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Time of decomposition of alcohol in the blood. The total breakdown time of alcohol in the blood

Ethyl alcohol is almost completely absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the portal circulation system and quickly reaches the liver. About 95% of alcohol introduced into the body is oxidized in the liver, the remaining 5% is excreted unchanged in the urine and exhaled air. Thus, the liver is the only organ that can effectively rid the body of excess ethanol. The rate of conversion of ethanol in the liver is up to final products- and water is 0.1 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight per hour, i.e. about 7-8 g per hour. Thus, the liver of an adult weighing 70-80 kg, at the maximum strain of its metabolic abilities, can neutralize up to 180 g of alcohol, producing about 1400 kcal.

In the liver, ethanol is first converted into acetic acid (acetate), which, when combined with coenzyme A, forms acetyl-coenzyme A. Further, as part of acetyl-coenzyme A, it is oxidized in the Krebs cycle to carbon dioxide and water.

The metabolism of alcohol in the liver is carried out by several enzyme systems, of which the main role is played by the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) system in the cytosol of the liver cell. The presence of ADH in the human liver is explained by the fact that small amounts of alcohol are produced in normal conditions bacteria of the small intestine. The breakdown of alcohol in the liver goes through several stages (Fig. 17). Initially, under the influence of ADH, ethanol is oxidized to a very toxic intermediate product, acetaldehyde, with the release of hydrogen. The coenzyme for this reaction is NAD. By adding the hydrogen split off from the ethanol molecule, NAD is reduced to NADH (reduced NAD):
CH 3 CH 3 OH+NAD ↔ CH 3 CHO+NADH+H + (1)
The resulting acetaldehyde, in turn, is oxidized in the mitochondria of the hepatocyte to acetic acid (acetate) with the participation of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH). NAD is also a coenzyme for this reaction:
More than 90% of acetate in acetyl-coenzyme A is further oxidized in the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle and in the respiratory chains of mitochondria to carbon dioxide and water.

In both oxidative reactions (1,2), NAD is consumed and NADH is formed, which accumulates in the liver. As a result, the NADH:NAD ratio in the liver cell increases. A long-term change in this ratio during the oxidation of large quantities of alcohol leads to a significant decrease in the redox capacity of the liver and has an adverse effect on the course of many metabolic processes in the hepatocyte, especially on the metabolism of fats and.

Rice. 17. Scheme of oxidation in the liver

Increased formation of acetyl coenzyme A during the oxidation of large quantities of alcohol leads to increased synthesis fatty acids produced by this compound, and when NADH accumulates in the liver, the rate of their oxidation in hepatocyte mitochondria decreases. In addition, the reoxidation of NADH to NAD occurs mainly through the formation of hepatocytes from hydrogen and acetyl-coenzyme A of fatty acids. Activation of the Krebs cycle during the breakdown of ethanol leads to an increase in the synthesis of glycerol in the form of α-glycerophosphate, which actively reacts with fatty acids, forming neutral fat (triglycerides). An increase in the amount of fatty acids in the liver is also facilitated by their increased supply from adipose tissue, where fatty acids are released as a result of lipolysis - the breakdown of neutral fat upon stimulation high doses alcohol sympathetic nervous system. As a result of these metabolic disorders, all the prerequisites are created for the synthesis of fat in the liver from accumulated fatty acids and glycerol. The content of neutral fat in the liver with alcoholic fatty liver increases by 3-12 times. This is facilitated by the difficulty in removing excess fat from the liver due to a decrease in the liver’s production of lipoproteins (complex complexes of lipids with proteins, in the form of which fats are transported from the liver to the blood).

An important consequence of an increase in the NADH:NAD ratio is a decrease in oxidation in the liver formed in the muscles during their work from glucose, lactic acid (lactate). The liver normally converts lactate back into glucose and glycogen with the participation of ATP in the process of gluconeogenesis (new formation of glucose). Alcohol inhibits this process, since excess NADH is reoxidized into NAD, not only in the mitochondria, but also in the liver cell by the enzymatic system, which normally converts lactic acid into pyruvic acid. As a result, the liver may become significantly depleted of glycogen, especially if large doses alcohol combined with fasting. When glycogen reserves in the liver are depleted, the blood glucose level after another alcoholic excess can sharply decrease - severe, life-threatening, hypoglycemia with convulsions and loss of consciousness. At the same time, 2/3 of patients with alcoholism have diabetes, especially if there is an excess of carbohydrates in the diet.

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A large number of people are interested in how long it takes for complete decay. Many people drive cars, hold responsible positions, and it is important for them to know how quickly alcohol will dissolve and how to calculate how much to drink in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In this article we will find out over what period of time alcohol decomposes in the body. This data will help prevent problems with the police on the road, inconvenient moments in the workplace, and make it possible to maintain health at the proper level. Knowledge will help save your wallet from fines and prevent the deprivation of your driver’s license.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication

People who do not understand this issue may believe that the degree of intoxication depends only on the strength of the drinks consumed and their quantity. But there are other factors that have a significant impact on the human body.

Ethanol, or more precisely, acetaldehyde (released during the breakdown of ethyl alcohol). This dangerous toxin. Once it enters the brain, it has a destructive effect on neurons, producing a psychotropic effect.

Narcologists distinguish three stages.

  1. Mild intoxication. The person consumed a small amount strong drinks, was able to relax. Euphoria is felt, and liberation of behavior may be observed. A person cannot fully adequately evaluate his actions and the actions of others.
  2. Average. Alcohol begins to have a toxic effect. Problems with coordination of movements are noticeable, speech becomes slightly slurred, and the intoxicated person is not completely oriented in space. Behavior is defiant and aggressive.
  3. Heavy. The person completely stops orienting himself in space. Failure of all body systems up to loss of consciousness, involuntary urination and defecation.

What determines the level of intoxication?

Doctors have long discovered the secret of ethyl alcohol and given an explanation of why alcohol affects people so differently, because one only needs the smell to become intoxicated, while the other feels normal even after drinking a bottle.

Intoxication level depends on many factors, here are a few of the most important:

  • Weight and height. Very tall people with normal weight they get drunk much slower. But men with overweight this does not apply - adipose tissue quickly absorb and retain ethanol.
  • Age. Strong and robust organisms with excellent metabolism can resist longer harmful substances, unlike older people, in whom metabolic processes are no longer so active.
  • Health status. If a man or woman is sick, there are chronic diseases and immunity has decreased, it is better to stop drinking alcohol.
  • Frequency of use. If a person often spends his free time with a glass, then he gets drunk faster, because the body stops resisting ethanol.
  • Gender. Due to their physical features The breakdown time of alcohol in the blood of women is significantly lower than that of representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The point is that beautiful ladies weaker physical build, different hormonal background, otherwise metabolic processes take place.
  • Type of strong drinks. The speed and time of breakdown of alcohol in the blood directly depends on the strength and presence of carbon dioxide in its composition. For example, vodka with a strength of 40% will “work” faster than dry wine. But here is champagne with a low degree and with gas for a short time will penetrate the gastric mucosa and cause intoxication.

Alcohol breakdown rate

By studying special tables, you can roughly determine how long it will take for alcohol to decompose in the blood. But it is worth remembering that the information provided is only approximate, much depends on the factors listed above.

When calculating the decay time of ethanol products, one should take into account individual characteristics person and his condition, as well as his gender. In the female body, about 0.085-0.1 ppm breaks down per hour, and in the male body - 0.1-0.15 ppm over the same period.

If the person is elderly or weakened after illness, then all numbers should be reduce by about 2 times. You can find these tables on the Internet.

After reading the provided data from the alcohol breakdown table, you can easily figure out how long it will take to get behind the wheel without fear of being tested on a breathalyzer.

A simple example: after a party, the alcohol level was 2.2 ppm. The minimum half-life rate is 0.10 ppm per hour. This means that until 8 o’clock in the morning there will still be 1.4 ppm left. The body will be able to completely cleanse itself only at 22:00.

The effect of alcohol on driving skills

Motorists often argue that a low blood alcohol level has no effect on an experienced driver. In fact, this is not the case, because even half a glass of beer can have an extremely negative impact on the assessment of the road situation.

When ethyl alcohol is no more than 0.5 ppm, it becomes more difficult for the driver to distinguish moving light sources, and the volume of surrounding objects is distorted. This condition can provoke risky maneuvers, which means the possibility of an accident increases. Other consequences:

  • risk of collisions when overtaking;
  • inaccurate adherence to a safe distance;
  • difficulties in determining the distance to cars moving in the oncoming lane.

If the alcohol level is approximately 1.2-2.4 ppm, then the person's attention is significantly impaired, he will not be able to concentrate on performing actions. A state of intense euphoria may occur and balance is disturbed. It's almost impossible to drive. In addition, the following signs are noted:

  1. Problems with orientation in space.
  2. Elementary mistakes while driving: it’s easy to confuse the gas and brake pedals.
  3. The driving style becomes extremely risky.

When a person's condition is critical and there is loss of consciousness, it is recommended seek help from doctors.

Acceptable ppm

In some European countries You can drive if you drink a certain amount of strong drinks. The Russian Federation is no exception.

The history of the issue dates back to 2010. At that time, a standard called “zero ppm” was in force. But three years later they entered due to changed regulations.

The fact is that some products, in particular black bread, cabbage, bananas and even kefir, may contain a certain ppm. Drivers who did not drink strong drinks occasionally had problems with the police.

After some time, this legal norm was revised. Since 2015 permissible ppm in our country is 0.35- at this level the average statistical error of measurements.

The conclusions are very simple: the decay time of significant doses of alcohol is no less than a day. Neither acceptance contrast shower, nor use medical supplies, nor strong coffee can speed up the process of intoxication and the period of alcohol removal from the body. They will just stimulate the nervous system.

Attention, TODAY only!

When a person drinks alcohol, the body immediately begins to work in increased mode, trying to eliminate it faster. Enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of ethanol. Their action is due to the fact that some people can drink more alcohol, while others immediately feel very intoxicated. But what enzyme exactly breaks down ethanol?

Enzymes that break down alcohol in the body

Alcohol is a strong poison, so the body tries to neutralize its effect as quickly as possible. The breakdown of ethyl alcohol is carried out under the action of two enzymes, the names of which are alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH).

As soon as the first dose of alcohol enters the body, the production of ADH begins. This enzyme breaks down ethanol into practically harmless elements.

The only exception is the highly toxic acetaldehyde. ACDH is responsible for its neutralization. The degree of damage to internal organs depends on how quickly this enzyme breaks down acetaldehyde.

Alcohol dehydrogenase is capable of breaking down ethanol with a strength of 57% at a rate of 28.9 g/hour. It is synthesized by the liver in very large quantities, some more enzyme is produced by stomach tissue.

Although the only function of this enzyme in the body is to metabolize ethanol, it is also produced in horses and all other mammals. An explanation for this fact may be that bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract secrete negligible doses of ethyl alcohol.

During the digestion of alcohol, acetaldehyde appears - a highly toxic substance that ADH cannot cope with. At this stage, the production of the second enzyme, ACDH, begins in all tissues. This enzyme completes the conversion of alcohol into acetic acid, which is safe for the body.

Some people have low or no ACDH caused by genetic mutation. This causes, which is expressed in redness of the skin and body, an increase in temperature due to the accumulation of acetaldehyde.

Ethanol conversion processes

The process of converting alcohol in the body occurs in stages:

  • The breakdown of ethanol into harmless substances and acetaldehyde.
  • Conversion of acetaldehyde to acetic acid.
  • Decomposition of vinegar into carbon dioxide and water.

Under the action of alcohol dehydrogenase, alcohol is processed into relatively harmless substances and toxic acetaldehyde. In men, ethanol is partially processed in the stomach. As a result, less alcohol enters the small intestine, where it is absorbed into the blood.

Diagram of how alcohol is broken down in the body

In the female body, the stomach produces less alcohol dehydrogenase. Therefore, more ethanol ends up being absorbed from the intestines into the blood. This explains the fact that women reach a state of intoxication faster.

Up to 5% of ethanol is excreted from the body with urine, then and during respiration - this specific smell popularly called "fume". The remaining volume of alcohol is digested into various fabrics using ACDH, which converts toxic acetaldehyde to harmless acetic acid.

If the metabolism is not disturbed, vinegar subsequently quickly turns into carbon dioxide and plain water. This releases 7 calories per 1 gram of alcohol. They are either consumed or deposited in the body.

The speed of sobering up depends on the volume of production of the enzymes ADH and ACDH by the liver. It is impossible to speed up this process either with coffee or with any other stimulants. Advertised pills only help relieve symptoms alcohol intoxication, but they cannot help a person sober up faster.

When drinking alcohol healthy man, its enzymatic system acts exclusively on the drink consumed. Ethanol that gets inside the cells is not broken down.

If a person is intolerant to alcohol, symptoms of a hangover appear earlier than the onset of a hangover. hangover syndrome. Even a small glass of wine can provoke this condition, since long stay acetaldehyde in the body poisons it, causes nausea, headache. If a person drinks a second glass of wine, he will develop very severe intoxication.

Ethyl alcohol (C 2 H 5 OH), called alcohol, is potent poison for any organism, and after entering the body it begins to be instantly broken down by the corresponding enzymes. Let's figure out how the breakdown of alcohol in the body is carried out, what organs and enzymes are involved in this, what is the result of the decomposition of ethanol, and we will touch a little on the topic of accelerating the destruction of poison by the forces of the body itself.

Enzymes that decompose ethanol

Only when the body is significantly poisoned with alcohol does it react to the poison by removing the toxic substance out through the digestive organs. Thus, only part of the alcohol leaves the stomach, and even then in severe cases. In most situations, all ethyl alcohol is processed, breaking down into simpler molecules that are less harmful to the body. There are only two enzymes involved in this:

  • alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) - a substance containing zinc and oxidizes alcohol to ketones and aldehydes, synthesized by the liver and in small volumes by the stomach;
  • Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH) is produced by the liver and oxidizes aldehyde to acetic acid, which is practically harmless to the body compared to ethanol.

Molecular diagram

The speed and efficiency of alcohol oxidation depends on its quantity, the state of a person’s health, the degree of damage to his body due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages and other factors. The above enzymes are produced in non-drinkers and even mammals, for which there is a logical explanation: the digestion of stale and fermented foods in the stomach. In some peoples, for example, those actually destroyed by the Indian colonialists, ACDH, which breaks down acetaldehyde into vinegar, is not actually synthesized, causing them to become intolerant to alcohol. For this reason, many tribes of North America during the Conquest were simply wiped off the face of the earth with the help of alcoholic beverages. Some people have a genetic disorder that causes the liver to produce much less acetaldehyde dehydrogenase than required. , and their body temperature rises due to the accumulation of acetaldehyde, which the enzyme cannot cope with.

Thus, only two enzymes, produced mainly in the liver, fight the poison so that drinking man recovered after taking ethanol.

C2H5OH splitting scheme

The female body synthesizes ADH mainly in the liver, and therefore almost all alcohol decomposes after absorption into the blood from the stomach and small intestine. In men, the proportion of enzyme produced in the stomach is higher, and therefore less ethyl alcohol enters the intestines. This is the mechanism why women get drunk faster, even if they take the same dose of alcohol per unit of weight as men.

A small share (according to various information 2-5%) of alcohol is removed from the body along with sweat, urea and steam during breathing. The latter is the cause of the so-called drunken burnout. Acetic acid decomposes to water and carbon dioxide. There is no way a person can noticeably speed up this process. Will have a positive effect on the dynamics of alcohol processing healthy eating and sleep after drinking. Various tablets will only ease the symptoms of a hangover, but will certainly not help break down ethanol or acetic acid.

The drinker's liver produces more and more ADH over time. As a result, the alcoholic’s body begins to suffer from excess acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase is synthesized in the usual volumes and cannot cope with the breakdown of ethanol decomposition products. As a result, severe intoxication with acetaldehyde and a significant load on the liver, which is working in an intensive mode.

Speeding up the hangover

Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to produce enzymes in a larger volume, you can still help yourself in eliminating alcohol and its decomposition products even at home.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables will add vitality body. Fatty, thermally processed and synthetic foods are not advisable for eliminating a hangover.
  • Fluid intake in large quantities will prevent dehydration and will help accelerate many biological processes, including oxidation.
  • Sorbents like activated carbon will accelerate the removal of toxins from the intestines and stomach.

And finally. Why forcefully poison your body, and even pay for it? If there is an addiction, cash If you try to drink it, it’s better to spend it on medicine for alcoholism. By ordering it online, you will remain anonymous and can quickly get back on your feet.

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No matter how paradoxical it may sound, progress did not always give only positive effect. For example, various infusions of alcohol initially appeared and were used as medicinal ones. And alcohol itself acts as a preservative for substances found in fruits and berries.

Somewhere in the middle of the 15th century, the Russians found a technology for producing alcohol based on their own raw materials. After the Napoleonic War of 1812, Russian vodka in France began to be perceived as a noble and pure drink of the victors.

The dangers, and possibly benefits, of drinking alcohol are discussed in the video material.

Video lesson “Alcohol in the human body”

Against the background of euphoria of progressive proportions, popularity and variety of drinks, experts began to increasingly think about such a problem as the effect of alcohol on the body. And first of all, what is ethyl alcohol?

The answer is simple - it is a chemical compound that is harmful to the body.

A very small part of it is absorbed in the mouth when consumed. About 80% - in small intestine and about a fifth is in the stomach. The decomposition of alcohol in the human body occurs along the entire path of alcohol:

  1. Alcohol enters the body.
  2. Descends into the stomach.
  3. Alcohol processing begins in the stomach.
  4. Alcohol gets into the heart.
  5. The heart supplies alcohol to the brain.

The liver contains the main enzymes that break down alcohol. Moreover, the body also produces alcohol, only 0.01%. But this is enough to provide 10% of the volume energy metabolism substances.

Is it a lot or a little?

If a person drinks a glass of vodka, after a few hours an additional portion of alcohol will appear in the body: 80 kg (weight) + 200 g (vodka) + 2 hours = 0.1% endogenous alcohol.

Notice the difference between the 0.1% that comes from outside with vodka, without any difficulty, and the 0.01% that the body itself produces? This is the same as giving a person working with one shovel 10 more people with shovels to help him. What will the first one do? He will stop working and will begin to constantly demand outside help.

More the situation is more complicated With female body, which lacks the necessary enzymes, particularly in the stomach.

The second enzyme, which turns on the body’s action when alcohol appears in it, is located in the cells of the human body.

The liver and kidneys are most active in counteracting alcohol. And the heart muscle, brain and retina, as part of it, are protected to a lesser extent - this is the weakest link in the chain of alcohol movement through the body. But here the highest concentration of alcohol is formed: in the brain it is one and a half times higher than in the blood, therefore the effect of alcohol is more noticeable.

The decomposition of alcohol in the human body from its dangerous condition, C2H5OH, undergoes transformation into an even more dangerous compound acetaldehyde - CH3CHO and acetyl coenzyme A, CH3COOH, and only after that into water, H2O, and carbon dioxide, CO2.

Removing toxic substances from the body - main question to understand the process, how to treat.

The problem is not only in the vodka, but also in the dosage. Our “feast professionals” make fun of the plots of overseas films, where the heroes drink a glass of beer in small doses all evening. But this is not at all from weakness. The movie characters in the frame consume as much alcohol as the human body can handle.

A standard has been determined that cannot be exceeded

Every 1-2 grams per 1 kg of human weight is harmless to the body or:

  • 40-60 or maximum 80 ml of vodka;
  • glass of wine, i.e. 150 – 200 ml;
  • 0.3 liters of beer.

We wish you health and reasonable drinking during the feasts!