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Honorary donor how many times do you need to donate blood? Donation law. Who cannot be a donor

Many Russians are interested inHow many times do you need to donate blood to become an honorary donor?since it is truly a worthy title and honorary donors enjoy numerous benefits.

To receive the official title of “Honorary Donor of the Country,” you must donate blood 40 times or 60 times with components completely free of charge.

Procedure for obtaining donor status

Knowing how many times you have to donate blood to become an honorary donor becomes a little scary, but there are people who do it with good intentions and that's wonderful. After donating blood for the 40th or 60th time, a Russian is required to fill out the fields that are mandatory in the application issued at the transfusion station. After 2-3 months, the person is given a personal identification card in the form of a booklet and a badge.

Honorary donors in Russian Federation Every year they receive a financial reward in the amount of 13 thousand rubles. These people are served in government institutions out of turn and are given a 50% discount on medicines (if they have a prescription from the attending physician). Honorary Donor can take a vacation at any time, the head of the enterprise is warned about this.

How to become an honorary donor in the capital?

To become an officially honorary donor in Moscow, you need to make 20 donations or 30 times with components. Donation should be carried out at transfusion stations, which are subordinate to the capital's Department of Health. They can be found near the capital's city clinics, research institutes and transfusion stations.

The title gives a Moscow resident the opportunity to travel on city vehicles(metro, trains, buses) completely free. The donor also receives a discount on housing costs. utilities 50% and a discount on medicines in all pharmacies in the city.

After a person has received a worthy title, he needs to donate blood at least 3 times or components (plasma) at least 7 times over the course of 1 year. After this year, the person receives the status of an honorary donor of the Russian Federation, while all the benefits of the capital are preserved.

For those who want to become an “Honorary Donor of the Country”

A person can donate blood only if he is completely healthy and his body weight is more than 50 kilograms. For those who donate blood for the first time, you should take with you an identity document and the results of fluorography; guys should bring a military ID. After the first donation, it is necessary to make another donation within six months.

The donor gets 1-2 days off (paid) and is given money for food. There is an opportunity to donate blood for cash. For 450 milliliters of blood in the capital they pay about 3 thousand rubles. For 60 donations a person receives the title of “Honorary Donor of Russia”, for 30 times of donations a person is given the title of “Honorary Donor of Moscow”. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to prohibit the employee from becoming a donor and is obliged to give legal days off.

In Russia, donation for last years rose to new level in practical and legislative aspects, receiving various legal and social incentives. How to become an honorary donor, is this status unlimited, what benefits are provided to such persons?

Donation activities have great importance throughout the world and is considered noble and honorable, since it is associated with helping those in need not just with monetary or material resources, but with the selfless donation of one’s own blood.

Citizens of Russia who wish to donate participate in legal relations regarding donation. biological material organizations receiving this material, employers of citizens, as well as those in need of help.

Main legal sources:

  • 125 Federal law, adopted in 2012 on July 20, on donation;
  • Labor Code of Russia.

It is also necessary to take into account the legal framework of other levels of government. Of course, all acts are based on the Constitution of Russia and international law.

Donor: conditions

Information on the requirements for persons wishing to donate blood or its components can be found in the above law and on the blood service portal. The Blood Service is a network of organizations, institutions and executive authorities reporting to the Russian Ministry of Health.

So, the requirements:

  • majority; It is not allowed to take blood for donation from citizens under 18 years of age (except in cases of emancipation); propaganda and dissemination of information about donation for such persons is permitted and actively carried out;
  • more than 50 kilograms of body weight; motive for the requirement - with less weight, the likelihood of a threat to the health and current well-being of a citizen increases, threats include both low blood pressure and a drop in glucose levels, as well as anemia, fainting, etc.;
  • staying in Russia for the last 30 days; when traveling abroad, a citizen may become infected with an infection or virus without any symptoms; the first symptoms of the disease will appear in just a month, a citizen will be able to be a donor if there are no signs of infection and even if he returned from Africa or Latin America;
  • absence of diseases affecting the content and quality of blood, plasma and blood cells; The structure of the Blood Service examines each donor according to parameters of weight, blood pressure, pulse, general research blood, also a diffusion doctor examines the applicant, in addition, periodically donors present the studies carried out - x-ray, fluorogram, etc., so it is important not to be disingenuous in front of the Blood Service specialists and give truthful answers to all questions, because in the case of an examination, the person has diseases will be identified;
  • for female donors - you can participate in donation only 5 days after menstruation and 1 year after childbirth; the requirement is due to hormonal changes, changes in blood composition and overall risk deterioration of a woman's well-being ( low level glucose, hemoglobin).

It is not allowed to submit material for any illness in the current acute phase.

To check a candidate for compliance with the specified criteria, he goes through several major stages of control:

  • registration and survey;
  • donating blood from a finger prick to determine the level of hemoglobin, blood group, glucose, etc., the analysis is carried out on the same day to make a decision - whether the candidate is allowed to donate or denied admission;
  • appointment with a diffusion doctor, who, based on the results of an oral interview, makes the final decision on the admission of a person or refusal of admission.

Become an honorary donor

Law No. 125 divides donors into reserve donors - those who donate blood or its components less than 3 times a year, and regular donors - those who donate material 3 or more times a year.

Individuals become honorary donors regardless of the frequency of presentation of blood components and the blood itself. The number of fences in general is important here:

  • 40 whole blood draws;
  • 60 plasma samples;
  • 40 samples, of which 25 or more were from whole blood, and the remainder from plasma; for example, 29 blood donations and 11 plasma donations were carried out, the citizen receives the status of an honorary donor;
  • 60 samples, of which 25 or less are from whole blood, and the remainder from plasma.

A person needs to achieve any of 4 options. The collection of blood cells - granulocytes, platelets and red blood cells - is identical to the collection of whole blood.

An important condition is the donation of material free of charge, i.e. refusal of payments provided to donors under the usual procedure.

Individuals who pass all requirements are issued an honorary donor badge.

What is an honorary donor entitled to?

Ordinary donors have pleasant “rewards” for their charitable activities - a day off at the expense of the employer, free food, cash payments.

Honorary donors, of course, have more rewards and benefits.

List of donor benefits when receiving an honorary badge in 2019:

  • paid days off for the days of examination and delivery of the material itself, and if a citizen worked on this day, then he has the right to get a day off during any other working period;
  • the same rule applies if the delivery or inspection falls on a holiday, vacation or work day off; sick leave is not included in the rule;
  • free food on the day of donation at the Blood Service institution - before and after the procedure, after the procedure you can refuse food and receive monetary compensation;
  • personnel donors receive vouchers for sanatorium-resort holidays at their location labor activity or study - at discounted prices;
  • extraordinary appointments at state medical healthcare organizations;
  • extraordinary receipt resort packages at work or school;
  • additional paid leave per year;
  • an additional payment every year, which is added to the basic income.

These are only federal benefits. Each region and municipality may provide other awards to its honorary donors. To learn about them, you must visit the territorial office of the Social Security Administration.

If we talk about specific amounts and terms of payments, the amount of annual remuneration is related to the cost of living in the region and ranges from 8 to 45% of its amount. From the latest news about indexation, it is known that for the current year the remuneration after an increase of 1,054 points is equal to 13,041 rubles.

A citizen will be able to receive this amount only after donating blood 40 times. Men are allowed to donate no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4. Thus, a man needs to regularly donate blood free of charge for 8 years, a woman - 10 years in order to receive a sign and certificate of an honorary donor.

Human blood is one of the most expensive substances, because it does not have complete analogues or substitutes. That is why people who give it for others are worthy of respect, honor and all praise. What do they get for it? Are the titles “Honorary Donor of Russia” and “Veteran of Labor” related to what is needed to receive them? It's not difficult to figure it out.

History of donation

Every third inhabitant of the planet sooner or later needs donated blood. And taking into account the fact that its full and complete safe substitutes does not exist, this creates a huge demand. Even the ancients believed that the blood of a healthy person could cure diseases, but in practice the first successful transfusion took place only in the 17th century.

At first, scientists experimented with animal-to-human transfusion, but after a series of failures, such experiments were banned. Almost a century later they were resumed. This time the exchange took place only between people, and often such medical manipulations saved patients’ lives. But still the failure rate remained extremely high, and transfusion was considered an extremely risky procedure. At the beginning of the 20th century, blood groups were discovered, and this was a real breakthrough. Patients could now be tested for compatibility, thereby reducing the likelihood negative consequences to minimum.

After this, doctors only had to learn how to preserve blood in order to have a supply for unforeseen cases. After this became a reality, it became possible to launch a large-scale campaign to attract donors. In Europe and the USA, such activities are quite popular, and therefore there is practically no shortage of blood.

Donation in Russia

In the Russian Federation, compared to the West, the indicators are not so high, but people are gradually coming to understand their social responsibility. According to analysts' calculations, for normal operation In healthcare systems, the number of donors should be 40 for every 1000 people. In mid-2008, this figure in Russia was only 14. While we are far from the target figure, sometimes there is even a serious shortage of the precious liquid, but after the federal “Blood Service” was opened, the situation began to improve. About 70% of people in Russia’s donor potential are those who undergo this procedure not for the first time and regularly.

Internet, TV, media - popularizing the idea of ​​how easy and simple it is to save a life by donating blood, and what needs to be done for this, has achieved its goal. People began to come to transfusion stations to help others, some of them first studied the list of contraindications and recommendations so as not to get into trouble. That's all today more people They do good deeds regularly, and many of them eventually receive the title of honorary donor to Russia. But the path to this award is quite long, although it begins with one step.

How to become a donor?

It is extremely simple to start donating blood - you need to come to the appropriate institution with your passport. Immediately before the procedure, you will need to be examined by a doctor and take a test, after which you are usually asked to drink tea with cookies and go to a special room. You don’t need to come on an empty stomach, moreover, you definitely need to eat, however, special requirements are imposed on the donor’s menu the day before the donation - it is necessary to exclude any animal products from the diet and simply fatty foods, because this can make the blood unsuitable for transfusion. In addition, you need to stop drinking alcohol and taking certain medications. There are also some contraindications in which admission to blood donation is impossible.

After all formalities have been completed, the donor goes into the hall where the collection takes place. Using sterile disposable instruments, nurses access the vein and collect 450 milliliters of whole blood in a special bag. Another small part will be sent for thorough analysis. In recent decades, donation of blood components has also become popular, when only plasma or only platelets are collected. This happens with special devices, providing separation into component parts.

After the first blood donation is completed, you should not relax. If after this the person no longer appears in this medical institution, everything will be in vain. After some time, if healthy condition the donor will not be confirmed and the blood will be discarded.

Donor benefits

Those who donate their blood are entitled to some compensation. In addition to the fact that over time they can receive the title “Honorary Donor of Russia,” there are some other benefits designed to encourage people to visit transfusion stations.

According to Russian legislation, there are the following pleasant points:

  • Extra days off. The donor has the right to 2 extra days vacation for each blood donation, one of which must fall directly on the date of the procedure.
  • Cash compensation or food stamp. Free delivery involves receiving a certain amount, which is expected to be spent on recuperation.
  • Mandatory regular medical examination. In addition to the fact that before each blood donation, general analysis which may reveal anemia or infection, the donor is required to undergo an annual medical examination. This allows you to identify any serious illnesses on initial stages when it is much easier to cure them.

It would seem that there are not so many benefits. But over time, it is also possible to obtain a Russian donor,” and then, if certain conditions are met, it will be possible to have much more significant advantages.

However, it cannot be said that people who donate their blood regularly suffer and lose their health. Statistics show the opposite - firstly, the body “learns” to make up for losses, that is, if the donor suffers from an accident, he will have a better chance of surviving than ordinary person. And secondly, regular “renewal” of blood also has its advantages.

Honorary Donor of Russia

This title is not given just like that - it must be earned by regularly donating your blood to the suffering. But the benefits it provides are quite significant. The predecessor of this title was "Honorary Donor of the USSR", introduced in 1944. Until 1991, more than 170 thousand people were awarded this badge. So, what is needed to receive the title of honorary donor of Russia? Just donate a lot of blood.

How to get a?

Currently, there is only a quantitative criterion established back in 1983. In order to earn the title of honorary donor of Russia, you need to donate blood 40 times or donate plasma 60 times. In 2013, changes in the law clarified some calculation rules. Now those who have 25 whole blood donations can donate plasma in the future. And they will be added to the badge when the total number reaches 40. Otherwise, you will have to make 60 donations before the award.

It is worth considering that in any case it is always we're talking about only about gratuitous donation, when it is only intended to receive measures social support without payment of monetary compensation.


It is not enough to earn the “Honorary Donor of Russia” certificate. The right to this proud title must be proven again and again by continuing to donate blood free of charge at least 3 times a year. Only in this case will the measures continue to apply.

If you do not confirm your usefulness to society, unfortunately, you can lose special treatment. So, what benefits does the state provide to honorary donors in Russia? Are they worth it to regularly come to the transfusion station for 10-15 years?


After the number of blood donations exceeds the level established by Federal Law No. 125-FZ, the donor has the right to receive a special title. This one has been awarded since 1995 and comes with some other rather nice special rights. Among them are the following:

  • annual payment;
  • the right to claim the next leave of absence convenient time, if it is declared before the schedule is drawn up;
  • possibility of contacting government medical institutions outside the general queue;
  • priority right to provide preferential vouchers to sanatoriums.

Receiving any of these benefits requires documentary proof of status in the form of an Honorary Donor of Russia ID and a passport. Sometimes it takes some time to complete the necessary paperwork, so it is not always possible to take advantage of the preferences right away. In addition to those features of the status that are prescribed in federal law, there are also those that operate at the regional level. A little later this will be considered using the example of Moscow.

Besides everything else, there is something else that an honorary donor to Russia is entitled to. Labor veteran is a title (with all the benefits attached to it) that can be assigned to a person who regularly donates blood, subject to appropriate experience.


For his undeniable contribution to the health of the nation, every person who has donated his blood for many years has the right to an annual monetary reward. At the same time, the benefits of an honorary donor of Russia in 2014 do not differ from the preferences of those who received this title earlier or later - the amount is the same for everyone and is often indexed. In addition, recently it has been paid regardless of the month in which the order for assigning the rank was given above, and falls on the period before April 1 of each year. In 2015 it amounted to 12,373 rubles. Obviously, payments to honorary donors of Russia and the USSR are not so large, but they are a pleasant addition to the awareness of one’s own usefulness. And this feeling is, perhaps, decisive.

Honorary Donor of Moscow

The capital of the Russian Federation also provides additional preferences to people who regularly donate blood. At the same time, the title can be obtained by donating blood 20 times or plasma 30 times. The Moscow government gives honorary donors the following benefits:

  • registration of a social card with the right free travel in public transport;
  • 50% discount on some utility bills;
  • benefits when purchasing a number of medications;
  • discount on solid waste removal and disposal;
  • free production or except those made of precious metals.

All these benefits apply to those who donate their blood while living in the capital. Other constituent entities of the Russian Federation may have their own preferences established by local legislation.

Despite the serious development of medical technologies, doctors have not learned to do without donor blood. Russian authorities encourage people to donate their tissue to help victims. If certain conditions are met, they are issued the “Honorary Donor” badge. The title means not only respect, but also regular financial rewards. Let's consider how to become an honorary blood donor in Russia, what you need to do for this.


The legal basis for assigning status is contained in Law No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012. In Article 23 normative act the conditions for assigning the status “Honorary Donor” are given. They are:

  • donation no charge;
  • The minimum total number of operations must be:
  • 40 times:
    • blood sampling;
    • or 25 times - blood and components, the rest can be plasma sampling;
  • 60 operations:
    • only for plasma donation;
    • the total number takes into account the sampling of blood and components at least 25 times.
Download for viewing and printing: Attention: the procedure for recording donations is being developed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Each operation must be reflected in the documentation of the medical institution.

Requirements for donors

Tissue selection is not taken from everyone who wants it. A person must fall under certain criteria developed by the relevant Ministry. The main ones are:

  1. Voluntary desire make a donation on a paid or free basis.
  2. Full legal capacity of the applicant, which means:
    1. age - over 18 years old;
    2. acceptance by authority local government decisions on the emancipation of a person aged 16 to 18 years.
  3. Confirmation excellent health by undergoing a medical examination. During the procedure, the following questions are clarified:
    1. a list of past diseases (for example, if a person had hepatitis, then his blood is suitable only for plasma);
    2. place of residence of the person (the likelihood of an epidemic danger is determined);
    3. whether the applicant had contact with patients within a certain period;
    4. conditions for carrying out work duties (whether they involve hazardous or harmful substances);
    5. use toxic substances, including drugs and alcohol;
    6. list of vaccinations.
Attention: citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to donate, as well as foreigners and stateless persons who have lived in the country for at least a year with official permission (documentary confirmation is required).

Responsibilities of persons donating tissue for medical purposes

Biomaterial is most often used for direct transfusion to victims. The operation affects the patient's health, since some diseases are transmitted through circulatory system. In view of this, at the legislative level, the following responsibilities are imposed on the supplier of fabrics and components:

  • provide identification before the operation;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • inform doctors about previous diseases and other risks.
Important: concealing information about previous illnesses can lead to criminal prosecution if the patient who received the transfusion is harmed.

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At the legal level, individuals who donate blood to help victims have certain rights. These include:

  • choosing a method of transferring biomaterial:
    • paid;
    • free of charge;
  • receiving:
    • from competent persons to protect health and interests;
    • information on the consequences of tissue selection;
    • medical assistance in case of deterioration of health free of charge;
    • compensation for damage to the body, if any occurred due to blood donation.
For reference: at the place of duty, a citizen can receive an additional paid day off. To do this, you need to bring a certificate of the selection of biomaterial and write an application.

The procedure for obtaining a title

The status of an honorary donor gives the right to receive preferences at the expense of the treasury. These are provided on the basis certificates. The document is issued to persons who meet the legal criteria. A person must apply for status on his own initiative. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Collection documentary evidence compliance with regulatory requirements.
  2. Submitting an application to the social security authority at the place of registration.
  3. Obtaining a certificate.
  4. Applying for benefits.
For information: civil servants are given 95 days to check the submitted documentation.

Required documents

The applicant for the honorary badge must confirm full compliance with legal requirements. This is done using the following documents:

  • passports:
    • citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • a foreign national and a document confirming official permission to stay in the country;
  • certificates from the institution carrying out the selection of biomaterial, according to form No. 448-05/u;
  • statements of the established form (you can download them on the State Services website).

A package of documents can be submitted to social security in the following ways:

  • by personal visit:
    • social security departments;
    • multifunctional center;
  • through the State Services portal.
Hint: emancipated persons are required to confirm the fact by decision of the local government.

Obtaining a certificate

Civil servants check the authenticity of the documents provided. If the certificate does not raise doubts, then a decision is made to approve the citizen’s application. Based on the application, an order is being prepared to confer honorary status. The latter provides the basis for issuing a certificate. The following data is entered into it:

  • Donor's full name;
  • name of the body that made the decision;
  • surname, initials and position of the manager;
  • name of honorary status;
  • date of issue.
Hint: the certificate is issued to the citizen against his signature.

Benefits and preferences

Article 24 of this law contains a provision on the annual reward of persons who have received the status of an honorary donor of Russia. These are financed from the state budget in the form of subventions to the regions. The amount of the annual benefit is set at 10,557.0 rubles. The amount is indexed annually and for 2018 was RUB 13,745.36

Within the framework of all-Russian legislation, the status is:

  • provision at the place of duty:
    • annual leave at a convenient time;
    • health voucher out of turn;
  • services in municipal medical institutions within the framework of insurance medicine without respecting the priority.

Regional rules for assigning ranks

Subjects of the federation at the legislative level establish own rules to grant honorary status. Thus, a resident of Moscow can qualify for a crust if the number of selections is:

  • blood - more than 20;
  • plasma - over 30 times.
Attention: there are no separate payments for people who received the title in the city of Moscow.

Regions establish measures of social support for distinguished citizens. Thus, in the capital, honorary donors are given the opportunity to:

  • free travel on city transport lines;
  • cut bills in half for:
    • public utilities;
    • medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • receive free dental prosthetics(you will have to pay extra for expensive designs);
  • preferential registration of the status “Veteran of Labor” and corresponding preferences;
  • purchase goods in specialized stores at discounted prices.

The authorities of the Moscow region have established for pensioners who have an insignia, monthly payment small size. This is provided in St. Petersburg and some other regions.

In addition, honored donors at the level of federal subjects are provided with benefits for utility bills, contributions for major repairs and some others.

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Video: Awarding Honorary Donors

March 25, 2018, 22:42 March 3, 2019 13:36

Significant blood loss is life-threatening, and in this case, prompt transfusion is required. Then a blood donor comes to the rescue - a volunteer who gives part of his own to save another person. The word “donor” is translated from Latin - “to give.” Transfusion is vital in a number of cases, such as:

  • injuries, surgical interventions, difficult childbirth, severe burns, etc.;
  • anemia;
  • heavy bleeding that does not stop for a long time;
  • purulent-septic diseases;
  • acute intoxication;
  • severe toxicosis.

Donation law

To organize donation and resolve issues regarding blood procurement, transportation, storage and its safe use, the Law “On Donors of Blood and Its Components” was issued. This document determines who can become a blood donor, what requirements are imposed on him, responsibilities are imposed and rights are granted. The law provides health protection and protection of the rights of both the recipient and the person donating blood.

Came into force in 2013 new law. The changes were made to abolish paid donation, improve the quality of blood and blood products, and create a unified database. According to the new law, some benefits for blood donors have been cancelled. From now on, blood is donated only free of charge. Only free food is provided, but not financial compensation. Now they pay for blood only in cases of complex transfusions. An honorary donor (who has donated blood at least 40 times or plasma at least 60 times) now receives an annual payment of 1.5 times more.

Who can donate blood?

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 18 years of age, has suitable health conditions and weighs at least 50 kilograms can become a blood donor. If previously only a Russian citizen could donate blood, then under the new law, a foreigner who has lived legally in the Russian Federation for at least 1 year can also do so.

How to become?

How to become a blood donor? You need to come with your passport and military ID (for men) to the transfusion station and register. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire, honestly answering all the questions, and undergo a medical examination, which includes a blood test (general, biochemical, hepatitis, RW, HIV infection) and an examination by a general practitioner. During your initial visit, you can donate blood only the next day after a medical examination and laboratory testing.

Submission rules

You can't donate blood often. Men can do this no more than 5 times a year. For women, there are slightly different requirements - a maximum of four times a year. In both cases, the interval between whole blood donation procedures is at least 60 days. Plasma can be donated twice a month, but only a month after donating the whole plasma.

Donors donate whole blood or its components. Plasma is often required and may also require transfusion of donor platelets, red blood cells, in rare cases– leukocytes

Who cannot be a donor?

Exist absolute contraindications for donation and temporary. In the first case, we are talking about people who will never be able to donate blood for transfusion due to illnesses, no matter how much time passes after recovery. These include persons suffering from or having had the following diseases:

  • AIDS, HIV carriage, as well as being in a risk group (drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals);
  • viral hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • typhus;
  • brucellosis;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • tularemia;
  • leprosy;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • organic central nervous system diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • complete absence of speech and hearing;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension 2 and 3 degrees, heart defects, myocarditis, endocarditis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary enphysema, obstructive bronchitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • Achilles gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • complete blindness;
  • endocrine diseases with severe metabolic disorders;
  • inflammatory and infectious skin diseases;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • severe acute and chronic ENT diseases;
  • radiation sickness;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • psoriasis, eczema, sycosis, erythroderma;
  • fungal infections of the skin and internal organs;
  • surgeries for organ transplantation and resection.

Temporary restrictions:

  • operations, abortions;
  • business trips abroad for more than two months;
  • acupuncture treatment, tattooing;
  • stay in countries with tropical and subtropical climates for at least three months;
  • ARVI, sore throat, flu, others infectious diseases, which are not provided for in the section of absolute contraindications;
  • tooth extraction;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • inflammatory diseases of any localization (chronic or acute) in the acute stage;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies in aggravation;
  • vaccinations;
  • treatment with antibiotics, analgesics, salicylates;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • changes in blood composition.

A temporary ban on donation can range from 10 days to several months and a year, depending on the reason.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. A diet must be followed for three days before the test. You should not eat fatty foods or drink alcoholic beverages.
  2. It is not recommended to come to the transfusion center in the morning after a night shift.
  3. On the eve of the procedure, you should have a light dinner; on the day of the procedure, only sweet tea and bread are allowed.
  4. Immediately after blood sampling, you should not drink alcohol, engage in physical labor, or drive vehicles.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is performed in the donor chair. Only disposable sterile instruments are used and must be destroyed. 450 grams of material are taken from the donor, part of which is sent for analysis. The blood is checked for contraindications, group and Rh factor. A small amount is then administered to the recipient and his condition is monitored. If he feels normal, begin transfusion at a rate of about 50 drops per minute. The procedure for donating whole blood takes about 15 minutes, plasma - about 30 minutes, platelets - about 1.5 hours.

Blood collection is carried out in comfortable conditions for the donor using only disposable sterile instruments

After the procedure, you need to rest for about 15 minutes and drink sweet tea or juice. If you feel dizzy, you should consult a doctor. You should not smoke for about an hour, and you should not engage in physical labor during the day.


The donor is released from work (military personnel from duty) on the day of the procedure and the next day, while the average earnings are maintained.

On the day of donation, the donor is provided with free food.

For those who donate blood free of charge during the year in the amount of two maximum doses Additional benefits are provided:

  • temporary disability benefits in the amount of full earnings throughout the year, regardless of illness and length of service;
  • discounted vouchers to a sanatorium provided at the place of study or work;
  • provision of free iron supplements and vitamins to prevent anemia;
  • students - a 25% supplement to the scholarship from the local budget for six months.

The following benefits are provided for honorary donors:

  1. Free dental prosthetics in public medical institutions (except for precious metals, metal-ceramics, porcelain).
  2. 50% discount on medicines, according to the list approved by the government.
  3. Free travel on public transport (except taxis).
  4. 50% discount on utility bills.
  5. Annual paid leave at a time convenient for the donor.
  6. Priority provision discounted vouchers to the sanatorium.
  7. Preferential loans for housing construction.

Is donation harmful?

Not everyone decides to donate blood because they do not know whether donation is harmful or not. There are many rumors and different opinions surrounding this topic.

Doctors say that being a donor is not harmful or dangerous:

  • Blood can only be donated healthy people, have been examined, and passing 450 grams is not a threat to health.
  • Only disposable instruments are used; they are opened in front of the donor.
  • Regular blood donation has a positive effect on health, and a person quickly gets used to the loss and recovery and easily tolerates it. After two weeks, its volume is completely restored.
  • All rights of the donor are protected by law.


Donation is a necessary and noble cause. When blood is needed for a transfusion, it is often a matter of life and death. Thanks to the volunteers, who are now not paid, many will be saved, not only strangers, but perhaps even those closest to them.