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What to do to stop your dog from chewing. How to stop a dog from chewing furniture: effective tips and methods. Behavior correction methods

It is completely normal for puppies and adult dogs to chew on objects as it is one of their ways to explore the world around them. For young dogs, it is also a way to reduce the pain associated with teething more. late age- This natural way Clean your teeth and keep your jaws strong.

However, dogs often spoil their owners' things when left alone, which naturally causes a lot of inconvenience to their owners. For that To deal with this problem, you need to understand what is causing it and how to properly correct your pet’s behavior.

Reasons why a dog may chew inedible objects in the absence of the owner

There may be several reasons why a dog chews.

There may be several reasons why a dog begins to chew objects in the absence of the owner.

  • A dog who habitually chews on objects that do not belong to him only or more when he is alone is most likely trying to relieve separation stress. The animal may show other signs of anxiety, such as whining, howling, barking, restlessness, constant pacing, urination and defecation.

Such behavior does not indicate bad manners, it only indicates psychological state pet.

  • In addition, the dog can be destructive, when she is bored and tries to occupy herself with something to have fun and/or attract attention. Dogs need to be able to exhibit sufficient intelligence and physical activity: daily long walks, playing with other dogs, learning new commands, exploring new toys.
  • Situations that make the animal nervous or anxious severe upset can also provoke similar behavior. Too much loud sounds, aggressive behavior other animals or even the owner himself before he leaves.
  • Another reason why a dog may chew things may be hunger. This often happens when the animal is on low calorie diet. Although usually, when a dog tries to find an additional source of food, it chews objects that are either somehow related to cooking or smell like food.
  • Dogs actively chew everything that comes their way during the teething period. This is absolutely natural process. The desire to explore interesting objects and the discomfort caused by teething force the puppy to actively chew. This behavior goes away by six months of age.

Take note! If you cannot independently understand the reasons for your pet’s destructive behavior, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist, since without identifying the cause, you will not be able to find the right approach to the animal.

Behavior correction methods

There are several methods for correcting dog behavior.
  • In order to wean a dog from chewing things in the absence of the owner, it is important to teach the animal to have fun, or, according to at least, tolerate loneliness more calmly. If a dog misses its owners very much, you need to let it understand that being alone can also have its advantages. Let your pet have a toy or treat that he only gets when he is home alone.
  • Give your dog an alternative. When trying to take the wrong object, you must calmly take it away, offering the animal its toys in return.
  • Communicate and exercise your dog as much as possible physical exercise. Long walks in the forest, swimming in the lake, active games in the snow will allow the animal to lose energy.
  • Accustoming to loneliness must begin with weaning off the habit of constantly being near the owner. You should close yourself off from the dog in the room for a while, without reacting to attempts to attract attention to yourself. You need to leave the room only after the animal has calmed down. This will allow you to control the pet’s behavior and let it understand that the owner cannot always devote time to him. After some time, the dog begins to require less attention and even tries to retire, having become accustomed to occupying itself independently.

How to avoid problematic situations

Try not to leave your dog alone for a long time until you understand the reasons for her destructive behavior and develop a plan to correct it. Once you determine the causes of the problem, begin to gradually increase the time when the animal is alone at home.

On initial stage behavior correction, when you are not yet confident in the dog, remove from visible places all objects that can provoke the animal.

At first, do not leave your dog alone for a long time.

Your dog doesn't need to have access to every room in the house. You can allocate one room in which the dog will stay when the owners are not at home. It will be necessary to remove as much as possible items that the animal could damage.

Ineffective behavior correction methods

  • Do not try to scold, hit or punish your dog for the damage it has caused. She will not be able to compare the fact of punishment with her behavior, regardless of how much time has passed: several hours or several minutes. The fact that an animal tucks its tail between its legs and hides from you does not mean that it understands why it is being scolded.
  • Don't crate your dog for long periods of time (more than six hours) to try to stop him from chewing.
  • Do not try to tape your dog's mouth or tie spoiled items to it. It's cruel, unfair and useless.

Note! If you can't change your dog's behavior, look for the problem not in your pet, but in your own behavior. Most likely you are doing something wrong.

A systematic approach to behavior correction

The approach must be systematic.

It is very important that the education process be systematic. There are three things a dog owner needs to consider:

  • the duration of periods when the dog is left alone;
  • weaning off unwanted behavior;
  • training in desired behavior.

You cannot deal with only one aspect, as this will not give any results and will reduce all efforts to nothing.

The learning process, especially if we're talking about about an adult dog, cannot be fast. An animal cannot change its behavior in an instant. Therefore, you need to gradually help your pet get used to unpleasant feeling loneliness, forming in his mind an alternative desirable behavior, controlling how much time the animal can withstand alone without experiencing stress.

Owner mistakes

One of the serious mistakes dog owners make is not correct behavior before leaving the dog alone. Wanting to cheer up the dog, to let it know that it is loved and will miss it, the owners begin to give the animal Special attention before leaving: they play with him, stroke him, allow themselves to be licked.

In reality, the dog cannot understand what these caresses mean and experiences great disappointment and stress when the owner, after spending time with him, suddenly turns around and leaves, instead of staying and continuing the game.

When leaving the animal alone, it is necessary to ignore it for at least ten minutes, allowing it to go about its business. Then parting with the owner will be less painful.

The main mistake of owners is incorrect behavior.

In no case cannot be encouraged destructive behavior dogs. If an animal is caught with an object that it is not allowed to take, you should not scream or give chase. If the dog does not spoil this thing, but at the same time evaluates the owner’s reaction, it should be ignored. After some time, not having received attention, the animal itself will leave the thing alone. In cases where a dog chews an object in front of the owner, it is necessary to approach and calmly pick up this thing, offering an alternative in the form of a toy.

You should not give your dog old things (shoes, bottles, pillows, etc.) as toys. It will be difficult for the animal to figure out which things can be played with and which cannot.


There are various sprays whose smell or taste repels dogs. It is necessary to spray objects that the dog can spoil every day for two to four weeks, after making sure that the dog is not allergic to these products.

At the initial stage of training, you can lock the dog in a crate for a while, but this period should not last more than six hours. In addition, accustom your animal to the crate gradually and make sure that he has drinking water. The cage should be perceived as a house, and not as a prison.

How to wean your dog from annoying, demanding behavior

An effective way is to ignore the dog.

In cases where a dog chews things, attracting attention to itself, it is necessary to wean it from being excessively demanding.

Most effective method Correction of such behavior is ignoring. At the same time, it is important to set aside time to communicate with the dog so that it does not feel lonely and unwanted. But any initiative for communication must come from the owner.

In cases where a dog takes the initiative, you need to ignore it: do not try to convince it to stop such behavior, avoid eye contact, and do not touch it. If the dog continues to be persistent, tries to hurt the owner or climb on him, you can leave the room, continuing to ignore the animal. This will serve as punishment for disobedience.

It is important that other family members, if the dog lives in the family, ignore the animal, otherwise there is no positive result will not be achieved.

After the dog has stopped trying to attract attention, you can call him and pet him or play with him.

To achieve absolute obedience from a dog, it is important not to give in to it in any way, otherwise this will only aggravate the situation.

If the ignoring method does not work, you can punish the dog for unwanted behavior and reward acceptable behavior. But this should be done only in difficult cases.

Correcting a dog's behavior takes time, regularity and leniency. If you are able to understand what the pet is trying to demonstrate with its behavior, what emotions and desires drive it, then the training process becomes interesting and enjoyable for both the owner and the dog.

After a puppy appears in the house, the owners will have to deal with the fact that the dog chews the furniture. What to do in this case and what causes it?

If a puppy chews furniture and shoes, peels off wallpaper and wires, this is not a disease of a carefree childhood that will go away. Once established, this habit will develop into chronic form, which can disappoint the owner in the pet and deal a crushing blow to the wallet.

Training a puppy

The first step of a person who decides to get a dog should be careful preparation for settling a new pet in an apartment or house. To raise and train him you need a lot of financial resources, time and effort. The owner must be aware of all the surprises awaiting him, using proactive methods to correct the pet’s behavior.

As the dog grows up, it will definitely taste its surroundings; this is one of the stages of growing up. The puppy chews furniture, shoes and things in the house especially actively at 4-6 months. Whether things in the house will suffer from this depends entirely on the owner of the animal, he must be more cunning than his pet, because the quality of life together depends on this.

If a dog chews furniture, then, firstly, it needs to occupy itself with something. Secondly, she is teething. In this case, bones are optimal. Also, as an alternative, a treat is used -. They contain calcium; if a dog gnaws on these horns, this will have a positive effect on overall health.

Proactive Actions

The best thing to do would be not to leave the dog unattended at first, but the owner cannot be with the puppy all the time. The solution is simple: when leaving home, lock your pet in a pre-purchased metal enclosure (cage). To prevent him from getting bored, put 2-3 toys in the cage that he will chew on. What can be fixed in a dog’s behavior with such simple prevention? The puppy will get used to playing with what the owner gives and not touching visible but forbidden or inaccessible things.

In the presence of the owners, preventive measure, the puppy will be wearing a comfortable leather muzzle. A dog that is free to move will not be able to “test its teeth” on the furniture. The habit is reinforced, and as the puppy grows up, he learns not to spoil things. The behavioral habits the puppy has achieved need to be reinforced, and he should not spoil things while without a muzzle and in the absence of his owners.

You can stop a puppy from chewing furniture only by forming the right program pet behavior? The dog needs to be trained 2-3 weeks after it starts running around the apartment in a muzzle. They let the dog out to run, carefully monitoring every action. If the puppy tries to chew the furniture, he should be scolded and immediately turn his attention to the toy. If the animal behaves correctly, praise the pet uncontrollably.

The toy that is offered to the dog should be attractive. The selection of items in specialized stores is quite large, but if the toy is not attractive, look for another one. You can rub a piece smoked sausage bought a rubber bone so that it attracts the puppy with its aroma.

The next step in the actions of a cunning owner will be to teach the puppy not to chew furniture in his absence. Before training, remove all valuables from the pet’s access area. To begin with, leave the dog alone for a few minutes, gradually lengthening the periods of absence. After returning, the owner exaggeratedly meticulously inspects all the places that the animal can spoil. If everything is in order, he praises the puppy; if the dog chews the furniture, he punishes him.

When leaving home for a longer period than she is used to, she needs:

  • leaving a well-played and fed puppy at home, the risk of loss is minimal;
  • plant the puppy new toy or a rubber bone that you can bite;
  • provoke the dog by placing old, unnecessary things on it: slippers, shoes. If the puppy starts to chew on them, this will be a reason for punishment and training.

Punishment is important in the training process: if you see that the puppy is chewing things, you should immediately come up, say: “Ugh” and spank him on the rump. If the animal disobeys, the punishment should be more severe; you cannot hit the animal in the face or paws, but in order to subordinate the puppy to the will of the person, the punishment must be strict.

To prevent your dog from gnawing, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Use the method of prevention and control until correct behavior is consolidated;
  2. Timely distract the puppy with toys and delicious food;
  3. Use reward and punishment methods correctly and patiently.

This little thing will save furniture from active dog. provokes the dog with his appearance, but at the same time she will withstand any test. Busy Buddy is made of high-quality rubber and has a grooved coating, so it helps clean teeth from plaque. The toy develops the habit of chewing on it, not the furniture.

Training a dog

An animal that has not been taught to behave correctly among many interesting things will chew, studying them in this way - this behavior is characteristic of dogs of any age, so there is no point in being nervous or punishing the “rodent”. Correct behavior is to train the dog and control its behavior. When leaving home, lock her in a room where her behavior will not cause much harm, after leaving a few of her favorite toys there.

The dog chews furniture when left alone due to improper actions of the animal owner. This erroneous tactic gives her the firm belief that gnawing is okay when there are no people in the house! Punishment that is not tied to the immediate process does not form relationships in the animal’s behavior and does not teach.

Basic rules that you must reinforce in your dog:

  • You can only chew on permitted things;
  • this can also be done in the presence of people.

To prevent your dog from chewing furniture, you first need to block the opportunity to do so. To do this, the pet should wear a comfortable soft muzzle. After some time, the habit will gradually fade away.

If an animal has a habit of damaging not only furniture, but also tearing upholstery with its claws, it should be locked in an enclosure in the absence of its owners, leaving it alone with toys, bones and sticks that can be chewed. In order to distract your pet in your absence, it is good to fill a children's rubber toy that is empty inside with a substance that smells pleasant to the dog (dry food, biscuits). While having fun, she will chew on the object, which will reinforce the habit of doing this only with things permitted by the owner.

The best toys can be:

  1. Items made of hard, strong rubber;
  2. Purchased, specially processed, sterile bones;
  3. Special toys made of hooves and leather.
  • your old things;
  • used magazines and newspapers.

The next step is to leave the dog without a muzzle for a few minutes (2-4 weeks after the start of training). At the first attempts to gnaw, they are demonstratively punished and scolded. To distract, they throw keys or a jar of coins on the floor. If the dog does not see the person, such an action is associated with the action.

Then, after a while, they “forgive the rodent” and offer toys to help shape correct behavior. If the dog behaves correctly, they praise it just as loudly.

As the habit becomes established, it is left for more long time, to do this, take several steps to be on the safe side:

  • the dog is left after it has had a good walk outside and eaten a tasty meal;
  • to protect things, use a product to prevent the dog from chewing furniture (Anti-gryzin);
  • Be sure to leave several old toys and one new one;
  • to teach not to touch the owners’ things, old unnecessary or already damaged things are left in a visible place;
  • if the dog behaves correctly, they encourage and praise it; if it behaves poorly, they scold it loudly and demonstratively.

Persistence and patience will help owners shape the correct behavior of their pet.

If your dog is already chewing furniture and still has problems with his teeth, this can help him out. It contains natural ingredients that help heal teeth. Moreover, applying the gel cleanses teeth of plaque and stones and prevents the appearance of holes. It is enough to apply it to your teeth several times a week.

Special means

What should I put on furniture to prevent the dog from chewing on it and the owners’ things? Reviews on the Internet do not always confirm the effectiveness of domestic Anti-Gryzin or similar products from pet stores, but there are good reviews about imported products (for example, Beaphar Stop It). According to the owners of “rodents”, it helps a lot:

  • “Star” balm for favorite, already damaged places on furniture or wallpaper, in the house;
  • a mixture of black and red pepper on old or already spoiled things that the dog chews;
  • Tabasco sauce;
  • pharmaceutical foot gel with strong odor menthol;
  • treatment with vinegar essence.

Patience and perseverance, preempting the dog's actions with the owners' cunning, will help wean it from the destructive habit.

What to do if a dog chews walls, shoes, furniture.
This behavior may be due to fear of loneliness, to the fact that there is a health problem, or to the fact that healthy dog cannot remain idle for long. Most often, this problem is known to those who recently got a puppy.
There is another reason that underlies this unpleasant process - it is a natural instinct. The fact is that in nature, predators, having caught their prey, tear it into pieces. The dog is trying to do the same. This normal rate behavior adult dog can be adjusted in at a young age with the help of some measures.

For puppies:

Very little puppy there should be a fenced off corner of it, a room where there is access only to certain items. Don't leave him completely isolated. He is small and afraid to be alone. Organize his place so that he can see and observe what is happening around him.

A puppy or young dog should have toys. The puppy quickly gets bored with toys, so give him not everything at once, but gradually. When you get tired of one, give a new one and hide the old one for now. And so on.

When your dog plays with his toys, reward him and praise him.

If you catch the moment when the dog took an object that will chew, it is at this moment that you can distract attention with sound, voice, squeaking, rustling, distracting attention and giving the puppy a toy that can be chewed. However, you need to be careful, because if you squeak or rustle later, when the dog is already gnawing, then the dog may think that this is some kind of game. And what is interesting...

Don’t let your puppy chew on old shoes or slippers that you “throw away anyway.” No, a dog cannot distinguish between shoes that can be chewed and those that are prohibited.

If a puppy is “caught in the act”, it is at the moment when he is chewing on a toy that is not his that he should be scolded, you can easily pat him by the scruff of the neck, as dog mothers do. Not for long, just grab him by the scruff of the neck and firmly say “no.”

Pepper preparations that are sold in pet stores are very effective.

In a word, a puppy needs toys and attention, like a child. Moreover, he needs to periodically buy new toys when the old ones become uninteresting to him. In general, puppies, like small children, sleep a lot. Therefore, they do not take up too much attention.
If the dog is an adult...
This behavior means that she is lonely, that she doesn’t walk, play, or communicate much. The fear of loneliness manifests itself immediately after the owner leaves or after a few minutes. But if bad behavior manifests itself after a long period of time, several hours, this means that the dog is looking for something to do, strives to realize its energy, wants to play.

What to do?

Before leaving your dog at home alone, take him for a walk outside. At least an hour, let her run around, play enough, she should get tired. Feed after your walk.

Stop bad behavior when you see the process, not when the event has already happened. Only at the moment when the dog does this, say “No!” Only! at the moment when the dog takes a prohibited object into its mouth.

The dog should have plenty of space to move freely in the house.

Give your dog some toys. These should be toys that the dog loves and is used to playing with. To do this, you can teach her to play with them, using the game “fetch” or “fight” for objects. Give a few more toys just before leaving home.

Leave the TV or radio on, at a low volume, to create an immersive experience. Be sure that the wires are out of the puppy's reach.

The owner of the dog or future owner Dogs should know that they must give their dog the opportunity for walks during the day. For an adult dog this is at least three times, for a puppy - five to ten times a day. This is vital for a healthy adult dog.


Provide your puppy with something to chew on. Avoid rubber or Stuffed Toys. Very sharp teeth, with which they can easily bite off small pieces of such a toy and swallow them. Buy special soaked bones or plastic toys.

Remove unwanted chewable items from view. Keep shoes in the closet, children's toys in a storage drawer, keep closet doors closed, and wrap cellophane around the corners of the sofa. This will not last forever, but only until the puppy loses interest in chewing. You can restrict your dog's access to certain rooms in the house. Many dog ​​breeders suggest placing puppies in a spacious playpen for a while, for example, during periods when you leave them at home, so that the animal does not damage the furniture without your supervision.

Show your puppy the items he is allowed to chew. For example, you notice that your fidget is sharpening his teeth on the handrail of the chair, click him on the ears and firmly say “no”. Then immediately give him a toy or bone and praise him for his obedience. By pointing at the desired object, you will gradually shift the puppy's attention away from the prohibited object. Talk to your dog in a firm but calm manner. Try not to scare your pet.

Be consistent. Let everyone in the family pay attention to raising the dog and take part in training the puppy. Teach them to keep their belongings organized and away from the pet's toys. Decide what method of punishment, what words you will use in relation to the dog, let everyone in the house strictly follow the instructions. If everyone uses the “no” or “fu” response, the dog will be more understanding in commands. If everyone starts using individual training and education techniques, the dog will be confused. And the problem with chewed furniture will remain unresolved for a long time.

Never let your puppy bite you. You must teach your dog to take your commands seriously. Biting and gnawing are two bad, but very similar habits. Every time your puppy starts to bite your arm, leg or clothing, pull him back sharply and reprimand him loudly. Stop playing with him or reacting in any way. Turn your back to the puppy and don’t let him get along with you. eye contact. When the pet calms down, you can continue training, running, playing, etc. If you learn to speak the same language as your dog, he will soon begin to understand that biting is bad and that communication stops as soon as the biting starts. If you manage to train a dog at such a young age, you will get an intelligent, well-mannered friend. Efforts and rigor will be more than justified very soon.

Torn curtains, chewed sofa, eaten chair. If a dog is left alone, it can create a war zone out of an apartment. How to deal with this disaster?

Six main reasons

To stop your dog from ruining everything, you need to understand why he does it:

  1. Trying to relieve pain associated with teething. At the age of 3 to 7 months, baby teeth are replaced by molars, and the pet begins to gnaw on everything it comes across.
  2. The puppy gets acquainted with the world around him, trying out objects “to his teeth”. Dogs are very curious as children. Unlike humans, they do not have hands to grasp and touch things. But they have a mouth, which helps them explore new things.
  3. A dog may chew furniture because it is hungry or when there is not enough fiber in its diet.
  4. Boring. Dogs are very energetic. If the dog hasn’t had enough exercise and is left alone at home, he begins to entertain himself. The best consolation for him may be to eat the legs of a designer chest of drawers.
  5. Disease. An imbalance of thyroid hormones and brain tumors can cause destructive behavior when the dog begins to spoil things uncontrollably.
  6. The dog thus calms down. Therefore, if a pet is gnawing on something, it may mean that it is scared, lonely or uncomfortable.

Why furniture

Dogs have natural need gnaw IN wildlife they satisfy her with sticks and trees. At home, furniture is the most suitable substitute. Sometimes dogs suck the upholstery of chairs and sofas. In this way, they imitate the suckling of their mother's milk during puppyhood.

Unfortunately, this is far from harmless habit. It brings the owner not only material damage and grief. Wood chips can get stuck in the gums and cause inflammation. And eaten batting, foam rubber or fabric from sofas can cause intestinal upset.

How to wean


Buy a lot of different toys. But you can’t give everything at once. They will quickly get boring, and the dog will happily return to eating the owner’s chair. You need to give them out gradually, one at a time.

Must form conditioned reflex, What toys are good. To do this, you need to play with your pet. Encourage with your voice and petting when the dog shows interest in them.

Monitor the quality of toys. They must be strong enough that the dog cannot eat them.

Buy special bones at pet stores. They are made from pressed animal veins and the dog will selflessly savor them.


You need to walk the dog a day at least 2 hours. If an animal goes outside only to relieve itself, it will begin to waste unspent energy at home.

A walk should consist of a variety of movements, and not just monotonous walking on a leash. Be sure to include running and jumping. If possible, arrange country walks where the dog can relieve all tension.

If the dog has to sit alone at home for several hours, he needs to be thoroughly exhausted. To do this, add a training session to the walk. Learning and remembering new commands will tire your dog.

After such a comprehensive exercise, the pet will rest for a long time and lose all interest in interior items.

"It is forbidden!"

This command must be taught to the puppy one month old. It will help your pet to outline the boundaries of what is permitted and understand what he can do and what he will be scolded for.

The puppy should always remain within sight. If suddenly you don’t see him for a long time, then 9 and 10 that he is now tasting the leg of a mahogany table. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor what he is doing.

As soon as he tries to bite furniture, a shoe, or a wire, you need to flick him on the ear or angrily pat him on the withers. At the same time, in a stern and firm voice, say “No!” Immediately after this, give him a toy, praise him, play with him, pet him.


Dogs are smart animals, they remember everything quickly and are easy to train. But there are a number of mistakes that inexperienced dog breeders make:

  • Scold for sabotage that has already been committed. For example, when the owner comes home, sees a destroyed antique chest of drawers and begins to punish the pet. The dog does not understand why the owner is angry, and does not in any way connect the swearing with the chewed furniture.
  • Screaming or worse, hitting the dog. She will become nervous and intimidated. Such “education” will have reverse effect. After all, when a dog is nervous, it begins to chew something even more in order to calm down.
  • Double standards. All family members must follow the same line of communication with the dog. "It is forbidden!" must be a constant. If you scold your dog for playing with wires today and ignore him tomorrow, then training will not give any results.
  • “It will go away on its own”. Some people naively believe that when the teething period ends, the dog will calm down and stop gnawing. This is wrong. Bad habit, on the contrary, will take on monstrous proportions and not only stools will suffer.

Additional measures

Sometimes no matter how much you give the puppy tasty bone and his favorite toy, he still thinks that a piece of the sofa is much better. What to do in such cases?

  • Remove objects from reach. When there is no temptation in front of his eyes, the furry bully will have fun only with what he has available.
  • Special pepper sprays. If the stool tastes bitter, the puppy will refuse to chew it.
  • Aviary or dog cage. It sounds intimidating, but if presented correctly, the pet will perceive it as a favorite booth.

It's actually easy to stop chewing furniture. The main thing is to be patient, devote time, attention to the dog and systematically train your tailed friend.