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Home photoepilation: instructions for use. Photoepilation at home: highlights

Hi all!

It would seem that this is the 21st century - the blossoming of technology, but humanity has not yet come up with a way to 100% eliminate unwanted hair forever, however, progress does not stand still, and every year more and more effective technologies appear.

Modern types of hair removal offering long-term hair removal:

  • electrolysis
  • IPL photoepilation
  • laser hair removal
  • combined ELOS/elos = IPL+RF

In this list, the methods are arranged from older to more modern and effective, i.e. You can immediately understand that photoepilation is not a new and far from the most advanced method. But with all this, it can be considered as the most inexpensive hardware method.

Reasons to try photoepilation:

  • irritation after shaving, hair removal with a simple epilator, wax, etc.
  • allergies to wax and sugaring pastes
  • painful sensations during hair removal
  • fast hair growth

The principle of operation of the photoepilator

IPL (intense pulsed light) - flash affects only dark pigment. It is absorbed by the hair and surrounding tissues, the hair separates from the follicle and falls out after a few days, at the same time the follicles are deactivated, and hair growth stops for some time. The flash only affects hair that is in the growth phase. If at the time of the procedure the hair is in the phase of hair loss, then its follicle will remain active. Since hair does not grow simultaneously, but one at a time, it will take several sessions to “put to sleep” most of the follicles.

You shouldn’t believe that photoepilation can get rid of hair. forever. Not enough time has passed yet to conduct complete and reliable research on this topic.

Photoepilation and photorejuvenation

Both procedures take place on the waves of the same spectrum, and in salons they are performed on the same device (albeit with different attachments), so by doing photoepilation, you can slightly rejuvenate the skin) But this, of course, is not a reason to use a photoepilator not as intended.

At home or in the salon?

Much more powerful devices are used in the cabin, because... for the home they produce “safe” ones that can cause minimal harm to the user (remember the famous line from the instructions for the microwave “do not put the cat in”, and many instructions are not opened at all) Accordingly, salon procedures are more effective, but at the same time they are more painful and can contribute to damage skin, burns, exacerbation of chronic diseases. And, the main argument against salon procedures is cost. So personally, I am in favor of home photoepilation.

How much does the procedure cost?

Prices vary greatly depending on salons/medical centers.

Average cost in the showroom:

  • Full legs 5000 RUR
  • Full bikini RUR 3000
  • Armpits 1000 RUR

Photoepilator cost For home use on average 20-40 thousand rubles. You can also find economy options for 10 or luxury options for 100+.

The approximate cost of 1 flash is 0.243 rubles. Cost of 1 procedure:

  • Full legs 80r
  • Full bikini RUR 47
  • Armpits 15r

However, there is a difference

I want to talk about my experience using a home photoepilator.

How to choose a photoepilator?

There are not many companies currently producing photoepilation machines, but leaders in this field Silk"n, Philips, and not so long ago entered this market Braun. Key parameters to pay attention to:

  • flare resource
  • manipulator window size
  • power, number of speeds
  • operation from mains or battery

Flash life- main parameter, which determines how long the device will serve you. There are many models with replaceable cassettes, but most likely, by the time you use up the resource, much more effective epilators will have been invented. So personally, I don’t think it’s worth taking such a thing. It’s better to take one without replaceable cassettes, but with a longer resource.

From window size depends on the area covered in one flash, and, accordingly, the speed of the procedure. Most photoepilators are available with several attachments of different sizes.

From number of modes depends on whether you can use the device on sensitive areas.

From way of eating depends on whether you can use the device in the bath or while traveling. I can’t say how useful it is to have a rechargeable photoepilator - you can’t take it on a trip due to its size, and the charging wire is long enough to stretch it across the room. But at the same time it discharges quite quickly. So now I would give preference to the one that works from the network.

Optionally, you should pay attention to type of device- compact or pistol-shaped, with a handle. Compact ones are not so comfortable to hold in your hand due to the fact that the body heats up.

By the way, you shouldn’t believe numerous reviews in online stores, written 1-2 months after the model entered the market. Beauty equipment manufacturing companies are famous for their aggressive marketing, and it is unlikely that any of those who wrote laudatory reviews bought the device themselves.

For whom is photoepilation suitable and for whom is it not?

Effective: fair skin + dark hair

It is possible, but ineffective: blond hair, dark skin

Ineffective: gray and very light hair

Ineffective and unsafe: very dark skin

In this case, I'm talking about most compact devices. Over the past couple of years, devices have been released that are effective for use on dark skin and light hair, but they are significantly more expensive and less readily available.

In what areas can it be used?

Yes- legs, arms and hands, bikini area, buttocks, stomach, back

No- nipples, directly on the genitals, face (except for some models)


  • pregnancy and lactation
  • varicose veins (at the procedure site)
  • fresh tan and visit to the solarium
  • malignant neoplasms
  • a large number of moles, their large size
  • untreated diabetes
  • severe forms of hypertension
  • epilepsy
  • mental illness
  • the use of drugs and substances that increase photosensitivity, such as acids or retinoids. This may concern both local application, and oral.
  • inflammatory and autoimmune diseases skin

To be honest, I didn’t understand about the last one at first. Because in treatment psoriasis, which is an autoimmune disease, is effectively helped by phototherapy. Why then is photoepilation, which also supplies the skin with light impulses, contraindicated? In fact, there is an explanation for this; in phototherapy of psoriasis, waves of a different spectrum (UV) are used.

As for varicose veins, I have them. That’s why I don’t use a photoepilator on my legs. I tried it a couple of times, and I really felt my veins hurt after that. By the way, in the armpit and bikini area, I noticed that spider veins began to appear more strongly over time.


The salons take all possible safety measures - protective glasses for the client and the master, cooling gels, air flows.

It’s more difficult with home devices. Most manufacturers claim that their devices are completely safe for eyes. However, in my experience, things turned out to be a little different. If I don't protect my eyes with sunglasses or don't close my eyes during flashes, then for about half a day my eyes hurt and I can't look at the computer or TV screen. Therefore, I do not believe in the myth about vision safety. Judge for yourself: if a flash “kills” the hair root, then what can it do to the retina? I do photoepilation only in dark glasses with good protection. It’s difficult for me to talk about burns, but I think that on sensitive skin, after sunbathing and when taking sensitizing drugs burns very real.

If we talk about oncology, then, contrary to the fears of many, the provocation of tumors is unlikely, because UV radiation is not used during photoepilation.

It hurts?

When I first started using a photoepilator, I watched videos of advanced YouTubers who had already tried a similar device. Everyone, as one, insisted that it was absolutely painless. But I'll be frank. Those who say there is no pain, apparently have no pain at all pain threshold. Because the first 5-6 times I was very painful at the lowest power. Then gradually the skin adapted and I was able to gradually increase the power, but the pain did not disappear completely. It still hurts in my bikini area. So you need to be prepared for this. But if I choose between the pain of photoepilation and regular (wax, etc.), then I will choose photo.

Feelings after the procedure

Immediately after photoepilation, the skin becomes sensitive, especially in the bikini area. If you use any cosmetics or simply touch the treated area for 24 hours after this, there will be unpleasant feeling burning. It’s just that during this period you should limit skin contact with anything irritating, and under no circumstances visit the pool or sauna. This cannot be called irritation; it is incomparable to what can happen after shaving or regular hair removal, especially without any external manifestations this is not the case.

How to use the device correctly

Each photoepilator has its own nuances in use, and I strongly recommend studying the instructions FROM and TO, since after all, the device is serious and requires deliberate actions.

The main things that beginners need to know:

  • be sure to protect your eyes
  • start with the lowest power
  • Stock up on an alcohol-free antiseptic and, just in case, a healing/soothing agent. I recommend cooling gel.
  • the skin should be dry, clean and undamaged
  • you will need a white cosmetic pencil, firstly, to paint over moles and age spots, if any (so that the device does not burn them), and, secondly, to “line” the surface into paths so that the epilator accurately covers the entire area and there are no untreated areas left. Over time, this becomes automatic, and the hand itself understands how far to advance the device.
  • Before epilation, shave your hair to zero so that the impulse reaches the follicle.
  • Between procedures, use only a razor, otherwise there will be no point in photoepilation. In the absence of a hair follicle (after wax, sugaring, etc.) the light pulse will not be able to affect the follicle.

How often should photoepilation be done?

Each epilator also differs from the other in terms of frequency of use. It is usually recommended to use it once every 2 weeks at first, then once a month or two. But in my experience (with the Philips device), the effect is maintained if you repeat the procedure every 10-14 days, at least.


For the first month, I used the photoepilator once every two weeks, as suggested in the instructions, but I realized that at this rate I would not go far. From the second month I started using it once a week.

Bikini area

3 month

In the third month, I began to notice that they began to grow more slowly and became thinner. I already shaved this area not every other day, but once every 4-5 days. Ingrown hairs have practically disappeared.

6 month

By the sixth month, the hair became almost invisible, vellus, and I could no longer shave it for 10 days.

1 year

I don't shave this area for about 2 weeks and I don't feel like anything is growing back. The best thing is that now this area is smooth, without “pimples”, without irritation! By the way, regarding the issue of photorejuvenation, the skin in the bikini area really seemed to be rejuvenated to the touch, became more elastic and pleasant.

Deep bikini

Coarse, thick dark hair that constantly grew in after shaving.

3 month

Almost nothing has changed

6 month

The hair became a little lighter. The rate and nature of growth have not changed.

1 year

No changes

This is probably due to the fact that in the deep bikini area the skin is darker and more susceptible to hormonal changes, accordingly, is less amenable to photoepilation.


Coarse, thick dark hair that constantly grew in after shaving and grew to a hedgehog in a day.

3 month

There is much less hair, but it grows in “bushes”, thick in some places, bald in others.

6 month

Hair grows with average speed, armpits look decent for up to 7 days.

1 year

For some reason, little has changed, although I do photoepilation quite often. I wouldn’t say that I’m 100% happy with the result, but overall it’s much better than before. The hair is no longer so hard and dark, and even when it grows, it is almost invisible.

Everything would be great, but:

  • firstly, I still continue to photoepilate once every 7-10 days (14 - bikini), instead of the stated range of 1-2 months. When I tried to increase the interval, the hair began to grow rapidly.
  • secondly, today (1 year) I feel a slight decrease in efficiency. The lamp's life is probably running out, although with my areas of use it should have lasted for several decades. But these are already claims against the device manufacturer.


Advantages of photoepilation:

  • permanent hair removal
  • thinning and lightening of hair
  • no irritation or ingrown hairs

Disadvantages of photoepilation:

  • not always effective, not suitable for everyone
  • relatively painful

If you have available funds and there are no contraindications, you should definitely try hardware hair removal methods. Agree, a person feels much more confident when he does not have to think about urgently needing to shave, pluck somewhere, or hide irritation after hair removal. This improves the quality of life and, dare I say it, self-esteem. I myself can hardly imagine how I would again suffer every day from irritation, “stumps” and ingrown hairs, especially in the bikini area, and shave every morning. Now, if I remember about shaving, it is only before photoepilation; the hair grows not coarse, does not bother me and is invisible to others.

The basic principle of photoepilation is as follows: the lamp creates a light flash, with the help of which the hair follicles. One photoepilation procedure will not be enough; depending on your skin type and hair structure, you may need from 6 to 10 sessions. It is not cheap, so many people prefer home hair removal devices. Of course, you will also have to pay several thousand rubles for them, but in any case, the total cost of home photoepilation will be less than the salon counterpart. In addition, you can buy the device together with your friends, which will be even more profitable.

Among the advantages of the procedure are painlessness, long-lasting effect and versatility. Flashes are effective on any hair structure. The device can be used specifically, including on the face. One of the main disadvantages home procedures photoepilation - in the absence of a 100% guarantee. The salon uses more powerful devices that allow you to get rid of hair of any structure. At home, you can only hope for success; not everyone manages to carry out the procedure efficiently, including due to the lack of necessary knowledge and experience. Also be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time, because there should be several sessions. For example, it will take about half an hour to treat your legs once.

For home use Portable devices are suitable, including Tria, Silk’n Flash, Phillips, HPLight, Xemos and others. When purchasing, pay attention not only to the price, but also to the number of flashes, the power of the device and reviews, of course. Using modern devices at home is quite simple: follow the instructions and everything will work out!

Preparation for the procedure

  • For several days, it is recommended not to use a razor or other hair removal methods: photoepilation should be carried out on small stubble.
  • Before photoepilation, thoroughly cleanse the skin using a non-abrasive soft scrub. Wait until the desired area is completely dry.
  • After the procedure, use a soothing cream, possibly with a cooling effect. Don't be surprised if the hairs remain - they will soon fall out on their own, since the bulbs are already destroyed under the influence of flashes of light.


  • Skin diseases
  • Large moles (consult a dermatologist before the procedure)
  • Allergy
  • Herpes
  • Pregnancy
  • Scars on the skin
  • Some chronic diseases

During photoepilation you should not be in pain, the most you can feel is a slight tingling sensation. If you feel pain, it means the beam length is incorrect, which can lead to burns.

How often should you do home photoepilation?

As a rule, the break between the first and second sessions is two weeks. Further, the gaps increase, the hair grows more slowly, and its quantity decreases each time. After 6-8 procedures they will stop growing completely and you will be able to enjoy smooth skin.

Common hair removal methods, such as waxing or tweezing, provide only short-term results.

Technologies have emerged that allow you to get rid of hair forever without risk. One of these is photoepilation. Now photoepilation is considered the most effective of these methods. But carrying out the procedure in a salon is not always convenient and cheap. There is an alternative - photoepilation at home.

What is photoepilation?

Photoepilation uses the principle of photothermolysis to remove unwanted hair. With a special device high-frequency flashes of light are created that cause heating of the hair shaft. This destroys the hair follicle.

Like similar techniques, laser and electrolysis, the photoepilator acts pointwise and only on hair that is in the active stage of growth. Therefore, it requires repeating the procedure after the hair that is in the active growth stage grows back.

According to doctors, the procedure is not completely safe and has some limitations and contraindications:

  • Photoepilation should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • contraindications are also oncological diseases and any skin diseases, allergic reactions;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • ischemic and hypertension diseases;
  • childhood and adolescence.

Before epilation, consult a dermatologist.

Now there are a large number of home photoepilators on the market. They are practically in no way inferior to industrial ones in a beauty salon and are very convenient for those people who simply do not have time to visit them.

Photoepilation at home has clear advantages:

  • technology allows you to remove hair forever;
  • the skin becomes smooth and even, healthier;
  • no pain;
  • there is no need to spend quite a lot of money on going to the salon;
  • The photoepilation procedure allows you to remove hair from the bikini area even for those who are embarrassed to do it in a salon.

However, do not forget that during photoepilation on your own, you will not have access to consultations with a dermatologist and salon staff. Most often, the settings of home epilators do not allow achieving such high power compared to salon ones, so you may need large quantity procedures.

The latest portable home photoepilators support the E.L.O.S procedure. It combines not only light pulses, but also radiofrequency exposure. Higher efficiency is achieved compared to conventional photoepilation, because not only hair follicles, but also blood vessels that feed them. The light part of the effect on such a device is similar to photoepilation.

How to do hair removal at home

Before starting a photoepilation session, do not forget to read the instructions on how to use the device correctly. Often a special marking pencil is supplied with it to mark the area of ​​influence of the photoepilator.

The procedure for hair removal at home with a portable photoepilator looks something like this:

  1. Before and after hair removal, sunbathing is prohibited for two weeks.
  2. It is also prohibited to use tranquilizers and antibiotics for the same period of time.
  3. Do not use the epilator if your facial skin is irritated, rashes, or scratched.
  4. You should not use wax or tweezers six weeks before the procedure. As well as other methods of hair removal along with the hair follicle.
  5. Two days before the procedure, it is best to shave your hair with a razor. In this case, the ideal length will be achieved for maximum effective impact- two millimeters.
  6. Some devices include a scale for measuring skin and hair tone. Use it to correctly set the power of the device.
  7. Apply a cooling gel and also mark the affected area with a pencil.
  8. Don't forget to wear safety glasses before starting the procedure.
  9. Bring the device close to the skin, pressing it.
  10. After turning on the light beam, move on.
  11. Do not treat the same area twice per session, as you risk getting burned.
  12. After the procedure, treat the skin with healing cream.
  13. Use a photoepilator cleanser after you have finished using it.

Standard photoepilation devices cover 2.5 cm square of skin in 50 flashes. Therefore, for inexperienced users, processing the bikini area will take from 20 to 40 minutes, on the legs it will take about 20 minutes, and on the armpits - 15. For those who want to remove hair from the face, three to seven minutes will be enough. In this case, tingling or pinpoint sensations may be felt. heat strokes, but not pain. It is very important to choose the correct beam length to avoid burns.

What to look for when choosing a device:

  1. An important quality parameter of a device is the lamp power. According to experts, the required power is no less than 10 Joules per square centimeter. Otherwise, the follicle will not be destroyed.
  2. No less important is the area of ​​the light flash. In order to make hair removal convenient, it is desirable that this parameter be at least 6 square centimeters.
  3. Additionally, the model may contain a skin type sensor.
  4. There is also such a parameter as lamp life. It is measured in the number of flashes the device can make before replacing the bulb. Although some experts argue that after five thousand flashes any lamp will exhaust its life, and the efficiency will be much lower.

Review of the most common photoepilators

Photoepilator Remington i-light Pro Plus. This device is the most purchased in Europe. Developed by a dermatologist, it is a good choice home epilator. Specifications such:

  • pulse duration: 110 ms;
  • time between pulses: 2 sec;
  • surface area: 2 cm square;
  • power 7.8 Joules per square meter;
  • skin tone sensor;
  • five intensity modes;
  • multi-flash function.

The cost of such a photoepilator varies depending on the lamp that costs, and is approximately $250–$400. The model is FDA approved. Not suitable for dark skin tones, blonde or gray hair.

Silk"n Flash Go. A budget model of a photoepilator, it ranks second in the US ratings. The cost of such a device is from $150–260, depending on the lamp life. In a cheaper model, the lamp is enough for 5,000 flashes, in an expensive one - for 120,000.

The device processes 8 cm2 at once. Has five intensity modes. Equipped with a built-in skin tone sensor. The model is FDA approved. Suitable for epilation of any part of the body.

Gillette Venus Naked IPL. Already located for a long time on the EU market. It has established itself as a high-quality, inexpensive device that does an excellent job of removing unwanted hair. Has unique qualities:

  • high power: 10 Joules per square meter;
  • long lamp life: 50,000 flashes;
  • a skin tone sensor, implemented as a separate device that needs to be brought to the skin, and then to the device itself so that it reads the information.

The kit includes a special gel for cooling, pain relief and enhancing light exposure. The price of the device is only $200. And, most importantly, such a device has a large number of positive reviews.

Philips lumea IPL. The unique difference between this epilator and others is its ability to work autonomously. The charge lasts for 27 minutes at the most intense level. The device charges in about 10 hours.

True, user reviews are somewhat worse than those of other photoepilators. They notice that the effect lasts less time and it removes less hair. Cost: 250–800 dollars.

  1. Power is adjustable - 2–6 Joules per square meter.
  2. Five intensity settings.
  3. The presence of an ultraviolet filter.
  4. Some models have filters for bikini and face.
  5. Lamp life: more than 100,000 flashes.

The disadvantage of the model is that there is no skin tone detection sensor, and some models do not include treatment of the bikini area or face.

Babyliss g930e homelite 50. The photoepilator, according to the manufacturer’s promises and according to test data, removes up to 90% of hair. But users complain that it does not cope well with red and blond hair. The price of such a photoepilator is $200.

  1. Lamp life: 50,000 flashes.
  2. Five intensity modes.
  3. Power: 4 Joules per square meter.
  4. The epilator itself has a compact design.
  5. Skin tone sensor.

Rowenta derma Perfect EP 9872. The manufacturer claims an effectiveness of 83%. But customer reviews, like the previous model, are different. It is claimed that in reality the efficiency does not exceed 40%. The price of such a device is only $150.

  1. Has a built-in skin tone sensor.
  2. Ultraviolet filter included.
  3. Power: 4 Joules per square meter.
  4. Three intensity modes.
  5. There are no attachments for the face and bikini area.

The photoepilator has a small lamp window size. Yes, and it requires charging time for each new flash.

The main thing is that when performing photoepilation at home, do not forget that you may have contraindications to the procedure. You also need to follow all the recommendations; under no circumstances use the photoepilator twice on the same surface per session. Do not forget that you need to shave your hair in advance, because when long hair the power of the light beam will not reach the follicle and will not destroy it. The effectiveness of such processing will be low. Consult a dermatologist before using a home photoepilator.

Well-groomed, healthy appearance, beautiful skin for every woman today they play important role in life. Smooth, soft skin without unwanted hair is the first sign of well-groomed and attractive hair. Despite the large number existing methods hair removal, cosmetics for hair removal, they do not always provide positive result. Unfortunately, not everyone has the financial opportunity or time to regularly visit beauty salons and conduct sessions to get rid of unwanted hair on the body. According to cosmetologists, photoepilation at home is the most affordable, safe and highly effective method that ensures hair removal for a long period of time.

Photoepilation is modern technology getting rid of unwanted hair in men and women

Operating principle

Photoepilation ( scientific definition– photothermolysis) is a painless hardware procedure aimed at getting rid of unwanted hair on the body and face. Popular among women and men. The device emits a broadband light pulse that affects the pigment contained in the hair (melanin). Light waves have a light effect on melanin, which absorbs light energy and converts it into heat. The hair follicle is heated and destroyed without damaging surrounding tissue.

You can completely get rid of unwanted hair only when the hairs are in the phase active growth(anagen). On average, 30% of human hairs are in the anagen phase. You will need to undergo 5-20 procedures. With each session, the intensity and area of ​​hair growth decreases. The hairs become light, thin, and weakened. The method is effective for hard, dark hair. It is impossible to remove gray hair, vellus hair, and light hair using photoepilation.

Areas of photoepilation:

  • armpits;
  • upper and lower limbs;
  • bikini area;
  • stomach.

Unlike other methods, photo technology allows you to remove vegetation from all parts of the body

Photoepilation device

Previously it was believed that photoepilation was possible only in specialized institutions. Until now, this has been true. The progress of technology has made it possible to create a device for hair removal using photoepilation, intended for use at home. The use of the device does not require professional skills or training courses. It is enough to study the instructions for use that come with the photothermolysis apparatus. The device is safe to use and allows you to conduct a session in convenient location, time for you.

Advantages of the device:

  • works silently;
  • Can be used independently at home;
  • suitable for use by people with sensitive skin;
  • does not injure skin, unlike other methods aimed at getting rid of unwanted hair (waxing, sugaring);
  • does not provoke ingrown hairs;
  • eliminates unwanted hair for a long period of time;
  • affordable price.
Despite the fact that photoepilation is considered a completely safe technique, we do not recommend using it on dark colors epidermis

How to choose a device?

Carrying out photoepilation in cosmetic establishments differs from at home. The results last for a shorter period of time. There are exceptions. The effectiveness of the photoepilation procedure depends on the type of skin, hair and the device used.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide selection of models of devices for doing photoepilation yourself at home. Externally, the device resembles a small hair dryer.

When choosing a device for photoepilation at home, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • Light pulse power. The indicator characterizes the degree of safety of the procedure. The average value is 5 joules per cm². The maximum possible value is 6 cm².
  • Exceeding the level can cause burns and keloid scars on the body. You should not purchase a device with a very low indicator; it affects the effectiveness of the results.
  • Flash area. The recommended extent of hair treatment is 5 cm². The duration of the procedure is reduced the larger the area the device treats.
  • Device lamp life. The lamp is a part of the photoepilator that requires replacement depending on the number of sessions performed. You should purchase a photoepilation device with maximum indicator resource. IN modern models devices is 750-80000. Approximately 320 flashes are enough for 1 minute of a session; 600 flashes are calculated by the manufacturer for one procedure. Long lamp life allows saving cash further.
  • Complete set of the device. Additional consumables included with the photoepilator: safety glasses, spray, cleaning cloth, cooling gel, case, anti-inflammatory cream.

Before doing photoepilation at home, be sure to consult a dermatologist
  • Nutrition. From the mains or battery (the device charges in 1.5 hours).
  • Manufacturer. Before purchasing a photoepilator, pay attention to trademark, country of assembly. Low-quality devices quickly break down and have negative impact on the skin and overall health.
  • Device design. Affects ease of use. It is recommended to hold each one in your hand to determine which one is comfortable to hold.
  • Additional settings. Depending on the manufacturer, they are equipped with up to five programs that allow you to independently adjust the intensity of the light pulse during operation.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

The procedure starts with preparatory stage. It is enough to follow simple recommendations:

  • Sunbathing is not allowed for 14 days before photoepilation. Dark, tanned skin reduces the effectiveness of the results.
  • Hair should be shaved 2-3 days in advance. The recommended hair length is 1-3 mm.
  • Antibacterial medications should not be combined with photoepilation. medicines, tranquilizers, neuroleptics. Medicines reduce the sensitivity of hair follicles to the light pulse of the device, causing burns.

Before using the device for the first time, you should carefully read the operating instructions. Pay attention to contraindications.

Procedure technique:

  • The required parameters are set on the photoepilator.
  • The keratinized particles of epithelium are removed from the skin (peeling is done). It is not allowed to use a scrub; it may cause injury to the skin.
  • The skin is dried with a towel, a cooling gel is applied, which also acts as a conductor of light flashes to the hair follicles.
  • Put on safety glasses and do the procedure. There should be no severe pain; if necessary, the power is reduced.
  • After treatment, an anti-inflammatory cream (Panthenol, Bepanten) is applied to the area to be epilated. Redness and reporting may appear. It goes away within 2-3 days.

After 5-7 days, the hair will gradually begin to fall out. In the future they will grow less intensively. Depending on the structure and type of hair, 10-20 sessions will be required. The break between procedures is 4-6 weeks.

Photoepilation is one of the cosmetology methods that is used to remove body hair using flashes of high-pulse light.

The mechanism of action of this procedure is very similar to: when melanin absorbs light, a large amount of thermal energy is released, which destroys the hair follicle, thereby reducing the amount of hair on your body. A significant advantage of photoepilation is the ability to use it on clients with any hair color and skin type.

To make the procedure safe, the photoepilation device is equipped with double filters. Their task is to prevent the passage of too powerful a flash, which will prevent the occurrence of a burn.

How good is photoepilation and are there any contraindications to it?

Let's be honest with you - there are not only positive aspects this method, but also some negative effects. But first, let's talk about the good stuff:

  1. This method guarantees high efficiency effects on the hair follicle.
  2. Phtoepilation is possible on any part of the body.
  3. The long-term effect of photoepilation is about 5 months. And if the procedure is carried out regularly, you can achieve thinning and lightening of the hair, and then its complete removal.
  4. Thanks to the ability of the equipment to change the wavelength, hair follicles can be removed at any depth.
  5. During the manipulation, the person does not experience pain. Only those with sensitive skin may feel slight discomfort.
  6. Photoepilation does not damage the skin, and filters protect it from burns.
  7. The procedure takes a ridiculously short time - 20 minutes maximum, so you can do it at any time. convenient time– even during lunch break.

Disadvantages of the method:

  1. The effect of photoepilation is not so impressive if the client is too light or gray hair(there is either no melanin in the hair at all or too little).
  2. Since body hair is in different stages growth, one session will not lead to complete deliverance from hair growth.
  3. For dark-skinned and tanned people, photoepilation should be carried out very carefully.
  4. If the device is faulty or the cosmetologist does not know how to perform the procedure, burns or depigmentation of the treated area may occur.
  5. By interacting with melanin in the epidermis, light pulses can provoke hyperpigmentation.
  6. Sometimes peeling of the skin occurs.

When is it better to refuse photoepilation?

There are also a number of contraindications for the photoepilation procedure. Their list is small, but you should not forget about it:

  1. Photoepilation is contraindicated if other hair removal methods other than shaving have already been used at the work site (, laser methods hair removal).
  2. There are abrasions or wounds or areas of inflammation in the hair removal area.
  3. Photoepilation should not be performed on people who have been exposed to sunlight for a long time.
  4. If there is a tattoo on the skin, it is not recommended to expose this area to light radiation.
  5. If you are taking steroids, drugs that increase sensitivity to light, or isotretinoin, photoepilation is contraindicated.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation are relative contraindications.
  7. Presence in the client's body electronic devices– pacemaker, insulin pump – makes the procedure impossible.
  8. Allergic reactions to sunlight in the past, SLE or porphyria - these diseases are considered direct indications for a ban on photoepilation.

Stages, features, effect


At the stage of preparation for the procedure, the most important thing is to visit a dermatologist. He will examine your skin for rashes or abrasions, determine your skin type and, using special equipment, decide on the parameters of the light wave. He should also explain to you the technique of the procedure, tell you about possible consequences photoepilation.

And now the dermatologist gave the go-ahead, but it’s too early to rush to the salon. Think about how long ago you sunbathed and how did you remove hair from your body? The answers to these questions are very important, because 1 month before photoepilation, hair can only be removed by shaving, and 2 weeks before you need to stop visiting the solarium or sunbathing on the beach. Also, you should not shave your hair on the day of the procedure, because the length of the hair should be at least 2 mm.

Finally, you have achieved your goal - in a second the door will open and you will be invited to a photo-epilation session. Many women and men do not like the unknown, so we will briefly tell you about the procedure.

How to conduct a photoepilation session

The client sits on the couch, exposes the desired area of ​​skin and puts on Sunglasses. The cosmetologist applies a special gel that will protect the skin from light radiation and prevent burns. A manipulator with a tip is placed on the treated area and moved over the entire area. 5-10 minutes - and the session is completed, the doctor removes the gel and applies a soothing cream to the skin.

During the session, the client only feels the movements of the manipulator. But if bikini photoepilation is performed, a tingling or burning sensation may occur. To discomfort minimize, the cosmetologist does a little longer gap between flashes of light, and the patient is asked to breathe deeply at this moment.

Video of photoepilation


The effectiveness of photoepilation is very high - after the first procedure, you will permanently get rid of 30% of the hair on the treated area. After 5-6 sessions, your skin will become smooth and soft. The duration of the effect depends on several factors:

  1. Qualification of a cosmetologist.
  2. The correctness of determining the power of the light wave and the depth of its penetration.
  3. How modern is the equipment for photoepilation?
  4. Hormonal balance or imbalance in the client.

In digital terms, the effectiveness of photoepilation ranges from 6 months to 5 years. Hair on the limbs does not grow longer, and if facial photoepilation was performed, the course of procedures will need to be repeated after 7-8 months.

Photos before and after

What's better?

When faced with choosing a hair removal method, the patient involuntarily asks similar questions:

What is more effective - laser or photoepilation?

U laser hair removal there are 2 undeniable advantages:

– the duration of the laser course is significantly less than photoepilation;

— the cost of 1 laser hair removal procedure is almost 2 times less than photoepilation.

But on the other hand, the duration of one laser hair removal session is several times longer than photoepilation. The biggest disadvantage of laser hair removal is that each skin type or hair color requires radiation of a certain spectrum. And this means purchasing several devices, instead of one, as in the case of photoepilation.

What is better – photo or electrolysis?

  1. The number of sessions of both methods is approximately equal.
  2. Both procedures are virtually painless.
  3. Electrolysis requires compliance with hygiene rules due to the risk of infection, while photoepilation is absolutely safe in this regard.
  4. The speed of photoepilation is much higher than that of electrolysis.
  5. allows you to remove all types of hair; photoepilation is ineffective when working with blond and gray hair.
  6. Using photoepilation, you can treat any part of the body; electrolysis is prohibited for removing hair from the nose and ears.
  7. Special contraindications to photoepilation are tanning and dark skin, and electrolysis - a tendency to form keloids and an allergy to metals.

What to choose: photo or elos hair removal?

Removes any hair, regardless of color. There is also no prohibition on visiting the solarium either before or after the procedure. Many clients report a tingling sensation on the skin during ELOS hair removal. Also, to achieve a visible and long-lasting effect, you need to carry out about 10 procedures, and when using photoepilation you will be limited to only 5-6. And lastly, the cost of 1 photoepilation session is almost 2 times cheaper than one ELOS hair removal procedure.

The most common questions

Question: How long does the effect of photoepilation last and how many sessions are needed?

Answer: The course consists of 5-6 sessions. The lasting effect of this procedure lasts from 6 months to 5 years.

Question: Does photoepilation remove hair permanently?

Answer: Unfortunately, this effect cannot be achieved by any of the methods of hardware hair removal, including photoepilation.

Question: Can photoepilation harm a person? If so, which one?

Answer: There is no data that would indicate possible negative consequences for the entire body from the use of this method. However, if the intensity of exposure is chosen incorrectly, local damage in the form of burns may remain after the procedure.

Question: What side effects are there?

Answer: If the client has no contraindications to the procedure, negative consequences will not be. Very rarely, hyper- or hypopigmentation may occur, but this depends on proper preparation and execution.

Question: Can it be done during pregnancy?

Answer: No, pregnancy is a direct contraindication to hair removal using this method.

Question: How often can photoepilation be done?

Answer: The minimum break between sessions is 2 weeks, and between courses - at least 4 months.

Question: Do you experience pain during photoepilation?

Answer: A burning sensation or minor pain occurs only when treating delicate areas of the skin or in people with a very low pain threshold.

Question: Can photoepilation be ineffective and why?

Answer: If the client does not have melanin in the hairs, the technique will not be able to help the person remove excess hair.