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This terrier doesn't obey on the street. Raising toy terriers. It may seem strange to you, but clear rules will help you cope with aggression in this terrier.


Don’t make the mistake of attributing biting behavior to the fact that your puppy’s baby teeth are “itching” and he needs to constantly chew on something. Of course, he needs to bite and gnaw - for dogs this is one of the ways to understand the world. To do this, just buy him a latex toy with which he can bite to his heart's content. Buy him a special bone, which is sold in pet stores, dry cartilage. This is enough for him to scratch his growing teeth to his heart's content.

To prevent your pet from seeing your hands or the hands of children who play with him as a simulator for practicing his biting skills, use several methods to help you wean him from this. And do this right away, from the very first day when a small, almost “toy” puppy appeared in your house.

Arm yourself with a spray bottle filled with water. If you try to bite your hand, chew it, sink your teeth into it, spray the puppy in the nose with a spray bottle. This will not cause any harm to the dog, but it will make him understand that his attempts to bite you can lead to unpleasant sensations. She may even start sneezing if water will get in in the nose, but it's not scary.

Some, especially clever owners, manage to lightly grab the puppy by the tip of its tongue when it opens its mouth with the secret hope of chewing your hand in play. But here, of course, a skill competition may not always end in your victory.

Never use violence or punishment or hit or spank him. Despite their size, toys are fearless dogs and your behavior can only provoke him. Abruptly stop the game and leave the room, leaving him alone. After several such cases, she will associate the cessation of communication with her unwanted behavior.

If he tries to bite as an adult, take it as an attempt to dominate. In this case, you just need to demonstrate a couple of times who is the leader in your pack. If there was an attempt to bite, grab him by the skin near the withers with your fingers and shake him slightly, as dominant dogs do with naughty puppies. This will be enough to make him forget about biting for a while. If the attempts are repeated, do this trick again.

part 1

If a charming Russian Toy Terrier puppy appears in your home, then you are faced with an important and difficult task - how to make him a well-mannered and obedient dog, which will fully be your faithful comrade and reliable companion on long journeys and walks. After all, it is precisely as a “companion dog” that the toy terrier is declared in the standard.
Unfortunately, quite often one hears such unflattering reviews about the toy terrier as “pampered hysterical” or “uncontrollable idle talk”. Our recommendations will help you in the difficult task of raising a toy terrier. In no case should we forget that, despite its small stature, the toy terrier has developed intelligence and intelligence, and its upbringing requires no less effort than, say, raising a Great Dane or a poodleI. The toy terrier is not a doll or a decoration for the salon - but the most real dog, with his own character and inclinations.
So, what does the owner of a toy terrier puppy need to remember? First of all, you must always remember that your pet is very small. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when opening doors and moving things! Watch carefully where you sit and place your feet! Especially until the baby learns to dodge falling objects or not get under your feet.

Secondly, keep in mind that the puppy is not afraid of heights. This means that he can jump from any object without fear and be seriously injured. When picking up your puppy, hold him firmly with both hands. And it’s better for guests not to hold the baby at all!
And thirdly, don't let your puppy boss you around. Thanks to the innate intelligence of the puppy

OK, the toy terrier will figure out with whom and how to behave in a matter of days. And if you indulge, it may simply “sit” on your head! Therefore, in order for your further coexistence to be calm and bring joy to both you and the dog, you need to clearly define the boundaries of what is and is not allowed for the dog from the very first days. And here rigor and consistency are extremely important. Don't be afraid to overdo it: despite its cute little face, the Russian Toy Terrier has a strong character.
You only need to feed your Russian Toy Terrier quality food, intended for dogs small breeds. This food is balanced and provides your pet with all the nutrientssubstances, microelements and vitamins necessary for him. True, implementing this recommendation is not always easy. The fact is that toy terriers are no different good appetite and they can be very picky about food. And if you fail to teach your pet to eat properly from childhood, then you will end up with a lot of unnecessary problems and troubles. Some owners, in order to feed their toy terrier dry food, flavor the granules with oil, smear them with chicken pate, in general, they go to all sorts of tricks just to get the picky eater to eat. If you do not want such torment, then you can give a very simple recommendation.If the dog does not want to eat his portion, remove the bowl! If he doesn’t want to next time, well, remove it again. Eventually, hunger will convince your pet that it needs to eat what is given. There is one caveat to this recommendation: it can only be used if the dog is absolutely healthy.
Another problem that the owner of a toy terrier may encounter is teeth. The fact is that toy terrier puppies, like all small breeds, have a very difficult time replacing their baby teeth. It is necessary to monitor the change of teeth from 4 months to 6-7 months. If not all children’s fangs have fallen out, but larger ones are already growing nearby permanent teeth; or some incisors do not fall out and prevent the new ones from positioning correctly - it is necessary to urgently pull out stubborn children's teeth. This problem can be easily resolved by a veterinarian. Take your phone and coordinates the best specialist from your breeder or in a club. Adult dogs often experience caries and tartar, and as a result, early tooth loss. All of these problems are associated with the weakening and atrophy of the dog’s dental system due to the lack of need to constantly gnaw and chew. To prevent dental problems, the dog must constantly train them. Offer her a sufficient number of all kinds of vein bones and tails, and other similar toys that are designed to strengthen the jaws and massage the gums. Systematic biting and chewing of such “chews” mechanically removes plaque and makes it easier for toy terrier puppies to replace baby teeth.

part 2
Now let's talkabout walks. Of course, you need to teach the puppy to perform all its natural needs at home, in a specially designated place. However, in no case should a toy terrier be deprived of walks. fresh air. Otherwise, instead of a brave and seasoned companion for long journeys, your pet may turn into a weak, forever trembling creature. For a toy terrier puppy, a long walk with its owner is the greatest joy! It helps maintain good physical fitness And lung development, coordinated trot. And without these qualities, the exhibition career of this breed is simply unthinkable. But besides physical development, a walk is very important for strengthening mutual understanding between the owner and the dog, promotingThey help to establish psychological contact between them. During a walk, the puppy receives a lot of new information and adapts to the world around it. Of course, when walking with a toy terrier (considering its size), you should be very careful and avoid other people's dogs, big birds, cyclists and the like.
At first, you should walk near the house. But after the second vaccination, the duration of walks can be increased. We advise you to choose a route for walking with your dog away from home and highways, and measure the duration of the walk in kilometers, not minutes. With a toy terrier, as with a dog of any other breed, it is recommended to walk as much as possible.
When walking outside with your Toy Terrier puppy, you may sometimes hide or change direction unexpectedly. Such training is very useful for the baby: if the puppy gets lost in an unfamiliar place, he will understand that he must under no circumstances lose sight of his owner!
During walks, you need to carefully monitor the puppy so that he does not pick up anything from the ground. If you notice such an attempt, immediately give a prohibiting command. This is where we come to the most important thing in proper education toy terrier: the puppy must be trained to flawlessly execute two basic commands - “Come to me!” and “Ugh!” ("it is forbidden!"). Let's talk a little about how to achieve this.
Communication with toy terriers confirms the fact that, despite their size, they are “big” dogs and require serious treatment. It is not difficult to teach the basic elements to a toy terrier; the main thing is to clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted. The criteria for this are very simple: everything that is convenient and pleasant for you is allowed, and everything that annoys you or causes harm is prohibited once and for all. Only in this case will your mutual existence be pleasant.
Commands for controlling a dog at a distance: “Come to me!” and “Ugh!” (“You can’t!”) you need to start practicing at home in a familiar environment for the dog. And l
Then slowly secure it on the street. The puppy must understand that the learning process is not a game. Therefore, the words of the command are pronounced decisively and clearly. It is important to convey to the dog that all commands must be carried out immediately, regardless of his mood, desires and all kinds of distractions. When training, a contrast method is usually used, which is based on reward for correct performance and punishment for non-compliance. Correct execution of a command, or even an attempt to perform it, must be encouraged with praise and affection. To encourage from a distance, use the affectionate word “Good!” If a dog refuses to obey a command, it should be punished. Punishment can be a menacing voice or a tug on the leash. IN special cases You can spank a puppy with a newspaper.
We teach the puppy the command “Come to me!” This command is needed to call a dog from a distance. When starting to train your puppy, you must first clearly and distinctly say the command and immediately attract his attention: sit down and clap your hands. Gradually move away from him, repeating the command - “Come to me!” If the puppy runs up, praise him affectionately and try to show that you are very pleased. Be sure to immediately let the puppy go for a short walk. This is necessary so that the dog does not associate the execution of the command with imprisonment. This exercise should be repeated several times a day, first at home, and then during a walk, ensuring trouble-free execution.
Team "Ugh!" (“You can’t!”) a toy terrier puppy can be started at
read from 6-9 weeks. Already at this age, he perfectly understands the meaning of this prohibiting command. As soon as you notice that your pet is doing something illegal: for example, chewing on shoes or trying to steal something from the table, loudly and decisively say the command “Ugh!” Sometimes it happens that toy terrier puppies (especially older puppies) begin to ignore the ban. In such a situation, you need to be firm and punish the dog: holding the puppy with one hand, spank it with a newspaper while repeating the prohibiting command. There is important rule- you can punish a puppy only at the “crime scene”. Quite quickly, your pet will understand why he was punished and will flawlessly carry out the prohibiting command so as not to get into an unpleasant situation again.
Let's summarize: raising a toy terrier is not an easy task. But the stricter you treat your puppy during training, the better results you will get. Do not let him manipulate you; the toy terrier must understand that the boss is the master, who must be obeyed unquestioningly.
If you spare no effort, patience and mental strength, then you will get a wonderful companion and faithful comrade.

Toy Terrier - training tips

You need to start training a toy terrier the moment he arrives in your home. A great temptation for a person who has just received a small, trembling lump is the desire to please the puppy in everything. Experienced dog breeders say that no matter what breed we are talking about, this is absolutely not allowed. Both a huge Caucasian and a tiny decorative dog, whose upbringing was given little attention, can be equally unpleasant neighbors for the owners and everyone around them.
A conscientious breeder always instills in puppies the first skills good behavior, which he will definitely inform you about during the sale. The new owner’s task is to continue training and not discourage the dog’s healthy habits.
First, teach your toy terrier to be clean by limiting his living space to one room, for example, a hallway or kitchen, for several weeks. In this room, lay several folded newspapers or diapers. You will have to patiently explain to your child what is required of him, praising him every time he sits on the newspaper, and sternly reprimanding him for a puddle on the floor.
Sometimes owners of toy terrier puppies complain about the irrepressible energy of their pets, who rush around the apartment all day long and do not want to sleep even at night. You can, for example, place such a robber in an enclosure, where he will gradually get used to calming down and falling asleep. But if possible, just try to pay more attention to the puppy, support his active games, but at the end of such active activities, be sure to calm the baby down.
Throughout the first year of life, puppies chew everything that comes into their field of vision. In order not to lose valuable things, try to remove shoes, bags, books and other items from where the other person can get them, do not allow them to be damaged. At the same time, you need to make sure that the puppy has enough safe toys at his disposal that he can play with without fear.
The next step is raising a puppy correct behavior while walking. For your safety little friend you must teach him to walk on a leash and follow some commands, the main one of which is “Come!” or something more suitable for miniature toy, for example “Handles!”
The Toy Terrier is an intelligent and active dog that perfectly knows how to understand its owner. In order to develop a puppy’s intelligence, you must definitely exercise it: walk it, train it, just play. For show dogs, a good training activity would be to practice the stance and ring walk. It is this kind of active communication that develops the toy’s intelligence and improves its mutual understanding with its owner.
Even if your toy has learned to do all his chores in the tray, do not neglect walks at least once a day. Dogs, like humans, need new experiences, information and communication. A dog locked within four walls will sooner or later begin to suffer from this, receive severe stress, and stop developing.
It is scary and a pity to leave a small toy terrier at home alone. To prevent this from becoming a serious problem, start teaching your puppy to be alone from the very beginning. early age. To begin with, leave the house for 15-20 minutes, then gradually increase this time - the puppy will quickly get used to it and will patiently wait for your return.
Remember that everyone is good and bad habits appear in dogs during childhood and depend on upbringing and your behavior. Retrain adult dog, which is accustomed to howling in the absence of its owners, gnawing everything in sight, and running away during a walk, it is almost impossible.
Remember that in raising a dog, a sense of proportion and timeliness of all actions are very important. All the efforts spent on training your Toy Terrier will definitely bear fruit and allow your dog to live a long, happy life.

Raising a Toy Terrier can seem quite challenging due to the energetic and emotional nature of this breed. However, if you strictly follow the rules, you will certainly achieve success. Let's find out how to train a terrier at home.

The process of raising a Toy Terrier dog should be based on consistency and patience. It is highly not recommended to “break” this dog with hard pressure - this will only ruin its character. Training and education up to six months should be as gentle as possible.

In the first days, it is better to leave the toy terrier puppy alone; excessive attention will scare him. Don't scold your baby even when he goes to the toilet in the wrong place. Let him get used to his new home and understand that the new owners are not dangerous. After this, you can gradually begin to train and educate him.

An important stage in character development is socialization. At first, it is advisable to hold Toy in your arms while walking, but gradually you can lower him to the ground more and more often. You need to get used to the collar gradually. Put it on your dog for just 10 minutes at first, gradually increasing this time. If the puppy tries to take it off, do not scold the baby, but distract him with play or hold him in your arms.

Gradually you need to get used to the leash. After attaching it to the collar, at first just follow the puppy. After a few days, begin to gradually direct the movement yourself. When training a toy terrier, be persistent, but never shout: this will not give results, it will only make the dog nervous. Do not show aggression, even if your pet bites, and especially if he makes a mistake during training.

Always ensure that commands are followed, no matter how much the dog tries to overrule you. The puppy must understand that you will not leave until he follows the order. Otherwise, the dog will grow uncontrollable. Don't forget to reward for correctly executed commands.

Please note that too generous rewards reduce zeal - they lose value in the dog’s eyes, and besides, the baby may simply get full, losing interest in the activity. Occasionally, you can give your puppy a “feast,” but only at the end of a flawlessly completed training session, and not every time.

At first it may seem that your efforts are not achieving anything, but consistency, confidence and perseverance will eventually help you achieve your goal. Don't change the "rules of the game": if you decide that your pet shouldn't sleep on the bed, don't let it happen because Have a good mood. Likewise, all prohibitions must be indicated immediately.

We teach basic commands

Let's look at how to teach basic commands to a Toy Terrier.

In order for your pet to remember its name, repeat it every time you communicate.

  • One of the most important commands for any dog ​​is “Fu!” She needs to train the puppy from the first weeks of arrival in the house. Stop everything with this team unwanted actions. The voice should be “metallic”, but not loud. If the dog does not obey, the command can be supplemented with a slap with a newspaper or splashing water from a spray bottle;
  • command “Come to me!”: while saying these words, show the puppy a treat or his favorite toy so that he comes;
  • “Sit!”: Press on the dog’s rump. It is important to first voice the command, and only then push the pet to necessary action, otherwise he will get confused;
  • "Lie!" – press on the back of the sitting dog;
  • "Stand!" – push a lying or sitting dog from below. When you accustom your toy to a leash, teach him to stop on this command while walking or running;
  • "Place!" – take the puppy to his bed with this word. If he tries to run away, hold him back by repeating “Place!” Another way: after pronouncing this command, you can put a toy or treat on the bed;
  • “Be silent!” – clamp your hand over the barking puppy’s mouth;
  • When the dog gets used to the leash, teach him the command “Near!”, ensuring that he walks on a par with you, without running ahead or falling behind.

Related article: Description and origin of the American Toy Fox Terrier

How to wean yourself from bad habits

Fine trained dog distinguished not only by the instant execution of commands, but also by the absence of “ bad habits" Beginning owners often have a question: how to stop a toy terrier from barking continuously? Use the command “Ugh!” for this. or “Be silent!” If the dog does not obey, spank him with a newspaper or spray him with water. If he barks outside, you can use a gentle tug on the leash. This needs to be done as early as possible, since raising an adult dog is much more difficult, and constant barking will get on the nerves of both you and your neighbors.

Under no circumstances try to calm the dog down by stroking or talking kindly to him, otherwise he will perceive the affection as encouragement and will be even more zealous. At the same time, you cannot completely prohibit a dog from barking - this can lead to neuroses. In cases where barking is justified (someone is messing around under front door etc.), do not punish the dog.

Another important question: how to stop a small toy terrier from biting? A puppy that bites should not be hit. You can either scream, showing that you are in pain, or sternly say “Ugh!”

Although training a toy terrier is mandatory, it has completely different goals and approach. Already based on the size of the dog, it should be extremely clear that applying methods that are relevant for shepherd dogs and other breeds to toy dogs is a huge mistake. Dog training should focus on teaching your Toy Terrier commands that will be useful every day. Naturally, for such energetic miscreants as Toi, the primary and most important commands will be “fu” and “sit.” You'll have to work hard before your dog actually listens to your commands. If you are careless about this process and miss the moment, it is unlikely that you will be able to make up for it in the future.

Raising a Toy Terrier

This breed and her upbringing require enormous patience and compliance with special conditions that are not always applicable to other dogs. Basic principles that will help make your Toy Terrier a trained and obedient dog:

  • Never yell at a dog or try to “build it up”
  • Up to six months only loyal education
  • Don't be aggressive even when your Toy Terrier bites
  • Be patient and don’t give up training, even if it doesn’t work out at first.

As a rule, training a toy terrier at home is the best option. But then you need to adhere to some recommendations. Remember that this is absolutely not a breed that needs to be broken into complete submission. Training a Toy Terrier is more like the process of finding common language between dog and owner.

If you decide to use the “carrot and stick” method, then a reward for any execution of the command should be mandatory! In turn, the understanding of the “whip” is to persistently repeat the command, letting the dog know that you will not leave him alone. This breed has a choleric temperament, so this should be taken into account when raising. Don’t think that you’re the only one who got the unbearable and aggressive puppy. Most dogs of this breed behave almost the same and this can be considered their feature.

How to stop a toy terrier from biting

A common problem is that a toy terrier bites its owner or other people. This cannot be regarded as a manifestation of aggression, but must be stopped immediately. If your toy terrier bites, there is no need to hit him. Even a rolled up newspaper or slippers - bad option. You must understand your dog and then he will answer you in the same way. Therefore, use the following methods:

  • When a dog bites you, try screaming loudly, saying something like the word “ouch.” Don't shout too loudly, as your goal is not to scare the dog, but to let him know that you are in pain. If you do everything right, you will see progress very quickly.
  • Another method also works well. During play, if the puppy bites you again, just stop playing with him or leave the room altogether. This will surprise the puppy and let him know that he is doing something wrong.
  • Dogs do not always understand words, but they sense the tone unmistakably. Sometimes it is enough to make it clear with your voice that you are unhappy with his behavior to stop the pranks.

It is especially difficult to wean a puppy from going about its business in the house. If he pees in the apartment, then try to accustom him to the litter box, giving a reward for each successful attempt to pee in it. The use of antigadin and other means is not always relevant, but still, it can help.

Basic command training

There are no special recommendations for teaching basic commands that would be mandatory for the breed. Use standard training methods, but taking into account the specific nature of this breed. The main task in raising a toy is to create a relationship between the dog and the owner.

For the rest, it’s worth starting with basic command- ugh, lie down, sit, place, nearby. If you can master them successfully, you can study more complex ones. This will be great training for both dog and owner. Children do this with particular pleasure. It is enough to explain to them the basic principles and allow them to develop independently.

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Toy diseases are typical for small dogs.

Although training a toy is mandatory, it has completely different goals and approach.

When it comes to these dogs, there are almost always two main types: Russian and English.

The dog has been living with me for about two months. Everything is fine with his sister and mom, he plays and is happy when they come, but he growls at his dad all the time. He has already tried to give him treats, the dog eats them, but immediately continues to growl. We tried to punish, to no avail. It’s also impossible to ignore him, as he barks very loudly and loudly. And it’s not just dad that he doesn’t like; when my brother came to see me, the situation repeated itself. It got to the point where dad told me to get rid of the dog. How can I stop him from barking? Dad can understand, he would also like to play with him. But he barks at him, even when dad just turns around in his sleep


http://www. mini-dogs.ru /articles-training/howto-stop-dog-barking .html Does the dog bark only at dad or at someone else? Ah... Brother, I see that he treats men this way?)) Remove the spaces from the link.


I have a small poodle and he barked at me. I took a piece of meat and walked away a meter and started giving it and he realized that I was his mother


just take him in your arms and sit on the sofa and sit your dad next to you, your dad should emanate a calm and confident energy, and when he starts growling, say ugh, you can’t, and sit him on your lap again, and so on for a couple of days until he calms down, and in general, if that doesn’t help, then go to the dog handler


I got scared once....I should long time to correct... it is advisable for dad not to enter the room with the dog in shapeless or dark clothes... No sudden movements or freezing when entering the room. None stares in the direction of the dog! When entering, immediately speak to the dog in a calm, friendly voice... As soon as the dog calms down, pet it. But put off harsh and noisy games for now.... The dog must understand that only positive things come from dad.... And of course, dad doesn’t need to scold the dog for barking and raise his voice at it... If such a relationship continues for a week or two, then dad will also become a favorite owner! Good luck....


They are screaming dogs. You can understand Dad... If you can’t stop yelling yourself, hire a dog handler. Otherwise, this dog will still give you heat...


either wrap it with tape or cover it with plasticine


Well, how to stop a dog from barking... wrap its mouth with tape!


kill him!) this is not a dog! (joke) It’s just that the dog apparently doesn’t recognize men. Dad needs to communicate with him more often and, at the same time, the dog must know its place in the family hierarchy...


aggression towards a family member had to be stopped immediately, to show that the dog is just the dog and the owners you. And it’s not possible to stop barking, especially sneezing, go with him to a dog trainer, start training him properly