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Basics of raising a husky. Effective training of a husky is the basis of raising a dog Training an adult husky

Huskies were bred as a breed of sled dogs, characterized by endurance and excellent working qualities. They pulled sleds in Siberia and the Far East, from there they were brought to Alaska and conquered the north of America, where they quickly surpassed local sled dogs in popularity. These hard-working animals are still indispensable in harsh environments, but they have spread throughout the world as companion dogs. American breeders have worked on the exterior of the husky, and today it is a very attractive breed in appearance - a muscular and graceful medium-sized dog, with thick hair, erect triangular ears and incredibly beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

The most common eye color is blue, but brown eyes are also acceptable different colors. By nature, the dogs are friendly and energetic, they are completely human-oriented, good-natured, and suitable for a family with a child. With large animals they will find common language, but small ones - cats, rodents, are considered as prey. The dog can be kept in an apartment; the absence of smell from fur and slobbering makes it easier to keep, but regular physical activity is necessary, otherwise unspent energy is spent on destroying the house.

How to toilet train a Husky?

1. Toilet in the house

Puppies up to 6-7 months cannot control physiological processes, their mother takes care of them, and in the house these responsibilities fall on the owner. Until the end of quarantine, after vaccination, babies are not taken outside, so they are taught to wear a diaper or newspaper. During puppy age It is better for dogs to remove all carpets from the floor, otherwise this will be a favorite place for “wet things”. It is better to place a tray or newspapers in a place that the husky has chosen himself; if this is a toilet, then you will have to leave the door open, ensuring free access. If the puppy regularly walks in a place where this is strictly prohibited, try spraying a special spray there that repels the smell or placing a bowl, the dog will not shit near its food. The newspapers laid out should be changed regularly; the puppy would rather make a puddle on the floor than go to the dirty toilet. If the puppy is unfamiliar with the diaper, he will not immediately understand its purpose. You can train your dog by limiting its space to a room or enclosure, completely covered with diapers. It is worth letting your pet out after he has gone to the toilet, be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Gradually reduce the number of diapers to one, by which time the puppy will understand where to do his business, and he no longer needs to be locked up.

2. Toilet outside

When it comes time to walk the puppy, the owners are faced with the following problem: he walks for an hour or two, but still goes to the toilet at home.

There are several tips on how to deal with this, but something will definitely suit you:

Bring a scented newspaper from home to encourage your puppy to pee.
Bring him to the place where other dogs have set up a toilet so that he understands what is expected of him.
Carrying the baby out immediately after eating or sleeping, he will not be able to endure it for long and will go outside.
Always praise and give treats, but do this after the successful completion of the process, otherwise you will scare away.
Do not punish the puppy for puddles at home, because he is small; huskies up to 8 months can go to the toilet at home if there is a long interval between walks.

How to train a husky?

Simple commands: “Come to me”, “Look”, “Sit”, “Walk”, etc. can be practiced at an early age, in the form of a game. When calling your pet, say “Come to me,” hide a toy or treat and practice the “Look” command. Do not rely on instant understanding, repeat the lesson several times a day, achieve execution. We must not forget about encouragement and change words, for example, “Look” - “Find”, “Sit” - “Sit”, this will confuse the puppy. Training surrounded by other dogs will benefit the pet, because huskies are used to working in a pack. If you are unable to cope with your dog’s stubborn temperament on your own, contact professional trainers.

Husky dogs are amazing creatures that have not only unusual appearance, but also a special character. This is exactly what needs to be taken into account when raising such a dog, because experienced dog owners always train their charges taking into account their character.

Husky puppy: how to choose a baby

Before moving on to the issue of training, you need to start with the very first steps - this is choosing a husky puppy. Actually pick up good dog is not so simple, so here you need to listen to the following tips:

As you can see, any special criteria There is no husky puppy by choice, so you can take home any puppy.

Anyone who wants to get such a dog should immediately understand that huskies are a working breed. She is resilient, strong, you just have to remember the harsh northern conditions in which she is able to live and work. This needs to be taken into account. Raising a husky should take place in the same way as small children are raised, that is, through play. This is how the dog understands and fulfills all commands perfectly. You definitely need to praise your pet for its success, otherwise it will simply refuse further training.

The dog must understand the authority of its owner as the most important person in the family. There should be no cooing or cruelty in training a husky. The owner of such a dog must immediately establish a trusting relationship with his dog, be strict but fair with him.

Attention! Of course, the Husky dog ​​is extremely charming and causes endless affection in everyone. But if you constantly touch and coo with it, then no discipline or proper education will work: the dog will simply become spoiled and will not listen to its owner. And vice versa, in no case should you use cruelty in training: huskies are very smart and understand everything, so they will remember all overly harsh actions, and in adulthood they will definitely remember them to their owner.

As you can see, the Husky dog ​​is intelligent like a human. When the process is underway raising a child, it is necessary to refrain from connivance and ill-treatment. Things are exactly the same and with self-training dogs: only mutual respect, fairness, severity and encouragement.

Experienced dog breeders advise starting to train a puppy as early as 3 months of its life, some start even earlier. It is worth emphasizing right away: such a dog is extremely smart and willful, therefore, if he does not obey, does not follow commands and does not want to continue communicating with his owner, this means that he is bored, he decides to be stubborn, or the dog simply does not want to at the moment learn while he understands perfectly well what they want from him.

If such a situation arises, then you can try to change the game process to a more dynamic and exciting one. And a few more very important points:

  • all commands must be given in a clear voice, as if the trainer were a teacher at school;
  • You should not raise your voice tone, you need to speak calmly;
  • as mentioned earlier, a husky is a working dog, but not a service dog, so commands should not sound like an order, but like a request.

Many owners, due to their incompetence, perceive all dog breeds as one; for such, huskies and shepherds are, in fact, the same creatures, which means that training should be the same. This is a deep misconception. And if you don’t take into account the husky’s character, then training will simply fail.

An intelligent and resourceful husky will always feel if the owner is afraid of her or spoils her too much, then she will use all her cunning and begin to act without permission, so you should raise her wisely, be sure to reward her for success. As praise You need to use a variety of treats, especially in the first stages of training. Subsequently, already from adult dog, verbal encouragement will be enough, speaking in a soft and pleasant voice. There is no need to squeal with joy or praise in a squeaky voice, imitating children: huskies, and in principle all dogs, cannot stand such intonations.

Punishment should not be used if the dog is not in the mood to follow commands, because like any other creature, it also needs moral and physical rest. However, sometimes there are such situations when the dog needs to be punished, for example:

  • aggression towards its owner and surrounding people;
  • aggression towards other animals;
  • behavior that can cause harm to the dog itself.

Even for such dangerous actions You should never beat a dog; instead, it is better to use the following methods:

  1. try to stop in a stern voice inappropriate behavior dog;
  2. take the pet by the withers and press it to the ground, do not let go until it calms down.

Thus, the dog will feel that the owner is stronger than him, and the latter, in turn, will calm the dog without using force and establish his authority in front of him.

Commands and other training rules

So, how to train your pet at home? How to teach to various teams? The question is complex and simple at the same time. For starters, the dog she must remember her nickname, and everything is simple here: you need to address her only by name, while affectionately stroking her. Before you feed the dog, you should call him, you need to do this constantly, and within a few days the pet will learn its name.

The dog must clearly understand who is boss in the house. Husky is a pack dog, so it will instinctively look for the leader in the family based on his authority. If she doesn’t find this, she will try to become a leader herself, and this will lead to disobedience and spoiling.

How to call a dog and teach him to use the command “near”? Everything is simple here - this is the phrase “come to me, come to me, here’s a smart girl” with a cheerful and joyful intonation, plus a treat for the work done. If the ward does not want to obey, you can run away from him a little, then the dog may be afraid of moving away from his owner and will try to shorten this distance. As soon as he starts running up, you need to continue calling him, and eventually reward him with a treat.

The command “near” should definitely be taught with the help of a leash: they attach it to the dog’s collar and lead it near the left leg, saying the word “near”. As soon as the dog tries to run forward or to the side, you need to pull the leash and say “near” again. In a few days the dog will remember this rule and will walk next to the owner as needed.

As for the collar itself, as well as the muzzle, things here may be somewhat contradictory, since huskies are unlikely to like the idea of ​​​​wearing something foreign on themselves. At first she will try to pull off the collar, you will need to watch this at first. When putting similar attributes on her, you should do this during the game, giving treats for good behavior. Over time, these items will evoke pleasant associations in your pet. The leash should only be used when the dog gets used to the collar.

Huskies are disciplined and very clean creatures, so they should be immediately accustomed to a place specially designated for sleeping. You should not allow your dog to run around the house and sleep wherever he pleases. Little puppies and it’s worth keeping them in enclosures, sometimes taking walks around the rooms.

If a dog does not know how to behave in the presence of guests, namely, barks loudly, jumps on everyone, asks for food and much more, then such actions must be responded to with indifference. It is better to immediately warn guests not to pet the dog or pay attention to it, otherwise it will not leave them.

And finally: the dog must be trained to undergo veterinary examination. It is best to visit an animal clinic from the very first months of life, then the pet will not be afraid of the doctor. Also follows with early age accustom her to bathing, cutting and combing.

If you strictly follow all the advice and rules given above, then no one, even an amateur, will have problems with how to raise a husky.

Today we will talk about how to quickly teach a Siberian Husky the “near” command. We will also consider training methods of various canine schools for effective learning Husky dogs for team NEAR

Our Task is to teach a husky puppy to stand next to the left leg on the command “near” and follow on the left side of the owner. At the same time, do not pull the leash, do not tear to the sides, calmly follow us on the left side. The “near” command is not only necessary for normal life huskies are in the city, but this is the basis of all training. Those. Teaching your dog the “near” command is a necessary and one of the most important activities.

How to teach a husky puppy the “near” command?

One of the old school methods is the "jerk" method.The jerk technique is that a person must perfectly master two things: the ability to make the correct jerk and command in time. The jerk should be as sharp and short as possible. The command must be pronounced a moment before the jerk, in a confident and clear voice. This is immediately followed by a jerk with the leash.

The ultimate goal of such a jerk is to inflict an unexpected “blow” or “pressure” on the dog’s neck. This is how your husky develops conditioned reflex to a voice command and gradually, when the reflex is formed, she will carry out the command “nearby” calmly and naturally.

In practice it is done like this. You give a command with your voice “nearby”, make a jerk and immediately immediately start moving. The leash is in your left hand; for convenience, you can hold the leash between your fingers at a height of 30-40 cm from the carabiner. Continue moving. While the husky is following the command, do not interfere, go straight, you can also change the direction of movement.

As soon as the dog begins to pull on the leash, as soon as the leash begins to accept horizontal position, immediately give a short voice command and make a jerk, as described above. After this, as soon as the dog has taken the desired position, immediately praise it.

Gradually, the husky will learn the command “near” and the need for tugging with the leash will disappear. But at the learning stage it is important to follow the instructions and maintain consistency.

Further. There are some special points here that need and are important to take into account, since the psychology of a husky is very different from other breeds. The point is that it is very important that the dog’s attention is “yours.” Those. The husky should not be distracted or indifferent to what is happening.

It should be “on topic”, “in the game”! To do this, it is often recommended to keep right hand or a croquet, or a toy, such as a squeaky one. For temperamental huskies, this is a toy, a ball, a rattle or a piece of treat, a croquette, some kind of tasty treat - the owner, as a rule, knows what attracts his dog’s attention the most.

Food reinforcement method for teaching a husky a nearby command:

Put a leash on your husky puppy, praise and call in a calm, gentle voice, and draw the puppy’s attention to your hand. Distract attention from the leash if he doesn’t want to and resists right away. Hide the leash out of sight, put it behind your back so that the puppy does not see the leash.

Further. Leash in left hand, something tasty in right. The husky puppy still doesn’t know what a leash is, why it pulls, and doesn’t even know that it needs to follow you. Help him. Call him to follow your hand. While the puppy follows the smell of something tasty in your hand, praise it! Make it clear that this is exactly what you wanted, that this is exactly what is right! that now you need to follow the hand. Bend over to the puppy, be close to him. Say the command “near!”

Before you bring a husky into your home, you must remember that this breed requires constant attention and care, and the dog must undergo initial course training, otherwise the owner simply will not be able to control it.
Before teaching a husky the “near” command, you need to make sure that it learns several basic commands - sit, lie down and others. Once these commands are mastered, you can begin to learn the “next” command.

It is very important that training takes place in a quiet and quiet place, where the husky will not be distracted and will be able to fully concentrate on the lesson. Cars passing by, cats running by, people passing by can interfere with training.

Of course, in the future, when the command is mastered, these stimuli will not interfere, since thanks to them the dog will develop endurance.
First you need to give your husky a good walk to lower the level a little. physical activity. Immediately after the walk you need to start training, and it is worth remembering that today there are quite a few large number a wide variety of ways to teach a dog the “near” command.

Very effective way training with the help of a stimulus according to the Swedish method, the stimulus is a sharp jerk of the leash. A clear command is given “nearby”, a clap is made on your left thigh and a sharp tug on the leash, as a reward they say “okay, near”. Do not forget about stroking and treats as praise for a correctly executed command.

As soon as the husky has walked enough, you need to take a leash, preferably short, after which the animal sits down near the left leg. The leash is taken in left hand, the loop of the leash is put on the right one, while the part of the leash between the left and right hands should sag.
Before starting the movement, the husky is called by name, the command “near” is given and a small jerk of the leash is made forward, after which the movement begins. If the animal runs forward, a sharp jerk of the leash is made back and slows down a little as soon as the animal takes up correct position, he should be praised, petted and given a treat.


The “Nearby” technique is fundamental in the entire Siberian Husky training system. The position of the dog relative to the trainer is the starting position for all other techniques. That is why, despite the apparent simplicity of the technique itself and the simplicity of its staging, it is of decisive importance and requires careful, painstaking staging.
The husky should be at the handler's left leg. When stopping, sit so that her paws are in line with the toes of the trainer's shoes. While moving, walk side by side so that the dog’s shoulder is at the level of the trainer’s left knee. In this case, parallelism is unacceptable, i.e. movement parallel to the trainer with a large gap (more than the width of the dog itself) between them..

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There are many ways to perform this technique for a husky, but in general they can be classified into three groups:

1. "German school" - the dog is punished for leaving the trainer. These include jerking with a leash, using a parfors or choke collar, various devices that cause pain to the dog when trying to deviate, etc.

2. “English school” - the dog is rewarded for the correct position, and its mistakes are ignored: exposure to a treat, the type of toy or fetch in the hand, etc.

3. “American school” - the dog is placed in a position where no other position is possible: passing close to the fence, etc.

Of course, a combination of techniques is optimal, but to achieve optimality it is necessary to clearly identify the reasons for the dog’s deviation so that your actions do not aggravate their manifestation.

1) The husky pulls forward, pulling on the leash.
Reasons: the dog feels like a leader who must go ahead; the dog is excited by a smell or a moving object, a dog, a person, etc.; husky with a developed orienting instinct i.e. "scout"; the dog is afraid of something behind and strives to leave a dangerous or unpleasant place as quickly as possible.

2) The husky lags behind the trainer.
Reasons: the dog occupies an emphatically subordinate position, yielding to the person the right of primacy; The dog is uncomfortable with the movement itself or its direction; it tries to avoid it.

3) The husky moves parallel to the trainer at a great distance.
Reasons: dogs do not trust the trainer, expecting pain or other troubles; weak contact with the trainer.

4) The husky moves nearby, but at an angle, as if running ahead and looking at the trainer and interfering with his movements.
Reasons: the dog is too excited or playful, too close contact with the trainer.

All actions of the trainer are accompanied only by the voice command “Nearby”, since any additional commands such as “Get well”, “Sit” (when stopping), clicks, whistles and pats create future problems when the huskies have to be practically retrained to a new complex.
For a husky, any number of words and other sounds constitute one command. As a rule, “nearby” is the first technique that a husky puppy is taught, and that is why it is necessary to carefully work out all the subtleties and nuances so as not to create difficulties for yourself in the future. Usually they start with the dog in the starting position next to the “stationary” trainer.

Starting position.
Huskies use their hands (soft mechanics) to give the desired pose and reinforce it with encouragement, without exciting motor activity. When trying to change the position, the dog is held with the simultaneous command “near”. You can release the dog from the starting position only with any other command. The shutter speed is increased very gradually.

It is advisable not to take long pauses between phases of execution, in order to train the husky to integrate the entire technique into one movement. Huskies often have a non-parallel position due to lack of coordination of movement. For them, the work of the trainer with his hands is especially important, preventing the croup from skidding and landing diagonally. The dog receives a treat only after fixating in the correct starting position.

Repeated repetition achieves automation of the reception. Causing pain to the Husky (too strong a jerk, pinching, hitting, etc.) when setting up can cause the dog to want to move away from the trainer, the seating becomes loose and non-parallel. A treat or toy in the right hand (near the chest) can cause the dog to persistently half-turn to the right when landing - a non-parallel landing. Turns should be made clearly, in one movement, taking into account the size of the husky and varying the strength and method of influence according to the breed of the dog and the characteristics of its psyche. A strong dog prone to dominance is allowed a jerk, a weak dog prone to submission is allowed to be exposed to treats and soft mechanics.

Transition from starting position to movement.

Execution order:
a.Voice command
b. trainer movement
c. dog movement

Strictly follow the order of execution! Having given the command “near”, the trainer begins to move, encouraging the husky to follow him. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not lag behind the trainer at the beginning of the movement. The gap between the beginning of his and her movement should be minimal. But it is equally unacceptable for the dog to get ahead of the trainer when starting to move.
Movement in a straight line.

The “near” command is given when the dog deviates in any direction and precedes an impact on the dog (jerking with a leash, showing a treat or toy, etc.). Having made sure that the position next to the trainer is the safest and most pleasant position, the dog begins to occupy it even when moving without a command. Of course, this method takes more time. The command should not sound harsh or scary to your Husky. Changes in tempo are gradually introduced. The team must anticipate any changes!

It is necessary to ensure that there is no pause between stopping and boarding the husky, which is then very difficult to remove. Therefore, when you stop, you need to immediately sit the dog down with your hands, without waiting for it to sit down on its own. Movement nearby must be practiced until it is completely automatic. by repeated repetition, since the characteristics of a motor skill are very difficult to correct.

The activity and temperamental nature of the husky requires a carefully thought-out education system. Moreover, due to the specific conditions in which this breed was formed, their training should take place according to special rules. Let's find out how to raise a husky so that the pet does not cause problems.

Initially, huskies were sled dogs and this is due to the peculiarities of their character. They are characterized by intelligence and independence - the leader himself chose the most convenient path, focusing on a given direction, everyone else worked in the same mode. Lazy dogs were punished by the pack itself, and this developed the breed’s habit of working with full dedication, while appreciating the “contributions” of others. Hence the tendency of these dogs to imitate.

At the same time, they are weakly attached to the owner, since usually the team was used by different people.

The hunting instinct is highly developed and without socialization these dogs perceive other domestic animals as prey. Security instincts are very poorly developed.

Strong tendency to dominate: without proper training Huskies impose their own rules on the family, and even bite when they “disobey.” This breed is categorically not recommended for beginners, since it is very difficult for a beginner to train restive huskies correctly.

On the street, it is better to let them off the leash less often - huskies tend to run away and wander.

When to start

New owners have a natural question: at what age should they start raising a husky puppy? Most often, the start of training for teams is 2.5–3 months. Some owners begin training at 2 months. It all depends on individual characteristics dogs.

For a husky puppy, 2 months is the age when you can already “introduce” him to a collar.

How to raise a puppy

Raising a husky should begin from the first days of being in the house. The stubborn and willful nature of these dogs will become big problem, if you let things take their course. Immediately, unbreakable rules must be established: a place to sleep, a feeding schedule (it can change depending on the age of the dog, but not on a whim), permitted and unacceptable behavior.

Next important question– how to toilet train a husky. Take your puppy to the litter box or diaper 5-10 minutes after eating, immediately after sleep, or at the moment when he just begins to sniff the floor and sit down. Reward him when he relieves himself right place. Especially actively praise him for the things he has done on the street. After a while, remove the tray. Walks should take place at the same time.

Now let's figure out how to accustom a puppy to a collar. Put it on your dog for a short time at first. If the puppy tries to throw it off, distract it with play or a treat. Try to do this before a walk so that the collar is associated with joy. Then train him to use a leash. To make your dog listen and follow you, first lure him with something tasty.

A very important question is how to stop a husky from biting. If the puppy begins to bite your hands even during play, stop the fun immediately. Send the dog to its place in a stern voice. Also, if the puppy bites you, you can press him to the floor or hold his mouth with your hand for a while.

The puppy should only play with dog toys and not old shoes and other human things, otherwise he will not know the difference between old and new.

It is necessary to train the dog so that it does not show aggression during veterinary examinations. Bring treats to the veterinarian's office to reward good behavior.

What should you do if you feel that raising a puppy has been difficult, he often bites and ignores commands? In this case, you need to take a training course with a dog trainer, who will give advice on how to make the puppy more obedient. A book on training will also come in handy, but keep in mind that huskies are working dogs, not service dogs, and a number of normal rules training is not applicable for them.

Training and teaching commands

Husky training at home should be regular, but not boring. It is better to do it in the form of a game. When you train your dog, your voice should be calm, even and low - this breed does not tolerate shrill intonations. Often such dogs are more effective in the form of a request than an order.

Training a husky puppy begins with the command “Come to me!” Moving a couple of meters away from the dog, say the command in a friendly manner and show the treat. Praise as soon as the puppy moves in your direction. Give a treat for completing the command correctly. Also use these words when calling your dog for regular feeding.

An important part of training a husky is the “Place!” command. The baby needs to be taught it from the first days. Each time you take him to his bed to rest, repeat “Place!” To teach your puppy to return to the bed on command, you can put a treat there. If the baby categorically ignores the bedding, check it - it may be uncomfortable, located in a draft, etc.

It is very important to teach your husky the “Fu!” command. Stop unwanted action: take the forbidden thing from the puppy, push it away from the dangerous place, sharply and firmly saying “Ugh!” If the animal repeats the prohibited action, pin it to the floor.

To teach your dog to sit on command, show him a piece of treat, raising your hand so that he can only see it while sitting. You can follow the spoken command by pressing the croup.

Let's look at how to properly train a Husky at home.

Training must include rewards for correct execution of commands. At first these should be mostly treats, then they are increasingly replaced with praise.

You cannot beat huskies: dogs “trained” in this way will take revenge on occasion. What to do if unacceptable behavior occurs? Press the puppy to the floor and release it when it stops struggling. Another option: lift it by the scruff of the neck and hold it a little. It is necessary to punish for misconduct immediately, then the puppy will not associate incorrect behavior with punishment.

Training and education must obey once established rules. Likewise, the commands that accustom the dog to this or that action should not change.

It is necessary to ensure that all commands are strictly followed both at home and on the street. Training is easier if it is accompanied by outdoor games.

Husky training is special: these dogs themselves are fundamentally different from all breeds common in European countries.

People tried to instill in the local animals qualities that would help in solving the problems of owning property: its protection, protection from attacking enemies.

Trainers could also pursue opposite goals - the dog was taught to be an offensive weapon.

The Siberian Husky is not designed for any of these activities: it has lived for hundreds of years in a world where property is everything around it.

According to the dog, it cannot be mastered alone: ​​one can conquer the vast expanse in a pack, completely subordinate to a powerful creature who knows what, why and when to do in order to achieve the goal.

Huskies have little interest in security; the dog has difficulty understanding who to bark at and why.

The leader is accustomed to commanding his own kind and obeying a person.

Knowledge makes it possible, before purchasing a dog, to answer questions about why and how to train a husky.

Great freedom implies responsibility: on the road, the leader independently determined the path, without asking the owner and without giving in to obstacles.

The rest pulled the lines together, not daring to stop or slow down: the flock independently punished the sloth.

Genetic memory of conditions old life dictates their line of behavior - to work with complete dedication, evaluate the efforts of others, and find their own shortest path to the goal.

They are developed in the same way as those of its ancestor - the wolf. The dog sees all foreign creatures, except humans, as potential victims.

The dog is dangerous to surrounding cats and other domestic animals. If from the first days the dog lived with a cat, and on the street it will be indifferent to their appearance.

The dog’s attitude towards people is different - it often changed owners, like sleds, so it was not used to giving preference to someone alone.

The dog does not distinguish between strangers: it can perceive a stranger as a potential threat to itself, but not to its owner’s property.

Attempts to instill in a domesticated wolf aggressive skills towards people can lead to the fact that the embittered dog will strive to destroy everyone who is weaker than him at the moment.

Dog in an apartment, house, enclosure

The character traits characteristic of huskies most often manifest themselves as follows at home:

  • does not “hear” commands well - she trusts her feelings more than her owner;
  • studies the world, tries out all available objects “by tooth”;
  • capable of educating and training those around her, she can train them as she sees fit - the dog bites household members, growls, demonstrates superiority;
  • She independently decides how to survive, often regardless of the opinions of other creatures living nearby: she can change the pack or find another - a more generous breadwinner.

The owner is left with two options: installed on a concrete floor, or become the leader of a pack in which she will feel useful.

Experienced breeders note the fearlessness of huskies, so methods of threats and beating have little effect on the animal.

At the same time, it has been noticed that huskies love to play monkeys. The dog adopts many habits and habits of its enclosure neighbors or other members of the pack.

From borrowing qualities service dogs It is better to protect the husky - the dog, as a rule, only imitates behavior that is unusual for him.

However, training based on the imitation and reward method is considered the main one for huskies.

At the same time, methods of punishment remain relevant. It is not so much painful techniques that help to train a dog, but rather subduing ones.

These include:

  • even stern voice;
  • confident behavior;
  • inflexibility, consistency in achieving the goal.

It was these methods that brought success to the huskies themselves - the dogs used them in their nomadic life.

He is not stubborn - he is persistent in achieving what he wants. But the dog is able to submit to someone else’s force when it understands which side has the advantage.

To demonstrate your own will, you can increase the complexity and intensity of training with your dog: make it run until exhaustion or force it to overcome fear.

For example, training on stairs with performing exercises at height will help.

A more radical way to subjugate a husky is to restrict freedom of movement.

For example: using a palm grip on the dog’s withers, with a strong movement you need to press his head to the ground and hold it until the resistance stops.

Often effective method, used in extreme cases, is a tether or a closed, cramped enclosure.

At the same time, you need to make sure that the husky does not outwit the trainer: the educational measure should not end in triumph. victory march a dog that has broken its leash or undermined a fence.

The main thing in education is good manners

Training and education of a husky puppy begins from the first minute of his appearance in the apartment - the owner must show with all his appearance that he has made a firm decision and determined once and for all:

  • the place where the dog will live - in the bedroom, hallway, in a chair or in a designated place, maybe in an enclosure;
  • objects with which the puppy will play - shoes, pillows or his own toys;
  • Kokov will develop the dog’s ability to go to the toilet anywhere or in the right place;
  • how the dog will eat - from the hand, when it wants something tasty, or on time - to eat (from five times a day to once, depending on the age of the dog).

Husky should initially feel dependent on the leader.

At first, the baby needs to be taught to settle in one place.

On the street, the dog must be able to walk next to you - on a leash, in a muzzle, without struggling.

Training animals should lead to knowledge of commands that encourage them to go to the toilet, to speed up the procedure.

Huskies, like all animals, are great pedants: they value uniformity in behavior, surroundings, and events.

They learn skills good behavior, if they are supported by incentive methods: a friendly attitude, a tasty prize.

Animals will understand the consequences of unwanted actions if the owner’s reaction to them is immediate.

The task of training is to instill in the dog decent manners without disturbing the mental structure - without awakening malice or cowardice in it.

The training will be more successful if you use the same commands, gestures, and voice intonations during the training. The second prerequisite for training is the timing of classes.

Exercises should be accompanied by outdoor games with physical activity: fun with toys can become additional means, allowing you to train your dog to follow commands.

The first exercises will not require much effort. The dog will respond to the nickname if, for starters, you call it before eating.

Next you need to learn to follow the command “come to me!” She is accompanied by calling the dog by name, stimulated with a friendly voice, a toy, and occasionally a treat.

Raising a dog that is more preoccupied with itself than with following commands requires the help of playful, role-playing training: a disobedient puppy can be encouraged to search for its owner by hiding from him or moving away to a long distance. The call must continue.

Under no circumstances should you run after your baby around the apartment - the dog must strive to find the owner in order to receive a prize.

The toilet habit is also developed. The cuvette is placed in one place, there 15–20 minutes after eating.

The learning process is accompanied by praise. As the actions are successfully repeated, the skills at the end of the procedure can be reinforced with a game or a treat. This should be done immediately after the dog completes all actions.


It doesn’t matter what breed your pet is, it must be well-mannered and understand basic commands so that it doesn’t scare passers-by while walking without a leash. Check out this video and you will learn how to teach your pet simple commands.