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Eligibility to receive NSU. Set of social services (NSS). Increasing the size of EDV and NSU

Kit social services(NSS) is provided to recipients of monthly cash payment(EDV). NSU includes medical, sanatorium-resort and transport components. In this case, a citizen can choose: to receive social services in kind or their cash equivalent.

Where to go

Since a set of social services is part of a monthly cash payment, you do not need to additionally go to the Pension Fund or write a separate application to receive it. To establish the EDV, the federal beneficiary applies to the territorial body Pension Fund Russia at the place of residence or to another territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund of his choice with a written application. When EDV is established, a citizen automatically has the right to receive a set of social services in kind. Exceptions are citizens who belong to categories exposed to radiation. If they want to receive NSO in kind, they need to write an application for the provision of NSO, which will be valid from January 1 next year.

The territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund issues the citizen a certificate of the established form regarding the right to receive a set of social services. The certificate indicates: the category of the beneficiary, the period for which the monthly cash payment is established, as well as social services within the NSO to which the citizen is entitled in the current year.

The certificate is valid throughout Russia. When applying to medical institutions, as well as to suburban railway ticket offices, a citizen presents the following documents:

  • identification document;
  • a document confirming the right to EDV;
  • a certificate issued by the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund, which confirms the citizen’s right to receive NSU.

What does the set of social services consist of?

In kind or cash equivalent

The citizen decides in what form it is convenient for him to receive social services: in kind or in cash equivalent, and submits a corresponding application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. In this case, it is enough to submit an application for the choice made once. After which there is no need to confirm your decision annually. The submitted application will be valid until the citizen changes his choice. Only in this case, he will need to submit a corresponding application to the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund before October 1 of the current year. The submitted application will be valid from January 1 of the following year. You can submit an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia, through the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services, with which the Pension Fund Russian Federation has entered into an appropriate agreement, or online through Personal Area citizen on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, through the citizen’s Personal Account on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services, or in another way.

It is important to understand that a set of social services is part of the monthly cash payment. Therefore, the EDV is calculated taking into account the decision to refuse to receive a set of social services in full, one of the social services, or any two social services from this set. In other words, when receiving NSO in kind, its cost is deducted from the amount of the EDV. If a citizen refuses to receive a set of social services (any one social service or any two social services) in favor of the cash equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of the EDV.

When submitting an application for refusal to obtain NSO, for provision of NSO, for resumption of provision of NSO, or for withdrawal of a previously submitted application, you must only have a Russian passport with you.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a social state, and to implement this thesis, the country has a system that provides a set of social services to the population. The main task of this system is to provide financial assistance(in the form of financial payments or the provision of a set of services) to certain categories of Russians who, according to the authorities, are most in need of such support.

We will talk about who has the right to receive a set of social services in 2016 and what these citizens can count on in this article.

Who is eligible for benefits

The provision of a set of social services is regulated by Federal Law No. 178 “On State social assistance" This law provides two levels social support:

  • Federal. Recipients of assistance from the state budget are often called federal beneficiaries.
  • Regional. Level of subjects of the Russian Federation. In particular, the competence of regional authorities includes establishing a set of social services for pensioners whose pension does not reach the local (regional) subsistence level.

Federal beneficiaries

At the expense of the federal budget, the following persons have the right to receive a set of social services:

  • Disabled people of groups 1-3. At the same time, the set of social services for disabled people of group 2 is practically no different from the set provided to persons with the first group of disabilities (with the exception of payment for travel to the place of treatment, but we will talk about this below);
  • Disabled children;
  • Disabled people of war:
    • Those who became disabled during the Second World War;
    • Members of the Armed Forces, police officers, police officers, State Fire and Rescue Service, and penitentiary service officers who were injured in the course of their official duty;
    • Minor prisoners of fascist concentration camps;
  • Persons affected by radiation as a result of the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and persons equated to this category.
  • Veterans:
    • WWII veterans;
    • “Afghan” veterans, including pilots who were on the territory of the USSR, but carried out combat missions outside the territory of Afghanistan and driving personnel of the USSR Ministry of Defense who delivered cargo to Afghanistan during the armed conflict;
    • Veterans of the Ministry of Defense and internal affairs bodies, by order of the country's leadership, participating in other local military conflicts both outside the Russian Federation and on the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • Veterans of the Second World War who served in military units that were not formally part of the structure of the USSR Army (partisan detachments, etc.);
  • Citizens who have the title “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • Family members of deceased veterans.

Recipients of subsidies at the expense of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (region)

178 Federal Law gives regions the right to establish their own measures to support the population in the form of:

  • Financial payments;
  • In-kind assistance (fuel provision, free travel to public transport, medicines, etc.)

Through regional programs, any citizens who, for reasons beyond their control, have an income below the subsistence level established in their region of residence have the right to receive a set of social services. This takes into account the average income of all family members living together.

How to get

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as the operator performing the functions of providing a set of social services in 2016.

This body maintains a register of federal beneficiaries. Persons entitled to receive social assistance from the federal budget must join this register. To do this, you need to come to the Pension Fund office with the following package of documents:

  • Passport. If the application is submitted through a proxy, it is necessary to provide a duly certified power of attorney;
  • SNILS;
  • Documents confirming the right to receive benefits (medical certificates, etc.);
  • Application for provision of a set of social services (PFR employees will help you write it).

A set of social services for pensioners and others whose income is below the subsistence level and who want to become participants regional program social support is provided according to a similar scheme, but as a document confirming the right to benefits, it is necessary to provide certificates of income of all family members living with the applicant.

Set of services

The composition of the set of social services provided federal beneficiaries, established Art. 6.2 Federal Law No. 178 and includes the following:

  • Providing discounted medications. A prescription for free medicines is issued by a doctor based on medical indications. The list of medications that should be prescribed free of charge to beneficiaries is established in Order of the Ministry of Health No. 665 dated September 18, 2006. This list of medications contains all groups of vital important drugs(though it mostly contains inexpensive medicines). Also, in case of urgent need or impossibility of treatment with medications from the preferential list, the VKK (medical advisory commission) may decide to provide the beneficiary with free medicine not included in the specified list;
  • Preferential sanatorium-resort treatment. Sanatorium treatment also included in the range of social services. It is provided on the basis of medical indications at the discretion of the attending physician. It is worth noting that disabled people of group 1 and disabled children also have the right to be provided with a place in the sanatorium for one person accompanying them;
  • Payment for travel by ground transport to the place of treatment. If a beneficiary needs to undergo treatment (including sanatorium-resort treatment) outside the place of permanent residence, he can receive a free ticket for any type of suburban and intercity ground transport. A coupon for purchasing a ticket is issued at the regional office of the FSS. Disabled children and disabled people of group 1 additionally have the right to another set of travel tickets for their accompanying persons.

Beneficiaries receiving social assistance from the regional budget can count on various shapes social support. You can find out what the set of social services for regional beneficiaries includes at the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund or the relevant department of the local administration.

In kind or cash

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have the legal right to receive social support measures in the form of a set of social services can receive them in the form of cash payments. To do this, you must submit an application to renounce the NSO in kind to the regional office of the Pension Fund.

The beneficiary has the right to replace with cash payments both the entire set of NSOs and any of its components of his own choice.

For 2016, the following payment standards have been established for citizens who renounced NSO in kind:

Provision of medicines – 716.40 rubles. per month;

Sanatorium-resort treatment – ​​110.83 rubles. per month;

Payment for travel to the place of treatment – ​​102.89 rubles. per month.

NSOs are often criticized as a method of supporting economically vulnerable populations. It is no coincidence that in Moscow, on average, about 80% of NSO recipients decide to replace services with cash payments. However, in a number of cases, the support measures provided for by 178 Federal Laws may be extremely necessary.

NSO is a set of social services that is assigned to EDV recipients simultaneously with a cash payment. One of the main categories of recipients of EDV and NSO are persons with limited physical and social opportunities. In this article we will look at the procedure for assigning NSO to disabled people in 2019, how to register NSO, and what documents are required for this.

NSU for disabled people in 2019

Citizens with disabilities, along with WWII and combat veterans, as well as persons affected by radiation exposure, have the right to receive an additional payment to their pension in the form of EDV. Simultaneously with the EDV, a citizen acquires the right to receive a set of social services.

Grounds for assigning NSO to disabled people

EDV and its constituent NSO are assigned to disabled people on the basis of a document confirming the assignment of disability, namely based on an extract from the ITU inspection report.

The reason for assigning a disability group, the age of the citizen, the disability group do not affect the right of a disabled person to receive NSS.

Composition of NSO for disabled people

Unlike the EDV, the amount of which is established depending on the disability group and the grounds for its assignment, the NSO is assigned in a single form, regardless of the category of recipients.

Disabled people of all groups, including disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, who have issued an EDV, receive NSU in the following form:

  1. Compensation for the cost of medications and medical supplies. Based on a certificate issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and confirming the right of a disabled person to receive NSS, a citizen has the right to be provided with free medicines, medical supplies, special dietary nutrition. Reimbursement for the cost of medicines is carried out only if there is an appropriate doctor's prescription.
  2. Referral for rest and treatment to sanatorium-resort institutions. In accordance with medical direction, a disabled person can apply for a free (or with the right to partial payment) trip to a sanatorium-resort institution. To obtain a travel voucher, a disabled person should contact the social security authority, where they present a certificate from the recipient of the National Social Security Service and a certificate from a medical institution issued in form 070/u. IN general procedure vouchers for disabled people are provided no more than once every 2 years. Citizens with group 1 disabilities can issue 2 vouchers - for themselves and for an accompanying person (relatives or legal representative). A similar rule applies to disabled children.
  1. The right to free travel in suburban railway transport . Disabled recipients of NSO have the right to free commuter rail travel. To receive a discount ticket, a pensioner must present to the railway ticket office a certificate from the recipient of the NSO and a document confirming disability.
  2. Compensation for travel costs to and from the sanatorium . Disabled people who have issued a voucher to a sanatorium can compensate for the cost of travel to the place of rest and back, provided that the travel is by rail. Group 1 disabled people and disabled children have the right to free travel for themselves and an accompanying person.

Social services included in the EDV have monetary equivalent , which in 2018 was recorded at the following level:

  • compensation for the cost of medicines – RUB 807.94/month .;
  • discounted vouchers to sanatoriums – RUB 124.99/month .;
  • free railway travel – RUB 116.04/month

The full NSO package (both for disabled people and for other EDV recipients) is equal to the equivalent RUB 1,048.97/month

Increasing the size of EDV and NSU

The amount of EDV and NSU, along with the size of pensions, other social payments and compensation benefits are subject to annual recalculation based on increases in consumer prices.

In accordance with the decision of the Government, in 2018, social payments, including EDV and NSO, will be indexed by 3.7%. Note that the established indexation value is higher than the actual annual inflation rate (3.2%). Thus, the size of the NSO in 2018 will be RUB 1,087.78

Information about the upcoming indexation of EDV and NSO has already been published on the official website of the Pension Fund.

How to register NSO: procedure and documents

NSO for disabled people is assigned simultaneously with the registration of EDV, in the following order:

Step 1. Preparation of documents.

Before contacting the Pension Fund, a disabled person should prepare the following documents:

  • passport (for foreigners and stateless persons - a document confirming permanent registration in the Russian Federation);
  • an extract from the ITU certificate confirming the assigned disability group;
  • statement, the form can be downloaded here .

If EDV and NSU are assigned to a disabled child or an incapacitated person, then the application for payment is drawn up not on behalf of the applicant, but on behalf of the representative. In this case, when applying to the Pension Fund, you should additionally attach a document confirming the citizen’s right to represent the interests of a disabled person (for parents of a disabled child - a birth certificate, in other cases - a corresponding court decision).

Step-2. Contact the Pension Fund.

A disabled person can apply to the Pension Fund for the appointment of an EDV and NSU immediately after assignment of a disability group, that is, upon receipt of an extract from the MSA act. The documents should be submitted to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration. Application form for appointment of EDV and NSO:

  • personally;
  • through a representative;
  • V in electronic format(application on the Pension Fund website);
  • sending documents by mail with notification.

Step-3. Obtaining a certificate from the recipient of the NSO.

Having received documents from the applicant (or from a representative), PFR specialists check them, after which they send a notification to the disabled person about the appointment of EDV and NSO, or about the refusal of payment and social services (if there are objective reasons for this).

When the payment is agreed upon, along with the notification, the pensioner is sent a certificate confirming his status as a recipient of the NSO.

Step-4. Obtaining NSO in in kind.

Based on a certificate received from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a disabled person has the right to receive NSO in kind. To compensate for the cost of medicines, a citizen can present a certificate at a medical institution, to obtain a free train ticket - to the suburban railway ticket office, to receive discounted voucher to the sanatorium - to the social security authority. Along with the certificate of the recipient of the NSO, the citizen should also present a certificate of a disabled person.

EDV, DEMO, NSU, FSD are social cash payments to disabled people and other categories of citizens that are provided by the pension fund.


This social benefit is assigned:

Veterans (Great Patriotic War, military operations, etc.);
disabled people, including disabled children;
former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention;
persons injured as a result of exposure to radiation.

The process of obtaining EDV is of an application nature. This means that you need to submit a written application with supporting documents attached to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, either at your place of residence or at your place of actual residence. If you are already receiving a pension, then you need to write an application to the territorial office of the Pension Fund that pays you the pension.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

pension insurance certificate;
documents on the right to benefits (certificate issued by the competent authorities, certificate medical and social examination on establishing disability, etc.).

If a citizen simultaneously has the right to receive EDV on several grounds under one law, the payment is established only on one basis, which provides for a higher amount.


It is part of the monthly cash payment, and you do not need to write a separate application to receive it.

The range of social services includes:

Providing necessary medications according to doctor’s prescriptions - 863.75 rubles;
provision, if there are medical indications, of a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment - 133.61 rubles;
free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 124.05 rubles.

When providing social services, citizens with disability group I and disabled children have the right to receive, under the same conditions, a second voucher for sanatorium treatment and free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back for person accompanying them.

In order to refuse to receive a set of social services in kind and receive cash, you must submit an application for refusal to receive social services or one social service to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before October 1.

It is enough to submit an application for refusal of benefits in kind once, after which there is no need to confirm your decision annually.

The submitted application for refusal will be valid until the citizen decides to resume receiving benefits.


Only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to DEMO, regardless of their place of residence. DEMO in the amount of 1000 rubles is set:

Disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
disabled people due to military trauma;
former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention.

DEMO in the amount of 500 rubles is set:

Military personnel who were undergoing military service V military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, as well as military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
widows of military personnel killed during the war; widows of disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
persons awarded the sign Resident of besieged Leningrad
former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos.

DEMO is paid by the territorial body of the Pension Fund simultaneously with the pension.

Citizens who have the right to DEMO, but have not implemented it in a timely manner, must submit an application for the appointment of this payment to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence. If a citizen has the right to DEMO, but he is not a pensioner, this payment is also assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, and in the case of permanent residence outside Russia - by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If a citizen simultaneously has the right to receive DEMO on several grounds, it is established on one basis, providing for a higher payment amount.


This pension supplement is established for all non-working pensioners whose total material income is below the subsistence level established in the region.

Those who apply for a pension for the first time can simultaneously apply for an additional payment. And it will be paid to the citizen automatically along with the basic pension.

As for current pensioners, whose financial support is below 4,700 rubles, you need to apply for the appointment of an FSD to your territorial body of the Pension Fund. The application must be accompanied by a copy of your passport, a copy work book(or other document confirming the fact of dismissal from work).

The pensioner will receive the additional payment from the 1st day of the month following the month of application. So, for those who applied in April, it will be installed from May 1, and so on.

Many pensioners are mistaken in believing that the concept of “material security” includes only the pension that they receive in the form of money. This is wrong.

When calculating the total amount of financial support for a pensioner, the following are taken into account:

additional material support;
monthly cash payment, including the cost of a set of social services.

In addition, monetary compensation for expenses is taken into account:

To pay for telephone use;
for payment of residential premises and utilities;
for payment of travel on all types of passenger transport: urban, suburban, intercity.

The social supplement is established not only for the pensions of older people, but also for the pensions of disabled children and children under the age of 18 who are assigned a survivor's pension. Their additional payment is established automatically without a declaration.

Most citizens prefer to receive social services in monetary terms.

What is a set of social services

Set of Social Services (NSS) – this is monthly state social assistance in the form of a set free services or compensation for the cost of services in cash.

Who can get NSU?

The following categories of persons can count on social assistance:

- Disabled children,

– Disabled war veterans, including WWII participants, prisoners of fascist concentration camps, other places of forced detention, employees of the Armed Forces, State Border Guard Service, police officers, police officers, penal service personnel who were injured in the line of duty,

– Disabled people I, II, III groups,

– Victims of the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, tests at the nuclear test site and persons equivalent to them.

– Veterans - participants in the Second World War, participants in the Afghan armed conflict, participants in other local military conflicts (on the territory or outside the Russian Federation), who were in military units that were not formally part of the structure of the USSR Army, who have the title “Resident of besieged Leningrad”, family members of deceased veterans .

Full list persons to receive subsidies is determined by Federal Law No. 178, as well as by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004.

Important! Regional authorities establish support in the form of cash payments or in kind, providing the right to free purchase of medicines, fuel, and travel on public transport (Federal Law No. 178).

What is included in the range of social services?

  1. Medical assistance required medicines(according to doctor's prescription), products medical purposes, food for children as directed by a doctor,
  2. A trip to a sanatorium-resort hospital, if there are medical indications,
  3. Travel to and from the treatment site by international and intercity transport.

The cost of a set of social services from April 1, 2017 is 1053.88 rubles, namely:

Where to apply for social assistance?

To receive social benefits, a citizen must contact the UPFR at the place of registration. Payments to pensioners are assigned in the same Pension Department where other pension payments.

Incapacitated and minor citizens receive payments at the place of residence of their parents, guardians/guardians. If the parents of a minor do not live together, then you should contact the Pension Department at the place of residence of the parent with whom the child lives.

Important! Minors who have reached the age of 14 can independently apply for additional payments.

Required documents

To apply for social assistance, the following documents are required:

- statement;

– an identity document (Russian passport, if the recipient has not reached 18 years of age, then a birth certificate);

– pension certificate (if available);

– a document confirming the right to receive benefits.

Refusal from a set of social services

The applicant, if desired, can be provided with social services:

– as benefits;

– in monetary compensation – as an additional payment to a pension;

- V mixed form when benefits are partially waived. For example, a pensioner does not need medications, then he writes a refusal of the benefit, but at the same time retains the opportunity to receive a voucher to a sanatorium and compensation for travel to it.

How to receive monetary compensation

To refuse benefits, a pensioner should contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund (where the pensioner’s personal file is kept) with a written application ( application form below). You can also use the services of the Multifunctional Center.

It is enough to write an application once, which will be valid until the citizen submits a new application for a new decision.

Deadlines for submission and start of work of the document:

– if this deadline is violated, for example, the application was submitted on October 15, then it will come into force only in more than a year.

To register a waiver of a set of social services, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. An application form is issued to the Pension Fund branch, where it is necessary to indicate the citizen’s personal data and the desired volume of receiving services in kind.

Important! A certificate for a set of social services is issued at certain period– from the moment of application until December 31 of the current year.

Benefits for pensioners, labor veterans and other categories

In accordance with Federal Law of August 22, 2004 Federal Law No. 122 “On the monetization of benefits”, benefits in kind were replaced by monetary compensation. Such compensation became known as a monthly cash payment (MCP) and amounted to different categories of recipients in various amounts ranging from 500 to 2000 rubles.

The following benefits were monetized:

– Providing free medical drugs;

– Travel by public and suburban transport;

Other benefits have been converted to compensation.

Valid next algorithm:

– Payment for some service (for example, housing and communal services);

– Submission of documents that confirm preferential status to the relevant institution (Housing Office);

– Receiving a sum of money into a bank account that is equal to the price of the paid service or a percentage of it.

Consequently, benefits are provided to those citizens who use them.

So, let's summarize

The set of social services includes three benefits. They can be received both in kind and in cash (upon application), in the form of an additional supplement to the monthly cash payment.

To receive monetary compensation starting next year, you must submit an application before October of the current year.

The process of monetization of benefits gives benefit recipients the right to independent choice in the form of benefits in kind or monetary compensation for them.

(name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund

Russian Federation)

SNILS _____________________


about refusal to receive a set of social services

(social service)


date of issue
Series and document number Date of Birth
Issued by Place of Birth

Citizen Representative

Full Name ___________________________________________


Please consider my refusal to receive:

│ │ set of social services provided for in part 1 of the article

“On state social assistance” (full range of social services)

│ │ social services provided for in paragraph 1 of part 1

“On state social assistance” (to provide in accordance with the standards medical care necessary medications for medical use according to prescriptions medications, medical products according to prescriptions for medical products, as well as specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children)

│ │ social services provided for in paragraph 1.1 of part 1

“On state social assistance” (for the provision, in the presence of medical indications, of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment carried out for the purpose of preventing major diseases, in sanatorium-resort organizations determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs)

│ │ social services provided for in paragraph 2 of part 1

“On state social assistance” (according to free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment)

(check as appropriate)

and stop his (her, their) payment at the expense of the amount (part of the amount) of the monthly cash payment from January 1, 20 ___.

(Underline whatever applicable)

I have received clarifications about the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services in accordance with Article 6.3 Federal Law dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ
“On state social assistance”, as well as on the termination of the provision of a set of social services (social services) from January 1, 20 ___ in accordance with this statement.

Application registration mark

The data specified in the application corresponds to the submitted identification document.


(cutting line)

Receipt – notification

Statement by gr. _____________________________________________________