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What to apply to a swollen eye. Lots of salty food. Why does the upper eyelid swell?

Imagine: it’s a sunny morning, you wake up in anticipation of a wonderful day, but then, looking in the mirror, all your plans collapse. What happened? I just don’t want to appear in society like this. People often face this problem different ages. First of all, you should understand what the reason is. And only then can you take concrete steps to get rid of the disease.

The most common cause is considered to be increased arterial pressure. If you have a tonometer, then it is worth checking how much this indicator exceeds the established norm. In order to stabilize it, you can use a decoction of herbs, rose hips are especially suitable, or drink regular black tea with a slice of lemon. However sudden jump pressure requires closer attention, so it’s still worth finding time to visit a specialist. The doctor may prescribe a complex of vitamins or more serious treatment.

In addition, if your eye is swollen, you should think about the condition of your nervous system, and also has a special effect. Thus, any stress or unpleasant situation in life can result in such an unpleasant incident. Pregnant women often suffer from swelling, as serious problems occur in their body. hormonal changes. To stabilize the condition, you need to drink more clean filtered water.

Many have noticed that after an exciting banquet with a variety of drinks containing alcohol, the next morning a problem arises: An excess of salty foods in the diet, especially consumed before bed, has the same effect. In this case, it is enough to use the popular advice: after brewing, apply the usual ones to your eyes and lie quietly with such a mask for about 20 minutes. You will be amazed yourself quick effect. But you shouldn’t use something cold like ice, because this can cause inflammation.

It’s worth thinking about, because this can serve as a symptom of the presence of a pathology of the cardiovascular system or kidneys. In such a situation there are no people's councils will not help, required qualified assistance the doctors. If you are confident in the absence of these problems, then you can state the presence inflammatory process. But you can understand what kind of inflammation, and, therefore, how to treat it, by additional signs. For example, the reason for this may be an insect bite. Then you should immediately take medicine, relieving itching and burning due to allergies. The most common are Loratodine, Claritin and Suprastin. They are freely available, so you can purchase the product at any pharmacy without a special prescription. But remember that consulting a doctor is mandatory, because in some cases, an advanced allergic reaction ends in death.

If the eye is swollen and there is significant redness, and the person himself feels sharp pain, then we can talk about a disease such as phlegmon. It is associated with the penetration of infection, so you should take a course of antibiotics in order to avoid its further spread. However, in medical practice cases of conjunctivitis or stye are common. Since these diseases are considered infectious, if a child’s eye is swollen for this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this can have serious consequences.

The first symptoms of stye are discomfort in the area of ​​the affected area, its swelling, and then you can recognize a small red abscess. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the pus; treatment with alcohol or brilliant green is acceptable. It wouldn't hurt to try some recipes traditional medicine. For example, you can wash a swollen eye with a decoction of calendula herb.

Swollen eyes in the morning will not please anyone. Many immediately begin to panic and attribute to themselves various diseases. But swelling of the eyes does not always indicate the presence serious problems with health - sometimes it’s just the consequences of drinking alcohol at night or crying into your pillow. However, this should not be neglected either - it is important to understand why the eye is swollen and what to do in such a situation.


Swollen eyes can be caused by both eating special products, so the course of the disease. Analyze which of the following could be the reason why your eyes are swollen in the morning:

  • Salty food. If you ate salted fish or smoked meats at night, it will affect your eyes in the morning. Everyone knows that salt retains water in the body and the eyes swell first.
  • Alcohol. Like salt, it also retains water and disrupts metabolism, so don’t be surprised if you wake up with puffy eyes after yesterday’s partying. Drink more water to relieve swelling.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Many pregnant women are familiar with puffy eyes in the morning. Stress also causes changes hormonal levels. Use large quantity water solves this problem.
  • Allergy. Puffy eyes are common among allergy sufferers. Remember if you were exposed to your allergens the day before - spent time with a dog, cat, or walked outside during the flowering period of plants. Or maybe you bought new mascara? Allergies can occur to anything, the main thing is to identify the allergen and avoid it, and also take antihistamines.
  • High blood pressure. It dilates blood vessels, which is why the eyes look swollen.
  • Impaired functioning of the kidneys, heart or genitourinary system. It's more serious reason and going to the doctor to identify health problems cannot be put off for long.
  • Spending a long time at the computer or reading from the phone, as well as crying for a long time, lack of sleep, poor diet, taking medications - all this can also cause swollen eyes.

If only one eye is swollen

When only one eye swells, the cause, as a rule, lies in an infectious or inflammatory process.

  • Barley. Many have suffered from this eye disease and know how unpleasant it is. Barley is an inflammation of the eyelash bulb, in which pus is formed. It can form on both the upper and lower eyelids. Rubbing, scratching and touching the eye is strictly not recommended. Barley should be treated with cauterization with alcohol or brilliant green, and after the abscess opens, treat the affected area with tetracycline ointment. If barley bothers you quite often, you need to strengthen your immune system.
  • . Wherein infectious disease the eye swells and appears cutting pains, pus is formed. Used for treatment antibacterial drugs. Be sure to visit a doctor; self-medication is dangerous, since conjunctivitis can be not only bacterial, but also viral and fungal. Correct treatment Only a doctor can prescribe it.
  • A bite of an insect. You may develop an allergy to the bite. Take antihistamines and use hydrocortisone ointment to prevent infection from developing.
  • Foreign body. If a grain of sand gets into the eye, it can irritate the mucous membrane, which will lead to swelling of the eye.
  • Phlegmon. Dense, hot swelling on the eye is a symptom of phlegmon. This inflammation, accompanied by pus and redness of the eye, is very dangerous, since without proper treatment it can spread into the brain tissue and spread purulent masses there.

What to do

If you have established the cause, you can guess what you need to do to get rid of a problem such as a swollen eye. Or you need to change some habits in order not to provoke the appearance of puffiness in the eyes.

  1. As mentioned above, do not eat too much salty food, especially at night. Be careful with alcohol and drink more water throughout the day. You can make compresses from tea bags. Wash your face cool water, do lung massage patting movements on the eyelids. Do not apply ice under any circumstances - this will only make the situation worse.
  2. Rosehip decoction eliminates swelling. It is also useful for pregnant women, but do not overdo it - you also do not need a large load on your kidneys.
  3. At allergic reactions antihistamines are taken - Claritin, Loratodin, Suprastin, etc. If you have sensitive eyes, try to purchase cosmetics and eye care products that are labeled “hypoallergenic.”
  4. If you have conjunctivitis, do not delay visiting your doctor. In addition to prescribed medications, you can use decoctions of chamomile or calendula to wash your eyes; they have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  5. Many people treat barley on their own, with the help folk recipes. Do not forget the sequence of treatment - first wait until the abscess bursts, this can be facilitated by heat - calendula decoction, a warm spoon (clean, of course), medical alcohol or iodine. After the pus is released, Albucid is instilled into the eye, and the wound is treated with tetracycline ointment.
  6. In the presence of foreign body take anti-inflammatory drops in the eye. Don't rush to extract foreign object yourself - it’s better to wait until he comes out on his own. If you can't stand it, consult a doctor.
  7. If you suspect phlegmon, do not self-medicate - delaying a visit to the doctor can result in very sad consequences.
  8. Kidney and heart diseases also require examination by a doctor and, possibly, surgical treatment.
  9. For chronic puffy eyes, also consider visiting an ophthalmologist. This indicates a weakened body.

Swelling in the eye area is perceived by many people as normal cosmetic defect. Unfortunately, your eyes swell for a reason. Most often, behind the seemingly harmless swelling lies fluid retention in the body. But in some cases, the causes of swelling are serious eye pathologies.

Macular edema is swelling of the central area of ​​the retina known as the yellow spot" It is this retina that is often responsible for the quality of central vision. This type of swelling cannot be considered as an independent pathology, since it is a symptom of several diseases of the ocular apparatus.

Macular edema of the retina may accompany:

  • diabetic rhinopathy;
  • retinal vein thrombosis;
  • uveitis

Macular edema of the eye can develop when it is injured, as well as as a complication after ophthalmic surgery.

Retinal edema is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • blurring of central vision is formed (all straight lines of the eyes begin to be perceived as curved);
  • the overall picture is perceived in pink;
  • the sensitivity of the eye to light increases;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • In the morning, a person experiences a short-term deterioration in the quality of vision.

What to do in this case? Treatment of macular edema of the retina involves the use of three techniques:

  • conservative therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • surgery.

The doctor chooses the treatment tactics for macular edema of the retina based on the severity of the condition.

Swelling of the eye as a result of corneal swelling

Swelling of the cornea causes vision impairment. At the same time, the quality of the image perceived by the eye deteriorates significantly in the evening, partially recovering during the night.

The reasons for the formation of corneal edema are:

  • increase in intraocular pressure;
  • development of an attack of glaucoma;
  • In an infant, swelling of the cornea can be caused by birth trauma;
  • corneal edema – quite common complication ophthalmic surgery;
  • chemical burns;
  • infections of various etymologies;
  • allergy;
  • uveitis

Symptoms of corneal edema include the following conditions:

  • redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • increased eye fatigue;
  • strong reaction to bright light;
  • blurred picture, increasing during the day;
  • lacrimation;
  • There is a decrease in corneal transparency.

What to do here? Treatment of corneal edema is aimed at eliminating the swelling itself. So, if the disease is bacterial or viral, antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed for use.

It is advisable to avoid using lenses when the cornea is swollen or to reduce their wearing to a minimum. Sometimes swelling of the cornea is accompanied by increased dryness of the eye, which can be combated with the help of “artificial tears”.

IN severe cases treatment is carried out using hormonal anti-inflammatory drops.

Allergic edema

Allergic edema is the most severe manifestation of allergies, in which the eyes are very itchy. The condition is characterized by the rapid formation of swelling of the eyelids and sometimes the area around the eyes. It only swells quite often upper eyelid. The condition is accompanied by lacrimation.

Allergic swelling of the eye area is called angioedema, which is one of the forms of Quincke's edema. The reason is direct human contact with the allergen.

Symptoms of allergic edema

The allergic basis of edema is very difficult to confuse with other conditions. The following symptoms are observed here:

  • eyes are almost always very itchy;
  • with mild manifestations of allergies, only slight swelling of the eyelids is recorded (the eyes practically do not itch, the area around the eyes remains unchanged);
  • in severe forms of allergies, not only the eyelids swell - the palpebral fissure can almost completely close - but also the area around the eyes.

With allergic swelling of the eyes, both eyelids may swell at once. In many cases, swelling also forms around the inflamed eye.

Main difference allergic edema from others - the eyes never hurt, but always itch (a characteristic reaction to an allergen).

First aid to the eyes for the development of allergic edema

What should you do in this case, since the allergy can spread to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and throat.

The scheme depends on the rate of development of edema:

  • if the eyes and the area around them become swollen very quickly, then the victim must be administered an antihistamine and call an ambulance;
  • if swelling develops slowly, you should also take antihistamines and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

If your eyes itch, what can you do? Take off unpleasant symptoms A cool compress will help.

Treatment of allergic swelling

In most cases, swelling after an allergy goes away completely. If treatment is not carried out, then there is a high probability of inflammation developing.

Treatment should be prescribed by an allergist after identifying the cause of the swelling. The most commonly prescribed combination of drugs is:

  • eye ointments (prescribed if the eyes are itchy, as well as for watery eyes and burning);
  • hormonal ointments (they not only relieve swelling, but also help if the eyes are very itchy);
  • antihistamines;
  • eye drops with vasoconstrictor properties.

Swelling of the eyes accompanied by headache

Sometimes, in addition to swelling of the eyes, a person also has a headache. What could be the reason for this combination? There may be several options.

Inflammation maxillary sinuses. In this case, in addition to swelling of the eyes, caused by the close location of the sinuses, the head also hurts.

ARVI. Many viral infections may be accompanied by swelling of the eyelids. General intoxication of the body leads to a headache.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eyes, in most cases accompanied by swelling of the eyes and the area around them. IN in rare cases I also have a headache.

Heart failure. Quite often, the complaint of a headache, combined with existing bags under the eyes, can be a sign of heart failure.

If we talk about what to do in such cases, then the treatment should be selected by a specialist.

Psychosomatic edema

Psychosomatics is one of the areas of medicine that studies the influence psychological factors for the formation various diseases. To give a more simplified definition, psychosomatics is a protest of the body, manifested different ways. Alternative medicine is of the opinion that it is psychosomatics that becomes the cause of all diseases.

What to do if the cause of swelling is not related to specific disease? Psychosomatics defines the development of swelling in the eye area (and not only) as restrained irritation. This may be a reaction to a specific situation or a specific person.

How to deal with such swelling? Try to “let go” of an unpleasant situation. In addition, to treat edema caused by psychosomatics, tranquilizers and drugs from the antidepressant category are used in combination with psychotherapy sessions.

Treatment of edema using Canephron

"Canephron" - combination remedy, exhibiting diuretic properties. Thanks to this, Canephron can be used to eliminate various swelling, in particular in the area around the eyes.

Since Canephron is a product from the category herbal preparations, then it has very few contraindications. This is an individual intolerance component composition And childhood- Canephron is not prescribed to patients under six years of age.

Canephron tablets are taken orally with a small amount of liquid. Canephron drops must be diluted with any liquid before taking.

Dietary food for edema

The diet for puffy eyes is a nutritional system that promotes withdrawal excess liquid from the body. A decongestant diet can also be used to prevent the formation of swelling in and around the eyes.

The diet “allows” to include in the menu foods containing:

  • proteins - milk, sour cream, cheeses and others;
  • potassium – rice, potatoes, apricots, etc.;
  • fresh juices;
  • herbal teas.

What not to do when following therapeutic nutrition? The decongestant diet recommends reducing the amount of salt used and also limits the total volume of fluid to no more than 1.5 liters per day. In addition, the diet “prohibits”:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • sweets;
  • mayonnaise and various sauces.

The decongestant diet is quite difficult for the body. Before you start eating according to the proposed rules, you must consult your doctor.

We receive 80% of information through vision. The eyes need to be protected, but what to do if we notice that the eye is swollen? This organ is an indicator of our health. And if swelling appears, this phenomenon cannot be ignored.

What are the reasons

Photo 1: One of the reasons for the appearance of eye swelling in women is the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics. Source: flickr (Arlette).

Can cause swelling of the eyes external stimuli, food and some problems in the body.

  1. An allergic reaction to cosmetics can result in swelling. At the same time, the eyes begin to itch. It is necessary to quickly wash off the mascara or shadows and apply a soothing compress.
  2. Allergies to dust, pollen, being around animals, and other irritants. An allergist will tell you what to do in case of irritation.
  3. High blood pressure is accompanied by headaches, unpleasant painful sensations In eyes. It is necessary to take medications that normalize blood pressure.
  4. A foreign body (objects or liquids) may cause serious injury eyes, swelling and lacrimation. You can’t do this without visiting an ophthalmologist. But first of all, you need to rinse your eyes with clean water.
  5. At excessive consumption alcohol, salty foods, swelling of the entire face occurs. Tea or cucumber compresses will help relieve symptoms.
  6. Diseases internal organs. If you notice that your eyes often become swollen without visible reasons, it is worth visiting specialists such as a urologist or cardiologist. There may be kidney or heart problems.
  7. Hormonal imbalance. Pregnancy and thyroid problems can cause swelling.
  8. An insect bite causes swelling of the eyelid, pain and itching. Taking an antihistamine will help relieve swelling.
  9. Infections, viral diseases, such as stye, conjunctivitis, cause swelling of the eyelid and redness. Strict hygiene and taking vitamins will help you cope with the problem faster.
  10. Fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, and contemplation of bright light also causes swelling.
  11. Inflammation can cause fatty tissue to accumulate ( fatty hernia) under the skin around the eyes. The problem is eliminated surgically.

Interesting! Swollen eyes are a common occurrence when crying. When you want to cry, blood flow increases significantly, which contributes to redness and swelling of the eyelids.


Swollen eyes can signal certain pathologies in the body. Swelling of the eyelids may be of an inflammatory nature, accompanied by redness, elevated temperature, painful sensations, compactions are often observed, purulent discharge. These symptoms indicate diseases such as stye, erysipelas or furunculosis. Swelling appears on any eyelid.

Non-inflammatory edema is characteristic of kidney diseases, of cardio-vascular system. In this case, both eyes swell, and general swelling or swelling of the limbs is also noted.

Angioedema Angioedema manifests itself in swelling, usually of the upper eyelid.

Swelling of the eyelids and diabetes mellitus. Swelling of the lens can cause high level Sahara.

What measures need to be taken

Treatment must be preceded by diagnosis, so it is important to immediately contact a specialist.

Compresses made from tea infusions will help relieve inflammation, medicinal herbs. For allergies that cause swelling of the eyes, take antihistamine. Antibacterial drops help eliminate inflammation caused by an infectious pathogen.

Photo 2: Ice cubes and cool lotions will help relieve swelling that appears as a result of overwork and lack of sleep. Do not heat the inflamed area or apply warm compresses. Source: flickr (Sofya Yaruya).

Homeopathic treatment of inflammation

When selecting homeopathic medicine other symptoms that appear simultaneously with swelling of the eyes are also taken into account. Independent choice of remedy may not bring desired results. Only an experienced homeopathic doctor, who takes into account, in addition to this problem, the characteristics of a person, his mental condition, can choose correctly homeopathic remedy based on many indicators. For symptomatic treatment you can use drugs that eliminate the symptom while simultaneously affecting various systems, regulating their interaction.

When treating inflammation of the eyelids, the following are prescribed:

  • (Apis), the drug is effective for redness, itching, and is prescribed for conjunctivitis;

Many people have swollen eyes in the morning, the reasons for this phenomenon can be different. This may be due to harmless and natural processes in the body, but can also be a symptom of diseases. In some cases, swelling can be removed traditional methods, and in others, the help of a doctor is required.

Before understanding the causes of swollen eyes, you need to understand why this part of the face is so prone to the formation of edema. This phenomenon is associated with the structural features of the periocular tissue. You can select following reasons eye susceptibility to swelling:

  1. This area of ​​the face is equipped with many vessels in which blood flows constantly. The movement of blood contributes to swelling of the eyelids.
  2. The eyelids are an area of ​​excess skin that can bunch up. Subcutaneous tissue around the eyes are loose, this leads to the formation of swelling.
  3. The skin around the eyes experiences heavy load when blinking and facial movements of facial muscles.
  4. If fluid accumulates under adjacent areas of the skin (nose, forehead, cheeks), it easily gets into the space around the eyes.
  5. Between eyeball and the orbit there is periorbital fatty tissue, which puts pressure on the eyelids. It is this formation that often causes swollen eyelids and bags under the eyes.
  6. Most often, morning swelling disappears in the afternoon. If the swelling does not go away long time, or the swelling of the eyes has become systematic, then this should be alarming. Perhaps this is a sign of disturbances in the body.

Causes of eye swelling not related to pathology

Or the lower eyelid is an excess of interstitial fluid under the skin and fatty tissue. It is formed due to a violation of water-electrolyte metabolism. Swelling around the eyes is most noticeable, since the skin in this area of ​​the face is very thin.

People often confuse the concepts -, but these are different phenomena. Bags under the eyes are associated with age-related changes skin. Edema is an accumulation of interstitial fluid.

The following causes of morning edema that are not associated with serious disorders in the body can be identified:

  1. Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause swelling. Many people know how after sleepless night swelling appears around the eyes. And if a person systematically leads night look life, then this is all the more not conducive healthy looking. In such cases, you can only give advice - to normalize your sleep and wakefulness. It is useful to drink more fluid. This recommendation may seem strange, because liquid usually causes the eyes to swell. But with lack of sleep, dehydration occurs, and the body tries to retain fluid. As a result, swelling occurs.
  2. Excessive drinking. Common cause edema occurs when drinking tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages before bedtime. It is necessary to avoid drinking excess fluid.
  3. Tears. If a person cries at night, this always leads to swelling of the eyes in the morning. Tear fluid contains a lot of salt. This substance is capable of retaining liquid. In addition, salt irritates the skin, causing swelling and slight inflammation.
  4. Incorrect use of eye cosmetics. If a woman forgets to wash off her eye shadow or eyeliner at night, her skin stops breathing and becomes swollen in the morning. To avoid this, you need to cleanse your face of makeup at night. It is advisable to do this not with toilet soap, but special means for removing makeup. Soap dries the skin too much, which can also cause swelling. Don't apply too much cosmetics on the eyelids and around the eyes, this causes clogged pores and irritation, causing the skin to swell.

  1. Salty food. With systematic abuse of salt, liquid is poorly removed from the body, resulting in swelling. Salty foods cause thirst, which forces a person to drink more water. This further contributes to the swelling of the eyes.
  2. Age-related changes. In old age, the skin becomes difficult to maintain adipose tissue and fiber. In addition, over the years, the kidneys work worse, so the exchange of water in the body worsens. Often, older people experience constant swelling of the eyelids.
  3. Hereditary characteristics. Some people have congenital excess fat around the eyes. In this case, the eyelids look swollen even in childhood and adolescence, even in the absence of diseases.
  4. Eye fatigue. When a person reads poor lighting or sitting in front of the computer for too long, the blood supply to the eyelids is disrupted due to eye strain. As a result, intracellular fluid ends up in the tissues of the eyelids, and they swell.
  5. Changes in hormonal levels. Some women experience swelling of the eyelids during menstruation. This is due to increased output the hormone estrogen, which retains fluid in the body.

Pathological causes of swollen eyelids

If swelling of the eyelids recurs constantly, this may be a sign of various pathologies. You should pay attention to other symptoms that accompany eye swelling in the morning; the following pathologies may be the causes of this phenomenon:

  1. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. There is not only swelling of the face, but also of the legs. A person may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. The skin becomes pale, sometimes with a bluish tint. Only one eye may swell due to poor circulation. You need to pay attention to symptoms such as pressure changes, dizziness, cold extremities. If swelling of the eyes is accompanied by similar manifestations, you should urgently visit a doctor.
  2. Allergic reactions. Such swelling occurs upon contact with an allergen. Swelling of the eyelids in the morning can be periodic or constant, it depends on the frequency of exposure allergic factor. Swelling is accompanied by skin rashes and itching. If the eyelids swell from an allergen, then the use of antihistamines is necessary.
  3. Kidney diseases. Swelling of the eyelids due to kidney diseases is associated with impaired fluid excretion. Not only the eyes swell, but also the legs, lower back, and abdominal area. Such swelling moves from one part of the body to another when a person turns over in his sleep. In the morning, you can see prints from underwear on a person’s body. In addition, the color and amount of urine changes in a person. With kidney disease, it is very difficult to remove swelling from the eyes. It is necessary to see a doctor, undergo a series of tests and undergo treatment.

  1. Inflammatory processes. In some cases, the cause of swelling of the eyelids is infectious inflammation on adjacent areas of the face. Swelling can be caused by sinusitis, sinusitis, a sore tooth, inflammation facial nerve. Lead to edema eye diseases: stye, conjunctivitis. In this case, the eyelids turn red, become hot to the touch and painful. These diseases are dangerous because the infection can penetrate the brain.
  2. Facial injuries. Edema is caused not only by damage to the organ of vision. The person may have hit his forehead or top part head, but severe swelling of the eyelids is noticeable. This is due to the fact that intercellular fluid upon impact, it descends lower and accumulates in the eye area.
  3. Pregnancy. Sometimes in pregnant women due to hormonal changes. This phenomenon is not considered dangerous. But during this period women are very susceptible renal pathologies. To understand why your eyes swell, you need to see a doctor and take a urine test for protein.
  4. Disturbances in the outflow of lymph and blood. Fluid around the eyes can accumulate after unsuccessful cosmetic or anti-aging procedures in the eyelid area.

Ways to get rid of edema

How to quickly relieve swelling? You can fight morning swelling of the eyelids only in cases where it is not caused by a serious pathology. This cosmetic defect bothers many people, and they are looking for a product that would help remove puffiness. There are many methods to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon:

There are several folk remedies that will help quickly relieve swelling. They are used when swelling needs to be removed immediately. But they are ineffective if the swelling is caused by diseases. These home remedies include:

  1. Raw potatoes. The vegetable is cut into slices and applied to the eyes for 20 minutes. This folk remedy It will not only relieve swelling of the eyelids in the morning, but will also remove circles under the eyes.
  2. Cucumber. The vegetable is cut into small slices, applied around the eyes and kept for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Dairy products. You can soak cotton wool in kefir or fermented baked milk and apply it to your eyes for 30 minutes.


The causes of swelling around the eyes can be different. If this manifestation occurs frequently, you should consult your doctor. If swelling is caused by random reasons, you can help yourself with folk remedies.
