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Wisdom teeth: why are they needed, at what age do they erupt, do they need to be removed? Why are wisdom teeth needed and what do they look like? Or why eighth teeth are an atavism

A person's wisdom tooth is considered vestigial organ– this is the 8th tooth in a row or the 3rd molar, which is 14-25 years old. Their appearance and the structure does not differ from an ordinary molar.

The structure of the human jaw has changed over time - it has become shorter because people switched to soft foods cooked over fire. As a result, the chewing load on the jaw has decreased.

It turns out that the third molar may simply not have enough space in the dentition, as a result of which it will begin to grow sideways or will not bother the person at all. But the rudiments of roots are laid in everyone during the period of intrauterine development.

Why “wise”?

Teeth are called “wise” because they erupt already in adulthood, when the formation of mental maturity and worldly wisdom begins to appear.

Eights appear quickly, but can cause inconvenience to a mature person for several years.

From zero to four "wise men" in the mouth

There is no exact norm for how many wisdom teeth there should be; nature prescribes the eruption of additional four eights, but evolutionary development allows both the presence of all four and their complete absence or less. This happens due to hereditary memory from generation to generation.

If in one of the close relatives the eruption of the “sages” was accompanied by severe inflammation or operations were involved on them, in subsequent generations the rudiments may not form at all.

This is the reason for the appearance of people with one or two erupted “eights”. And on x-ray Even the rudiments of the root system are missing.

Thus, the number of wisdom teeth a person has, whether they will erupt at all, and how they are located on the jaw arch, depends on the size and shape of the jaw, the presence of tooth germs and hereditary predisposition.

Why are they needed now?

10 thousand years ago, every adult had wisdom teeth, and currently, 15% of people lack even the rudiments "eights". They have lost their chewing function because now cooked soft foods are eaten.

But extra teeth also have useful functions:

  • serve as a support for bridge prosthetics;
  • are a deterrent for;
  • act as spare ones due to the loss of the main chewing molars, since they partially perform the chewing function.

Healthy wisdom teeth are very rare in humans, therefore, if they erupted without complications and exactly along the jaw, then they should not be removed - they might come in handy.

There are specific indications for:

  • incorrect position;
  • its presence provokes acute inflammation;
  • incorrect position disrupts the dentition;
  • dental caries and impossibility of treatment;
  • greatly interferes with the adjacent tooth.

Do not be afraid of removal - the presence of such a tooth can be much more dangerous and painful. But if it is possible to cure and save the eight, under no circumstances resort to removal.

After all, according to scientists, with the help of “eights” you can save a person’s life. How? Using stem cells contained in the pulp of a wisdom tooth.

Many things are associated with wisdom teeth Interesting Facts and beliefs.

Everyone is in the house

It is believed that if a person has all four “newcomers” erupting, then they protect his family from troubles. The owner himself is a very lucky person and achieves everything he sets his mind to.

In connection with the above belief, sick “eights” were reluctantly removed - they were afraid of losing the lucky seal. So that the teeth do not cause inconvenience, they are spoken.

It is still very rare for people to be born with as many as 32 teeth. They were considered sorcerers, cursed, or carriers of an important mission on Earth. Currently, the presence of complete dentition is considered a symbol of determination, strong-willed character and independence.

In case of problems with “eights”, they say that their owner is indecisive, does not think about the meaning of life, about his purpose in the world and does not make big plans.

Why else are wisdom teeth needed?

Japanese scientists have proven the benefits of “eights” because they contain a reserve of special tissues on the basis of which stem cells can be created.

These cells carry the genetic information of the owner himself, as well as the entire prototype of all tissues human body, of which there are more than 240 species.

Stem cells are successfully used in the treatment of 70 diseases, where the treatment of tumors and blood cancer plays a significant role. They are used as immune stimulant for improvement vitality for indolent infections, loss of strength or chronic fatigue.

Stem cells have found application in sports medicine, since their effect significantly accelerates the healing process of wounds and injuries In cosmetology they are used for rejuvenation, strengthening vitality and improving memory. In the future, scientists plan to use such useful components of the body to create organs and tissues for transplantation to people who need them.

Such possible changes are necessary due to the lack of donors for transplantation internal organs, hearts, bone marrow, which are very difficult to find even by medical indicators, and such technology will save many sick children and adults. Until now, stem cells were obtained from bone marrow and blood, which is very painful and unsafe.

Scientists have found that soft pulp contains the material necessary for further work in large quantities. It can be easily and painlessly removed if necessary, and in case of extraction, the teeth should be frozen in case of an emergency.

This once again proves that there is nothing superfluous in the human body and everything that is given by nature is beneficial. Of course, so as not to create complications.

But if they are healthy and normal, it is better to preserve them, take good care of them and treat them if possible. Situations may arise in life when “eights” will preserve health and save a person’s life.

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Wisdom teeth are molars located in the dentition, the very last. In other words, wisdom teeth are called figure eight or third molar. They erupt between 17 and 25 years of age.

In isolated cases, the period of tooth development is more than late age. The eruption of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by various problems: damage to the root part of the second molars, inflammation of periodontal tissue, pinched nerve fibers and etc.

Due to the frequent diagnosis of complications of the eruption of the figure eight, the question of its preservation or removal always remains relevant.

Can they be treated?

The last molars in their functionality are no different from other units, and also subject to treatment. But unlike them, eights have a more complex structure, big sizes and remote location.

This allows you to stop the development initial stages dental diseases, but at running forms treatment is very difficult. It is especially difficult to stop periodontitis or pulpitis. In both cases, it is necessary to process the canals, which in molars often have an irregular structure.

In addition, treatment of the last molars takes longer than other teeth. In some cases it can last up to 3 months.

What are they used for?

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Eight does not provide any specific functionality. She practically does not participate in chewing and bite formation. If tens of thousands of years ago the last molar was an obligatory part of the dentition and served for chewing solid food, today the need for its presence has disappeared.

According to statistics, more than 15% of people completely lack the rudiments of wisdom teeth. Scientists assume that this figure will only increase over the years, as there is less and less hard food in people’s diets and the need for the last molars disappears.

Lack of functional need for third molars, does not mean that they need to be removed immediately after eruption or during growth.

Under certain circumstances, the presence of eights is simply necessary:

  • when installing a bridge-type prosthesis, where molars act as supports;
  • loosening of adjacent teeth. Figure eights act as a basis for applying a splint;
  • absence of chewing units. In this case, wisdom teeth begin to partially perform the function of chewing.

If the third molars erupted without complications and do not create problems in the future, then their removal will be unnecessary.

Treatment or extraction?

The question of removing or treating a wisdom tooth most often arises when certain problems arise. The answer to this will depend on their specifics, anatomical structure molar and the manifested clinical picture.


They are an unerupted wisdom tooth that is in an incorrect position. The main method of eliminating the problem will be removal, since the crown part puts pressure on the root of the adjacent molar and provokes its displacement or destruction.


The last molars are difficult to access for high-quality cleaning, which contributes to the accumulation of many cariogenic microorganisms in their deep fissures. In addition, most of them erupt with enamel already affected by caries.

For minor changes in the surface, treatment is carried out, which consists of grinding off the affected dental tissues and filling the formed depressions.

To prevent caries on molars, fissure sealing is often used using special drug. Deep caries damage, requires removal, only if it is impossible to properly clean the cavity or canals of the tooth.


This disease affects not only the tooth, but also the surrounding periodontal tissue. The pathology is characterized by the formation of swelling of the gums and the accumulation of pus in it. The main reason for the development of pericoronitis is incomplete tooth eruption, over which a hood of gum tissue remains.

Bacterial deposits constantly accumulate under it, resulting in inflammatory process V soft tissues. Usually, in the presence of a purulent capsule, the third molar is removed unless special indications are determined for its preservation.

Inflammatory processes in the pulp

With the development of inflammatory processes in the pulp, conservation will be a priority eights. But this option is only possible with smooth root canals and correct position. Treatment begins with opening the pulp chamber and rinsing it with an antiseptic.

Then an anti-inflammatory drug is placed into the cavity. At severe inflammation, an additional course of oral antibiotics is prescribed.

If during the treatment period the intensity of pain and other symptoms of inflammation does not decrease, this may be a signal that the inflammatory process has spread to adjacent tissues. In this case, figure eight extraction is indicated.

Trigeminal nerve entrapment

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A complication of this nature can occur both with inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, and with its improper growth. A pinched nerve is accompanied by severe pain in the jaw and neck on the affected side.

During inflammation it joins headache, spreading to the entire half of the head. If the cause of the infringement is inflammation, then appropriate treatment is carried out. If the infringement is caused by an incorrect position of the tooth, then it is removed.


Preservation of the third molar in the presence of a cyst is only possible if it has good passable channels root, to clean its cavity and tops. Treatment will continue for at least 2 months. Curved canals will lead to mandatory removal eights.

Severe destruction

If the upper part of the tooth is severely damaged, but the root is normal, the molar can be restored using special techniques that are selected individually for each patient.

Root damage by caries or its loose structure will be a direct indication for extraction.

Canal obstruction

Obstruction of the canals for any tooth, including wisdom, is the right step to his removal. Impassable channels do not allow one to reach problem areas and clean them of infection.

As a result, inflammation can spread to adjacent molars or bone tissue.

Lack of jaw space

Lack of space in the jaw arch leads to the development incorrect position figure eight, which may remain undetected or grow in the wrong direction, for example towards the cheeks. This leads to permanent tissue injury and displacement of the remaining teeth.

Lack of space is characterized by overcrowding, development malocclusion, abnormal position of teeth. The displacement of the remaining teeth will continue until full formation eights. The only way out of the situation is to remove it.

Installation of braces

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For malocclusion caused by insufficient space in the dentition, before placing braces, figure eight delete. If you leave them, the correction process will bring only insignificant results, since the molars will interfere with the teeth and restore their normal position.

When is the best time to save?

If the eruption of a wisdom tooth goes without problems, and after its complete formation it remains absolutely healthy, then it is recommended to preserve it.

This decision is due to certain influence possible factors, which can subsequently provoke a change in the shape of the jaw arch and the process of chewing food.

  • decreased quality of chewing function in the absence of the first and second molars or their destruction. The number eight takes on the role of the main chewing tooth;
  • impossibility of prosthetics due to insufficient number of supporting teeth. The last molar will serve as a supporting base for the orthodontic structure;
  • curvature of the jaw arch. The third molars are characterized by pairing, just like other teeth. Extraction of one wisdom tooth on any jaw will lead to a change in the position of the teeth with a displacement towards the area of ​​the removed figure eight.

    Lack of timely correction will provoke the development of malocclusion.

The dentist must decide whether to remove or preserve the third molar after a detailed study of the data obtained as a result of the examination of the patient.

Can it be treated during pregnancy?

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Dental treatment during pregnancy is associated with the risk of negative effects of anesthetic, medicinal and aseptic drugs on the woman’s body and the fetus.

When acute inflammation accompanied by severe pain or aggravated purulent process, treatment is allowed in other trimesters, but taking into account the fact that negative influence diseased tooth, exceeds the bad effects of the drugs used in therapy.

During the procedure, certain requirements must be met:

  • cannot be used for pregnant women general anesthesia;
  • the anesthetic drugs used should not contain adrenaline or other substances that negatively affect the fetus;
  • It is prohibited to remove the figure eight, as this process is associated with a high risk of postoperative complications.

A healthy wisdom tooth is no different from the rest, but in case of inflammation, it will cause a lot of damage to its owner. unpleasant problems, among which the main place is occupied by severe pain.

When unpleasant symptoms, the right decision would be to contact a specialist who will accurately identify the problem and determine whether it is worth leaving the eight or not.

About this in the next video:

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  • Maria

    February 22, 2017 at 5:26 pm

    One of my wisdom teeth was growing incorrectly and it was removed when I was still a student. The second wisdom tooth, they said, was a beauty and should be left in case it came in handy. As a result, during pregnancy it was precisely this that was affected by caries; several clinics recommended that it be definitely removed after childbirth, since it is difficult and pointless to treat. So it’s called useful.

  • Inna

    February 24, 2017 at 9:52 pm

    I had problems with a wisdom tooth and the treatment took quite a long time, I wanted to remove it altogether, since the pain was incredible, even painkillers did not completely relieve it. I’m very glad that it’s all over and I was cured. Anyone who starts having some kind of pain in their wisdom tooth, go to the doctor immediately, don’t delay, especially with him, the treatment is very long!

  • Dasha

    February 27, 2017 at 6:04 am

    I believe that if wisdom teeth are in the way or affected by caries, then they should be removed. It happened to me too. Because of the back wisdom teeth, the front teeth began to bunch up. And the lower teeth were also crooked. I'm so upset! And when I went to the dentist, he said that one wisdom tooth had not yet fully erupted, but there was already caries on it. I wanted to remove two lower teeth wisdom, but for some reason the doctor did not want to remove them. She said let them be. In general, I cut them painlessly, but I really want to get rid of them and have them again straight teeth. Although this is unlikely to happen...

  • Rustam

    February 28, 2017 at 4:26 am

    Of course, when a wisdom tooth is cut, the sensations are not pleasant. It’s good if it goes away without complications. I got an interesting picture: there was not enough space for the wisdom tooth, and it began to move the neighboring tooth. Of course it hurts. I went to the clinic, but they didn’t pull it out for me, they said that nothing bad was happening - just be patient. They gave me painkillers and let me go. They saved my tooth.

  • Maria

    October 24, 2017 at 02:54 pm

    Both of my wisdom teeth that came out ended up coming out at an angle, so I had to remove them. I noticed that the upper ones are much easier to remove, apparently because they are easier to get to. At least, when they removed my upper left eight, I didn’t feel anything - 3 seconds and it’s done. Removing the lower molar was more difficult, but also nothing terrible. The main thing is not to delay. I came to the doctor 1-1.5 weeks after they began to come out and cause discomfort.

According to statistics, wisdom teeth are formed in almost all people, but only every fourth person erupts. Some people are flattered by the appearance of wisdom teeth, but pleasant thoughts about one’s own intelligence are often prevented by severe pain and orthodontic complications. Let's understand what wisdom teeth are, when they appear, why they are needed and whether they should be removed.

What is a wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth are the 8th teeth in the jaw quadrant, they are third molars, erupt at the age of 18-25, but may not erupt at all.

Wisdom tooth

Why are wisdom teeth called that?

During intrauterine development in the fetus, two generations of teeth are formed in the body of the upper and lower jaw. The first is milk teeth, which appear from 1-2 years of age and are used by the child until adolescence, the second is molars, which erupt in adolescence and serve a person for the rest of his life.

In terms of timing of eruption, wisdom teeth do not fit into any of the generations, since they appear much later than the very last molars in adulthood, when a person can quite safely be called “wise.”

Why are wisdom teeth needed?

Many thousands of years ago, people led a largely nomadic lifestyle and hunted a lot; poorly processed, tough meat was rough food and required a powerful dental system.

Over time, humanity preferred a sedentary lifestyle, began to eat better prepared, “softer” food, and in the process of evolution, the human jaw became slightly smaller, the tooth germs had to make room, as a result, there was not enough space for the full development of the 8th tooth, and it was in no hurry to erupt , and if it did appear, it most often grew incorrectly and interfered with neighboring teeth.

X-ray of a wisdom tooth

Modern dentistry learned to use molars to attach various structures to them in oral cavity, for example, bridges. If the germination of wisdom teeth is not accompanied by pronounced pain syndrome, after some time the wisdom tooth becomes part of the dentition and participates in the function of chewing, then it is not worth removing it, it can still serve you well.

At what age does wisdom teeth begin to grow?

On average at 18-25 years, but they may erupt later or not at all.

Why do some people's wisdom teeth not grow?

Approximately 8% of people do not even have the rudiments of third molars. This is associated with a mutation in the gene responsible for the number of teeth. Once upon a time, the brain of one of the ancient people decided that since there was no room in the jaw, then it was not worth putting in an extra tooth, which anyway would not fit.

Quite often, a situation arises when the rudiment of a wisdom tooth is there, but it does not erupt and does not manifest itself in any way; such “carriers” are 3/4 of the people on the planet, but the rudiment can become infected, inflamed and cause the spread of infection in the oral cavity.

Features of the structure, growth, canals and roots of wisdom teeth

  • 4 - 5 roots;
  • curved roots;
  • erupt in a place where there were no milk teeth before;
  • number of channels in upper tooth wisdom from 1 to 5, in the lower most often 3;
  • channels are narrow, branched, irregular shape, often impassable.

Complications during the eruption of wisdom teeth

  1. Pericoronitis- inflammation of the tissues located near the tooth. The germination of a wisdom tooth is a long process; quite often a situation arises when the wisdom tooth does not fully erupt, tears the mucous membrane and a piece of torn mucous membrane forms a kind of “hood”. Food gets into this hood and lingers there for a long time, since it is very difficult to remove its contents during normal brushing of teeth with a toothbrush. Decomposing food creates excellent conditions for pathogenic bacteria, which multiply in this place and cause inflammation. The most common complaint with pericoronitis is pain radiating to the temporal region, which intensifies when chewing and opening the mouth. If treatment is not prescribed in a timely manner, then nearby lymph nodes and muscles begin to be involved in the process, which causes a general response from the body in the form of fever, weakness, headache, and enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.
  2. Caries. The third molar grows very slowly, therefore, it does not become part of the dentition quickly either. Since the tooth differs in height from other teeth and often deviates to the side, cleaning it is difficult. The retention of food particles causes the proliferation of oral microflora, which provokes the destruction of enamel and the occurrence of caries. The first symptom of caries is pain when eating sweets, which goes away if you rinse your mouth with water and thus wash out the irritating piece of sweets. Deeper damage to tooth tissue is manifested by pain in cold and hot conditions.
  3. Bite disorders. There is not enough space in our jaws for the 8th tooth, and if it does grow, it can put pressure on the neighboring tooth, which in turn puts pressure on the next one, and as a result, the patient experiences crowding of teeth.
  4. Inflammation trigeminal nerve . Upper and mandibles innervated by the trigeminal nerves. An infection in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth can cause inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The most striking symptom is pain along all facial muscles; the disease is accompanied by drooling, lacrimation, and loss of sensitivity in the affected areas.
  5. Trophic ulcers of the buccal mucosa. Wisdom teeth may erupt in a plane that is different from the plane of the rest of the teeth. If the 8th tooth erupts towards the cheek, it constantly injures its mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of trophic ulcers.

Inflamed hood over the wisdom tooth - pericoronitis

When is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth?

  • the position of the tooth is incorrect;
  • the plane of tooth eruption does not coincide with the rest of the teeth;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • caries;
  • pericoronitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • malocclusion;
  • trophic ulcers of the buccal mucosa;
  • cyst next to the wisdom tooth bud.

Consequences of wisdom tooth removal

If the tooth extraction operation was completed without complications, then there are usually no problems with wound healing. The oral cavity must be rinsed with an antiseptic solution, but not too often so as not to wash it out. blood clot, covering the wound surface.

Hole after wisdom tooth removal

Unfortunately, complications cannot always be avoided. The most common complications are:

  1. Dry socket. Normally, during any bleeding, our body seeks to protect itself and forms a platelet blood clot, which clogs the bleeding vessel. The same thing happens when a wisdom tooth is removed. In the place where the 8th tooth used to be, a hole is formed and filled with a clot. However, in some cases, if you rinse your mouth too often with an antiseptic solution or due to individual characteristics the body does not form a protective clot, the wound surface remains open and accessible to infection. Complications include pain and unpleasant smell from the mouth several days after surgery.
  2. Trigeminal nerve injury. During surgery due to too small surgical field A dental surgeon may accidentally damage small branches of the trigeminal nerve; the patient loses sensitivity in some areas of the face, such as the lips, the adjacent part of the cheek, and the corner of the mouth. After a few days, the innervation is restored and the symptoms disappear, but especially severe cases damage to the trigeminal nerve may persist for a longer period.
  3. Hematoma. Hemorrhage from a vessel damaged during surgery. Accompanied by swelling of the gums, pain, and fever.
  4. Bleeding
  5. Subperiosteal inflammation (flux). With careless oral hygiene, the infection penetrates through the wound surface into the periosteum of the jaw. Accompanied by severe pain, swelling of the cheek on the affected side, hyperemia and swelling of the gums, deterioration general condition patient with fever.
  6. Alveolitis. Inflammation of the socket under the wisdom tooth. The patient's cheek hurts and swells, the temperature rises, chills occur, and general health worsens.

When is wisdom tooth removal contraindicated?

  • installation of a bridge prosthesis, the 3rd molar is used to secure it;
  • “instability” of neighboring teeth, the molar serves to support the loose tooth;
  • absence of large molars - inability to chew with other teeth;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • arterial hypertension;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • allergy to drugs for pain relief during surgery;
  • viral, bacterial diseases in the acute phase;
  • herpetic stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lips;
  • ulcerative inflammation of the gum mucosa;
  • contamination of the oral cavity with candida.

Wisdom teeth in modern world are more of a problem than an advantage. If they are improperly erupted and positioned, problems may arise. various complications, therefore, some dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth as a preventive measure at the rudimentary level.

In any case, assistance with wisdom teeth eruption is comprehensive and includes drug therapy, surgery, in the event of a secondary infection, antibiotic therapy should be provided by a professional in the conditions medical institution. Take care of your teeth and be healthy!

Because of their anatomical features Wisdom teeth (eights) are very difficult to treat. This is what makes many people wonder whether they should be removed. It is worth noting that, in addition to the labor-intensive and long treatment, with the appearance of wisdom teeth, the patient may experience unpleasant complications. If you don’t know why wisdom teeth should be removed, then this article will help you understand this issue.

What are they needed for?

Many patients decide to have it removed without even really understanding what the eights are for. These are a kind of rudiments that replenish the dentition of more than 50% of the planet's population. Even 10,000 years ago, eights erupted in every person, because they served for chewing raw meat. Now there is no such need for third molars, so everything more people live without wisdom tooth buds.

Evolutionary progress is perhaps the only reason why there was a decrease in the number of teeth due to the loss of eights. Over the past 100 years, the structure of the human jaw has changed slightly, that is, it has narrowed by several centimeters. This trend has meant that there is virtually no room left for eights, so they tend to grow in the wrong direction.

Wisdom teeth are not involved in the process of chewing food, since the rest of the teeth easily cope with this task. But third molars may be needed for the following purposes:

  • during bridge dental prosthetics, they can play the role of a special support;
  • Wisdom teeth serve as a strengthening or restraining factor, fixing neighboring teeth and preventing the appearance of looseness;
  • fallback option. The fact is that over the years, a person’s teeth may fall out, and at this time the eights are directly involved in the chewing process.

For modern man Healthy third molars are certainly a rarity. If the eights have grown without any complications and are securely located in the dentition, then there is no need to remove them, because wisdom teeth can be of great benefit in the future.

So why remove them?

Based on your own feelings when a wisdom tooth erupts, you can decide whether to remove it or leave it. If this process is not accompanied painful sensations or any complications, then there is no need to remove it. In any case, the dentist must make the final decision. Only he, after conducting a thorough examination, will be able to assess the situation, therefore, when discomfort at the site of wisdom tooth eruption, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.

It is also necessary to take into account possible complications problems that the patient encounters after extraction of the third molar. Since its treatment and removal are often accompanied by difficulties, even with the use of anesthesia, tooth extraction can be painful. This is influenced by the inaccessibility of the removed eight and pain threshold patient.

On a note! Painful removal may also be associated with the development of certain complications. These include suppuration, inflammation and cysts. All this will complicate the tooth extraction procedure.

The hole formed after removal, as a rule, takes quite a long time to heal and may be accompanied by some complications. The most common of these is numbness in the mouth. Similar phenomenon can be called normal, but if the numbness does not go away after 5-7 days, then you need to visit the dentist's office.

In addition, the resulting hole may become inflamed, so in order to prevent the development of alveolitis, it is recommended to regularly rinse your mouth after surgery. This procedure will prevent the development of inflammation in the mouth and various complications. If rinsing does not help and inflammation still appears, there is no need to self-medicate, but it is better to immediately consult a dentist.

The doctor's decision regarding the need to remove a wisdom tooth may be influenced by the following factors:

  • incorrect position of the tooth;
  • presence of caries;
  • the occurrence of recurring pericoronitis (if the tooth has not fully erupted);
  • the appearance of severe pain associated with the eruption of the figure eight;
  • cyst;
  • damage to the oral mucosa due to incorrect placement of the figure eight in the dentition.

If the doctor detects at least one of the above symptoms, he will recommend the patient to undergo removal surgery.

Is the operation painful?

Few people like visiting the dentist, especially if they have a tooth removed. It is worth noting that this is very complex operation, but despite this, widespread. For this purpose, doctors use different kinds anesthesia, thanks to which the patient will not experience pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Not everyone has wisdom teeth. But those whom they “make happy” with their appearance spend a lot of time in the dentist’s chair. After all, third molars grow painfully and are difficult to remove. Why are they even needed? Is it worth trying to save them?

Why are wisdom teeth needed?

Before deciding whether wisdom teeth need to be removed, you should find out why the body “grows” them? “Eights” are rudiments that “from old memory” appear in approximately half of the world’s population. If 10 thousand years ago these teeth were present in the mouth of every adult, then 15% modern people there are not even the rudiments of third molars.

The decrease in the total number of teeth due to the “eights” is associated with an evolutionary process that has affected the structure of the jaw: over the past 100 years it has narrowed by 10 cm - and this is not the limit. Scientists believe that this trend will continue in the future due to the increasing spread of soft foods that do not need to be chewed for a long time.

As such, the function of chewing is almost not inherent in the third molars: the rest can easily cope with it healthy teeth. “Eights” can only serve as:

  • supports for bridge prosthetics;
  • deterrent for loosening of adjacent teeth;
  • backup option - with age, a person’s teeth fall out, and the third molars partially take on “responsibility” for the chewing process.

Healthy “eights” are rare among modern people. But if wisdom teeth grew without complications and took their rightful place in the row, then there is no point in removing them: what if they come in handy?

Do wisdom teeth heal?

Like any other tooth, the “eight” is subject to treatment. The difficulties of this process are related to both complex structure third molars, and with their inconvenient location in the oral cavity. Caries on early stage treated in the usual way.

Additional problems may arise if pulpitis or periodontitis has developed in the wisdom tooth. In these cases, it is necessary to fill the canals, which are very curved in the third molars. If the canals are difficult to pass through, the dentist recommends wisdom tooth removal as a less risky procedure. After all, if it is not possible to seal the canals to the very top, the inflammatory process will spread further and as a result will lead to severe pain, the formation of a cyst, and the formation of a fistula.

Treatment for a wisdom tooth is longer than for “regular” teeth. As a rule, it takes 2-3 months. and requires multiple visits to the dentist.

How to remove a wisdom tooth

In each specific case, the process of removing “eights” can vary significantly in the degree of complexity, and, accordingly, discomfort. Typically the operation goes like this:

Type of operation Easy removal Difficult removal
In which cases
  • tooth grows on upper jaw, Where bone not very dense
  • there are no significant deviations in the development of the third molar
  • the tooth is located in the bottom row
  • "eight" dystopic or impacted
  • the tooth has strong branched roots
  • the crown of the tooth is destroyed, so it is impossible to pull it out with forceps
Main stages
  • introduction to local anesthesia
  • removing a tooth from a socket using an elevator or forceps
  • treating the wound with an antiseptic
  • if necessary, add an anti-inflammatory drug
  • stitching up the wound
  • introduction to local anesthesia
  • cutting the gums
  • drilling out bone tissue
  • tooth extraction
  • wound treatment
  • suturing
Approximate duration 1-10 min. 20-120 min.

Before the procedure, the dentist examines medical card patient. There are some restrictions when treating teeth for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, oncology, allergic reactions of various nature.

Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth?

Many people are scared to the point of trembling at the knees to go for the removal of the “eight”. But this operation, although quite complex, is still widespread in dental practice. Therefore, there are many types of anesthesia that help the patient undergo the procedure without much discomfort.

In most cases, doctors recommend using local anesthesia as less harmful. Some clinics practice tooth extraction under general anesthesia, but some people have contraindications for this type of procedure. Moreover, move away from general anesthesia much more difficult than from a local one.

After the operation itself, when the effect of anesthesia wears off, the patient has to endure several painful days. This is due to damage to soft tissues that need time to recover. The more difficult the removal was, the longer the healing process will be. But as a rule, every day the pain becomes less and less pronounced and completely disappears on the 10-14th day. And painkillers will help to brighten up the anticipation of this moment a little: Analgin, Baralgin, Ketanov, etc.

Treat or remove

When deciding whether to have your wisdom teeth removed, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Indications for such an operation primarily include:

  1. Incorrect tooth position. A figure eight tilted in any direction is of zero value: it cannot be used either for bridge installation or for chewing. Moreover, such tooth deformation leads to injury to the mucous membrane, changes in the position of neighboring teeth and even their destruction.
  2. Lack of space in the jaw. In this case, the tooth either remains in the gum, unable to come out, or stubbornly erupts, simultaneously displacing other teeth. In any case, removal of the third molar is the only way out of the situation.
  3. It is planned to install braces. Even if the wisdom tooth is positioned correctly, it needs to be removed: under the influence of braces, other teeth will change their position, and the “eight” may interfere with this.
  4. Pericoronitis. This disease is associated with swelling of the gums and the formation of pus in them. This process is provoked by the special position of the “eight”: part of it is covered by an overhanging hood of mucous membrane. In the gap between the tooth and the hood, free space appears, which serves as an excellent “shelter” for food debris and a breeding ground for microbes. With absence special indications To save the third molar, it is removed.
  5. Severe destruction of the G8. If the carious process has destroyed the crown of the tooth almost to the base, then there is nothing left to save, and all that remains is to get rid of the problematic third molar.
  6. Impossibility of root canal treatment. Impassable canals that cannot be sealed put an end to possible treatment wisdom tooth

There are also indications for preserving the “eight”, but they only apply if the wisdom tooth has grown correctly and is absolutely healthy:

  1. The best of the worst. It happens that a wisdom tooth turns out to be the most “promising” among its “colleagues”. This happens when “sevens” and “sixes” are very problematic and are most likely to be removed. Then the wisdom tooth is left as a safety net.
  2. The only one left. The situation is similar to the previous one, but in this case the teeth adjacent to the third molar are no longer present. "Eight" can be used for prosthetics.
  3. Family bonds. As a rule, teeth grow in pairs. And although similar “laws” do not always apply to third molars, it still happens that the “eight” has a “brother” - an antagonist tooth located opposite and intersecting with the molar in question. It is impossible to remove such teeth one by one, because this will lead to gradual curvature of the remaining ones.

The decision regarding the fate of the “eight” should be made together with the dentist. The doctor will explain in detail possible risks treatment options under consideration and advise what to do with the problem tooth.

Is it possible to treat or remove a wisdom tooth during pregnancy?

  • teeth can be treated only in the second trimester of pregnancy, except in cases of acute pain;
  • During the procedure, general anesthesia cannot be used, and for local anesthesia you need to use drugs that are safe for the fetus;
  • removal of the “eight” is strictly prohibited due to the complexity of the operation and the significant risk of complications.

A wisdom tooth does not guarantee a sudden increase in intelligence, but with a high degree of probability it will “gift” its owner severe pain, swelling of the gums, purulent inflammations. Sometimes it is much easier to endure the procedure for removing the “eight” than to live with such a “complicated” tooth. In the West, for example, third molars are disposed of immediately after they appear, regardless of how healthy the wisdom teeth are.
