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How to remove contact lenses for the first time. How to put on and remove lenses: preparation and devices to facilitate the process. What you need to know before putting contact lenses in your eyes for the first time

1152 02/13/2019 6 min.

On initial stage When using contact lenses, a person has many questions regarding their wearing. Most often, beginners are interested in how to put on and how to overcome the fear of touching eyeball how uncomfortable it is and whether a contact lens can harm the eye. Where to look for answers to these questions? This article will help you find the answers to them.

What you need to know about lenses?

Contact correction has both its supporters and opponents. The former say that lenses are convenient and practical, the latter claim that lenses are the shortest route to infection.

Advantages and disadvantages

Contact lenses are easy to use and have been a good alternative to glasses for several decades, unlike them they do not fog up or break. Properly selected lenses create a clearer image than glasses. Thus, they increase visual acuity, expand the field of vision, and help restore binocular vision.

Read how to choose the right glasses for your vision.

Contact lenses do not limit human activities (sports, leisure, specifics of the profession). In addition, the use of contact lenses reduces eye fatigue and improves visual performance.

However, even the slightest non-compliance with the rules for using contact lenses can lead to very sad consequences. Illiterately selected lenses and ignoring the rules of care create conditions for the occurrence of inflammation of the cornea. Keratitis can also be caused by a foreign body (even a microscopic speck of dust) caught between the eye and the lens. Long-term continuous wearing of lenses contributes to the development of microflora on the cornea, resulting in infection. There is one more problem: you cannot wear lenses for a long time in a gassy, ​​smoky or dusty room. Contact lenses very quickly absorb all odors and gases, which causes irritation of the cornea.

Types of lenses

There are many types of contact lenses. Generally they are all divided into two large groups: hard and soft. The former are rarely used at present, only in special cases and strictly as prescribed by the doctor. are the most popular. Mainly they differ:

  • by period of use(from 1 day to 6 months);
  • by degree of hydrophilicity(by water content);
  • by type of ametropia correction(spherical - for the correction of myopia and farsightedness, toric - for the correction of astigmatism, multifocal - for the correction of presbyopia - age-related farsightedness).

What is presbyopia will tell

There are lenses that absorb ultraviolet radiation. They are great for skiers, athletes, and motorists.

The fashion industry today dictates its own rules in the field of contact vision correction.
Colorless and lightly tinted lenses have been replaced by tinted and colored models. The first ones are intended for light eyes: they add a tint or enhance the color. Intensely colored lenses can dramatically change the color of both light and dark eyes. Crazy lenses - with various patterns (snake eye, cat eye, chessboard, etc.) - designed for people who are accustomed to shocking their surroundings. Despite such tempting options, remember that any lenses should be selected under the supervision of an ophthalmologist after a general examination.

Specifics of wearing mode

There are daily (disposable) soft lenses. They are worn for a day, then taken off and thrown away. Reusable (planned replacement lenses) soft lenses are removed before bed, cleaned and disinfected, and then put on in the morning.

Step-by-step process of putting on lenses

Stages of putting on the lens:

  1. Place the lens on the tip index finger right hand. Make sure it is not inside out (the edges of the lens should be facing up, not out).
  2. Pull down the lower eyelid with the middle finger of the same hand.
  3. With the index finger of your left hand, pull up upper eyelid and look up.
  4. Carefully place the lens on bottom part eyeball.
  5. Release the eyelid.
  6. Look down, then close your eyes for a few seconds to help the lens fit better. The criterion for a normal fit is increased visual acuity. Blink your eyes a few times to make sure the lens is centered.
  7. Repeat the same operations with the other lens.

How to remove lenses?

Before removing the lens, use lubricating drops to moisten the lenses. This will make it easier to remove them. Removal steps:

  1. Look up and pull down your lower eyelid with the middle finger of your right hand.
  2. Place the pad of your index finger on the bottom edge of the lens and slide it down toward the bottom of your eyeball.
  3. Gently pinch the lens between your thumb and forefinger and remove it from your eye..
  4. Repeat the same operations with the other lens.

If the lens sticks together after removal, there is no need to try to pull it by the edges to straighten it. This can cause the lens to break. Place the lens in a container of solution and it will most likely straighten on its own. If this does not happen, then moisten the lens with the solution and gently rub it between your thumb and forefinger.

Wearing soft contact lenses

During the first 2-3 weeks of wearing the lenses, your eyes will gradually get used to them. During this time, the eye adapts to the foreign body, and tear production changes.

To make the adjustment period faster and almost unnoticeable, you can use special drops. In the first days you should not wear lenses from morning to evening. Start with 2-3 hours, gradually increasing the wearing time. Under no circumstances should lenses be left in overnight, even if they are silicone hydrogel.

The tolerance of soft contact lenses is affected by your health status, some chronic diseases, reception medicines etc. Don't wear soft ones contact lenses(use glasses at this time) if you have a cold (flu, acute respiratory infection, sore throat) or inflammatory disease eye (, blepharitis, etc.). If you visit the pool, be sure to use swimming goggles. If water gets into your eyes, remove the lenses, rinse them in the solution, and then put them back on.

If you want to use contact correction without any problems, then visit your ophthalmologist every six months.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • eye pain;
  • burning sensation, itching, discomfort;
  • foreign body sensation when wearing lenses;
  • unusual or more copious discharge from the eyes;
  • “blurred” vision;
  • the appearance of rainbow circles or halos;
  • the appearance of photophobia;
  • dry eyes.

If these symptoms appear, remove your contact lenses and examine them for foreign bodies, contamination, damage. If the lenses have no visible defects, clean them, rinse them and put them back on. If unpleasant symptoms persist after this, see a doctor immediately, who will determine the need for further treatment.

What leads to the development of photophobia, see.

Proper care behind contact lenses prevents serious illnesses eyes, some of which can cause blindness. Such care involves following the following recommendations:

  • Remove contact lenses before any contact with water: when taking a bath or shower, when swimming in a pool or swimming in a pond.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before removing and putting on your lenses. Hands should be washed with soap and dried with a towel.
  • Clean contact lenses as recommended by your eye doctor or lens manufacturer.
  • Disinfect your lenses. Regular saline and moisturizing drops are not suitable for disinfection as they do not kill bacteria. Choose special antibacterial agents for disinfection.
  • To clean and disinfect lenses, use only a fresh portion of the product.
  • Store lenses in a clean, sanitized container.
  • Do not use contact lenses for longer than the period specified in the instructions.
  • Do not lend your contact lenses or contact lens case to others.
  • If the lenses cause noticeable discomfort or even pain, remove them and consult a doctor immediately.
  • Visit your ophthalmologist regularly. This will allow you to determine how suitable your lenses are for you, as well as to notice early signs of infection or eye disease.



As you can see, contact lenses are indeed a very convenient accessory that corrects vision, but only for those who will strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and strictly follow the rules for wearing lenses. Use the tips presented in this article to protect your eyes from all sorts of problems associated with wearing contact lenses.

Many people with low vision are afraid to use these seemingly fragile products. It may seem that by putting them on your eyes you could harm yourself or experience unpleasant and painful sensations. If you are also wondering if putting on contact lenses hurts, don’t worry. This is a completely painless process.

Pain can only occur if recommendations are not followed. Out of habit, you may experience slight discomfort in the eye due to a foreign object. It is enough to blink or apply moisturizing drops and the unpleasant sensation should go away. You should not wear contact lenses (CL) when inflammatory processes before our eyes.


Before you start using lenses, you need to prepare tools to make putting them on easier. You need to get in advance:

  • Wet sanitary napkins if it is not possible to wash your hands.
  • A mirror that you don't need to hold in your hands.
  • Special tweezers with soft rubberized or silicone tips.
  • Sami KL.
  • Cleaning solution selected based on the material of the corrective agent so as not to spoil it. It is strictly forbidden to use running water instead of a special solution; this can lead to eye infection.
  • Moisturizing eye drops.

If you do not have daily lenses in individual packaging, but reusable ones, then they need to be disinfected. To do this, they must be kept in a container with a special solution, usually for more than 4 hours (the instructions indicate the exact number of hours).

The person putting on the CL should clean their hands well with tissues or wash them with soap. Wait until dry or wipe with a towel that does not leave lint on your hands.

Before putting on, you need to check the lens for defects or dirt. If damage is detected, it is necessary to purchase a new vision correction device; under no circumstances should you wear a damaged one. If contamination is detected, they are removed using a solution prepared in advance.

It is important to remember that you should not confuse the lens for the left and right eyes; to do this, always start on the same side and store the contact lens in a special container marked L (Left) and R (Right).

How to put on lenses

How to properly put on contact lenses for the first time? Lack of experience will not affect the result if you are confident in your actions. The main thing is not to worry or be afraid. If it doesn’t work out right away, don’t be upset - rest and try later. Subject to general rules there won't be any problems .

Let's figure out how to wear lenses correctly . They can be:

  • scleral;
  • corneal.


How to wear scleral lenses? CLs of this type are worn entirely on the sclera, that is, on the white of the eye.

After preparation, follow these simple steps:

  • Take the lens from the container compartment with tweezers.
  • Fill it with saline or other prescribed medication, holding it on two or three fingers of one hand.
  • Spread the liquid to the edges to avoid getting any bubbles between the vision correction product and the eye.
  • Bend your head over the mirror to avoid spilling the solution.
  • Pull the upper and lower eyelids with your other hand and apply the lens to the eye.
  • Rotate it in any direction. If she turns around calmly, then you did everything right.
  • Next, repeat these manipulations for the other eye.


Corneal lenses are smaller in size than scleral lenses and cover only the cornea of ​​the eye. When purchasing contact lenses, an ophthalmologist can show you how to properly put on lenses for the first time. It is enough to adapt and this process will take no more than 30-40 seconds for both eyes.

Remove the lens from the container using special tweezers or a fingertip and place it on the index finger of your right hand (if you are right-handed). It is not recommended to remove it using your nails, as you may damage or tear the fragile product.

Check to see if the contact lens is inside out. To do this, just look at its shape; it should be an even bowl. If the bowl is curved, then it needs to be placed on the other side. Some contact lenses have symbols or numbers, by the direction of which you can also determine whether you are holding it on the right side. Corneal vision correction devices can be put on with one hand or two.

In the first case, hold the eyelid on the pad of the index finger of one hand, and pull the lower eyelid with your middle finger. Next, look up, apply the lens to the eye just below the pupil and slowly release the eyelid.

The second way to put on contact lenses is simpler. You hold the lens on the pad of the finger of one hand, and with the index and thumb of the other you pull down the upper and lower eyelids. Place the lens carefully on your eye.

You can keep your eyes closed for a few seconds, while you experience discomfort, you can drip moisturizing eye drops. If discomfort do not pass, then you should take off the CL and try to put it on again.

I would like to note that eye corrective products can be colored. They can not only help you see better, but also change eye color. Such lenses are also worn to hide iris defects. Colored lenses are cosmetic, tint, decorative, daily and reusable. How to wear colored lenses? They are dressed in accordance with the rules for the type of lens - scleral or corneal, which we described above. Color does not play any role in putting on, except for the location of the pattern, if there is one.

How to remove lenses

Once you have learned how to put your contact lenses in, removing them is not difficult, but it will take practice to do it quickly. The CL can be removed by hand or using a special suction cup. How to remove contact lenses from your eyes for the first time? First, wash your hands with soap and dry them, just as you did before getting dressed. Prepare a container with the solution where you will later put the lenses if they are reusable.

You can use one or both hands when removing lenses.

In the first case:

  1. Push back your lower eyelid with your middle finger while looking up.
  2. Gently pull the lens down under the pupil with the pad of your index finger. If it sticks, you need to put moisturizing drops into your eyes to ensure its mobility.
  3. Squeeze the CL on both sides with your thumb and index finger.
  4. Pull it out and put it in the container with the solution in the compartment marked accordingly. Daily lenses are thrown away.
  5. Do all the steps for the second eye.

To remove the lens with both hands:

  1. Pull back your lower eyelid with the index finger of one hand, looking up.
  2. Slide the lens with the pad of the index finger of your other hand. If it is motionless, apply drops.
  3. Squeeze the CL with your index finger and thumb the same hand.
  4. Take it out and put it in a container.

Be careful with your nails when removing the contact lens from your eye, it is very easy to damage. It is recommended to always remove contact lenses at night.

Devices that facilitate the process

To simplify putting on the CL, you can use a hand-held suction cup. It guarantees the integrity of the product and ease of dressing.

To put on the CL:

  1. Squeeze the suction cup and bring it to the lens, releasing the pressure slightly. The vision correction product will stick to the suction cup.
  2. Without pulling your eyelids back, lean it against your eye.
  3. Squeeze the suction cup, releasing the pressure in it - the lens will push away from the suction cup and remain on the eye.

To remove the CL:

  1. Place moisturizing drops into your eyes to ensure mobility of the vision correction product.
  2. Pull back the lower and upper eyelids with your index finger and thumb.
  3. Bring the compressed suction cup to your eye at a right angle.
  4. Release the pressure slightly and the lens will stick to the device.
  5. Remove it from the eye.
  6. Release the pressure in the suction cup, the vision correction device will come unstuck and you can put it back into the container.

Following the instructions will help you figure out how to put your lenses on for the first time and how to remove them correctly. As you understand, there is nothing terrible or complicated in this procedure, but if after reading all the recommendations you still don’t succeed, then you should consult an ophthalmologist for help.

Useful video on how to properly put on lenses

Modern humanity suffers from poor eyesight. And one of the common solutions to this problem is the use of contact lenses, which are very comfortable and invisible, and do not hurt to wear. However, the owner faces important problem- how to put on and take off lenses? Read about this in this article.

How to put on lenses

It's quite easy to learn. Before removing them from the blister (or container), you should wash your hands well and wipe them dry. Carefully inspect your hands - there should be no lint or other foreign particles left. Before putting on lenses, do not use any cosmetical tools for the hands, this can be done later. Fats and oils that get on the surface of the lenses are very difficult to remove; in addition, such traces worsen its optical properties (they cannot be used). It should be understood that the eye is a very sensitive organ. Ignoring the simplest rules for using lenses can lead to irritation and infection of the eye, partial or total loss vision. You should also pay close attention to the condition of your fingernails, whose sharp ends can easily damage the structure of the lens.

After preparatory procedures you need to remove the lens from the container. Take a close look at the shade of the solution - is it clean? The solution should not be cloudy. Carefully grasp the lens and place it on your fingertip. Take a closer look at the edges - they should not be concave (in this case you need to turn it out). The photo shows the correct side of the lens when putting it on.

Before putting on the lens, pull down the upper eyelid with a slight movement of your free hand, and the lower eyelid with the middle finger of the other, and place it on the cornea of ​​the eye. In such cases, doctors advise looking up.

After this, slowly close your eye and after a few seconds, blink a couple of times. Always put on lenses in strict order, starting with the right eye (the same when removing). Each time you do this, you will do it faster. You can watch the process in more detail in the following video:

How to remove lenses correctly

This is a very responsible task, especially for reusable models. After all, the slightest damage to the optical surface will not allow the lens to be used in the future (this can injure the cornea). Before removing, you should repeat the same manipulations as before putting on - wash and dry your hands. In order to quickly and painlessly remove the lens, in some cases special moisturizing drops are used (whether you should use them, it is better to ask your ophthalmologist).

Then decide on the position of the contact lens, pull the lower and upper eyelids with your fingers. After this, with a smooth movement of your index finger, move the lens to the area of ​​the eye white and hold it, with a counter soft movement thumb take it off. Repeat with the other eye.

Insert the lenses into the containers containing the new solution. The process is shown more clearly in the following video:

By following the given tips on how to put on and remove lenses, you will very quickly learn how to perform these daily manipulations correctly. Treat your lenses with care, because your well-being depends on their condition. For more information or advice, it is better to contact an appropriate specialist.

Contact lenses are becoming a popular way of vision correction, and some girls use them for an aesthetic effect - thus changing the color of the eyes, expanding the iris, and giving it an original design. It is difficult for beginners to learn how to put on lenses, but after a while this procedure begins to go faster.

Contact lenses are a modern, convenient and simple means of vision correction, which have a number of advantages compared to glasses. Contact lenses do not fog up, cannot fall off the eyes, and provide more wide view, do not interfere with the enjoyment of sports, active entertainment, and travel. In addition, contact lenses can be not only vision-correcting, but also aesthetic (they are also called tint or colored) - they allow you to discreetly change the color of your eyes and give the iris an unusual pattern. One of the few disadvantages of lenses, besides the high price compared to glasses, is that they are not very convenient way put them on and take them off.

Although after a few days of use, most people get used to the fact that they are quick and easy to put on and take off.

The first lenses were hard, they were made of organic glass, they were uncomfortable to wear, they deprived the eyes of oxygen and caused discomfort. Today, mainly soft lenses made of silicone hydrogel are used, which allow air to pass through and are not felt in the eye. Soft lenses are easier and faster to put on than hard ones, but this requires skill. The main problem when putting on a lens is the reflexive closure of the eye, and the fear of scratching or damaging the eye also interferes. The first few times this procedure will take at least ten minutes (sometimes up to half an hour), but after a few days you can learn to put on lenses in literally seconds.

Rules for using contact lenses

You can buy lenses only after examination by an ophthalmologist, who will determine visual acuity, select lenses with suitable diopters and other indicators - the required radius of curvature, diameter, center thickness. You can’t select lenses yourself if you don’t know the parameters you need.

Lenses have different wearing modes (daily, extended, flexible, continuous), as well as different replacement frequencies - daily, for two weeks, for one month or more. The most popular are daily or monthly lenses. The rules of use for all these types of lenses are the same.

Before touching your lenses, removing or putting them on, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. It is advisable to use liquid antibacterial soap - it does not become dirty compared to a solid bar. Make sure there is no soap left on your hands. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel or special wipes; you can also use a hand dryer. Hands must be completely dry; with wet hands it will be difficult to grasp the lens. There should be no particles of towel or lint left on your hands. Do not put cosmetics on your hands if you are going to touch the lenses: any oils will harm the lenses. It is not advisable to wear lenses if you have long, sharp nails: they can damage the fragile material, and even a small scratch on the lens will cause discomfort when wearing.

Use hairsprays and any sprays before putting on lenses, and apply makeup after

Before putting on lenses, you need to make sure they are intact, free of cracks and tears, moisturized and correct position. The lens should have the shape of a hemisphere without edges directed to the sides, like a plate.

How to put on lenses correctly

Relax and calm down before putting in your lenses: It is important not to be nervous during this procedure. Make sure you have enough time; There is no need to wear lenses if you are in a hurry or someone is distracting you.

How to put on contact lenses

Open the lens blister or liquid container that contains them. Remove the lens using special tweezers with protective silicone tips on the ends and place it on the pad of the index finger of your right hand (or left if you are left-handed). Stand in front of the mirror.

Always begin the lens insertion procedure with one eye at a time to avoid mixing up the lenses. With the middle finger of your other hand, pull up the upper eyelid, grabbing the eyelashes, and with your little finger, pull down the lower eyelid. Try not to blink and keep your eyes wide open. Gently place the lens in the middle of your eye, being careful not to cover it. Then blink and check your sensations - if you feel discomfort, the lens interferes with the eye, causes a burning sensation or scratches, then you need to remove it - also pulling back your eyelids, use the thumb and forefinger of your right hand to “pinch” the lens in the middle and remove it. Rinse in the solution, check to see if the lens is inside out, or if there are any scratches or tears, and then try to put it on again.

If you can’t put on a lens, practice without it first - just touch your eye with a clean finger and pull back your eyelids with your other hand

Repeat the same procedure with the other eye. Don't be afraid of not getting exactly in the middle of the eye: when you close your eyes or blink, the lens will fit exactly as needed, so that this happens faster, you can massage the eye through the eyelid. Do not forget to use special drops to moisturize your eyes while wearing lenses, since even the highest quality and “breathable” lenses dry out your eyes a little.

Popova Marina Eduardovna

Reading time: 3 minutes


Once you decide to use contact lenses, you will be faced with the question of how to put them on. This simple procedure, but doing it for the first time can be difficult.

Reflexive closing of the eyelids and fear of injury to the eye will hinder you. After reading this article, you will learn how to prepare so that your first lens fitting is successful.

How to put on lenses for the first time?

For a clearer understanding of the entire sequence of putting on lenses, consider this simple step by step instructions (it is suitable for all types of lenses: colored, for farsightedness, for myopia, etc.). You can read more about each point below in the article.

  • Be sure to wash your hands;
  • Remove the product from the package with special tweezers so as not to damage it;
  • Check the product for external defects;
  • Make sure you put the lens on the correct side;
  • Install the lens and make sure your eyes are comfortable and your vision is clearer.

The first and most important thing to do before putting on contact lenses for the first time to avoid infection, before touching the optical product or eye you need to wash your hands.

It is best to use soap with neutral acidity for this. Lather your hands thoroughly, paying attention to the spaces between the fingers and nails. Before putting your lenses in for the first time, rinse them well and dry them with a towel. Make sure there is no lint or soap left on your fingers.

Taking the product out of the packaging

Optical devices purchased for the first time are in a blister pack. Usually the product lies freely at its bottom. If it sticks to the wall, gently shake the package.

IMPORTANT! Optical devices with torn edges or scratches cannot be used. After making sure that the product is intact, transfer it to the tip of the index finger of your dominant hand.

You only need to remove the lens with special tweezers with soft silicone legs, carefully picking it up by the edge.

Checking the lens for external defects

In good lighting, closely inspect the product for external defects. For this it is better to use artificial source Sveta.

Before putting on contact lenses for the first time, make sure that the product is lying loose, place the blister on a hard surface and open it.

How to prepare the eye if you couldn’t put it on right away?

Due to severe tearing or blinking, many people refuse to use contact lenses. There are several ways to help overcome these obstacles:

  • A few days before your first fitting, try touching the sclera of your eye with the tip of a clean finger. Make sure your nails are cut short. Touching will not harm the eye and will allow you to get used to the new sensations.
  • You may find that when you bring the product to your eye, your head will reflexively tilt back. To prevent this, place the back of your head against the wall.

How to put on lenses for the first time: choosing the right side

Bring the product to eye level. If the lens looks like a bowl, with the edges pointing upward, it is good to use. When the edges are directed horizontally, the product is in an inverted state.. It needs to be returned to its normal position. Then immerse the product in the solution in which it was stored.

Before putting on the lenses for the first time, make sure that the optical device is not damaged or dirty, and place it on your fingertip again.

ATTENTION! Products should not be washed under running water. You can bring very dangerous infection which will lead to loss of vision.

In addition, it can be washed down the drain. Do not use plain water(even sterile). Its osmolar pressure is lower than that of tissues. If the product gets into the eye, washed with water, it will cause burning and pain.

Dressing technique

To understand how to put on lenses correctly for the first time, it is important from the very beginning to develop a putting technique that is understandable to you and technically correct.

Using the middle finger of the hand on which the product is installed, pull down the lower eyelid. Use the fingers of your other hand to hold the upper eyelid. Look in the mirror straight ahead. Move the optical device to the eye slightly below the iris. Gently apply the entire surface of the product.

There is no need to press hard on the lens. Due to the surface tension of the liquid, the optical device itself will stick to the eye. Close your eyes and look down, move your eyes in different directions.

Open your eyes. If you are comfortable and your vision has become clearer, then the vision correction device is installed correctly. To install a second optical device, perform the same manipulations on the other eye.

How to wear colored lenses for the first time?

Colored lenses are used to decorate the appearance. In terms of putting them on, they are no different from conventional optical contact lenses. There is a slight difference in putting on scleral type products.

The difference is due to their large sizes. It is impossible to hold such a product on the tip of one or even two fingers, so you need to use three. Otherwise, there are no differences in putting on these optical devices.

PECULIARITIES! Lenses should be worn over a clean table. If you drop them, they will be easy to find. Manipulations with products should be done before applying makeup, so that particles of mascara or eye shadow do not get into the eyes.

Useful video

Detailed and visual video instructions on how to put on lenses correctly:

If you understand how to put on lenses correctly the first time, repeat procedures will be much easier. Be sure to follow good hygiene to avoid dangerous complications.

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