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Honorary donor law on donation. What you need to know about blood donation

Significant blood loss is life-threatening, and in this case, prompt transfusion is required. Then a blood donor comes to the rescue - a volunteer who gives part of his own to save another person. The word “donor” is translated from Latin - “to give.” Transfusion is vital in a number of cases, such as:

  • injuries, surgical interventions, difficult childbirth, severe burns, etc.;
  • anemia;
  • heavy bleeding that does not stop for a long time;
  • purulent-septic diseases;
  • acute intoxication;
  • severe toxicosis.

Donation law

To organize donation and resolve issues regarding blood procurement, transportation, storage and its safe use, the Law “On Donors of Blood and Its Components” was issued. This document determines who can become a blood donor, what requirements are imposed on him, responsibilities are imposed and rights are granted. The law provides health protection and protection of the rights of both the recipient and the person donating blood.

Came into force in 2013 new law. The changes were made to abolish paid donation, improve the quality of blood and blood products, and create a unified database. According to the new law, some benefits for blood donors have been cancelled. From now on, blood is donated only free of charge. Only free food is provided, but no monetary compensation. Now they pay for blood only in cases of complex transfusions. An honorary donor (who has donated blood at least 40 times or plasma at least 60 times) now receives an annual payment of 1.5 times more.

Who can donate blood?

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 18 years of age, has suitable health conditions and weighs at least 50 kilograms can become a blood donor. If previously only a Russian citizen could donate blood, then under the new law, a foreigner who has lived legally in the Russian Federation for at least 1 year can also do so.

How to become?

How to become a blood donor? You need to come with your passport and military ID (for men) to the transfusion station and register. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire, honestly answering all the questions, and undergo a medical examination, which includes a blood test (general, biochemical, hepatitis, RW, HIV infection) and an examination by a general practitioner. During your initial visit, you can donate blood only the next day after a medical examination and laboratory testing.

Submission rules

You can't donate blood often. Men can do this no more than 5 times a year. For women, there are slightly different requirements - a maximum of four times a year. In both cases, the interval between whole blood donation procedures is at least 60 days. Plasma can be donated twice a month, but only a month after donating the whole plasma.

Donors donate whole blood or its components. Plasma is often required and may also require transfusion of donor platelets, red blood cells, in rare cases– leukocytes

Who cannot be a donor?

Exist absolute contraindications for donation and temporary. In the first case we're talking about about people who will never be able to donate blood for transfusion due to illnesses, no matter how much time passes after recovery. These include persons suffering from or having had the following diseases:

  • AIDS, HIV carriage, as well as being in a risk group (drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals);
  • viral hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • typhus;
  • brucellosis;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • tularemia;
  • leprosy;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • organic central nervous system diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • complete absence of speech and hearing;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension 2 and 3 degrees, heart defects, myocarditis, endocarditis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary enphysema, obstructive bronchitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • Achilles gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • complete blindness;
  • endocrine diseases with severe metabolic disorders;
  • inflammatory and infectious skin diseases;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • severe acute and chronic ENT diseases;
  • radiation sickness;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • psoriasis, eczema, sycosis, erythroderma;
  • fungal skin infections and internal organs;
  • surgeries for organ transplantation and resection.

Temporary restrictions:

  • operations, abortions;
  • business trips abroad for more than two months;
  • acupuncture treatment, tattooing;
  • stay in countries with tropical and subtropical climates for at least three months;
  • ARVI, sore throat, flu, others infectious diseases, which are not provided in the section absolute contraindications;
  • tooth extraction;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • inflammatory diseases of any localization (chronic or acute) in the acute stage;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies in aggravation;
  • vaccinations;
  • treatment with antibiotics, analgesics, salicylates;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • changes in blood composition.

A temporary ban on donation can range from 10 days to several months and a year, depending on the reason.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. A diet must be followed for three days before the test. Can't eat fatty foods and drink alcohol.
  2. It is not recommended to come to the transfusion center in the morning after a night shift.
  3. On the eve of the procedure, you should have a light dinner; on the day of the procedure, only sweet tea and bread are allowed.
  4. Immediately after blood sampling, you should not drink alcohol, engage in physical labor, or drive vehicles.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is performed in the donor chair. Only disposable sterile instruments are used and must be destroyed. 450 grams of material are taken from the donor, part of which is sent for analysis. The blood is checked for contraindications, group and Rh factor. A small amount is then administered to the recipient and his condition is monitored. If he feels normal, begin transfusion at a rate of about 50 drops per minute. The procedure for donating whole blood takes about 15 minutes, plasma - about 30 minutes, platelets - about 1.5 hours.

Blood collection is carried out in comfortable conditions for the donor using only disposable sterile instruments

After the procedure, you need to rest for about 15 minutes and drink sweet tea or juice. If you feel dizzy, you should consult a doctor. You should not smoke for about an hour, and you should not engage in physical labor during the day.


The donor is released from work (military personnel from duty) on the day of the procedure and the next day, while the average earnings are maintained.

On the day of donation, the donor is provided with free food.

For those who donate blood free of charge during the year in the amount of two maximum doses Additional benefits are provided:

  • temporary disability benefits in the amount of full earnings throughout the year, regardless of illness and length of service;
  • discounted vouchers to a sanatorium provided at the place of study or work;
  • provision of free iron supplements and vitamins to prevent anemia;
  • students - a 25% supplement to the scholarship from the local budget for six months.

The following benefits are provided for honorary donors:

  1. Free dental prosthetics in public medical institutions (except for precious metals, metal-ceramics, porcelain).
  2. 50% discount on medicines, according to the list approved by the government.
  3. Free travel on public transport (except taxis).
  4. 50% discount on utility bills.
  5. Annual paid leave at a time convenient for the donor.
  6. Priority provision of discounted vouchers to the sanatorium.
  7. Preferential loans for housing construction.

Is donation harmful?

Not everyone decides to donate blood because they do not know whether donation is harmful or not. There are many rumors and different opinions surrounding this topic.

Doctors say that being a donor is not harmful or dangerous:

  • Only healthy people who have been examined can donate blood, and donating 450 grams is not a health threat.
  • Only disposable instruments are used; they are opened in front of the donor.
  • Regular blood donation has a positive effect on health, and a person quickly gets used to the loss and recovery and easily tolerates it. After two weeks, its volume is completely restored.
  • All rights of the donor are protected by law.


Donation is a necessary and noble cause. When blood is needed for a transfusion, it is often a matter of life and death. Thanks to the volunteers, who are now not paid, many will be saved, not only strangers, but perhaps even those closest to them.

12.05.17 336 859 21

How to become an honorary donor

Earn extra money, double your vacation time, and get benefits for the rest of your life

I donated my first blood at 19 for money. I am now 27 years old and I honorary donor Russia.

I’ve been donating blood for the last nine years and have done it more than 75 times.

Every third person will need a blood transfusion at least once in their life. If hospitals do not have spare blood, the patient may die.

Donating blood is not painful or scary. You will help other people, and the state will thank you. I'll tell you how to become a donor and get bonuses from it.

Victor Sikirin

honorary donor

Who can become a donor

Anyone can become a donor in Russia healthy man over 18 years old. Donation has contraindications:

donors per 1000 inhabitants are needed to cover the need for donor blood, according to WHO. In Russia there are three times less of them

  • chronic or contagious diseases;
  • weight less than 50 kg.

Those who have had the flu, ARVI or tonsillitis should temporarily refrain from donating blood. To become a donor after piercing, tattoos, childbirth or surgery, you need to wait 6-12 months.

What is blood donation like?

Whole blood. At one time, doctors take 450 ml of blood from a vein. Men can donate blood no more than once every two months, women - once every three months.

Platelets or plasma. IN modern medicine What is needed is not the whole blood, but its components: plasma and platelets. During donation, the components are separated from the blood, the rest is returned to the vein along with saline solution to normalize the pressure. Blood components can be donated once every 2 weeks. Every 4-6 donations take a break for a month.

If you become a regular donor, you will most often donate blood components. Donate them 10-20 times a year and become an honorary donor in 3-6 years.

Donate blood ahead of schedule will not work: all donors are entered in single register and they simply won’t let you through at the transfusion station. Missing the deadline is harmful to health, because the body does not have time to recover.

Blood in quarantine

After the first blood donation, she is quarantined for 6 months. During this time, the donor must again donate blood for examination to rule out infection. If this is not done, the blood will be disposed of.

The blood transfusion station should call you and invite you again. But in reality, donors are often forgotten. It’s better to come yourself a few months after the first delivery.

Where do you donate blood?

Some donor centers accept appointments only, I advise you to call and find out. Unified information phone number of the donor service: 8 800 333-33-30.

I advise donating blood at a transfusion station, not at a hospital. Everything at the station is well organized: offices are nearby, the process is automated, the equipment is modern. It can be worse in hospitals.

How to donate blood

Three days before the test, you should not take aspirin and analgesics, and two days before the test you should not drink alcohol. The day before, it is advised not to eat fatty, spicy and smoked foods, and dairy products. Be sure to get a good night's sleep and have a light breakfast of sweet tea and something low-fat. You should not smoke before the procedure.

The earlier in the day you donate blood, the easier your body will tolerate the donation. It is best to donate blood before 11 o'clock. Only experienced donors come to lunch.

What to take with you

To donate blood for the first time to a transfusion station, you need to take your passport and fluorography results. Men also need to bring a military ID or registration certificate. From the second donation you will only need a passport.

Present your documents at the transfusion station. Fill out a health questionnaire and an application for monetary compensation nutrition.

For the first time, blood will be taken from your finger to determine your blood type and hemoglobin level. A therapist will see you: examine you, weigh you, measure your blood pressure and ask you about your health. Afterwards you will be invited to the treatment room.

Blood or plasma is donated in the treatment room. This usually takes an hour. If you are asked how you will hand over - manually or automatically - choose manually, it’s faster.

Donating blood doesn't hurt. Most likely, you will not feel anything except light prick. Much depends on individual characteristics, sometimes the donor may feel dizzy or nauseous and even lose consciousness. There is no need to be afraid of this: experienced staff is always ready. In nine years of donating, I only felt sick once, and that was because I didn’t eat breakfast. A couple of times I saw girls getting sick, but they easily returned to normal after airing. If you feel strange, tell the staff immediately.

Afterwards you will be given a certificate for your employer and sent home. In the next couple of days you need to eat well and drink plenty of fluids. It is better to avoid physical activity.


The vein puncture site is generously treated with a disinfecting solution. All instruments are disposable and sterile, they are unpacked right in front of you. With modern donation it is impossible to become infected.

What do donors expect?

Extra days off. After blood donation, the donor is entitled to 1-2 additional days off: a day off with the same average salary on the day of blood donation, as well as an additional day of rest. These days can be used immediately, or they can be transferred to any other day during the year or added to a vacation. If you go to work on the day of blood donation, you have two days off. Important condition- going to work must be agreed upon with the employer, otherwise the second day of rest will not be given. This is also true if you donated blood before the start of the working day or after it ended. If you donate blood or components several times a year, you can get from 6 to 20 additional days off and extend your vacation.

Weekends cannot be compensated with money.

To receive days off, submit to the accounting department certificates from the donor institution: 401/у (about medical examination) and 402/у (about subsidies) or, accordingly, a certified certificate in free form. Two days of rest will be paid, even if you donated blood on a day off.

We write about how to make money on donations, elections and old things, how to receive treatment at the expense of the state, apply for a tax deduction and negotiate with your boss about a salary increase.

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Compensation for lunch. The donor is paid 400-700 R compensation. Instead, according to the law, they can give you a free lunch, but I have not seen this.

Discount travel. If you donate blood at least twice, you can apply for extraordinary discounted vouchers for spa treatment. Vouchers are received at the place of work or study.

1💉 = 2 days off + 400 R

Donation for a fee

A donor can donate blood for money in public or private clinics. But paid donors are not needed everywhere. Rare blood types are usually required. If you want to donate blood for money, call 8 800 333-33-30 and ask where they accept it. Or better yet, to a specific station or donor point.

How to become an honorary donor

To become an honorary donor in Russia, you need to donate blood free of charge 40 times or donate blood with components 60 times. The donor then fills out an application at the transfusion station, and after a few months receives the main documents: an identification card and an honorary donor badge.

Honorary donors of Russia receive an annual cash payment ( in 2017 - 13,000 R). They are served without waiting in line at government agencies and given a 50% discount on prescription medications. An honorary donor goes on vacation when he wants, and not when his employer lets him go. In practice, benefits may vary depending on your region.

Donation for a fee is not taken into account in the standards for honorary donation.

Honorary Donor of Moscow

In the capital, there is the title of honorary donor of Moscow. The standards here are to donate blood 20 times or components 30 times. Donations must be made at donor points subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health. They are located at Moscow city clinical hospitals, as well as research institutes and blood transfusion stations.

An honorary donor of Moscow with a Muscovite social card rides free on public transport, receives a 50% discount on housing and communal services and a 50% discount on payments medicines in city pharmacies.

After receiving the title, you must donate blood at least 3 times or plasma at least 7 times within a year. After receiving an honorary donor of Russia, all the benefits of an honorary donor of Moscow are preserved.

How to negotiate with an employer

I've heard that some employers don't like regular donors: they cost more than regular employees.

Such problems have never happened to me. When I worked at school, I donated blood before classes and did not bother anyone. I went to work after donating blood. At the end of the year I went on vacation a little earlier thanks to unused time off.

By law, you may not notify your employer of your desire to donate blood. They handed it over, went away for the weekend, then brought the certificates to the accounting department.

But I always warn you: it’s more honest and simpler. The manager may be dissatisfied: the employee unexpectedly took and arranged a mini-vacation for himself. In order to reach an agreement with the employer, a few days before the donation, I draw up a free-form application, where I indicate what I plan to do with the days off: will I go to work on the day of donation or will I take a day off.

In my experience and the experience of familiar donors, it is better to agree with the manager in advance. Tell them that you are a donor and you are entitled to benefits. Check with your manager and colleagues when your absence will not be so noticeable. Make compromises.


  1. You can donate blood if you are healthy and weigh more than 50 kg.
  2. For the first test, you will need a passport and fluorography, for men - a military ID.
  3. After the first blood donation, you need to donate blood again within 6 months.
  4. The donor is compensated for meals and given 1-2 paid days off.
  5. You can donate blood for money. In 2016 in Moscow they paid 3000 R for 450 ml of blood.
  6. For 60 donations they are given the title “Honorary Donor of Russia”, for 30 donations - “Honorary Donor of Moscow”. Honorary donors have benefits.
  7. The employer cannot prohibit you from becoming a donor or not giving you days off; the law is on your side.

Relations related to the development of blood donation and its components, in Russian Federation are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation of 06/09/1993 N 5142-1 “On the donation of blood and its components” (hereinafter referred to as Law N 5142-1), which also provides a set of social, economic, legal, medical measures for organizing donation and protecting the rights of the donor. In the article we will consider what measures social support are provided for donor employees, what responsibilities lie with the employer and what guarantees he is obliged to provide, how to correctly draw up personnel documents. In addition, we will present to your attention the provisions of the bill prepared to improve the regulation of the donation of blood and its components.

General provisions on donation

According to Art. 1 of Law N 5142-1, every capable citizen over the age of 18 who has undergone a medical examination can be a donor of blood and its components, since donation is a freely expressed voluntary act. Donation can be free or paid.

Article 6 of Law N 5142-1 provides that heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations, commanders (chiefs) military units are obliged, in particular:

— freely release an employee who is a donor to a healthcare organization on the day of examination and donation of blood and its components;

— provide the employee who is a donor with social support measures established by law.

Support for donation is provided by both material and non-material guarantees, which, in accordance with labor legislation, include maintaining average earnings and exemption from work (Articles 186, 165 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Let us recall that guarantees are the means, methods and conditions by which the rights granted to employees in the field of social and social security are exercised. labor relations(Article 164 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By virtue of Art. 165 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when guarantees and compensation are provided, the corresponding payments are made at the expense of the employer. At the same time, bodies and organizations in whose interests the employee performs state or public duties make payments to him in the manner and under the conditions provided for federal laws, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there is no list of state or public duties in the Labor Code; it only indicates that the performance of state or public duties in work time must be provided for by federal law. Donation is inherently considered to be the fulfillment of state or public duties, such as:

— exercising the functions of people's, arbitration and jury assessors;

- appearance as a victim, witness, their legal representative, expert, specialist, translator, attesting witness to the bodies of inquiry, to the investigator, prosecutor, in tax authority, to the official in charge of the administrative offense case, or to the court.

Social support measures provided to the donor are listed in Art. 9, 10 of Law No. 5142-1. These include:

— providing free food on the day of blood donation;

- priority allocation discounted vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment (only to donors who have donated blood or its components during the year in a total amount equal to two maximum permissible doses, as well as those awarded the “Honorary Donor” badge).

We also consider it necessary to point out that the draft Federal Law N 632281-5 “On the donation of blood and its components”, introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of the Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2012 N 257-6GD), has been adopted in the first reading. In accordance with this bill, social support measures are slightly expanded (Article 22). In particular, if it is impossible to provide donors with free food (according to the established ration), the food is replaced with monetary compensation in an amount equivalent to the cost approximate diet donor nutrition. In addition, it is stipulated that a donor’s disability that occurs in connection with his performance of donor functions is equivalent to a disability that occurs as a result of a work injury.

We also note that the draft Federal Law N 632281-5 “On the donation of blood and its components” contains Art. 26, according to which employers, heads of scientific and educational organizations, officials of organizations of federal executive authorities that provide for military and equivalent service are obliged, in particular:

1) provide assistance to subjects of circulation of donor blood and (or) its components in attracting donors to donate blood and its components;

2) provide the employee who donated blood and (or) its components with guarantees and compensation established by labor legislation;

3) provide military personnel with exemption from duties military service on the day of donation of blood and (or) its components, as well as provide an additional day of rest after each day of donation of blood and (or) its components.

It should be remembered that currently labor legislation and other acts containing norms labor law, do not apply, in particular (Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

- for military personnel during the performance of their military service duties;

- for persons working on the basis of civil contracts.

Accordingly, the provisions of Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not apply to these persons. Let us note that the bill provides for norms for military personnel similar to the norms of Art. 186 and eliminating this discrepancy.

Guarantees provided to donors during medical examination

The examination procedure was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 N 364 “On approval of the Procedure for medical examination of a blood donor and its components.” Please note that a medical examination is carried out for the purpose of admission to donation and determining its type, as well as the volume of blood or its components taken.

Remember that the employer can freely fulfill his obligation in relation to the donor employee only if the employee notifies him of his intention.

For your information. The law does not oblige an employee to notify the employer of his intention to donate blood, but it is advisable to receive notice of this in advance in writing.

At the same time, we consider it necessary to establish the obligation to report the intention to perform a donor function in the local normative act. This is due to the fact that to confirm and to avoid controversial situations, a written notification to the employer is required about absence from work due to the medical examination(in the form of an application), which is drawn up in free form, indicating the date of absence from work.

Here is a sample application.

to CEO

Federal State Institution "Association "Vinyl"

V.V. Vilov

From the chief specialist

L. L. Lozhkova


I ask you to release me from work on June 14, 2012 due to my undergoing a medical examination related to blood donation.

On release from work due to undergoing a medical examination

Taking into account that the employee has undergone a medical examination related to blood donation, in accordance with Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation I order:

1. Release chief specialist L.L. Lozhkov from work on June 14, 2012 without retention wages.

2. Chief specialist L.L. Lozhkov must submit to the HR department a certificate from a medical institution confirming the completion of a medical examination by 06/16/2012.

Reason: statement by L.L. Lozhkov dated June 13, 2012.

To confirm the fact of passing a medical examination (for presentation at the place of work), a certificate is issued in form 401/u, approved by Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated 08/07/1985 N 1055 “On approval of forms of primary medical documentation for blood service institutions.”

Let us note that the employer is not obliged to pay the employee for the days of undergoing a medical examination, since the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the preservation of average earnings only for the days of donating blood and the days of rest provided in connection with this (Part 5 of Article 186). At the same time, according to the provisions of Art. 41 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement (taking into account the financial and economic situation of the employer) can introduce benefits and advantages for employees, working conditions that are more favorable than those established by laws, other regulations, and agreements. That is, while undergoing a medical examination to donate blood, maintaining average earnings is possible, but only if such a condition is enshrined in the collective agreement.

In addition, according to Part 4 of Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, after an employee undergoes a medical examination, the results of which reveal contraindications to donation, the examined person is not subject to a guarantee of provision extra day rest, since an additional day of rest is given only after the day of donating blood or its components.

What you need to know about blood donation day

A medical institution issues a referral to donate blood or its components only to an employee who has successfully passed a medical examination. In this case, blood sampling (its components) is usually carried out on the same day as the medical examination. Please remember that on the day of blood donation medical institution must provide the donor with free food.

After donating blood or its components, the employee must receive a certificate in form 402/y in order to confirm at the place of work the fact of performing the donor function.

Let us remind you that on the day of donating blood (its components), the donor employee, who notified the employer of his intention, is released from work (Part 1 of Article 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). He notifies the employer in the same manner as when undergoing a medical examination, since in practice the day of blood donation and the day of the associated medical examination are the same. After each day of donating blood (its components), an additional day of rest is provided (Part 4 of Article 186), which can be used at the discretion of the employee, but within one year after the day of donating blood (its components). That is, a day of rest can be added to annual paid leave or used at another time convenient for the employee.

At the same time Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of transferring rest days:

- if, by agreement with the employer, the employee went to work on the day of donating blood and its components, he is given another day of rest at his request. At the same time, a donor cannot be involved in work on the day of donating blood (its components) if he performs heavy work or works in hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor;

— in the case of donating blood and its components during the period of annual paid leave, on a day off or a non-working holiday, the employee, at his request, is given another day of rest.

Here is a sample of an employer’s request to an employee with a request to come to work on the day of blood donation.

Federal government agency"Association "Vinyl"

Ref. 111 To the chief specialist

dated June 14, 2012 to L. L. Lozhkov

from the general director

V. V. Vilova

Dear Leonid Lvovich!

Due to production needs and on the basis of Part 2 of Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to go to work on June 15, 2012 (the day of donating blood). You have the right to use the day allocated for release from work in connection with donating blood at any other time convenient for you.

Lozhkov /L. L. Lozhkov/

Based on this request, the employer is obliged to issue a corresponding order in any form.

Here is a sample notification about performing a donor function on a day off.

General Director of the Federal State Institution

"Association "Vinyl"

V.V. Vilov

From chief specialist L.L. Lozhkov


I hereby notify you that I plan to undergo a medical examination and donate blood on a day off (non-working) - 06/23/2012. In this regard, in accordance with Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to provide me with a day of rest on June 25, 2012 for performing the donor function. Please add the additional day of rest to your annual paid leave.

In accordance with the vacation schedule, I am entitled to vacation for the working year 04/01/2011-05/31/2012 from 08/01/2012 to 08/28/2012.

Lozhkov, 06/21/2012

Also, when providing a day of rest, it is necessary to take into account the position of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, presented in Resolution No. 2 of March 17, 2004 “On the application by courts of the Russian Federation Labor Code Russian Federation". Paragraph 39 of this resolution states that the employee’s use of a day of rest after donating blood cannot be regarded as absenteeism if the employer refuses to provide it, since the time the employee uses these days of rest does not depend on the discretion of the employer.

So, when donating blood (its components) free of charge, the employee retains the average earnings for the day of blood donation and the rest day provided in connection with it (Part 5 of Article 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, the payment of average earnings for donation is made outside of execution labor activity And social security. This position is presented in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2009 N 03-04-06-02/36, as well as in the resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service NWZ dated January 20, 2011 N A21-2952/2010, and N A27-3737/2010 dated December 28, 2010. However, it should be remembered: if, as a result of a medical examination, contraindications to donation were identified, then the employee is not guaranteed an additional day of rest, and his average earnings are not retained.

Note! The employer does not have the right to replace additional days of rest with monetary compensation, since this is not provided for in Art. 186 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for determining and calculating the average salary is determined by Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Regulation No. 922. Please note that the average earnings per day of rest associated with donation are calculated according to general rules(Clause 9 of Regulations No. 922). That is, when adding a day of rest to annual paid leave, one should distinguish between the calculation of the average earnings retained by the donor employee and the average earnings for calculating vacation pay (clause 10 of Regulation No. 922). It is also necessary to take into account that if the day of rest and the beginning annual leave fall on different calendar months, the billing periods will also be different.

It is also necessary to mention Resolution of the RF Armed Forces dated 03/02/2012 N 56-B11-17, which considered an employee’s request for payment for a day of rest provided for the day of donating blood on a day off (non-working day). In fact, in the considered case it is clarified that when donating blood on a day off, the employee has the right, taking into account an additional day of rest, to two days of rest, which are subject to payment in the amount of average earnings. In addition, as the judges pointed out, Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish restrictions on the payment of rest days provided to an employee for the day of blood donation, depending on whether such a day is a weekend or a working day.

We consider it necessary to note that the average earnings paid to donor employees for days of blood donation and an additional day of rest, in accordance with labor legislation, are income subject to personal income tax on a general basis (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2009 N 03-04-05- 01/530). Also, the donor’s average earnings are subject to insurance contributions, since they are accrued within the framework of labor relations (letters of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 N 784-19, FSS of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2011 N 14-03-11/08-13985).

Title "Honorary Donor"

The “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge is awarded to citizens who have donated free blood 40 or more times or plasma 60 or more times (Article 11 of Law No. 5142-1). In addition to the guarantees and compensation provided by the employer, they are provided with additional benefits:

- extraordinary treatment in government or municipal organizations healthcare within the framework of the state guarantee program for providing citizens of the Russian Federation with free medical care(the program for 2012 was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2011 N 856);

— priority purchase at the place of work or study of preferential vouchers for Spa treatment;

- provision of annual paid leave at a convenient time of year for them;

— annual cash payment in the amount of 6,000 rubles. The procedure for providing this payment is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2004 N 663. From 01/01/2012 indexation size cash payment citizens awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge is 1.06 (clause 4 of article 10 of the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 371-FZ “On the federal budget for 2012 and for the planning period of 2013 and 2014”).

For your information. According to Art. 24 of the draft Federal Law N 632281-5 “On the donation of blood and its components,” the annual cash payment to persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge is set at 9,959 rubles. This payment is indexed once a year from January of the current year based on the forecast inflation rate established by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and planning period.

Let us note that all social support measures provided for citizens awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge apply in full to citizens awarded the “Honorary Donor of the USSR” badge.

How to prepare a time sheet?

Working hours are recorded using the unified form T-13 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval unified forms primary accounting documentation on accounting of labor and its payment"). In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N 173n, these forms can be used by all state (municipal) institutions.

Since the employee’s performance of donor functions by virtue of Art. 165 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refers to the performance of state and public duties; in the working time sheet, the days of the employee’s absence are noted:

- letter code “G” or digital “23” - absenteeism while performing state or public duties in accordance with the law;

— letter code “OB” or numeric “27” — additional days off (paid).

Let us clarify that when donating blood (its components) during the vacation period in the work time sheet for that day, you must correct the letter code “OT” (or digital “09”) (annual basic paid leave) to “G” or the corresponding digital code. The day provided for the day of donation of blood (its components) during the vacation period is marked in the report card as “OT” (09), since it is not used by the employee due to the performance of the donor function.

It should be taken into account that Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N 173n also provides for forms of documents of class 05 “Unified system of accounting, financial, accounting and reporting documentation public sector management" OKUD, which, in particular, includes a timesheet for recording the use of working time and payroll (form 0504421).

The current version of the law “On the donation of blood and its components” regarding the provision of benefits and payments to blood donors. You can also check out:


(as amended by Federal Law dated June 4, 2014 N 150-FZ)

Article 22. Social support measures provided to a donor who donated blood and (or) its components free of charge

1. On the day of donation of blood and (or) its components, the donor who donated blood and (or) its components free of charge is provided with free food at the expense of the organization engaged in the procurement of donor blood and its components. The food ration of such a donor is established in accordance with paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 10 of this Federal Law by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation under whose jurisdiction the specified organization is located.

2. Replacement of free meals with monetary compensation is not allowed, except in cases established in accordance with paragraph 6 of part 2 of article 9 of this Federal Law.

3. A donor who has donated blood and (or) its components free of charge during the year in a volume equal to two maximum permissible doses of blood and (or) its components is given the right to priority purchase at the place of work or study of preferential vouchers for sanatorium treatment. The volume of the maximum permissible dose of blood and (or) its components is determined by the doctor during a medical examination of the donor.

Article 23. Social support measures for persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge

1. Donors who donated blood and (or) its components (except for blood plasma) forty or more times, or blood and (or) its components twenty-five or more times and blood plasma in the total amount of blood and (or) its components and blood plasma forty times, or blood and (or) its components less than twenty-five times and blood plasma in the total amount of blood and (or) its components and blood plasma sixty or more times, or blood plasma sixty or more times, are awarded a badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and have the right to the following measures social support:

1) provision of annual paid leave at a time of year convenient for them in accordance with labor legislation;

2) extraordinary provision of medical care in medical organizations of the state healthcare system or municipal healthcare system within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation;

3) priority purchase at the place of work or study of preferential vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment;

4) provision of an annual cash payment.

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation awarded the “Honorary Donor of the USSR” badge and permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to social support measures defined for persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge.

3. The rules for accounting for donations in order to determine the possibility of awarding the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” are approved federal body executive power, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

(as amended by Federal Law dated November 25, 2013 N 317-FZ)

4. Donations made by a person for a fee are not taken into account when determining the possibility of awarding the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge.

Article 24. Annual cash payment to persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge and the procedure for its indexation

The provisions of Part 1 of Article 24 (as amended by Federal Law No. 317-FZ of November 25, 2013) apply to legal relations that arose from January 20, 2013.

Taking into account the amount of indexation, the following amounts of annual cash payments have been established for citizens awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge:

- from January 1, 2014 in the amount of 11,728.0 rubles, indexation rate 1.05 (Federal Law dated December 2, 2013 N 349-FZ);

- from January 1, 2013 in the amount of 11,138.0 rubles, indexation amount 1.055 (Federal Law of December 3, 2012 N 216-FZ).

1. The annual cash payment to persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge is set at 10,557 rubles.

(as amended by Federal Law dated November 25, 2013 N 317-FZ)

2. The annual cash payment is indexed once a year from January 1 of the current year based on the forecast inflation rate established by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and planning period.

3. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of the annual cash payment is an expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation.

Article 25. The power of the Russian Federation transferred to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to make annual cash payments to persons awarded the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia”

1. The Russian Federation transfers to the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation the authority to make annual cash payments to persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge (hereinafter referred to as the transferred authority).

2. Funds for the implementation of delegated powers are provided in the form of subventions from the federal budget.

3. The procedure for implementing and accounting for expenses of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the exercise of delegated powers is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The amount of funds provided in the federal budget in the form of subventions to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the delegated powers is determined on the basis of the methodology approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, based on the following indicators:

1) the number of persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge;

2) the amount of the annual cash payment established for persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge.

5. The federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare:

1) adopts regulatory legal acts on the implementation of delegated powers;

2) issues binding guidelines and instructional materials on the implementation of delegated powers by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) establishes requirements for the content and forms of reporting, as well as for the procedure for submitting reports on the exercise of the delegated authority;

4) in case of non-execution or improper execution of the delegated authority, prepares and submits to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals to withdraw the specified authority from the relevant government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. The federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of health protection exercises control and supervision over the completeness and quality of implementation by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the delegated powers with the right to issue orders to eliminate identified violations, as well as to bring to justice officials performing duties in the exercise of delegated powers.

7. Highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (head of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation):

1) organizes activities to implement the delegated authority in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

2) ensures the timely submission to the authorized federal executive body of a quarterly report on the budget expenditures of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the source of financial support for which is a subvention, in the form and in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body.

8. Control over the expenditure of subventions provided for the implementation of the delegated powers is carried out by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the financial and budgetary sphere, the federal executive body exercising control and supervision in the field of healthcare, and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

9. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to vest bodies with laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation local government the authority to make annual cash payments to persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge.

This article is for those who have decided to become a donor, but have doubts. Of course, blood donation is a noble and voluntary matter. But can everyone become a donor?

  • What should a person who decides to become a donor know?
  • Are there any age restrictions?
  • What diseases are absolute and relative contraindications to blood donation?
  • What tests are required to become a blood donor?
  • Is blood donation dangerous and are the doubts of people who decide to become a blood donor justified?

Let's discuss with the therapist Evgenia Anatolyevna Kuznetsova .

How to become a blood donor

There is blood donation, plasma and blood component donation. Nowadays, whole blood is rarely used for transfusion due to large quantity complications, mainly plasma and blood components. And if you have already decided to become a donor, then you should at least 18 years old and no more than 60(although the upper age limit is not as strict, it depends more on the health of the donor). Your weight should be at least 50 kilograms.

When the state of health meets the standards required for blood donation, those wishing to donate blood must come with a passport and military ID (for men) to the blood transfusion station and undergo a questionnaire, as well as take blood tests: general, biochemical, hepatitis, RW, HIV- infection, and undergo an examination by a general practitioner. Not only a citizen of the Russian Federation, but also a foreign citizen who has lived in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least one year can become a blood donor.

Where to donate blood

So, to become a blood donor, you need to go to a blood transfusion station in your city.

According to the law “On the donation of blood and its components” private medical organizations Since 2013, they cannot take blood, nor even procure, store, or transport it. This law was passed in order to tighten blood testing, storage and transfusion, thereby protecting recipients from possible infection and complications associated with blood transfusion.

In order to donate blood, let’s say in Moscow, just enter “Where can I donate blood in Moscow?” into the search engine to display a list of blood transfusion stations in the city of Moscow.

Using the list, you can choose a blood transfusion station that is closer to you in geographical location. Using this example, you can easily find a list of blood transfusion stations in your city.

Which blood types are more in demand for donation?

Donation of any blood group and Rh factor is necessary, but it should be noted that the most rare group blood is the fourth negative, because it is the most difficult to find: only 7% of people on the planet have this blood type. The most common blood group is the first positive, but there is a law according to which only identical blood can be transfused from a donor to a recipient according to group and Rh factor. However, since this is the most common blood type (45% of the world's population has the first positive group blood), then he needs it large quantity Human. Therefore, no matter what blood you have, have no doubt - it is your blood that is needed.

How often can you donate blood?

Men can donate blood no more than five times a year, women only four. At least sixty days must pass between two blood donations. Plasma can be donated more often - up to twice a month, but if you donated whole blood, you can donate plasma only after a month.

As we have already said, to become a blood donor you need to take blood tests:

  • General
  • Biochemical
  • For hepatitis

Preparing to donate blood

Before donating blood for donation, you must abstain for three days from fatty, spicy, excessively salty foods, drinking alcohol and smoking. The dinner the day before should be light; in the morning before the procedure, it is advisable to drink sweet tea with bread.

Donation procedure

For the convenience of the donor, the procedure itself takes place in the donor chair. Using sterile instruments, 400 to 500 grams of blood are taken from the donor over 15 minutes, starting from 50 drops per minute. Part of the blood is sent for tests for infections, group and Rh factor. Plasma donation lasts about 30 minutes, platelets - 1.5 hours.

Immediately after blood sampling, you should not engage in physical labor, drive vehicles, or drink alcohol.

Is donation safe?

Yes. Blood donation is absolutely safe. Sterile instruments are used to draw blood; the feeling of weakness and dizziness during and after the procedure quickly disappears.

However, there are relative and absolute contraindications for blood donation.

Absolute contraindications for blood donation

Absolute contraindications for blood donation are diseases such as:

  • Viral hepatitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Malignant tumors
  • Central nervous system diseases
  • Mental illness

Relative contraindications are temporary contraindications; these include some diseases and conditions in which donation is temporarily contraindicated. Relative contraindications are:

  • Operations, minor surgical interventions (tooth extraction)
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • ARVI, sore throat
  • Menstruation
  • Allergies in the acute stage
  • And etc.

After blood donation

After donating blood, there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells and subsequently hemoglobin - the most common occurrence. If your body is prone to anemia, then you cannot become a donor.

Platelets can be donated no more than once every three months, because when donating platelets, sodium citrate is administered, which washes calcium from the bones. Therefore, platelet donors need to take vitamins containing calcium.

After the donation, there may be nausea, chills, weakness, and dizziness, which soon disappear. It is these symptoms that most often frighten potential donors and raise doubts that donation is safe for health. But if, according to the results of tests and examination by a general practitioner, there are no absolute and relative contraindications, then there is no need to worry - donation is absolutely safe, and the symptoms of weakness and dizziness will soon go away on their own. However, it is necessary to remember that after donating blood, you need to sit for 15 minutes, eat food and avoid physical labor that day.

Is it possible to charge money for donation?

Do not forget that the life you save has no price, but you should know that the donor has the right to refuse food in favor of monetary reward. In 2017, the legislation provides for payment for 450 grams of blood in the amount of 8 to 45% of the subsistence level, depending on the blood type and demand for it, monetary compensation for food in the amount of 5%, two days off with pay. There is also the title of “honorary donor” - in order to receive this title, you must donate whole blood at least forty times or plasma at least sixty times. There is no need to take money for donation. If you have been awarded this title, then by law you will receive an annual payment in the amount of 12,373 rubles (amount for 2017).

Exist mandatory benefits :

  • Free hot meals
  • Two days off with pay
  • Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment are provided to donors on a first-come, first-served basis

Attitude Orthodox Church to blood donation

The Orthodox Church has a positive attitude towards blood donation.

If you decide to become a donor and are thinking about how to do it, or you still have questions and doubts, then you can contact the official websites about blood donation:

Myths about donation

There are myths about donation . The most common myth is that donation is harmful. This is a myth, because when donating blood, the body is forced to produce blood, thereby renewing blood cells, activating the immune system, the body begins to work in an enhanced mode, the work of internal organs is activated and “trains” in case of blood loss.

There is a common myth that the donor can become infected during blood collection. This is also a myth because only sterile instruments are used for blood collection.

It is also important that donation affects everyone.

Even more myths about donation

So, we can conclude that in the absence of relative and absolute contraindications and satisfactory health, blood donation is absolutely safe and even beneficial for the body, because it leads to the renewal of blood cells. Donation reduces the risk of heart attack several times, activates the red cell system bone marrow, and improves immunity. Donation helps to “unload” the liver and spleen, which has a beneficial effect on the body. According to some data, blood donation reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, blood clots and coronary disease hearts.

It is worth giving up the fear of becoming a donor - it is honorable, safe and even healthy. Give the gift of life - become a donor!

Therapist E.A. Kuznetsova