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Dogs can have chicken necks! What kind of meat can you give your dog Chicken heads and paws

When a new tailed family member appears in an apartment or house, its owner has a lot of questions regarding its diet. Owners know that growing dogs desperately need calcium for healthy musculoskeletal development. But could chicken by-products, in particular necks, be its source? What should you know about their presence in dogs' diets?

About by-products in dog nutrition

There is a lot of controversy regarding the inclusion of chicken necks in pet menus. After all, any dog’s diet should contain animal proteins every day if it is fed natural food. The most best source protein is lean meat. But feeding an animal exclusively with this product is too expensive. Therefore, by-products can also be used. These include ears, lips, and udders. Bone by-products are joints, heads, bones, legs. After cutting the carcasses, protein remains in them, which has low biological value. This food contains some calcium, fat, and gelatin.

If we talk about chicken by-products, they include necks, paws, heads, skin and entrails. High energy value poultry skeletons with trimmings of meat on them. Tailed pets really like them. It is worth noting that chicken meat rarely causes allergic reactions in dogs. That is why experienced breeders strongly recommend including it in the dog’s dietary menu.

About bones on the dog menu

Young pets require a variety of nutrients. Bones contain calcium, protein, phosphorus, and lime. It is very useful for puppies to chew them during the period of changing teeth - this prevents the itching that is always associated with this phenomenon. In addition, when the puppy has a bone “at hand” during the teething period, he will not damage furniture, corners and other household utensils, trying to scratch his itchy gums. It's about about the period from 4 to 6 months when the dog’s milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

Bones are also useful as a source of calcium. There is very little of it in meat; it contains more phosphorus. And calcium from bones is more beneficial for young animals, because it is more easily absorbed than from dairy products. If the dog chews bones systematically, then there is no need for additional calcium supplements. They should be given to puppies raw. Gastric juice does a good job of dissolving them, they become a source of substances for the formation of cartilage and joints of pets. Chicken tubular bones are strictly contraindicated for dogs. They are especially dangerous for small breeds of dogs. The danger is that they are fragile and sharp pieces break off when chewed. There is a risk of damage to the dog's esophagus and stomach.

There is no benefit to boiled bones because heat treatment simply turns them into dust, destroying all useful substances.

It is forbidden to give bones to dogs as the main food, because this can provoke intestinal volvulus, constipation, and intestinal obstruction in the dog. In addition, in mature dogs, this diet quickly wears down the teeth. Soft bones can be a treat after a hearty dinner.

About chicken necks in the diet of dogs

They can be given to puppies who have reached two one month old, for cleaning teeth and massaging gums. This offal is allowed to be given to young pets raw and in the form of minced meat. It is advisable to scald chicken necks with boiling water. As for the frequency of the presence of this offal in the menu of young dogs, it is two or three times a week. Unlike the wings and legs of a chicken, there are no small sharp bones in the neck. Therefore, this part of the chicken spine is allowed to be given even to representatives of small breeds of dogs. Pets chew them with pleasure. As for adult dogs, they can be fed chicken necks 1-2 times a week.

About other chicken by-products on the animal menu

Chicken heads are also allowed to be fed to adult dogs. It is recommended to cut them and combine them with vegetables or cereals. There are no tubular bones in the heads, so they do not pose a danger to the digestive system of pets. But the beaks from this product must be removed.

Chicken paws can also be offered to dogs, but first remove the claws. Many owners make jellied meat from them. It is no less useful for dogs. The regular presence of such a product in the diet replaces industrial chondroprotectors.

As for anyone pet, plays important role for her health and well-being. There are certain requirements regarding proper nutrition: There are foods that are good for your pet, and there are foods that should not be given to your dog. There is a lot of debate about whether to include chicken bones dog on the menu. The article is devoted to this issue.


Should I give it to my pet or not?

The dog's diet should be based on animal proteins, which are found in natural food. For pets, lean meat is suitable, which may contain cartilage and tendons, as well as a small amount of fat. Some meat can be replaced with offal, which includes animal entrails, ears, lips, blood, udder, and bone offal. The legs, joints, heads and bones after cutting the carcass contain protein, which has low biological value, but also a lot of fat. When feeding puppies with bone by-products, you need to add food with high content squirrel.

Chicken by-products, such as entrails, paws, skin, bones, heads, necks, skeletons with fat trimmings, have a high energy value and are liked by four-legged pets. Chicken meat rarely causes an allergic reaction in dogs, so it can be used when creating a dietary menu.

Chicken bones

As soon as a puppy appears in the house, the first question that arises is about feeding it. A young body requires a variety of nutrients that are essential for developing organism. The bones are the most important product for puppies, they contain building substances such as protein, calcium, lime, glue, etc. It is useful for young dogs to chew bones, especially when teeth change between the ages of 4 and 6 months, this speeds up the change process.

Animal bones are useful as a source of calcium. Its meat contains little, more phosphorus, and dogs calcium is healthier than phosphorus. Calcium contained in bones is easily absorbed. If bones are regularly present in the dog’s diet, there is no need for additional calcium supplementation. Bones should be given raw. Gastric juice dissolves them, and they become a source natural calcium and phosphorus, as well as substances that are the material for the formation of joint cartilage. But chicken tubular bones are strictly contraindicated!

It is especially dangerous if the dog has eaten enough boiled bones; when cooked, all the nutrients are removed from them, they change their structure and when they enter the stomach they simply turn into dust.

Long bones are very dangerous, especially for small breeds of dogs. They are fragile and, when chewed, break into sharp pieces that can damage the animal's esophagus, which is why they should not be given.

Bones should not be given as the main food: they are poorly digested and can cause constipation, intestinal obstruction, and volvulus. In adult dogs, bones are quickly worn down by teeth. If a dog has eaten tubular bones, you need to monitor it; if any problems arise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Soft bones can be given as a treat after your dog has eaten a hearty dinner. A well-fed dog will not greedily gnaw on them, but can prolong its pleasure by savoring the bone for a long time.

Chicken heads

If the dog is not allergic to chicken by-products, then you can feed it chicken heads. Raw heads need to be cut into several particles, add porridge or vegetables with vegetable oil. At the same time, there are no tubular bones in the heads, which are harmful to four-legged pets. The only thing is that the beaks should be removed, they have no value, they are not digested. If a dog has eaten heads with beaks, they can cause the animal to burp.

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Chicken necks

Puppies from the age of two months can be given necks either whole or in the form of minced meat. It is advisable to scald raw necks with boiling water. However, you should not feed them more than three times a week. While there is a danger from small bones in the paws and wings, there are no bones in the necks, so you can safely feed even small dogs. Pets enjoy chewing on them. Adult animals can also be fed chicken necks 1-2 times a week.

Necks can be given to clean teeth and massage gums.

Chicken feet

There are many opinions both for and against. Many people give the paws raw; they are then easily digested by the dog, although the claws must be removed. There is an opinion that it is better to give chicken feet in the form of jellied meat, which will even be useful for growing puppies. If you regularly feed puppies jellied meat, it can replace industrial chondroprotectors.

Preparing jellied meat is not difficult. Place the paws in a thick-walled pan and fill them with water. Bring to a boil, and then, reducing the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 5 hours. After cooking is complete, remove the bones, leaving soft fabrics. When the jellied meat has cooled down, you can give it to your pet. Boiled bones should not be given to avoid blockage. gastrointestinal tract and punctures of the esophagus.

Paws consist of tubular bones, this is one of the reasons why many dog ​​breeders do not give them as food to their pets. If the dog has eaten tubular bones, then you need to monitor its feces. If bloody traces are found, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Some dog owners feed their pets paws and porridge all the time, but this should not be done. You cannot feed only paws; they can be given as additional food, but not often, since a lot of toxins and waste accumulate in the bones. The diet should be varied so that the animal receives all the nutrients. When giving raw chicken feet, it is advisable to pour boiling water over them, as they can be dangerous.

Veterinarians' opinions also vary. Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst conducted research according to which he found that dogs eating natural food live longer than their counterparts eating food. In his book, he bases his conclusions on the fact that the dog is a carnivore with strong teeth for chewing and tearing meat. In addition, it has a short digestive tract, which contains enzymes that help digest raw animal protein. Therefore, Billinghurst recommends feeding meat bones, such as turkey and chicken wings, as well as necks.

By-products are fed to dogs in kennels. Chicken by-products contain a large amount of collagen, for example, in necks and wings - 20-30%, in paws - 60-70% of the total protein. In heads and paws, digestible protein is 12.3%, and fat is 6.8%. Since chicken fats quickly oxidize even when low temperatures, offal can be stored for no more than 3-4 months. To reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases, it is better to boil offal or scald it with boiling water.

Veterinarians believe that dogs are different and each organism reacts to raw meat products individual due to the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in each case you need to decide personally what food to give your pet.

If the dog was fed dry food from birth, then when switching to chicken by-products, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, since natural food requires more quantity gastric juice than dry. Therefore, the transition to natural food should be gradual. If the dog ate the food and burped, there is no need to do anything in this case; you can even let the dog eat what it burped.

Video “What food is best to give to dogs”

One day while scrolling through the search, I came across a discussion on “Is it possible to give chicken necks and chicken heads to a dog?”

In this article on the website “Around Dogs” we will tell you about Is it possible to give your dog chicken necks/chicken heads?.

So, let's start with the fact that bones cannot form the main diet of a dog, precisely because they end up clogging the stomach. If you are thinking about chicken bones, then read two points:

1 if the choice fell on broiler chickens, they are fed with food with growth hormones (in two to three months a quite huge chicken grows, try raising one from a regular one), and they are also given antibiotics. There are no hormones in expensive feed, but you know our manufacturers (why pay more is their main motto). Its bones, of course, are not as sharp as those of a domestic dog, but they can also have harmful influence, both on the trachea and on the stomach of the dog, especially if these bones are boiled;

2 if chosen homemade chicken- their meat and bones, of course, should not contain hormones, they are more pure, but at the same time, finding the necks and heads of these chickens is much more difficult (you won’t run around the village and ask every grandmother if they have any left). head or neck for your dog).

So, my verdict on the question you asked is simple - 1-2 necks per week - as a treat (do not boil!). I don’t recommend giving a chicken head, unless you have trouble cutting off the beak. Small dogs they are not given.

Yes, even if some give necks and heads for breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of meat, even if they don’t have any problems, but this is only a temporary indicator, and no one guarantees that everything will always be in order with them.

For a dog to grow up healthy and physically developed, it needs high-quality and proper feeding. The nutritious diet should consist of half meat.

What kind of chicken should you give your puppy?

Chicken meat is very necessary and healthy food For little puppy. Although it is among the top most allergenic foods, in terms of the amount of protein it contains.

Many veterinarians have long disputed this issue and argue that almost all hypoallergenic foods contain chicken. And more often, puppies have an allergic reaction to protein from beef, soy, eggs and milk.

Chicken protein has the highest biological value; it supplies the growing dog’s body with amino acids in the required quantities.

If we talk about fried or baked chicken, it is strictly contraindicated at a young age. Eating such food is fraught with liver diseases and other ailments.

Already adult dog as additional bait, you can give a couple of pieces of fried meat, but nothing more.

Should you give your puppy chicken broth?

Chicken broth is considered the most allergenic products. It accumulates a large concentration of protein, which causes an allergic reaction in the puppy’s body.

If you cook soups or porridges for your dog on chicken broth, then the first two need to be drained. And only in the third broth is food prepared.

Is it possible to give a puppy chicken liver?

Poultry liver can and should be given. It contains a huge amount of vitamin B12. Do not forget that it is vitamin B that is responsible for proper development nervous system.

The liver is boiled and offered to the puppy in small quantities in the form of bait. You cannot give your dog such a product every day; two or three baits a week will be enough.

It is worth remembering that an excess of this vitamin can harm the growing body of an animal, which can lead to bone deformation. The baby may lose weight or develop allergies.

Chicken necks in a puppy's diet

You can start giving this product to your dog from three months of age. The bones in them are absolutely safe; they are not capable of injuring the esophagus or stomach walls.

The only peculiarity of the offal is that during prolonged heat treatment almost all of it is lost. the nutritional value. Therefore, there is no need to cook them. Boiled neck meat has a structure that can clog a puppy's stomach and intestines.

Chicken stomachs and hearts

Very easily digestible and low-calorie meat. It is especially suitable for small puppies as it does not affect developing liver.

It would be better, before giving the offal to the baby, to first grind it in a meat grinder and boil it.

Cannot be given to small pets chicken skin. Except large quantity There is nothing nutritious or beneficial to the animal from the fat in it.

Chicken heads in a puppy's diet

This by-product is very useful, as it contains brains. The bird brain contains a huge amount useful components necessary for the development of the animal.

Of course, raw chicken heads have a lot of nutritional value. But before use, they must be doused with boiling water.

Bird heads need to be ground for small puppies. First remove the beak and inspect it to ensure that no sharp parts. For older dogs, it is acceptable to feed whole heads, but be sure to cut off the beak before feeding.

Chicken feet

Controversial issue among dog breeders. Some claim that they feed their pets with their paws without fear for their health. The latter are wary of such an offal.

Undoubtedly, the paws are very useful, they contain cartilage and are equal in nutritional value to the heads. But what makes the product dangerous is its claws and tubular bones. Therefore, older dogs can be given paws by cutting off the claws and removing the main tubular bone.

It is useful for puppies to cook jellied meat from poultry paws; this will only help strengthen bones and develop the skeleton.

Chicken bones

To the question whether it is possible to give chicken meat to puppies, the answer is unequivocal - yes. But, except for chicken bones. They are tubular, the puppy will chew them and will certainly chew them.

The fragments from the tubular bones are as sharp as a knife blade. They can easily cut a dog's esophagus, stomach walls, or intestines. Their consumption by small dogs is life-threatening. Can be used for older puppies large breeds give skeletal bones that do not have a tube inside.

Even if the bone is boiled until soft, it can clog the baby’s stomach. Broth cooked with bones is quite suitable for making porridges and soups for your little dog.

Signs of an allergic reaction

Signs that your dog is allergic to chicken protein, there will be the following symptoms:

· The puppy begins to itch frequently and lick the pads of its paws;

· Something similar to dandruff appears on his skin;

· You may experience nausea skin;

· Hair will begin to fall out, only this does not happen all over the body, but in separate places. Over time, bald spots form in these areas;

· Your baby may sweat frequently or have a bad mouth odor.

If you discover such symptoms, you must take your pet to a veterinary hospital, conduct an examination and determine the cause of the allergy.

A caring owner always strives to ensure that his dog’s nutrition is healthy and balanced. Many, even novice dog owners, have heard that feeding your pet chicken bones is very dangerous. And indeed it is!

Tubular bones are not digested in the dog's digestive tract. When they are chewed, sharp fragments are formed that can injure the mucous membranes of the animal’s stomach and intestines. As a result of eating a large number of tubular bones, your pet may experience constipation or diarrhea, which is a consequence of disruption of the digestive tract. Eating chicken bones can also lead to more severe complications, up to surgical intervention and even death.

However, do not think that all chicken products containing bones are harmful to dogs.
In particular, I propose to discuss:

Can dogs have chicken necks?

Dogs can have chicken necks! And not only is it possible, but even necessary!
Why chicken necks are good for dogs:
1. they do not contain sharp small and tubular bones that are hazardous to health,
2. it is a nutritious snack for dogs (source of animal protein),
3. eating chicken necks allows the dog to brush its teeth and massage the gums,
4. accelerates the process of changing baby teeth to permanent ones (from 4 to 6 months),
5. excellent chondoprotector - a source of easily digestible calcium,
7. Dogs really like chicken necks; they chew them with pleasure!
8. When a dog eats chicken necks, it is calm and focused - the house is quiet and things are intact! 😉

At what age can dogs be given chicken necks?

Beginning from two months of age You can start offering puppies such a healthy and tasty treat as chicken necks. The growing body of a young dog needs a sufficient amount of easily digestible calcium. In addition, small puppies feel the need to constantly chew something; their teeth itch.

Adding chicken necks to your puppy's diet will help solve both of these problems!

How to cook chicken necks for a dog?

First, chicken necks must be given raw, because heat treatment destroys b O most of the nutrients.
Secondly, I recommend freeze chicken necks for two to three days in the freezer.
Thirdly, raw necks must first be thawed, and then pour boiling water over.

If your puppy small breed, Can crank raw chicken necks through a meat grinder, and add the resulting minced meat to the dog’s food.
If the puppy is a breed average size, you can pre- knock chicken necks hammer to crush the vertebrae they contain.
Large breed dogs can be given chicken and turkey necks, but dogs need to be accustomed to them gradually and in a controlled manner.

Make sure your dog does not swallow pieces of the neck without chewing. Perhaps she is too hungry, so she is in a hurry. In this case, it is better to feed the dog first and give the chicken neck as a snack.
You can teach your dog to chew by holding the chicken neck by one end so that the dog takes his time.

Chicken necks can be substituted two or three (maximum four) one-time feedings in Week. This amount will be quite enough to provide the dog with the necessary amount of calcium and phosphorus.

What else you need to pay attention to:

1.When buying chicken necks for your dog, look carefully at the expiration date. Remember that when stored for a long time they lose nutrients.
2. Try to buy environmentally friendly “raw materials” grown without growth hormones and antibiotics...
3. When introducing chicken necks into the diet, you need to monitor the reaction of the dog’s body - how it works digestive tract dogs (is there any stool disorder) or allergic reactions.

I found an interesting video in which the famous doctor Komarovsky talks with a specialist - whether industrial broiler chicken danger to children's health.
Are they myths or truth, see for yourself! The video is short. 😉

Taking care of you and the health of your pets,
author of the article Kirillova Ekaterina.