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Tricky body. What are the cavernous bodies in men's penis and what enlarges them

Cavernous (cavernous) body- This is the structural part of the penis. The corpora cavernosa (right and left) are cylindrical in shape and located inside the penis. To the ventral surface of the cavernous bodies, parallel to them, is the spongy (spongiosum) body of the penis.

Anatomically, the corpus cavernosum is divided into:
(1) apex (apex) - distal part;
(2) middle part;
(3) pedicle - proximal part.

In the apical part corpora cavernosa covered by the head of the penis, which is part of the corpus spongiosum. At the symphysis pubis in the proximal part, the cavernous bodies diverge downward and posteriorly parallel to the descending (ischial) branches of the pubic bones, to which they are attached by ligaments. In the area of ​​the symphysis pubis, the corpus cavernosum is attached to the bones using the unpaired infundibular ligament. The corpora cavernosa can be felt as ridges on the right and left inside the penis.

Main function of the corpora cavernosa- ensuring erection of the penis (increase in size and hardening of the penis during sexual arousal).

The corpus cavernosum consists of cavernous tissue surrounded by a tunica albuginea. Cavernous tissue has a cellular structure. Each cavity (cell) has the ability to change its internal volume by changing the tone of the smooth muscle elements (trabecular muscles) included in the structure of the cavern walls. Blood enters the caverns through arterioles radiating from the cavernous artery, located centrally inside the corpus cavernosum. During sexual arousal, in response to the release of a mediator (NO - nitric oxide), due to the relaxation of the trabecular muscles and the muscles of the walls of the cavernous arteries, the lumen of the cavernous arteries and the volume of the caverns increase. Increased blood flow to the cavernous tissue and filling of the caverns with a larger volume of blood leads to an increase in the total volume of cavernous tissue (tumescence or swelling of the penis). Normally, the outflow of blood from the cavernous tissue occurs through the venous plexuses located directly under the tunica albuginea. When the venous plexuses are pressed to the tunica albuginea due to an increase in the volume of cavernous tissue during tumescence (the basis of the veno-occlusive mechanism), the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies decreases, leading to the appearance of a hard erection. At the end of sexual activity (usually after ejaculation), the release of norepinephrine, a sympathetic transmitter that increases the tone of the trabecular muscles, leads to the disappearance of an erection (detumescence) in the reverse order to the appearance of an erection. Insufficient blood flow to the corpora cavernosa, excessive outflow venous blood from the cavernous bodies, damage to the nerves that conduct signals for the appearance of an erection, as well as damage to the cavernous tissue leads to a deterioration in the quality of erection up to its complete absence ().

The tunica albuginea of ​​the corpus cavernosum is the case of the cavernous bodies and consists of elastic connective tissue. During an erection, the tunica albuginea, evenly stretching in different directions, ensures a symmetrical enlargement of the penis. Congenital disorders of the elasticity of the tunica albuginea, scar changes after injuries to the penis and the formation of fibrous plaques on the tunica albuginea can lead to curvature of the penis during erection.

Cavernous or cavernous bodies(eng. corpora cavernosa) are structural parts of the erectile tissue of the penis, covered with a dense protein (fibrous) capsule. The key function of the corpora cavernosa is blood filling; they contain the prevailing part of the blood volume in the male penis during erection.


The two corpora cavernosa, along with the corpus spongiosum, through which the urethra passes, form the male penis. Corpora cavernosa are located along the entire length of the organ, from pubic bone right up to the head. They consist of porous tissue, including blood-filled spaces of varying sizes (larger in the center than at the periphery), lined by an endothelial layer and delimited by connective tissue septa, the so-called trabeculae. Trabeculae contain numerous nerves and arteries. All three bodies are surrounded by muscles that hold male organ during erection and contracting during ejaculation.

Physiological features

During sexual arousal, the release of NO leads to relaxation of the three bodies of the penis. The tissues fill with blood from the arteries along the entire length of the male genital organ. A small volume of blood enters the corpus spongiosum, and the remainder (about 90 percent) fills the corpora cavernosa, which expand in both width and length. Unlike the corpora cavernosa, the corpora spongiosum remains soft even during coitus, otherwise it would compress the urethra and become an obstacle to ejaculation. Blood can leave erectile tissue only through drainage system venous vessels around the outer wall of the corpus cavernosum. The swollen spongy tissue presses against the surrounding white capsule, causing the veins to contract, preventing the outflow of blood. The penis becomes hard, but its head remains softer, since its membrane is thinner than in the cavernous bodies. This minimizes the possibility of injury to a woman’s genitals during coitus.

Diseases and injuries

Pathologies of the corpora cavernosa include:

  • cavernous fibrosis (tissue sclerosis);
  • Peyronie's disease (also known as fibroplastic induration of the penis);
  • incomplete absence of corpora cavernosa (extremely rare).
  • Rough sexual intercourse can lead to rupture of the corpora cavernosa under the skin, the so-called. "penis fracture".

Corpora cavernosa in the clitoris

The body of the female clitoris houses erectile tissue in the form of a pair of corpora cavernosa. However, the clitoris does not have a spongy body, unlike the penis, and the urethra is located separately - behind the female genital organ. The corpora cavernosa provide the clitoris with the ability to achieve an erection, but it is relatively small in size and is not intended for sexual penetration. During sexual arousal, blood fills cavernous bodies. This causes extrusion of the clitoral glans and increases sensitivity to physical contact.

Anatomy of the human reproductive system
Male reproductive system Corpora cavernosa

The corpora cavernosa are the main structures that are involved in the erection phenomenon of the male penis. The tricky body (right and left) has a cylindrical shape and is located inside the penis. The tricky bodies of the penis are not related to each other blood vessels. Each body has its own artery through which blood is delivered to it, and its own veins through which this blood flows out of it. To the ventral surface of these bodies, parallel to them, is the spongy (spongy) body of the penis. For prevention, drink Transfer Factor. The urethra is located in the groove between the cavernous bodies, in the thickness of the corpus spongiosum. Proximally corpus spongiosum forms a thickening called the bulb, covered with the bulbocavernosus muscle.
The tissue of the tricky body resembles a sponge in its structure; it contains many small lacunae, or caverns in Latin. Each cavity has the ability to change its internal volume by changing the tone of the smooth muscle elements (trabecular muscles) included in the structure of the cavern walls. The predominant part of the tissue of the cavernous body is smooth muscle cells, which are connected to each other, with rare connective tissue fibers and attached to the tunica albuginea. They form chaotically located cords containing vascular capillaries and nerves. The tissue of the cavernous body is lined from the inside with endothelial cells.
Anatomically, the corpus cavernosum is divided into a distal part called the apex, a middle part and a proximal part called the pedicle. In the apical part, the cavernous bodies are covered by the glans penis, which is part of the corpus spongiosum. At the symphysis pubis in the proximal part, the cavernous bodies diverge downward and backward parallel to the descending (ischial) branches of the pubic bones, to which they are attached by ligaments. In the area of ​​the symphysis pubis, the capillary bodies are attached to the bones using the unpaired infundibulum ligament. They can be felt during an erection in the form of ridges on the right and left inside the penis. The corpus spongiosum remains soft during an erection, otherwise, having swollen, it would compress the urethra and prevent free ejaculation.
The main function of the corpora cavernosa is to ensure erection of the penis (increasing its size and hardening during sexual arousal). When a man is sexually aroused in the penis, in response to the release of a mediator (NO - nitric oxide), due to the relaxation of the trabecular muscles and the muscles of the walls of the cavernous arteries, the lumen of the cavernous arteries and the volume of the caverns and arteries that bring blood to the cavernous and spongy bodies increase. The veins through which blood flows, on the contrary, sharply narrow. As a result, a sufficient amount of blood accumulates in the tricky bodies of the penis, or rather, in their lacunae, each lacuna becomes tense, and an erection occurs. This state of the blood vessels persists throughout the entire erection. At this time, all tissues of the penis, with the exception of the skin, do not receive the blood supply they need and are in a state of ischemia. In a state of erection, a man can easily perform coitus, which is necessary for reproduction, as well as for pleasure and sexual satisfaction. After ejaculation, norepinephrine is released and blood quickly drains from the penis. Because of this, after sexual intercourse, the erection quickly weakens and disappears, however, during sexual arousal, it does not reach its maximum instantly, but only when the penis is completely ready to be inserted into the woman’s vagina.
The tunica albuginea of ​​the cavernous body is a case for the cavernous bodies and consists of elastic connective tissue. During an erection, the tunica albuginea stretches evenly in different directions and ensures a symmetrical enlargement of the penis. In thin tunica albuginea the corpus spongiosum is also enclosed. Its fabric is a structure with internal spaces, rich in elastic fibers. This structure guarantees the free passage of fluid and closure of the lumen of the urethra after urination or ejaculation.

Acute pain in the penis area indicates serious problems. And one of them is cavernitis - inflammation of the cavernous bodies of the penis. It's pretty rare pathology, which develops in men as a result of infection in the cavernous (cavernous) bodies. Most often this occurs with inflammatory or traumatic injuries urethra.

The main function of the corpora cavernosa is to ensure penile erection. And any pathology can lead to serious problems in sexual life in men.

Classification of the disease

According to the nature of the flow inflammatory process differentiate acute and chronic cavernitis. More often the disease occurs in acute form, with the development of a limited inflammatory infiltrate, which is palpable as painful lump. In this case, the body temperature suddenly rises, the penis swells, and severe pain appears. The appearance of spontaneous and very painful erections is characteristic.

The chronic form usually develops as a primary chronic process with gonorrheal urethritis, in some cases it is a consequence of insufficient treatment acute illness. The inflammatory process affects the cavernous body of the urethra with the formation of painful infiltrates of various sizes. Differs in more meager symptoms than in the acute form.

Based on their origin, they distinguish between perfusion and syphilitic cavernitis. The fracture form develops when an infectious pathogen penetrates through the urethra. The process is accompanied by the formation of painful purulent nodules. The syphilitic form is characterized by the presence of infiltrates on the cavernous bodies of the penis, and not urethra.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The development of the inflammatory process in the cavernous bodies of the penis is usually of gonorrheal origin. The causative agent of the infection enters with the flow of lymph or blood from an inflammatory focus located in another organ, forming a diffuse or limited inflammatory process.

The main provoking factors for exacerbation of the disease are:

The acute onset of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Temperature rise to 40°C
  • Chills, headache
  • Severe pain in the penis
  • Swelling of the penis
  • Painful erection accompanied by curvature of the penis

Dangerous consequences

With absence timely treatment the disease can progress to the stage of abscess formation at the site of the inflammatory infiltrate. The abscess can break through at any time both outward and into the lumen of the urethra, leading to a serious complication of the disease.

As a result, the connecting partitions of the cavernous bodies die off, and subsequently the formation of coarse sclerotic tissue in their place, which leads to deformation of the penis during erection. As a result, normal sexual intercourse becomes impossible, and men in this case often have problems with potency.

How to cure cavernitis?

The process of enlarging a man’s penis during an erection is controlled by the corpus cavernosum, which, under the influence of a rush of blood, tends to expand and become voluminous. Without the elasticity and flexibility of this section of the penis, 100% erection, as well as numerous sexual functions of a man, are impossible. Therefore it is worth Special attention pay attention to the cavernous bodies, their properties and structural features.

The female reproductive system, like men's. It's amazing how, in a matter of seconds, a soft penis simply grows and hardens before your eyes in the process of sexual arousal. In fact, there is an increase in the three cavernous bodies of the penis - the paired bodies and the unpaired third body. They can be compared to a sponge, which consists from the inside of epithelial cells that are saturated with blood.

What is the corpus cavernosum?

From a theoretical point of view, in medicine and anatomy, the corpus cavernosum is a unit of the structural structure of the penis, without which erection and the ability to have sexual intercourse are impossible. Inside the corpus cavernosum are nerve endings and arteries, thanks to the impulses of the central nervous system and the rush of blood, the elastic and flexible cavernous bodies expand in volume. As a result, the penis hardens and increases in both length and diameter.

From the inside, the corpora cavernosa can be compared to a sponge, the erectile tissue of which consists of epithelial cells. In total, the male penis has two paired corpus cavernosum and one corpus spongiosum. The higher the elasticity and stretchability of the corpora cavernosa, the better a man’s erectile function, as well as the higher the quality of sexual life.

Structure and properties

To understand the properties of the cavernous bodies in the male penis, you must first consider them anatomical structure. The structural unit of the penis, the corpus cavernosum, consists of:

  • upper distal part;
  • middle;
  • proximal Bottom part or as it is also called the leg.

The properties of the corpora cavernosa are explained by their main purpose - erectile function. The structure of this area of ​​the penis assumes the presence of elastic fibers and muscle cells, due to the close interweaving of which special cells of the cavern and lacuna are formed. They are responsible for filling with blood and growing under the influence of the nervous urges of the central nervous system of sexual arousal.

For reference! In the event of an inflammatory process against the background of infection penetration into the cavernous bodies, from a medical point of view, the disease is called cavernitis. Pathology suggests acute onset with pronounced painful symptoms for a man.

What enlarges the corpora cavernosa in the penis?

The structure of the bodies also contains cavernous bodies, which contain cavernous cells.. These cells are responsible for the ability to change their volumes; the effect on the cavernous bodies in this case involves a change in the tone of the trabecular fibers. Arterioles are responsible for the flow of blood to the cells.

During sexual desire and arousal male body produces nitric oxide, under the influence of which trabecular fibers relax. As a result of this, more free space is formed between the arterioles; a rush of blood can now fill the cells as much as possible. This means that cavernous tissues and cavernous bodies grow, respectively.

The reverse flow of blood is carried out through the veins that are woven into this area genitals. It is also worth noting that after the cavernous tissue increases, the venous plexuses block the flow of blood under pressure for some time. Due to this, the man’s erection is fixed, which is necessary for full sexual intercourse. Upon completion of the act, the released norepinephrine increases the tone of the trabecular fibers, which leads to reverse processes.

What essential oils can be used for the corpora cavernosa?

Since, thanks to the high elasticity and ability to stretch the corpora cavernosa, maximum erection is possible, this became the basis for the method of penis enlargement.

Numerous drugs for penis growth require the presence of substances that act specifically on the cavernous bodies. For example, essential oils, which with their unique properties may influence different organs and systems.

For reference! Main function esters in this case - deep penetration into the capillaries, due to which the flow of blood in the pelvic organs increases. And this, in turn, causes the cavernous bodies to fill with blood as much as possible, thereby increasing in volume.

The most effective esters are as follows:

  • peppermint oil;
  • anise oil;
  • brown butter;
  • amaranth esters;
  • ginseng oil.

Before using any of the oils, it is necessary to test for the absence of allergies, since esters often become provocateurs allergic reactions. To do this, apply one drop of the product to your wrist or elbow, and then do not wash it off for 24 hours. Itching and rash are obvious signs hypersensitivity to esters.

We enlarge the cavernous bodies - we enlarge the penis!

Smooth muscle cells of the arteries, as well as sinusoidal capillaries and arteriole capillaries, which are located in the corpora cavernosa, are responsible for erectile function. Under the influence of the functions of the arteries and the circulatory system, the flow of blood to the cavernous bodies increases, as a result of which the penis straightens and acquires a solid structure. This means that the man is completely ready to perform sexual intercourse.

This can be achieved during sexual arousal, as well as during correct use the above essential oils. To do this you need to do the following:

  • rub a couple of drops of ether on the palms of your hands;
  • Rub the oil onto the skin of the penis using massaging movements of the palms;
  • light rubbing movements are performed for 3-5 minutes;
  • Esters need to be applied twice a day for several months.

Thanks to such manipulations, you can nourish the skin with vitamin E, improve blood circulation, saturate the epidermis with oxygen, and also restore metabolism. The cavernous bodies, or rather their vessels, will become soft and elastic, due to which the ability to stretch the cavernous bodies will improve. As a result of this, when an erection is achieved, the man will receive 100% results.

How to enlarge the cavernous bodies?

If you choose the right methods for enlarging the corpora cavernosa, a man will know how to enlarge his penis. Today there is a special method for conducting training. It involves two types of impact - gripping and stretching. To begin with, you need to firmly grasp the penis at the very base with your fingers, and then pull it as far as possible towards the head.

For reference! When performing regular exercises, you need to understand that in total the size of the penis can increase by no more than 1-3 cm. Dramatic results in penis enlargement can be expected only after plastic surgery.

You need to perform stretching no more than 10 times, this will be enough to disperse the cavernous bodies. As practice has shown, slight pain during stretching of the penis does not promise injury or problems for a man. If you perform the exercises in parallel with the application of essential oils, the result will not be long in coming.