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Do you do inhalations? What do you need to know to carry out the procedure at home? Home use of a nebulizer for inhalation for bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease of the upper respiratory tract that requires a special approach to the choice of treatment methods. In most cases, for this pathology, it is prescribed drug therapy and supplement it with inhalations. The procedures can be performed both in the clinic and at home. Inhalations for bronchitis - excellent remedy fight the disease.

Is it possible to do inhalations for bronchitis?

The opinion about the harm to the lungs and bronchi during steam inhalation is considered erroneous. In fact, when treating the inflammatory process, one cannot do without such procedures. Inhaled medications penetrate deeply, providing complex action on respiratory system body.

Inhalation helps relieve the main symptoms of bronchitis:

  • eliminate swelling;
  • put away inflammatory process, developing in the upper respiratory tract;
  • accelerate the removal of sputum;
  • increase the secretion of bronchial secretions.

The main symptom of bronchitis is cough. The use of inhalations allows you to cope with it in short term. Relief is felt after the first procedure, coughing becomes rare, and sputum comes out easier. Choking attacks disappear, especially at night.

Sometimes after the first inhalations medicinal products, the cough may, on the contrary, worsen. It depends on what inhalation drugs were used. For example, using strong expectorants will increase phlegm production and coughing.

Interesting! Inhalations for chronic bronchitis can eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve general health, achieve long-term remission.

Inhalation at home

Inhalations for acute bronchitis, as for chronic bronchitis, can be carried out at home. Some do not consider this treatment method due to lack of necessary equipment. You can do without an inhaler. All that is required for inhalation is to prepare appropriate place, stock up by the necessary means to prepare the solution.

Performing the procedure at home requires compliance with a number of rules:

  1. Without special equipment, only steam inhalations are possible. They mean that a person will sweat, so it is necessary to choose the right clothes. It should be made from natural materials and absorb moisture. After the procedure, you should quickly change into dry clothes.
  2. Inhalations can be performed at any time of the day. If the doctor has prescribed one procedure per day, it is more convenient to perform it in the evening, before bed. Inhalations for obstructive bronchitis and other forms of the disease affect the nasopharynx, bronchi, and respiratory tract, so after the procedure it is better to go to rest.
  3. The simplest method of inhalation at home is to sit over a container with the prepared medicine, covering your head with a towel, inhaling deeply. It is very important to control temperature readings and the duration of the procedure to avoid dizziness, burns to the skin of the face and respiratory tract.

The most common inhalations at home are alkaline. You can prepare the solution yourself. His recipe is simple: take ½ tsp. baking soda, add it to the glass clean water, mix. An alternative is to buy alkaline water– for example, Borjomi.

Pour the prepared or purchased alkaline solution into a saucepan, bring to a boil, remove the container from the heat, and cool slightly. We sit over the pan, throw a towel over our heads, and breathe in the steam. The duration of the procedure should be about 10 minutes. This alkaline solution with soda helps to quickly remove excess phlegm.

Advice! It is necessary to constantly adjust the distance from the face to the pan and reduce the flow of steam to avoid burns. Inhaling alkaline solutions can cause harm to the skin of the face and respiratory tract, so it is important to follow safety precautions.


Nebulizers are special devices designed for inhalation. Previously, it was necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital or use it independently folk remedies. Nebulizer inhalations have made this procedure easy to use and accessible to everyone.

Many families, where children often have to deal with bronchitis, decide to purchase a nebulizer. Its service life is long, so the device fully justifies its cost.

The principle of operation of a nebulizer is based on the conversion of a drug added orally into an aerosol. This substance penetrates into the mask, then, when inhaled, into the lower respiratory tract, where the focus of the inflammatory process that causes bronchitis is located.

The main question when buying a nebulizer is what to use for inhalation so that the treatment is effective. For bronchitis, the use of the following medicinal groups is permitted:

  1. Bronchodilators are drugs that dilate the bronchi. Common ones are Ventolin, Nebutamol, Atrovent, Berotek, Berodual. You can consult your doctor about choosing a drug. The advantage of using inhaled bronchodilators is that they high efficiency with bronchospasm. Medicines are well tolerated - for example, procedures with Berodual are acceptable for children from birth.
  2. Thinning agents. They dilute mucus and make it easier to clear, reducing cough. One of the common methods is procedures with Lazolvan (analogue – Ambroxol). These drugs are available in a special dosage form– solutions intended for inhalation. Thinning agents also include saline solution (sodium chloride solution), Soda Buffer, alkaline mineral water.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. It is the inflammatory process in the bronchi that causes the disease. Such drugs help by reducing its activity and exhibiting an antiallergic effect. Anti-inflammatory, decongestant drugs for bronchitis are Pulmicort, Benacort.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use essential oils and preparations containing them for nebulizers. If they enter the respiratory tract, they cause “oil” pneumonia. This disease is very difficult to cure. It is especially dangerous in childhood.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies for inhalation for bronchitis can serve as an excellent addition to prescribed drug treatment. The most common ones include:

  1. Phytotherapy. Herbal treatment is also used for inhalation; it is important to choose the right plants that have useful properties. For bronchitis, herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect will be useful - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, peppermint. The herbs are brewed with boiling water, infused for half an hour, then you can breathe over them.
  2. Potato. If herbs can be used for a nebulizer, then this vegetable cannot, only for a regular steam inhaler. Potatoes are used to treat many colds; for bronchitis, it is useful to inhale the steam of freshly boiled potatoes. This method does not require costs and is the most affordable. It is safe to treat bronchitis in both adults and children.
  3. Onions with garlic. These vegetables are known for their antibacterial effect, therefore they are used in folk recipes for many colds. For use in inhalations, they must first be crushed, for example, using a blender, and added to boiling water. Can also be used with a nebulizer.

Folk remedies cannot be the main means of treating bronchitis, similar diseases require drug treatment. But they can successfully complement it.

Is it possible to do inhalations for children with bronchitis? Of course yes. This procedure is safe; many drugs are contraindicated in children. pure form for oral administration, can be used specifically for breathing.

Doctors warn of danger untimely treatment. In a child, bronchitis can quickly develop into pneumonia, so in any case, consulting a doctor is important. Children's doctor Komarovsky advises using herbal teas. They provide positive effect, have few contraindications. But herbs will only help with mild form diseases, in other cases it is necessary special drugs. Any medications for inhalation through a nebulizer in children must be prescribed by a doctor.

In children under one year of age, inhalation can be replaced with aromatherapy. To a small child breathing special solutions is dangerous; other alternative methods come to the rescue.

Important! Before inhalation, it is important to explain to the child how to breathe correctly. You need to take slow breaths, sit straight, and not talk.


Contraindications to inhalation are:

  • bacterial bronchitis, when pus is excreted along with sputum - this disease requires the use of antibiotics, steam inhalations will only harm;
  • allergic reaction to the products used;
  • high body temperature (for steam inhalations due to the danger of overheating);
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Procedures in such cases will only cause harm.

Inhalations for bronchitis can be carried out either with improvised means or with a nebulizer. It is important to choose the right treatment. You must first obtain a doctor's prescription. Application folk recipes for the procedure will be an excellent addition to the main therapy.

The term bronchitis means an inflammatory process occurring in the bronchial mucosa. Experts distinguish between chronic - the first arises due to the most various reasons, starting with viruses and infectious agents and ending with the effects of certain allergic factors. The second type of bronchitis - chronic - occurs as a result of progressive inflammation of the bronchi, being one of the most common lung diseases.

Is it possible to treat bronchitis at home, or is the help of a specialist necessary? This is a question many people ask. Experts answer this: it works in the best way A complex approach. Fight with acute form The disease begins with the suppression of its pathogens, for which the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, sulfonamides, as well as their combinations with vitamins. In the future, you can continue treating bronchitis at home - with mandatory bed rest, refusal of patients bad habits(especially from smoking), as well as massages and physical therapy. This period of fighting the disease is very important, since in the absence or insufficient treatment it can develop into chronic form, which will be much more difficult to cope with.

Chronic bronchitis is treated for a long time and thoroughly, regardless of what stage it is at - exacerbation or relief. In case of exacerbation, it is recommended to take antibiotics, expectorants and sputum thinners, as well as constant drinking plenty of fluids, special gymnastics for the respiratory tract and physiotherapeutic methods, including electrical procedures, mustard plasters, wraps (mustard), warm compresses and inhalations.

The latter method is very convenient for those who want to treat bronchitis at home. They can carry out inhalations on their own, not only to combat the disease, but also to prevent it. However, it should be remembered that this procedure may be dangerous in some diseases, so experts recommend that persons with cardiovascular insufficiency treat it with caution, hypertension and pneumonia. In addition, you should remember that you can cure bronchitis at home if you follow certain rules: inhalation should be carried out after meals, no earlier than one and a half to two hours; At the same time, you cannot be distracted by talking or, especially, reading. The patient's clothing should not make it difficult to breathe or put pressure on the neck; inhale without straining. In addition, smoking and eating are prohibited for an hour after inhalation; conversation should be limited.

The simplest method is steam inhalation over a container of boiling water, to which, on the recommendation of a doctor, add certain medicinal substances(chamomile, juniper, sage and many others are great help medicinal herbs). When the water boils, you need to make a funnel out of thick paper, the thick part of which will cover the container, and start inhaling steam through narrow part. In order for the treatment of bronchitis at home to be effective, as the water cools, you can add boiling water to the container, not forgetting to replenish the appropriate amount of medicine. It is also useful to breathe over the steam from the pan, covering your head with a towel. You can continue inhalations for up to three minutes, once or twice a day.

As already mentioned, it is useful for combating diseases of the upper respiratory tract and For example, the “whistle” exercise is important for training and strengthening the diaphragm and respiratory muscles, as well as for cleaning the bronchi. To perform the exercise, you need to sit up straight, take a deep breath, and spread your arms wide to the sides. Then exhale slowly with a whistling sound. This treatment of bronchitis at home - no more than twice a day for 10 minutes - will help get rid of many problems and improve your health.

Hello dear readers. To get rid of diseases associated with respiratory tract, important role not only plays general therapy, but also local agents that act directly on foci of infection. Very good results shows the use of inhalations. Especially when pathogens get further and further and the disease reaches the bronchi. Let's consider inhalations for bronchitis at home - for children and adults, options for using inhalers, what medications and folk remedies can be used here.

Inhalations for bronchitis for children and adults at home

Inhalation is one of the methods therapeutic approach to cure diseases associated with the respiratory system.

This special shape delivery medicines directly to the source of infection in order to destroy it, as well as relieve symptoms provoked by the development of the disease.

Various pharmacological and other substances are inhaled in the form of vapors, gases, smoke or even powder. If the bronchi are affected, inhalation must be done through the mouth.

Thanks to the inhalation method of treatment, the drugs penetrate very deeply, providing the necessary local effect. But the benefit is double, since in this case the drugs penetrate the bloodstream, exerting a general, systemic effect.

And they also carry out symptomatic treatment actions at the site where they were directly delivered during the inhalation process.

Beneficial effects from inhalation

Thanks to the action of drugs during inhalation, a number of positive results can be achieved:

Relieve swelling.

Make breathing easier.

Improve blood flow in tissues.

Facilitate mucus secretion and provide expectoration.

Get rid of cough and unpleasant, and often painful sensations in the bronchi.

Activate tissue regeneration.

Moisten dry breathing tubes.

In addition to this direct impact of the process itself, the agent used for inhalation also plays a significant role.

Thanks to the use of various medications and not medicines You can achieve a whole range of other positive effects.

What inhalations can be done for bronchitis

In the process of inhalation exposure, both hot vapors and cooled aerosol solutions can be used. If the bronchi and bronchioles are affected, any type of inhalation can be used.

But the prescription must be made by a doctor based on specific disease, its severity, existing symptoms and the general picture of the course of the disease.

There are several types of inhalations.

  1. Steam type - carried out the old fashioned way, using a container with hot liquid and a blanket (towel), steam is inhaled. Restrictions: the water temperature should not exceed 55 degrees, should not be performed in the presence of fever, and is not used to treat small children.
  1. Warm-moist type - activated alkaline solutions or ready-made mineral waters. During the entire procedure, the temperature of the liquid should be maintained at 40 degrees.
  1. Wet form – medications are administered in the form of aerosols. The selection of drugs is carried out by a doctor. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial medications may be prescribed. This procedure is allowed for young children.
  1. Hardware type - a special device is used - a nebulizer. There are different subspecies. Some are used for steam administration of agents, while in others the solutions are modified into aerosols with different sizes microparticles

There are three types of inhalers:





Not the best, but considered the safest compressor nebulizer. The principle of operation is quite simple - it fits medicinal composition in the form of a liquid, the device turns it into an aerosol of fairly fine dispersion.

In this form, the medicine can even reach the bronchioles and alveolar structures. That is why the use of such inhalers is effective for all types of lesions of the lower respiratory tract.

This form of administering medications has a lot of positive aspects:

Allowed for children.

Can be used even at elevated temperatures.

The low temperature of the aerosol (up to 30 degrees) does not carry the risk of burns.

Allows the use of significant amounts of input funds.

It has a systemic effect and not only fights symptomatic manifestations.

Various medications are available to achieve various effects(anti-inflammatory, decongestant, expectorant, antitussive, antimicrobial, antiviral).

But the use of inhalation devices also has its drawbacks. One of the main ones is the fairly high cost of nebulizers.

And not all liquids can be used in them without the risk of damaging an expensive device. Also, each of the varieties has its own disadvantages.

  1. Ultrasonic – not suitable for administering some drugs, for example, antibiotics, as they destroy their huge molecules, causing them to lose their properties.
  1. Compressor units are large and noisy. Based on the principle of operation, they are divided into subtypes:

- Simple – they waste the medicine senselessly, only about 10% reaches the bronchi;

— Manual dosage – also uneconomical, but it is possible to regulate the amount of funds received;

— Dosimetric – expensive and the procedure takes a long time.

  1. Membrane (mesh nebulizer) is the most effective, but also very expensive.


Despite the fact that this method is inconvenient, burn-hazardous and considered yesterday, it is accessible, quite popular and effective. You can start using it already at the inception stage primary symptoms colds and even for prevention.

As an auxiliary method of treatment, it allows:

Get rid of discomfort and pain in the chest.

Improve coughing.

Activate the secretion and release of mucus formations.

But there are, of course, a lot of shortcomings. Since steam is exhaled, not all substances enter the body (only those that are capable of forming vapors), and they are not able to penetrate so deeply as to affect the lower respiratory tract.

In some cases, this method of exposure can harm health and worsen the patient’s condition:

- the fever may increase;

- you cannot resort to steam inhalation in the presence of purulent lesions in the respiratory organs;

- possible spread of edema;

— there is a high risk of burns to the mucous membrane, as well as body burns in the event of a container with boiling water overturning.

The main effects achieved by steam inhalation are warming and moisturizing the respiratory structures.


The possibility of inhalation exposure, as well as its type, should be determined by the doctor.

General rules for performing inhalation for bronchitis at home - for children and adults:

Inhalation is not carried out immediately after eating; at least an hour must pass.

Thermal effects are used only in the absence of heat.

Breathing movements are performed as usual, but at greater depth.

You shouldn't talk.

You should inhale through your mouth, and exhale preferably through your nose.

In the presence of asthmatic complications, medications should have a dilating effect on the bronchi.

In nebulizers, only freshly prepared solution is used each time, and not the one that remained in the device from the last time.

How can you do inhalation with a nebulizer at home?

The possibility of using individual components for inhalation is indicated in the instructions for the specific type of nebulizer.

For getting therapeutic effects use:

Ready solutions.

Decoctions of medicinal plants.

Self-made solutions (soda, salt, ether).

Mineral water.

With sea salt

The simplest and accessible remedy- sea salt. He helps:

Eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane.

Make breathing easier.

Reduce paroxysmal cough.

Have an antiseptic effect.

Stimulate the regeneration of cough-weary mucous membranes.

This product greatly dries out the respiratory surfaces. Therefore, the procedure should be accompanied by regular moistening of the mucous membrane.

How to prepare the solution: per liter of warm boiled water take 3 large spoons sea ​​salt. For ease of dissolution, it can be pre-crushed.

Wait for the liquid to cool completely and introduce about 3 ml of saline solution or 1-2 drops of essential oil (if it can be used in your inhaler). The procedure can be performed up to 4 times a day (remember to moisturize!).

With baking soda

Saline solution is a 9% solution of kitchen salt, so you can prepare it yourself: stir 1 small spoon in a glass of boiled water.

The soda solution is used for children in a nebulizer for no longer than five minutes. The interval between procedures must be at least 4 hours.

With eucalyptus

Eucalyptus essential oil has antibacterial properties, acts as an antiseptic and has a regenerative effect.

It can be added to saline solution at the rate of 2 drops of ethereal extract per 200 ml of liquid. The procedure can be performed twice a day.

There are a number of contraindications here:

- presence of bronchospasms;

- damage to the respiratory mucosa;

- whooping cough;

- age up to three years;

joint use with antibiotic and hormonal medications.


For bronchitis, you can use some essential oils, for example, tea tree, pine, lavender, juniper, eucalyptus, cedar. To do this, add 2-3 drops of ethereal extract to 200 g of saline solution or filtered water.

If you have an allergic reaction to such additives, their use is prohibited. Also, not all types of nebulizers are “friendly” with such substances - oily liquids can cause them to malfunction.

With herbs

Provided there is high-quality filtration, it can be used in inhalers herbal infusions(aqueous) and decoctions.

Useful plants for bronchitis: wild rosemary, sage, oregano, pine needles, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, raspberries, calendula, lemon balm. To prepare the solution you will need 1 large spoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water.

With garlic

Garlic and garlic-onion mixtures are good for colds as natural antiseptic ingredients.

They can be administered from the inhaler liquid in the form of carefully strained juice. The proportions are 1:20, but in the presence of a dry cough, the concentration is halved.

Water for inhalation

Non-carbonated mineral water of alkaline composition, such as Narzan and Borjomi, can be used as an alternative soda solutions. The drink is used undiluted up to 4 times a day.

The product is indicated for dry coughs to soften and improve coughing. There are no contraindications either for patients or for the devices themselves.

Medicines - medicines for inhalation

For bronchitis, appropriate medications are used. The possibility of their administration using a nebulizer is agreed with the doctor. Some medicines should not be used in certain types inhalers, this is noted in the instructions.


These funds are necessary to facilitate breathing, eliminate shortness of breath, and combat suffocation. Eat different kinds bronchodilators, but they all help relax the muscles of the bronchi.

Examples: magnesium sulfate, albuterol, tergil, fenoterol, contraspasmin, berodual. Some of them work within 15 minutes. They are constantly used in nebulizers.


Antibiotic drugs are prescribed if available purulent exudate, pneumonic complications, abscesses. A short course of treatment is carried out to destroy pathogenic pathogens.

Medicines are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Examples: gentamicin, brulamycin, acetylcysteine ​​solution.


Examples: furatsilin, miramistin, chlorhexidine, as well as herbal remedies— rotokan, chlorophyllipt solution. They are used up to three times a day.


Treatment of bronchitis is always associated with the need to increase immune defense. For these purposes, immunostimulants such as interferon or deoxynate are used.

They combine well with various inhalation liquids and can be used up to 4 times a day.

Hormonal inhalations

In case of particularly severe disease and low effectiveness of other means, one has to resort to hormonal drugs.

They have a lot unpleasant consequences, therefore should be used in extreme cases. Examples: dexomethasone, budesonide. Do not use for self-medication!

For chronic bronchitis

If the nature of the disease is allergic, then the use of herbal decoctions, extracts and oils is contraindicated. Availability various complications at chronic course disease also imposes a number of restrictions. Therefore, the drugs are prescribed by the doctor.

In children

Steam inhalers should not be used for children. You need special children's attachments, which are not always included with the device.

Only saline solution is used as a solvent for the components. Examples of drugs: lazolvan, itrop, berodual.


Inhalations are prohibited in some cases.

  1. Hypertension.
  1. Heart problems.
  1. Emphysema.
  1. Drug allergy.
  1. Asthmatic complications.
  1. Heart attack, stroke.
  1. Vomiting, hemoptysis.

Bronchitis in children is serious illness, which is associated with damage to the bronchial tree by pathological microorganisms and leads to general intoxication of the body, cough, sputum production and shortness of breath. Treatment of bronchitis with inhalation methods is sufficient effective look therapy in a way that bypasses the drug gastrointestinal tract and the bloodstream directly, with inhaled air, reaches the bronchi of the child and immediately has healing effect with a sufficient concentration of the active substance.

Using inhalation, you can treat with medications such as:

  • antibiotics and antiseptics;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • mucolytic and expectorant drugs;
  • bronchodilators.

Also, in addition to medicinal substances, you can use folk remedies through inhalation:

  • herbal collections;
  • infusions;
  • aroma oils.

Types of therapy:

  • Medication

Medicines are administered using special device– nebulizer.

A nebulizer is a portable device that consists of a control unit with a container for administering medications and a breathing mask.

Under the influence of ultrasound, the liquid in the preparation is converted into vapor, which contains an aerosol with active substance. Patients wear a mask that covers both their mouth and nose, and inhale this air for 15 to 25 minutes.

Such inhalations should be performed from the first day of the disease; treatment using a nebulizer is much better for children, as opposed to tablets or injections.

  • Unconventional

Medicinal substances are introduced into the body using conventional steam inhalers or any utensils adapted for heating water (bowl, pan, kettle).

Operating principle:

An infusion or decoction prepared from collecting herbs in advance, aromatic oils or other medicinal substances used for bronchitis is poured into water heated to a boil. After this, the special inhaler is turned off, and the regular container is removed from the stove. The child is given a towel with which he covers his head, positioned over a container that has just boiled. The vapors that contain herbs or oils are inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose.

Children can take breaks every 5 to 7 minutes. Inhalation takes 20 – 25 minutes.

These inhalations are performed during normalization general condition and after a decrease in body temperature, which usually occurs on the 5th day of the disease. Also, such procedures are well suited for the prevention of bronchitis, in contrast to inhalation through a nebulizer.

Antibacterial and antiseptic drugs have antibacterial, bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects in the lesion inflammatory reaction in the bronchi.

For one inhalation, 4 ml of solution is poured into the nebulizer. Treatment of children is carried out 2 times a day for 5 days.

  • Antibiotics from the group of aminoglycosides of the 2nd generation - Gentamicin has a bacteriostatic (stops further growth and reproduction of the bacterial cell, without its death) effect against a number of gram-negative microorganisms. A 4% solution of gentamicin (40 mg in 1 ml) is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1 ml: 12 ml. One inhalation requires 4 ml of solution.

The procedure is performed 2 times a day. For children who have reached 12 years of age, inhalations of this antibiotic can be done 3 times a day.

Antiviral drugs are effective in cases of viral bronchitis and also stimulate protective properties child's body by affecting the immune system.

  • Interferon alpha (Alfaferon, Lokferon) is antiviral and immunostimulating (increases cell production immune system, but how does it contribute to their exit from the depot ( lymph nodes) action. 1 ml – 6 million/IU is diluted in 8 ml of physiological solution (this dilution is intended for 2 inhalations). Treatment for children is carried out 1 – 2 times a day. The drug can be taken within 5 days.

Mucolytic drugs are prescribed to thin the sputum and stimulate the movement of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi to carry out the processes of cleansing the bronchial tree from excess mucus.

Bronchodilators are used only for severe shortness of breath or a feeling of suffocation (lack of air). These symptoms of bronchitis appear quite often in children compared to adults.

  • Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent, Ipravent) has a bronchodilator effect by reducing spasm of smooth muscle cells located in the wall of the bronchi. For one inhalation, children under 6 years old - 8 - 20 drops (0.1 - 0.25 mg of the drug), 6 - 12 years old - 20 drops (0.25 mg of the drug), over 12 years old - 40 drops ( 0.5 mg of the drug). Treatment is carried out on demand, only when symptoms of the disease appear.
  • Salbutamol (Ventolin, Salgim) has a short-term but quite strong bronchodilator effect. For one inhalation, 0.25–1 mg of the drug is required, depending on the degree of shortness of breath and suffocation. The procedure can be done on demand, but no more than 3 times a day.

Alternative therapy

Herbal infusions

Dry crushed plants are added to boiling water in an inhaler; you can use all of the above, or combine 2-4 types. For bronchitis in children, licorice root, marshmallow, ginseng, linden, rosemary, chamomile, plantain, nettle, sage and immortelle are usually used.


In order to save time and not wait for the herb to brew in the inhaler, you can make a decoction the day before from the same ingredients and let it brew. This treatment is considered more effective, since the concentration useful substances There is much more in the infusion than in the decoction.

You can also add aromatic oils - extracts from plant components - to the boiling water of the inhaler. For bronchitis, eucalyptus, mint, grapefruit, tea tree, juniper, pine, cedar, cypress. For 0.5 ml of water, 10–15 drops of aroma oil are enough.

Such procedures are performed only during recovery and are not prescribed as a substitute for therapy using a nebulizer.

The treatment information in this article is presented for informational purposes. If a disease occurs, you must contact your local pediatrician, who will individually select medications and their doses for your child.

Video: Inhalations – School of Dr. Komarovsky

It's time to learn how to properly do inhalations for bronchitis at home. It turns out that inhaling healing vapors can relieve coughs, phlegm, and relieve irritation from the mucous membranes. Let's consider various recipes, techniques, we will try to determine the optimal treatment options. You can do inhalations at home without any problems, and receive treatment effectively and economically.

How effective are inhalations?

Many people are interested in how effective inhalation can be for chronic bronchitis. People also doubt the effectiveness of such a procedure when the disease is in acute stage: a person coughs a lot, the cough becomes dry, and sputum separation is difficult. Besides, in special attention Cough treatment in children is needed. Let’s outline all the main points and try to figure out whether it’s worth using just such a procedure. Here it is important features, advantages.

  1. First of all, the effectiveness and safety of the procedure should be noted. Inhalations can be used to treat a cough quickly, without difficulty, in home environment. You won't have to deal with strong drugs, syringes. Everything is simple, painless, and quite beneficial for the body.
  2. Many recipes are used for inhalation for bronchitis. The choice is so large that many will be able to cope with the procedure without even purchasing additional medications. For example, they do inhalations mineral water, the garlic procedure is effective; essential oils and herbs are also used for inhalation.
  3. It is convenient to carry out the procedure using a home inhaler. The devices are sold in pharmacies and cost little. With such a home device, it is easy to take care of your health at any time. When treatment is carried out in children, it is worth using it.
  4. If there is no special device, it is quite possible to do inhalation for bronchitis without an inhaler. To do this, it is enough to use a container for inhalation liquid, for example, a small saucepan. Many people prefer to cover themselves with a towel or thick sheet to inhale the vapors.
  5. The entire procedure takes just a few minutes: it’s easy to do quickly, and then wait for relief and a reduction in symptoms.
  6. Inhaling healing vapors helps greatly when it is necessary to remove phlegm.
  7. Treatment with inhalations is especially successful when it comes to fighting bronchitis in children. Kids do not like to take pills, swallow bitter mixtures, and are afraid of injections. But inhaling pleasant steam evokes extremely positive emotions in children.
  8. Inhalations for obstructive bronchitis can be carried out with more by strong means. For example, special herbal preparations and essential oils help.

Please note: it is important to select recipes for each patient individually. It is advisable to use different compositions, assessing their impact. Only in practice can the optimal inhalation liquid be determined. It is also worth remembering the basic rules for the procedure for bronchitis.

Simple rules

  • Treatment for bronchitis cannot be limited to inhalations only. To combat bronchitis, you will need to take other medications and consult your doctor. Avoid self-medication, otherwise you can start the disease.
  • Monitor the temperature of the liquid and be extremely careful not to get burned.
  • Carry out procedures especially carefully in children. Prevent the possibility of burns.
  • To help remove mucus, you can first drink hot tea, milk, and warm up well. After this, start inhalation. This makes it easier to provoke the removal of sputum, even stagnant ones.
  • Be sure to alternate different recipes. You can do garlic inhalations, breathe in essential oils, and mineral water is effective. Clots of sputum are also removed if you use herbal preparations.

Be careful: also monitor individual reactions. Try to avoid allergies.


Let's consider simple instructions using the example of a recipe for garlic-oil inhalation. Take fresh garlic, any essential oil, a small container of water, a wide towel, a small towel for the pan.

  1. Garlic cloves should be crushed and grated.
  2. Boil the water.
  3. Add 5 drops of essential oils.
  4. Add garlic to water.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Wrap the container in a towel.
  7. Now place the pan on the bed or table.
  8. You don't have to use a special inhaler. Just cover yourself with a large towel and breathe in the healing steam. Open your mouth, inhale deeply. At the same time, be careful not to get burned.

This inhalation works wonders even for acute bronchitis. In chronic cases, you will also quickly feel relief.

Useful video

It is worth watching a useful video on the topic. The video discusses in detail how you can treat at home Chronical bronchitis, as well as the disease in the acute stage. Inhalation procedures provide good results on different stages development of the disease, they help even if it is determined obstructive bronchitis.

Use more inhalation treatments. You will be able to cope not only with chronic, but even with acute bronchitis. The main thing is to remember important rule: you need to use different recipes and act in a comprehensive manner. Then the disease will subside.