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The puppy does not walk on a leash. How to train an adult dog to walk quietly on a leash. How to teach a dog the fetch command

The command nearby is an effective training element for dogs so that they are obedient on the street or at home. While walking along the streets, this dog’s ability calms people passing by. And the owner feels confident and proud.

The right age to start dog training

Although the command seems simple at first glance, it is a very difficult element to learn for an animal. You need to start training only when your pet is six months old, although an earlier age, starting from two and a half months, is suitable for training other commands.
Earlier, you should not start training an animal specifically for this command, since he is still just small and such a science will be stressful for him, and he will not want to learn.

By the age of six months, the puppy should already know well what a leash is and also be able to walk on a leash. At the same time, you must firmly understand that stretching away from the owner during a walk or resting with all four paws is also prohibited. It is not recommended to use sharp shouts with puppies under six months of age, for the simple reason that when training a dog, a harsher tone and the use of force to some extent may be necessary.

How accurate and confident the owner feels when training his pet, the command will be easy and accessible during training. It will take three to four lessons to teach a dog to walk near its own leg. Afterwards, it will be necessary to continuously consolidate this skill.

How to teach your pet a command nearby

To start training, you need a leash, a collar and something tasty to reward your pet. By the way, about the leash. If you see that your pet can’t hear you or is distracted by looking around, then under such circumstances you can use a strict collar instead of the usual one.

The location where the lessons will take place also needs to be determined in advance, although the first training sessions can be held at home or in the yard. The main thing is that the training is carried out by the same person. Training is carried out two to three times a week, lasting from 35 minutes and up to two hours.

Now we can begin to consider the issue of training. First, you need to make sure that you have the correct leash around your neck. Secondly, while pronouncing the command loudly and clearly, the trainer needs to slap himself on his left thigh.

This signal should be deposited in the animal’s memory (of course, this will not happen the first time). Third, the dog owner needs to tighten the leash. Having heard the command, your animal must understand that it needs to take the right position and must walk to the left side of the owner.

Her front paw, or more precisely, her shoulder, has nothing left to do but move next to the owner’s leg. This walk lasts several minutes, but you must remember that the animal must be held firmly enough. It is also important that your movements and the movements of the trained animal are at the same pace. Walking side by side, you should feel each other.

After this, try to reduce the tension of the belt and take a closer look at the behavior of the animal. If the dog does not perform the task assigned to it accurately enough (runs ahead or is distracted), then the belt should be pulled lightly to restore the dog’s attention. You can tell that the puppy has almost learned the command when you see him walking next to you for at least a few steps. Praise him for his efforts.

After such hard work you need a reward. You can let the puppy off the leash and now it’s time to give him a treat. Another piece of advice: seeing that the dog has mastered the necessary skills, try not to pull the leash at all during training. If the dog tries to get distracted, then pull the leash and repeat the order. The next stage in training a dog will be learning to move with at different speeds and along the curve.

The dog goes without a leash

In order for a dog to walk alongside you without a leash, you must first train it to walk on a harness and flawlessly execute the required command. But for this purpose, the leash must be completely loose, and its length must be quite long. In this position, the pet will be able to move away from its trainer by some five to seven meters.

In this case, call the dog, and only then give instructions. If you are convinced that training has results in your case, then you can confidently let your pet go for a walk. It seems so simple. But there is one “But!”: if you often walk the dog without a strap, it will not listen to you, and, consequently, your commands will not have any effect. Remember that:

  • First you need to tighten the strap, and then give instructions;
  • You should never give a task in a threatening tone. This may be perceived by the animal as punishment;
  • You should not constantly walk on a tightly taut leash;
  • Letting your pet go ahead of time without a leash is not the best option;
  • When training with an animal, do not get carried away frequent change walking pace or changing directions.

The “nearby” command is given if:

  • You are about to go. Give the task and start moving together. Or you need to stop. Before making a stop, the animal must again say “near”;
  • Before you start turning in one direction or another, or simply turn around to go back, do not forget to give the command: “nearby”;
  • Before you speed up or slow down your walking, repeat a familiar phrase.

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Anyone who gets a dog needs to know in advance how to leash train a puppy. This is the most important skill, especially for those pets who live in the city. It is the leash that will help the owner control the puppy, prevent him from getting lost, and protect him from cars and other dogs. Many inexperienced owners are intimidated by the need to train their pet, they fail, and as a result, the adult dog turns out to be uncontrollable. This is especially dangerous for large breeds, so it is very important, for example, to accustom your shepherd puppy to a leash from an early age.

How to choose the right ammunition

Before you get a puppy, you need to buy a lot of things for it: a bowl, toys, a place, grooming items, as well as a collar and leash. A dog needs ammunition, since it will go for walks every day, and in the city it is impossible without it. Therefore, it is very important, immediately after purchase, to accustom the puppy to a collar, leash, harness, muzzle or other objects that he will constantly encounter. In order for the baby’s learning process to proceed easier and the equipment does not cause him discomfort, you need to choose it correctly.

For dogs different breeds Different collars and leashes are used: canvas, leather, nylon, metal. But for all puppies, regardless of who they grow up to be, experts recommend adhering to the same rules when selecting ammunition:

  1. For the first time, the baby needs a collar that is soft and light so that it does not rub or interfere.
  2. It is better to accustom a puppy to first walk in a harness, it is safer for him and easier to train him, but at the same time he must be accustomed to a collar.
  3. To begin with, you should take a short leash - up to one and a half meters; when training, you should avoid self-extending leashes in the form of a tape measure, heavy canvas and slippery silk cords.
  4. After purchasing, new ammunition should sit in the house for some time, preferably in a well-ventilated area, so that the artificial odors go away.
  5. Before putting a collar and leash on the puppy, you need to first introduce the baby to them, he should smell, but not play with these objects.

Basic principles

The main thing in the question of how to accustom a puppy to a leash is not to cause negative associations in him with this object. The entire training process should be based on play and affection. It is very important for the owner to show patience and perseverance, and then the issue described will soon cease to be relevant. To make this happen faster, you can turn to the advice of experienced dog handlers.

  1. You need to solve the problem of how to accustom a puppy to a leash when he is 1.5-2 months old. At this time, it is easier for him to get used to unfamiliar objects. More adult dog will be much more difficult to train.
  2. You need to put a collar and leash on your puppy when he has already become familiar with these items and has ceased to show interest in them.
  3. During the first days, the equipment should only be on the baby for a few minutes. It is advisable to distract the puppy with play during this time.
  4. The learning process should be gradual. After a few days, the puppy will calmly respond to the collar and stop noticing it. Then you can leave it on the baby’s neck for a longer time.
  5. Only after this should you fasten the leash to the collar. It should hang freely, and to prevent the baby from playing with it, you need to distract him.
  6. You can speed up the learning process with treats and affection. This is the only way, and not out of fear, that the puppy will quickly get used to the collar and leash.


It is not recommended to immediately go outside with the puppy. First you need to practice walking with him on a leash around the house. At the same time, you should not pull or jerk the puppy too much. The leash should hang freely, only needing to be slightly pulled from time to time. It is advisable that another family member join in the training. He should call the puppy to him, rewarding him when he approaches.

It is very important at this time to learn how to put on the collar correctly. You can’t tighten it too much - two fingers should fit between the dog’s neck and the harness. But it shouldn’t be free either, otherwise the puppy will simply take it off. The owner, while training at home, also needs to learn how to adjust the length of the leash. You shouldn't use a tape measure just yet, so it's important to be able to quickly shorten the leash when danger is nearby, or loosen it to let your dog run.

How to train a puppy to walk on a leash

After the baby calmly walks around the house in a collar and leash, you can go outside with him. When walking, you need to immediately teach the dog to follow the owner, and not pull him along. Gently, without jerking, using a toy or treat, you need to direct it where you need it.

It is especially important for owners of large dogs to know how to teach a puppy to walk on a leash. Already from this age, they should understand that they need to follow the owner and obey at the slightest pull on the leash. You can start learning to walk side by side after three months; the baby simply won’t understand this before.

The importance of rewards when training a puppy

According to reviews, you can teach a dog something only with affection and patience. This rule should be learned by anyone who is interested in how to teach a puppy to use a leash. During the learning process, it is worth using treats, favorite toys, and petting.

When the puppy comes at the owner's call, he must be praised. But you cannot give a treat if the dog has not complied with the requirement, resists or tries to break free. In this case, you can only distract the puppy with toys. If you are disobedient, you need to talk to your dog in a calm but stern voice. You should not overuse treats, otherwise your dog may overeat.

What not to do when training a puppy

Inexperienced owners often make mistakes when training dogs. They are either too strict or very sorry for the baby without showing persistence.

To easily teach a puppy to walk on a leash, you need to know what not to do:

  1. Under no circumstances should you allow your dog to play with the leash and collar or chew on them.
  2. Do not use a leash as punishment.
  3. You should not allow him to bite and scratch when putting on the collar, but if the puppy is overly excited, it is better to postpone the training process and let him calm down.
  4. It is unacceptable to leave your baby unattended in a collar at first; be sure to play with him, distracting him from the new object.
  5. You should not pull the puppy by the leash when he resists; it is better to lure him with a treat or toy.
  6. It is not recommended to shout, scold and punish the baby during the learning process.
  7. You can’t completely ignore your puppy’s desire to play by forcing him to walk next to you.
  8. You shouldn’t use shocker collars or “strainers” for a small dog; they are needed only in special cases.

As dog owners note, when correct behavior owner, the puppy quickly understands what is required of him. If time is lost or the dog is uncontrollable, it is better to seek help from a professional dog handler. But it is necessary to accustom your pet to a leash.

A dog that unquestioningly obeys every command of its owner, does not react to stimuli during walks, is not only a pet, but also a true friend - the dream of every person who gets a puppy. At the same time, teaching your pet to walk nearby without a leash is quite simple, but before that it is necessary to develop a stable reflex in the dog to the command “Near!”, which is practiced on a leash.

This command refers to the basic skills included in the general course. By neglecting to teach the puppy to move nearby, the owner not only exposes his pet to danger (by reacting to a cat, dog or passing cars, he can escape from the owner’s hands, disappear from sight in a few minutes or get serious injury), but also risks turning every walk into a serious test for your nerves. Not team trained"Near!" The dog is practically uncontrollable. Such a pet will constantly snatch the leash from the owner’s hands and walk the owner, and not vice versa. In addition, training the team “Near!” even on a leash helps develop obedience in general.


It is worth noting that the training of the team “Nearby!” Both on-leash and off-leash training should be done in areas where you normally exercise your puppy. The environment should be familiar to the dog, and the amount of stimuli should be minimal.

You also need to remember that classes need to be completely stopped when the puppy is tired: practicing commands should be a joy for both the owner and the pet: without feeling the desire to exercise, your four-legged friend simply will not learn the necessary material.

Stages of training

A novice trainer should know that constant repetition of the command “Near!” will not bring the desired success. The voice command is only given in the following cases:

  • before starting the movement;
  • before stopping;
  • before changing direction;
  • before changing speed.

In all other cases, the dog's behavior is corrected with a leash. Teaching the command “Near!” without a leash is organized as follows:

  • Give the command “Near!” and start moving. If your dog follows the instructions, loosen the leash and then place it on your pet's back. After waiting 10 seconds, give the command “ ”, stop and praise your pet.
  • After sitting for 10 seconds, continue moving. Repeat the command “Here!”, but do not lift the leash. After 5-10 meters, stop, sit the dog down and repeat the action described in the previous paragraph. It is not necessary to reward your puppy with a treat; alternate it with emotional praise.
  • While practicing the command “Near!” without a leash, do not forget to change the trajectory and speed of movement. The main thing is to do this consistently, not forgetting to reward your pet’s success.

After just a few lessons according to this scheme, you will notice the success of your four-legged friend. Don't forget that while you're moving, you can get your dog's attention by patting your thigh. Soon such a sound will be firmly associated with the need to move at the owner’s feet, not lagging behind or ahead of him.

Each training should not take more than 7-10 minutes: after this, the puppy’s attention must be switched to active games or practicing other commands.

As soon as the dog learns to accompany you without a leash in familiar conditions training area, use stimuli: invite another dog breeder with your pet to training or change the location for training. By complicating the conditions for executing a command, you will help your puppy master self-control and learn unquestioning obedience.

A leash is an accessory that absolutely all dog owners should have, because walking without it on the street or in the park is a big risk - the dog can not only run away and get lost, but also scare people. Also, without a leash it is unlikely that you will be able to go to veterinary clinic. Accustoming a pet to a leash is not an easy task, it requires patience and perseverance, but if everything is done correctly, the goal will be achieved quickly.

How to adapt your dog to a leash

The dog must get used to the equipment, that is You shouldn’t put a leash on her right away, let the pet smell it and realize that it does not pose any danger to it. First, the pet must get used to the collar, and then to the leash.

When an owner puts a collar and leash on a dog for the first time, it may become nervous. Often the pet tries to pull it off and even becomes hysterical. In this case, it is important to somehow encourage the animal, that is, give it a treat. If the dog sits calmly with a leash for one minute, you need to give him a piece of meat or dry food, in the future the time needs to be extended, in every possible way distracting him from the fact that he has a leash.

Very important and praise the dog, gradually replacing the treat with good words. You should learn to put a leash on your dog so that he doesn’t pay attention to it. great attention. For example, on a walk, while playing or during lunch. The end of the leash should be thrown to the ground, let the dog play freely, then he will understand that the equipment does not restrict his movements in any way.

Accustomization can be very turbulent; it is important that the owner shows maximum understanding If the dog is nervous, you need to pet it and calm it down. There should be no irritation or anger, otherwise the animal will associate the leash with negativity and will try to throw it off.

Tips for leash training a dog from breeders and dog trainers

When teaching your pets to use a leash, you should follow these tips:

  1. Owners can do everything right, but it happens that the pet still refuses to wear a leash, pulls it and bites it. In this case, breeders recommend starting training with tape or lace, which are made of softer material, which is why they are easier to get used to and cause less inconvenience. First, you can take a short cord and tie it to the collar. Once your dog is comfortable with the new accessory, you can use a longer cord.
  2. Pets love to chew on the leash, so you can’t leave it unattended. You should not leave an animal unattended with a leash because its end may get tangled in bushes or get under a stone and the dog will be seriously injured.
  3. If the dog starts to take off the leash, you should not help it, it will be perceived as encouragement and in the future it will start doing this all the time. It must be removed strictly after the animal has forgotten about it.

How to choose a leash

Leash choose along with the collar. The choice of equipment should be taken as responsibly as possible, since the dog may try to remove the leash because the collar does not correspond to the volume of its neck. The accessory should be made of non-rough and comfortable material. Yes, for puppies best choice– lightweight nylon collar.

The carabiner that fastens the leash and collar must be strong and should not come unfastened at the slightest impact. Adult dogs should choose a leather leash, but the material must be soft, otherwise it may damage the skin of the owner's hands.

How to teach a dog to walk and run with a leash

Of course, before accustoming your pet to a collar and leash, it is advisable that he already knows the “near” command, that is, he can walk with a leash near his owner. The first time your dog goes for a walk with a leash, you simply cannot do without sausages and cheese, since with the help of treats you can distract your pet from the new accessory and he will calmly walk next to his owner.

Also, with the help of goodies, it will be possible to entice the animal to follow you and he will follow the owner until he treats him with a treat. This way you can train your dog to walk with a leash without much effort.

What to do if the dog does not want to walk with a leash

The fact that a dog walks freely with a leash does not mean that it will not become stubborn if the owner takes one end of it in his hands and begins to control it. It is strictly forbidden to pull your pet along with you, since in case of a sudden movement, it can get a throat injury; in addition, the animal should under no circumstances think that any pressure can be applied to it with the help of a leash. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that the puppy completely relaxes and obediently follows his owner.

In fact, the problem of a tight leash can be solved quite simply. To begin with, the owner should remember that the leash should not be taut, he must be free - this is what you need to strive for when training your pet.

In order for the dog to follow its owner, all sorts of tricks should be used - treats, active play, and running after a toy. Contact must be established with the pet so that there is no need to pull on the leash. Such a measure should not be used; the owner must make it clear to the dog through his voice and body language that he must obey the will of his owner.

There are times when a dog persistently pulls its owner's leash. In such situations, you need to show your pet that this is pointless without taking a single step. As soon as he realizes that the tactic is not working, the dog will stop doing it.

If the dog tries to break away from the owner along with the leash, you need to say the command “near” in a firm voice and lightly tug the leash a couple of times.

In order for friendship with a pet to bring joy, you need to raise a dog from the first days of acquaintance. Before leash training your puppy, it is important to learn the advice of experienced owners. Dog handlers assure that the success of the training process depends on the character and age of the dog. The patience of the owner himself will also be important.

A leash and collar are mandatory accessories for any domestic dog. Even those pets that rarely leave their home yard should be able to stay on a harness.

When you need a leash:

  1. A trip to the vet. A regular procedure requiring obedience and humility from the animal.
  2. Walking and moving in crowded places. The safety of others is paramount.
  3. Trips to public transport. Animals will not be allowed on the bus without a leash.
  4. Control of “unbalanced” individuals. Every dog, regardless of gender, has periods when it is ready to give up everything and run away to adventure.
  5. Visiting exhibitions where the animal's skills are assessed. Walking on a leash is one of the assessment categories.

Walking a Basset Hound on a Leash

Regardless of whether the pet will travel and stroll through city squares, the law obliges the owner to buy a leash and also teach the animal to behave in a restrained manner.

Rules for first acquaintance

The list of necessary things for a puppy includes a bowl, toys, a brush, a bed and other small items. And if the dog remembers the feeding place with great pleasure, then getting to know the leash will most likely be difficult. To speed up the process, you should select the right ammunition, which does not cause inconvenience to either the animal or its owner. The animal’s first acquaintance with a new object is also important.

Getting used to the collar occurs gradually. Multicolored ribbons are placed around the necks of newborn puppies to distinguish the babies. Later the threads are replaced by light collars. But acquaintance with a leash occurs at a more conscious age, which leads to difficulties.

Exist general rules, allowing you to choose the right accessory for any pet, regardless of its breed.

Rules for selecting ammunition:

  1. As the puppy grows, you will need to change sets, so the first leash should be as “childish” as possible. A prerequisite is softness and natural materials. The harness should not rub your neck or put pressure on you.
  2. The first accessory should be short. You should not immediately purchase heavy leather products and roulette leashes. The first harness should be no longer than 1.5 meters.
  3. Before use, it is better to “ventilate” a new harness by leaving it in the apartment for several days. When foreign odors disappear, it will be easier for the puppy to perceive the new object.
  4. Introducing your pet to an unfamiliar thing should happen gradually. You can let the puppy sniff the object.

The first leashes and collars with external spikes were invented in Ancient Greece. This design made it possible to save the dog’s neck from wolf bites.

Start date

Accustoming a puppy to a collar is not difficult. On the very first day, the dog will get used to the new object, and soon he will begin to consider it his property. With a leash, things are more complicated. Rarely will a cub enjoy being on a leash. Therefore, when training, both the puppy and its owner will need a reserve of patience.

A puppy is a creature woven with emotions. His behavior is based on sensations and reactions to the world. This is why it is so difficult to train a pet to walk on a leash - an inquisitive creature resists the restriction of freedom.

Freedom is above all

Any education should be based on positive associations. It is important not to cause negative emotions in your pet associated with a new item. The first training sessions can be done in game mode.

How to leash train a puppy:

  1. You can start training as soon as your pet is 1.5-2 months old. Earlier lessons will not give results, and education in late age will be complicated by a strengthened disposition.
  2. The first lessons can be carried out when the baby stops showing increased interest in the new thing. He must also get used to the collar. Only after this can a leash be attached to it.
  3. The debut fitting lasts only a few minutes. At this time, it is important to engage your pet in play. However, the dog should not play with the harness.

Getting used to it will not come immediately. It is important to spend some time gradually increasing the time your pet is in the harness.

First home lessons

It is best to start learning in a familiar environment. At home, the puppy will not be frightened or distracted, which will help build positive associations. When the pet learns to behave confidently, the lessons can be reinforced on the street.

The first collar should not be heavy. The baby will not be happy with the accessory “for growth”. Such an item will be heavy and impractical. It is best to purchase a nylon strap with lightweight plastic buckles. By adjusting the width, secure the collar so that it cannot slip off over your head.

The right leash is the key to success

The first use of the leash for its intended purpose should only last a few minutes. During this time, it is important to hold the harness so that the puppy does not pay attention to it. You can talk to him, play, but do not focus on the “servitude” position. You cannot pull, pull or dangle the leash. It should hang freely.

Until the moment when the puppy discovers discomfort, the harness should be removed. The next lesson will last a few minutes longer.

The shorter and more frequent the classes, the faster puppy will get used to the new subject. However, you shouldn't bother him. Wearing a harness several times a day can create a lasting negative association in your dog.

Over time, the duration of home workouts will reach 20 minutes. After this you can start short walks around the apartment. It is important to train the dog to walk in the direction indicated by the owner.

The first trips will most likely be adjusted by a naughty puppy. Simple ways will help teach the pet to listen to the owner.

There are two methods to teach a puppy to follow its owner. This is a loyal method and a tough technique. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Loyal method

This method will require maximum patience from the owner, but will maintain a trusting relationship with the pet. To work through it, small treats will be useful.

Weasel is the basis of training

Step by step method:

  1. The puppy is called by name and a leash is attached to the collar. After petting the dog, they begin to step forward. Most likely, the dog will quickly lose interest in what is happening and rush in the other direction.
  2. As soon as the leash tape becomes taut, you should stop. The dog must associate its behavior with the movements of the person. As soon as the puppy pulls on the harness, it becomes more difficult to walk - the owner stops.
  3. It is important to let your dog know that walking slowly is more effective than running.
  4. Every time the leash is pulled and the owner stops, you need to wait until the dog looks at the owner. A puppy that stops is rewarded with a treat.
  5. After a tasty prize, the trajectory of movement is changed. After a few lessons, the puppy will understand that it is not profitable to break away. Gradually, the treat is replaced with praise - the dog is told that it is doing well and is petted.

Some puppies react dramatically to an unfamiliar object. Once in a harness, pets lie down, sit down, or try to slip out of the “trap.” This behavior is quite natural. You should not punish the puppy for this. He needs to be distracted by playing and tricked into getting up. The technique is suitable for small puppies. For animals older than 4 months, a different method is used.

The hard way

The method is based on simple conditioned reflexes. Every time the puppy tries to run about his business, he is sharply pulled back. It is enough to slightly pull the harness so that the dog feels a tug, but does not experience pain.

While running away, the puppy will encounter the same effect. Running hurts. After a few lessons, the pet will be able to hold on to the sagging harness without pulling on it.

For puppies over 5 months of age, Parfors can be used. Special collar with rounded teeth does not cut into the skin, but causes some discomfort, facilitating the assimilation of the command.

Regardless of the method chosen, it is important not to overwhelm your dog with the routine. Monotonous walking at your feet can give reverse effect, provoking a riot. 30-40 steps are enough to understand whether the dog is paying attention to the owner’s actions. It is important that there is trusting contact between the owner and the dog at the time of training. If the puppy is afraid of or does not trust a person, the training will take many weeks.

Teaching a puppy commands

When the puppy stops tearing up, you can start teaching commands. The commands for walking on a leash are simple and won't require much effort.


When walking a dog down the street, the owner should not reprimand or reward the dog for being a polite presence. The use of tasty prizes is permissible only for initial stage training. Later, the pet must listen to verbal orders and not expect a reward for following them.

Step-by-step training for the “Nearby” command:

  1. The dog is seated at the left leg. IN right hand holding a leash and a treat.
  2. Having given the command “near”, they begin to move, holding the harness in a free position.
  3. The puppy should not be allowed to run ahead of its owner. All attempts to pull on the leash must be stopped. The dog must copy the pace of the person.
  4. All actions of the puppy are voiced in an appropriate tone. Correct execution is marked by the word “good” and the repetition of the word “near.”

When the puppy has covered the measured distance, they give him a reward and play with him. For one walk, 2-3 repetitions are enough.

Team "Nearby"

To me

The command will come in handy during a walk, when fastening the leash is urgently needed. Such an order will also help in organizing walks without a leash. Teaching a puppy to come when asked is not difficult. It is important that at the time of teaching the command the dog responds to its name.

During a walk, the pet is called to you, combining the nickname and the command “come to me” in the order. When the puppy runs up, he is praised and encouraged. After a few correct repetitions, feeding is followed by attaching to the leash. It is important to create a positive association in the puppy not only with the name, but also with the entire process. Gradually, rewards are given less often, while continuing to praise the pet.

Following the command “Come to me”, I rush to the call

Teaching an adult dog

Teaching commands to a puppy is easier than taming an adult animal. Often there is a need to teach a dog to walk on a leash, for a long time living in an enclosure or nursery. The principles of training in this case will be somewhat different from those for “toddlers.” While attention little puppy completely focused on the owner, an adult pet will be more independent. A mature dog can react completely unpredictably to restriction of freedom. It is better to start training with a long leash. It is optimal if its length exceeds 5 meters.

It is better to do education in a deserted place quiet place. The first walks will be under the command of the dog. If she behaves adequately and does not try to escape, you can let her “walk” her owner. The harness should hang freely, giving the animal the illusion of freedom.

When the dog gets used to the presence of the tape, the distance to the owner can be gradually reduced. Most adult animals are reluctant to follow a person. They lag or drag while walking short leash. In this case, you can use tasty rewards, attracting the dog’s attention to the treat. You should keep the prize in sight, each time drawing the animal's attention to the palm with food. If a dog is blocking the road, you cannot give it a treat. Adult pets can withstand longer training sessions. The lesson can last up to 30 minutes. However, at the first signs of fatigue, the dog should be released to play.

The role of tasty rewards

During the training process, the owner will need considerable patience. Raising a pet is based on trust and affection. A tasty prize for the dog will help reinforce your kind words. Any small treat that will fit in the palm of your hand and will not stain it will be suitable as a reward. You can use dry food. It is advisable to use food that is not available to the dog in everyday life. This will create the impression of a particularly attractive reward.

Don't rely too much on feeding tricks. By generously rewarding the dog for each command it completes, you can turn the animal into Pavlov's dog. The result of the orders will be increased appetite and incorrect execution of tasks.

The dog should not receive a prize if it performed the command incorrectly. Only perfect actions can be rewarded. If the puppy is tired, you can distract him with a toy, rather than with a portion of food that you don’t want to return to your pocket. When disobedient, it is important not to raise your tone, but to make it stricter. You can scare a puppy by screaming, but you won't be able to train him.

Rules for the owner

To give training maximum result, not only the puppy, but also his owner will have to follow the rules. Dog handlers recommend that the owner follow these tips:

  1. For training, choose places that are familiar to the animal. It is advisable that nothing distracts him.
  2. If training takes place at home, you should limit the number of household members present.
  3. If the puppy is hyperactive, it is better to exercise with him after a long walk.
  4. You cannot move on to a new stage of training until the previous one has been mastered.
  5. A leash should not be a tool of punishment. Otherwise, it will cause fear in the trainee and make training difficult.
  6. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 15 minutes. After 10 minutes of work, the puppy will get tired, so the intensity of the training should be reduced.

When training a dog, it is important to follow the rules and also avoid common mistakes.

What not to do

Inexperienced owners often make mistakes. Dog trainers have created a list of common mistakes when trying to introduce a dog to a leash.

Common mistakes:

  1. The puppy should not play with the equipment. This also applies to the rest period. The leash should be kept out of reach of your pet.
  2. When putting on the equipment, the puppy should not be overexcited. If he gets too played, it is better to postpone the procedure.
  3. While getting used to the collar, you should not leave the puppy alone with the new item. You can play with your pet or just watch him.
  4. If the dog does not want to go voluntarily, you should not pull on the harness. Rewards should only be positive.
  5. Don't be too strict about your puppy's desire to play. Long workouts exhaust him, so breaks from work are necessary.
  6. IN early age It is better not to use the “harness” leash model. Pressure on the spine can lead to abnormal skeletal development. A regular strap attached to the collar would be optimal.
  7. Collars, shockers and other strict devices should not be used for ethical reasons.

If the dog is categorical

It happens that the owner has spent more than one week training the pet, but the dog still refuses to walk on a leash. Often the cause of the problem is negative emotions previously tested by animals.

Table 1. Possible reasons dog protest.

CauseDog behavior
DiscomfortPerhaps the collar or parforce is chosen incorrectly. Feeling suffocated, the dog is unlikely to obey unconditionally. This is at odds with her instinct of self-preservation.
SpoiledIf you allow your puppy to play with the equipment, you should not be surprised at subsequent disobedience. There is only one way out of this situation - buying a new, completely different leash model.
FrightThe owner could not restrain himself and spanked the dog with a harness. The dog will remember such a gesture for a long time. It’s easy to check whether your pet is afraid of ammunition. It is enough to hit the palm of your hand with the strap and watch the dog’s reaction. If your pet bends its ears, the harness will have to be replaced.
RefusalIf buying a new leash does not help, you can temporarily use a special vest for puppies. It is not necessary to remove the collar while wearing it.

Puppy - Small child. He doesn't understand the word "must". Therefore, when going for a walk, it is important to allow him to frolic to his heart's content. When the baby runs around and is ready to interact, you can start training.

Video - How to train a puppy to use a leash

Selection of ammunition

There are many leash models. Each of them has its pros and cons. Experienced owners know when to use each of them. The following information will help novice dog owners:

Table 2. Types and characteristics of leashes.

Leash typeViewCharacteristicNote


  • Allows you to adjust the length.
  • The tape (cord) does not sag and does not get dirty.
  • The length and material are selected according to the weight of the animal.
  • Suitable for city walks.
  • Used for small and medium breeds.
  • Not recommended for walking large animals.



Leash - chain with handle

  • A beautiful and stylish accessory turns out to be extremely inconvenient.
  • The chain is difficult to wrap around your hand to shorten the distance.
  • Such a harness is contraindicated for long-haired breeds - the hair gets tangled in the links.
  • Suitable for large adult dogs only.
  • Heavy chains are not suitable for puppies.
  • Most often, such an accessory is used for short-term going out or visiting exhibitions.

Show ring with ring

  • A design consisting of a single cord and two rings at the ends.
  • When the dog jerks sharply, the ring on the neck tightens, forcing the animal to weaken the pressure.
  • For use on adult animals only.
  • The noose requires special training for the pet. It is applied for large breeds. At exhibitions, such a leash allows you to show off your dog’s strengths as effectively as possible.

Harness - vest

  • Design made of ribbons passing under the paws.
  • Allows you to control the animal without putting pressure on the neck.
  • There are personal sizes and materials available.
  • Convenient for walking small and medium breeds.
  • Mounting on the body allows the dog to feel free and maneuver.
Lead leash

From tarpaulin

  • These leashes are short models and are intended for short walks.
  • Very convenient for walking in crowded places, when transporting your pet on public transport or in a car.
  • By appearance This type of leash resembles an elongated loop that is attached to the collar.
  • Suitable for large breed dogs.

  • When the skin gets wet or at sub-zero temperatures, it hardens, becomes deformed, and loses its aesthetic appearance.
  • In order for a leather leash to have a long service life, it is necessary to carefully care for it and treat it with special protective impregnation compounds from time to time.

From sling with latex

Synthetic sling is a durable and practical option.

An ideal option for a first leash would be a lightweight synthetic harness. The less she reminds the dog of herself, the faster the animal will get used to her presence.

Manufacturers and prices

When choosing ammunition for your quadruple friend, it is important to find a quality product that meets all the requirements of both the owner and the animal. However, the first leash will soon have to be replaced with an “adult” model, so when buying debut equipment, it is important not to overpay, but to purchase a reliable product.

Driver leashes

The advantage of a simple leash is maneuverability when controlling the dog. The disadvantage of the model is the need to wrap the free end around the hand or hold it with the other hand. The chain-driver can injure the owner’s hand when working with a large dog. The most budget leashes cost about 200 rubles. Prices for more durable models start at 600 rubles.


A convenient option for small and medium breeds. There are two types of tape measures - cord and tape. Corded options are suitable for small pets. It is better to walk dogs weighing more than 30 kg on a tape leash. The advantage of a tape measure is convenient control of the length of the leash. A significant drawback of the model is the risk of the mechanism breaking at the most inopportune moment. Prices for leashes and roulettes start from 800 rubles. A higher quality product costs over 1 thousand rubles.


Show rings are usually used at shows and other events where complete control over the dog is required. The advantage of the noose is the accelerated training of the animal. However, it is carried out on the basis of the negative experience of the puppy, so such equipment is rarely used for training pets. The disadvantage of ringovka is the inability to apply to small breeds. The simplest model can be purchased for 150 rubles. More thoughtful designs made from high-quality material are more expensive - from 1.5 thousand rubles.

Training a pet is a long process. To teach a puppy to walk on a leash, the owner will need patience, as well as high-quality equipment.