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Prognosis of lung sarcoma. Causes of occurrence, mechanism of development and types. Adipose tissue sarcoma

Lung sarcoma is a pathological tumor that develops from connective tissue organ, has a fairly rapid aggressive development and early metastasis to other organs and systems of the body.

Attention! This disease is extremely rare; according to statistics, of all tumor pathologies in this organ, sarcoma accounts for only 1% of the incidence rate. But do not underestimate this disease, it has a very insidious rapid course, in most cases, leading to death.

This disease has two types according to the degree of malignancy:

  • low-grade tumors, which are formed from highly differentiated cells that reproduce slowly;
  • highly malignant, formed from highly differentiated cells that can divide very quickly.

Besides, pathological formations divided according to the degree of differentiation. Highly differentiated ones include: angiosarcomas, fibrosarcomas, neurosarcomas, chondrosarcomas, liposarcomas, hemangiopericytomas, rhabdomyosarcomas.

Low differentiated ones include:

  • fusiform lung sarcoma;
  • round cell;
  • peripheral lung sarcoma.

The main reasons for the formation of this pathology are not fully understood, but it was possible to establish a number of predisposing factors that may precede the formation of the pathological process. These factors include:

  1. environment contaminated with carcinogens;
  2. bad habits, especially smoking;
  3. hereditary predisposition;
  4. radioactive exposure of the body.

Manifestations of the disease

Often, in the initial stages of development, lung sarcoma does not produce any symptoms, which significantly complicates the early diagnosis of the disease. It is known that most often the pathology develops in middle-aged people over 40 years old. The disease is very similar to lung cancer and only after appropriate examination can an accurate diagnosis be made. Expressiveness clinical manifestations will depend on the stage, size, location of the tumor, and the presence of metastases. Of course, if at the very beginning of the disease it gives practically no symptomatic manifestations, then, having reached stage 4, lung sarcoma will show the full intensity of its characteristic signs.

The most striking clinical manifestations of this disease are:

  • increased fatigue;
  • even with the smallest physical activity the patient experiences shortness of breath;
  • due to the resulting congestion in the lungs, hypertrophy of the right ventricle and atrium appears;
  • dysphagia, in which it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow liquids and food, pleurisy;
  • pneumonia that does not respond to treatment;
  • from such a patient you can often hear about the colds that plague him;
  • in addition, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and convulsions may occur;
  • if metastases have reached any other organ, then there will be concomitant clinical manifestations on its part.

If metastases spread throughout the body, lungs may develop, which is systemic disease, affecting the skin and mucous membranes of humans. With this type of pathological tumor, it affects lymphatic system And internal organs. In this case, the symptoms will be somewhat different: rapid weight loss, constant fever, thick fluid is noted with this lung pathology, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, pain in the chest and heavy noisy breathing.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnostics should be carried out experienced specialist, which can detect pathological process at an early stage. Unfortunately, the insidiousness of oncological diseases lies in the fact that they do not manifest themselves in the initial stages, but give the corresponding symptoms already when we can talk about severe and advanced stage. At the slightest of the above symptoms, you must immediately go to the clinic and undergo an examination, because the sooner the disease is detected, the greater the chances of a cure. The following diagnostic methods can be used to diagnose the disease:

  1. clinical blood test;
  2. MRI, CT, X-ray of the lungs;
  3. ECG, angiography;
  4. Doppler study;
  5. biopsy.

Treatment methods for pathological diseases

Today, there are quite effective and efficient methods of combating this disease. This is especially true for foreign clinics, where they carry out their own developments in the treatment of pathology, have all the necessary equipment and expensive equipment and drugs. All this allows for top level carry out high-quality diagnostics and. Unfortunately, most of latest technologies and the methods have not reached domestic clinics, therefore, if possible, then, of course, it is better to go for treatment to oncology centers in Israel, Germany and other leading countries in the fight against cancer.

Today, there are three treatment options for this disease:

  • surgical intervention, which is used only for local damage. If the operation was carried out successfully, then this is a guarantee complete cure;
  • , taking anticancer drugs can not only prolong the patient’s life, but also improve its quality. Chemotherapy is prescribed before or after surgery. If malignancy is inoperable, then chemotherapy is the only treatment option;
  • Radiation therapy is used as a complex effect on the pathological process.

In addition, appropriate nutrition should be maintained in patients with pulmonary sarcoma, especially if dysphagia is observed. Naturally, every patient suffering from lung sarcoma is concerned about the question of how long they live with this pathology. The life prognosis will depend on whether the specialists were able to perform the operation. If the malignant focus has been removed, then a complete recovery may well occur.

When making such forecasts important role The type of cancer focus plays a role, as well as the neglect of the pathology. If the focus is represented by highly differentiated cancer cells that mutate slowly, the survival prognosis will be quite optimistic. Thanks to combined approach and application modern techniques When treating lung sarcoma, prognoses improve; the number of people who were able to overcome the five-year survival threshold is gradually increasing (up to 10% of the total number of cases). Prognosis largely determines the size of the tumor, its location and type. Also plays a role general state person.

Factors that determine life expectancy

The type of cancer lesion, which is determined by histological examination. For example, small cell oncology is detected already at the later stages of progression, when metastases have spread. Therefore, forecasts are often pessimistic. With large cell lesions, the prognosis improves.
. Dimensions of the cancer focus.
. The extent of metastasis and involvement of nearby organs. If the lesion is extensive, treatment may not produce any results. According to statistics, the 1st stage of pathology kills about 60% of patients, and the 2nd stage kills about 85%.

How long do people live with sarcoma of the lungs?

This question interests the patients themselves, as well as their relatives. Sarcoma is characterized by aggressive growth and early metastasis, therefore, with lung sarcoma, the survival prognosis without taking appropriate measures is 3-5 months. This indicates that people with sarcoma lesions may die within six months of diagnosis. Sarcoma does not respond well to chemotherapy. The success of therapy strongly depends on the timely detection of pathology.

It should be remembered that the fight against cancer is difficult process. Unfortunately, sarcoma, among other types of cancer, has the highest mortality rate. In case of passing quality treatment lung sarcoma, the five-year survival prognosis will be quite optimistic, but as for the 10-year time mark, a negligible number of cancer patients survive to it. In the absence of treatment or if this lesion is detected late, a person will live a maximum of 3-4 months.

Each patient is faced with the fact that chemotherapy at stages 3 and 4 ceases to reduce the tumor and metastases. This is an indication that it is time to switch to more modern methods of cancer therapy. For selection effective method treatment you can seek

During the consultation the following will be discussed: - methods of innovative therapy;
- opportunities to participate in experimental therapy;
- how to get a quota for free treatment to the oncology center;
- organizational matters.
After consultation, the patient is assigned a day and time of arrival for treatment, a therapy department, and, if possible, an attending doctor is assigned.

Lung sarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasm that often ends fatal. A feature of such tumors is their rapid development and metastasis to other organs.

The disease occurs among patients of all types; even young children face a similar problem. However average age patients range from 40 to 60 years.

General information

Lung sarcoma is a tumor that grows from connective tissue. During development, the neoplasm reaches impressive sizes and can occupy a significant part of the lung.

Some types of tumors have a superficial capsule. Lung sarcoma also has the ability to grow into inner fabrics bronchi. If you look at it in cross-section, you will notice areas with multiple blood vessels, as well as fragments with necrotic parts.

Sarcomas are divided into 2 types:

  • primary cancer causes a malignant neoplasm that develops in the connective tissues of the lung;
  • Secondary cancer is characterized by the process of metastasis of cells from other affected organs to the lung.

There are several stages of sarcoma development:

  • V initial stage the tumor measures up to 3 cm and does not spread metastases;
  • at the second stage, growth of the formation up to 6 cm and primary metastases are noted;
  • at the third stage, the sarcoma grows rapidly and affects the lymphatic system;
  • the fourth stage involves metastasis to all near and distant organs.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will be able to assess the size of the tumor and determine what it is in an individual case. It is worth noting that most often, in the presence of such an ailment, a large number of malignant lesions of the body.


Scientists around the world still cannot identify the exact cause of lung sarcoma. However, the tests carried out prove Negative influence the following factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. If one of your close relatives has had cancer, then all family members are at risk. To prevent such consequences, you should undergo a thorough diagnosis every year.
  • Poor ecology in the place of residence. Many residents of megacities face this problem; as a result of the accumulation of exhaust gases containing carcinogenic substances, the threat of cancer development increases.
  • Abuse of tobacco smoking, drug use and alcohol use large quantities. Information about harmful effects bad habits is spreading all over the world. However, according to statistics, it is precisely this category of the population that is most often faced with cancer.
  • Radioactive exposure. Some people have to live in regions with high radiation, and they often suffer from various manifestations cancer.
  • Reception medications in unlimited quantities without a doctor's prescription.
  • Frequent sun exposure. Ultraviolet rays provoke cancer formations skin, tanning bed lovers also face this disease.
  • Osteosarcoma synovial in as soon as possible amazes.

Patient survival will depend on the grade of the tumor. The disease is treatable in the first and second stages of development.


Whenever lung sarcomas, symptoms will differ depending on the location of the formation and the stage of development. On initial stage the disease does not provoke any symptoms.

Lung sarcoma in most cases causes the following symptoms:

  • Cancer cells metastasize, forming intoxication of the body, which causes the patient to experience nausea, vomiting, general weakness, malaise, excessive sweating, change in skin color. With this diagnosis, increased fatigue is noted and the person loses working capacity.
  • The disease is characterized by acute pulmonary failure, which quickly causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart, and the patient experiences frequent shortness of breath.
  • Patients constantly suffer from pneumonia and other colds.
  • A dry cough with blood occurs periodically.
  • Appear painful sensations V chest.
  • The disease often metastasizes to the gastrointestinal tract, which is why the patient’s metabolic processes, problems with swallowing food appear.
  • The voice becomes hoarse.
  • Convulsive attacks occur periodically.
  • A neoplasm that develops rapidly provokes increased headaches.

How long patients live depends on the effectiveness of therapy. Modern methods Treatments can significantly increase life expectancy.


When treating small cell cancer, comprehensive care is important, which includes:

Whether to perform the operation or not is determined by the doctor after preliminary diagnosis. Some tumors on last stage developments are considered inoperable, therefore conservative therapy is carried out.

Surgery is considered the most effective treatment method. Depending on the extent of the damage, part of the lung with the tumor or the entire organ is removed.

If multiple dimorphic tumors are observed, then surgery is performed using a cyberknife. This method of operation does not involve an incision in the chest; the doctor acts on the tumor using a laser. With active metastasis, there is a need for a course of chemotherapy before and after surgery.

In patients with stage 4 sarcoma, lung metastases spread rapidly, causing total duration life does not exceed 3-4 months. At this stage there is a defeat thyroid gland, with bone metastases.

Lung sarcoma is a malignant tumor characterized by an aggressive course. IN medical practice The disease is classified as rare, affecting about 1% of cancer patients. And yet, lung sarcoma is very dangerous due to its active development serious consequences. Delayed treatment The disease often leads to the death of the patient.

Features of the disease

Lung sarcoma - what is it? Dangerous pathology classified into primary (occurs in the respiratory system) and secondary (provoked by cancer of other internal systems).

The neoplasm is presented in the form of a strong and very powerful node, which is capable of occupying some part, a lobe of the lung, or the entire respiratory organ. The tumor is often limited to healthy cells capsule, but can penetrate into the parenchyma and bronchi.

We also present the description of the disease in the form of a picture:

Sarcoma is characterized by an aggressive and bright course, active growth tumors, early metastases, movement of pathogenic cells through healthy tissue.

The difference between sarcoma and other cancerous tumors

A cancerous tumor arises from epithelial cells covering the respiratory organ from the inside. The development of sarcoma occurs from the connective tissue cells lining the outside of the organ.

Watch an excerpt from the program “About the Most Important Thing” about lung cancer:


According to histological characteristics, pathology is classified into:

  • highly differentiated - low malignancy, slow process of division of malignant cells;
  • poorly differentiated - increased malignancy, accelerated process divisions of malignant cells, foci of necrosis, multiplicity of lesions.

Types of pathology:

  • angiosarcoma - malignant lesion of the walls of blood vessels;
  • fibrosarcoma - development from connective cells of the bronchi;
  • lymphosarcoma - development from the bronchial lymph system;
  • chondrosarcoma - formation from cartilage tissue;
  • liposarcoma - development from lipid tissue;
  • leiomyosarcoma formation begins from muscle tissue;
  • neurosarcoma - development from cells of nerve trunks.

Stages of the disease:

  • The first is that the tumor is limited to the capsule, a node with an infiltrate no more than 3 cm in diameter, and no metastases.
  • Second, the node increases in diameter to 6 cm, and the process of metastases to the lymph nodes and bronchial parenchyma begins.
  • The third is an enlargement of the node up to and including 6 cm or more (in diameter), active metastasis.
  • The fourth is metastasis to nearby internal organs, as well as to the lymph nodes.

In medicine, there is no separate pathology “pulmonary sarcoma”. The disease is a type of cancer that is completely different in histological characteristics, the development of which does not occur from epithelial tissue, but from other internal structures.

For lung sarcoma, as for others cancerous tumors, characteristic:

  • infiltration and subsequent destruction of nearby tissues;
  • relapse after surgical removal first outbreak;
  • metastasis.

A feature of the pathology is that a malignant tumor often develops in children and young people, who are characterized by an active process of division of connective tissue cells. In addition, lung sarcoma has an increased tendency to relapse, which explains the low survival rate in patients with this diagnosis.


Medicine does not know exactly the reasons for the development of the disease, since it is completely impossible to explain why the cells of the connective tissue of the lungs begin to “transform” into a malignant tumor. But doctors have identified factors that may well become provocateurs for the development of pathology:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • unfavorable ecology in the area of ​​residence (presence of carcinogenic compounds in the air - exhausts and discharges from industrial enterprises);
  • smoking addiction;
  • radiation exposure;
  • exposure to UV waves;
  • prolonged exposure to chemicals on the body;
  • disorderly or long-term treatment strong medications;
  • improper diet - abuse of fatty, spicy, smoked foods.

Clinical features

Risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer in one picture:

The signs and symptoms of lung sarcoma are almost identical to those clinical features cancer respiratory system. The first symptoms of the pathology are minor. Often the patient does not pay attention to the symptoms of lung sarcoma, to the initial symptoms of the disease, and does not notice what is happening to his body pathological changes and postpones a visit to the oncologist. This further complicates the process of treating a serious illness.

Signs of initial malignant lesion:

  • apathy, indifference, physical weakness, behavioral changes, fatigue;
  • dyspnea;
  • constant nausea;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • hoarseness in voice;
  • difficulty swallowing solid foods (later the patient begins to experience discomfort when swallowing soft foods or liquid dishes);
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling foreign body in the sternum area;
  • increased sweating (especially at night, during sleep).

During the course of the patient's illness primary symptoms Other signs are also added:

  • the appearance of a prolonged cough (usually a wet cough with viscous sputum);
  • when coughing, blood spots are found in saliva or sputum;
  • promotion temperature conditions body (chills, fever);
  • difficulty breathing;
  • cyanosis or pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • accession secondary diseases- pleurisy, infections respiratory tract, pneumonia.

The intensity of clinical manifestations depends on the size of the tumor and its histological features. As a rule, the symptoms of the disease actively progress, become bright and give the patient painful sensations and general discomfort.


Timely diagnosis of a developing malignant tumor increases the chances of a favorable prognosis. If a patient is suspected of having cancer, the doctor prescribes pulmonary diagnostics, including:

  • general as well as biochemical tests blood;
  • blood test to determine antibodies;
  • MRI, CT, allowing to determine the diameter of the tumor, as well as the degree of malignant lesion;
  • an electrocardiogram that determines the functionality of the heart;
  • radioisotope research - determining the boundaries between healthy tissues and cancer-affected cells;

We'll tell you what scintigraphy is in the picture:

  • angiography - identifying the condition of blood vessels;
  • biopsy;
  • diagnostics of heart functionality using Doppler.


Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed complex therapy, the technique of which depends on the stage of cancer, age and physiological characteristics sick.

Let us describe the types of lung operations in the picture:

The leading role in lung sarcoma is assigned to surgical technique treatment. The operation can be performed in one of 3 ways:

  • lobectomy (removal of the lobe of the respiratory organ affected by cancer);
  • pneumonectomy (complete excision of the entire lung affected by pathology);
  • segmentectomy (removal of a specific segment of the lung affected by the disease).

If it is impossible to carry out abdominal surgery(presence of contraindications) the patient is prescribed radiosurgical removal of the malignant focus - using a cyber knife or gamma knife. During the operation, the integrity of the tissues and the sternum is not compromised; the suppression of malignant cells is carried out using X-ray irradiation.

After surgery the patient is indicated for radiation and chemotherapy (using potent medicines). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be prescribed before abdominal surgery. The goal is to reduce the diameter of tumor nodes and stabilize the oncological process.

During chemotherapy, cytostatics are prescribed that inhibit the activity of pathogenic cells.

Survival prognosis

Cancer is characterized by an aggressive course, which accordingly affects the life expectancy of absolutely all patients. How long do people live with lung sarcoma? Life expectancy depends on the severity of cancer and the physiological characteristics of the patient. Despite the possibilities modern medicine, the life prognosis in most cases is unfavorable:

  • If a pathology is detected on early stages Only 50% of patients have a chance of life over the next 5 years.
  • If therapy for the disease began at stage 3, then the life prognosis for the same period of time is reduced to 20%.
  • With lung sarcoma of the last stage, the prognosis is always unfavorable - almost all patients die within six months from embolism, development pulmonary insufficiency or occurrence infectious processes in the respiratory organs.
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– an extremely aggressive malignant tumor that develops from immature connective tissue elements of the lung. Symptoms of lung sarcoma are similar to those lung cancer, but differ in more rapid progression. Subjective symptoms may include shortness of breath, cough, difficulty swallowing, fever, severe fatigue, and sweating. Superior vena cava syndrome, pleurisy, pericarditis, pneumonia, and osteoarthropathy are often detected. For diagnostic purposes, X-rays, CT and MRI of the lungs, bronchoscopy, fine-needle biopsy, etc. are performed. For the treatment of lung sarcoma, surgical methods(radical and palliative), chemotherapy, radiotherapy.


C46.7 Kaposi's sarcoma of other localizations

General information

Lung sarcoma is a highly malignant lung tumor of mesodermal origin, the source of which is usually the connective tissue structures of the walls of the bronchi and interalveolar septa. Sarcoma is a rare type of malignant lung tumor, accounting for 1% of all lung cancers. From others malignant neoplasms Lung sarcoma is characterized by rapid growth and early metastasis. It most often affects young men (20-40 years old), but can develop in people of any gender and age. In children, lung sarcoma is especially aggressive, which is associated with age-related activity of connective tissue growth. Oncology and pulmonology are engaged in the search for optimal ways to treat lung sarcoma.

Causes of lung sarcoma

The development of primary lung sarcoma can be initiated by various factors. It has been experimentally confirmed that in the etiology of sarcomas various localizations ionizing radiation, ultraviolet irradiation, chemical substances, smoke and air pollution.

To the group increased danger the occurrence of lung sarcoma includes smoking patients; workers exposed to industrial carcinogens (asbestos, aniline dyes, pesticides, etc.); persons living in industrial cities with high content exhaust gases and soot in the air. It is unsafe to abuse tanning, both natural (under the rays of the sun) and artificial (in a solarium). The role of burdened heredity has been proven: in the presence of family cases of sarcoma, the risk of its manifestation in other blood relatives is several times higher.

Secondary lung damage can be metastases of osteogenic sarcoma, uterine sarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma, breast, mediastinum, etc. In most cases, lung sarcoma is located in the peripheral parts, affecting the upper lobes, but it can also affect the entire lung; sometimes localized in large bronchi in the form of polypoid outgrowths. The tumor has the appearance of a massive node of a round or polycyclic shape, a soft consistency, and a white-pink color when cut. Metastasis of sarcoma most often occurs by hematogenous route.


According to its origin, lung sarcoma is divided into primary (growing from its own lung tissue) and secondary (metastatic, spreading to the lungs from a distant primary focus - muscles, bones, genitals, etc.). Histologically, primary lung sarcomas can be highly differentiated (low grade of malignancy - with low mitotic activity of cells, a large proportion of stromal elements) and poorly differentiated ( high degree malignancy – with high speed cell division, predominance of tumor elements, well-developed vascular network, foci of necrosis).

Well-differentiated lung sarcomas vary depending on the source of the blastomatous process and can be represented by the following types (in descending order of frequency):

  • angiosarcoma– comes from the walls of blood vessels
  • fibrosarcoma- formed from bronchial and peribronchial connective tissue
  • lymphosarcoma– develops from lymphoid tissue
  • neurosarcoma– affects the connective tissue elements of the nervous tissue
  • chondrosarcoma– comes from the cartilaginous elements of the bronchi
  • liposarcoma– formed from adipose tissue
  • leiomyosarcoma And rhabdomyosarcoma– originate from smooth muscle and striated muscle tissue, respectively
  • hemangiopericytoma- arises from pericytes - cells that make up the walls of capillaries.

Undifferentiated lung sarcomas are divided into:

  • spindle cell
  • round cell
  • polymorphic cell.

Staging of lung sarcoma is based on the extent of the tumor and involves the identification of 4 stages:

  • Stage I- limited infiltrate or nodule in the lung up to 3 cm in diameter with no metastases;
  • Stage II– a tumor measuring 3-6 cm in diameter with the presence of single metastases in the peribronchial lymph nodes and lymph nodes of the lung root;
  • Stage III– a tumor larger than 6 cm in diameter with the presence of metastases to the mediastinal lymph nodes, pleural invasion
  • IV stage- a tumor of any size in combination with distant metastases.

Symptoms of lung sarcoma

The clinical picture of lung sarcoma resembles that of lung cancer, but unlike the latter, it develops more rapidly. Specific symptoms are determined by stage, location and histological structure tumors. With the intrabronchial type of tumor growth, bronchial obstruction may occur - in this case, the clinical picture resembles that of central lung cancer.

In typical cases, patients are concerned about progressive shortness of breath, chest pain, cough with sputum and streaks of blood, increased body temperature, and sweating. Because of constant weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite suffers general health. With tumor invasion of the esophagus, dysphagia develops, with compression of the venous trunks - superior vena cava syndrome. Sprouting of the pleura is accompanied by the development of hemorrhagic pleurisy, outer shell heart - hemorrhagic pericarditis.

Sometimes lung sarcoma is detected during a detailed examination for prolonged or recurrent pneumonia. In some cases in clinical picture It is not the signs of lung damage that dominate, but the paraneoplastic syndrome (pulmonary osteoarthropathy) - periostitis, arthritis, joint pain, deformation of the fingers. IN late stages cancer intoxication, cancer cachexia, and anemia develop.


To confirm the diagnosis, an oncologist and a thoracic surgeon are consulted, the medical history is clarified, and instrumental examinations. Lung sarcoma can be suspected by the rapid progression of the tumor in individuals young. The leading role in identifying lung sarcoma is radiation methods(radiography, CT scan of the lungs). Radiographs reveal a round or oval shadow with uneven edges, which is often localized in the peripheral regions. During dynamic control, a rapid increase in the tumor is observed. CT and MRI of the lungs allow a more detailed analysis of tumor parameters and staging of the process.

With intrabronchial growth, polypoid sarcoma is well visualized during bronchoscopy. It looks like a white and pink formation irregular shape without capsule. The histological diagnosis is clarified using

Treatment of lung sarcoma

When choosing a rational therapeutic tactics The stage of lung sarcoma, its type and location are taken into account. In operable cases, lobectomy or pneumonectomy with lymphadenectomy is performed. In the preoperative period, as a rule, a course of polychemotherapy is prescribed. Radiation therapy is usually used as part of complex treatment(complements surgical and chemotherapy treatment), since lung sarcoma is less sensitive to radiotherapy. Implemented innovative technology selective internal radiotherapy (SIRT) - the introduction of radioisotopes through a catheter into pulmonary vessels, going to the tumor.

If radical resection is not feasible, palliative surgery may be performed to eliminate pathological symptoms and increase short-term patient survival. In addition, for inoperable tumors chemotherapy may be prescribed alone or in combination with radiation therapy, immunochemotherapy.


Lung sarcoma is a cancer with a potentially unfavorable prognosis. Distinctive feature is the tendency for lung sarcoma to recur and metastasize, which determines the low survival rate of patients with this diagnosis. The five-year survival rate when starting treatment at the first stage is 50%, at the third – 20%. If primary lung sarcoma is detected in late stages or secondary lung damage patients die within a few months.