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When can you conceive a child after childbirth? Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth without menstruation? Return to your old life

Even very prudent women who are used to planning such important events, like conceiving a child, they can fall into the “trap” of their own body and become pregnant unexpectedly some time after birth. Repeated pregnancy will not always be desired and acceptable, and therefore spouses may face difficult moral choices. In this article we will look at how long it takes to recover reproductive health new mother and how to plan a new pregnancy after childbirth.

Is it possible to conceive immediately after the birth of the baby?

It is difficult to say why, but there is an established opinion among people that a woman after giving birth remains sterile for some time, that is, she cannot become pregnant. This is a dangerous misconception that has brought more than one hundred young mothers to gynecologist’s offices in short time after childbirth for abortion. There is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after childbirth. Pregnancy in the absence of contraceptive measures will certainly occur in healthy woman immediately, as soon as her reproductive system restores its functions, the ovaries will begin to work at full capacity, eggs will mature, and ovulation will occur.

The timing is individual. For some women, the cycle is restored within a month, while for others it takes six months or more; there are also those for whom this process takes more than a year. But it is a big mistake to try to count recovery from the moment the first menstruation arrives. Menstruation ends the female cycle, and does not begin it, the endometrium is rejected with bloody discharge when the maturation of the egg has already occurred and fertilization has not occurred. That is, a couple of weeks before her first period, a woman is already fertile and, according to the laws of nature, may well conceive a new life.

The problem is that no one knows exactly when the very first period will come. The process of restoring the menstrual cycle after childbirth occurs over different periods of time and is influenced by many factors:

  • method of delivery - cesarean section or natural birth;
  • features of the postpartum period, the presence or absence of complications;
  • breastfeeding or lack thereof;
  • individual characteristics of a woman’s body;
  • age and health status.

After caesarean section restoration of the cycle may take slightly longer than after a physiological birth through vaginal genital tract. If postpartum period turned out to be complicated, then recovery female cycle may also take longer. When breastfeeding, provided there is no hormonal disorders the cycle is restored only a few months after birth, and in at a young age mothers acquire fertile abilities faster than older mature women.

Features of cycle and fertility restoration

Immediately after childbirth, regardless of how it happened, blood is released. copious discharge with clots. This is not menstruation, and this discharge cannot be taken as a starting point. Discharge after childbirth is called lochia. This is how the process of cleansing the uterine cavity from blood, particles of membranes and placenta occurs. During childbirth, the placenta is delivered on its own or is manually separated. During a caesarean section, the “baby place” is removed by the surgeon. In any case, integrity is violated blood vessels, which over the course of nine long months managed to grow together and turn into a single circulatory system - “mother-placenta-fetus”.

Thus, after childbirth, a fairly extensive placental wound is present inside the uterus. It is she who bleeds as the uterus contracts to its previous size. Lochia can last for as long as recovery period, that is, until 6-8 weeks after birth. After physiological labor, it usually ends a couple of weeks earlier than after surgical labor.

During the period of lochia discharge after any childbirth sex life contraindicated because the uterus is defenseless against infections that can penetrate through sexual contact.

If the spouses are sensible and responsible people, if they value women's health, they do not violate this prohibition and there is no point in talking about the likelihood of getting pregnant during this period. Those who violate the ban must be vigilant - pregnancy is possible.

When the uterine cavity is completely cleared, the discharge becomes normal. By this point, usually hormonal background is being significantly rebuilt. In theory, from this point on, reproductive female organ ready to bear fruit again. But this is only theoretical. In practice, a woman needs more time to recover her nervous and endocrine system so that the organs of the reproductive system return to their usual normal functioning.

At a certain point, the balance of hormones comes into balance correct ratio and in the ovaries, which did not work as intended during pregnancy, the process of maturation of the oocyte begins again, which is released on the day of ovulation. If conception does not occur, menstruation begins after two weeks.

It is almost impossible to confuse the first menstruation after childbirth or cesarean with anything else. You don’t need to think that your periods will “come” again on the days that they “came” before the baby was conceived, since now the cycle is shifting. It is for this reason that after lochia ends, when a woman resumes sex life, even before the arrival of the first menstruation, it is important to use barrier contraceptives (condoms), since it will be almost impossible to determine ovulation before the first menstruation on your own.

The first menstruation is a signal that a woman reproductive system returned to the usual rhythm. The first menstruation may be slightly shorter than before and more scanty, but after 2-3 months the cycle returns to normal.

The timing of restoration of fertility after childbirth is affected by psychological condition young mother - at postpartum depression recovery is significantly slower. The lifestyle of a young mother is also considered an important factor - if she looks like a zombie due to constant lack of sleep and night feedings, it is premature to talk about restoration of sexual function. It also plays a role whether she is breastfeeding the baby or whether the baby is bottle-fed.

How does breastfeeding affect?

A woman who, for some reason, does not breastfeed, can theoretically recover and regain fertility within a month and a half after giving birth. It is this factor that should definitely be taken into account when resuming sexual relations with a partner after the birth of the baby.

Breastfeeding affects the ability to conceive again. Output breast milk- a complex hormonal process. A woman's pituitary gland produces a large number of prolactin. This hormone is a component of breast milk and regulates lactation in general. And here there is no big difference - the woman gave birth herself or she had a caesarean section. Lactation in both of them proceeds according to the same hormonal laws.

Prolactin suppresses the production of progesterone and partially blocks the production of estrogen. Because of it, the gonads cannot work in normal mode and egg maturation usually does not occur. No egg - no ovulation, no menstruation.

But feeding and feeding are different. One woman feeds her baby every 2 hours and uses only her own mother's milk without feeding the baby artificial mixtures, the other combines breast milk with an adapted formula. For the first, menstruation will not come for a longer time, since prolactin is produced more with frequent breastfeeding. But the second mother may well become a “victim” of a sudden and unexpected pregnancy, even while breastfeeding the baby. The fact is that low prolactin production gives progesterone a chance to be produced, and the process of restoring ovarian function may well begin, and the woman will not feel anything unusual.

Typically, in the first six months of a baby’s life, pediatricians recommend only breastfeeding, and only then advise gradually introducing complementary foods. From this moment on, the baby begins to consume a little less milk, which again increases the likelihood of spontaneous restoration of the cycle due to a decrease in prolactin levels and the onset of pregnancy.

After introducing complementary foods into a toddler’s diet, menstruation most often occurs within one and a half to two months, but fertility returns earlier by at least 2-2.5 weeks. And this must be remembered, especially if a new pregnancy is not yet part of the family’s plans.


The female body needs time to recover, because carrying a baby is serious work and huge pressure. After childbirth, especially if it was difficult, with a long recovery period, complications, it is better to take a break to allow all organs and systems to return to their usual rhythm of work.

However, a pregnancy that occurs even within a year after a physiological birth is not as dangerous as a pregnancy that occurs too early after a cesarean section.

After surgical delivery, you need to take into account that the process of forming an internal scar on the uterus requires special time. It normally takes about 2 years. This period is considered the minimum break between the previous pregnancy and the onset of a new one. An incompetent scar can greatly complicate the course of a new pregnancy - there is a risk of its divergence, uterine rupture both during pregnancy and childbirth. There is a possibility of developing fetoplacental insufficiency, abnormalities in the development of the placenta, chronic oxygen starvation baby, delays in its development.

No matter how the previous birth was carried out, a hasty subsequent pregnancy creates increased risks miscarriage on early, exhausted inner functional layer uterus, which also takes time to restore, can have a detrimental effect on the formation of the placenta, which can lead to intrauterine death of the baby and the birth of a low-weight baby.

The likelihood of premature birth increases by more than 2.5 times, even if the first trimester, full of dangers and fears, can be successfully overcome.

This does not mean that a woman will not be able to leave pregnancy and give birth to a baby, because the birth of the same age is not such a rare occurrence, especially after physiological first childbirth It’s just that the risks will be higher and pregnancy may not be as easy as doctors and future parents would like.

How to avoid pregnancy?

Considering that the truth is harsh, and it is unlike the myths about pregnancy after childbirth, knowing that pregnancy may well occur through unprotected sex even during lactation a few months after the birth of the child, the couple should definitely discuss contraceptive measures. Even if the next child is desired and the spouses want similar children, the woman needs to take care of her health, because It is not enough to endure and give birth - children need a healthy and full of strength mother who can raise and educate them.

In the first month after childbirth, even if it passed without complications, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. When the lochia ends, you can return to sexual relations again, but with a condom. It is this method of contraception that is considered the best, at least until the return of full menstruation.

After the second or third menstruation, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist to exclude late complications and discuss contraceptive measures that would suit both partners, because a simple and reliable condom is not always welcomed by married couples.

How much protection to use is a rhetorical question. Only the spouses themselves and the doctor who monitors the woman’s health can answer it. In the absence of complications, it is not recommended to become pregnant again in the interests of the unborn child after physiological birth for at least a year to a year and a half. After a caesarean section the period is longer – from 2 years.

A new pregnancy that occurs too soon after a previous one may require the woman to wean the baby. When the nipples are stimulated, the mammary glands release a certain amount of oxytocin, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Some babies, feeling that the familiar and familiar taste of mother’s milk has changed (on a hormonal background with new pregnancy), they themselves refuse to breastfeed.

It is also important to remember about psychological and emotional exhaustion. A child requires a lot of strength and attention, and a new pregnancy can significantly complicate communication between mother and baby, because hospitalization may be required. medical indications, Small child, who depends on his mother for everything, will remain in the care of relatives, and this during the first year of the baby’s life is not exactly what he needs.

The choice of methods and ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy today is large. These include oral contraceptives, an intrauterine device, and injectable long-term contraception. Which method to choose needs to be decided with a gynecologist. If a woman plans to become a mother again, it is important for her not to “overdo it” with hormonal contraceptives, and also exclude any possibility of intrauterine manipulation - curettage, abortion. Therefore, the method must be reliable, safe and gentle; a woman should have no contraindications to it. Choose one taking into account everyone individual characteristics Only a qualified doctor can do it.

For more information about how many months after giving birth you can get pregnant again, see the following video.

This question is relevant for most women who have recently become mothers. After all, the body, after a difficult ordeal, which is childbirth, must fully recover and rest. So, is there a risk of getting pregnant without a period?

Contraception - yes!

This risk appears after 3-4 weeks if partners do not use protection during the postpartum period. After all, even breastfeeding with a three-hour interval is a dubious protection against pregnancy before the first menstruation. It is temporary and does not work for every woman. Some new mothers are sure that before the cycle is restored during the period breastfeeding they won't get pregnant. But those who have children the same age know very well that they need to protect themselves from the moment they continue intimate life after the first birth.

Hormonal changes in the body after the birth of a baby can last different period time. It depends on how difficult the birth was and how female body after them it is restored, depending on the age of the woman in labor, general condition her health, good nutrition and help her in everyday life. As soon as the woman’s health returns to normal, the hormonal balance returns to normal, sexual relations resume, and there is a huge risk of becoming pregnant again. If there are no plans for a second pregnancy, and doctors categorically do not recommend it in the absence of restoration of the reproductive system, then it is imperative to protect yourself. Ideally, a man could take care of this, given that a woman has enough trouble with a child.

Lactation and pregnancy

From our grandmothers you can hear the opinion that young nursing mothers have nothing to be afraid of getting pregnant immediately after giving birth. Allegedly, the period of breastfeeding frees a woman from the need to protect herself if the baby is fed every 3 hours or with less interruption. This method of contraception is called “lactation amenorrhea.” This option for protection against unwanted pregnancy works if the break in night feeding is no more than 6 hours, and the woman has not had her first ovulation. If these conditions are not met, then the method is not reliable. Although some women successfully use it before their first period. There are also many who paid for their arrogance. An example of this is brothers and sisters whose birth difference is a year or even less. They are called weather patterns. The second, unwanted and unplanned pregnancy is difficult to track. There is no menstruation, the woman has no idea about her situation until she manifests herself secondary signs. This is vomiting in the baby, refusal to breastfeed, nausea in the mother, movement of the fetus. And, of course, after the last one, no one will get rid of the child. On long term the woman can only give birth.

Let us remember that the cycle begins on the first day of menstruation. And they are preceded by ovulation. When, after giving birth, a woman has completed the cleansing period, the lochia has stopped, and 6 weeks have passed since the birth of the baby, she should visit a gynecologist. After the examination, the doctor will assess the patient’s health. He can also offer contraceptive options. His recommendations should not be neglected. After all, in the absence of menstruation, you can easily get pregnant if you do not control and track the onset of ovulation. And that's pretty difficult process. For example, you can keep a schedule basal temperature, measuring it in the morning, without getting out of bed, at the same time. But can a nursing mother always do this if she is completely devoted to caring for the baby? She certainly has no time for such measurements. Without knowing the period of the first ovulation, you can easily get pregnant. That's why the best option- use of contraceptives or a condom prescribed by the doctor.

Young female body after normal birth recovers quickly. Can work with double strength reproductive organs, and conception occurs. But this does not mean that carrying a baby will be as easy as the first time. After all, pregnancy is always a burden, a test, and stress. That is why doctors recommend waiting at least three years between the first and second pregnancy so that the body can fully recover. And in terms of caring for children, it will be very difficult for a woman if they are the same age.

So, the absence of menstruation after childbirth is not a guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Protect yourself! Take care of your body and strength.

Is pregnancy possible after childbirth? This question is relevant for every woman who has recently had a baby. It is generally accepted that conception cannot occur during lactation because there is no menstruation. This opinion has a completely logical basis, but at the same time, the likelihood of pregnancy still exists. Let's take a closer look at the key aspects regarding conception after the birth of a baby.

Indeed, the most common misconception of many women is that they have no idea possible conception child during the absence of menstruation. When fertilization occurs, the body expectant mother the process of preparation for lactation is activated. The hormone prolactin, which is produced during this period, suppresses ovulation. For this reason, a woman stops menstruating.

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the uterine cavity. If there is no ovulation process, there is no egg. Consequently, conception cannot occur, since there is nothing to fertilize. After childbirth, the concentration of prolactin depends on compliance with the feeding regimen and its duration. Breastfeeding will have contraceptive effect subject to certain rules. The baby must be put to the breast on demand, which is at least 8 times a day. Feeding should be carried out with breaks, the duration of which is 3-5 hours, no more. You cannot introduce complementary foods into your baby’s diet, and even more so, completely replace mother’s milk with artificial nutrition.

Even if these requirements are fully met, when a woman’s ovulation and cycle are restored, this method of contraception will no longer be effective. But to determine this moment quite problematic. Every woman's body is unique. When breastfeeding, ovulation can occur at 8 weeks after birth, and if the mother does not breastfeed, at 4 weeks. In some cases, menstruation may still be absent at this time, but ovulation will still occur. Therefore, after the birth of a baby, regardless of the presence of menstruation, you need to use contraception.

It is also possible reverse situation: The cycle can resume without ovulation. The likelihood of a second pregnancy after childbirth is also determined by the fact that the activity of sperm entering the vagina continues for several days. And since it is impossible to foresee the moment of restoration of the cycle, fertilization can occur even in the absence of menstruation.

It should be noted that the onset of a new pregnancy after childbirth had its own characteristics at different times. In the old days, several generations ago, there was no ovulation during breastfeeding. Today, these two processes are increasingly observed to occur simultaneously. The main reason for this is the use of stimulant drugs during labor activity, which provokes changes in hormonal levels.

The duration of labor without stimulation is about 24 hours. Now such an expectation is not justified. For a significant number of women, pregnancy proceeds with various abnormalities from the very beginning. There is also a violation hormonal balance. For these reasons, stimulation is used during the birth process.

It is not uncommon for the cervix to open earlier due date. In this situation, the child must be removed as soon as possible. The lengthy opening process is also dangerous, so special means stimulating labor. These drugs are hormonal. As a result of their influence, the balance of hormones in a woman’s body is disrupted. It has no health benefits negative consequences, but the likelihood of conception increases. As a result, pregnancy may occur 3 months after birth.

Recommendations regarding the timing of the next pregnancy

  1. The recommended intermediate period between childbirth and the next pregnancy is 2-3 years. This period is necessary for the restoration of the female body. During pregnancy, the formation and development of the fetus will require a significant amount of micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins. This will inevitably affect the nutritional value of the milk, and the born child will experience a lack of essential substances.
  2. Also, carrying a baby is associated with hormonal changes, which will affect the taste of milk.
  3. Mastitis, lactostasis or congestion may appear. It is possible that a woman’s health will deteriorate as a result of vitamin deficiency. This manifests itself in nausea, hair loss, tooth decay, increased fatigue and mood swings.
  4. The blood flow to the placenta is reduced. The fetus does not receive sufficient nutrients.
  5. If a woman has lost a lot of blood during childbirth, she is likely to develop anemia. The child will experience a lack of oxygen, which may result in deviations in its development.

Based on the above facts, we can conclude that pregnancy immediately after childbirth will negatively affect a woman’s health. The body has not yet returned to normal after the stress received during labor. A woman at this stage is not ready to bear a child due to vitamin deficiency. Therefore, if conception has occurred, there is a risk of complications such as premature birth, miscarriage, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Important! Female genital organs in postpartum period return to their previous state, and at this time there is high probability their injury or infection. If the couple resumes intimate relations, it is recommended to use a condom. This is the remedy barrier contraception will prevent fertilization and the entry of foreign microflora into the female body.

Besides physiological reasons exist and psychological factors, in connection with which experts do not recommend pregnancy immediately after the birth of the baby. The first year of life is a period when a child experiences a strong need for mother’s care and attention. A strong psychological connection is established between him and his mother. Pregnancy occurring at this time will disrupt this interaction, since the woman will direct part of her attention to bearing the fetus.

When can conception occur?

This can happen as early as 2-3 weeks after the baby is born. In most cases, the body perceives childbirth as the end of menstruation. But there are exceptions, because this process is of an individual nature. Experts recommend abstaining from intimacy for several months after the birth of the baby. And also use contraception after this for at least 2 years.

Particular vigilance in this matter must be exercised if delivery occurred by caesarean section. For the safety of the woman and the baby, it is necessary that a sufficiently strong scar be formed on the uterus. This will require at least 2 years. Otherwise, the scar site may rupture during gestation.

Pregnancy after childbirth while breastfeeding: signs

For this phenomenon The following features are characteristic:

  1. If your baby refuses breast milk, this should be a cause for concern. During conception, as a result of the influence of hormones, the composition of the milk changes and for the child its taste seems bitter.
  2. You should pay attention to the baby's behavior. He may be irritable and capricious during feeding.
  3. Decreased milk production. Based on this circumstance, it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that pregnancy has occurred. Milk volume may decrease and as a result stressful situation, chronic fatigue, any disease or unbalanced diet of a woman. But this symptom should not be ignored.
  4. Early toxicosis is characteristic feature pregnancy. The woman experiences a decrease in appetite, nausea, vomiting, and a change in gastronomic preferences. But these symptoms can also be observed during the disease gastrointestinal tract or consumption of low-quality products.
  5. When conception occurs, the mammary glands become more sensitive. But if a woman observes herself this symptom During lactation, its cause is difficult to determine. An increase in the volume of the mammary glands and their soreness may indicate both pregnancy and pathology. For example, about the occurrence of mastitis.
  6. Signs of pregnancy after childbirth include general malaise. A woman may experience drowsiness, loss of strength, irritability, elevated temperature bodies. But these symptoms may be the result of overwork, since caring for a baby requires a lot of effort.

If any of the above signs appear, a woman should take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG to confirm or deny the likelihood of conception. If the result is positive, she must decide whether to continue feeding. The quality of milk does not decrease after fertilization, but the lactation process can pose a certain danger for the development of the fetus. During the feeding period, the uterus contracts, which can cause miscarriage or severe uterine tone.

So that the doctor can fully assess the situation and give correct recommendations At an appointment at the antenatal clinic, the woman must report that she is feeding the child. Mothers who have recently had a baby are not always able to independently determine pregnancy in the postpartum period, since most of them rely on menstrual cycle. At this time, menstruation may be absent either due to recent childbirth or as a result of conception. After delivery, the woman experiences bloody issues, which she may confuse with menstruation.

Contraception methods

  1. Birth control pills. Some women are hesitant to take these drugs for fear that their milk supply will decrease or the baby will be harmed in some way. Taking oral contraceptives will have negative consequences in case you use combination drugs, which contain estrogen (this hubbub reduces milk production). As a rule, gynecologists prescribe a mini-pill. However, these tablets also have a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account. While taking them, bleeding may occur between periods. If this repeats several cycles in a row, the contraceptive must be replaced.
  2. Six months after the birth of the child you can take combined agents. Milk production will decrease slightly. And by this time the baby will already be receiving complementary foods, so he will get everything nutrients in the right quantity. Another feature of mini-pill medications is the need for timely administration. A deviation of 2 hours already weakens their effect. And thus there is a possibility of pregnancy a month after birth. And combined drugs can be taken 9 hours late, but their effectiveness will not decrease.
  3. Spermicides. These drugs belong to the category of chemical contraceptives. But this should not be alarming. Their effect applies exclusively to sperm. Spermicides are produced in several types. It can be:
  • vaginal tablets;
  • candles;
  • tampons;
  • creams.

If we talk about effectiveness, then these drugs are inferior in terms of indicators to oral contraceptives and spirals. They have another drawback - irritation of the mucous membrane. And not only for women, but also for men. Spermicides are placed into the vagina just before sexual intercourse, which can also be a bit of an inconvenience. But at the same time they warn unwanted pregnancy in cases where the use of other means is impossible for some reason.

  1. Intrauterine device. The use of this product has contraindications. These are tumor formations, both malignant and benign, infections that are transmitted through sexual contact, as well as bleeding. In the absence of these diseases, the IUD can be installed 6 weeks after birth. Before this, you need to undergo an examination, which involves taking tests and ultrasound diagnostics. Based on the results obtained, the doctor determines which type of spiral is suitable in a particular case. You can buy it at any pharmacy, after which you need to come to an appointment with a gynecologist, where he will install a contraceptive.

The validity period of this product is from 5 to 7 years. But spirals, like other drugs, have side effects, which should be kept in mind when choosing protective equipment. Bleeding during your period may become more painful and longer lasting. The likelihood of this complication occurring depends on the type of drug. As a result of using the Mirena spiral, the growth of the endometrium in the uterine cavity stops. For this reason, menstruation may stop completely or become very insignificant. The only drawback of this contraceptive is its high cost. In addition, the spiral may spontaneously fall out.

  1. Condoms. These contraceptives have no contraindications. But when using them, you also need to use lubricant, since a woman does not have natural lubrication at this time. The most suitable means for this are lubricants, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Do not use creams or Vaseline for this purpose. Under their influence, the condom is destroyed and may eventually break, and pregnancy may occur after childbirth while breastfeeding. Lubricants do not have such an effect, so when they are used, the integrity of the condom will not be compromised. Only a doctor should select a contraceptive method; you cannot do it yourself.
  2. Some couples practice interrupted intercourse. But this method can hardly be called effective. The opinion that during interrupted intercourse no sperm enters the vagina is a misconception. Approximately in the middle of intimacy, a man secretes pre-ejaculation fluid, which contains sperm. Their number is insignificant, but sufficient for fertilization to occur.


The possibility of pregnancy after childbirth worries every woman who has recently become a mother. Experts confirm this possibility. To prevent conception, a woman must use contraceptives which are prescribed by the doctor. A new pregnancy immediately after childbirth is extremely undesirable physically and psychological health a woman whose body needs restoration.

An expert's opinion regarding conception after childbirth can be seen in the video:

The long-awaited baby has been born, and the parents are trying to catch up on lost time in communicating with each other. At the same time, few people take into account that a mother can become pregnant very quickly after childbirth, even during lactation.

Every event related to a woman’s reproductive system leads to changes in the body. Childbirth affects hormonal changes, and this happens individually for each mother, but any of them can quickly become pregnant after the first birth.

Why is it easy to get pregnant after childbirth? Repeated pregnancy immediately after the baby is born is associated with failure to comply with basic rules. You cannot rely on the idle opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant during lactation. When a baby sucks at the breast, it stimulates the production of prolactin, which blocks the activity of the ovaries, but it is not always enough to prevent conception after childbirth.

Is it possible to get pregnant quickly after giving birth? Childbirth is perceived by the body as the end of the menstrual cycle, from which the next one begins, and after 3 weeks the ovulation phase begins. Therefore, a mother can easily become pregnant in the first cycle after childbirth if she does not use contraception.

You cannot rely entirely on breastfeeding. Prolactin may not be enough to suppress ovarian activity. The reasons for this lie in the mother’s hormonal background and the frequency of feeding.

For lactational amenorrhea syndrome to work, the baby is breastfed at least 8 times a day, taking breaks of no more than 4 hours, even at night. Women who practice mixed feeding become pregnant more often.

The criterion that ovulation is impossible is the absence of menstrual discharge, the first signs of which may appear 2-3 months after birth. Hoping for this, women relax and do not use contraception. In this case, it is very difficult to notice a new pregnancy.

This situation is especially dangerous during a caesarean section. The body is weakened, the stitches are still fresh and may come apart. Full recovery in case of operable birth, it occurs no earlier than after 2 years, during which time partners are advised to use contraception.

Favorable time for conception

In the days of our ancestors, they didn’t think about the time between the births of children - I got pregnant after giving birth and okay. Nowadays, more and more people give preference to planning their birth, trying to wait for a favorable date. But it is not always possible to avoid a new pregnancy after childbirth.

Doctors call the optimal period for the birth of the next baby to be 2-2.5 years. During this time, the female body manages to completely return to normal, and the reproductive system is ready for the next pregnancy. Conception should be planned a year and a half after giving birth.

If a mother stops breastfeeding early, her recovery process goes faster. Therefore, plan next pregnancy you can when your menstrual cycle becomes regular.

For women who have undergone a caesarean section, the timing of their subsequent pregnancy is postponed. The body of the uterus will recover during surgery no earlier than in 2 years. Only after this is it recommended to conceive a child without risk to the new man and woman.

Not everyone adheres optimal timing. If a mother recently gave birth and is pregnant again, then this is either a deliberate step or an accidental miscarriage. Some have an abortion, others are preparing for the arrival of the next baby.

  1. enter balanced diet for pregnant;
  2. establish sleep and wakefulness patterns;
  3. from the 2nd trimester wear a bandage.

At early pregnancy After childbirth, a weakened female body has a double burden. Good dream, frequent walks fresh air, multivitamin complexes, selected taking into account lactation, will help give energy for a new pregnancy. Wearing a bandage will support a weakened uterus, eliminating the risk of miscarriage.

Possible complications

It is better not to get pregnant immediately after childbirth to allow the body to recover. The mother is weakened by both pregnancy and the process of giving birth to the baby. The restructuring of systems affects physical and emotional well-being.

The stress associated with feeding a child and lack of sleep have a negative impact on the body. If against this background a new pregnancy occurs, accompanied by toxicosis, various complications are possible.

Why you can’t get pregnant after giving birth:

  • the uterus is weakened;
  • inappropriate hormonal levels;
  • health problems;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • C-section.

The uterus is still in painful condition, and the implantation of the embryo will not occur correctly, which will lead to pathologies both in the development of the pregnancy itself and in the formation of the fetus. Conception after a cesarean section will provoke suture dehiscence and inflammation of the uterine cavity.

In a woman in labor, the hormonal levels are adjusted to lactation, which interferes with normal fertilization. As a result, a baby may be born with pathologies or low weight. The situation becomes especially dangerous if the mother has a negative Rh factor.

Often childbirth and subsequent pregnancy provoke exacerbation various diseases or the development of new ones: gynecological, cardiological, endocrine, neurological. On this background early conception undesirable.

What to do if you become pregnant after childbirth:

  1. monitor blood for antibodies;
  2. treat developed diseases;
  3. stop breastfeeding.

If mom is on time repeat pregnancy continues to breastfeed, stimulation of the nipples leads to the production of oxytocin. As a result, this hormone will cause a miscarriage. The composition of breast milk also changes, which is not entirely suitable for the baby. Some children immediately stop breastfeeding due to bad taste, others continue to suckle it, receiving hormones that the baby does not need with milk.

Methods of protection

You should not try to get pregnant faster, this leads to unwanted complications. For the first six months, it is important to protect yourself during sexual intercourse using contraception.

During the first months, the only way not to get pregnant is with condoms. They will not only prevent sperm from entering the woman’s womb, but will also protect her from infection. The uterus and birth canals are still in a painful, inflamed state; the cervix is ​​not completely closed in the first weeks and is a good gateway for the penetration of microbes.

When the menstrual cycle improves and is not observed gynecological diseases, as an alternative they use intrauterine device. But it is placed if the next pregnancy is planned no earlier than in 3 years. This method of protection will allow partners to relax and not think about getting pregnant.

We'll have to forget about vaginal and oral contraceptives during lactation. These products are made on the basis hormonal drugs, and are absorbed into the mother’s blood. Once in breast milk, contraceptive medications penetrate the baby’s body, causing irreparable damage to its development.

Some couples practice coitus interruptus to avoid pregnancy. But this is not correct, since it is easier to get pregnant with PPA than with naturally completed contact. In such a situation, it is difficult for a man to control the onset of sperm emission, and a few drops may remain in the vagina. When sperm are active enough, they easily penetrate the uterus.

Planning your next pregnancy

If parents are not going to stop with one child, then over time they will try to have a second (and maybe a third) baby. For some couples, this desire arises immediately, while others require a short break.

When can you plan a second pregnancy after giving birth? Firstly, when both partners are psychologically ready for this. Secondly, when the woman’s body has fully recovered.

Some young families strive to immediately have two children, without postponing it for later. They do not rely on chance, but make every effort to carry out their plans. But here, too, a factor such as planning is desirable.

How to get pregnant quickly after childbirth:

  • wait for regular periods;
  • have an active sex life;
  • refuse contraception;
  • transfer the baby to mixed or artificial feeding.

There is no need to rush to have a baby during the first 3 months, giving the mother the opportunity to adapt to the new rhythm of life and the body to rest. But it’s better if you postpone pregnancy planning a little in order to fully devote yourself to bearing the next little one.

Despite their best efforts, some mothers are unable to get pregnant after their first birth. Various factors, both physiological and psychological, play a role here.

Why can't a mother get pregnant after her first birth?

  1. increased lactation;
  2. busy rhythm of life;
  3. chronic diseases;
  4. irregular cycle.

These reasons negatively affect reproductive system, preventing the woman from becoming pregnant. When trying to conceive, the phases of the menstrual cycle are not always taken into account. For fertilization to occur, it is recommended to monitor basal temperature. It will help determine best time for ovulation.

If a woman cannot get pregnant after two births, there is no point in talking about infertility. Mom's fertility could be affected by her age. The older a woman is, the less hormones she produces necessary for conception. The same applies to her husband - the quality of sperm deteriorates with age.

A similar situation occurs when changing sexual partners. With the first I managed to give birth to 2 children, but for some reason the desire to give my second husband a child does not come true. It is impossible to do without examining a man for a spermogram.

The birth of a baby is a big event in the life of a family. But you shouldn’t have a second baby right after giving birth - your body and psyche need a break. It is better to plan your next pregnancy in 2-3 years - this is the best option.

The probability of pregnancy after childbirth is of interest to every woman who has recently become a mother. Some people firmly believe that ovulation does not occur during breastfeeding, which means pregnancy is impossible. For others, the choice of contraception after childbirth is almost priority. Of course, the absence of menstruation in the postpartum period can be confusing, because it would seem that since the cycle has not been restored, then the likelihood of conception is reduced to zero. But in solving the question “Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth if you don’t have periods?” Still, those who, returning to intimacy, do not forget about contraception, are right.

A phenomenon such as lactational amenorrhea (suppression of ovulation in the first six months of breastfeeding) often misleads young mothers. This method natural contraception is based on the fact that feeding the baby at least once every three to four hours during the day and once every six hours at night promotes the active production of the hormone prolactin, which in turn suppresses the production of estrogen, which is responsible for the maturation of the egg. But we should not forget that each woman’s body is individual, and, therefore, its recovery proceeds differently for each woman.

It is not uncommon for a mother who is breastfeeding her baby on demand to begin menstruation 1.5-2 months after giving birth.

And if you take into account the fact that ovulation is still primary, it becomes clear that there is a high probability of pregnancy occurring within 4-6 weeks after birth. A woman cannot find out about the beginning of the first menstrual cycle, and, relying on the absence of menstruation, she is sexually active without protection. It turns out that ovulation occurs, which no one even suspects, and then successful fertilization. In this case, women already find out quite early that they are pregnant again, because the absence of menstruation after childbirth smoothly turns into its absence due to pregnancy.

If your plans do not include the birth of similar children, abortions, and especially if your birth was by caesarean section, do not fall for the stories of all-knowing friends and acquaintances and take care of your health yourself.

If your neighbor breastfed her child for 1-2-3 years and calmly enjoyed intimacy, without using contraceptives, it is not at all necessary that you will have the same. Predict when hormonal levels will be restored and your body will begin to function again previous regime- almost impossible, because even for one woman the menstrual cycle is restored after each subsequent birth at different times.

The best period for pregnancy

The most appropriate moment for a new pregnancy is considered to be the time when the eldest child has already reached 2-3 years of age. It is precisely this kind of break that the mother’s body needs in order to restore strength, replenish the reserves of all the micro- and macroelements given to the child, and endure the next pregnancy without damage or stress. Therefore, in the postpartum period, it is better to play it safe and choose contraceptives in order to protect your body, which is fragile after bearing a child, from new stress.