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How to put on contact lenses correctly. How to use contact lenses correctly? How to remove colored lenses

How to put on lenses for the first time? How to remove and put on lenses

Don't want to wear glasses anymore? I just wanted to change my image to a short time, or maybe forever? Great way out - contact lenses. The main thing is that the first acquaintance with them does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste. To do this, you need to learn and follow a few basic rules. They will help you figure out how to remove and put on lenses.

Where to begin?

Let's say you've already received a prescription from a doctor and even purchased a blister of contact lenses at the optical shop. First of all, before putting on your lenses, prepare your hands - they must be clean. It is necessary to wash them thoroughly with soap before you remove the lenses from the blister. It is best to use antibacterial soap that is fragrance-free. Regular baby soap may also be suitable for this purpose. When drying your hands, make sure that no lint from the towel remains on your fingers. If they come into contact with the eyes, they cause severe irritation. So, when the hygiene procedures are over, the question becomes reasonable: how to put on lenses for the first time?

The most crucial moment

Let's get down to business. Carefully remove the contact lens from the blister and inspect it for mechanical damage or contamination. If everything is in order, you can safely try to put on the lens. There is one nuance here: for anyone who puts on a lens for the first time, it can be very difficult to touch the eyeball. Involuntary blinking begins, the eye waters, and the lens does not attach to the eyeball. How to put on lenses to make your task easier? You need to look up, pull down the lower eyelid and, without looking at the lens, place it on the eye. After this, you should close your eyes briefly (or blink slowly) so that the contact lens falls into place.

Small tricks

If you fail, there is a simple exercise. With one hand we also pull back the lower eyelid and touch the white of the eye with the finger of the other hand. This must be done for several days until the eye gets used to the touch, and then putting on the lens will be a matter of technique.

True, there is another problem faced by those who do not know how to put on lenses. The fact is that as soon as you try to put on the lens, the protective mechanism that protects our eyes will work, and the head will automatically tilt back. The problem is solved simply - we rest the back of our head against the wall, so that there is nowhere to retreat, and put on the lens. That's all you need to know to understand how to put on lenses for the first time.

How to remove a contact lens?

Now let's talk about how to remove a contact lens from your eye. This, by the way, is much simpler. You need to pinch the edges of the contact lens between your index finger and thumb, then just blink and the lens will be in your hand. After this, be sure to rinse the lens in a clean solution and place it in a special container. It is better to fill it with fresh solution in advance, so as not to do this by squeezing the lens between your fingers.

Lens storage

It is also very important to know not only how to put on contact lenses correctly, but also how to store them. Firstly, use only a special solution, no pharmaceutical mixtures or other liquids. Do not use water for lenses! They will be damaged. Secondly, never reuse the solution; even overnight, mass will accumulate in it harmful substances. Lenses can only be stored in a special airtight container. In case you for a long time If you do not plan to wear them, the solution should be changed every week. Otherwise, the contact lenses will simply dry out, and if necessary, it will be impossible to use them.

Accessories for putting on lenses

Now a few words about the devices that a person needs if he is just starting to figure out how to put on lenses. First of all, these are tweezers. They are necessary in order to carefully remove the lens from the blister without damaging it. There are silicone or plastic tweezers with rubber tips. They are designed in such a way that they allow you not only to remove the lens from the container without damaging it, but also provide the necessary hygiene. Tweezers can be purchased as a set with a container, solution container, mirror and a stick with a soft tip. All accessories can be chosen to suit your taste, as they are all sold in a variety of designs.

Devices that facilitate the process

In addition, to date, several original devices have already been invented and even patented that will help those who have not been able to figure out how to put on lenses. In appearance, these devices are similar to ordinary blisters, but at the same time they more accurately follow the shape of the eye. The mechanism is very simple. Place a contact lens there, fill it with solution and immerse the eyeball in it. This will cause the eye to automatically blink, and after several attempts the lens will eventually fall into place. However, ophthalmologists do not recommend using such devices. Firstly, they are not so easy to find and buy, and secondly, practical use in this case it is quite exaggerated. It is much easier to spend a little more time and figure out how to put on lenses correctly on your own.

It is important to maintain hygiene!

It is impossible not to mention how to avoid complications when using contact lenses. Main danger consists in the fact that a person who knows how to put on lenses begins to do it in any place convenient for him, completely forgetting about hygiene procedures. But it has long been known that due to improper use of contact lenses, about 5% of patients annually encounter complications. Do not neglect hygiene, and before putting on contact lenses, always wash your hands thoroughly, and put on and take off lenses only in familiar conditions, preferably at home.

Another reason for eye diseases is that many people do not remove their daytime lenses at night. A similar problem occurs when wearing expired lenses. If you use daily lenses, do not wear them again. First of all, such improper use of contact lenses will lead to banal conjunctivitis, but there are even worse options. For example, you can get Pseudomonas aeruginosa into your eye - this is very dangerous bacteria, which in the worst case can even lead to complete loss vision, and then no contact lenses will be useful to you.

Purchasing lenses

Now a few words about where it is best to buy them. Today, lenses are presented everywhere - in pharmacies, opticians, market stalls and even on the Internet. The selection of lenses that are right for you can only be carried out by a professional ophthalmologist. That is why we immediately sweep away all the vending machines in grocery stores, online stores and pharmacies where only pharmacists work, and go to the optician to make a purchase.

An ophthalmologist, firstly, will explain how to put on lenses correctly, and secondly, will give the necessary recommendations on how to wear them and will definitely tell you how to care for them. And remember: buying contact lenses without examination by a specialist is fraught with serious complications.

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How to properly put on and remove contact lenses for the first time?

Solve the problem today poor eyesight There are several ways, among which the most popular is wearing contact lenses. And if you have just become the happy owner of these small devices, then recommendations on how to put on lenses for the first time will probably be very helpful.

Only bespectacled people will understand!

Winter, snow sticks to your glasses, you can’t see anything... Or summer, heat, the bridge of your nose slides from sweat, your eyes strain, your head hurts... A familiar picture for everyone who is forced to wear glasses. But there is a convenient and very effective alternative - contact lenses. True, you need to get used to wearing them. First of all, you should remember that you should get used to a new accessory gradually.

  • The first time we put on the lenses for 20 minutes, and then increase the wearing time by 15-20 minutes.
  • If during the adaptation period you had to walk for a day or more without lenses, then we begin the process of getting used to it again.
  • We always take them off at night.
  • In the absence of force majeure, you can adapt to wearing a comfortable replacement glasses in a week. Very important on initial stage figure out how to put on lenses correctly for the first time, and methodically put this knowledge into practice, and then everything will go like clockwork.

    The whole process from A to Z

    As a rule, the first time you will put on your lenses is in the office of the ophthalmologist who prescribed them. This is the only way the doctor will be able to check and make sure that the new accessory suits you and does not cause discomfort or any distortion of the picture. But after the hospital door closes, you will be left alone with these small, delicate, almost invisible devices. That's when the algorithm for putting on contact lenses yourself can help you.


    1. We wash our hands thoroughly. Be sure to wash thoroughly with soap (preferably without fragrances), wash the areas under the nails (especially if they are long), and then rinse off the foam with a large stream of running water.
    2. Open the blister with the lens.
    3. Take it with your index finger and thumb right hand(if you are right-handed).
    4. We determine the inside and the face. From the inside the lens resembles a jug, and from the outside it resembles a bowl with a wide bell.
    5. Place the device on the pad index finger face down.
    6. Using the middle finger of your left hand, we pull back the lower eyelid and direct our gaze upward.
    7. We apply the lens to the eyeball and at this moment try not to look at it. We close the eyelid, make a couple of slow circular movements with the eye so that the device falls into place.
    8. We repeat the algorithm for the second lens.
    9. Pour the solution out of the container, fill it with fresh one and close it tightly.

    Now appeared alternative way putting on lenses. It consists of using a special storage blister that follows the anatomical shape of the human eye. To put on the lens, just dip open eye into the container - and after 1-2 blinks it will fall into place on its own.

    However, many doctors do not recommend this method, since too much eye contact with the storage solution is harmful. It contains components that wash away protein deposits from lenses, which means they will have the same effect on the surface of the eye. And such an effect on the mucous membrane of the organ of vision is not only unpleasant, but can also be dangerous.

    help yourself

    Ophthalmologists advise anyone who decides to wear contact lenses to always remove and put on the device themselves. To facilitate the process and ensure safe wearing, the following techniques are recommended:

  • You should wash your hands before touching your eyes or lenses. Over time, many experienced lens wearers begin to neglect this iron rule and, as a result, provoke the development of conjunctivitis or infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an infection that can lead to blindness.
  • You need to dry your hands thoroughly with a towel and make sure that there are no lint left on your fingers. Small hairs can get on the lens and cause serious inflammation of the eye.
  • You should always put on devices over a dark surface: against such a background, it is easier to notice a transparent thing if it falls
  • If you wear disposable lenses, then do not try to walk in them for a week - just as do not use reusable models for longer than indicated in the instructions
  • to train the eyelid not to close when you touch the eyeball, touch it several times a day until you get used to this manipulation
  • At first, wearing lenses is accompanied by dry eyes. So it will be useful to stock up on drops with hyaluronic acid, maintaining the natural level of moisture of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Return trip

    It would seem that removing contact lenses is as easy as shelling pears. But for the first time, hints on how to do this will probably not be superfluous.


    1. Wash your hands well and dry with a towel.
    2. Open your eyes wide (if necessary, hold the upper and lower eyelids with two fingers of your left hand).
    3. Using the index finger and thumb of your right hand, grab the lens from the sides and remove it.
    4. We wash it with the solution. To do this, pour a little liquid into the palm of your left hand, lower the lens and scroll it several times with the index finger of your right hand.
    5. Place the clean lens into the container and screw it tightly.
    6. In order to remove the second lens, repeat steps No. 2-5.

    How to put on lenses for the first time is clear in theory, but in practice it may not be so easy. That is why it is important not only to understand the instructions, but also to calm down and not set yourself up for many hours of suffering and torment. Confidence in success, a little free time, patience and training - and you will definitely give your eyes the opportunity to perceive the world in all its colors.

    Read other interesting sections

    How to use lenses?

    Contact lenses are transparent pieces of thin material that are placed directly on the surface of the eye. Their use allows you to look stylish and avoid wearing glasses. If used incorrectly, the lens may cause serious harm, and therefore, if you are going to put it on for the first time, check with your optician or doctor about how to use the lenses.

  • How to use contact lenses?

    How to use contact lenses

    Take your lens purchase seriously. Check that the container in which they are packaged is unopened and undamaged. Check the expiration date and number of diopters. Give preference to products from well-known companies. Do not use devices if they have specks, scratches or other defects.

    If you are just starting to wear lenses, get used to them gradually. On the first day, wear them for no more than three hours; within 5-7 days, this period can be increased to 10 hours.

  • wash your hands thoroughly before putting on
  • Do not use lenses together with false eyelashes, greasy creams and a thick layer of cosmetics in the first days
  • remove devices from the container with special tweezers: this way you will not scratch or wrinkle them
  • If you have long nails, avoid wearing lenses: wearing them can damage your eye.
  • When you get used to vision devices, follow the rule: cosmetics are applied to the face before putting them on, and masks are applied to the skin only in their absence.

    Understanding how to use eye lenses is not difficult. Take one lens and inspect it for any defects. It should resemble a bowl with the edges raised up. Place the vision aid on your index finger and go to the mirror. Open your eye wider and use your free hand to pull back upper eyelid. Pull down the lower eyelid slightly and place the soft material over the eye. Blink a little.

    To remove the lens, you need to open your eyes wide, pull back your eyelids and run your thumb and forefinger along the material from the edges to the center

    This will grab the fixture and allow you to remove it.

    Wore lenses for the first time

    Frequently asked questions about contact lenses

  • I am interested in contact lenses. How long does it take to get used to them? I heard that it takes a month to get used to them. Is it so?
  • The time it takes to get used to contact lenses depends on the sensitivity of your eyes and the type of contact lenses. It usually takes very little time to get used to soft contact lenses - often comfort is felt from the moment you first put on contact lenses. Rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP lenses) may take 2 weeks or more to get used to. Very in rare cases the patient cannot get used to contact lenses.

  • Is it true that contact lenses are difficult to care for?
  • Before you remove your contact lenses from the blister pack and put them on for the first time, you should wash your hands very thoroughly. The best option For these purposes, use high-quality soap that has an antibacterial effect and does not have any fragrances. To wipe, use a towel made of soft natural fabric that does not leave the slightest lint - this will prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions and protects the sensitive eyeball from microscratches.

    What is needed to install contact lenses?

    To successfully insert contact lenses for the first time, you will need some accessories. Tweezers are intended to be the most important assistant in this important matter. Of course, it is best to use not a traditional metal product, but its analogue, made of soft and hypoallergenic silicone. Plastic tweezers with special rubber tips may also be suitable - both of these options are very simple and easy to use and are absolutely safe for the eyes.

      This step is mandatory, since the eyepiece is in direct contact with the eye, and dirty hands can cause infections. In this case, you need to wipe your hands dry and make sure that there is no lint left on them from the towel. If even a small piece of lint gets into your eye, it will hurt!

    Pull down the lower eyelid with the middle finger of the same hand. Lift your eyes up and carefully place the lens on white part eyes below the pupil. Remove your index finger from the contact lens. Keep your eyes down for precise centering of the lens.
    Gently release the retracted lower eyelid. Close your eyes briefly for better lens fit. The criterion for a normal fit is increased visual acuity.

    And, of course, it is important whether the lens is clean. Carefully taking it with tweezers, you need to look at the light to see if there are any dots or protein deposits on it. It is better to view using electric light. With natural it is visible worse.

    If there is anything on the lens, it must be washed with a sterile solution. Under no circumstances should you use tap water!

    Right and left lenses

    If you wear lenses of different optical powers, then of course, if you confuse the right lens with the left, you will immediately feel discomfort, especially if the difference is large.

    My right eye sees worse than my left, but not by much, so I wear the same lenses - -4.00.

    It is better to wear contact lenses while sitting at a table. it is advisable to look in the mirror. Each eye must have its own lens. It is not advisable to confuse them. Lens solution must be changed daily!

    If you are new to this business, then often even the most detailed step by step instructions, as well as video manuals may be useless. While you are studying the material, everything seems to be clear, but when you start putting on lenses, nothing happens. We offer you advice from experienced people who have gone through the initial stage.

    Carnival contact lenses can be either corneal (that is, worn on cornea eyes) and scleral.

    Manufacturers of carnival lenses never cease to amaze consumers with their imagination. Now you can buy lenses with images of emoticons, cat pupils, cobwebs, sports symbols, flames, soccer balls - in general, you can’t list everything.

    Black scleral lenses are used to create creepy images during Halloween celebrations, theme parties and carnivals, since there is no other impression when looking at a character whose eyes are impenetrable black hemispheres.

    White scleral lenses, seen for the first time at some fun holiday, can be seriously frightening, since this is a sight for people with strong nerves.

    Scleral lenses that enlarge the eyes are also not a means of vision correction. Their purpose is limited only to creating a decorative effect. When wearing such lenses, the eyes visually increase in size by almost 1.5 times. The popularity of such lenses was greatly facilitated by the famous video featuring Lady Gaga, who during filming wore lenses with the effect of enlarging her eyes.

    Requirements for decorative lenses

    Despite the fact that the use of carnival lenses is of an entertaining nature, they are subject to the same requirements as vision-correcting lenses:

  • To purchase theater lenses, a prescription is required, and it is necessary even for people whose vision does not need correction. The fact is that when selecting contact lenses (in addition to visual acuity), other parameters are also taken into account. For example, the radius of curvature of the cornea and its diameter, which can only be determined by a specialist.
  • If your attempt is unsuccessful, or if you drop the lens, you need to rinse it in a special solution and try again.

    How to properly remove lenses for the first time

    1. Each type of lens has its own wear period and must be removed at the end of the wear period. The procedure for inserting and removing lenses has one thing in common - your hands must be clean and dry.
    2. It is important to position yourself again in front of the mirror and remove the lenses in the same order in which you put them on.
    3. By spreading the eyelid wide with two fingers of one hand, you can see the edge of the lens. You can pick up the lens using the pinching method - with the tip of your index finger and thumb.
    4. Ladies with long nails should be extremely careful and use special tweezers. When removing lenses, make sure that the lenses are in their own container from your eye.
    5. The removed lenses are placed in a container filled with a special solution. You need to treat contact lenses as your doctor tells you. If these are daily lenses, you should simply throw them away after removing them.

    How to properly put on scleral lenses for the first time?

  • Fill the container with a special solution for cleaning lenses.
  • Dissolve one in each cell of the container enzyme tablet. (Ask your doctor for details and dosage)
  • Immerse washed and cleaned lenses in this solution. The time spent in a solution of lenses with a moisture content of up to 42% is no more than 10 hours. For lenses with moisture content up to 75% - no more than 30 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, remove them from the solution, clean and rinse with a clean solution.
  • Discard the remaining used solution and wash the container.
  • Fill the container with regular, clean lens cleaning solution.
  • Immerse them in the solution for at least 4 hours.
  • Now you can use them.
  • Features of colored lenses

    If you wear colored contact lenses, there are some special considerations here. Colored lenses with a substrate are stored in saline solution, and weekly cleaning goes like this.

    Now blue-eyed
    (14.01.2011 17:50:53)

    They just arrived. It was so wonderful to hope for. And the color is bright, bright, brilliant blue. And they delivered it the next day. In Murmansk they cost similar 1500. And they were terribly uncomfortable.

    A person who has switched from glasses to contact lenses still does not know how to put on lenses correctly. For beginners, the first production can take up to two hours, and the result is unlikely to be satisfactory. And this is despite the fact that in the optics salon, when buying the first pair, they teach you how to put on lenses correctly in order to feel only comfort. The first procedure for removing the contact pair will seem just as difficult to you. So be patient and set aside dedicated time to master a new skill.

    Before putting your lenses on for the first time, read detailed instructions. It’s even better if it is in front of you so that you can look into it from time to time and check that the actions are being performed correctly.

    To put lenses in your eyes, prepare:

    • Paper napkins;
    • Antibacterial soap;
    • Cleaning solution for contact pair;
    • Silicone or plastic tweezers with silicone tips;
    • Container with lenses;
    • Mirror (preferably magnifying);
    • Drops that imitate human tears.

    Important! Don't know how to choose the right lens solution? Tell the clerk at your optical store which contact pair you are wearing. And the doctor will choose exactly what is right for you. Keep in mind that different CLs require different solutions.

    Instructions on how to put on lenses:

    1. Disinfect your hands;
    2. Take out the lenses and check their suitability;
    3. Put on contact lenses.

    Now let's look at each step in detail.

    Hand washing

    Numerous colonies of fungi and bacteria live on the hands, which, if they get into the eyes, can cause the development of inflammatory process. Therefore, before putting on your lenses, be sure to wash them with soap. But it should not contain unnecessary chemicals, and acid-base balance must be neutral.

    Rinse your washed hands thoroughly under running water to remove any remaining soap. Then dry them with a paper towel. It is strictly forbidden to wipe with a towel or other fabric material, as they leave small lint on the palms and fingers. They can stick to the lens and then remain on the mucous membrane of the eye. This will lead to irritation of the conjunctiva or cornea, redness and burning.

    Attention! If it is not possible to wash your hands, it is better to postpone dressing until later. Or wipe them thoroughly with antibacterial non-woven wipes. Regular deodorized wipes will not work.

    Checking lenses

    Take the contact pair container and decide which eye you will apply to first. The fact is that lenses intended for the right eye are worn only on the right eye, and those intended for the left - only on the left. In order not to confuse them, CL manufacturers make special inscriptions on the container lids, sometimes they even differ in color. The correct way to insert it is:

    • A lens under a cap with a beech “R” - for the right eye;
    • Under the cover with the letter “L” - on the left.

    Using tweezers (you will cause damage with your nails), remove the lens from the container and place it on the pad of the index finger of the hand with which you are comfortable performing manipulations. Then take a closer look at it:

    • Is it bent? If it has the shape of a bowl (the edges point straight up), then everything is fine. If it looks like a plate (the edges are flattened), then it needs to be turned out.
    • Is there any damage? If cracks are visible on the surface, throw away the contact pair, as it will harm the mucous membrane of the eye. In this case, you will have to get a replacement.
    • Are there lints? The presence of small specks, dust particles or lint on the surface is unacceptable. They will cause irritation and damage to the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

    Important! If you find hairs or lint on the lens, place it in a container and pour it with a special care solution. Close the lid and shake. This will help clean the surface.


    It is better to put on contact lenses for the first time using a mirror:

    1. Sit at the table so that if the CL accidentally falls, you can quickly find it;
    2. Turn on bright daylight or choose a seat near a window;
    3. The lenses should be inserted into the eyes by placing the contact lens on the index finger;
    4. Bring your finger to your eye, simultaneously touching the lower eyelid with your thumb and middle finger of the same hand to pull it down;
    5. Using the fingers of your other hand, push back the upper eyelid and look up;
    6. Gently place the contact lens against the mucosa. It doesn’t matter how to insert it: onto the cornea or past it. On Right place you will put it next step;
    7. Close your eye and massage your eyelid with light pressure with your fingertips. This will provoke active tear production. If there are few of them, apply moisturizing drops.
    8. Open your eyelids and blink frequently. As a result of such actions, the CL will fall into the right place, and it will be comfortable to wear.

    You should put the contact lens on the other eye according to the same instructions, but for convenience it is better to hold the contact lens with your other hand.

    • If the wearer has positioned the lens incorrectly (with the side turned out), there will be no harm to visual organ will not be. But the CL will not hold well, as a result it will either slide or fall completely. In this case, wash it in a special solution, turn it out and put it on again.
    • If the lens falls on the floor or even on the table, before putting it back, rinse it in the solution and check its integrity.
    • Do not wash the contact pair in ordinary water.
    • Always wash your hands before putting in contact lenses. Otherwise, you will get inflammation, in which vision correction will only be possible with the help of glasses.
    • Getting used to the “foreign body” occurs within a few days. If it drags on for a long time, or you feel severe pain Immediately after wearing, consider switching to a different type of contact lens. It is not recommended to select on your own; it is better to seek help from an ophthalmologist.

    Experienced users insert the CL for 1-3 minutes. How quickly can you deal with this for the first time? IN best case scenario in 10-20 minutes. This often takes 1-2 hours. But over time, you will hone this skill and know how to insert lenses into your eyes quickly and even without a mirror.

    Learning how to properly remove lenses from your eyes

    If you have figured out how to put on your lenses, then it’s time to learn how to remove them. To do this you will need the same things:

    • Soap;
    • Paper napkin;
    • Container for contact pair;
    • Special tweezers;
    • Caring solution;
    • Mirror.

    Important! Lenses have a wear period. One-day wear is removed after 24 hours of wear or earlier. There are reusable ones, but wearing them for more than 12-16 hours is not recommended. And there are those that you can leave on even at night and change them only once a week, two, a month, 3 or 6 months.

    To remove contact lenses:

    1. Wash your hands with soap and dry them with a paper napkin;
    2. Prepare a container for storing the contact pair (not necessary for one-day ones, as they will have to be thrown away);
    3. Using the thumb and index finger of one hand, push back the lower and upper eyelids;
    4. With the thumb and forefinger of your other hand, pinch the exposed edge of the CL, as if pinching it, and pull it down, looking up. She will slowly slide down;
    5. If you have large nails, it is dangerous to remove the CL with your fingers, then you will have to use soft silicone tweezers;
    6. Place the lens in the container. If removed from the right eye, then the container should be marked with the letter “R”, and if from the left – “L”;
    7. Following steps 1-6, do the same with the second CL;
    8. Fill the CL with a special solution so that it completely covers them. Otherwise, they will dry out overnight and become unwearable. Then you will have to choose and buy another pair;
    9. Close the container with lids;
    10. If your eyes are red, use moisturizing drops.

    The instructions on how to remove lenses are easier to follow. Therefore, the procedure will take less time, and over time you will not even need a mirror to perform removal procedures.

    Differences in insertion and removal techniques for scleral and corneal lenses

    All contact pairs are divided by size into three groups:

    • Scleral. Cover the cornea and sclera (the white of the eye) completely;
    • Corneoscleral. Cover the cornea and slightly capture the sclera;
    • Corneal. They cover only the cornea.

    The vast majority of CLs selected by ophthalmologists belong to the corneoscleral group. Such contact pairs are soft and the instructions above on how to put on (and remove) lenses refer specifically to this type. But if you have scleral or corneal lenses, you should take into account their features:

    • Scleral CLs are very wide, so you won’t be able to hold them with one finger. You will have to bring three fingers together at once: thumb, index and middle. The eyelids need to be spread wide with the help of the index and thumb other hand. When applying the lens to the eye, you need to look strictly straight.
    • Corneal CLs have smallest size. It is important to position them so that they are centered on the iris. Otherwise, they will shift to the scleral area, and part of the cornea will remain without correction. Otherwise, the procedure for donning and doffing is similar to the corneoscleral counterparts.

    Now you know how to remove lenses and how to put them on. And if you've done it once already, it will be much easier the second time. Experience comes quickly. Already during the first month you will devote no more than 10 minutes to these procedures. In the future, this time will only decrease.

    Today more people prefers contact lenses over standard glasses. They are easy to use and invisible. But they must be followed proper care, they must be stored and worn correctly. Eat certain rules How to put on and remove contact lenses. If all recommendations are followed, they can be used for a significant period of time.

    How to put on contact lenses

    So that there is no doubt about correct installation, you need to understand well how to put on contact lenses correctly and understand the sequence of actions.

    Preparatory stage

    Hands are washed thoroughly and dried with a soft, lint-free towel. It is not recommended to lubricate your hands with any cream that has a greasy base. If grease or oil gets on the surface of the lenses, this will lead to a deterioration in optical properties and subsequently it is almost impossible to remove them.

    Having long and sharp nails is also not desirable. The fact is that they can interfere with this operation. This is one of important rules how to properly put on and remove contact lenses

    A little pre-workout

    You need to open your eyes wide and try not to blink for a while. Next you need to do the following:

    1. Sit comfortably in front of a well-lit mirror.
    2. Pull back upper eyelid towards the forehead using the index finger of your working hand and fix it in this position.
    3. Using middle finger, pull down bottom part century.
    4. Bring your index or middle finger to your eyeball, almost touching it. This movement is repeated until the eye gets used to the open position and stops responding to the approach of the finger.

    Taking the lens out of the package

    To transport lenses, containers filled with a special liquid are used. Most often this is a sterile saline solution, which should be absolutely transparent. The blister is shaken to make sure that it does not stick to the wall.

    Before inserting contact lenses, remove the protective film and use your fingertips to remove them from the container. It is located on the pad of the index finger. Tweezers with silicone tips designed for this purpose can also be used for extraction.

    How is the correct side determined?

    The concave part of the lens should be adjacent to the surface of the eye, which has something in common with a semicircular cup. As a rule, it is marked in the form of an alphabetic or numerical sequence.

    It must match what is indicated in the instructions. If the arrangement of numbers (letters) does not coincide with the recommended ones, this indicates that the lens is inverted. If you press lightly on it, the location of the concave side will change.

    Donning procedure

    Having completed the movements mastered during training, we open our eyes. It is advisable to install the right lens first and only then the left. But you can change the sequence if it is more convenient. Lightly pressing on the lens located on the eyeball, remove your hand.

    The eyelids slowly come together and are fixed in this position for several seconds. This is necessary to cover the lens with tear fluid. You can also do it light massage through the eyelid. If your eyes feel dry, you should use eye drops.

    When a feeling of discomfort arises after putting them on, you should remove them and slowly repeat the installation operation again. Provided that the lenses have different optical powers, they should in no case be mixed up. If a person is going to swim, he must remove his lenses.

    • Lenses should be stored in a solution appropriate to the material from which they are made.
    • If a person is undergoing treatment using hormones or antibiotics, then lenses cannot be worn. The same applies to cases when an inflammatory process occurs in the eyes.
    • It is not advisable to swim or shower with lenses on.
    • When placing lenses in a container, make sure that there is a sufficient amount of solution in each cell.
    • When replacing soft lenses, the container also changes.
    • When deciding on the mode of use of lenses, it is necessary to take into account their composition. It is not recommended to wear hydrogel lenses for more than twelve hours, and they must be removed at night. There are no restrictions for silicone hydrogel lenses. You can even leave them on while you sleep.
    • It is strictly forbidden to wash lenses under running water.
    • It is best for women to put on contact lenses before they apply makeup. Accordingly, they should be removed after removing it using special means.
    • It is prohibited to use other people's soft lenses.

    The best option is to have an ophthalmologist observe you as you put on contact lenses for the first time. This is especially important when we're talking about about the child. The specialist will check the correctness of the operation and check how well the lens “fits” onto the eyeball.

    If any kind of problem arises, the doctor will provide timely assistance. It can be expressed in the selection of lenses that have different indicators, if the ones used are not suitable for some reason. If you rely only on your perception when choosing contact lenses, you can provoke corneal disease, which will lead to irreparable loss of vision.

    How to put on contact lenses: questions for beginners

    Do you experience pain when putting on lenses?

    What keeps many from going to the ophthalmologist is the fear of touching foreign body Eye pain may occur. This is a misconception, since the hydrogel used to make lenses cannot cause any discomfort. Their fit to the eyeball is so soft that injuries simply cannot occur.

    What to do if he blinks?

    Often people are afraid of the blinking effect, which sometimes occurs at the initial stage in almost everyone who begins to wear contact lenses. The eyeball is an extremely fragile organ that is easily damaged. Therefore, nature provided reliable protection eyes from foreign objects getting into them.

    This is precisely what explains the nuance that any touch to the cornea causes active blinking, tearing and sensitive pain in the eyes. Thanks to this protective corneal reflex, the eyeball manages to get rid of debris particles.

    The eye reacts the same way to the first touch of the lens. There is no feeling of pain, but simply active blinking begins in order to get rid of the foreign body. However, a feature of any reflex is its exhaustibility. With constant exposure it becomes weaker and weaker. Eventually he disappears completely. And the eye becomes accustomed to the presence of a contact lens on it.

    The eyes can be prepared for the lens installation procedure. Even before talking to an ophthalmologist, you can, with thoroughly washed hands, lightly touch your open eyeball with your finger. This should be done very, very carefully so as not to damage the cornea.

    To successfully overcome the blink reflex, you can use one more useful tip. Job human eyes synchronous. Therefore, when installing a lens in the right eye, you need to open the left one as wide as possible. Some people are able to get rid of the foreign object sensation almost immediately, while for others it takes ten to twenty minutes.

    How to insert contact lenses faster

    It may seem that the above recommendations are too cumbersome. Therefore, the question arises about the advisability of complying with all points. Is it possible to miss some of them when using lenses every day?

    You must immediately clearly understand that if you are careless and inattentive to this procedure, an infection can be introduced into your eyes. And the occurrence of keratitis, conjunctivitis and others inflammatory diseases may result in irreversible visual impairment.

    If the lens is put on inside out, it will begin to irritate the eye and may even injure the surface of the eyeball, and this may result in clouding of the cornea, that is, a thorn will form. For this reason, attempts to speed up the process by jumping over some stages should not be made.

    If you follow the instructions step by step and strictly, then after a short period of time the procedure for installing lenses will become familiar and will no longer cause difficulties. Any task seems very difficult when done for the first time.

    It is very tempting to declare the impossibility of tolerating the eye’s adaptation to the presence of a foreign body and to refuse to wear lenses. But if you follow useful tips and follow all the instructions, you will quickly get used to soft contact lenses. And then they will become an integral part of your life.

    Today, those who have been wearing glasses for many years have the opportunity to replace them with contact lenses to change their image or for medical reasons.

    However, if you are unaccustomed to using them, it is not so easy, so the question is: “How to insert contact lenses correctly and quickly?” until dexterity comes, it is open.

    And it’s good that we have the opportunity to take advantage of the advice of other users posted on the Internet.

    The most common problem first putting it on - banal fear. After all, we know how unpleasant it is when something gets into the eye, so we subconsciously expect unpleasant sensations and are afraid to put on contact lenses. Yes, and suddenly your hand shakes and your eye gets scratched? It's scary to imagine.

    We hasten to dispel this myth - ophthalmologists say that this is almost impossible, especially when using soft contact lenses. So you just need to relax and boldly put them in your eye. To be sure, you can watch a video on how best to do this.

    The second difficulty is the reflexive closing of the eyelid when trying to insert a lens into the eye. And this significantly complicates the task. In such cases, you also need to relax, and over time you will develop the habit of correctly and quickly placing the eyepiece.

    You should not put contact lenses on tired eyes - they are already tense, so they may cause pain and irritation.

    Those who are determined to change their glasses to contact lenses should remember that it is advisable not to confuse them, even if they have the same diopters. To do this, it is advisable to immediately accustom yourself to placing and removing them first from right side. When removing the eyepiece, it must be immediately placed in its container. Do the same with the eyepiece removed from the left eye.

    To insert the lens correctly, it must be held on the edge of the pad of the index finger. In this case, you must make sure that it is not turned inside out. The “correct” lens looks like a cup with the edges pointing upward. You also need to make sure it is clean. There is no place for dust particles, lint and other little things that can lead to discomfort and irritation of the eyes. You can operate with one or two hands. Among the many videos from ordinary users you can find different options.

    Some manufacturers mark lenses special signs, indicating where the inside and outside are.

    Safe donning technique

    Once the lens for the right eye has been examined, the following must be performed (one-handed insertion technique):

    1. We pull back the lower eyelid and look up.
    2. Carefully apply the lens to the white of the eye, just below the pupil.
    3. We remove our index finger and slowly lower our gaze down – it should fall into place on its own (you can feel it right away).
    4. Gently release the eyelid and blink slowly so that it rests more tightly on the cornea.
    5. We blink several times to make sure there is no discomfort and correct installation.
    6. Let's move on to the left eye.

    You can use CL with both hands. This is done like this:

    1. Using the middle finger of your left hand, pull up the upper eyelid of your right eye.
    2. Using the middle finger of your right hand, pull down the lower eyelid.
    3. Using the index finger of your right hand, carefully apply the eyepiece to the eye.
    4. Without letting go of your eyelids, look down so that it lies in the center.
    5. We blink several times and move on to the second eye.

    If something is not clear, you can watch the video: “How to insert contact lenses correctly and safely” (it is located below).

    Usually the CLs themselves take the correct position on the cornea. Although it happens that they shift to the side. You can feel it right away - they appear discomfort, vision clarity deteriorates. You can adjust the position like this: cover the eye and gently massage the eyelid in a circular motion. The surface of the lenses is smooth, so it will slide easily.

    Removing them is somewhat easier than installing them:

    1. Using the middle finger of your left hand, pull down the lower eyelid of your right eye.
    2. Place the index finger of your left hand on the bottom edge of the CL.
    3. Move it to the side or down.
    4. Gently pinch it between your index finger and thumb.
    5. Remove from the eye socket.

    That's all. In principle, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to relax, not be afraid and believe that everything will work out. To improve the tolerability of CL, you can use moisturizing drops.

    What should new lens wearers remember?

    You need to get used to them gradually, starting from 3 hours a day. After getting used to it, it is advisable to remove them after 10-12 hours of wearing them so that your eyes can rest and replenish the lack of oxygen.

    You only need to install the CL with clean hands. You should also be sure to take them off at night, otherwise your eyes will hurt.

    Women are advised to put CL before applying makeup. Before inserting the lens, you need to rinse it with fresh solution. Under no circumstances should you use tap water to wash them. You need to put on and remove contact lenses in front of a mirror to avoid trouble.

    Video clearly demonstrating the technique of correctly and safely putting on lenses:

    Did you have to watch a video to put on the CL for the first time? Share your experience with us! Perhaps this will allow beginners in this business to avoid mistakes and quickly master the technique of putting on lenses! We are waiting for your comments!

    Popova Marina Eduardovna

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    A A

    Contact lenses are extremely convenient: unlike glasses, they do not fall, do not fog up in winter, do not put pressure on the nose, and you can play sports in them.

    However, all their advantages fade when the question arises: how to put on and take off correctly contact lenses ?"

    This procedure seems dangerous and intimidating to beginners. But it will turn out to be simple and fast if you follow simple rules. Next, you will learn how to quickly put on lenses and do it correctly.

    How to put on lenses: the correct sequence

    Attention! Put the products on before applying cosmetics to your face. If your hands shake, greasy, cloudy imprints of cream or traces of mascara may remain on the lens. It is impossible to look through them.

    Take care of hand hygiene

    Before putting on your lenses, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly. Dry your hands with a cotton towel or naturally. Do not wipe with tissues or paper towels: tiny particles of cellulose can remain on your hands and then get into your eyes.

    Use soap even if you are sure your hands are clean. It may turn out that before this you, for example, cut hot peppers. Its vigorous juice, which cannot be washed off by simple rinsing, gets into your eyes and will damage them.

    Carry out the procedure in front of a mirror, preferably while sitting at a table. This way, if the lens falls, you won't have to look for it on the floor.

    Remove lenses from the container very carefully and preferably with special tweezers.

    Take one piece out of the container or blister. Remove using special tweezers; its silicone legs will not harm the product.

    You can also reach it with your hands, but you should be as careful as possible, since your nail easily cuts the delicate material.

    Always start the procedure with the same eye so as not to confuse the products with each other. This quickly becomes a habit and will make it easy to put on your lenses. Follow the hints on the container: its compartments are either painted different colour, or have the inscriptions R and L for the right and left lenses, respectively.

    How to put on lenses correctly: it is very important to put the product on the right side

    A simple check will help you understand which side to put on your lenses. Place the product on the pad of your index finger like a small plate, bottom down. Bring it to your eyes and check: it should look like a ball cut in half. Turned inside out, it has a narrower bottom and the edges are slightly curved outward. There is no need to wear it like this.

    Important!Never try to wear wrinkled or torn items, even if the defect is barely noticeable. They get in the way, scratch, cause irritation, and can seriously damage the eye.

    Before putting on your lenses, make sure there are no cloudy spots, wrinkles, tears or debris. Rinse if there is dirt, because any defect, any smallest speck of dust will appear as a “log” in the eye. Immediately throw away the damaged lens and replace it with a new one.

    How to put on contact lenses correctly: the final stage

    Let's consider final stage How to learn how to put on eye lenses correctly. Place your index finger towards your eye. Using the pad of the middle finger of the same hand, pull the lower eyelid down.

    With the opposite hand, pull the upper eyelid towards the eyebrow. Try not to blink or focus on your finger. Looking in the mirror, calmly, confidently and without jerking, install the product by eye. It should stick on its own.

    Close your eyes and roll them around. Blink your eyes slowly. Make sure you are comfortable.

    Repeat the action on the other eye with the same hand.

    Attention! Nothing bad will happen if you install the lens on the wrong side. In this state, it will not attach well to the eyeball and will move out when blinking.

    You will know this yourself by feeling discomfort, as if something had gotten into your eye. In this case, simply remove it, turn it inside out, wash it with solution and put it on again.

    If you are still having difficulties, please read detailed guide about how to put on lenses if it doesn’t work out. It describes in detail how to put on lenses for the first time and talks about ways to prepare your eyes for the first time.

    Features of putting on different types of lenses

    How to wear colored lenses? Colored, multifocal, as well as astigmatic (toric) products are installed on the eye in the same way as conventional contact ones.

    How to wear daily lenses?

    They are no less popular than those designed for long-term wear.

    However, being much thinner and more flexible than ordinary ones, during the installation process they constantly strive to fold in half, fall, or get lost. Therefore, some skill is required in their use.

    How to put on contact lenses intended for daily use? To put on such products, avoid contact of the products with your nails as much as possible; use tweezers when removing them from the blister.

    When dressing, be extremely careful with them; your movements should be light and confident. Do not move them too much: place them on the pad of your index finger with one movement, and place them in the eye with the second.

    How to put on scleral lenses?

    These products are large, up to 24 millimeters, and have a rim with which they are secured to the eye. They completely cover both the iris and the sclera (white part) of the eye. Due to their large size There are some minor details on how to put on scleral lenses.

    1. A large scleral lens can fall off one finger, so place it on the pads of three at once: index, middle and ring.
    2. Using the middle and index finger of the opposite hand, pull down the upper and lower eyelids, opening the eye as much as possible.
    3. Looking in the mirror, apply the product to the surface of the eye. She herself must take the correct position, but you can help her by slightly moving the pad of your finger in different directions. Close your eyelids and roll your eyes. Make sure that it is installed as comfortably as possible and does not interfere with you.

    Once you have learned how to put on and remove lenses it won't be difficult - just follow the instructions

    Contact lenses should be put on and removed following a certain sequence.

    If you wear makeup, remove it. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry. Sit at the table in front of the mirror.

    1. Use your middle fingers to spread your upper and lower eyelids wide apart.
    2. Use your thumb and index finger to “pinch” the lens and pull it towards you. Remove from eye. Pour the solution into the container. Or throw it away if it's past its expiration date.

    Scleral lenses are removed somewhat differently. To remove them, you need to pull the lower eyelid down so far that the rim is exposed. Pinch it and gently pull down until it is completely removed.

    Attention! If you have long nails, be extremely careful, you can apply serious injury eye. Perhaps you should give up nails altogether for the first time.

    How to put lenses on a child?

    In some cases, contact lenses are a good way to correct a child’s vision. If the child is too young to independently cope with their installation and removal, these actions are performed by the parents.

    1. Place the product on the pad of the index finger of your working hand.
    2. Use the thumb and index finger of your other hand to spread your baby's eyelids apart.
    3. Gently place the lens on the iris. The baby will blink and she will lie down as it should.

    To remove, place your fingertip on it and ask your child to look up. The product will slide onto the squirrel, grab it with your thumb and pull it out.

    Important! To prevent your child from being afraid, talk to him during the process, explain your every move, and encourage him. Time will pass, and he himself will master these simple actions.

    Useful video

    In the video you will see a detailed visual guide on how to properly put on and remove lenses:

    Putting on and taking off the lenses is easy. A month of training, and the process will take no more than half a minute, becoming a familiar everyday ritual. And as a reward you will receive new world, full of amazing little details and bright colors.

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