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Law on smoking ban in Belarus. Smoking in Belarus. We create a special smoking area

Today public discussions are taking place on the draft new law “On protecting public health from the consequences of tobacco consumption and environmental influences” tobacco smoke", developed by the Ministry of Health of Belarus in accordance with a number of instructions from the Council of Ministers.

Among the reviews from citizens, which can be found on the department’s website, there are many requests to legally prohibit smoking on balconies, bus stops, and on trains long distance. This is a really big problem. In addition, citizens draw attention to the fact that prohibitive measures alone cannot solve the problem, and express fears that the law will be of a formal nature: everything that is on paper will not work in practice. As you know, today, despite the provided fines for smoking in the wrong place, it is impossible to prosecute citizens who smoke in the entrance. By at least Nobody remembers such precedents.

Here are some more suggestions.

Hope:Before any law is put into force, it is necessary to ensure that all its points are implemented 100%. And no less. If we are talking about a ban, then first of all there should be plenty of places specially equipped for smokers. I wanted to smoke and went to a special place for this. Then everyone is fine...

Leonid:From the sore point: 1. Strictly prohibit smoking in the presence of a pregnant woman or children. Let's do it like in Italy - if you light a cigarette next to a pregnant woman or a child, you will be fined 250 euros immediately. 2. Prohibit smoking on footpaths by placing a trash can with a smoking permission icon at a distance from the footpath, within the visibility range of the smoker but away from non-smoking pedestrians. When one puffing “locomotive” moves, everyone following it breathes smoke. Extremely unpleasant. 3. Ban smoking in markets, public events, and at the entrance to stores. 4. To somehow more specifically prescribe the procedure for dealing with corridor and staircase smokers. Otherwise, the ban has been in effect for a long time, but there are no fewer smokers. And they didn’t care about comments and requests. 5. Tobacco smoke in open windows in the warm season this is really a big problem. True, it is not clear how to deal with this.

Alexei:I fully support the smoking ban in all in public places! But I also wanted information about the ban to be available everywhere and the ban to be strictly controlled, and not because the law was introduced, but few people comply with it. I'm especially tired of breathing tobacco smoke at bus stops. public transport and in other public places. Smokers need to be given special treatment. smoking areas. And for violating the smoking law, give large fines!

Expert opinions:

Olga BARTMAN (O.B.), head of department public health State Institution "Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health"
Alexander STETSKO (A.S.), member of the Standing Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on health care, physical culture, family and youth policy
Valentin TOKACHEV (V.T.), Chairman of the Belarusian public association“Sobriety - Optimalist” named after G.A. Shichko
Olga GERMAN (O.G.), Deputy Head of Department legal work and personnel of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus
Sergey PAPKOV (S.P.), senior inspector of the Department of Law Enforcement and preventive work Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk City Executive Committee

ABOUT.: - When developing the bill, we were guided by global experience: similar legislative acts adopted in many countries were analyzed. In addition, there is the example of Russia, where the anti-tobacco law came into force on June 1, 2013.

Naturally, the Ministry of Health is primarily committed to protecting the health of citizens, and to some the measures prescribed in the bill may seem quite harsh in relation to the smoking part of the population. However, I would like to emphasize that the bill provides assistance for people with a long history of smoking, who may know how unsafe it is for their health, but it is not easy for them to give up the bad habit overnight. It's about on expanding opportunities to receive help in quitting smoking.

Some statistics: in Belarus, about 30% of deaths are from cardiovascular diseases and 30% from oncological diseases caused by tobacco consumption. 90% of lung cancer cases are directly related to smoking.

Protect workers

The project lists enough wide list places where it is proposed to completely ban smoking. But are there designated smoking areas?

ABOUT.:- This is very important point: where it will still be possible to smoke for people who, alas, initially chose an unhealthy lifestyle and endanger the health of others. Discussions are ongoing, proposals are being collected... Perhaps there will be some places or booths located on the territory next to enclosed areas where there is a complete smoking ban.

According to sociological surveys, from 40 to 50% of the population of Belarus are exposed to passive smoking, including in the workplace - this primarily applies to workers in the Catering, hotel, gaming business. Therefore, it is necessary to ban smoking in all workplaces and indoor work areas to protect these people from harmful effects tobacco

It’s good when leaders of various organizations follow this path: they encourage employees who give up smoking; when hiring, they take into account whether a person smokes or not, offer alternative pastimes, create conditions for sports, etc. The bill contains a clause that gives local authorities the right to establish more stringent prohibitions, in particular, to prohibit smoking in those places and premises where the smoking ban is not provided for by this bill.

A.S.:- For example, administrative buildings of internal affairs bodies, formations and military units Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus have been declared smoking-free zones, and police officers and military personnel of the internal troops are prohibited from smoking in uniform. This is provided for by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 424 “On the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among employees and civilian personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Belarus, military personnel and civilian personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus” dated September 13, 2013. Very good example for other departments and organizations.

ABOUT.:- In addition, we consider an effective step not only a ban on advertising for tobacco products, but also a ban on the promotion of smoking in feature films that will be released after the adoption of the law, in theatrical productions, in television and radio programs...

A.S.: - The main thing is to reduce not so much the number of smokers as to prevent an increase in the number of those who join their ranks. Therefore, the bill provides for the responsibility of parents to instill in their children a healthy lifestyle and prevent involvement in smoking. In the UAE, for example, smoking in the presence of a child under 12 years of age provides for criminal liability and a very large fine.

V.T.: - I’m 74 years old, members of my generation started smoking when they were in their twenties. And today, already in the first grade, the children smoke and can take a sip from the bottle of a stronger drink with their dad. It is necessary to carry out powerful educational work with the younger generation and promote a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, adults who smoke will pass on exactly this life experience to them.

Saw - reported

- Why is it impossible today to bring violators to justice?

S.P.:- Regarding the imposition of fines for smoking in in the wrong places, then over 8 months of this year in the capital 1,275 people were brought to administrative responsibility. Among them are 252 minors, 607 people under the age of 30.

- How often do law enforcement officers fine smokers in hallways?

S.P.:- Such statistics are not kept by the internal affairs bodies. And understand: you cannot post a law enforcement officer at every entrance. In my opinion, everything that happens in our homes and hallways depends on each of us, on our attitude. If someone constantly smokes in your entrance, and you pass by so as not to get involved, and only get indignant in your kitchen, then nothing will change. And if you are not indifferent and report the offense - once, twice, then measures will be taken.

- Is it possible to call the housing department workers to bring to justice the smoker in the entrance?

O.G.:- Organizations providing housing and communal services have the right to draw up a protocol on administrative violations. But at the same time, they do not have the power to force a person to present an identity document.

A.S.:- In any case, you can record a case of smoking and invite the police.

The bill spells out a smoking ban:

  • in territories and indoor spaces occupied by organizations providing services in the education system, cultural organizations, physical education and sports organizations and sports facilities, youth affairs agencies;
  • in territories and indoor spaces occupied by organizations providing health resort services;
  • on long-distance trains, on ships intended to provide passenger transport services;
  • on aircraft, on all types of public transport (public transport) international, intercity, urban and suburban traffic;
  • in outdoor places at a distance of at least ten meters from entrances to enclosed spaces railway stations, bus stations, airports, river ports, metro stations, as well as at metro stations, in enclosed spaces of railway stations, bus stations, airports, river ports, intended for the provision of passenger transportation services;
  • in closed premises intended for the provision of housing services, services of communal hotels and other communal places of residence, services of accommodation facilities for temporary residence of tourists;
  • in closed premises occupied by organizations providing personal services, trade services, public catering and markets;
  • in closed premises of social services;
  • at workplaces and in work areas organized in enclosed spaces;
  • in elevators and indoor common areas of residential apartment buildings;
  • on children's playgrounds;
  • within the boundaries of areas occupied by beaches;
  • on passenger platforms used exclusively for boarding and disembarking passengers from trains during their transportation in suburban services.

And also to ban the sale of cigarettes:

  • in territories and premises intended for the provision of services in the education system, services of cultural institutions, institutions of youth affairs bodies, services physical culture and sports, medical and health services;
  • on vehicles urban and suburban transport;
  • in closed spaces occupied by authorities state power, local government bodies;
  • at a distance of at least 100 m from the nearest point bordering the territory of educational institutions;
  • in open areas and indoor areas of railway stations, bus stations, airports, sea and river ports, and metro stations;
  • in closed premises intended for the provision of housing services, services of communal hotels and other communal places of residence, services of accommodation facilities for temporary residence of tourists, household services, Catering.

By law in Belarus it is prohibited to smoke in public places. Eh, who would follow this law: if you go out into the street and take a couple of steps in a crowded place, you will certainly fall under cigarette smoke. Haven't you noticed?

Shopping center "City", the neighboring restaurant "Ranitsa" - often smokers do not hesitate to smoke on the porch. But this is a shopping center and a restaurant, it would seem, the most public places, readers will say. Let's figure it out.

By law in Belarus it is prohibited to smoke in healthcare, education, sports facilities, trade and consumer services. Smoking is also prohibited at train stations, airports and underground passages. Those who like to consume acrid smoke in public catering establishments and on government premises are also outside the law. Air without nicotine impurities should circulate in the interiors of public transport and in train carriages. Moreover, this is regulated by the Presidential Decree “On government regulation production, turnover, advertising and consumption of tobacco raw materials and tobacco products”, adopted in 2002.

“It must be said that with the assistance of the city executive committee, the list of smoking-free territories is expanding,” says Margarita Kovalchuk, a valeologist at the city center of hygiene and epidemiology. – Prohibition signs have been installed in the recreation park and even at bus stops.

However, Zhodino residents who smoke simply do not notice the warnings. I will say more - people with a cigarette feel very confident even in places where smoking is prohibited.

- Why? - I ask the deputy head of the department of law enforcement and prevention of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs Vadim Zaits.

“We cannot punish those who “smoke” in such places because the concept of a “smoking-free zone” is not enshrined in law. That’s why the police and sanitary services only talk to such violators and warn them,” the specialist commented.

Is this approach effective? Yes, but only in relation honest people. To a person with high level internal culture, one warning will be enough, and often not required at all: such people understand perfectly well where to flick the lighter.

But as for smoking in places prohibited by law (these, as already mentioned, shops, hospitals, and so on), then according to Article 17.9 Administrative Code In Belarus, this entails a fine of up to 400 thousand rubles.

You can also be fined for smoking in areas adjacent to schools, kindergartens and medical institutions. And in 2012, five people were fined for smoking in prohibited places.

And in general, it must be said that the city has recently taken on smokers who, despite the ban, continue to smoke in public places. Employees of the State Center for Civil Exposure and the City Department of Internal Affairs regularly conduct preventive raids.

I think everyone will agree that smokers have no place in the park. Not only smoke is harmful, but also the example of behavior, because an adult with a cigarette is walking propaganda of smoking for a child. But has it been possible to protect children from tobacco? I'm sure it's unlikely. As soon as it gets warmer and the city park becomes crowded, you can easily meet people here with a cigarette. And you can find plenty of bulls in the “smoking-free territory”.

But in reality, smokers are rarely fined. Let’s say, in 2012, not a single person was fined for smoking in that very park. Although putting pressure on your wallet will not be superfluous here. This year the work has been intensified, and three citizens have already received fines for smoking in unauthorized places.

No less current problem– smoking in the entrances of residential buildings and corridors of dormitories. As commented in the legal department of the State Unitary Enterprise "OZHKH", according to the law, if your healthy image your life is being disturbed by the smoke from your neighbor's cigarette, you can complain to your housing department. According to Art. 21.16 “Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises” of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus, a protocol may be drawn up in relation to such neighbors and a fine of one to three million rubles may be imposed. And although there are ashtrays on almost every floor, last year no such protocols were drawn up, this year there is only one...


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So far, smoking is not punished so severely in the Republic of Belarus. Smoking is prohibited in clinics and hospitals. Strictly, but this is also observed by parents themselves, smoking is not allowed on the territory of kindergartens and schools. Even the staff goes outside to smoke. This is strictly monitored. Smoking is prohibited on site educational institutions. But students smoke as they move from building to building.

Smoking is prohibited in underground passages. This is where there can be trouble. It’s just that, as a rule, near stations, in passages where there are a lot of people, there are policemen on duty, in addition to metro security. And there are trash cans specially placed near the entrance. And many, out of habit, stop near the entrance to the metro and finish smoking. This is where they get caught. The entrance is in an underground passage, but you can’t smoke in it anyway.

You cannot smoke in the entrances of houses. Fine up to 5 base. If in dollars, then it's up to 50 bucks. Smoking is not allowed in holiday parks. But if in Minsk the police don’t pay attention to this in parks, then in Gorky and Chelyuskintsev parks they can easily slap a fine on you. But the police tend to be loyal to this. Usually he will simply warn you and ask you to throw away the cigarette. Smoking is also prohibited by law in all administrative buildings. Smoking is prohibited on court premises. This is where it gets interesting. Near the executive committee you can. But you can’t do it on the courthouse porch. In some cafes you can smoke in the hall. In some it is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in all public toilets. No matter where it is. For example, smoking is strictly forbidden in a ballet theater, but smoking is allowed in a musical theater. There is a hood there.

There is one more feature. Smoking signs in the Republic of Belarus are posted wherever you are. In hotels, platforms, train stations and so on. But it gets ridiculous. There is an ashtray on the platform, next to which there is a “No Smoking” sign, and a lot of people who greet you are smoking. The police pass by calmly, not paying attention. But as soon as one of the passengers threw a cigarette butt onto the rails, law enforcement officers immediately approached him and, pointing (!) at the sign, had a tear-jerking conversation. In general, the situation is quite comical. But in general there is no particular severity towards smokers in the Republic of Belarus. There are laws and restrictions, but they apply depending on the circumstances. The hotel prohibits smoking on the stairs and in the room. But if you open the window, no one will scold you. But if you throw cigarette butts and this is noticed, they may make comments here.

Another example is stops. You can't actually smoke on them. But everyone smokes. But if you pay attention, people try to stand on the leeward side. They don't go under the visor with a cigarette. Or they go beyond the stop. It is not customary to smoke openly in a crowd at a bus stop. But no one is racing.

In general, smokers in Belarus are treated quite tolerantly, as long as smoking is not combined with rudeness and bad manners. As a rule, those who do not respond to comments, throw cigarette butts anywhere, do not respond to a request not to smoke at a stop, or brazenly smoke in prohibited places and litter are fined. It's the same with beer. In Belarus it is prohibited to drink beer in public places. But if you are sitting in a park and quietly drinking beer, most likely they will not pay attention to you. But in a group, smoking and throwing garbage, you will be immediately detained. It should be noted that Minsk, for example, and all regional centers in the Republic of Belarus are very clean cities. And law enforcement officers also pay attention to this. As long as there is no place where the company will sit, throwing empty packets of chips, throwing cigarette butts and plastic bottles. But no one will choke you on the street because you sat down on a bench to smoke a cigarette.

Over the 4 months of 2018, the capital’s law enforcement officers drew up 1,237 protocols for smoking in prohibited places, a Minsk-Novosti correspondent was told at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

In accordance with Article 17.9 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses, violators received a fine of up to 4 BV (98 rubles).

According to the City Health Center, there are now more than 20 smoking-free zones in Minsk:

In the Zavodsky district

  • Minsk Zoo;
  • Pionersky Square UE "Zelenstroy Zavodsky district of Minsk";
  • area in front of the Belarus department store (within Zhilunovicha St., Partizansky Ave., the boundary between the Belarus department store and the Tourist Hotel);
  • park of culture and recreation named after the 900th anniversary of Minsk;
  • territory near the monument “Partisan Belarus”.

In Leninsky district

  • Loshitsa manor and park complex;
  • Alexandrovsky Square.

In the Moscow region:

  • Independence Square with its adjacent territories;
  • courtyard of residential building No. 4 in lane. Dairy.

In Oktyabrsky district

  • Hotel "Sputnik";
  • Kurasovshchina Park,
  • ski center "Sunny Valley".

In the Partizansky district

  • Central Children's Park named after Gorky.

In Pervomaisky district

  • Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus";
  • park of culture and recreation named after. Chelyuskintsev;
  • Unitary Enterprise "ZhREO Pervomaisky district of Minsk";
  • “Veteransky Yard” (Tikotskogo St., 46).

In the Sovetsky district

  • recreation area on the Tsnyanskoe reservoir.

In the Frunzensky district

  • Park named after the 60th anniversary of October;
  • Medvezhino Park;
  • square on the street Belsky;
  • square on the street Pritytsky;

In the Central region

  • Dreamland amusement park;
  • United Company LLC gas stations;
  • territory of the printing enterprise "Khodar";

By orders of the administrations of the institutions, smoking is prohibited in Atlant CJSC, Gorizont CJSC, Olivaria OJSC, Milavitsa OJSC, Alesya OJSC, vehicle fleet dormitory No. 7, in the territories of bakeries No. 2–6, and Avtomat.

The City Health Center also noted that special smoking areas (rooms) have been eliminated at the city’s sports facilities. Only when large-scale sports, cultural and entertainment events are held at the Minsk Arena and Chizhovka Arena, one smoking area is organized in the open air. In 250 public catering facilities in the capital, smoking is completely prohibited, 180 have separate rooms for smokers and non-smokers, the rest have specially designated smoking areas (halls). Smoking ban signs are posted at 43 tram stops and 1,791 bus and trolleybus stops. In addition, smoking is prohibited at all train stations, airports, underground passages, metro stations, in all types of public transport, train carriages, on ships, on airplanes, with the exception of long-distance trains, passenger ships and airplanes in which there are seats specifically for smoking.

In Belarus, several thousand people die every year from smoking-related diseases. Moreover, very often tobacco smoke sends able-bodied and active people. The country already has a number of regulations in place aimed at reducing the consumption of tobacco products. But people still smoke, and prohibitive measures alone are clearly not enough, notes President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. To solve this problem, a well-thought-out set of measures is needed, and administrative restrictions should be organically combined with various kinds incentives, rewards, and information work. All these issues and proposed innovations were discussed on July 28 at a meeting with the head of state on the topic of circulation and consumption of tobacco products and electronic systems smoking.

Lukashenko calls for new approaches to combat the smoking problem

“We see that people still smoke, and prohibitive measures alone are clearly not enough,” the President noted. - It's no secret that the Forbidden fruit always sweet for beginners (smokers - BELTA note). And experienced smokers need strong motivation to quit smoking. The time has come to find new ways to solve this problem that will take into account the real state of affairs and the psychology of people.”

Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that world experience and practice show that to achieve results, not total bans are needed, but a well-thought-out set of measures. “Administrative restrictions should be organically combined with various kinds of incentives, rewards and information work. The main role here is given to doctors, journalists, teachers, and ideologists,” the head of state said.

According to the President, the problem of tobacco consumption in Belarus remains serious. Despite the measures taken, almost half of the male population in the country smokes, increasingly bad habit the youth are suffering. “Moreover, new products are emerging to imitate smoking, which are no less harmful to health than tobacco. We are talking about electronic cigarettes, which are becoming increasingly popular. They attract with their unusualness, accessibility, and lack of information about the dangers of their use. And not everyone agrees that they are as harmful as traditional cigarettes,” the head of state said.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that the reason for the current conversation was the draft decree that was submitted for his consideration. “The document is serious. I must review and sign it. But I considered it necessary to consult once again on the issues that relate to the draft of this decree, returning in general to the issues of production and consumption of tobacco products,” the President said.

He recalled that a decree designed to reduce tobacco consumption by residents of Belarus was adopted back in 2002 and necessary changes are added to it regularly. “But there is no proper result that we were counting on yet. Therefore, firstly, we should analyze how the provisions of the decree are implemented in the current version and what progress has been achieved. Secondly (about those responsible for implementing its norms), how effectively do we monitor the results of the work being done?” — the head of state asked questions.

The new draft decree, in particular, proposes to equate e-Sigs to tobacco products and expand the list of places where smoking is prohibited. “However, the question arises whether these measures will bring the expected effect,” noted Alexander Lukashenko. — We must discuss whether everything is provided for in the draft decree, whether there is alternative paths to reduce tobacco smoking in Belarus?

Health Minister Vasily Zharko said at the meeting that tobacco consumption causes significant harm to the health of citizens, and this in turn places a heavy burden on society and the state. “Tobacco smoking is one of the main and avoidable risk factors for the development of non-communicable diseases, their complications and premature mortality,” he emphasized.

According to the minister, in Belarus non-communicable diseases account for about 86% of all diseases and 82% of deaths. “In 2015, the mortality rate of men of working age was 4 times higher than that of women. And for certain reasons - diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms - up to 7 times. Tobacco smoke contains more than 90 known carcinogens and about 250 toxic compounds,” said Vasily Zharko.

As BELTA was told in the press service of the Belarusian leader, following the meeting, the President generally supported the draft updated decree. Certain nuances of the document will soon be finalized at the interdepartmental level, and the final version will be presented to the head of state for signing. The main requirement is that each proposed measure has a mandatory effect.

“A thorough, balanced conversation took place. We are talking not just about prohibitive measures, but about a set of information, awareness-raising, educational and other activities, as a result they should have an impact on reducing the number of people who consume tobacco products,” Minister of Trade Vladimir Koltovich noted in an interview with reporters.

What is planned to change

— The circulation and use of electronic smoking systems will be regulated. In fact, it is planned that the new decree will equate electronic cigarettes in all aspects, including with regard to their sale and advertising, to conventional tobacco products.

— A ban on the consumption and circulation of non-smoking chewing mixtures is expected.

— The draft decree clarifies the sales procedure and strictly regulates smoking areas. “Such requirements as the installation of smoking areas will be determined. This also applies to cafes and restaurants. Places where it is proposed to introduce a complete ban: elevators, playgrounds, beaches, industrial premises, premises occupied by physical education and sports organizations, occupied by children's sports, health and other camps and their territories, bus stops, metro stations, public transport, as well as cars and premises if children under 14 years of age are present,” said the Minister of Trade.

— In retail, consumer services and public catering facilities, smoking will only be allowed in specially equipped premises. “These are not separate rooms for smokers and non-smokers, but rather separate rooms for smoking. Requirements for such premises will be developed separately,” added Vladimir Koltovich.

— The President also supported the proposal that by the end of 2017, the sale of tobacco products using cash register equipment in trade organizations with an area of ​​1 thousand square meters or more would be stopped. To do this, it will be necessary to equip special boxes or departments of stores. And by the end of 2020, this measure is proposed to be implemented in all stores.

Medical aspect

The proportion of smokers among cancer patients is 84.5%, patients with cardiovascular diseases - 80%, respiratory tuberculosis - 77.1%, chronic nonspecific diseases of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi and lungs - 83%.

Smoking is an absolutely proven risk factor for the development of malignant neoplasms a number of localizations (lips, larynx, trachea, lung, stomach and others). According to WHO, tobacco smoking causes 90% of deaths from lung cancer. chronic bronchitis And coronary disease hearts.

The number of deaths from malignant neoplasms in 2015, according to Belstat, was 17 thousand 456 people. Among those who died from all neoplasms, the number of deaths associated with tobacco smoking is 25-30%.

For those who are frequently exposed harmful effects tobacco smoke, risk of developing cardiovascular diseases 60% higher. Both active and passive smoking are associated with accelerated development of atherosclerosis.

At passive smoking there is a risk of development in the family lung cancer for a non-smoking spouse it increases by 10-20%. A similar situation is observed in the workplace, as well as among people constantly exposed to tobacco smoke from smokers.

Why are electronic cigarettes dangerous?

There has been a rapid increase in the use of electronic smoking systems (electronic cigarettes) in the world, including in Belarus, which poses a new threat to the health, especially of the younger generation.

Electronic cigarettes produce an aerosol (vapor) that the user inhales. The main components of the solution used in such devices, in addition to nicotine (when present), are propylene glycol with or without glycerin, water and flavorings. From them percentage depends on the final composition of the liquid and, consequently, its toxic properties.

Evidence shows that the aerosol is not just “water vapor”, as is often claimed in the marketing of these products, but poses a serious threat to others by increasing exposure to nicotine and a number of toxic substances.

The widespread distribution of electronic cigarettes and targeted misinformation about the safety of their use contribute to the introduction of nicotine to non-smokers and, in particular, young people.

A bit of sociology and statistics

The distribution of smokers depending on gender is as follows: among men, the share of smokers “constantly + occasionally” is 43%, the share smoking women- 15.6%. The share of those who smoke constantly in the group of men is 30.6%, in the group of women - 7.2%.

According to the Ministry of Health, for last years the number of smokers in Belarus decreased by 14%. At the same time, doctors are concerned about the increase in tobacco consumption among teenagers, the Minister of Health told reporters.

At the same time, according to the Ministry of Trade, over 5 years, sales of tobacco products per capita in Belarus decreased by 18%.

In most European countries, the proportion of the adult population who smokes daily is between 20-30% (according to the latest WHO data). In Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine, the prevalence of daily smoking ranged from 25% to 30%. In Belarus, according to sociological research 2015, almost 28% smoke.

The lowest prevalence of daily smoking among European countries was observed in Sweden (11%), Iceland (12), Great Britain (14), the highest in Austria (44), Greece (36) and Russia (33).

How they are fighting tobacco smoking in Belarus now

Our country is pursuing a targeted policy to reduce the consumption of tobacco products, and relevant regulations are in place. They implement the main provisions of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

Thus, advertising, open display of tobacco products, and imitation tobacco products are prohibited in Belarus. appearance and (or) the use of names of types of tobacco products in the names of goods that are not tobacco products; wholesale, retail such goods, sale of tobacco products to citizens of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons under the age of 18 years.

According to Article 17.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, smoking (consumption) of tobacco products in places where it is in accordance with legislative acts prohibited, entails a fine of up to four basic units. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of people brought to administrative responsibility for smoking in prohibited places increased from 888 people in 2008 to 11 thousand 165 people in 2015, including minors from 123 to 1 thousand 541 people, respectively.

Today in Belarus, the issues of distribution of electronic cigarettes among the population, including via the Internet, as well as the ban on their sale to minors and their advertising remain unresolved.

international experience

In Finland, smoking in public places, advertising of tobacco products, sponsorship and other promotions of tobacco manufacturers are completely prohibited. The sale of tobacco products via the Internet is prohibited. Since January 1, 2012, tobacco products have been removed from store shelves and kiosks and replaced with digital displays. Over the past 50 years, the number of smokers in Finland has decreased from 70-75% to approximately 18%. In general, the republic’s authorities set the public the task of becoming a non-smoking country by 2040.

Strict measures regarding liability for smoking in public places have been taken in Qatar, where this act is punishable by a fine of approximately $55 to $136. Other violations of Qatari legislation in this area are subject to a fine of up to $1,360, punishable by imprisonment for up to 6 months or other measures. In case of repeated violations, the amount of the fine or the term of imprisonment is doubled.

Strict penalties are also applied in the Republic of Korea and Bulgaria.

Australia has introduced a ban on smoking in public places and public transport. It mainly applies to indoor spaces, but also applies to public transport stops, structures such as outdoor stadiums or festival grounds, as well as on the sidewalk along airport buildings, shopping centers and so on. Restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs and other similar establishments may have a separate room or hall for smoking. Violation of this restriction is punishable by a fine of approximately $430.

A ban on the display of tobacco products in retail establishments is in effect in Iceland, Canada, Ireland, Thailand, Australia, Bolivia, Mauritius, Norway, Finland, and the UK (with the exception of Scotland).


The sale of electronic smoking systems containing nicotine is banned in 13 of the 59 countries where they are regulated. Bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of e-cigarettes have been introduced in 39 countries, and the use of e-cigarettes in public premises is prohibited in 30 countries.

In Australia, liquids that contain nicotine are classified as medical products, and e-cigarettes to nicotine inhalers as a medical device. On this moment There is no separate regulation for non-nicotine e-cigarettes in this country. However, beginning in 2015, states began to include in their laws regarding the sale and advertising of tobacco products a provision that also applies to products designed to resemble tobacco products and to “personal vapor inhalers.”

Russia supports WHO guidelines on e-cigarettes and proposes banning the use of tobacco flavors in e-cigarettes and prohibiting manufacturers from disseminating information that the use of e-cigarettes reduces tobacco consumption.

In Denmark, e-cigarettes are medical device and require an appropriate license.

The sale of electronic cigarettes is allowed in almost all states in Canada, but some of them prohibit the sale of liquids containing nicotine.

In Italy, the sale of electronic cigarettes is allowed, but since 2013, a ban on smoking in public places has been introduced and sales to persons under 18 years of age are prohibited.

A complete ban on electronic cigarettes is in effect in Thailand, Jordan, Iran, Kuwait, Norway, Brazil, Turkey, Panama, and Singapore.