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A hamster ran away - how to find it and what to do. What to do if your hamster runs away? How to close the cage to prevent hamsters from running out

If your pet has disappeared, you need to urgently look for it, as danger lurks everywhere. Every owner should know how to catch a hamster in an apartment if it has escaped. But first you need to find him and lure him out of hiding.

Most often they disappear from cells - they are very smart and inquisitive. Syrian hamsters run away less often. The reason could be a variety of factors:

  1. An unreliable cage - the pet will not be able to escape if the bars are not damaged and the lock works properly. But sometimes the animals gnaw through the bars and get out.
  2. Self-preservation instinct - if an animal feels danger, it tries to hide as far as possible.
  3. Fear – Your hamster may become frightened by loud noises.
  4. Curiosity – little furries want to know the world around us and are constantly looking for new places to explore.
  5. Fatigue - if the hamster has not had enough sleep or is tired, and you take him out of the cage to play, he will definitely run away at any opportunity.
  6. The carelessness of the owners is the most common reason. If you are distracted, the animal can take advantage of this and escape.

The pet can choose from the cage in different ways: get out through too large a gap between the bars, open a poorly secured door. In individual cages, the roof is secured with latches. If it is poorly secured, the animal can climb up the bars and crawl out through the crack. In a plastic cage, a rodent will simply gnaw at the wall and disappear unnoticed.

If the door is poorly closed, the animal may escape

How to respond to an escape

When owners discover their pet is missing, their reaction is most often inadequate. Some run around the apartment hectic, screaming and swearing, others do not take any action and are sure that the animal will take a walk and return. This position threatens unpleasant consequences: a hamster can fall into the paws of a cat, get stuck in a crack, and die from hunger and thirst.

What to do if your hamster runs away? First of all, remain calm and immediately begin searching for the fugitive. Tamed pets know their name and can respond to it. Call him by name and promise him a tasty treat. You can lightly shake the jar of food: the animal knows this sound well and can quickly return. If there is no result, the search may take quite a while. for a long time. Therefore, you should know how to catch a hamster in an apartment and where exactly it can be hiding.

If your pet runs away, first examine all the hiding places. The faster you do this, the higher your chances of finding it. Carefully inspect:

  • places near the cage;
  • space under the sofa and other furniture;
  • look in all the cabinets and boxes - if your pet is hiding there, you will have to lure him out with a treat.

If the hamster escapes, examine all secluded places

Almost all breeds of hamsters have similar habits. Keep the house quiet and listen. This way you can hear a characteristic rustling sound and determine the pet’s location. If you find it, but it is impossible to get it, put it next to it open cage with your favorite food. Most likely, the hamster will return to its home. Place cardboard tubes and labyrinths on the floor that will arouse the animal's interest and force it to come out of hiding. If the animal is found under a cabinet or furniture, move it carefully so as not to crush the tiny creature. Quite rarely, rodents escape to the lower floors of the house.


If you have no idea how to catch an escaped hamster in an apartment, first of all, block all the cracks and small openings through which the rodent can escape from the house. But first, inspect them - perhaps the animal has settled there. If there is none, seal the cracks with duct tape. To make your search successful, follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Hamsters are animals that are active at night, so you need to hunt for them in dark time days.
  2. In each room, sprinkle a handful of seeds or other suitable treats on the floor - when the animal gets hungry, it will definitely come out.
  3. Sprinkle flour around the treats - if you miss the moment your pet appears, you can easily find it in the future by following its tracks.
  4. Place bags or foil on the floor so that all movements of the hamster are accompanied by rustling sounds.

How to catch a fugitive

After finding a hamster, think about how best to catch it. If your pet doesn't want to go out, you can lure him out in various ways. Sometimes the animal returns to its home on its own; in this case, there should be a cage on the floor with the door open. Be sure to leave it tasty and fresh. You can place rolls left over from toilet paper nearby. The hamster can run into the house on its own to smell the scent of its favorite food or climb into a cardboard tube to rest. You can attract the attention of your fluffy with attractions. Place a wheel in the room, and when characteristic sounds appear, go to catch the rodent. When the fluffy comes out of hiding, throw a towel over it to completely cover it. This way you can stop the hamster without causing him any harm. Carefully pick him up and place him in the cage. The easiest way is to catch a hamster that has escaped in the apartment. In a private house or country house, he may go outside, where it is impossible to find him.

Under no circumstances should you let the situation take its course and wait for the pet to find itself.

During this time, the animal can gnaw on things or objects and cause harm to itself. There is danger waiting for him at every corner - he could get poisoned, get injured, or you might run over him through negligence.

One of the options for finding a hamster in an apartment if it has escaped is to set traps that you can make yourself. They will help lure the animal out of hiding and hold it. Such devices are absolutely safe and will not harm your pet.

Trap tube

If the rodent is hiding under a closet or other furniture, you can catch it using a snorkel. This method is ideal for hamsters who are not used to being handled. Do the following:

  • take the roll left over from the paper towels;
  • place treats in it;
  • on the other side, seal the exit;
  • Direct the open end to where the animal is supposedly hiding.

Take a roll of paper towels

When he comes to eat, close the entrance with your palm and return the fugitive to the cage.

Hamster trap from a bottle

A small rodent can be caught using plastic bottle. It’s better to take a two-liter bottle with flat walls. Cut off the bottom from three sides, but do not touch the fourth. Bend the top and secure with an elastic band. This way the door will always be open and air will flow through the entrance. Attach a bridge to the bottom edge and point it inside the bottle. Rub the central part with a nut, and leave the delicacy inside. Having felt the aroma, the hamster will go into the bottle, eat the treat, but will not be able to leave.

Bucket trap

Place sawdust or hay at the bottom of a regular bucket so that the rodent does not hurt itself if it falls. Cover the trap with paper and place a treat on top. Attach a ladder to the bucket - it can be a ruler, a ladder made from books, etc. Place a seed on every third step. Moving up the stairs, the pet will look for something tasty, and when it sees it, it will inevitably stand on the paper and end up inside. The animal will not be able to pick it out of the bucket because of the high edges.

Place sawdust or hay at the bottom of the bucket so that the rodent does not hurt itself if it falls

Live mouse

Another option is to catch a hamster. Set up a trap designed for a live mouse - this is a box that lures the rodent without killing it. Place peanuts inside. But sometimes such traps malfunction and can injure the animal.

If you were unable to catch your pet during the day, wait until night. Place the traps, lay out the treats and wait. Soon the hamster will definitely be caught, and you will be able to return him to the cage.

Take a trap designed for a live mouse

To make the search for the fugitive successful, follow simple rules:

  1. If there are other pets living in the apartment, move them away from the place where the hamster is supposed to be.
  2. When using mousetraps, be sure to remove them so that the animal does not get caught in them.
  3. Once you find an animal, limit its movement around the apartment. To do this, close all exits from the room.
  4. To avoid scaring the tiny creature, do not make loud or harsh sounds.
  5. Quite rarely, a hamster can be found in the folds of clothes, towels or bed linen– he climbs there to warm up.

Check the cage regularly to eliminate defects in a timely manner, and ensure that the door is closed tightly. Make sure your pet is comfortable in his house and not nearby irritating factors. Give the animal more time and buy toys if necessary. Most best way catch the hamster - prevent it from escaping.

If your pet runs away, think about the reasons for this behavior. To stop escapes, follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Strengthen the cage - seal all the holes that the animal has gnawed, check the door.
  2. Provide your hamster with a calm environment. If there is a TV or radio nearby, the rodent runs away precisely because of this. Move the house to a place where it will not be bothered by loud noises.
  3. Follow a daily routine. If your furry doesn't want to communicate, don't force him to play, otherwise he'll run away.
  4. Do not leave your pet alone outside the cage. Control his every step so that later you don’t have to look for and catch the rodent.

To stop escapes, it is important to know how not to handle your hamster. Take a close look at the table:

These simple tips will help prevent your hamster from escaping and make his life more comfortable. Remember that animals rarely run away from good things. Therefore, if trouble happens, double your vigilance. Try to catch your pet as quickly as possible, check the cage and pay more attention to it.

Often, owners rush around the apartment with the question, how to find a hamster? Because their favorite animal ran away, opening the door with its paw. But it’s worth knowing that these animals are very smart and agile, then you can take action in time and the hamster will not run away. But if this has happened, it must be found. This will be much easier to do if you know and take into account the peculiarities of his behavior.

Looking for a hamster

The first thing you should know before finding a hamster in your apartment is that hamsters are nocturnal animals. And having escaped from captivity during the day, he will hide in some secluded corner. And late in the evening or at night it will come out of its hiding place and run around the apartment, looking for food. Therefore, you should put water and food near the animal’s house in advance. The hamster will definitely be interested in such a treat and will come running to try it. And you just need to seize the moment and catch it with a towel or piece of fabric. And then transfer it to a cage or aquarium. It is necessary to disentangle the hamster from the material with special care so as not to damage its delicate paws and nose.

If the pet does not come out of its hiding place, you will have to look for it yourself. This is not an easy task, because these rodents are very compact and are able to crawl into any crevice. They especially like to hide in warm, soft, dark places. Therefore, it makes sense to look for the animal in closets, near the radiator, on shelves with clothes, under the blanket on the bed. Since hamsters are very agile climbers, you should check both the lower and upper tiers of furniture. They can easily climb onto the table, clinging to the long tablecloth with their paws.

It happens that these animals hide so cleverly that no matter how hard they try, they cannot be found in the apartment. And your whole day can pass under the slogan “we are looking for hamsters.” But, nevertheless, there is no reason to worry, since sooner or later you will be able to catch the animal. And now he needs to provide access to water and food. As a result, every time before going to bed, you should leave a saucer with grain on the floor, clean water, fresh vegetables.

To quickly determine the location of an escaped rodent, you should sprinkle flour between the corners of cabinets and doorways, and place food somewhere; at night it will come to eat and leave traces by which it can be easily found. It is important to find the hamster as quickly as possible, since these animals love to chew furniture, things, and electrical wires, which can cause a short circuit. Now you know how to find an escaped hamster, and you can do it as quickly as possible.

Hamsters love to explore unknown places. If they manage to get out of the cage, they go for a walk around the apartment and it can be quite difficult to find them. Rodent escapes occur if:

  • forgot to lock the cage door;
  • the cage is not very strong and the hamster found a loophole in it;
  • they let him out for a walk and didn’t keep an eye on him;
  • the owner is inattentive when cleaning the cage.

On the outside, the fugitive is threatened real danger. He may become a victim of other pets. You can accidentally step on it or crush it under a door. If he escapes from the cage, he can climb into a place where he cannot get out on his own and will die from hunger and dehydration. Hamsters constantly chew on something, and can easily chew through a wire or ruin their owners' shoes.

Therefore, start looking for the fugitive immediately, as soon as you find an empty cell. It must be said that hamsters are masters at escaping, and almost everyone has done something like this at least once in their life. Finding an escaped hamster is not easy. Sometimes whole families run away! You really can’t envy the owner who has to catch them. If this happens, there is no need to panic. Start searching right away.

What to do if your hamster runs away?

First of all, remove things that pose a danger to the fugitive: mousetraps, toxic substances and so on. Isolate other pets, cats and dogs.

To find a hamster in an apartment, close all doors, this will help localize the search. Especially front door, you won’t catch him on the street anymore. The entrance to the balcony in the apartment must be closed. Be sure to line the cracks under the doors with towels or rags to prevent it from traveling through all the rooms. Be careful not to accidentally crush the animal. Also warn all family members to watch their step and be careful.

If possible, make the house quiet and listen. You may hear a characteristic rustling or clicking sound of claws. It will be easier to search. Hamsters are active at night; during the day, he can lie down and sleep peacefully while you look for him around the apartment. You can wait until evening and figure out its location.

Where to look for a hamster?

You need to start your search near the cage; hamsters often hide near their home. Carefully inspect all objects and examine all holes into which the baby can squeeze. Gradually expanding the search area, carefully inspect the furniture, the spaces behind and under cabinets. You will have to inspect all the boxes, bags and other items that a little traveler can get into. Special attention Pay attention to shoes, the sly one can sit in any shoe or boot. The next stage is examination household appliances, the fugitive can climb inside through a suitable-sized hole. You can envy your pet’s ingenuity; he can get into the most unexpected places. Carefully inspect all kinds of pipes, hamsters love to climb into them, they resemble their minks. Try not to make noise while searching. You can scare the animal and it will hide even further.

How to track an animal?

If the search does not bring results and it is not known exactly in which room the rodent is hiding, it is necessary to track it down. Place small pieces of it in different rooms. You cannot put a lot of food, otherwise the escape may take a long time. Sprinkle a thin layer of flour or starch around. This way you will determine in which room the fugitive is hiding. In addition, he will stain his paws in flour, and by the white footprints you can determine where his new shelter is. During the search, you need to remove cat and dog bowls, all available food, and the trash can. Do not leave crumbs on the table or floor. Such measures will force the fluffy to take the bait.

If the hamster is lost in the apartment, you can deliberately scatter boxes and all kinds of pipes on the floor. The hamster can climb there; all that remains is to close the pipe on both sides and carefully transfer the traveler to his apartment.

How to lure out a fugitive?

If you already know in which room the baby is hiding, you need to lure him out. Let's look at the most accessible methods.

  1. When the hamster runs away, place an empty cage in the middle of the room. Put it there delicious food and leave the door completely open. Place your favorite toys and attractions near the cache.
  2. If the fugitive needs to be lured out from under the floor, lay a path of seeds from the intended hole to the entrance to the cage or to open space, where you will guard him. IN right moment cover it with a towel or box. Be careful not to crush your baby.
  3. Sitting in ambush for a long time is inconvenient; you can use traps. Buy them at a pet store or build them yourself. Cover the box or bucket with a sheet of paper and sprinkle some seeds on top so that the sheet does not bend. Then build a bridge or ladder to the trap. Use a ruler or make steps from books. Place a path of seeds on the steps, with a distance of 10–15 cm between the grains. The hamster will be tempted by food, gradually rise to the top and fall into the trap. The box or bucket should not be deep so that the baby does not get injured. Place something soft on the bottom for a comfortable landing. If a Djungarian has escaped, the box should be smaller, if a Syrian - larger. Using as a trap cardboard box, once the hamster is caught in it, move him into the cage. Otherwise he will gnaw a hole and run away.

How to prevent escape?

Now you know what to do if your hamster escapes from its cage and how to find it. But it’s better to make sure this doesn’t happen in advance. There are several recommendations for this:

  • Check the safety of the cage regularly. Inspect the bars, bottom, lock. It is better to use an iron latch than a plastic one.
  • Pay more attention to the rodent, accustom it to your hands. Handle with care so that it does not escape from your hands.
  • Place your pet's cage in a quiet, quiet place, where nothing will frighten or irritate him.
  • Keep the cage clean.
  • Buy your hamster a few toys and attractions to keep him busy.
  • Change the diet and food from time to time.

These measures do not completely guarantee against escape. Always be on guard with little tricksters. But if the hamster runs away, start searching immediately before it hurts itself and household items.

Hamsters are inquisitive and persistent little creatures that love to hide in small spaces and become active while you sleep. In addition to this, they are great escape artists. Therefore, make sure once again that cages, playpens, carrying containers and balls for hamsters do not leave any chance for the little tomboy to escape - the outside world is by no means safe for a hamster. If you find your pet has escaped, here are some tips to help you find and catch your hamster so you can return him to his cage.

"Help! My hamster has escaped!” – first steps

First of all, don't panic! When you see an empty cage or container, do not shout or fuss. Keep calm and sober mind. This will help catch the hamster easier and faster, since loud sounds will scare him away.

As soon as you realize that your hamster has escaped, immediately close the door of the room to prevent him from leaving the room. This will make the search process easier - it is much easier to search in one room than in the whole house. Inform everyone at home that the door to the room is closed. This is especially important if you have other animals in the house that could harm your hamster, such as dogs or cats.

To catch a hamster, you need to find it

If you see an escaped hamster peeking out from its hiding place, stay as quiet as possible and try not to make sudden movements. Make a dark, cozy place for your hamster that he can unexpectedly stumble upon and hide in. A long cardboard tube or box is suitable for these purposes. A resistant hamster can be lured into a trap with a treat. Place your pet's favorite food at the far end of the box (tube), hamsters usually easily enter a dark space (especially if there is a treat waiting for them there), and you can close the entrance. The escaped hamster has been caught! Then carry it without removing it from the trap and place it back in its cage.

Trying to catch an escaped hamster by running and waving your arms or things is not only useless, but also funny. Just imagine how funny it is to see an adult with a colander in his hands trying to catch a small harmless animal. This act is worthy of a circus arena! Of course, this approach will not work, but on the contrary, it will only intimidate the hamster even more and then you will have to wait a long time until he calms down and begins to make attempts to crawl out of his shelter.

To find an escaped hamster, you can use the following trick. Place a plate with treats for your hamster in the center of the room. Make a wide ring of flour around the plate. Your fugitive, sensing a treat, will come for it and at the same time smear his paws in flour. A trail of footprints will lead you to your pet's temporary shelter. This option will not suit you if there are carpets or carpet on the floor in your room.

But here is an option suitable for everyone, how to find an escaped hamster, and maybe even catch it in the process. Leave a paper bag in the center of the room and place a treat for your hamster at the bottom. When a curious fugitive climbs in for a treat, you'll hear a loud crinkling of paper and you'll be able to catch the hamster while he's distracted.

How to catch a hamster if you can't see it

If you don't see the hamster and don't know where he is, make sure there is nothing edible left on the floor in the room. All available food should be in traps, so the hamster will have a strong motivation to get into one of them. “Hunger is no help, it won’t bring you a pie” - and hamsters know this. However, we advise you to leave free access to water so that the hamster does not become dehydrated.

Look for the hamster in all obvious dark and cozy places, such as under or behind furniture, under the refrigerator. If you have several hamsters or other rodents living in your house, be sure to check their cages - your escapee should not get into any of these cages, as this could lead to serious injuries in your pets.

If, as a result of your searches, you were unable to find your escaped hamster, then it’s time to set traps in the room where your pet may be. Use simultaneously different types traps: humane mousetraps (that do not kill or injure animals) and a container trap. Humane mousetraps are too small for Syrian hamsters, but work well for Chinese hamsters.

Some small hamsters can freely enter and exit humane mouse traps without triggering the trap mechanism, so it is advisable to tilt such devices slightly. You can also use non-grab and run treats, such as baby food.

Don’t forget to leave the entrance to the cage open at night, make a stand from available materials so that the hamster can climb back into it. For this purpose, both books laid out in the form of a staircase and a wooden rail placed under the entrance (a kind of ramp) can be suitable. Leave a nice-smelling treat in the cage itself.

Trap container

A container trap is a box or other suitable container, such as a bucket, with tasty-smelling food, bedding and a drinking bowl at the bottom. Build a ramp (incline) leading to the top of the container, which should be deep enough that the hamster will not be able to get out of it once he gets there. Trap container – effective remedy catching an escaped hamster.

Don't give up

If you do not immediately manage to find and catch the escaped hamster, do not despair - try again a little later. Hamsters are more active at night, so in the late evening or morning you will have a better chance of finding and catching them. Don't give up when the day is over. Continue searching and setting traps. There are cases when the search for hamsters continues for a month or two. Therefore, if the search drags on, do not forget to leave food and water in the room, so your fugitive will have a chance to survive.

What to do after catching an escaped hamster

When you catch your hamster, check its health. Pay special attention to:

  • injuries to the legs or back, for example from a fall;
  • cuts, bites or wounds, especially on the tummy, face and paws (usually appear after the hamster has approached other cages with rodents);
  • signs of dehydration;
  • dirt, phlegm or sticky substances in the fur (make sure the hamster is clean and dry before placing it back in the cage).

Before you put it in, make sure you have eliminated everything possible ways for repeated escape, for example, damaged or poorly fitting cage parts. On wire cages it is useful to make latches on the opening parts. Use tape to seal the hamster ball door, as rodents can quickly learn to twist it and run away.

Hamsters are active, interesting animals. They love to travel, and when there is an opportunity to get out of their cage, they will try to do so. Almost all rodent owners encounter escapes, so you need to know how to find a hamster in an apartment if it has escaped from its cage. The fugitive can harm itself - if you are careless, you can step on it, injure its paw, and the pet can fall. Hamsters often chew wires and personal belongings of owners, thereby causing damage to apartment property. If one rodent escaped, the harm would not be significant, but what if a whole family? So, the hamster has disappeared, you need to quickly find and catch it.

The animals escape due to the fault of the hamster breeders:

  • during active games outside the cell;
  • in the process of cleaning the cage;
  • the hamster can escape if the cage is not working properly, for example, a twig is bent or the bottom does not close tightly.

Try to find the hamster at home as quickly as possible, otherwise you will have to explain to the children where their pet has disappeared and is in an awkward situation.

What to do if your hamster runs away?

Having discovered that your little friend has set off on a journey, try to find the place where he hid. The search for a fugitive begins with the removal of potentially dangerous things - removal of mousetraps, chemicals, if an animal can reach them on its way. At the time of searching, it is very important to remove other animals (cats and dogs) from the apartment.

If there are several rooms in the apartment, inspect all the rooms, closing the doors - this will not allow the animal to run from room to room. When closing and opening doors, try not to crush the baby. To simplify the search, create silence - turn off the TV, ask household members to be silent, thereby helping you figure out the whereabouts of the fugitive. Although hamsters are secretive animals whose activity increases at night, they may encounter small objects on their way - the rodent creates a certain rustle and gives itself away.

Important: hamsters are nocturnal animals, so if you have been looking for a fugitive all day to no avail, wait until evening. The night will force the animal to make itself known, because at this time of day it is very active. While in a cage, hamsters love to spin the wheel, and when “free” they explore everything that can attract attention.

If you still decide not to wait for the night, but to look for the loss “hot on its heels,” explore the space near the cage: perhaps the hamster crawled out and lay down to rest under a toy, furniture or any other objects. You need to look for the rodent in secluded places where it can sleep all day. The small size of the animal allows it to climb into the most unexpected places.

To find a hamster in a private house, it is important not to let it run into the street, as it will not be possible to catch it there. Not every lover of these cute little animals knows what to do if a hamster gets lost in an apartment. It is very important to block the little troublemaker’s exit to the balcony - a large space hides many dangers.

Lure out a hamster

It is difficult to know what to do if a hamster runs away. IN big house or an apartment where there is a lot of furniture, equipment and other things, it is easier to lure him out. They do this with the help of treats - seeds, walnuts, vegetables. The difficulty is that if the house is large, traps with goodies will have to be placed everywhere. ex rooms. If you are sure that your hamster has just escaped, place treats in the room where he was before he escaped.

A hamster trap will help lure out the fugitive after some time. After walking around the apartment all day, the rodent will begin to feel hungry and will head for food. When the fugitive starts eating and you notice him, you will need a bucket - cover the hamster and he is practically in your hands!

It is inconvenient to be near the trap all day, so treats can be placed in boxes, jars, and other recesses. The easiest way is to make bait from a box: the dwarf will need a small one, the Syrian will need a larger one, because it is the largest. It is important to make sure that the hamster can easily get to the goodies: build steps or a hill. You can make a path of seeds in the room or bread crumbs, which will lead the fugitive to a trap. You might be able to catch little pet when he eats it all.

For such a trap, you can use a bucket, only a shallow one, so that the hamster does not hurt himself when he gets hooked. You already know how to make a trap for a hamster; the principle of its operation is simple: the animal starts looking for treats, falls into a box and cannot get out of it. For especially careful rodents, you can cover a bucket or box with a sheet of paper and put seeds on it, under the weight of which the sheet will not bend. The advantage of a trap is that you mind your own business, and the fugitive himself “goes” into your hands.

Where to look for a hamster?

The hamster loves secluded places in the room - they need to be carefully explored, but done quietly so that the little one
the friend did not run further and did not hide even better. If the fugitive is not found in the next half hour or you do not know when the hamster escaped from the cage, tricks will help you find him. Deliberately place upside-down boxes on the floor, objects that you can climb into, like pipes - like this
it will be easier to catch the fugitive and return him to the cage. Hamster breeders advise picking up food (crumbs, cat bowls, etc.) from the floor, otherwise the traveler will walk even longer.

To the question of what to do if your favorite hamster runs away, you can give a clear answer - start searching right away. The animal will not cause significant harm to the repair; rather, it will suffer itself, because it is left alone with a huge room - it can eat harmful things or be accidentally crushed by household members.

Real case

Case from practice: a hamster ran away at night, the owners noticed it was missing in the morning. Due to the fact that Khoma was spinning on the wheel half the night, his cage was taken out into the room where repairs were being carried out at night. It's easy to get lost here, there are a lot of building materials, boxes, unnecessary things - this room is a paradise for a hamster. The owners noticed the escape and began searching from this room, although they did not know exactly when their pet disappeared. It didn’t take long to search - the hamster was found in a rolled up old linoleum that imitated a long pipe - here the dwarf was sleeping sweetly. The rodent did not have time to escape far, and the owners did not have to do anything supernatural to help the hamster find its home again. Not far from the “linoleum pipes” there was a bag of apples brought the day before. Several fruits fell to the floor and the dwarf gnawed on one of them. Thanks to this fact, and the knowledge that their pet loves to sit in pipes, the owners thought of looking into the rolled up linoleum.