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How does the pregnancy process go? IVF conception – what is it. How quickly does the process happen?

The birth of a new life is a very interesting process. Just two cells, calmly existing separately from each other, merging together, show the world a miracle. The process of conceiving a child is practically no different from how it happens in other forms of mammals, but over the long nine months it needs to go through a more complex path. Today we want to go a little deeper and look in detail, step by step, at what actually happens in a woman’s body. early pregnancy, when she still does not even suspect that she will soon become a mother. The process of conceiving a child is not the act of love itself between a man and a woman, but what happens after that.

The miracle begins

It’s quite difficult to call it anything else. Indeed, a true miracle that happens most often at night, while parents are fast asleep. The process begins with the release of seminal fluid into the woman’s vagina. In a relatively small amount of a nutrient solution, which also helps reduce the acidity of the vagina, there are about 3 million sperm. Each of them carries an X or Y chromosome, and depending on which of them manages to penetrate the egg first, a boy or a girl will be formed.

But we got ahead of ourselves a little. The process has not yet begun. Spermatozoa capable of fertilization simply entered the body. Now their long and difficult journey to their goal begins. They can remain active for 9 days, and if during this time they are lucky enough to meet a mature egg on the way, then their life will not be lived in vain.


It is so secretive that we can only learn about it from films or books. The woman herself is not able to feel the movement of sperm and their fusion with the egg. Many people mistakenly believe that the entire sacrament is performed in the womb. This is not true. Sperm actually enter this large, muscular pouch through the vagina. However, their journey does not end there. Next they have to pass through the fallopian tubes, where the main prize, a mature egg, may await. For about 24 hours, she retains the ability to fertilize, and, obeying the laid down program, moves towards the uterus. If along this path it is not met and fertilized by a sperm, the egg will reach its goal and be destroyed. Menstruation will begin, after which the cycle will repeat.

In the fallopian tubes

These are paired organs that connect the uterine cavity with the abdominal cavity. They are equipped with ciliated epithelium, the cilia of which are directed inward. Of course, for a reason. They are necessary to push the egg towards the uterus. This is where the mature egg is surrounded by sperm. Each of them strives to penetrate her, but only one succeeds, in rare cases two, then there is a chance that twins will be born. It may also be possible that two eggs are released at the same time. In this case, they can both be fertilized, and the mother also bears two children, but they will not be alike, like two peas in a pod.

Surprisingly, the head of the sperm penetrates inside the egg; it contains a special enzyme that slightly dissolves the wall and allows fusion to occur. After this, the tail falls off. It has completed its motor function and is no longer needed. At this moment, the surface of the egg changes. Now it is already a zygote, and other sperm are not allowed to enter it.

The beginning of a long journey

Next we need to take a closer look at how the process of conceiving a child occurs day by day. What's the big picture now? The nuclei of the egg and sperm are combined into one. A zygote is formed. After about a day and a half, division begins. While still in it, it is already turning into a complex complex of cells. And 48 hours after fusion, the zygote completes the first stage of division. Now these are two cells called blastomeres. They are still very large in size, but gradually the number increases and the cells decrease. In this case, the zygote remains the same size. Fallopian tubes are not at all suitable place for intensive growth.

Quick complication

Every pregnant woman becomes very interested in the process of conceiving a child day by day. How the birth of a new life occurs at a moment when no one has any idea about this miracle. So, the third day. No, not yet pregnancy, it begins its countdown from the moment in the uterus. It is still the third day of its formation. Now the zygote contains from six to eight blastomeres. At this stage, the embryo already has its personal genome.

Day four, the zygote begins to move into the uterus

All this time was not wasted. Now the zygote already consists of 16 cells, and their chaotic accumulation begins to take on a certain shape. In other words, the process is underway compaction of the embryo. Soon the zygote will forever leave the place where the formation of the future little man began. However, this particular period is marked by a certain danger. The fact is that if for some reason the fertilized egg cannot descend into the prepared womb, it may be implanted directly in the fallopian tube.

Since the process of conceiving a child takes place precisely in fallopian tube, nature provides for the modest size of the zygote, which it retains until it enters the uterus, where there is room for growth and development. However adhesions can lead to a narrowing of the tubes, and the egg simply has no options how to penetrate the wall where it stopped. What happens next? It continues to divide and increase in size, which will lead to rupture of the fallopian tube. If not accepted emergency measures, then the consequences can be very sad.

Fifth-seventh day

The step-by-step process of conceiving a new life is always very interesting for expectant mother. How amazing it is to watch with awe the changes that take place inside you! But if we talk about this stage, then the woman is often still unaware of her interesting position. And inside the uterus the embryo is already moving freely and looking for a home for final implantation.

Having determined a suitable place for itself, the egg attaches to the uterus. Now her long journey is over, there will be a cozy home here for the next 38-40 weeks. By the way, at this stage corpus luteum serves as a source of nutrition for her, which means that a woman’s lifestyle does not have any impact on the development process.

The diameter of the embryo now does not exceed 0.5 mm. Literally after a few days, that is, on the 9-10th day of its existence, the zygote is completely immersed in the wall of the uterus. This period lasts about 40 hours and is called implantation.

Feeling of a woman

If this is your first pregnancy, then most likely you will write off all these symptoms as simple malaise. However, women who already have children are much more sensitive to the signals that the body sends. These days you may encounter At first glance, it looks like menstruation, with which it is often confused. However, the bleeding is not profuse and most often goes away on the first day. Sometimes brown discharge continue for 10-14 days, but this is already a signal to see a doctor.

It is now that hCG begins to be produced. Because of it, a woman feels nausea in the morning, weakness and drowsiness. Almost everyone notes that the breasts fill up and become very sensitive. In addition, there is a feeling of slight heaviness in the lower abdomen.

We looked at the process of conceiving a child step by step, day by day. The characteristics of each organism may make some adjustments, but this is the general framework for the birth of a new life. Moreover, note that all this happens even before you notice the first symptoms or notice a delay.

If pregnancy is very desirable

Some await the appearance of the second line on the test with fear, others with hope and trepidation. How can you speed up the process of conceiving a child if you have been ready for motherhood for a long time, but it just doesn’t work out? It is very useful to track the onset of ovulation. Does this mean taking your temperature every morning and drawing graphs for months? In general, yes, but today there are special tests that show the onset of favorable period for conception. The appearance of two stripes indicates that ovulation has occurred. The egg has left the ovaries and is ready to meet the sperm.

A woman’s body must be full of strength and energy, otherwise it simply will not take on such responsibility as bearing a baby. Therefore, it is very important to eat right, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, herbs, and take vitamins. Regarding traditional medicine, then she also offers a number of ways. For example: tea made from linden flowers improves the functioning of the ovaries, an infusion of carrot seeds is useful for a man, as it improves the quality of sperm. An infusion of boron uterus relieves inflammatory processes and improves the menstrual cycle. Additionally, it is recommended to lie down for 10-20 minutes after sexual contact with your legs raised up. This will allow sperm to enter the uterus faster. And, of course, think about your baby, because thoughts are material.

The process of conception depends entirely on the health status of both partners. To establish it, you need to visit a doctor. Only after the specialist’s permission can you begin to plan a child. To reduce the timing of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to understand how conception occurs and on what days it is possible.

Couples wonder how to conceive a child. The process of conception is accompanied by the fusion of parental germ cells. In a man, sperm is involved in this. Sperm are produced in paired gonads. The testicles carry out the daily production of germ cells. A base is needed to liquefy the seminal fluid. It is formed in the prostate gland. Influenced by the work of smooth muscles seminal fluid is displayed in urethra and enters the female reproductive system.

It was found that the chromosome carried by the sperm is responsible for the sex of the child. To give birth to a boy, germ cells carrying XY chromosomes are required. These substances affect the functioning of the sperm. Boy sperm have high mobility. They are able to enter the uterus during the first days after sexual intercourse. This is also why they have a short lifespan. The average activity is 48 hours. After this they die.

Sperm with XX chromosomes are suitable for the birth of a girl. These germ cells move very slowly. They need time to enter the uterus. This feature is compensated by long viability. Such germ cells can remain active for more than five days. When asking whether it is possible to conceive a child of a certain gender, experts advise paying attention to this phenomenon. This data allows you to know how to properly conceive a child of a certain gender.

The work of the female body

Before conceiving a child, it is necessary to determine whether a woman is fertile. An egg is needed to form an embryo. It matures in the ovary every month. Cell maturation depends entirely on work hormonal system.

The menstrual cycle consists of three parts. They are called phases. The first stage is responsible for several important processes:

  • maturation of the germ cell;
  • preparing the uterus for conception.

Preparation of the uterus involves the formation of the endometrial layer. This tissue throughout the entire cycle has various properties. After menstruation, the tissue forms a uniform thin layer that is not very thick. Under the influence of estrogen, the endometrium gradually enlarges. The fabric begins to separate into several layers. For conception to occur, the endometrium must have a thickness of at least 11 mm. This will allow the egg to implant firmly in the wall of the uterus.

The formation of an egg occurs under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. The substance appears in the bloodstream at the end of the first week menstrual cycle. Under its influence, the cell leaves the ovarian cavity and enters its membrane. Liquid accumulates under the shell. The egg and fluid form a follicle. The hormone causes active growth follicle.

From the second week of the cycle, luteinizing hormone replaces the follicle-stimulating substance. It gradually increases in quantity. On days 4–5 there is a sharp increase in its level. Luteinizing hormone causes an increase in the volume of follicular fluid. She is providing strong pressure on the walls of the follicle. They are torn apart. This phenomenon explains what the ovulatory phase is. When determining ovulation, a couple can know on what day fertilization occurs.

Time of pregnancy

Planning couples are interested in how long it takes for conception to occur after intercourse. Fertilization of the cell occurs in fallopian tubes. The egg enters it after the follicle ruptures during the first day. This favorable time to conceive a child. During these days the cell passes abdominal cavity. It is recommended to conceive at this time. Under the influence of smooth muscles, the cell moves towards the pipes and enters their cavity. When a cell fuses with a sperm, a zygote is formed. The zygote has an uneven structure. It should facilitate faster movement of the zygote along the fleecy layer of the fallopian tube. The villi move the zygote towards the uterine cavity. The movement occurs within 2–3 days.

After the zygote enters the uterine cavity, it penetrates into the endometrial tissue. It gradually goes deeper into the layers of the endometrium and reaches the wall of the uterus. The tissue allows the cell to attach more tightly to the uterine wall. The whole process takes 1–2 days.

From the moment of ovulation, the cell travels a long way. The total time for moving and securing is 5–6 days. From this moment pregnancy begins. Given time may be shorter or longer. Terms of conception different women individual. How many days does it take for conception to occur can only be answered by a specialist upon examination.

Signs of pregnancy

Patients ask how to find out if conception has occurred. In order for a woman to know how to understand whether conception has occurred, she must pay attention to a number of signs. The following are the first signs of conception:

  • the appearance of blood in the cervical mucus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change psychological state.

Not many patients can pay attention to the listed signs. Some women experience symptoms of conception such as blood in the cervical secretion. On the day when conception occurs, the zygote is implanted into uterine wall. The walls of the uterine cavity are permeated a large number blood vessels. When the zygote penetrates the wall, some of the vascular fibers are damaged. After conception, blood enters the uterine cavity from the vessels. With a large volume of blood fluid, the mucus turns pink. A woman notices such signs of conception as a change in the color of cervical secretion. But this process not mandatory for all women.

Has conception symptoms due to implantation. During implantation, pain in the lower abdomen may occur. Pain may occur due to damage to the uterine wall. This symptom appears when the zygote attaches to the anterior wall. The symptom may also occur on the day of ovulation. The process of conceiving a child can be recognized by the presence of pain during the emergence of the egg from the follicle shell. From this moment on, the woman can determine how long it will take for the pregnancy to develop. The location of the pain also matters.

A woman should be able to guess about conceiving a child by changes in her psychological state. The process that occurs causes various changes in the body. A few days after conception, the hormonal system undergoes a restructuring. Progesterone is responsible for the development of the embryo. This hormone appears in the blood from the moment the zygote is fixed. Its main volume is located in the corpus luteum. It should form at the site of the burst follicle. Under the influence of progesterone, a change in the psycho-emotional state occurs. Conception in women is accompanied by tearfulness, irritability and drowsiness. After the disappearance of the corpus luteum, this symptomatology disappears. These symptoms allow you to determine whether implantation has occurred or not.

Conditions to speed up the process

Couples ask how quickly conception occurs. For this purpose, it is necessary to follow the rules of conception. Both future parents need them.

A man must comply with the following points:

  • rare sexual intercourse;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • vigorous physical activity;
  • undergoing a medical examination.

Seminal fluid can quickly change its qualities. Its characteristics are negatively affected by various factors. To conceive a child successfully, you need to maintain sexual rest. It is not recommended to have sex for a week before the fertile period begins. From the moment the ovulatory phase begins, sexual contact should be carried out every other day. After pas there is a decrease in the concentration of seminal fluid. The break promotes the accumulation of mature and motile sperm in the fluid. The accumulation of healthy germ cells increases the concentration of seminal fluid, which promotes conception.

Since spermatozoa are sensitive to any negative impacts, before you start planning, you should stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol-containing drinks have a detrimental effect on sperm. If a man has been abusing alcohol for a long time, a break in planning for 3–4 months is recommended. This will help the body cleanse itself of waste products and recover.

For everything to work out, you need to be active physically. Conception can only happen with normal operation reproductive system. Active physical activity increases metabolic processes in the small pelvis. Acceleration of blood circulation causes an influx of oxygen to tissues. This allows cells to multiply more actively. Sperm is renewed faster, which affects the conception of a child.

Also, before starting planning, you need to undergo an examination by a specialist. The doctor must conduct full examination. Medical monitoring will determine the condition of the male reproductive system and its ability to fertilize. This will allow planning to proceed faster.

The woman is also given advice for conceiving. Tips for conceiving a child include the following recommendations:

  • ovulation tracking;
  • taking a certain position after conception;
  • consumption of vitamin complexes;
  • proper nutrition and physical activity.

Pregnancy can only occur in ovulatory period. To establish it, you may need various ways. The main method is to plot temperature indicators. It is measured daily in the colon. The obtained data is entered into a table. The construction of the graph lasts throughout menstrual period. After conception, it is also recommended to take measurements to ensure that conception has occurred and that you can become pregnant.

After conception, it is recommended to maintain physical rest. A woman should lie down for 20 minutes after intercourse. She must understand that any movement can cause semen to leak out of the vagina. For conception to occur, experts advise taking the birch tree pose. This advice, which promotes pregnancy, is used by many planning couples. Adopting this position allows seminal fluid to quickly penetrate the uterine cavity. In this case, conception can occur faster. Other methods of conception are also used.

Various vitamin and mineral complexes can also influence the ongoing process. Vitamins should be taken on the days of the menstrual cycle. The order of administration and type of medicine should be carried out by a doctor. You should not do this yourself. The woman does not know what happens under the influence of certain vitamins. The process of conceiving a child may be disrupted.

There are other factors that influence the onset of fertilization. A woman should know that she needs to eat right. When planning, fried, fatty and salty foods are not recommended. You should also avoid using spices. The patient needs to be managed active image life. This helps to enhance metabolic processes.

These conditions are also taken into account when planning a second pregnancy. Conceiving a second child should also be carried out through timely preparation of parents.
Modern doctors often face the complaint that children are not born for a long time. To determine the cause of the disease, you need to visit the hospital and study the process of conception.

The birth of a child is the result of thousands of incredible processes occurring inside a woman. A loving mother wants to know everything she can about her baby. For this reason, many future parents are interested in how fertilization occurs.

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Fertilization of the egg

Nature has decreed that a woman can usually become pregnant in the middle of the cycle, when the well-known ovulation occurs. Unlike sperm, an egg can survive in a woman’s natural environment for 12 to 36 hours. If she does not meet the male seed, she dies and leaves the female body through menstrual bleeding.

Hidden here is the answer to the question of how long after ovulation the egg is fertilized. If ovulation has just passed, the egg has escaped from its “nest”, and sperm are already waiting or on the way, fertilization can take place in a matter of hours.

What you've been waiting for for so long

It also happens that during one ovulation, not one egg matures, but two or even three. How does fertilization of the egg occur in this case? Everything happens as usual, only as a result two or three babies are born at once.

Let's look at how fertilization of an egg occurs point by point.

  1. After ejaculation, sperm travel a long, winding path towards the egg. If you take average speed male seed, it reaches its goal in about 3-6 hours. Only one sperm will participate in the fertilization process, and the rest are destined to die.
  2. Pushing hard, the sperm breaks through the coating of the female egg. At this moment, the entire body is informed that fertilization occurred a moment earlier. This very signal contributes to some restructuring of the female body, designed to preserve any valuable pregnancy.
  3. Now that we have figured out how fertilization of an egg occurs in a person, we can see what happens next. Each of the two parent cells contains one half of the set of chromosomes. As a result, the parent cells unite and form a new, perfect cell, with all the genetic data, known as a zygote. The genetic code of the neoplasm is completely unique.
  4. Over the course of seven days, the zygote develops inside the fallopian tube, and then begins its journey to the uterus, “looking for a cozy place” where it will develop over the next nine months.
  5. Further, moving away from the place where fertilization occurs, the egg takes with it the corpus luteum as food. For this reason, in the first week, lifestyle does not affect the development process in any way.
  6. Having found a cozy place, the embryo “buries itself” in the wall of the uterus. This period development, which lasts no more than 40 hours, is called implantation.
  7. The outer cells begin to divide and join with the lining of the uterus. At the site of the branches, microscopic vessels are formed, which later form the placenta - the environment within which the baby grows, feeding and developing, until birth.
  8. The body of the future baby is formed from the embryonic nodule. But the above-mentioned placenta is formed from the surface cells necessary to ensure development and safe existence, amniotic sac and the umbilical cord. To better understand how egg fertilization occurs, you can watch the video.

Basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature is perhaps classical method determining the day of ovulation. Charts of this temperature are usually made by women planning to give birth to a child. But how basal temperature changes after ovulation if the long-awaited fertilization has occurred?

If a woman is pregnant, her basal temperature rises to 37 degrees. This allows you to identify the possible situation even before your period is missed. Of course, it is much more effective to get tested, but since hCG is produced only after implantation of an already fertilized egg, it must be done at least a week after sexual intercourse. Well, when you don’t want to wait, measuring your basal temperature will help.

After fertilization occurs, and the body has received a signal about the beginning of the process of fetal maturation, active production of progesterone begins. It is the beneficial effect of this hormone on the development of the embryo that increases the basal temperature to 37.0-37.1 degrees.

The long-awaited result

It should be noted that the surviving normal temperature after in female body fertilization occurs indicates a lack of progesterone, and this problem, in turn, is a threat of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In this case, you need to consult a doctor for help.

Conceiving a child by day

First, let's figure out where a child is conceived.

  1. When the ovulation process has taken place and the egg is released from the ovary, it ends up in the fallopian tube. If sexual intercourse has taken place, the sperm will wait for the egg ready for conception inside the fallopian tube.
  2. Within a few days after fertilization, the embryo that is created moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus. If development does not proceed correctly or the movement of the embryo is too slow, the embryo can penetrate the lining of the tubes, and this can lead to an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. After about 7 days, the embryo reaches the uterus and looks for a warm place where it plans to settle and continue its development.

It is no less interesting to find out how the long-awaited fertilization of an egg occurs day by day in a person.

1st dayThe male seed attacks the body of the egg. They hit the sperm with their tails, doing it synchronously. This action causes the egg to rotate. In a few minutes hard work one of the strongest sperm penetrates inside.
2nd and 3rd dayThe zygote is formed, about a day after fertilization occurs in the woman’s body - an incredibly fantastic sight on video. It begins its division into two cells called blastomeres. Cell division continues and occurs approximately every 12-16 hours.
4th dayOn at this stage There are already sixteen cells. The contacts between them are compacted, and the surface of the embryo is smoothed out. On this day he falls into the pipes.
5th dayThe embryo continues its development and progress towards the goal. Around the fifth day, the embryo reaches the uterus. Then he begins his “journey” along the surface of the mucous membrane of the uterus and looks for a cozy place, after which he becomes established. At this moment, the woman’s basal temperature rises.
10th dayPrimary and secondary villi are formed, which will become the placenta and umbilical cord, and the endometrial layer in the uterus is transformed.
12th dayAt this stage, the division of cells that will become the organs of the unborn child ends. Also on the twelfth day, implantation stops.
13th dayLevel up female hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen. Therefore, any tests can already determine pregnancy. At ultrasound examination the embryo looks like a point that has passed incredibly complex process on the way to development.

Important process

We also invite you to watch a video about how human egg fertilization occurs day by day.

How quickly does the process happen?

Many people are interested in how long it takes for fertilization to occur after unprotected love.

There are several possible answers to this question. Firstly, conception of a child can occur exclusively during ovulation or within 12-36 hours after, no more. If during this time the egg does not meet the sperm, it dies and then leaves the female body.

Also find out the truth about and.

Not really

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Modern obstetrics is represented by caring for future parents and newborn children only at the stage of pregnancy. From time to time, parent training programs, mentorship seminars for schoolchildren and students, and other irregular attempts appear to bring childbirth issues to those standards that will help young people conceive and give birth to a child as simply and conveniently as possible. However, there are very few information products that tell how the full conception of a child occurs.

For young people, this issue becomes relevant only after the girl finds out about pregnancy. Both future parents should be involved in matters of family planning and, especially, conceiving a child, since the responsibility lies with both of them. Among the mass of programs conducted by clinics and volunteers, by the way, the majority of the listeners are couples over 35, there are quite worthy ones that really help.

At the same time useful information Very little is taught directly about the process of conceiving a child at such seminars.

Some foreign schools are introducing the practice of presenting information that conceiving a child is interesting in game form. Teachers create excellent conditions so that the child is interested in conception and in the future he can understand the importance of each of the stages.

The reason for this is the belief of most specialists that without proper education it will be difficult to understand the subtleties and factors influencing the process. This material will debunk these misconceptions. How does conception occur? So let's get started.


The entire process of conceiving a child is tied to the female menstrual cycle. Contrary to the popular belief that the best time to conceive is at the beginning or end of the cycle, in reality this moment occurs in the middle of the cycle, when the ovaries have created an egg ready for fertilization.

The actual release of the finished egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

The egg remains ready for fertilization by sperm from 12 to 36 hours, so preliminary calculations of the cycle are simply necessary.

During these “active” 36 hours, the process of conceiving a future child should occur. Otherwise, the egg will die and be released with blood during the next menstruation.

The case when, during the process of ovulation, two or three eggs are formed, which are fertilized during the process of conception - a corresponding number of children are born, the so-called fraternal twins.

Also, a fertilized egg can split several times, resulting in identical twins. Largest quantity such twins born as a result of one pregnancy are 8 newborns.

Before and after ovulation

Stages of fixation of the egg after its release:

    The readiness of the oviduct funnel to receive an egg begins 2 hours before ovulation. Otherwise, the egg released from the ovary will hide in the abdominal cavity;

    The funnel has fibers that hold the egg in place. These villi contract when approaching and allow it to reach its destination;

    The strong blood flow, as well as the hormone estrogen, opens the fallopian tube. In this case, blood is drained from the empty pipe, on the contrary, and it remains closed;

    The woman's body is subjected to hormonal surge, increasing libido. Changes in mood are often observed. The process is accompanied by an increase in blood flow in the genital area.

    The environment in the cervix changes, which previously blocked the possibility of seminal fluid entering. Now the passage to the ovulated egg is open for sperm.

How does the process of conceiving a child occur?

What processes occur in a woman’s body during ejaculation? Approximately 500,000,000 sperm reach the cervix and accumulate at back wall vagina.

In order to conceive a child, the sperm needs to enter the cavity where the egg is located and fertilize. This path is divided into stages:

    The passage of the cervix is ​​approximately 2 centimeters;

    The passage of the uterine cavity is approximately 5 centimeters;

    The passage of the fallopian tube is approximately 12 centimeters;

    Getting into the ampullary section;

    Connection with the egg.

This process can take up to three hours, since the internal environment of a woman’s body creates a lot of obstacles for sperm. When this environment is too aggressive for sperm, conception becomes impossible. This situation requires helping the woman’s body to weaken negative factors, influencing the level of aggressiveness of the environment towards its softening.

The path of sperm in the process of conceiving a child

Conceiving a child is a difficult job for sperm. The internal environment of the vagina is unsuitable for sperm. 80 - 90% of them do not move beyond the posterior wall of the vagina. In this case, spermatozoa are capable of suppressing aggressive environment, but still the vast majority of them remain in the vagina.

The vaginal environment kills remaining sperm in about two hours.

The fertilization process will continue only after at least 10,000,000 sperm have penetrated the uterus. After this, it becomes active and begins to actively move towards the fallopian tubes.

Having overcome the length of the fallopian tube, the sperm enter the final stage of the process - conceiving a child.

Some of them remain on the epithelium covering inner surface pipes and die within 5 days.

The remaining sperm fertilize the egg.

Here, in the tubes, sperm can wait for the egg in cases where it has not yet been formed.

The woman's body supports optimal conditions and a temperature of thirty-seven degrees and conception occurs as the conditions are ideal.

How does conception happen by day?

When the sperm reaches the egg, the most crucial moment of conception occurs - overcoming the protective membrane. Each sperm contains in its head a set of enzymes that dissolve the egg membrane for successful penetration.

Having overcome the protective membrane, the sperm produces fertilization. In some cases, two or more sperm make their way simultaneously, then the cell divides and twins are born. In most cases, only one conception occurs, after which the egg changes the composition of substances in the protective membrane so that the enzymes contained in the heads of the sperm no longer overcome it. The remaining sperm die within two days.


A zygote is the nuclei of a sperm and an egg combined into one. After the formation of a stable union within one and a half days, the zygote begins to divide.

The first division into two blastomeres is completed by the end of the second day.

Subsequently, division occurs faster, each blastomere is divided into two, then another, and so on. In general, the zygote itself remains the same size, and the number of cells included in it increases exponentially.

Third day

At this stage, the embryo consists of six to eight blastomeres. The embryo receives its own genome. At this stage of the conception process, blastomeres may divide in such a way that will lead to the birth of twins.

Fourth day

During this period, the movement of the embryo into the uterus through the fallopian tubes begins. It is during this period that, if the embryo becomes fixed at the walls of the fallopian tube, the onset of ectopic pregnancy. This conception can be seen on an ultrasound.

The embryo consists of 12-16 cells and its compaction begins.

Fifth - seventh days

During these two days, the embryo reaches the uterus and can wander around it for some time until it finally becomes fixed at one of the walls.

Fixation at the wall of the uterus is called implantation and may be accompanied by bleeding, which is mistaken for menstruation.

Completed implantation is the beginning of entry into the blood hCG hormone or pregnancy hormone.

Tenth day

During this period, a pregnancy test may already be positive, although not in 100% of cases. The issue is still being studied and new research will improve the processes for determining pregnancy. Now the embryo is formed, fixed and will continue to grow throughout the pregnancy.

In conclusion

The process of conceiving a child, after reading this material, is the whole world, which few people have any idea about.

We were all told about this in biology lessons, but I personally didn’t remember anything when I was about to get pregnant. And while I was preparing this article, I discovered such amazing facts that, apparently, in the days of my school youth, were not yet known to science! I believe you have the same story... Well, let's update our knowledge together, because every woman of childbearing age should have this information!

For many, the process of conception is primarily sexual intercourse. And, by the way, while the woman still does not suspect anything, an ordinary miracle is happening in her body - the birth of a new life. This miracle has very complex mechanics, which humanity has not yet fully understood, and it is not a fact that it will ever be fully understood. We will talk to you about what is known for certain today.

Path of the egg

When an egg matures in a woman's ovary, it leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube. This is how ovulation occurs, usually in the middle of the menstrual cycle (by the way, the cycle is counted from the beginning of menstruation to the beginning of the next menstruation).

The released egg lives only 24 hours, during which time either fertilization occurs or not.

At the same time, a layer of epithelium grows in the uterus, a kind of cushion for the future fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the epithelium leaves the woman’s body along with the egg - this is menstruation.

It must be said that a woman is endowed with a certain number of eggs from birth. Ovulation occurs only once a month, and with age, not even every month. So the expectant mother’s body prepares for pregnancy carefully.

Path of the sperm

After ejaculation, hundreds of millions of sperm are sent towards the egg. There are four obstacles standing in their way:

  1. To protect the genital organs, the cervix is ​​clogged with a mucus plug, although during ovulation this plug liquefies, some sperm cannot penetrate inside.
  2. Another part of the sperm that pass through the plug dies due to the acidity of the vagina.
  3. The next step is immune system, which male cells perceive as foreign, and part of it is absorbed by white blood cells.
  4. The last test is the cilia of the fallopian tube, moving in the opposite direction, because their task is to transport the egg to the uterus.

As a result, only dozens of sperm reach the egg.

After the penetration of the first sperm, the membrane membrane of the egg changes its properties and makes it impossible for other sperm to penetrate.

This is such a serious selection.

By the way, the lifespan of sperm is 5-7 days, and the lifespan of an egg is 24 hours. So it is not a fact that pregnancy will occur as a result of sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation. Perhaps these are earlier spermatozoa.


The sperm that penetrates the egg undergoes degeneration of the tail, the body and head dissolve, and the nucleus of the male cell tends to merge with the nucleus female cage.

Fertilization occurs - the fusion of nuclei and chromosomes of male and female cells, which lasts 24 hours. Already now, a set of chromosomes has determined what gender the child will be, what color his hair, eyes, etc. will be.

By the way

Several children can be produced at once for three reasons:

  • The woman released not one egg, but two
  • A fertilized egg divides into several

The path from zygote to fertilized egg by day

Approximately on the second day after fertilization, a zygote is formed (from the Greek zygotós - joined together). This cell gradually moves towards the uterus through the fallopian tubes. The movement of the fertilized cell is facilitated by the villi in the fallopian tubes, which vibrate in the same wave-like movements.

Important to know

The zygote moves unevenly through the fallopian tube: from several hours to 2-3 days. If progress is too slow or delayed in the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg may begin implantation before reaching the uterus - this is an ectopic pregnancy. It is unsafe for a woman’s life and requires medical intervention.

Day 3– division into 8-16 cells, at this time there is the possibility of the birth of identical twins, because each blastomere can give rise to a separate life.

4 day– morula stage (Novolat. morula, from Lat. morum - mulberry) - completion of crushing of the zygote.

5-7 day– blastocyst (from other Greek blaste - “bud” and other Greek kystis - bubble), this is already a multicellular embryo. The blastocyte consists of an outer layer - the trophoblast, from which the placenta is subsequently formed, and an inner cell mass from which the fetus will develop.

For clarity, I suggest looking at the picture.

The blastocyte enters the body of the uterus and remains suspended for 1-2 days, not attached to the uterus. Meanwhile ovum secretes substances that suppress the mother's immune system, and the corpus luteum, from which the egg is released, produces progesterone (5-7 days after ovulation).

Hormone progesterone:

  • prepares the uterine mucosa for implantation of the fertilized egg,
  • relaxes the uterus for greater chances of implantation,
  • stimulates the secretion of intrauterine fluid to nourish the fertilized egg until implantation occurs.
  • leads to the formation of pinopodes - peculiar tentacles in the endometrial layer, due to which the uterus seems to shrink and even decrease in size, thereby the walls of the uterus move closer to the floating fertilized egg.

7-10 day– implantation occurs, the blastocyst is freed from the protective coating and attaches to the wall of the uterus, covered with epithelium.

The process of implantation of the fertilized egg

The cell behaves quite aggressively during implantation; it literally breaks through the endometrium. Therefore, at this stage, minor bleeding is possible, which is normal.

In addition, at the site of implantation a focus of inflammation is formed, which improves the implantation process and creates a protective barrier from the woman’s body, because the immune system can recognize the fertilized egg as foreign body and will strive to destroy it.

The implantation process lasts approximately two days.

At the stage of fertilization of the egg before the implantation stage, critical moments may occur, in extreme cases not giving rise to a new life. This is very important to understand. In fact, the mother’s body discards the fertilized egg if it is obviously damaged and will not lead to birth healthy child. If you intervene at this stage hormonal therapy, then the body will be forced to accept the “defective” fertilized egg, the consequences of which can be very sad.

It turns out that from the moment of sexual intercourse until pregnancy occurs 2-3 weeks.

So the pregnancy came. A woman may not suspect anything yet, but she has a whole Universe inside her!

What's next?

  • the endometrium thickens,
  • a mucus plug forms in the cervix,
  • the placenta develops
  • The embryo is developing - the future new person!

That's all, friends! You study the process of conception in such detail, which means you take your maternal role very seriously. In this we are similar - I believe that today motherhood needs to be learned! If you want to get reliable information about conception, pregnancy and childbirth, I recommend taking a closer look at the courses female doctor Irina Zhgareva:

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