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How to properly collect and use linden blossom? Linden flowers - beneficial properties for treatment and rejuvenation

Linden is a large tree with lush foliage and fragrant flowers. People often call it the “tree of health” due to its numerous healing properties. Linden decoctions and teas not only strengthen the immune system, relieve colds, but also relieve inflammation, spasms, and have a diuretic and antibacterial effect. To make natural medicinal supplies yourself, you need to figure out how, when and what to collect from the linden tree.

Starting from the twentieth year of life, the linden tree blooms every summer. From this moment on, it becomes not only a bright, fragrant-smelling tree, but also the most valuable plant in the region. traditional medicine. As medicine Not only flowers protrude, but also buds and tree bark. In order to preserve all the properties and enjoy healthy aromatic tea, you should follow some rules when collecting raw materials.

Linden blossom

Linden inflorescences are the most common part of the tree used in medicine. In addition, dried flowers added to tea create a unique sweet aroma and enrich the taste. You can brew dried linden flowers as a single component, or mix them with black tea, adding a slice of lemon or honey. To properly harvest linden for tea, certain conditions must be met:

If it is not possible to collect and dry linden blossom, you can purchase it ready-made at the pharmacy.

Linden buds

Can only be collected in March. As soon as the first buds appear on the branches, do not rush to collect them. When swollen, they will be much more useful and rich in vitamins and microelements. They shouldn't have time to open yet. Depending on future use, the buds are cut with or without young leaves. In addition to making them healing decoctions, compresses, ointments, skilled housewives are used in cooking. By preparing a special marinade, they can easily replace capers in sauces and salads.

Linden bark

Only Bottom part bark - sapwood, widely used in medicine. In early spring, the tree trunk collects the maximum amount of sap. This period is the best for collecting bark, since it is undesirable to touch it during flowering. Another suitable time will come only in the fall. At this time of year, the bark will be just as rich and suitable for further drying and making medicinal tea.

Drying Features

Dry the collected raw materials correctly under a canopy outside or in a well-ventilated room. Under straight lines sun rays all potential benefit comes down to zero. Whether it is linden blossom or buds, they need to be spread out in a thin, even layer and covered with gauze. Instead of the latter, you can use any other material that allows air to pass freely. Flowers or buds should be thoroughly mixed two to three times a day. Otherwise, the entire stock may rot.

If you have a special dryer, the process can be greatly simplified. The duration of action depends on the model, and the temperature should not exceed 35-40° C. This will also be the best option for linden bark. If you dry the bark for a long time, it becomes crumbly and loses strength.

Storage rules

Ideal for storing dried flowers, buds or bark:

  • glass jars;
  • bags and burlap bags;
  • ceramic pots;
  • paper bags.

If you use a jar, it should not be tightly closed. For unimpeded access of air, it can be covered with linen cloth and tied with an elastic band to secure it. In order to preserve everything necessary, herbs must “breathe”. If all recommendations, collection and drying rules are followed, the stocks made retain all their qualities for 2 years. The bark can be stored for one more year.

It is worth noting that the collection and preparation technology linden color for tea is absolutely identical to the one used in medical purposes. When , its color should be deep red. The absence of this only indicates poorly preserved flowers.

photo: depositphotos.com/glOck, daffodil

Linden tea is aromatic and healthy drink, familiar to everyone since childhood. This is the main remedy that mothers and grandmothers gave us at the first sign of a cold. What are the benefits of this fragrant flower, how and when to collect it correctly and how to prepare healthy tea?

Properties of linden tea

Linden flowers are a source essential oils, vitamins E, C, flavonoids, antioxidants, natural antimicrobial components. They contain effective phytoncides, tannins, and antipyretic components. In folk and official medicine This is a recognized medicinal raw material, and very tasty and aromatic. How, why and when to collect linden for tea?

It is collected in order to use it in the autumn-winter period to fight colds, malaise, and strengthen the immune system. A pleasant tea is prepared from it, which even children enjoy drinking.

This drink has the following properties:

Linden flowering period – maximum 2 weeks

The combination of linden tea with honey is a classic of the genre. This company will perfectly cope with hypothermia, the first signs of a cold, alleviate the condition of the flu, migraines, while simultaneously stimulating the immune system to fight the virus. For one family of 3-4 people, 1 kg of dried linden blossom is enough for the cold season.

How to procure raw materials

There are several varieties of linden, which differ in flowering time, flower size and crown volume. Early varieties begin the flowering season from mid-June, late varieties from July. It’s not for nothing that in the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages ​​the month of July is called lipen. Linden harvesting begins a few days after the start of flowering. By this time, most of the flowers will fully bloom and smell pleasant, filling many more meters around with their aroma. Linden blossoms are the middle of summer, when grasses and trees have already gained strength after winter and delight the eye with a riot of greenery and aromas.

It's better to pick flowers by hand

Linden is collected together with a yellow bract, which also has medicinal properties. The inflorescences can be picked or cut with scissors. It is not permissible to break or saw branches. By the way, the tree is healing due to its bark and buds, the pulp of which is good for relieving inflammation of the skin, bruises, and healing wounds.

To collect, you need to choose a clear sunny day, wait until the dew disappears or the wind dries the raindrops on the tree. Collect linden away from roads, railways, cities or industrial enterprises. It is best to find a tree at the edge of the forest, in the garden, at the dacha; they will be less polluted, which means they will bring more benefits. It is not advisable to collect flowers that are damaged, with rust spots on the bracts, or with traces of insects. Sick raw materials in themselves can no longer be good.

When collecting, you can pay attention to the abundance of insects on the tree, among which the main ones are bees. You have to be careful so they don't sting. It is for this reason that linden trees should not be collected near apiaries. If we clearly formulate the answer to the question of when to collect linden blossoms, then this period stretches from the second half of June to the end of July.

How to dry and store

After harvesting, the linden must be dried in natural conditions. To do this, lay it out on a horizontal surface on a cloth or newspaper and turn it over daily for ventilation.

To properly dry flowers, you need to provide them with air circulation and the absence of bright sunlight. This could be a table in the attic, a gazebo, or a balcony. If drying is carried out in the oven, the temperature inside should not exceed 40 degrees.

Natural drying time is 3–4 days. During this time, the flowers will partially lose their aroma and become crispy and brittle. After this, they can be packaged in paper bags, ceramic jars, and linen bags. Collected and properly packaged linden blossom can be stored for 2 years.

This is what a properly dried linden looks like

You can prepare aromatic mono tea from linden or add it to other herbs and flowers. It goes well with rose hips, sage, chamomile, and clover. To brew, take a thick-walled mug with a lid, pour 1 tsp into it. dried linden and pour hot boiled water. Close with a lid with a hole and leave for 3-5 minutes. You can drink this tea with honey and lemon.

You can drink 2-3 cups of linden tea per day. This is a healthy and safe norm. You can drink a cup of tea before bed, it will calm your nerves, stimulate muscle relaxation and falling asleep quickly.

Linden tea is the most aromatic of all medicinal drinks

You can drink linden tea as a diaphoretic for fever and intoxication. It is good for bloating, as it relieves the symptoms of dyspepsia. Since the flowers are rich in antioxidants such as coumarin and querticin, tea or decoction of them can act as a preventive measure. oncological diseases.

There are no categorical contraindications to drinking tea. Pregnant women, people with allergies and heart problems should take it with caution. Collect linden and drink aromatic tea The whole family can and should use it, it’s pleasant and useful, because aromatherapy has not yet been canceled.

Thanks to the warm spring and good weather at the beginning of summer, the linden blossomed early this year. Already now, in mid-June, you can stock up lime color. Everyone probably knows about its beneficial properties. Of course, you can buy linden blossom at the pharmacy. But assembled with your own hands, it will bring much more pleasant emotions than a purchased one.

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How to properly prepare linden blossom?

The flowering period of linden lasts about ten days. Therefore, firstly, you should not put off the preparation. When the linden tree fades, its flowers are no longer suitable for collection. When dried, they turn brown and crumble. Secondly, best time for the procurement of raw materials - noon, when the flowers are open. You cannot collect linden blossoms after rain or dew. Thirdly, linden blossoms cannot be collected along highways, near industrial enterprises and roads. You should also not collect damaged inflorescences, those with rust, yellowed or darkened bracts, or those affected by pests and diseases.

It is prohibited to cut down a tree, break its branches, or collect flowers from linden trees that grow near apiaries.

The inflorescences can be plucked by hand, cut one by one with scissors or a garden cutter, always together with the bracts.

How to dry and store?

The collected inflorescences should be spread out in a thin layer on paper or burlap. Dry under a canopy or in the attic, in a dryer or oven (the air temperature must be maintained at 40-45 degrees).

Drying on average takes 2-3 days. You need to stir the flowers so that they dry on all sides. This will preserve the healing essential oil in the inflorescences.

Peduncles are dried correctly if they become brittle, acquire a yellowish color and almost lose their pleasant smell.

You should not dry linden in the sun, because in direct sunlight it becomes discolored and loses its medicinal properties.

It is better to put dried raw materials in paper bags: they provide good air access. You can use ceramic pots or canvas bags. But glass and plastic containers are not suitable for this purpose. In such a container, the pollen fades and loses its healing effect.

Proper storage allows you to save beneficial features linden blossom for 2 years.

Useful properties of linden:

- strengthens the immune system,

- treats colds,

- brings down the temperature,

- helps cure kidney diseases,

- reduces blood sugar,

- removes toxins from the body,

- eliminates menstrual irregularities,

- has spasmodic and diaphoretic properties,

- improves digestion,

- fights diarrhea, belching and bloating,

- relieves ulcers,

- eliminates headaches,

- copes with respiratory diseases,

- treats hemorrhoids,

- relieves joint pain,

- alleviates the condition of oncology,

- eliminates inflammation of the oral cavity,

- calms the nervous system,

- relieves insomnia,

- rejuvenates,

- heals burns,

- treats skin diseases,

- reduces swelling and inflammation of the skin,

- tones and improves skin condition,

- strengthens hair.

Our ancestors knew about the medicinal properties of linden. Decoctions from it were used as the best remedy to strengthen the immune system and treat colds. The first mentions of linden harvesting were described in the 19th century Herbalist. And in Kievan Rus linden was considered a sacred tree, so the plant was planted near churches. It was believed that this tree protected people from evil spirits.

Medicinal properties of linden

All parts of the linden tree - flowers, leaves, bracts, buds, bark - are used in medicine, as aid for weight loss. Linden belongs to the group medicinal plants and has a diuretic effect, so when using tinctures, swelling and other harmful substances leave the body.

The flowers of the plant are most often used, as they contain vitamin C, micro- and macroelements, antioxidants, and tannins. Linden flower tea is very popular among women who are losing weight.

Useful properties of linden for weight loss:

  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Relieves swelling;
  • Removes cellulite;
  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Promotes fat burning;
  • Improves the cardiovascular system;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • Boosts immunity during dieting;
  • Used as a choleretic agent;
  • Calms, relieves nervous excitability;
  • Rejuvenates and cleanses the skin.

How to properly collect and store linden?

It's time for linden to bloom in June. During this period, most of the flowers open, and linden gifts can be stored for the winter. The main thing is to be in time, since only 10-14 days are given to collect the plants.

How to collect linden for drying

  • The inflorescences should be without damage, without yellowness and without dark deposits;
  • It is forbidden to collect linden after rain or in the morning when there is dew on the leaves;
  • The right time to collect raw materials is before lunch, when the flowers are open;
  • Up to one kilogram of linden is enough for a family for the winter;
  • It is prohibited to collect linden raw materials along roads where cars drive. The best place– forest and suburban areas;
  • Inflorescences along with bracts should be plucked or cut with scissors carefully;
  • Linden bark is stored in March, and buds are stored during the dry period without rain.

The collected inflorescences should be carefully distributed on paper or a dryer up to 2 cm high. The drying temperature should not be less than forty degrees; the entire process takes 3 days maximum. The linden tree should be turned over daily to avoid suppuration of the inflorescences.

It is important to know: It is forbidden to dry linden under the sun! It loses its healing properties.

Store linden in paper packages, boxes or bags to allow air access. Never store in glass or plastic. Gifts collected during the season can be stored for two years. For those who do not have time to collect and dry linden: you can purchase color at the pharmacy.

Recipes for losing weight with linden

You need to take linden decoctions and teas 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 50 g of tincture. In this case, you should definitely drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day. In combination with linden infusions, you should reduce the consumption of salt, sugar and avoid fatty and floury foods. Weight loss course with linden – 1 month.

Recipe for linden tea for weight loss

  • Dried linden flowers – 25 g;
  • Boiling water – 200 ml.

You should pour boiling water over the collection of flowers and let it brew for several hours. It is best to leave the decoction overnight. Strain the tea and distribute into three servings, drink before meals. Before going to bed, the drink acts as a sedative and copes well with insomnia. It is important that the infusion is fresh every day. You can add mint, chamomile, honey to tea - this will only improve the beneficial properties of the drink.

Recipe for linden tincture with ginger and birch sap

  • Dried linden leaves – 50 g;
  • Birch sap – 500 ml;
  • Ginger root – 50 g.

Boil Birch juice, add linden leaves. Let the linden tincture stand for 1 hour. Peel and grate the ginger root. Add ginger to the tincture and drink 100-150 ml of the drink before meals.

Linden bath recipe

Baths can be done twice a week in combination with diets and teas. Then the weight loss process will be much more effective. The skin will become soft and tightened. To prepare the decoction, you should take any plant gift of your choice.

Take five liters of water, boil and pour 200 g of herbs over them. Let it brew for half an hour. Fill the bath with water and pour the strained tincture into the water. You should take a bath for 20 minutes. Evening baths not only tone you up, but also help you relax and prepare for bed.

Contraindications for the use of linden

Before drinking teas and infusions, you should consult your doctor. In any case, precautions should be taken and in no case exceed the drink limit. Maximum – 50-100 g - 3 times a day in the absence of contraindications.

You should not take linden:

  • Pregnant women;
  • For heart diseases;
  • For vision problems;
  • In case of individual intolerance.

What could be better than a cup of aromatic linden tea with honey on a cold winter evening. Linden tea is also very useful: it helps with colds, sore throats, and improves digestion. Linden blossom can be bought at the pharmacy, but it is much nicer to prepare it yourself.

Linden flowers should be collected away from busy roads, manufacturing enterprises, it is better to collect them in a park or in a forest somewhere outside the city. The ideal time for collection is the first half of the day, when the dew has already dried. If it is raining outside, then it is better to postpone the collection of linden to another day when the weather is sunny.

Flowers that are already half bloomed are suitable for harvesting, and the second half of the flowers are in buds. If the flowers begin to fade, then it is too late to collect them. Choose a linden color that is free from pests, diseases, and damage.

How to dry linden correctly

On open air

Spread the linden flowers in an even thin layer on a clean cotton cloth or white paper. Dry in a shaded, well-ventilated place, stirring several times to ensure even drying, for 2-3 days.

In the dryer

To make the drying process faster, you can dry the inflorescences in a dryer. To do this, lay out the flowers in an even thin layer on pallets. If the dryer has a special mode for drying herbs, then select it accordingly. If there is no such mode, then set the temperature to 40-45 degrees and dry the plants for about 7-8 hours.

On video from Useful tips shows how to dry linden

The finished flowers are brittle to the touch, yellowish in color, and have almost no smell.

How to store linden blossom

Dried inflorescences should be stored in paper bags or bags made of natural fabric in a dark, ventilated place.

Linden retains its beneficial properties for three years.

Now you can easily prepare linden blossom for fragrant healthy tea. Assembled with your own hands, it will bring more pleasant emotions than purchased.