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The cat burst out with fur. Why does a cat pull out its fur? Cat vomits undigested food

Cats are very concerned about the condition of their fur. However, some of them go too far, tearing out their fur. Unfortunately, appearance Such pets leave much to be desired. To help your cat, you need to understand the cause of the problem, but sometimes it is not so easy to determine.


Part 1


    Your cat may have allergies. If a person is allergic to something, e.g. hay fever, then, as a rule, he has a runny nose, his eyes hurt, and he sneezes. Cats exhibit different symptoms. The most common symptom There may be itching of the skin, leading to the cat pulling out its own fur.

    • Some people are allergic to peanuts or seafood. Your cat may also be allergic to one of the foods.
  1. If it is an allergy, you need to determine what is causing it. Anything can be an allergen. Typically these are pollen and flea or tick bites.

    • If your cat has a pollen allergy, you will notice a worsening of symptoms at certain times of the year, such as summer (grass pollen) or spring (tree pollen). As a rule, cats experience relief only when winter period when flowering stops.
    • Some products can also cause irritation (not to be confused with an allergy, but the reaction will be similar). Such products include deodorants, perfumes or hairsprays, which can be used around the cat and get into its fur, causing irritation.

Part 2

Allergy treatment
  1. Minimize exposure to allergens. Consistently eliminate possible causes of allergies or irritations. Do not spray aerosols near the cat, do not use scented candles (their smell permeates cat hair, and the animal begins to itch, trying to get rid of it) and air fresheners. Vacuum every day to reduce the number of mites in your home.

    • However, this may not be enough if your cat is reacting to pollen. In this case, drug therapy may be needed.
  2. Use anti-inflammatory medications to reduce irritation. After examining your pet, the veterinarian will decide whether your cat should take medications. Medicines used to relieve itching have side effects, so your veterinarian should evaluate the pros and cons of such treatment before prescribing medication to your cat.

    Treat your pet with antibiotics. Antibiotics may be necessary if your cat is pulling out fur or has sores on her skin. You may notice that the wounds are shiny, or become moist, or have a sticky fluid oozing from them, or that they have an unpleasant odor.

Part 3

Identifying and eliminating other possible causes of allergies

    Test your cat for food allergies. Very often, the cause of irritation of the animal's skin, due to which the cat pulls out hair, is food allergy. If your cat eats foods to which it is allergic, it may experience severe itching. Usually, protein food May cause allergies in cats (like nut allergies in humans).

  1. If your animal has a food allergy, you will have to reconsider your cat's diet. By excluding products that the cat allergic reaction, you can completely cure itching and irritation. However, unfortunately, there are no exact lab tests, capable of determining food allergen. The diagnosis is made based on the prescription of a hypoallergenic diet.

    • The easiest way to switch your cat to a hypoallergenic diet is to discuss your cat's diet with your veterinarian. Diets such as Hills DD, Hills ZD, Hills ZD ultra, Purina HA contain proteins in a form that prevents the occurrence of food allergies.
    • Review your cat's entire diet and try to eliminate ingredients that may cause allergies.
    • However, don't expect quick results - it can take eight weeks to cleanse your body of allergens. Be careful not to give your cat any other foods that are not part of a hypoallergenic diet.
    • If your cat has a food allergy, you can continue to feed her hypoallergenic diet or add one new product every two weeks, while observing the animal's reaction.

When a cat vomits hair, in most cases this is a normal process. But animals are not always able to cope with this problem on their own. Then they need the help of the owner, since a large volume of foreign mass in the esophagus leads to serious problems with health. If your pet often regurgitates hairballs, you need to contact a specialist who will select suitable food, will recommend how to care for a cat.


All cats lick themselves very often, in the process of which they swallow a large number of wool, which the pet is simply unable to digest. That is why they have physiological reflexes that allow them to promptly get rid of the hair accumulated in the body.

The cat's gastrointestinal tract is designed in such a way that fur accumulates in the stomach, but practically does not enter the intestines, with the exception of a small amount. At a certain point, the body cleanses itself, triggers vomiting reflex, and the cat regurgitates the accumulated mass in compacted lumps or “sausages” of an oblong shape.

Normally, this happens 2-3 times within 3-4 months, but the data is relative, since great importance has the length and thickness of the coat, the molting period and the general condition of the animal. If vomiting occurs more often or lasts for several days in a row and even several times, this indicates a pathology. Bezoars (formed lumps) may not come out naturally and seal gastrointestinal tract.

What leads to pathology and how to help your pet?

There are several reasons for this problem:

  • molting period, the animal absorbs a large amount of wool, the body cannot cope with natural cleansing;
  • lack of vitamins, poor nutrition leads to excessive hair loss;
  • problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, for some reason the body does not give the “command” to empty the stomach in a timely manner.

If this problem already occurs, the animal needs to be helped to get rid of bezoars. Otherwise, the gastrointestinal tract is blocked, food is not able to move freely, which causes severe pain and entails serious consequences. In case of severe deterioration of health and general condition the animal should not be delayed in contacting veterinary clinic. If you do not pay attention to the problem in time, then a drastic solution may be required, even surgical intervention to save the cat. When the owner notices that the cat is vomiting in lumps too often, it is necessary to immediately take measures to alleviate the animal’s condition:

  1. 1. In specialized stores you can purchase products for removing accumulated hair from the body; they are available in the form of a paste that must be given to the cat. Often animals eat the offered mass on their own or it can be added to food. In stores you can find the following brands of products: Cliny, Hartz, Nutri-Vet, Sentry, Gimborn.
  2. 2. It is necessary to brush your cat regularly, especially during the period of active shedding. When the hair falls out slightly, it is enough to carry out the procedure 2 times a week, if the pet has long hair - at least every other day . IN seasonal shedding It is necessary to remove excess hair daily.
  3. 3. It is important to monitor the animal’s diet so that the cat gets enough of everything necessary substances. This way, severe hair loss will be avoided, and the volume ingested by the cat will be significantly reduced. The pet must receive the required amount of fiber, which simplifies the cleansing of the body from bezoars.
  4. 4. Can be purchased special food, which helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Many companies have this type of dry food: Cat Chow, Hill's, Advance Cat, DaDo, Friskies, Leonardo, Royal Canin. Such nutrition will improve the cleansing of the body and allow the cat to promptly get rid of accumulated foreign matter, avoiding discomfort.
  5. 5. The animal needs to be washed regularly; for domestic cats, 1-2 times every six months is enough. But between baths, you can use special wet wipes for cats, sold in specialized stores.
  6. 6. It is recommended to add a few drops to the animal’s food. linseed oil or fish oil, this will help cleanse your cat's intestines naturally if hair has accumulated in it. But before use, you must consult a specialist. He will tell you what to choose and how often to give to the animal, as well as the duration and regularity of therapy courses.

Helping a cat with such a problem at home is not difficult, but it is permissible to do this if the animal is not bothered by anything other than vomiting.

When the general condition worsens, appears in the vomit undigested food, refusal of food and water and others alarming symptoms It will not be possible to do without the help of a veterinarian. It is important to take timely measures to prevent complications and the development of intestinal obstruction. Such problems can be avoided by proper care for your four-legged pet and careful attention to his health.

A delicate topic about cats, but I often hear similar questions from owners, and I decided to write more about it...

What should I do if my cat is tearing its fur?

It's no secret that cats are very clean animals. They wash and brush their luxurious fur coat every day, sometimes for several hours. Now imagine what happens in the stomach of cats, because they lick themselves with their tongues and swallow their fur along with their saliva. Naturally, the hair gets into clumps in the gastrointestinal tract and the cat’s body must somehow remove this swallowed hair. IN natural conditions cats find and eat special grass, after eating it, they reject the grass along with hairballs by vomiting.

In homes and apartments, suitable weed is not always available. It happens that you buy it already sprouted in a store, offer it to your cat to eat, but she doesn’t like it. And they begin to chew ours. Personally, this happened to me with mine. Persian cat Thomas, I was left without many of my indoor flowers until I realized what was going on.

What to do? What are the alternatives? How to help our pets with this sensitive issue? I'm telling...

— If your cat is a long-haired or semi-long-haired breed, you need to brush him/her as often as possible. During spring and autumn molting, preferably daily. A miracle invention called groomers will help you with this. It not only removes the top coat, but also the dead undercoat. Thus, preventing the fur of fluffy beauties from rolling into knots and tangles, and also reduces shedding by 90%.

— It is advisable to feed long-haired cat breeds with food specifically designed for them. Fatty amino acids (omega 3 and omega 6) are usually added to such feeds. fish fat, vegetable fiber. The entire selected complex takes care of the beauty and health of the coat of such cats. Of course, I mean professional and holistic grade, and not cheap food.

- You can use special means for removing hairballs with malt paste. It is also made on the basis of the above ingredients, plus it has vitamin supplements and cats like the taste. I feed mine with malt paste from the Dutch company Beafar (Beafar Duo Active Malt Pasta). I squeeze it out of the tube a few centimeters at a time directly into dry food, cats eat it with pleasure. And excess fur now comes out naturally through the cats' intestines. Malt paste also prevents the accumulation and formation of lumps in the gastrointestinal tract, and with regular use, long-haired beauties stop vomiting altogether.

Don't let your cats go caring owner I simply have to look after the condition of my pets. If your cat burps yellow foam or tight clumps of compressed wool, immediately review your diet and care. Don’t wait until your pet becomes really ill and needs surgery veterinary surgeons.

Be healthy, love your cats and take care of them!

All the best, see you again friends!
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You don't care, but I'm pleased.
Sincerely, blog author Marina.

Sometimes our pets get sick. And then it becomes uneasy, because the owner does not know what’s wrong with the pet, and, most importantly, how to help him? Not all symptoms are specific and “tell” why exactly the purr is unwell.

But based on general symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting or constipation), you will not be able to independently determine the cause of your pet’s illness.

So why does the cat vomit? Natural cleansing of the stomach from licked fur or a symptom of a disease?

What should you do if your cat is constantly vomiting, mixed with blood or bile? More details about everything.

Causes of vomiting

  • Irritation of the stomach/throat mucosa by something hard (a hairball in the stomach or a fish bone stuck in the throat). Often cats accidentally swallow something small and inedible, starting to chew out of interest. Then in the vomit you can see what led to intestinal antiperistalsis.
  • Overfeeding your pet. If the owners try to put more purr in the bowl, thinking that it’s better this way, that their four-legged friend will be full longer, then the fluffy will overeat. And then there is no doubt why exactly the cat started vomiting. Vomit is undigested pieces of food, and the cat vomits only after overfeeding; if the portion is reduced, then such attacks will not occur again.
  • Vomiting in a cat can also occur due to poor quality food. The pet will probably be poisoned. Then the toxins act on the brain receptors (more precisely, on the vomiting center), hence the reverse peristalsis.
  • Do not forget that a purr can be poisoned not only by food, but also by chemicals, medications (especially if the owner is self-medicating), indoor plants. There are a great many poisons and toxins, they affect the vomiting center in the brain.
  • Why else might a cat start vomiting? Due to strong helminthic infestation. In the process of living inside the host, intestinal helminths release toxins, which again poison the cat.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. They are not always of non-contagious etiology. Much more often these inflammations are a consequence infectious diseases. And if you do not contact a veterinarian for help in as soon as possible, then the pet will die.
  • However, diseases of the digestive system leading to vomiting may not be inflammatory in nature. For example, intestinal obstruction, torsion of its loop. Without timely surgical intervention, it will not be possible to save the cat. No amount of herbs or pills will help here, which is why it is so important to go to the veterinarian when your cat vomits.
  • Brain damage. These are injuries (concussion or bruise), swelling, increased intracranial pressure- all this can cause a cat to vomit.

Symptoms of vomiting

It would seem, what are the symptoms if everyone’s vomiting is the same? But many owners confuse it with a cough. They believe that the pet vomited precisely because of a coughing attack and confuse cause and effect.

The cat does not immediately begin to vomit. At first he coughs lightly, saliva is released in large volumes. The purr licks its lips, rushes about (if it is not exhausted), constantly swallows and breathes frequently.

Only then he bends down and stretches his neck - vomiting begins.


If reverse intestinal peristalsis occurred once and did not recur, and the cat herself feels great and behaves normally, then there are probably no serious illnesses No.

Often you don't need to do anything. Perhaps the reasons were overfeeding or a hairball.

If vomiting recurs (at least three times during the day), then entrust the diagnosis to a veterinarian; it is not necessary to go to the clinic, you can call him at home (many clinics provide this service).

You will be required to tell the veterinarian as much as possible about the purring.

The first thing you need to remember is what the pet was fed or given (medicines, treats, or maybe the cat reached for a flower or a bottle of household chemicals), mention vaccinations, dewormings (latest dates), remember if there were any injuries.

You need to take a closer look at the vomit. What do they mainly consist of? If from undigested food residues, then problems may be associated with overfeeding, intestinal blockage, and foreign body in the stomach, and with the quality of the feed (for example, too fatty food or poor quality).

If a cat's vomiting is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, or any other symptoms, then most likely the cause is an infection.

And without specific treatment(immunoglobulins or antibiotics), unfortunately, there is practically no chance for a quick and complete recovery.

It is necessary to tell the veterinarian about the color of the vomit (white, yellow, with blood, with foam, etc.). This will help to more accurately determine possible reason ailments of your beloved cat.

And only after a diagnosis can you begin to treat your pet.

Cat treatment

What should an owner do when his four-legged family member vomits? The first step is to call a veterinarian or go to the clinic with the animal yourself.

The veterinarian will examine the patient, provide first aid: if necessary, rinse the stomach and put in an IV. If necessary, prescribe a course of antibiotics.

There is no need to self-administer antiemetic drugs. First of all, vomiting is defensive reaction the body, perhaps in this way it is trying to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.

And by prescribing antiemetic drugs yourself, you will ensure that toxins and poisons penetrate into the blood, thereby only worsening the animal’s well-being.

Secondly, self-medication is always a risk. You can make a mistake with the dosage. And thirdly, such actions by the owners significantly complicate the veterinarian’s work. It is much more difficult to make a diagnosis when many symptoms disappear before examination.

Only veterinarian makes a decision: what and in what dosage can be given to a cat with vomiting. All you can do is not feed more cat, but provide him with access to clean water. Dehydration is very dangerous.

Your veterinarian will probably advise you to give your pet a teaspoon (teaspoon) of a special saline solution every 10-15 minutes at home.

There is no need to pour in the entire glass, this will only provoke a new attack of vomiting. Similar powders (they are then dissolved in chilled boiled water according to the instructions) it is better to keep it in your first aid kit, and they are sold in any “human” pharmacy.

If the cause of vomiting is a volvulus or intestinal obstruction, then surgery will be required. But again, you can only find out about this after you show your pet to the veterinarian.

If you decide to do without qualified assistance and do everything yourself (give enemas, inject antibiotics, give antiemetics), then you risk losing your pet.

Contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice that your pet is unwell.

Preventing vomiting in cats

  • Monitor the quality of the feed. It should always be fresh and suitable for the animal (food for the cat should not come from your table). Always remove leftover food from the bowl to prevent it from spoiling during the day. And don't overfeed!
  • Never self-medicate or give pills to an animal without consulting a veterinarian. Keep the first aid kit and any medications (even vitamins, dietary supplements) in a place where pets and children cannot reach.