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A hearing test is an objective test. Methods of medical and self-testing of hearing

It is not necessary to visit a specialist doctor for a basic hearing test. You only need a high-quality Internet connection and audio output equipment (regular headphones). However, if you suspect hearing problems, it is better to consult a specialist and do not diagnose yourself.

Hearing testing sites usually suggest taking a couple of tests and listening to short sound recordings. Then, based on your answers to questions in tests or how often you turned up the volume on the site while listening to recordings, the service creates an approximate picture of your hearing. However, everywhere (even on the hearing testing sites themselves) they do not recommend trusting these tests 100%. If you suspect hearing loss and/or the service has not provided the best results, please visit a qualified healthcare professional.

Method 1: Phonak

This site specializes in helping people who have hearing problems, plus it distributes modern sound devices own production. In addition to tests, here you can find several useful articles that will help you solve current hearing problems or avoid them in the future.

To perform testing, use these step-by-step instructions:

Method 2: Stopotit

This is a site dedicated to hearing problems. In this case, you are asked to take two tests to choose from, but they are small and involve listening to certain signals. Their margin of error is very high due to many reasons, so you should not trust them completely.

The instructions for the first test look like this:

The second test is a little more extensive and can give the correct result. Here you will need to answer a couple of questions from the questionnaire and listen to the names of the items with background noise. The instructions look like this:

Method 3: Geers

Here you will be asked to listen to sounds of different frequencies and volumes. There are no special differences from the previous two services.

The topic of audio is worth talking about human hearing in a little more detail. How subjective is our perception? Is it possible to have your hearing tested? Today you will learn the easiest way to find out whether your hearing fully corresponds to the table values.

It is known that the average person is able to perceive acoustic waves with the organs of hearing in the range from 16 to 20,000 Hz (depending on the source - 16,000 Hz). This range is called the audible range.

20 Hz A hum that is only felt, but not heard. It is reproduced mainly by top-end audio systems, so in case of silence it is the one to blame
30 Hz If you can’t hear, most likely there are playback problems again
40 Hz It will be audible in budget and mid-price speakers. But it's very quiet
50 Hz Rumble electric current. Must be audible
60 Hz Audible (like everything up to 100 Hz, rather tangible due to reflection from the auditory canal) even through the cheapest headphones and speakers
100 Hz The end of the low frequencies. Beginning of direct audibility range
200 Hz Mid frequencies
500 Hz
1 kHz
2 kHz
5 kHz Beginning of high frequency range
10 kHz If this frequency is not heard, it is likely serious problems with hearing. Doctor's consultation required
12 kHz Inability to hear this frequency may indicate initial stage hearing loss
15 kHz A sound that some people over 60 cannot hear
16 kHz Unlike the previous one, this frequency is not heard by almost all people after 60 years of age
17 kHz Frequency is problematic for many already in middle age
18 kHz Problems with hearing this frequency - the beginning age-related changes hearing Now you are an adult. :)
19 kHz Limit frequency of average hearing
20 kHz Only children can hear this frequency. Is it true

This test is enough to give you a rough estimate, but if you can't hear sounds above 15 kHz, you should see a doctor.

Please note that there is an audibility problem low frequencies, most likely related to .

Most often, the inscription on the box in the style of “Reproducible range: 1–25,000 Hz” is not even marketing, but an outright lie on the part of the manufacturer.

Unfortunately, companies are not required to certify all audio systems, so it is almost impossible to prove that this is a lie. Speakers or headphones may reproduce boundary frequencies... The question is how and at what volume.

Spectrum issues above 15 kHz are a fairly common age-related phenomenon that users are likely to encounter. But 20 kHz (the same ones that audiophiles fight so hard for) is usually heard only by children under 8–10 years old.

It is enough to listen to all files sequentially. For a more detailed study, you can play samples, starting with the minimum volume, gradually increasing it. This will allow you to get a more correct result if your hearing is already slightly damaged (remember that to perceive some frequencies you need to exceed a certain threshold value, which, as it were, opens and helps the hearing aid to hear it).

Do you hear the entire frequency range that is capable of?

When you want to choose headphones, you research them specifications, where among others there is the value o. This value is important because it reflects the technical ability of headphones to reproduce frequencies that a person can hear.

If a person’s hearing is not damaged, then he can distinguish sound at frequencies from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. However, this is ideally real life our range will be different, and what’s more sad, it will be narrower than the classic 20 Hz - 20000 Hz.

What does a person hear and what does hearing health depend on?

The older we get, the worse our hearing becomes. Like everything else in our body, hearing begins to perform its tasks worse with age.

Those who are already about 30 years old can hardly distinguish a sound at a frequency of 20,000 Hz; they simply do not hear it, because hearing began to deteriorate. This is not a disease and not something to seriously worry about, this is how our hearing organ works - it does not recover and only gets worse over time.

By the age of 40, you most likely will not be able to distinguish a sound at a frequency of 18,000 Hz or even 17,000 Hz, and by the age of 50, it is considered good to hear a sound at a frequency of 15,000 Hz.

Of course, each person’s hearing is unique; someone even at 50 years old can hear a sound with a frequency of 17,000 Hz, while others cannot even hear 12,000 Hz.

As I said above, hearing is not restored. The design of the organ is such that what an irritation nerve endings respond to special hairs that move when exposed to sound, i.e. air. With age, some hairs die off, while others are irreversibly damaged by listening to loud sounds.

Yes, yes, hearing can be damaged simply by going to concerts frequently, or working as a construction worker with heavy equipment, like a jackhammer, without hearing protection.

Every day we subject our hearing to serious tests, and every day it gets worse. Even a trip on the subway without headphones with active noise reduction slightly worsens our ability to perceive sound every time, and this is irreversible.

Therefore, you need to think about health from a young age, without expecting a noticeable degradation of the ability to hear, because there is no turning back.

Online hearing testing

Well, enough theory, let's check how well you hear different sound frequencies.

For simplicity and clarity, there will be only 4 frequencies that will show your current capabilities.

The fact is that hearing degradation occurs from the edges of the audible range, provided that there is no injury eardrum or inner ear disease.

Thus, it is clear that if changes in hearing have begun, then you will begin to hear worse at the border of the possible, i.e. at a frequency of 20 Hz or 20000 Hz. And the narrower the range, the more your hearing is damaged.

If you hear sound at 20 Hz, then you are fine with the perception of the lower threshold and that’s great. This means your hearing is more or less good condition, but don’t rejoice ahead of time, let’s listen to the following sounds.

Sound at 250 Hz is very important for our life. A lot of sounds from the surrounding world, people and animals sound approximately at this frequency, so if you hear it, then you can live a full life normal life. But if you can’t hear it, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor; even very old people who have not had hearing injuries can hear this sound well.

Sound at 2 kHz here only for the general picture, it should be heard by absolutely all people who have not had injuries to their hearing organs or their serious illness. This is one of the most loaded frequencies, because Most instruments sound at this frequency. Also, quite a few high-pitched female voices use this frequency and therefore it is extremely important for human life.

This is a test piece that reproduces 16 kHz audio. According to statistics, not every person who has lived to be 30 years old can hear this sound. Therefore, if you cannot hear it well and you are over 30 years old, then no big reasons for frustration. Of course, it’s a pity that your hearing has begun to deteriorate, but you are not yet outside the norm and there is no particular reason to worry. Although, of course, going to a doctor and having your hearing tested using professional equipment would not be a bad idea.

Let me just say that I am now 34 years old and I hear sound at a frequency of 16 kHz clearly and distinctly. Perhaps I should praise myself that I hear a little more than my peers.

This is a test recording sound with a frequency of 20 kHz. According to statistics, not all people over 20 years of age can hear it, even if they have never had any injuries or diseases of the hearing organs.

If you are over 20 years old and have not heard anything, do not be upset, this, unfortunately, is normal.

Personally, I no longer hear this frequency, but I am already 34 years old and this is absolutely normal for my age, although, of course, a little sad.

Why hearing testing is important for everyone

Of course ours online testing hearing is quite fluent, moreover, it was carried out on your personal equipment, which can cause distortion and disrupt the purity of the experiment.

However, even such testing may make you think about your hearing health. After all, if you are still young, but already have trouble hearing the 16 kHz frequency, then you probably need to see a doctor for a more serious approach to this problem.

Plus, this quick test shows that for people over 30, there's little point in worrying about not listening or having Bluetooth headphones as their primary headphones.

The fact is that codecs for wireless transmission of music from music save the bandwidth of the Bluetooth channel, thereby increasing the stability of data transmission. And if you are young and listen to records, then you should think about using quality wired headphones. But if you are already 40 years old or older, then the quality of music transmission via Bluetooth will be enough for you, because... Those frequencies that are artificially cut off during encoding, you most likely will no longer hear and will not feel the difference in sound quality.

As you can see, every cloud has a silver lining. Yes, we are all getting older every year, and our hearing is fading, but now we can listen to comfortable music without a twinge of conscience and not worry about the quality of music transmission; online hearing testing has clearly shown us that this no longer matters much.

Unfortunately, people rarely pay attention to hearing loss in initial stage, especially if it happens gradually.

Check your hearing online

First, the ability to hear small, insignificant sounds for our lives is lost. And only when people realize that a conversation at normal volume is inaccessible to their hearing do they begin to worry, look for an online “hearing diagnostic” test and make an appointment with a specialist.

The level of perception of sounds must be constantly monitored in order to take timely measures to correct the situation. Doctors recommend having your hearing tested at least once every three years. Children's hearing tests are performed 3 times more often. Specially designed online tests will help you understand whether your hearing is okay.

Healthy human ear capable of receiving a frequency range of 20 Hz - 20 kHz. But the upper limit of audibility gradually decreases as a person grows older. This is especially noticeable among those who experience constant musical stress. For example, almost all children before adulthood hear a frequency of 14 kHz, but after 50 years - only 20% of people. By adulthood, no more than 60% hear sounds from 18 kHz, and after 40 years this figure drops to 10%.

Computer audiometry

This is the most objective hearing diagnosis. It is performed only by an audiologist. In this case, the patient is not required to active work. Hearing acuity is estimated at automatic mode, so it can be performed even on newborns.

During the study, frequencies of different magnitudes are applied to the patient’s ears. And electrodes attached to a person’s head record the brain’s reaction, and an audiogram is built from it. The horizontal axis of this graph indicates the frequency of sound, and the vertical axis indicates the limit of audibility. In this study, the frequency of sound waves is in the range of 125 Hz - 8 thousand Hz.

Audiometry is performed for each ear separately, which makes it possible to identify hearing loss at an early stage.

If hearing is good, then the audiometric line of the graph will be located to a level of 20 dB and have flat view. The doctor can see the cause of hearing loss according to the schedule: the presence of otitis media, otosclerosis. This is possible due to the fact that the computer measures bone and air permeability levels, the difference between which is normally about 10 dB. The magnitude of the imbalance in this balance indicates the presence of a specific disease.

Test No. 1: checking your hearing using headphones

To obtain a more accurate test result, you must use high-quality equipment and take it in complete silence. Online test consists of several stages:

  1. On the program screen, click “Continue”.
  2. We calibrate the sound level on your computer according to the requirements of the program. It is important to do this before the next stage, since during the test you will not be able to change anything.
  3. An instruction will appear explaining that when you hear a sound, you need to click “I hear”, otherwise - “No”.
  4. At this point, you will finally be able to take the test.
  5. After passing it, the test result will be displayed.

Test #2: Audiometric

This hearing test is somewhat similar to the previous one. However, here a good-looking man will explain the rules to you.

  1. To test your hearing, you will be asked to set the appropriate volume level. It should be adjusted on the computer so that you can clearly hear the spoken words. After calibrating the sound, click next.
  2. You will be asked not to change the volume again, although you can do so during the test. This is how online speech audiometry differs from the previous hearing testing program.
  3. Next, you will need to answer several questions: your age, gender and two additional questions about whether you have ever had difficulty hearing. This will help to more accurately conduct the examination and process the data obtained during the test. With this survey, the audiometry program is similar to a hearing test by an audiologist.
  4. Next, you will be asked to listen to 9 words and then start the test. Thanks to it, you can get an initial idea of ​​your own hearing level.
  5. During the test, a female voice will name items and you will have to click the appropriate icon. With each repetition the noise background will increase and it will be more difficult to hear the word each time. At the moment when the noise blocks human speech and you do not hear the word, you will need to click the “I don’t know” icon. After each such press, the sound female voice will increase until you hear a spoken word.

Online speech audiometry will give you an understanding of how well you distinguish individual words against background noise.

Test #3: Frequency Hearing Test

This test video is pure-tone audiometry. It was drawn and edited by the AsapSCIENCE channel. It shows the limits of your ear's capabilities. This hearing test perfectly illustrates how ear sensitivity decreases with age.

In the “AsapSCIENCE” test, sounds are played at different frequencies, starting with the smallest - 8 thousand Hz. It is the border between deafness and the ability to hear at least something. Then the frequency is increased. The subject's hearing age is determined by the last frequency he heard.

For those who do not know English, we will provide frequency data and the corresponding hearing age:

  • 12,000 Hz – less than 50 years
  • 15,000 Hz – you are under 40 years old
  • 16,000 Hz – the hearing of a person under 30 years old
  • 17,000 – 18,000 – you are under 24 years old
  • 19,000 – your hearing is under 20 years old. This frequency is heard by the child.

To get an accurate result, you need to watch the video in the highest possible resolution and use high-quality headphones. This video can be used to test children's hearing.

Test No. 4: Listening to frequencies

This online hearing test determines your lower and upper ear sensitivity thresholds. The most interesting thing is that this testing can also be used to diagnose the real characteristics of acoustic equipment.

Frequencies, HzExplanations
20 More like a hum than a sound. Everyone can hear it, but reproduce it - High Quality audio systems. Therefore, if you cannot hear 20 Hertz, the problem is not with you, but with your headphones or speaker.
30 The same low sound as the previous one. Hearing aid people are less susceptible to disturbances in sensitivity to the low and medium frequency range.
40 This can be reproduced by almost any audio system. Can you barely hear any sound? This means your acoustic equipment is very cheap!
50 You can definitely listen to this sound for a few moments if you connect your speaker directly to a power outlet. Just before the explosion you will hear it!
60 Reproducible well on any acoustic equipment.
100 Low frequencies end at this boundary.
500 Mid frequency range. Heard by everyone.
1000 Mid frequency range. Heard by everyone.
2000 Mid frequency range. Heard by everyone.
5000 Start upper limit sound frequencies.
10000 You have a pretty serious hearing loss if you can't hear this frequency.
12000 This sound and those below are used to identify hearing problems in early stages. If you cannot hear this frequency, then probable cause is the onset of hearing loss.
15000 Most people over 50 years of age cannot distinguish sounds at this frequency.
16000 Can't detect sound at this frequency? Say hello to old age! Or buy yourself new headphones or speakers.
17000 For most middle-aged people, sound of this frequency is inaccessible
18000 Can't you hear? Say goodbye to youth!
19000 Oh, youth! Do you hear? I'm jealous!
20000 Baby, do your parents allow you to go near the computer?

Should be understood

  • High volume on test speakers may damage them.
  • The audio and video test may be incorrect if you have a cheap sound card and speakers. Audiometry can only be performed correctly by an audiologist.
  • Do not do it loud noise in headphones, otherwise it can harm your ears and even cause hearing loss!
  • The tests are not medical and are not used for self-diagnosis. To correctly determine the quality of your hearing, consult a specialist. Only he can deliver accurate diagnosis or give correct definition your illness.

We hope that after passing the entire set of our tests, you received good result. But remember, no test can replace a qualified audiologist. However, we advise you to return to the tests presented from time to time to monitor your hearing level. To do this, add our page to your bookmarks. And leave comments on the results obtained and share your impressions of the testing.

The applications that we will discuss below will help you understand how normal your hearing is. If the results are far from optimal, it makes sense to consult a doctor.


uHear measures your hearing sensitivity and how well you adapt to environmental noise. The first test takes approximately five minutes, the second - no more than a minute. For each test you will need headphones, and in the application you can choose their type - in-ear or on-ear.

The test determines the sensitivity of each ear separately. This is achieved by reproducing noise different frequencies and determining the upper and lower limits of your hearing.


Hörtest for Android works on the same principle. You need to press the button every time you hear sound in the headphones. I'll say the obvious, but don't fool yourself and don't press a button just to improve your test results. You go through it for yourself.

Mimi Hearing Test

Mimi Hearing Technologies is a company that produces equipment for deaf people. If you have an iOS device, I would recommend taking this test. The application works on a similar principle to the previous ones. Every time you hear a sound in your left or right ear, you need to press the Left or Right button, respectively. The test result is your age based on hearing sensitivity. If it matches your real age, great. If the difference is very large, then your hearing is not normal.


If you don't have iOS or Android devices, you can use this video test on YouTube. As with all previous applications, headphones are required.

Tell us at what point you stopped hearing sounds and how old you are.