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The cat has a stuffy nose and is sneezing. What to do if your cat has a stuffy nose

A runny nose, or rhinitis, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It can be caused by a cold: if the cat is exposed to a draft or is hypothermic.

A runny nose begins when washing powder or ammonia are used in front of a cat; when she inhales vapors of acids, alkalis, drugs used to disinfect an apartment and kill cockroaches and other insects in it. All these substances cause severe irritation not only of the nasal mucosa, but also of the trachea and bronchi.

Rhinitis also occurs as a complication of contagious and non-contagious diseases.

With rhinitis, the glands and glands located in the nasal cavity begin to produce much more secretion. The nasal mucosa turns red and becomes swollen, causing the nasal passages to narrow and secretions to accumulate in them. As a result, breathing becomes difficult, and the inhaled air is not warmed and is not cleared of dust.

A sick cat has difficulty breathing, sniffles, sneezes frequently, and rubs its nose with its paws. Nasal discharge may be thin and clear or thick and cloudy.

Possible depressed general state, emaciation, the occurrence of conjunctivitis.

Treatment. First of all, the cause of the disease is eliminated. If it is a cold, they improve living conditions and nutrition.

The nasal area is warmed up with hot sand, which is poured into a small bag 2-3 times a day. You can irrigate the nasal cavity with a 2-3% solution of boric acid or a 0.5-1% solution of zinc sulfate.

With a runny nose thick discharge The nasal passages are washed with boiled beet juice or the nasal cavity is irrigated with a 1% salt solution.

In addition, 5-6 drops of ecmonovocillin diluted with saline solution 1:2 can be injected into each nostril.

If you have a runny nose with thick discharge, wash your nose with boiled beetroot juice.

At chronic rhinitis the treatment is the same. However, with this form of the disease, constant nasal discharge causes irritation of the skin and it becomes weeping. Therefore, it must be dried. A powder of white streptocide is recommended, which is used several times a day.

Infectious rhinitis is treated simultaneously with the main disease, 5-10 drops of galazolin are instilled into the nose, into each nostril.

To increase the body's defenses, general ultraviolet irradiation should be carried out. Thymogen is also used, once a day for ten days it is instilled into the nose: for cats - 1 - 2 drops, for dogs - from 1 to 8 drops, depending on weight, for a dog weighing 9 - 10 kilograms - 2-3 drops .

Not only people, but also beloved cats are susceptible to nasal congestion. A runny nose occurs quite often in cats. This is due to the fact that the nasal passages of pets are very small, and the slightest inflammation or causes irritation severe congestion. What to do if your animal has a stuffy nose? You will learn how to help a cat with a runny nose in this article.

Causes of stuffy nose in cats

The most common cause of runny nose in cats is an allergic reaction to chemicals.

Among the most common reasons runny nose in cats, the following are distinguished:

  • Allergic reactions . Often occurs on detergents, perfume, pollen, and other substances that irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Hypothermia or eating food that is too cold.
  • Inhaling hot air.
  • Inhalation of toxic fumes.
  • Foreign body in the nasal passage.
  • Tumors in the nasopharynx.

Symptoms of a runny nose in cats

The most common manifestations of a runny nose are:

  • Heavy breathing, the cat often breathes through its mouth.
  • Itching and redness of the skin on the nose.
  • Frequent snorting.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes under the lower jaw.
  • Nasal discharge.

If your cat's nose is green, brown, or yellow discharge, this means your pet has purulent rhinitis.

If you notice green, brown or brown discharge from your cat's nose yellow color, this means that the pet has purulent rhinitis. In this case, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Treating nasal congestion in cats at home

Any owner's heart will break at the sight of a suffering pet. Therefore, it is necessary to know that a person can help his pet at home. To do this you need:

If your cat's runny nose is caused by hypothermia, you need to provide her with warmth and rest.

If you do not know the exact cause of rhinitis in your pet, then the best option will contact a specialist. The veterinarian will determine the cause of the animal’s runny nose and make a plan. complex treatment using various drugs.

What happens if your pet's nasal congestion is not treated?

A runny nose can develop into purulent rhinitis

When the mucous membranes in the nasal passage become inflamed, the cat does not receive the proper amount of oxygen.

Because of this, the functioning of all organs of the animal may deteriorate. After this, the pet will become passive, the appetite will worsen and the entire body will be exhausted. If acute rhinitis in a pet is not treated, it can develop into chronic rhinitis, which requires long-term treatment and increased care.

Prevention of runny nose in cats

To prevent a runny nose, you need to get vaccinated.

It is better to prevent a runny nose in cats than to worry about how to cure it later. In order to avoid nasal congestion in your pet, you must follow several rules:

  • Vaccination. It helps prevent many fungal diseases. Therefore, there is a high chance of avoiding future problems with the animal’s nose.
  • Avoid cat hypothermia . There should be no drafts in the room where the pet is constantly located. The place where it is located should not be cold
  • Monitor your pet's immunity . Feed your animal correctly. Your cat's diet should contain the vitamins and minerals necessary to keep your pet healthy.
  • All possible allergens in the house, should keep away from the cat . If you suspect an allergy, you need to switch to hypoallergenic food, do not use chemicals to care for your pet and remove all house plants away from the animal.


If you notice the first symptoms of a runny nose in your pet, take action immediately.

Timely treatment and proper care will help quickly bring your pet’s nose back to normal. And by adhering to all the rules for preventing a runny nose in a cat, you will provide the animal with a long and healthy life close to you.

Video about rhinotracheitis in cats

Oddly enough, but a runny nose in cats is not a rare condition that occurs as a result of infection and other diseases. Accompanied by purulent or watery mucous discharge. In our article we will talk about how to identify this disease, the causes of its occurrence and consider the most common methods of treatment.

Cats are more prone to diseases such as rhinitis than other animals. This is due to the fact that they have narrow nasal passages. The slightest swelling, which can be caused by any irritant, leads to congestion of the nasal passages.

The main causes of a runny nose

There are many reasons that cause a runny nose in a kitten, including:


To understand that your cat has some kind of problem, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Symptoms of viruses: runny nose, snot, suppuration of the eyes, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, while the general condition of the animal usually suffers. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Sometimes the presence of a virus in a pet can cause death, and time passes by days.
  • If your pet has allergies, symptoms such as nasal congestion, snot, swollen and purulent eyes, abnormal respiratory function, itching.
  • Symptoms of polyps and tumors: the animal rubs its nose with its paws, as if something is bothering it. As a result of a tumor, asymmetry and curvature may appear on the muzzle.
  • Signs of presence foreign body: the cat shakes its muzzle, sneezes, and produces snot.

Treatment of a runny nose

In order to cure rhinitis in a cat, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, because he will not only help relieve snot as a consequence of the disease, but will also help fight the cause that caused it. Treatment depends on what the pet is sick with. A diagnosis can only be made if necessary tests and then the veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate treatment, for example:

  • If the animal cannot breathe at all, then it needs to be urgent help: free and cleanse the nasal passages using rinses.
  • Sometimes, if a kitten is dehydrated, an IV will have to be given.
  • In order to prevent secondary infection from occurring, it is necessary to conduct a course of antibiotic therapy.
  • Treatment of a runny nose is carried out using the drug Dioxycycline in the appropriate dosage.
  • Fosprenil in the appropriate dosage.
  • If your cat has a stuffy nose, you can rinse with baby Naphthyzine in the appropriate dosage as prescribed by the veterinarian.
  • For treatment purposes, a technique such as quarantine and permanent shift litter, also avoiding drafts.

Treatment at home

If it is not possible to visit veterinary clinic, then you can treat it at home in the following ways:

  • Treatment with warming has proven itself well. To do this, you can use warm salt or sand poured into a bag.
  • You can wash with Boric acid and zinc sulfate.
  • It is good to treat rhinitis with saline injections.
  • Treatment with beet juice, dripped into each nostril, will help with a runny nose.
  • If the animal cannot breathe due to nasal congestion, then it can be treated with saline and Ecmonovocillin.
  • Streptocide, previously ground into powder and blown into each nostril of the cat, helps relieve the inflammatory process.
  • If the pet has serious condition due to the inability to breathe, you can instill children's Galazalin.

If a cat has problems with its nose and cannot breathe calmly, then you need to visit a veterinary clinic, only there they will help you decide on the right treatment.

It is not difficult for an attentive owner to notice changes in physical condition your cat. Mood, behavior, and appetite may change. You should always be attentive to why a cat snorts, breathes through its mouth and sneezes. Sniffling cannot be ignored; it may also indicate a cold or other serious illness.

If a cat has a stuffy nose, he constantly keeps his mouth open, the throat becomes inflamed and enters the body dangerous bacteria . If such symptoms occur, the most correct decision of the animal owner is to go with the pet to a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

Causes of nasal congestion?

Pets, particularly cats, are susceptible to many infectious diseases, they can catch a cold due to a draft or resting on a cold floor. Diseases can be infectious or respiratory. If a cat sniffles, the reasons may be related specifically to the disease, the beginning inflammatory process in the mucosa.

Rhinitis, rhinotracheitis, and the presence of feline herpes can be diagnosed by a veterinarian. He will tell you how to clean a cat’s nose to make breathing easier, and he will tell you how to treat the disease.

ATTENTION! It is difficult for a cat to assess the surrounding environment with nasal congestion, because this organ has great importance for orientation in space, finding food, recognizing danger.

When an animal's nose is clogged and grunts, its existence is filled with a feeling of discomfort. And the owner is looking for an answer on how to wash a kitten or an adult pet’s olfactory organ. But first you need to establish the cause of the malaise:

If a runny nose accompanies nasal congestion, chronic sluggish rhinitis is most likely due to a decrease in immune potential.

IMPORTANT! Especially dangerous reasons nasal congestion are diseases of cats such as calcivirosis, peritonitis, leukemia, viral pneumonia, with feline herpes, purulent conjunctivitis. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate to visit the veterinarian and self-medicate.

If a cat does not breathe through his nose, he has there may be a severe allergy to hot steam, household chemicals, plant pollen, chemical substances . Allergic reactions are typical for purebred cats, but they can be individual feature even a yard animal. At the same time, the cat may have noticeable discharge, like a runny nose, the pet sneezes and snorts.

Features of breathing problems in kittens

INTERESTING! The owner of a small cat should be attentive to the living conditions of the animal. The baby may get sick due to low temperature in the house or hypothermia.

Also causes breathing complications dirt in the nose foreign objects . When the cat breathes through its mouth, without a nose, you can examine its olfactory organ for contamination.

Cat has a runny nose

Cat owners often encounter this disease. pet, How rhinitis. The cat suffers from a runny nose and a stuffy nose, because it loses its unique ability to accurately and quickly navigate the environment and recognize danger. What manifestations of rhinitis can be noticed?

  • The animal not only has difficulty breathing through its nose, it cannot run or play calmly. It also becomes more lethargic, detached, loses appetite, and looks depressed.
  • You can see the cat scratching its nose with its paw, fiddling with it, trying to clear it of congestion.
  • Sometimes the temperature rises, even up to 39 degrees. If you touch your pet's nose, you can notice how hot it has become.
  • Another sign of rhinitis can be conjunctivitis. It is necessary to wash the animal’s eyes so as not to aggravate the inflammation.

Treatment of rhinitis

A runny nose and inflammation of the mucous membrane should be treated promptly, there is no need to wait for complications for your pet to become deaf or for inflammation to spread to other respiratory organs.

  • If rhinitis occurs due to an infection, bacterial or viral, the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, antibacterial drugs taking into account the age of the animal and breed. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions and carry out the course of treatment to the end, even if there is no discharge and the nose can breathe freely.
  • The course of treatment for rhinitis may include antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and sedative drugs.
  • Sometimes the veterinarian recommends rinsing the animal’s nose to ease its breathing and general condition.
  • Effective for rhinitis are inhalations with essential oils, you just need to strictly follow the dosage of oil drops. The nose is also warmed up with warm sand or salt wrapped in a clean cloth.
  • If pet The skin around the nose is dry, it can be constantly moisturized with baby cream and Vaseline.

If you need to clear your nose, you should act very carefully and carefully., following the advice of experts. Wounds can not only cause pain, but also become a source of infection. You can clean the crusts with a damp cotton swab.

How to make breathing easier?

In this case, you will need special nasal drops that constrict the blood vessels. They should be dripped into each nostril of the nose, treatment will take about a week.

ATTENTION! Before you put drops in your pet's nose, you should first clean it of crusts. Cannot be used for this purpose cosmetical tools, which the cat can inhale.

For instillation, only drops for cats are used, no drugs for humans.. Medicines for animals have such important additional properties as immunostimulating effects.

When treating kittens, medications are prescribed taking into account their young age. Sometimes even children's drops, such as Pinosol and Protargol, are suitable. Apply only the number of times indicated in the instructions. too much medicine will not do any good, there may even be complications.

You shouldn't rely on your intuition when treating your cat's nasal congestion or other health problems. There are videos on special websites that will help you treat your cat competently and safely. In any situation, pet owners should follow the recommendations of veterinarians and breeders who have professionally studied all the features of caring for cats.

What can be the consequences of rhinitis?

An irresponsible cat owner can rely on a miracle and wait for the pet’s runny nose to go away on its own. But congestion and discharge, inflammation associated with colds or allergies, need to be treated and only as prescribed by a doctor.

If an animal does not breathe well, it does not receive the required amount of oxygen. Because of this, appetite and general condition worsen, and the body becomes exhausted. Acute rhinitis with inaction it becomes chronic, and it is much more difficult to treat.

Preventive measures

What to do to avoid a runny nose in a cat, which can cause its condition to worsen?

  • It is necessary to avoid situations during which the cat may become hypothermic or catch a cold.
  • Prevent infectious and fungal diseases Vaccination helps effectively.
  • It is important to increase the animal’s immunity through proper feeding.
  • If your pet is suffering allergic reactions, sources of allergies should be excluded from the home environment. The source can even be food a certain brand and composition.

Useful video

A veterinarian's story about signs of a viral infection in a cat.

Owners of feline pets very often have to deal with this problem, but not in all cases we can talk about the presence of a serious disease.

As practice shows, only an examination by a veterinarian can give an accurate answer and make a diagnosis, but it will not be superfluous to have an idea of ​​what could be the cause of a runny nose and how you can help your wards cope with this problem at home. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation.

How to identify a runny nose in a cat, cat, kitten, symptoms, causes

To spot a runny nose in your cat, you need to keep a close eye on it. If she has:

- Difficulty breathing - breathing heavily, it can be easily noticed even with the mouth;
- She may look sick;
— If the inflammation is strong enough, the cat may even scratch its nose;
- Mucus may be released (sniffles, just like in humans) from transparent to greenish liquid, and sometimes with pus;

— If the cause is infection, the temperature may rise and the kitten’s nose will be hot;
— Rhinitis is often accompanied by lacrimation (conjunctivitis), and swelling.
The cause of rhinitis (runny nose in cats) can be:
- Allergy. Pedigree cats very prone to this;

— Viral, bacterial, fungal diseases;
— Got hypothermic on the street or by drinking too much cold food;
- If you inhaled accidentally washing powder, detergent or cleaning product;
— From inhalation ammonia or acid;
— Presence of a foreign body in the nose;
- Or from a tumor in the nasal cavity.

How to cure a runny nose in a cat at home, what antibiotics and drops to give

Treatment is carried out after examination and prescription of medications by a veterinarian and only under his supervision.

If this bacterial infection, then Amoxiclav and Baytril are prescribed. If viral infection- then they appoint antiviral medicine, such as: “Neoferon”, “Vitafel”, “Giskan”, etc. Well, what if fungal infection then "Bioparox".

You can drip 1 drop of saline into each nostril 4-5 times a day.

How to treat a runny nose in a cat using folk remedies

TO folk remedies Warming up includes: boil water in a saucepan, put a piece of “Zvezdochka” balm in it and breathe with your cat. Repeat the procedure several times. You can drip aloe juice with a pipette into each nostril for 3 days.

What to do if your cat has a runny nose and is sneezing

It is necessary to regularly clean the nose from crusts, which should be removed with a solution soaked in peroxide. cotton swab. If he is breathing heavily, his nose is stuffy, then you need to use vasoconstrictors. And since they were not specially invented for cats, you only need to drip Nazivin drops for children or Derinat. There is one condition: they cannot be dripped frequently to avoid drying out the mucous membrane.

If there is mucous discharge, then it is necessary to rinse the cat’s nose. You need to use 2% for this boric acid, 1% soda solution, saline solution, Aquamaris. Rinsing should be done with a syringe without a needle, carefully injecting 0.5 - 1 mg into each nostril in a gentle stream. Pre-wrap the cat in a sheet or blanket. If the veterinarian advises, then warm up the nose with a bag of preheated sand. Only if the cat does not have a fever.

A cat has a runny nose due to worms

If a cat's runny nose doesn't go away, he won't eat anything.

It is necessary to take the cat to the veterinarian for examination, treatment, and possibly tests.

Cat has runny nose with blood

If conventional remedies do not help, try Fosprinil - you can drink it, instill it and inject it, just dilute it half and half with water before the procedures.
If there's blood coming out then apply cold to the nose, or drip 0.5-2% Tannin solution drop by drop two to three times a day.

And of course, take tests from a doctor to determine the causes of such a runny nose.

A cat has a runny nose, medications gramicidin, dioxidin

You can wash your cat's nose with a weak solution of furatsilin or dioxidin. For irrigation, take a 2% solution of gramicidin 1 ml and dissolve it in 100 ml of water, then rinse.