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Fast growing crayfish. Growing crayfish at home. What is the demand in the market

There is probably not a single person in our country who would refuse to enjoy boiled crayfish with beer in good company.

For big crayfish lovers, there is an excellent option: organizing your own business at home.

In addition, such a business does not require large financial investments, and organizing crayfish breeding at home is not such a difficult task.

How to do it?

Let's figure it out.

Breeding crayfish at home: where to start?

Farmers who have the opportunity to rent a plot of land are best suited to breeding this type of arthropod in an artificial pond. And it’s absolutely not difficult to do this. All that is required for this is a pond of 30–50 m2 with a depth of at least 1.5 m. average size farming There are, as a rule, 2–4 such reservoirs. The main condition for such a pond is a clay bank and a bottom with stones. These conditions are ideal for these crustacean animals to establish a home and reproduce.

Water in artificially created ponds must be changed periodically. To simplify this process, when creating a reservoir, a special water drainage system is installed. It is recommended to change the water once a month, but not all of it, a third is enough, then fill it with new water. A complete replacement of water can lead to unpleasant consequences, namely the disruption of the established favorable microclimate for these aquatic animals. A female crayfish can bring up to 30 offspring per season, but they grow for quite a long time - 6 years.

Growing crayfish in ponds has its pros and cons.


    minimal costs for creating an artificial pond;

    food costs are reduced thanks to natural feed that is formed in the reservoir;

    Labor costs are almost non-existent.


    It is not possible to breed crayfish in reservoirs in all regions, but only in those where the winter is not too cold and the pond does not freeze completely;

    not every person is ready to wait 6 years for the crayfish to grow and begin to pay off;

    low density of crayfish population per 1 m² artificial pond.

Not every person will be able to breed crayfish due to various factors, but this business is, without a doubt, very interesting and profitable.

Breeding crayfish at home: where to keep them

You can breed crayfish at home in different conditions. The most common options are:

  • aquarium;


Carefully monitor the process of relocation of crustaceans. When the crayfish matures, it can be moved to another tank with larger individuals. When it finally grows, it is advisable to release it into the pond.


If you are a busy person and do not have enough time, then you need to think carefully before breeding crayfish in an aquarium, because they require regular care and observation. This habitat is distinctive in that crayfish do not hibernate in the aquarium, but they gain weight much faster. For a more comfortable living, crustaceans need to provide the following conditions:

    optimal temperature;

    filtered water;

    feeding with vitamins.

The main disadvantage of this option is the limited area for animals, that is, you will not be able to breed them in large numbers. However, if you keep crayfish for yourself and a friendly group, and not as a business, this option is for you. Do not forget to keep the aquarium clean, otherwise the larvae will begin to die. If you take water from the tap for your aquarium, do not forget to install filters, which will then need to be changed 2-3 times a year.

On a note. The most expensive crayfish are those that have a blue shell.


The pond is considered the most suitable habitat for crustaceans. At the same time, the water should not be too polluted, otherwise the animals may simply not survive. They can also coexist in a pond with fish. In winter, crayfish usually hibernate, they do not eat and begin to gradually lose weight. As we noted above, a pond cannot be built in regions with very cold winters, as this risks the pond freezing to the bottom and the animals dying.

This option for breeding these animals has the following pros:

    a pond is a body of water in which the water is purified and renewed on its own;

    There are virtually no feed costs since the crayfish can feed on food growing in the pond.

However, this method has its own minuses:

    animals grow for a long time;

    low density;

    If you set the task of breeding these arthropods as a business, then you will have to wait a long time for profit.

To ensure that your crayfish live in the pond as comfortably as possible, provide them with the following conditions:

1) the pit must be dug at least 2 m deep and with an area of ​​about 50 m2;

2) breed crayfish only on your own property to avoid loss of animals;

3) sow grass around the pit;

4) stones should be laid out at the bottom of the pit, on top of which sand should be poured. This is necessary so that arthropods have the opportunity to dig holes for themselves and hide behind stones;

5) do not forget to make a drainage system for periodic changes of water in the reservoir.


And finally, the last option for breeding these animals is the basement. The advantage of this option is that the basement does not need to be insulated, since crayfish can live in cool environments, but the temperature should not be lower than 7°C. During the hot season, they will also be quite comfortable, since the temperature in the basement always remains low.

Something to think about is good lighting in the basement. To provide the crustaceans with maximum comfort, we recommend installing a lamp in the middle of the room. To make it easier to care for crayfish, make several shelves on which aquariums with animals will stand. Fill the bottom of the aquarium with sand.

Advice. Remember to regularly monitor the temperature in the basement, as if it is too low, the crayfish may go into hibernation.

Breeding crayfish at home: what to feed, how to care

Crayfish are not very picky animals when it comes to food, so feeding them does not require much expense. Here is a list of the main delicacies of these animals:

    special food for crayfish;

  • wheat, barley and other grains;

  • insects.

This list concerns domesticated animals. As for wild crayfish, they often feed on leftover food and carrion.

Breeding crayfish at home: why do they die?

The main cause of crayfish death may be serious illness. All diseases of arthropods are divided into 2 groups:

1) infectious;

2) invasive.

Each of them is very dangerous for crayfish and can lead to their death. These animals get sick most often for the following reasons:

    binge eating;

    unfavourable conditions;

    sudden temperature changes;

    poor water filtration.

1. Find a place where your crayfish will settle.

The most suitable places The location of the animals is a pond or a large aquarium, and not just one, there must be at least three. If you want to raise your animals as soon as possible, it would be preferable to choose the option with an aquarium, since in a pond, crayfish will begin to molt and hibernate with the arrival of cold weather, which will lead to a slowdown in their growth. If you choose the option with an aquarium, then make sure that the temperature in it does not fall below 15 °C; it is optimal for crustaceans.

2. Install water purification systems in the aquarium.

These animals are very scrupulous in this matter, and an environment that is too dirty can be disastrous for them. You also need to prepare the usual conditions for them: place stones, sand and algae at the bottom of the aquarium; crayfish really like to burrow in holes.

3. Monitor the animals' nutrition.

They can be given cereal porridge, worms, fish and other foods from the list we gave above.

4. Buy animals for breeding only in specialized stores.

If you decide to catch the crustaceans yourself or have someone else do it, you will have to wait a very long time for them to grow when placing them in your aquarium. The fact is that crayfish from the lake take much longer to grow than animals raised artificially.

5. Place the crayfish according to age and strength in different containers.

The fact is that crayfish feed not only on outside food, they do not hesitate to eat their own kind, especially weak individuals. Therefore, adult large crayfish need to be placed in another aquarium, and the young shoots should be left in their old place. It is the strong adult crayfish that need to be transplanted, since they adapt much better to a new environment, while young people may die during relocation.

Well, that’s probably all you need to know about such an interesting business as breeding crayfish at home.

Crayfish farming is a relatively new business for Russia, but has already proven its effectiveness.

We will tell you in our article how profitable it is, what costs are required to run it, and what kind of profit you can get.

Pros and cons of this business


  • material costs are required only for the start (organization of a crayfish breeding site, purchase of special equipment and purchase of the crayfish themselves);
  • prospects for business expansion are possible;
  • low competition and high demand;
  • minimal labor required during the care process.


  • seasonality of business (from May to October);
  • delayed start: due to the growth characteristics of crayfish, the period when your company will begin to receive maximum profit will be approximately 3-4 years;
  • significant financial costs to start a business.

As practice shows, even with the mentioned disadvantages, crayfish farming can become very profitable. You just need to do everything correctly, without repeating the mistakes of others. Therefore, before starting to implement the project, you need to study its features in detail.

Where should you start?

There is a very clear algorithm that has proven its effectiveness. Let's name the points, each of which we will then decipher. So, you need to do the following:

  1. Choose the best method for breeding crayfish. Each of them needs to be compared in terms of cost and feasibility of implementation in your conditions.
  2. Think through the process of creating a farm. Develop a step-by-step plan that will lead, step by step, to creating a business.
  3. Carefully consider what expense items are present here. At the same time, we must remember that it is always worth having a small reserve of free funds for unexpected expenses.
  4. Determine distribution channels. This is one of key points: determine how much this type of product is in demand in your area, city, region, etc.

By carefully working through each point, you will receive a guarantee that the business will be well-structured and successful.

Crayfish breeding methods

There are currently four main methods:

  • Factory breeding of crayfish, that is, in special large aquariums and indoors. This is the so-called closed method. Its advantage is that crayfish are provided with conditions under which they can reproduce and grow around the clock, without hibernating. That is, the efficiency of cultivation increases significantly. At the same time, ensure these optimal conditions not difficult.
    The downside is the high costs both at the stage of opening a business and during its further development.
  • Breeding crayfish in a natural pond. This breeding method is the least expensive and easiest. Crayfish will have sufficient natural food (they are omnivores and therefore eat silt, algae and even garbage). But in this case, difficulties may arise in controlling the composition of the water, and crayfish clean water especially demanding. In addition, regular cleaning of the bottom will be required - at least to a depth of two meters.
    A natural pond may have a deficiency of oxygen in the deep layers, as well as the presence of large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which negatively affects the well-being of the animal. In this case, the business will be practically unprofitable. The only way to implement it is if the pond has a natural influx of water, that is, a river or stream flows into it. However, even in this case, it is better to support the business at first by additional fish breeding.
  • ­ Breeding crayfish in artificial reservoirs, basements, special crayfish pits etc. This is the so-called home method. It is considered a compromise between the above. In this case, you can fully control the quality of water, its circulation and the living conditions of the animals. At the same time, it is possible to control crayfish populations by dividing them according to age. Due to this, you can increase the quantity of goods at the output.
    The only disadvantage of this method is the significant costs of installing a special water circulation system and its further maintenance.
  • Breeding crayfish in an aquarium(optimal volume 250 liters). Such an aquarium should be equipped with cleaning and oxygen supply systems. You also need to line the bottom with driftwood, stones, river sand or gravel. It is not difficult to maintain the water temperature at 18-20 degrees all year round. This means that the growth and reproduction of crayfish will not slow down, which is guaranteed to give a high level of finished product at the output.

Whichever breeding method you choose, the main thing is to provide the crayfish with the most natural and comfortable conditions a habitat.

Creation and development of a farm

Consider the option of creating a cancer business on your own site. With this approach, you will be able to control all stages of breeding. First you need to dig a pit a depth of no more than two meters, an area of ​​no more than 60 square meters. m. You can make 3-4 such ponds, depending on the scale of the intended business. The bottom of the pit should be lined with stones, clay and river sand.

Vegetation can be planted near ponds to make them as natural as possible. The optimal water temperature is 18-20 degrees. Such conditions for cancer are considered ideal.

At lower temperatures, animals hibernate until spring. Accordingly, during this period they practically do not grow or reproduce. This means the cancer business is dying down.

Next, you need to make a drainage system using a pipe. It is necessary to put a strong fine mesh on the pipe (it will not allow the crayfish to leave the pond). So, the base for the pond is ready and you can fill it with water. Crayfish can be released into this reservoir 10-20 days after the flood, when the necessary microflora has formed in the water. Water renewal should be done once every 3 weeks, but no more than 30% of the total volume of water should be renewed so as not to greatly change the microclimate, thereby causing discomfort in the animals.

To organize a reservoir you need to purchase a number of devices:

  • two aerators (necessary so that the water in the pond does not stagnate and thus the crayfish do not experience negative impact toxic waste);
  • oxidizer (it will provide creatures with a sufficient amount of oxygen);
  • oximer (measurement of oxygen concentration);
  • salinity meter (determining the amount of salts in the pond);
  • conductometer (a device for checking the operation of treatment facilities).

Crayfish for breeding can be purchased from suppliers. As a rule, you need approximately equal numbers of females and males. It should be borne in mind that during the season the female manages to lay up to 100 eggs, but only half survive. That is, one cancer manages to acquire offspring of 40-50 individuals. Thus, over the course of a season, the number of animals in your pond will increase by an average of 40-50 times. It is possible to achieve a self-reproducing herd in an average of 5-6 years. Average term cancer maturation – 2 years. During this time, it reaches a mass of 100-200 g and a length of 10-12 cm.

Despite the omnivorous nature of animals, they need regular feeding. Once every 2-3 days they should be fed with meat, fish, bread, animal feed, vegetables, earthworms, etc. They do not require any other care, and this is the beauty of the cancer business.

After the herd becomes self-reproducing, you can think about expanding the business and organizing new reservoirs. Indeed, despite the high demand, competition in this area is quite low.

Selling products

Wholesale channels for selling crayfish should be carefully considered. First of all, this product will be of interest restaurants, cafes, snack bars and supermarkets. And regularity is important here: only in this case will it be possible to talk about stable income. You should also pay attention to establishments where it is customary to consume alcoholic drinks. Crayfish will be in great demand there. This is, for example, beer halls, saunas and baths. You can also agree on retail sales to private individuals. At first it could be acquaintances or neighbors, and then word of mouth will start working - one of the most effective advertising strategies in our country.

However, finding clients is half the battle; the main thing is to retain them. And high quality products and prices will help you with this - lower than in large retail outlets. You can gain a completely stable client base within a year.

In order to find out how in demand animals are in your area, just pick up the phone and call the above establishments. Cancers can be realized in three main states:

  • alive;
  • boiled;
  • boiled and frozen.

If everything is clear with the living ones, then for the other two you should purchase special equipment with which they will be processed (cooked and frozen). And this is another cost item that is one-time.

When selling crayfish you will definitely need veterinary certificate. To obtain it, you will need to bypass a number of authorities and fulfill all their requirements.

The supplied goods must necessarily be packaged and labeled.

To do this, you will need to buy a filling and packaging machine. Most often, crayfish are packaged in hard plastic container filled with brine. Packaging in the form of stretch film is also possible - it all depends on the final form of your product.

It should be understood that the main competitors in this business are Armenia and Kazakhstan, which supply throughout Russia all year round. Accordingly, it is necessary to study the prices at which certain organizations purchase Armenian and Kazakh crayfish, and offer a lower one.

Total costs and profitability of the company

Let's look at business income using the example of three artificial reservoirs that were built in an open area. To create and equip them, you will need on average about 30 thousand rubles. We will release 200 individuals into each of the three reservoirs (600 in total). The cost of their purchase will average about 20 thousand rubles. Thus, the initial investment will be approximately 50 thousand rubles.

The purchase price of crayfish is approximately 180-200 rubles per kg. One crayfish weighs on average 200 g. Thus, from 600 individuals (400 females will breed 40 individuals each) you can get about 16 thousand individuals. This is approximately 3200 kilos of product. If all goods are fully sold, this will bring approximately 760 thousand rubles. per season or 126 thousand per month. However, keep in mind that this is the total profit. To calculate net profit, you must subtract all the costs that were invested to implement the project. Further profit growth largely depends on how much effort you are willing to put in. As calculations show, crayfish farming is a fairly profitable and low-cost business. Of course, profitability can only be obtained from the second year of keeping these animals, but it is worth it. Go for it and you will succeed!

Video about crayfish breeding

The video shows a story about a business built on raising these animals:

Various reservoirs and ponds are constructed, used not only for watering and irrigating the soil, but also as a place for breeding crayfish. To understand how profitable and useful this business is, you need to look deep into the process of breeding crayfish.

Benefits of crayfish farming

Empty ponds and water trenches filled with crayfish can be an excellent source of income for any family. It is known that arthropods are valued for their quality and healthy meat containing a large number of proteins. Dishes from them are served in many restaurants around the world; various salads, sauces, side dishes are prepared from crayfish meat and served as a main dish. All this indicates that a homestead with crustaceans can serve well and bring considerable profit, but this is only possible after 5 years of investment and work. Despite this, after the first settlement of the pond, the fruits of the work will delight the owners for another 10 years.

About crayfish

When starting to independently raise crayfish in your own pond, you need to understand the varieties, biological processes, characteristics and methods of raising both young and adult specimens. On the territory of our country there are several species of arthropods, which differ little from each other. Crayfish are animals that breathe with gills and have 10 legs. The shell is quite dense and covered with chitin. The most famous within Russia are broad-toed crayfish, whose claws, in comparison with the others, differ in width and power. There are also long-fingered (narrow-fingered) and thick-fingered crayfish.

Creating a favorable habitat for crayfish

Under natural conditions, crayfish prefer to stay in calm running water, located mainly on the shady banks of rivers, lakes and canals. Decapods settle in burrows formed under the roots of old trees and plants that are located in the reservoir. Crayfish are very demanding regarding the purity of water, so even at the planning stage of the pond, care must be taken to ensure that the water is changed as often as possible and is not subject to severe pollution and blooming. Also, do not forget about the oxygen saturation and water temperature (should be 17-18 degrees Celsius) intended for breeding and breeding crayfish at home. When starting to build a reservoir, you should purchase sandy soil or rocky soil, in which people like to sit. crustacean creatures. The river inhabitants that fill the reservoir get along well with trout, which is not their food competitor.

Feeding the crayfish

Besides creating favorable conditions For normal life and reproduction, arthropods must be provided with sufficient food. When asking the question of what crayfish eat, you can find a clear answer: everything.

Being omnivores, they eat any food that comes their way. Particularly popular in their diet are plants that grow along the banks of rivers and lakes and contain lime: reeds, reeds, hornwort, and so on. Crayfish also prefer protein, which is present in natural conditions in the form of snails, small fish, worms, various insects and tadpoles. The creature's diet changes with its age. It moves from smaller and plant food to a larger and more animalistic one.

Walking around the markets in search of what to feed crayfish, you can buy food. Today, there are various feeds created for the purpose of feeding river inhabitants bred at home. Often such supplements contain a high percentage of sprouted wheat and other cereals that replenish natural needs crustaceans and non-polluting body of water. The optimal ratio of beneficial vitamins and minerals ensures complete and healthy complementary feeding. The plant components included in the food help resist various diseases, found in crayfish. In the process of organizing your diet, you must remember that crayfish eat quite a bit, so it is better to underfeed them than to overfeed them. An excess of nutrients in a pond can lead to their decomposition, pollution and cloudiness of the water, as a result of which all the inhabitants of the pond begin to die.

Growing crayfish

Water temperature in the reservoir in summer period should fluctuate between 15-20 degrees. There should be 2-3 containers installed on the territory for the purpose of transplanting young animals from their larger relatives, who are capable of devouring the younger generation. You can also purchase an artificial reservoir, which is available on the market in a wide range: swimming pools, ponds and the like. The main task of a purchased structure is to ensure rapid water circulation, so its shape should be oblong and its depth should not exceed 7 meters. Small pools and aquariums are mainly used for breeding and hatching larvae from eggs, after transplanting the females into prepared containers. The material in which the crayfish will be placed must be harmless, so metal containers should be replaced with plastic or plexiglass.

Building a reservoir for crayfish with your own hands

If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made reservoir, you can build an artificial one yourself. Building a pond for such a creature as a crayfish at home is quite a labor-intensive task. You must first select a place for construction, next to which there is a lake, river or pond. Otherwise, the cost of an artificial reservoir will increase significantly. Important role In construction, a waterproof bottom plays a role, on which the entire future structure will depend. Special waterproof and waterproofing layers are usually placed at the bottom to protect the pond from leakage. In the first years of crayfish breeding, it is recommended to use a purchased tank, which is reliable and has a longer service life.

The benefits and harms of crayfish

Very few lovers of sea food know how many useful vitamins and elements river crayfish have. The benefits of breeding a relative of the crab in the garden are obvious, and since they live only in a clean environment, they can be consumed without any fear. In addition to quickly digestible protein, crayfish meat contains large amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorus and cobalt. Wide range vitamins such as E, D, B, C, sulfur and folic acid contained in their meat. Nutritionists recommend eating crayfish while on a diet, since their meat is a fairly low-calorie product - only about 80 kcal is contained in 100 grams of product. Doctors also advise including cancer meat in the diet if there are problems with the kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract. By eating crayfish for some time, you can cleanse the liver and remove bile from the body. Iodine, which is found in large quantities in them, serves as a preventive measure for the thyroid gland.

Crayfish: contraindications

Speaking of contraindications, it should be mentioned that arthropods are prohibited for people who have individual intolerance. Allergies can also be caused by seafood, and in particular crayfish. The benefits and harms of crayfish are incomparable concepts, since the quantity useful substances, vitamins and macroelements in the creature's meat far outweigh the harm and any of its disadvantages.

Crayfish meat is distinguished by its juiciness and high taste, and is regularly in demand on the market. Growing and breeding crayfish at home can become profitable business, since these aquatic inhabitants are found everywhere in fresh water bodies in temperate climates.

Features of breeding and methods of growing crayfish at home with photos and videos will be described in this article. With its help, anyone can raise these aquatic creatures in their dacha.

How to breed crayfish at home

Growing crayfish at home is a simpler process when compared to mussels or shrimp. They are found in many fresh water bodies, so create suitable conditions it will be easy to reproduce them.

Breeding at home requires constant presence. You also need to think about the fact that to collect the catch you will have to drain the water in the pond or install special traps (Figure 1).

Note: A good option would be if you find a body of water directly next to the river. Then it will be possible to make a good flow: you take water from the river into it and take it out.

Before you start breeding crayfish at home, study all the necessary literature, and also visit farms where they are grown.

Figure 1. Features of raising animals in artificial reservoirs

The first specimens need to be purchased in special stores, and not caught from the river. It is desirable that the reservoir has clay or sandy soil. Special attention need to pay attention to the temperature of the water. Experience has shown that old females should not be kept in the pool for more than 3-4 months, as they can eat their cubs. Consequently, after the females lay eggs, they are moved to another tank, and the eggs are left separately.

If you want to breed them for wholesale, you need to obtain the appropriate certification.

Home breeding technology

There are several breeding technologies: naturally- in a pond, home pond or aquarium, and an expensive method - industrial, with the installation of a closed water supply (Figure 2).

With the first method, large expenses are not required, since they feed on natural food contained on the bottom. But under such conditions, they grow slowly because they hibernate, and because of this, they gain marketable weight only by the age of three. The second technology is considered more successful, where a decorative pond is set up on the site, individuals are released into it and periodically fed so that they gain weight faster. With this method, the crustaceans will all go into hibernation.

Figure 2. Methods of growing in bathtubs and aquariums in home and industrial conditions

If you want to raise livestock all year round, a more expensive technology will suit you. To do this you will need: a heated room, several containers, a system for constantly ensuring optimal temperature, circulation, water purification and oxygen saturation. This method is good because individuals do not hibernate due to the constant temperature of the water in the containers. Therefore, you will see profits faster.

Any species can be grown using this method, the main thing is to create comfortable conditions for their life. To do this, the bottom needs to be covered with clay, crushed stone, coarse gravel or lined with stones. At the bottom of the reservoir you need to install shelters: pipe fragments, branches, stones, snags.

To organize a drain in the far part, install a pipeline with a protective mesh. Next, according to the technology, the reservoir is insulated so that the crayfish do not die. The finished reservoir is filled at home clean water, without heavy impurities and chlorine, and populate the livestock. Every two weeks they make a drain, draining a little less than half old water to preserve the microclimate.

How to choose a place for breeding

It is better to choose a place for a pond near a river. An ideal place to live would be a coastline with inlets and aquatic vegetation. The bottom of the reservoir should be hard (clay or sand), with the addition of stones and limestone.

If there is a small pond on your site, then the soil near the shore should be such that individuals can build burrows, or you will have to install shelters for them manually. They often build their burrows on steep, shady banks where there is less sun. For example, in the reeds or on the banks where willow, willow, and acacia grow. The main thing is that the water in the reservoir is clean, because freshwater species They love cleanliness very much.

Growing crayfish at home: video

If you want to start growing crayfish at home, we recommend watching a video that shows how to organize this process for beginners.

Growing crayfish at home

The main place for cultivation is ponds. They are natural and artificial. Regardless of what type of pond you use, it should be insulated. They can also be grown in aquariums, swimming pools and ponds.

Having decided on the breeding site, the livestock is released into it. There should be two females per male, but no more. Water must be clean and of high quality, without impurities. Several times a month it will be necessary to change approximately 30% of the total volume of the tank, this will preserve the microclimate and update the oxygen balance. To replace water, you need to provide drainage and supply systems, and the holes need to be covered with a mesh. Water can be taken from clean water reservoirs or from a well. The water temperature should not fall below 15 degrees, this will allow individuals to grow faster.

Note: For better survival of juveniles, females should be placed in separate containers, and when the small crustaceans hatch, they should be removed, this will allow the crustaceans to grow.

Young animals eat the same foods as adults. Typically, these are dead fish, meat, bread and vegetables. You can also purchase special food for crayfish. The main thing is that the food contains fats, protein, fiber and calcium. Under natural conditions, they feed on anything - carrion, algae, frogs, worms, small fish.

They molt several times a year, at which time they are very vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their diet so that they do not eat their relatives.

Note: It is most profitable to breed blue crayfish; they grow faster and are more fleshy.

The technology of breeding crayfish in a pond is very popular. Observing certain rules, large and fleshy individuals can be grown even in a small country pond (Figure 3).


A pond is a natural and most suitable habitat. The main thing is that there is clean water in it, otherwise the livestock will decrease or even die. In the cold season, having given up food, crayfish hibernate. To prevent this, greenhouses are built over reservoirs.

Figure 3. Arrangement of a breeding pond

For crayfish to live comfortably in a pond, you need to properly equip it. It is advisable that the pond be on your site, since lovers free crayfish There are many. Do not place the pond in a sunny place. The pit area should be more than 50 square meters, two meters deep, and the bottom should be flat. The pond should be lined with polypropylene sheets; it is safe for crayfish. Next, the bottom must be covered with stones and sand so that individuals can build burrows for themselves. The shore of the reservoir should be clayey, and grass should be sown around it.

When breeding in ponds, it is important to ensure an influx of fresh water, aeration and to prevent algae overgrowing; for this, the bottom must be periodically cleaned. In addition, the pond should be filled with plankton.

In general, breeding crustaceans in a pond has both positive and negative aspects. The first is that the cost of maintaining a reservoir is minimal and feeding does not require large expenses due to natural food. Disadvantages include a long payback period, low stocking density and a long growth period.

More information on how to breed crayfish in a home pond is shown in the video.


In order for cultivation to be successful, it is necessary not only to equip the reservoir properly, but also to follow certain recommendations.

Among the basic rules for growing crayfish are::

  • the pond should be located in shaded areas;
  • the banks are strewn with rich clay and planted with plants;
  • periodically plant algae and other plants to recreate natural living conditions;
  • a third of the water needs to be changed several times a month;
  • The pond needs to be cleaned periodically.

Also, units are installed in the reservoir to aerate the water so that the individuals living in it receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Breeding crayfish in the garage

Growing in a pond can be called the standard method. But there are more unusual options, for example, breeding in a garage.

From the sections below you will learn how to properly set up a crustacean room so that you have access to their meat all year round.


Before you start breeding arthropods, it is important to think about whether you can provide the conditions they need. After all, they react very sensitively to water pollution and decreases in water temperature. In addition, you need to choose a room. This could be a garage, the area of ​​which should be at least 50 square meters (Figure 4). There you need to clean and prepare the room; if necessary, it should be insulated. You need to place one light bulb in the center of the ceiling, because crayfish do not need a lot of light. You will also need three large containers. One for adults, the second for teenagers and the third for babies. When placing all the crayfish in one tank, the adults may begin to eat the young.

Figure 4. Arrangement of a garage for breeding crayfish

Sandy soil is laid on the bottom, then various driftwood, stones, and pipe fragments are placed, which will serve as shelter for the crayfish. Each container must have a drainage and water supply system, because the liquid must be changed frequently. The holes in the drain pipe must be lined with fine mesh.

The next step is purchasing the individuals themselves in special stores. You just need to buy them, and not catch them in an ordinary body of water. It is important to remember the proportion of the sexes, namely: one male needs two females, but not three.

The water needs to be changed several times a month, replacing a little less than half the volume. This will enrich the water with oxygen and preserve minerals and microclimate.

Crayfish feed on algae, so they need to be regularly fed, fish, worms, cereals, bread, and also special food. During the breeding and molting season, they especially need good nutrition.


As with other breeding methods, growing crayfish in a garage follows certain rules:

  • the room should be spacious, if necessary, the walls and floor should be insulated;
  • all individuals should be purchased at specialized points, taking into account the fact that there are two females per male;
  • The water temperature should not fall below 15 degrees, otherwise the crayfish will hibernate.

Besides, in artificial conditions crayfish need balanced food, but overfeeding should not be allowed.

Breeding crayfish in a greenhouse

You can also breed crayfish in a greenhouse, because according to the climatic conditions, this room is excellent for growing these arthropods (Figure 5).

However, when growing in a greenhouse, you should still take into account all the breeding rules described above.


In countries with cold climates, to reduce the duration of crayfish hibernation or completely eliminate it, they use the method of insulating ponds, where crayfish breeding can be carried out in winter. To do this, a polycarbonate-based greenhouse is erected over the pond. You can convert an ordinary greenhouse into a thermos greenhouse, where the solar collector warms up the water in the reservoir. Such a greenhouse is good for use when breeding in northern territories. You can also use industrial greenhouses. Due to their dimensions, they transmit a large amount of light and heat.

Figure 5. Arrangement of a greenhouse for breeding crayfish

Under such conditions, the air temperature in the cold season will be 3-12 degrees. Water at this temperature will not freeze, which means nutrition and growth will continue. Thanks to this, the crayfish will grow faster and reach marketable size.

The cost of equipment will depend on the type and size of the greenhouse. It must be remembered that the insulation of part of the ponds must be taken into account at the design stage, since standard models of industrial greenhouses impose restrictions on the size of the reservoir.


When planning breeding in a greenhouse, you should take into account the number of individuals and the expected size of the reservoir. Based on these parameters, a greenhouse is also built.

In addition, it is better to immediately build the structure from polycarbonate, since this material transmits light well and retains temperature, but at the same time provides a stable microclimate.

Australian red claw crayfish: breeding

To breed the Red Claw Australian you need special conditions. This breed is the most “fleshy”. Their breeding is possible only in reservoirs closed type with additional heating. At home, they are bred in aquariums with a volume of at least 100 liters. It is quite possible to contain 3-4 crayfish there at the same time (Figure 6).

When arranging a reservoir, you need to take into account the fact that crayfish periodically rise to the surface. They need shelters for eating, resting and during the molting period. To do this, you need to arrange holes in advance, set up driftwood, locks, and pots. The optimal water temperature is 20-26 degrees; temperatures above 36 and below 10 degrees will be destructive for them. Australian crayfish are very sensitive to copper levels in water.

Figure 6. Peculiarities of growing Australian red claw crayfish

This species is not picky when it comes to food: it eats well dead fish, bread, vegetables, peas, algae and combined feed. Beech or oak leaves must be present in their diet. Feed regularly with snails, earthworms or frozen live food.

Together with crayfish you can also grow individual species fish Inexpensive, fast-growing species are suitable for this, because there may be cases of overeating and death of more fastidious fish. It is better to buy ordinary guppies.

Breeding aquarium crayfish

Aquarium crayfish need fairly clean water with a temperature of 21-27 degrees (Figure 7). High water hardness guarantees the possibility of building a shell after molting. To increase water hardness, you can put limestone or marble in the soil. Acidic water is not acceptable for these animals.

Note: If you decide to keep only aquarium crayfish, then an aquaterrarium with a small area of ​​land will be more suitable for you.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium requires the creation of artificial conditions with which they must be provided. Therefore, you need to put stones, sand, clay, driftwood at the bottom - this will resemble natural conditions and make it possible to dig holes. The soil should be coarse, especially if there are living rooted plants. In an aquarium, crayfish need oxygen, so it is necessary to ensure constant aeration and filtration of the water.

Figure 7. Setting up an aquarium for growing crayfish

In the wild, crayfish love to wander along the shore in search of something edible. It is advisable to give them the same conditions in the aquarium; for this you can take an ordinary driftwood that will protrude above the surface of the water.

Based on the fact that crayfish like to walk on land, the aquarium should be covered with thick glass with a gap corresponding to the body of the container.

Note: The desire of crayfish to get out of the aquarium intensifies when the water quality is low, there is a lack of shelter, or it is overcrowded.

Crayfish feed on various mollusks, tadpoles, worms, and insects. During the molting and breeding season they need more food.

Reproduction under artificial conditions mainly takes place after molting. The female lays eggs 20 days after mating. The young are very shy most They spend time under snags or behind ledges.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium is good because you can control the temperature, hardness and other parameters of the water. Also, by growing crayfish in an aquarium, the larvae will be protected from enemies, and mortality from unfavorable factors will also be reduced.

Crayfish farming as a business - the new kind farming activity, which became popular several years ago. This niche has not yet been occupied by large companies, but the product is in demand. For most entrepreneurs, such a business will seem exotic, but with proper organization of work, a small crayfish breeding enterprise will allow you to earn high profits. Is crayfish farming profitable or not? How much money will you need to invest? How to find sales channels?

Business registration

If an entrepreneur decides to sell arthropods on an industrial scale, he must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is more popular among small businesses. In the future, a certificate of conformity for the product will be required. It is much easier to obtain it within the framework of an individual entrepreneur.

Growing and selling crayfish falls into the field of fish farming. Therefore, during the registration process, companies indicate OKVED with code 05.02.01 (“Reproduction of fish and aquatic biological resources by agricultural producers”). Of the taxation systems available to individual entrepreneurs, the unified agricultural tax (USAT) is optimal for crayfish farming.

It is better to organize a farm on a plot of land. Ideally, it should be owned by a businessman. According to Article No. 40 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to build a pond and use it for his own purposes. That is, the reservoir automatically becomes the property of an individual by law.

Land for an artificial reservoir can be rented. In this case, a series of permitting documents in government bodies.

Where to breed crayfish?

Choosing a breeding site is a key task at the initial stage of such a business. This question depends on the desired volume of production, financial capabilities and climatic characteristics of the region. There are 3 methods:
  • Aquarium (at home);
  • Artificial (pond);
  • Closed (indoors).

In aquarium

Aquariums must be made of acrylic, plastic and glass using frameless technology. Application metal structures prohibited: crayfish die in water with a high content of copper or iron.

It is impossible to grow crayfish in an aquarium on an industrial scale. Therefore, entrepreneurs prefer to breed fry in aquariums until they reach a length of 5 centimeters, and then move them to other containers or release them into a special pond.

In an artificial pond

An artificial pond is a worthy alternative to the natural habitat of crayfish. You can create it on your personal land plot. The organization of the reservoir is based on the following standards:

  • Rectangular shape;
  • Smooth pond walls located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the earth’s surface;
  • Depth from 3 to 5 meters;
  • Sheathing the walls with polypropylene sheets (thickness - from 9 mm).

Lining a pond with iron and wood leads to rapid water pollution and the death of its inhabitants. After the preparatory work, the pond is filled with water. To ensure its quality, equipment is purchased: an aerator, an oxidizer, flow filters and measuring instruments.


The cold climate does not allow open breeding of crayfish. To make the task easier, recirculating water supply (RAS) installations were developed. With their help, farms are actively developing and large companies for the sale of arthropods and fish. In RAS, the survival rate of fry is 95%, and the gestation period for eggs is reduced to 2-3 months.

To accommodate the RAS, a large heated room will be required. Its volume of one installation is 700-1500 liters. As a rule, they start with one piece and gradually increase production volumes. The advantages of RAS are the possibility of continuous cultivation of crayfish, without reference to seasonality. Disadvantages include high cost and expenses for public utilities.

Features of crayfish breeding

Crayfish are a specific product and require compliance with certain conditions during the growing process. The main goal of the entrepreneur is to prevent seasonal hibernation of arthropods. Proper care ensures profit all year round.

Selection of individuals

Broodstock is purchased in a ratio of 1:2 (one male, two females). To do this, contact a specialized company, where they will additionally give valuable recommendations on care and maintenance.

Good offspring are produced by such types of crayfish as narrow-clawed crayfish, Cuban blue, Australian red-clawed crayfish, and marbled crayfish. For each of them, the breeding season in nature occurs in October and ends in the spring. To speed up this process, it is better to breed crayfish in closed reservoirs.

Under artificial conditions, the female regularly produces offspring. When the fry grow up, they are transplanted into a separate aquarium so that they can molt. Grown-up crustaceans, 5-7 centimeters long, are released to the adults.

Catching in natural ponds for the purpose of reproduction does not guarantee High Quality products. Cancers can be unhealthy. In addition, it is difficult to determine the sex of arthropods on your own.

Creating an Environment

Before releasing crayfish into the water area, it is prepared. There are a number of criteria for water for breeding crayfish:

  • The water must be clean, saturated minerals and oxygen;
  • Temperature – not less than 21 degrees;
  • Water (20-30%) is renewed 2-3 times a week;
  • The permissible salt content in water is from 0.01 to 0.03 mg per liter;
  • Water hardness is 6-7 mEq per liter;
  • Phosphate content is in the range of 0.27-0.6 mg per liter.

If these conditions are violated, fertility decreases, growth slows down, and the crayfish hibernates. This naturally affects the company’s profitability and leads to additional financial costs.


The diet of crayfish in a natural reservoir includes 80% algae, rotted leaves and 20% carrion (dead larvae, fish, snails, frogs). It is problematic to provide such a “menu” all year round. Therefore, boiled barley groats, vegetables, leftover processed meat and fish products.

It is useful to give crayfish special feed. It contains everything necessary for the development of fry. Feed is made from vegetable oil and added to it powdered milk, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, crushed grain, bran and vitamins.

The daily dose of food for cancer depends on its age. 2-3% of the total body weight is eaten by a 3-5 year old individual, 4-6% by newly born crustaceans, 7-9% by the broodstock during spawning. Meals are taken in the morning and evening at the same time.

Follow the principle: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. An overfed cancer spends a lot of energy on digestion and is not able to reproduce normally.

Crayfish farm

If you have a plot of land, the implementation of a business idea for organizing a crab farming farm includes three stages:

  • creation of reservoirs;
  • development of an intensive method of growing arthropods;
  • establishing a sales system.

Each of the steps is associated with financial investments. Their size may vary several times, depending on individual plan entrepreneur.

An example of calculating the costs of crayfish farming

Let's look at an example of a farm project designed for land plot with an area of ​​600 square meters. It will have 10 artificial ponds equipped with equipment.

The average farm cost calculation is as follows:

In addition to standard investments, the estimate for a crayfish breeding enterprise includes 20% for unforeseen expenses and additional costs. These include: utilities (indoor heating), wage employees, seasonal cleaning of ponds, site rental.

Marketing channels for crayfish

Selling crustaceans without obtaining permits is prohibited. Before selling products, you receive:

  • declaration of conformity;
  • veterinary certificate (form No. 2);
  • certificate according to GOST 50380-2005;
  • sanitary passport for vehicle for transporting crayfish.

Documents are obtained at local veterinary stations and the Rosselkhoznadzor office. Employees are notified of the issuance procedure.

The next step is to search for potential customers on the Internet and around the city. The range is wide, ranging from private breweries to companies making wholesale purchases. Greatest demand on crayfish is observed in restaurants, bars, and fish stores.

Profitability of a crayfish farming business

The activity brings its first serious income after a couple of years, when the individuals grow up and regularly give birth to offspring. Net profit for the year is calculated based on the difference between the initial investment and net earnings for certain period time.

In an artificial pond with an area of ​​120 square meters, on average 200 kilograms of products are produced per year. The cost on the retail market for live cancer is from 800 to 1300 rubles. That is, from one pond the increase in the main revenue will be from 160,000 to 260,000 rubles. Several ponds are made on the farm, which leads to increased income.

In general, the crayfish breeding business is profitable and pays off after 2-3 years. But it also has pros and cons.

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