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New rules for smoking in public places. About smoking ban areas and special signs. How is a non-smoking area designated?

The Government of the Russian Federation has taken a particularly close approach to solving the issue of smoking in public places in last years. Such measures were introduced not only as a way to combat smoking, which causes disapproval from smokers, but also as a concern for the health of non-smoking citizens in public places, whose rights smokers must also take into account.

The first restrictions came into force back in 2013, and every year the narrowing of the boundaries of smoking areas becomes more significant. The reason for such harsh control was statistics. According to the latest data, every year about half a million Russian citizens die due to diseases caused by active or passive smoking.

On this moment the sharp negativity caused by the adoption of the smoking ban gradually faded away. But experts say that positive changes towards improving the health of the country's population will become noticeable only after at least five years.

Here is a list of places where smoking is strictly prohibited by law.

Where you can't smoke according to the new law of 2019

The list of prohibited smoking areas is gradually expanding, at the moment it looks like this:

  1. Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the various educational institutions. This includes schools, secondary specialized and higher education institutions. Smoking is not allowed on the territory of sports and cultural institutions.
  2. The ban was also introduced on the territory of health-improving institutions, including clinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums.
  3. The restrictions affect all types of public transport, including planes, ships, intercity trains and long distance, buses and so on. The same applies to railway and bus stations, airports and ports, metro stations and trains, as well as at least 15 meters from the station exit.
  4. Smoking is prohibited in buildings or areas public services. That is, State Pension Fund branches, social security services, social service centers.
  5. In the premises and on the territories of departments of government agencies and authorities. This includes courts and prefectures. Various ministries, departments, agencies and so on.
  6. Smoking in the workplace and other work areas is also subject to restrictions.
  7. Smoking is strictly prohibited in elevators and stairwells in residential buildings.
  8. Smoking is not allowed on beaches and playgrounds.
  9. Gas stations are also on the list of prohibited smoking areas.
  10. The ban applies to dormitories and any places of temporary residence (hotels).
  11. Despite special protests from smokers, the ban also affected bars, restaurants and cafes.
  12. The list also included premises of consumer services (various workshops, ateliers, and so on).

Where is smoking allowed in 2018-2019

Let's also consider places where smoking is allowed. The list is much shorter, but you don’t have to worry about penalties in the listed places:

  1. Smoking is permitted inside your personal property. This applies to the car and living space (you also have the right to smoke on the balcony).
  2. Almost everywhere on the street, the exceptions are the territories listed above and the 15-meter border from metro stations, airports, ports, train stations, bus stops.
  3. You can smoke at work, however (!) only in a specially designated and equipped room.
  4. On passenger platforms for waiting for passenger trains.


Not so long ago, smokers also included electronic devices for smoking. Electronic cigarettes do not use standard tobacco, they use a glycerin flavored substance with added nicotine. Such devices do not produce smoke, but produce steam.

Electronic cigarettes are not prohibited in European countries and they are allowed to be smoked not only in public places, but also in airplane cabins. IN Russian Federation smoking ban tobacco products they are also not affected, since they simply do not fall into this category. Therefore, at the moment, smoking electronic cigarettes is legal everywhere.

However, some politicians are arguing about this, wanting to limit electronic devices, citing the presence of nicotine in device cartridges.

On June 1, 2014, new clauses of the smoking ban law come into force. Now fines for smoking in public places have been increased, and the list of such places has been significantly expanded.

The smoking ban is established by No. 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption,” and the amount of fines for violating this law is prescribed in Articles 6.23-6.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Below you can see the table of fines for smoking in entrances, near the metro, schools and other public places; we also recommend that you read the articles:

Amount of fines

Source: Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on May 5, 2014) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on May 16, 2014)


Article 6.23. Involving a minor in the process of tobacco consumption

  • 1. Involvement of a minor in the process of tobacco consumption - entails the imposition of administrative fine for citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles.
  • 2. The same actions committed by parents or other legal representatives of a minor shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 6.24. Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco established by federal law in certain territories, premises and facilities

(introduced Federal law dated October 21, 2013 N 274-FZ)

  • 1. Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco established by federal law in certain territories, premises and facilities, with the exception of cases provided for in Part 2 of this article, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles.
  • 2. Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco on children's playgrounds established by federal law - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 6.25. Failure to comply with the requirements for a smoking ban sign, for the allocation and equipping of special places for smoking tobacco, or failure to fulfill obligations to monitor compliance with legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens from environmental influences tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco consumption

(introduced by Federal Law dated October 21, 2013 N 274-FZ)

  • 1. Failure to comply with the requirements for a no-smoking sign designating territories, buildings and objects where smoking is prohibited, and for the order of its placement -
  • shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on legal entities- from thirty thousand to sixty thousand rubles.
  • 2. Failure to comply with the requirements for the allocation and equipment of special places in the open air for smoking tobacco or the allocation and equipment of isolated premises for smoking tobacco -
  • shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.
  • 3. Failure by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to fulfill obligations to monitor compliance with legislation in the field of protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption in the territories and premises used to carry out their activities -
  • entails the imposition of an administrative fine on individual entrepreneurs in the amount of thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from sixty thousand to ninety thousand rubles.

Smoking in public place– an offense for which police officers are increasingly issuing citations. The imposition of punishment is not accidental, because by his actions a person puts other people in danger. A fine for smoking in a public place is necessary to protect non-smoking citizens from harmful effects tobacco smoke, because a dangerous addiction should not affect people without bad habits.

What is the fine for smoking in a public place?

The anti-tobacco law on smoking in public places, under which a fine is imposed on the offender, was adopted in 2014.

According to it, you cannot smoke when you are near other people, at the doors of public institutions, at train stations, near places of mass entertainment. Such requirements apply to trains, playgrounds, and school grounds.

Entrepreneurs who do not provide proper notification to citizens are also subject to punishment: special signs and stickers are hung in the premises and at the entrances, indicating a ban. However, their absence does not become a reason to evade responsibility.

People are most often fined for smoking in places where it is prohibited:

  • at bus stops;
  • on the beach;
  • in the park;
  • at the station
  • at the entrance;
  • in the vestibule of a commuter or long-distance train;
  • in the toilet of a restaurant, cinema, cafe;
  • at the entrance to a store or restaurant.

Accordingly, smoking in any public place is subject to sanctions. Police officers patrolling streets, station buildings, and other crowded places can bring you to justice. The amount you have to pay will depend on the situation and circumstances of the incident.

The indicator that smoking is allowed on the site is not other people who violate law and order - a sanction can be applied to them. Or the police will only record your violation by compiling a material - the possibility of smoking should be indicated by appropriate inscriptions.

Where is smoking allowed?

The sanctions do not include all places to which other people do not have access, that is, they will not breathe smoke. You can smoke without fear:

  • in your apartment, including a balcony. Even though the smoke may go to your neighbors, you cannot be held liable;
  • V special places– at train stations and airports there are designated smoking areas. Signs will inform you about their presence, or you can ask the transport police for help;
  • away from people - even if you are standing at a public transport stop, but there are no other citizens nearby, no one prohibits you from smoking. You can smoke in a park, forest, or on the street, but only away from other people.
The anti-tobacco law helps protect people without bad habits from exposure to toxic smoke. If you violate its requirements, a fine will be issued, the payment of which must be made within 2 months, otherwise additional sanctions will be applied to you.

It is worth thinking not only about your own budget, but also about the comfort of other people before you start smoking.

Fine for smoking in a public place: the amount of the fine according to the law of the Russian Federation + where smoking is allowed + what standards the “smoking room” must comply with + how teenagers are punished for smoking + consequences of failure to pay a fine for smoking.

Smoking is a very common addiction for a large part of the Russian population. Harm from tobacco products does not make a heavy smoker wait long: yellowing of teeth, nails, early aging of the skin, deterioration of the heart and lungs, effects on nervous system etc.

Back in 2013, the Russian government decided to fight the bad habit with harsh methods - impose a fine for smoking in a public place. In addition, tobacco prices increase every year (which is associated with an increase in the cost of excise duty). According to experts, such strict measures will force many to get rid of addiction, and most importantly, not harm others.

We will tell you how much you will have to pay for violating Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 15, and what changes the government has made to the current bill.

Smoking – everyone will have to pay a fine!

Federal Law No. 15-FZ ( https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_142515) effective from February 12, 2013.

What should everyone know about this law, regardless of their attitude towards cigarettes?

The “anti-tobacco” law is drawn up for individuals, legal entities, as well as officials who are obliged to monitor compliance with the requirements:

  • Individuals will pay a fine for smoking in public places, purchasing tobacco products for minors, and encouraging children under 18 to smoke.
  • Legal entities will be fined for selling tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age, for violations of product sales, and for advertising cigarettes.

    It is also prohibited to give discounts on cigarettes or give them to customers.

  • Sales are permitted in stalls and stores located more than 100 meters from any type of educational institution.

    It is prohibited to sell tobacco products individually.

You will learn more about how to properly sell tobacco in Russia from Art. 19 Federal Law No. 15 (See. https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_142515/7a9de3608bcc880ef06b68

A representative of the fire inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor or a police officer or local police officer has the right to collect a fine for smoking in a public place. These same services should supervise entrepreneurs. More specifically: they are required to check stores where cigarettes are sold, offices where people smoke in the wrong places etc.

In restaurants, cafes, pubs and other recreational places (theater, cinema, museum, etc.), there must be signs stating that smoking is not allowed on the premises. If there is no sign, the entrepreneur will be required to pay a fine. If the owners of cafes and restaurants repeatedly violate the anti-tobacco law, then they face the closure of the establishment, but only after a trial.

Find out the amount of the fine depending on the type of violation from the table below:

Where is smoking prohibited and allowed?

In order not to pay a fine for smoking in public places, you need to know where, according to the law of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to use tobacco products, and where you should refrain from your addiction.

Prohibited objects

Allowed objects
On the territory of cultural, educational, sports, medical institutions, including sanatoriums.
In closed premises of government or specialized institutions.
Pre-trial detention centers and colonies.
Public recreation area, workplaces, catering facilities, restaurants, hotels.
Public transport stops, train stations, airports (no closer than 15 m to the indicated location), staircases, elevators.
Public transport (bus, metro, train, plane, ship) and your own car while moving.
Children's playgrounds, beaches.
Student dormitories.
Gas stations.
Real estate (house, apartment), which is the property of the smoker according to documents.
Vehicle, if it is not currently in a state of movement.
In a building where there is a specially equipped room for smokers with ventilation.
On the street near special signs and public ashtrays.
On a long-distance ship that carries people on board, but in cases where there is a separate deck.

Read more in Art. 12, Federal Law No. 15 - https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_142515/1e069557f3bc904d8b3f6a62d5

Regarding smoking hookah or electronic cigarette, they are allowed for consumption in specially designated rooms of cafes and restaurants, if they do not contain tobacco. In March 2017, Rospotrebnadzor proposed to include steam generators in the list of prohibited tobacco products for use in public places. At the moment, this proposal is only being considered and has not entered into force.

“Smoking rooms” and entrances – how to avoid fines for smoking in public places?

The “anti-tobacco” law states that entrances and workplaces are included in the list of prohibited smoking areas. Many people violate this clause and go out to smoke on the landing so as not to saturate the apartment with smoke. Office workers most often resort to their bad habit in the toilet.

If you belong to the category of people who support Federal Law No. 15, you can report this to the police or Rospotrebnadzor so that the smoker will be punished. Together with him, the director of the enterprise who did not control the situation in his team will be punished.

If you are for a peaceful solution to the issue, then talk to your neighbors and work colleagues about setting up a “smoking room” in the entrance or office. Then those who depend on tobacco will be able to smoke for their own pleasure and not harm other people.

The “smoking room” must meet the following requirements:

  • Insulation so that smoke does not penetrate into other rooms (if it is an office), apartments, etc.
  • In the “smoking room” you need to put an ashtray and a small trash can.
  • A mandatory requirement is a poster containing information about the dangers of smoking.
  • The smoking room must have artificial light.
  • A fire extinguisher is required.
  • There should be a sign on the wall or door indicating that smoking is allowed in the room.
  • The smoking room must be clean.
  • Ventilation must be installed.

Smoking in public places: fine for minors

As we know, many teenagers think that smoking will bring them closer to adult life, will make you look older. With the adoption of the law banning smoking in public places, young smokers must be prepared to answer for their actions on an equal basis with adults.

It is impossible to impose a fine on a minor, but you can punish the person who involved him in the process of smoking.

In the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia, art. 6.23 states that persons who sold, transferred or bought cigarettes for children must pay a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles. And if parents or other close relatives knew about the addiction and did not take any measures, but rather involved them in tobacco use, then the fine for them will be 2-3 thousand rubles.

A young smoker will have a conversation with law enforcement agencies, parents, and teachers about the dangers of smoking. If he caught the eye of law enforcement officials with a cigarette more than once, the teenager may be registered with the police in the children's room, or the mother may be fined for failure to fulfill her parental responsibilities.

Ban on smoking in public places.

Current fines for breaking the law...
And is it possible to get off with a warning?

Deviation from paying a fine for smoking in a public place

If you are forced to pay a fine for smoking in public places, then you should act this way:

  1. When you issue a fine, you will be given a copy of the protocol.

    If you do not agree with the amount of the punishment or you were issued a report without good reason, then within 10 days you have time to challenge the protocol.

  2. In order for the court or other higher authority canceled the recovery from individual, it is necessary to have evidence of correctness: witnesses to the incident or video footage.
  3. After 10 days have passed for appeal, the individual has 60 days left, after which the fine for smoking in a public place must be paid in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. 6.24 ( https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_34661/0b66302580711ea577
  4. If you refuse to pay the fine, a penalty will be imposed on the amount, which will increase the size of the sanction many times over.
  5. For a violator who is officially employed, the fine will be removed from his salary.
  6. Non-working smokers face more serious problems– bailiffs can seize property.

You can pay the fine at a bank branch, through a terminal, personal account on the State Services website ( https://www.gosuslugi.ru).

Judging by the statistics, Russia ranks first in the consumption of tobacco products:

The addiction, despite the strict “anti-tobacco” law, still will not force heavy smokers quit cigarettes abruptly. But remember: Anyone can pay a fine for smoking in public places, but not everyone will be able to regain lost health.

For several years now, a fine for smoking in public places has been in effect in Russia. And in 2016, this measure will not be canceled. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering the main provisions of the anti-tobacco law. After all, every smoker can lose an impressive amount of money by getting a cigarette where it is prohibited.

The size of the fine for smoking in public places in 2016

According to the latest data, this sanction will not change in 2016. Law enforcement agencies will be able to fine careless smokers in the amount of 500 to 1,500 rubles.
However, the fine can increase significantly if you expose children or teenagers to smoke.

The authorities pay special attention to:
Smoking on children's playgrounds;
Smoking near children's institutions;
Distribution of tobacco products among minors;
Involvement in bad habit minors.

Here the sanctions can be the most significant, up to a fine of 150 thousand rubles for organizations that distribute cigarettes to children.
All organizations must also adhere to the law by organizing designated smoking areas. And for non-compliance with the law, individual entrepreneurs can be fined 10, and legal entities 20 thousand rubles.

Fines for smoking in public places in 2016

Where to smoke without fear of a fine?

Since numerous places are under sanctions, it is easier to overpower objects where smoking is still allowed.

So, it is allowed to be with a cigarette:
In specially equipped places;
In park areas;
On the streets.

At the same time, you should not be in the area of ​​prohibition signs. And all “smoking rooms” should be limited and have identifying differences. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid a fine.
It is worth noting that all territories of educational institutions, sports institutions, public transport, elevators, etc. And from June 1, 2014, the ban extended to communal apartments, hotels and premises for waiting for public transport.
You can learn more about the list of prohibited smoking areas from the Federal Law “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.”

How are violators identified?

Smokers who break the law can only be prosecuted by the police. To prove the fact of an offense, photo and video equipment, being caught red-handed, or witness testimony can be used.
However, you should not give money to law enforcement officers. You must be provided with a protocol, payment for which must be made within 30 days.
Fights violations of the law by legal entities Rospotrebnadzor and fire protection. Consequently, entrepreneurs may also be fined.
It is worth noting that law enforcement forces are not enough to control all prohibited places. The emphasis is on suppressing crime at train stations, bus stations and other significant facilities.
Also, great attention dedicated to commercial enterprises and establishments Catering. Thus, the anti-tobacco law still works, helping to reduce the number of smokers.