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Flatworms in cats: what kind of parasites they can be and how to treat them. Worms in cats Helminth eggs in cats

Cats are most often affected by roundworms and tapeworms. Round ones live in small intestine, feeding on blood, which can lead to anemia. Their eggs can already be found in the animal’s feces two weeks after infection. Cestodes (tapeworms) reach 70 cm and live in the small intestine, causing vomiting in kittens and cats, and often cause weight loss in the animal.

It’s worth paying attention to your pet’s health if you notice:

  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Vomiting (in vomit blood and worms may be seen);
  • The presence of worms or their larvae resembling grains of rice around the anus of the animal;
  • The cat rubs its butt on the floor;
  • Bloody and mucous stools;
  • The animal has noticeably lost weight;
  • Cat cough;
  • Hard breath;
  • Hair falls out;
  • Retarded development of the kitten;
  • Fatigue;
  • Convulsions;
  • Premature birth.

If there are a lot of worms in the body, then their segments even appear on the fur, in the stool, which is mixed with mucus and blood.

You should pay attention to the fact that the symptoms of worm infection resemble manifestations of other diseases. Therefore, without waiting for a diagnosis, do not rush to self-medicate.

Very severe cases convulsions appear, paralysis of the limbs occurs. And to prevent this from happening, you must treat the animal very carefully and periodically give anthelmintic drugs, and for any symptoms indicating a disease, contact a veterinarian.

Characteristics and types of worms that a cat may have

Worm eggs are found in ponds, sand, on the ground, grass, in raw meat, fish, on unwashed vegetables, and greens. The owner can carry them into the apartment on his shoes. Worms affect the liver, heart, gall bladder, intestines, and lungs.

There are several types of worms:

  • round,
  • tape (cestodes),
  • flat flukes (trematodes).

Each type has its own characteristics. Thus, many varieties of worms belong to the round type, and most often cats become infected with roundworms, which in appearance resemble spaghetti up to 50 mm in size. They are transmitted to kittens through the milk of an infected mother.

Worms infect the intestines, accumulating in it, damaging the mucous membrane of the stomach, gall bladder, and causing a strong toxic effect. An animal can also become infected with hookworms, which are up to 2 mm long and infect the blood. Toxascariasis affects the liver, lungs, and heart (their length is from 30 to 50 mm). The helminths are inactive for some time, so symptoms do not always appear.

The disease is easily detected, since very often the larvae can be seen near the anus, in the feces. The class of cestodes includes tapeworms up to 1500 mm long, as well as alveococcus no more than 4 mm long, affecting the intestines. All of them have a toxic effect and cause a number of diseases.

Flatworms include the pulmonary fluke, up to 10 mm long, which infects and destroys the lungs and forms cysts. Trematodes, whose body resembles a white thread, have suckers. With their help, the worm attaches to the intestinal walls, thereby damaging its mucous surface and poisoning the body. This type very dangerous as it can even cause death.

Treatment of worms in cats

Before starting treatment, it is advisable to determine what type of worms the animal is infected with. If you start giving your cat medication for a tapeworm and it is infected with a roundworm, the treatment will not work. desired result. Drugs that destroy all types of worms are very harmful to the body, as they cause intoxication.

The drugs Polyvercan, Dirofen, Febtal, Profender, Panacur, often prescribed by veterinarians, are used once for helminthiasis. To avoid poisoning your animal, purchase medications from pharmacies. Considering the fact that all medications for worms are toxic, do not overdo it with the dosage.

Kittens and older cats should not be treated in the same way as adult animals because they may be harmed by the strong medication. It is better to give kittens suspensions instead of tablets. These are Pyrantel, Milbemax, Praciside, Dirofen, Kanikquantel.

Kittens should be treated with anthelmintics from two months of age. Pregnant and lactating cats are not prescribed anthelmintic treatment. Do not forget to carefully read the instructions for the drug!

Treatment of an animal for complications

If your cat does become intoxicated during anthelmintic treatment, contact your veterinarian.

What can be done to alleviate the animal's suffering:

  • Inject Gamavit into the withers;
  • Inject saline solution subcutaneously;
  • Give a sorbent (Enterosgel, Polisbor, activated carbon);
  • An hour after taking the sorbent, give the cat Detoxify;
  • If there is no vomiting, give the cat plenty of water;
  • After the animal's condition improves, give the cat Linex.


  • Check your cat for fleas;
  • Do not feed your animal raw fish and meat;
  • Do not leave the cat litter box uncleaned for a long time; disinfect it periodically;
  • Don't leave your shoes in plain sight;
  • Do not neglect personal hygiene, wash your hands after interacting with the cat, do not bring the animal close to your face;
  • If the animal visits the street, deworm it once a month;
  • Carry out prophylaxis 14 days before mating or vaccination.

If there are several cats and kittens in the house, give the deworming drug to all animals.

Availability in stool at pet white worms indicate the presence of tapeworms in the body. This phenomenon occurs quite often due to the fact that it is very easy to become infected with helminth larvae if the cat has Free access for walks in the fresh air.

It is enough to drink from a puddle once, and helminthic infestation will be provided for the whole family.

However, indoor isolated cats also have a risk of infection. Worm larvae can be brought from the street by the owner or other household members on clothes and shoes. But it is also possible to become infected by eating raw meat, fish, dirty water.

Classification and symptoms of helminths

The owner should be extremely careful with his pet, since many types of worms are transmitted through saliva from pet to person.

Many worms are transmitted through saliva from a cat to a person.

  • flukes;
  • cestodes;
  • wide tape;
  • cucumber tapeworm.


Fluke worms cause devastating effects on the lungs and liver.

Flukes can cause rapid destructive effects on the lungs and liver. Bladder, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas.


The body of the cestode worm is no more than five millimeters in length.

The body of cestodes is no more than five millimeters in length and consists of a head with suckers and hooks made of chitin. For the cat's body they are not particularly dangerous and are easily eliminated, but for humans they are serious danger– form metastases in the lungs, brain, .

Wide tapeworm

The broad tapeworm is considered the largest helminth.

Cucumber tapeworm

The danger of white worms appearing in a cat's feces

All types of tapeworms are dangerous because they mechanically affect the tissues of internal organs, thereby causing serious damage, leading to necrosis and destruction of blood vessels.

All types of tapeworms are dangerous.

Worms are able to feed on lymph and blood, which leads to serious pathologies . The waste products of microorganisms release toxins that poison the body and cause intoxication and. It is also possible that intestinal blockage may occur without timely surgical intervention the animal dies.

  • Presence of cestodes is manifested by atypical behavior of the cat, its aggression and irritability. The feces contain white speckles, similar to grains of rice.
  • Tapeworms capable of provoking serious illnesses, such as: diphyllobothriasis, alveococcosis, dipylidiasis, opisthorchiasis, paragonimiasis.
  • Diphyllobothriasis characterized by the appearance of bloody vomiting, dull coat, progressive diarrhea, loss of appetite, apathy and weakness.
  • Alveococcosis Usually it is asymptomatic, so it is difficult to diagnose and it is often too late for the animal to come to the rescue.
  • Development of opisthorchiasis harms the pancreas and gallbladder. Expressed pain syndrome in the abdominal area, the presence of vomiting yellow color, decreased appetite, increased temperature.
  • Paragonimiasis affects the functioning respiratory system, in particular destroys lung tissue, forms cysts. There is an increase in temperature, vomiting with foam, diarrhea,.


The drug Drontal is used to treat helminthic infestations.

Video about treatment of worms in cats

Worm infestation is common in domestic cats. Therefore, the owner of the animal needs to know the first signs of worms in cats and the symptoms of various helminthic diseases.

  1. The animal becomes lethargic and gets tired quickly.
  2. The stool becomes irregular, and there is either diarrhea or constipation.
  3. The cat becomes nervous and is bothered by itching in the anal area. Because of severe itching the cat sits down and rubs its anus on the floor or carpet. The animal often scratches with its claws and licks the area under its tail.
  4. The abdomen is swollen, there may be pain in the abdominal area.
  5. Sometimes worms are visible in a cat's feces.
  6. The pet either loses its appetite or begins to eat an unusual amount. But, despite eating plenty of food, weight loss occurs; the cat loses weight for no apparent reason.
  7. Periodic vomiting may occur, and sometimes helminths are present in the vomit.
  8. The coat becomes dull and often falls out.

How can you tell if a kitten has worms? The symptoms in kittens are the same as in adult animals, but more pronounced.

It should be remembered that infection with helminths is much more dangerous for cubs than for adult cats.

Diagnosis of worms in cats

Worm infestation in cats may resemble symptoms of poisoning or gastrointestinal disease. If an infection with lungworms occurs, the symptoms may be similar to those of a cold.

Symptoms of roundworm (nematode) infection

Symptoms of flatworm infection

Flatworms are divided into two groups: tapeworms (cestodes) and flukes (trematodes). Distributed the following types flatworms in cats: broad tapeworm, cucumber tapeworm and cat fluke. Cestodes can reach enormous sizes and are very dangerous for the body.

You need to study the instructions for each veterinary drug for worms.

Treatment of diseases caused by roundworms (nematodes)

Treatment of diseases caused by flatworms

  1. To treat dipilidia (infection with cucumber tapeworm), Praziquantel, Fenasal, and Mebendazole are used. In addition to using anthelmintics, you need to rid the animal of fleas.
  2. When infected with broad tapeworm, Praziquantel and Fenalidon are used. Before treatment, the animal should not be fed for 12 hours. Usually one dose of tablets is enough to get rid of worms.
  3. If in the liver and biliary tract My cat has worms, what should I do in this case? The fight against liver fluke requires integrated approach. To remove worms, medications are used: Hexichol, Hexachloroethane, Drontsit. Use choleretic agents, analgesics and antihistamines.

It must be remembered that anthelmintics toxic.

How to deworm a cat?

Human anthelmintic drugs should not be used to treat cats for worms. Only need to use veterinary medicines. Kittens should be given deworming products that are appropriate for their age and weight. The dosage and type of drug for kittens is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Usually the animal resists taking the drug and may break out or scratch.

There are several ways to give an anti-worm tablet. The choice of method depends on how calm or fearful the cat is. After all, only you know and understand your pet’s behavior.

  1. You can crush the tablet into powder, mix it with water and pour it into your mouth using a syringe.
  2. You can add the crushed tablet to food.
  3. If the animal is calm, then you can use the following method: open the pet’s mouth, put the tablet on the root of the tongue, then close the jaws and stroke the throat. This way the pill will be swallowed.

How to prevent infection with worms?

Cat helminths are extremely dangerous for both animals and humans. Therefore, prevention of worms in cats is important. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is better not to let a domestic cat go outside.
  2. The animal should be dewormed at least twice a year for preventive purposes.
  3. If particles similar to worms in a cat are found on the fur or in feces, only a doctor can determine the symptoms and treatment. You should immediately contact a veterinary hospital.
  4. When you come from the street, you need to immediately take off your shoes and put them in a closed cabinet.
  5. You should not feed your cat raw fish.
  6. Do not drink dirty water from ponds or puddles.
  7. If an animal has fleas, the fur should be treated with special drops.
  8. It is necessary to regularly remove the tray with feces, and before doing this, you should wear gloves. The feces of a sick animal contain a large number of eggs of cat helminths.
  9. The cat should not be allowed to eat rodents; they are often carriers of worms.
  10. If an animal is picked up on the street, it must be dewormed. It is very likely that your cat has worms; signs of the disease may not appear immediately.

These rules will help prevent the appearance of helminths and avoid infection to humans.

Cats, our pets, despite their cleanliness, often become infected with worms, even if they do not leave the house. Microscopic eggs of worms are carried by the wind, we carry them on our shoes, and there are many other ways of infection.

But some helminths (worms) cause the animal’s body serious harm due to mechanical damage tissues, poisoning it with toxic products of its vital activity, allergization and decreased immunity in the pet. The most dangerous flatworms in cats .

Monitor your animal carefully for signs of helminthiasis.

What worms can cats get?


In most cases, cats are diagnosed with infection with nematodes such as hookworms and.

  • small worms up to 1 cm in size. They feed on the host’s blood, leading to anemia and causing sharp teeth There are many wounds in the intestinal walls. Several dozen of these helminths can lead to death small cat in a matter of days;

Tapeworms (cestodes)

Flatworms (flukes)

Flatworms in cats are quite rare. Trematodes are often called flukes due to the suckers that are located on their bodies.

Trematodes are white thread-like worms that attach to the intestinal walls using suction cups, causing mechanical damage to the mucous membrane and also have a toxic effect.

  • Liver fluke (cat fluke) up to 5 mm long causes opisthorchiasis – most dangerous disease, it affects the liver and gall bladder.

What if you notice white flat and small worms on your cat?

If you find small white flat worms in your cat's feces, then we are most likely talking about flatworms (flukes), which are deadly for your pets.

You shouldn’t immediately run to the veterinary pharmacy and buy the most potent drug from worms wide range actions - remember that than more effective drug, the more toxic it is, so the consequences of such treatment can be unpredictable.

If you really love your pet and care about it, then do not hesitate to collect its feces in a clean glass jar (you can purchase a special container at the pharmacy for stool testing) and take it to the veterinary clinic for analysis.

An experienced veterinarian will tell you the optimal and relatively safe remedy for treatment.

Worms can be detected not only by direct visual observation, but also by carefully monitoring the cat’s behavior and well-being.

If she became lethargic, if the digestive process was disrupted due to dysbacteriosis, allergic reactions, then this confirms the presence of helminthiasis.

Thus, lungworm causes a cough in the animal, loss of appetite, vomiting with foam, diarrhea, and the liver fluke causes abdominal pain, sudden changes in appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and high fever in the cat.

How to remove flatworms from a cat

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This type of worm inhabits the cat's intestines. Invasion occurs through oral cavity. Larvae and mature individuals feed on blood. The main signs of infection are persistent thirst, vomiting, diarrhea with bloody discharge, barking cough, lethargy and loss of appetite.


The most common type of infestation in cats. Easily transmitted from animal to person if personal hygiene rules are not observed. These are round worms that taper towards the end of the tail. There are ten-centimeter individuals. Found in animal feces or vomit. The disease manifests itself chronic disorder chair, poor appetite, vomiting and decreased motor activity appear.

If a kitten becomes infected, it has characteristic appearance: disheveled fur, thinness with a bloated tummy and increased appetite.

The habitat of roundworms is gastrointestinal tract, but some species can settle in the bile ducts and pancreas.

Some individuals of this species reach a length of fifteen centimeters. The main danger with this lesion is that worms are able to colonize all internal organs cats and in the absence of anthelmintic therapy can develop serious illnesses, ultimately leading to fatal outcome. Characteristic symptoms this disease does not have, especially in the initial stage.

However, the animal still develops digestive disorders (constipation or diarrhea), weight loss, dandruff, and may increase The lymph nodes, the animal becomes more susceptible to allergies, which manifests itself in the form of hives and itching.

To prevent helminthiasis veterinarians It is recommended to follow the following rules:

If you follow these simple rules, you will make life much easier for your pet and yourself. Remember that almost all helminths live in human body, and not all of them are amenable to diagnosis and 100% treatment. Take care of yourself and your pet!

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