! In ponds, crayfish growth occurs very slowly. They reach the size required for sale within five years.

  • Method of growing in aquariums. This method involves working at home. It is necessary to purchase industrial aquariums for crayfish without a frame. Its volume should be no less than 250 liters. Soil, stones and all kinds of algae, trees are placed at the bottom to create shelters. In aquarium conditions, crayfish will not hibernate, for this it is important to control constant temperature water. In addition, it is necessary to filter and saturate the water with oxygen.

    The approximate planting density is sixty crayfish per square meter.

    Attention! In an aquarium, crayfish quickly gain weight, and the embryonic development of larvae is reduced by three months.

    However, there are also disadvantages - a small area.

    Growing crayfish at home, namely in an aquarium, is difficult on a large scale.

    A way out of the situation may be the following practice: breeding larvae in a home aquarium with the aim of further transplanting them into a larger body of water (swimming pool, pond). However, this will require additional financial investments and expansion of the business beyond the home space.

  • Basement growing method. This method is considered an improved version of the previous one. The difference is that non-residential premises are used for production.
    The basement temperature should be maintained between 17 and 20 degrees Celsius.

Lighting is provided using ordinary light bulbs. Such a room allows you to erect many shelves on which aquariums are located.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium as a business can become several times more profitable if done in such a room.

How to create a crayfish farm?

The creation of farms takes place in several stages.

After registering a business, a method of breeding crayfish is selected and the environment for the living activities of these animals is improved.

The number of offspring will depend on how well this stage is implemented.


Cancers are quite finicky creatures. The better the environment you provide them, the more profitable your business will be.

To breed crayfish you will need the following equipment:

  1. Thermal insulation. Greenhouses and greenhouses are used as heat insulators different types: industrial, simple country, homemade. They will be needed to control the exact temperature in the reservoir.
  2. Frame. It is necessary to prevent the outflow of water from the reservoir. Often polypropylene is used for its manufacture.
  3. An air compressor is needed for active growth crayfish It eliminates the possibility of water stagnation in the pond.
  4. Oxidizer. During the cold season, crayfish may experience air deficiency. The oxidizer is installed in the fall, before the reservoir is covered with ice.
  5. Filters. Even regular water changes will not completely ensure the required cleanliness. Therefore, filtration systems are installed that help get rid of the results of the life processes of crayfish.

Types of crayfish and where to buy them?

The types of crayfish for breeding are different, with their own characteristics. In our country, the most popular are crayfish from the Far East and Europe.

European crayfish are purchased for industrial farms. European crayfish come in two types:

  1. Broad-toed crayfish are the most valuable species of crayfish. However, it was listed in the Red Book. These are the same crayfish that have the famous “cancerous neck”.
  2. Long-fingered crayfish are the most preferred type of crayfish. They are unpretentious in terms of breeding.

Attention! It is very difficult to buy crayfish for breeding at the larval age, so it is recommended to buy already mature individuals.

Existing crayfish farms sell larvae and juveniles with great reluctance. Therefore, the purchase of crayfish can be carried out at any place where they are sold. This could be a market, a supermarket or a specialty store.

Purchasing feed

You have to purchase food. There is a list of what to feed crayfish at home. Crayfish eat the following foods with great pleasure:

  • compound feed;
  • larvae;
  • earthworms;
  • small fish that live on the bottom;
  • greenery.

Suppliers always have a wide range of products in stock.

You can purchase food at special feed mills, economic markets.

Difficulties can only arise with suppliers of live food - larvae and worms can be found at fishing points of sale and greenhouses.

How do crayfish reproduce?

The month of mating of individuals is considered to be September. Males fertilize two females at once, and devour the third. It is this process that determines the need for a large purchase of females.

At first, the eggs appear under the shell of the female individual, then she lays them, and they are attached to the lower part of the shell under the tail.

After two months, larvae emerge. It will take three weeks for them to stop hiding under their mother’s tail.

In the natural environment, one female can raise about 12 crayfish. One female cannot have more than 20 crayfish per year.

Attention! In home production, each female is capable of raising up to sixty crayfish per year.


On initial stage You can use your own resources to run a cancer farm and not have to resort to the help of additional employees.

If the crayfish breeding business has gained some momentum, then you can use the services of the staff.

Hiring workers depends on the size of the cancer farm.

You will need people who will monitor:

  • water temperature;
  • oxygen level;
  • health of crayfish.

Where to sell crayfish?

One of important issues, which confronts the entrepreneur in this area - sales.

Most often, crayfish are purchased by restaurants, saunas and fish stores.

You can sell not only crayfish meat, but also their caviar, which tastes similar to red caviar.

The shell of cancer contains a lot of chitin, which has antiseptic properties. Therefore, shells are a subject of interest for cosmetics and medical companies.

Basic costs and profits

To start a business you need start-up capital. Its size varies depending on the breeding method and production volumes. Business costs are divided into two types: basic and one-time.

Basic costs One-time costs
expenses sum expenses sum
feed 11,000 per month equipment from 100,000 rubles
purchase of individuals, the cost of livestock varies depending on the type of crayfish 200-1500 rubles per kilogram waterproofing Depends on the size of the reservoir, on average from 50,00 rubles
salary depending on region habitat arrangement 30,000-40,000 rubles
premises rental from 30,000 rubles, depends on location.

At the right approach to the point, the profit from the business is about 350,000 rubles, if we talk about a body of water with an area of ​​50 square meters.

If reproduction is carried out at home in aquariums, then profits are reduced by approximately 30%, despite the fact that the time period for raising the livestock is shorter.

This type of entrepreneurship in our country is quite young. The demand for such products is increasing day by day. If you decide on the method of growing crayfish that will be the most effective and competently organize the work process, you can achieve small successes throughout the year.

Crayfish breeding video