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Gumboro disease: monitoring the quality of vaccination using ELISA. Dyspepsia in broiler chickens. Treatment of chickens for mycoplasmosis

Kira Stoletova

Some people raise broiler chickens not only on an agricultural farm, but also in the city on their own loggia. For many farmers, raising broiler birds at home is not just a hobby; for them it is both a food product and an income. Diseases of small broiler chickens are not uncommon nowadays. In order for chicken diseases to go away without complications, you need to know what symptoms of diseases can attack broilers and how to deal with various infections. Many novice poultry farmers are often lost and don’t know what to do and how to deal with chicken diseases. Diseases in chickens most often occur in very young chickens and this should be prevented.

In chickens, three stages of maturation can be noted during which the bird’s immunity has not yet strengthened: from the 1st to the 5th day after birth, from the 20th to the 25th and from the 35th day for 5 days. At this time, from the first days of life, broiler birds have a dangerous period when they are most vulnerable to infections. Diseases of chickens, their symptoms and treatment are the special concern of the owner. When about 1.5 months have passed after birth, you can relax a little. After this period, the immunity of day-old chicks and future laying hens settles down and the individuals grow a little. No special differences from ordinary adult laying hens and broiler birds were found. What diseases of broiler chickens are there?

Aspergillosis in chickens

Diseases of baby chickens and their treatment. Aspergillosis is a fungal infection that affects the respiratory system of chickens. Birds develop wheezing, coughing, and uneven breathing. The pathogens enter the embryos through the shell. To avoid such a disease, you should avoid the development of fungal diseases in the litter of chickens. You should clean the areas around drinking bowls and feeders as often as possible. Aspergillosis occurs due to a fungus, but it can also be caused by other pathogenic microorganisms.

The infection can be transmitted within a few days through infected individuals and equipment. The young animals become apathetic and have no appetite. To treat this disease, you should contact a veterinarian who will prescribe the necessary medications. At home, aspergillosis should be prevented from the first days of life. The poultry house must be kept clean and stocked regularly.


Everyone has heard about this disease, even those who are completely unfamiliar with chicken breeding. Salmonellosis is an infectious disease that can be transmitted by airborne droplets through communication healthy birds with infected individuals. Her signs are as follows:

  • The eyes are swollen and watery.
  • There is no appetite at all.
  • Swollen feet.
  • Slow growth.

If you find signs of salmonellosis even in one individual, you should feed the entire livestock with chloramphenicol. In some cases, signs of salmonellosis may be completely absent or very vague, which makes it difficult to identify such a disease. Most often, the first manifestations occur a few days after infection. Prevention against salmonellosis should be carried out regularly. To increase immunity, broiler chickens are given mineral supplements. Sometimes a drug such as enroflon is prescribed. More details about diseases of broiler chickens and their treatment can be found in the photo or video.

Gumboro disease

Gumboro disease in broilers at home is not uncommon. Gumboro is also often called infectious bursal disease. Gumboro primarily affects young animals between 2 and 20 weeks of age. Symptoms of this disease are accompanied by damage to the bursa of Fabricius, and to a lesser extent to other lymphoid organs and the kidneys. Gumboro broiler diseases and its treatment regimen should be prescribed by a veterinarian at the first symptoms.

The infected individual should be transplanted to another room, and the chicken coop should be quarantined. Such a disease can be transmitted through one infected individual to another. Gumboro disease makes birds' immune systems vulnerable. There is no cure for this disease, but regular prevention is an effective method. Many farmers are vaccinating. For these purposes, live and inactivated vaccines are used to prevent chicken diseases and symptoms.

Dyspepsia in broiler chickens

The smallest chickens are susceptible to this disease. This disease occurs quite often among young animals. Speaking in simple language, dyspepsia is the most common indigestion in chickens and the signs that they are sick are immediately visible. The reason for this may be poor nutrition does not contain mineral additives. With this disease, individuals lose all interest in food, they become incredibly lethargic and inactive. The main symptom of this disease is liquid droppings containing particles of undigested food. The cause of this disease can be the abuse of feed, a change in diet, as well as poor quality feed.

To prevent this disease, you should follow several rules.

  • The temperature in the chicken coop should be warm at all times. A lot depends on temperature, but many novice poultry farmers forget about this.
  • To combat the processes of decay in the bird's body, the most common ascorbic acid will perfectly help. You can also use a solution of manganese and baking soda.

These simple manipulations will help your pets fight the disease.

  • Give to chickens every four hours. The food should not contain fats or complex proteins. Only a strict diet, and nothing else. Make sure that there are no grains with rot or mold in the feed. Also, babies always need clean and fresh water.
  • Think carefully about the arrangement of the area where your birds eat. Under no circumstances should chickens crowd together, fighting and scattering and soiling their feed, as often happens.

If chickens have indigestion, medicinal herbs will help. The method is simple, but that doesn’t make it any less effective.

Broiler diseases

Why do chickens fall on their feet?

How to treat chickens sneezing and wheezing?


Bronchopneumonia is really something to be afraid of, as this disease is dangerous for broilers. It entails a huge variety of different diseases, in some cases even fatal. If this disease is not treated in time, then bronchopneumonia can develop into other, more serious diseases, such as pneumonia, sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis.

Birds with this disease will have a painfully unkempt appearance, severe weight loss, a complete lack of appetite, and a depressed state. If the bird begins to cough and mucous fluid comes out of the nose, the disease is obvious. Although this is not an infection, mass mortality of birds is possible. Unfortunately, you cannot find a special drug for treatment in pharmacies. Therefore, you should immediately make the medicine yourself.

Here is the recipe for the most common medicine

One and a half glasses of soda ash must be dissolved in three liters of hot water. Next, add a solution of bleach (one glass per seven liters of water). The resulting composition must be allowed to brew, bring to a volume of twenty liters and treat the room. Birds do not go anywhere at this time. Nothing harmful will happen to them from this. To treat chickens, you can use penicillin, norfloxacin, and terramycin is also suitable. You can also use an infusion of mumiyo with honey, tinctures of ginseng and nettle. After a month, the chickens will begin to feel much better.


Chickens, like people, also need vitamins, and serious diseases can also occur due to a lack of microelements. These diseases are represented in large numbers. Like vitamins, hypovitaminosis is named by letters Latin alphabet. If there is not enough vitamin A in the body of birds, pathology is formed in the embryo. Such birds have no appetite, growth stops, growth and development do not occur, the chicks are characterized by weakness and inactivity.

If the disease develops, there may be a lack of digestion, as well as damage to the nervous system.

Poultry farmers often notice a lack of vitamin A when night blindness occurs. To compensate for the lack of vitamin A, you can use herbal flour, carrots and greens. If there are not enough vitamins of group D in the bird's body, calcium-phosphorus metabolism is disrupted. This affects the health of their bones. The birds are weak, have diarrhea, their legs are shaking, and the birds may limp severely. At home you need to follow proper feeding, raising and keeping birds. If there is a deficiency of the vitamin, veterinarians advise adding it to the main food. In addition, walking will be very useful. Fresh air, grass, warm sun.

A lack of B vitamins causes the following problems in birds:

  • Various apathies
  • Gastrointestinal upset may occur
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Developmental delay

Green food, sprouted grains, meat, fish, and grass meal are full of this vitamin. It is a good idea to give birds complex vitamins.

Newcastle disease

Russian scientists more often call this disease twirly. Birds develop a cough, apathy, strange coordination movements, drooping wings, a sickly appearance, ruffled feathers, and weight loss. There is something else that is characteristic of this disease. Sick individuals can stagnate in the same place. Newcastle disease is considered infectious and infected individuals must be isolated from healthy chickens.

If measures are not taken, the entire population may be affected by this disease. There are currently no special medications for Newcastle disease. Sick birds should be immediately placed in a separate room to avoid spreading the infection. You can study Newcastle disease in more detail in the video.


Mycoplasmosis manifests itself in broilers with cough, runny nose and lacrimation. If the disease continues for a long time, pus accumulates in the eyelid area and tumors may appear. Even after treatment, recovered birds continue to be considered a source of infection and can infect healthy birds simply by being nearby. It is necessary to treat sick birds with an antibiotic called Tylosin and, in addition, it is worth using medications of the tetracycline group.

It is worth considering that your birds will not be completely cured, because mycoplasmosis still remains in the body for life. The best way out— timely vaccination of all birds and isolation of sick ones. To avoid problems with young animals in the future, you should carry out proper care and regularly clean the chicken coop. How to treat broiler chickens with mycoplasmosis can be studied in detail in the photo or video.

Marek's disease

Marek's disease affects individuals from birth to 5-6 months. On early stage this disease does not manifest itself in any way, but then the birds develop uncoordination, curling of the fingers, and damage to the joints of the legs. A month after the disease, the birds die. Treatment for this disease is impossible, but the carcasses of these birds after heat treatment can be used for food.

To prevent Marek's disease, it is necessary to vaccinate in a timely manner, improve the maintenance, feeding and care of broilers. Joints can be affected due to calcium deficiency in the body. Review the diet of broiler chickens.

Chicken pox

Distinctive symptoms of chicken pox

  • Strange red spots appear, which then turn into scabs.
  • Individuals may experience an unpleasant odor.
  • Apathy in chickens.
  • Chicks have difficulty breathing and swallowing.

This disease can only be treated with initial stage when symptoms first appear, so don’t waste time. For treatment, you can use galazolin, boric acid and furatsilin solution. But there are farmers who prefer not to bother with treatment, slaughtering sick birds so that the disease does not spread to the rest of the birds.

Constipation in broilers

Constipation in young animals is quite common if the feeding regime is not followed and prohibited foods are used. The causes of constipation in young animals can be the consumption of flour feed and the lack of gravel in the feeder. Constipation can be caused by factors such as: overheating or, conversely, hypothermia of the chicks. Failure to comply with the conditions of detention can cause a lot of problems for young animals. It is very important to monitor the temperature of newborn chicks to prevent constipation.

To keep day-old chicks, they use either a special box, which is covered with a cloth to retain heat, leaving only a small hole for air to pass through. The first days after birth, the young are illuminated around the clock to maintain daylight and warmth. If chickens are sick and rearing becomes difficult, then their diet needs to be reconsidered; it may be deficient in potassium or other microelements.

Disease Prevention

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Follow a few rules for caring for and keeping birds at home, then raising young animals will become an easy process.

  • Cleanliness of your broilers. Birds must be clean, well-groomed, and well-fed. Food mixtures should not stick to the paws. Feeding should be done with high-quality and fresh food. If the feed is moldy, it should not be given to broilers. For active growth, special additives can be added to feeding and.
  • Disinfection of the chicken coop. Don't forget that your broilers need a clear area for eating and drinking and a clean sleeping area. The feeder is changed as needed. Perches are cleaned at least once a week. It is necessary to treat the walls and floor against mold so that the individuals do not get sick, then the cultivation will be carried out according to all the rules.
  • Timely quarantine of all sick chickens. This way the infection will not spread to other healthy individuals. Caring for a sick broiler chicken should be regular.
  • Vaccination of all individuals. Many vaccines are given on the first and second days after the appearance of young animals.
  • Newborn chickens should be placed on a heated bedding in a room where the air contains at least 17% oxygen and the temperature is about 30-32 degrees.
  • If individuals are cramped in a small room, then in such conditions there is a greater likelihood of contracting infectious diseases.
  • You can feed the young animals saturated drinking water with vitamin C and glucose (ascorbic acid - 2 g/l, glucose - 50 g/l), this measure helps chickens well against diarrhea.
  • To make newborn chicks feel great, you can use special feeding, about 6 times a day. Present in the diet skim cheese, curdled milk and whey. At the same time, all these products should not mix with each other.

If you follow all these measures, raising chickens will not seem difficult to you and you will avoid many problems.

Broilers are one of the most popular crosses. Alas, the rapid growth and precocity of these chickens is associated with some health problems. In particular, it has become not uncommon for a whole population of broilers to be decimated by Gumboro disease. Let’s find out what it is and how to protect your household right now!

What is Gumboro disease?

Gumboro disease, also called infectious bursal disease, was first recorded in the United States in 1962 in the city of Gumboro, which gave the name to the disease. Later, outbreaks of a similar disease were recorded in Mexico, England, and Belgium. Currently, outbreaks have been recorded on all continents. The disease is caused by a virus of the Birnaviridae family.

The main “target” of Gumboro disease is leukocytes, which are actively destroyed in the bursa of Fabricius and other organs immune system (thyroid, spleen, amygdala), the kidneys are also severely affected.

Bursal disease can affect broilers at any age, but chickens between 2 and 9 weeks of age are particularly at risk.

Its danger is that it is very quickly transmitted from one individual to another, and infection can occur both by contact and through food, water, and equipment. Because of this, on large industrial enterprises there is a risk that the staff themselves may become carriers of the virus. Gumboro disease has a very severe consequences and is associated with significant financial losses. Not only does infection among livestock occur quite quickly, the destruction of leukocytes is associated with the onset of immune depression in birds. Sick broilers become very vulnerable and often begin to suffer from colibacillosis, coccidiosis, enteritis, which most often leads to the death of the bird.

The virus that causes this disease is quite stable and persists for a long time. external environment. For example, in the droppings of infected birds, in water or feed, it persists for up to 56 days. On inventory and equipment of poultry farms even longer - more than 120 days.


There are two types of disease:

  1. Clinical type.
  2. Hidden (subclinical) type.

The clinical type of Gumboro disease is characterized by an acute course and obvious external manifestations. It is most often recorded in broilers at the age of 3-6 weeks. Incubation period does not last long - a maximum of 1-2 days, infection of the livestock occurs very quickly.

The main symptoms of Gumboro disease are:

  • severe diarrhea, mostly white;
  • ruffled plumage, weakness and depression of the bird;
  • chills, significant loss of appetite, signs of incoordination may be observed;
  • dehydration and susceptibility to pathogenic organisms.

Most often, outbreaks of the disease can be short-term nature– about 2-3 days. After recovery, the birds continue to experience a decrease in immunity for some time. Mortality from bursal disease, as a rule, reaches 5-6%, however, it can be much higher - 40% or more.

The hidden type, although it does not have such obvious external manifestations, is considered more insidious and dangerous. It can manifest itself in a general depressed state in birds. Hidden Current Gumboro disease is associated with deterioration in feed conversion, stunted growth of broilers and their immune vulnerability.


There is no specific treatment for Gumboro disease. The best way to prevent an unwanted epidemic is vaccination. For these purposes, so-called live and inactivated vaccines are used.

It is very important to detect foci of the disease in time and isolate the sick bird. Particularly affected individuals are recommended to be killed.

Pathological changes that will help confirm the diagnosis are as follows:

  • enlarged and edematous bursa of Fabricius, it can be yellowish to brown due to areas of hemorrhage;
  • hemorrhages in the kidneys and muscles;
  • dehydration and anemia.

Since the virus is very stable, it is recommended to “relocate” sick birds from the chicken coop to another place. And in the room, carry out repeated treatment with formaldehyde and phenol.

Video “Diseases of chickens”

The video below will tell you what ailments befall the feathered inhabitants of farmsteads!

Infectious bursitis (Gumboro disease) is an acute contagious viral disease chickens, characterized by apathy, diarrhea, anorexia, damage to the bursa of Fabricius, extensive intramuscular hemorrhages and kidney damage.

Historical reference. For the first time, infectious chicken bursitis was described by researchers in 1962 in the city of Gumboro, USA. Today, the disease is diagnosed in many countries around the world - the USA, Canada, Mexico, England, Germany, France and other European countries, India, Japan, Israel, and South African countries.

Economic damage quite significant and is determined by losses from death of up to 10-20% of the poultry population, a large percentage of carcasses being rejected due to subcutaneous, intramuscular hemorrhages and exhaustion.

The causative agent of the disease belongs to reoviruses. The size of virions is 50-70nµ. They have icosahedral symmetry. The capsid consists of a single layer with 92 capsomeres. The virus is cultivated in chicken embryos of 9-11 days of age, causing their death 4-6 days after infection in the allantoic cavity at KhAO and in yolk sac, as well as a culture of kidney cells and chicken embryo fibroblasts. The virus is relatively resistant to environmental factors. Indoors, on metal and wooden surfaces, the virus remains active for 122 days. The virus is viable in water, food and droppings for 52 days. The virus retains its infectivity when heated to 60°C for 90 minutes, at 56°C for 5 hours. Only at a temperature of 70°C the virus is destroyed in 30 minutes. The virus is resistant to chloroform, ether, trypsin, while 5% formalin kills it. Chloramine and sodium hydroxide solutions have an inactivating effect.

Epizootological data. IN natural conditions 2-15 week old chickens are susceptible to the virus, 2-4 week old chickens are especially sensitive. There are reports of quail sensitivity to the virus. The disease is observed at any time of the year in different climatic zones, regardless of the breed of chickens. The disease is especially widespread in reproductive farms where poultry is present. of different ages. The source of the virus is a sick or recovered bird, a virus carrier, which sheds it in its droppings for up to 14 days. The virus is spreading rapidly in poultry flocks. It is transmitted when sick and healthy chickens are kept together, through contaminated feed, water, bedding, droppings, and it is also possible to transmit the virus mechanically - by service personnel, through care items contaminated with the virus, with slaughter products, other species of birds, insects, especially yellowwings. Ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowl, and quail can be carriers of the virus.

The pathogen enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nasal, oral cavities, and conjunctiva in natural conditions. The bird becomes infected through nutrition.

Pathogenesis. The causative agent of infectious bursitis that has entered the bird’s body orally can be detected in the intestinal lymphoid cells within 4-5 hours. From lymphoid cells with the blood and lymph flow, bypassing the Kupffer cells of the liver, the virus enters all organs and tissues. After 11 hours, the virus begins to multiply in the bursa of Fabricius. In this case, the phenomena of viremia in the bird’s body are short-lived, lasting up to two days. Subsequently, we detect the virus in all parenchymal and lymphoid organs, but in the highest concentrations in the bursa of Fabricius, where it persists for up to 2 weeks.

Damage to the lymphoid tissue of a sick bird is accompanied by a pronounced immunosuppressive effect, manifested in a significant decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the bird’s blood, up to the suppression of all. In dependent functions of immunity, especially the primary humoral one responsible for the formation of antibodies. There is a decrease in the level of serum complement and blood clotting, with the possible involvement of immune complexes in the development of the disease. All this leads to a loss of effectiveness of immunization of the affected bird against, and Marek. Susceptibility to increases by 3-6 times. Wherein enough level protection against Newcastle disease can only be achieved by immunizing one-day-old chicks or 2-3 weeks before infection with infectious bursitis virus. Against such an immunosuppressive background, in the absence of lymphocytes in the blood, the poultry often worsens or re-emerges. various infections something like gangrenous dermatitis.

Clinical signs . The incubation period is 2-6 days. The disease begins super-acutely, symptoms of the disease in birds appear suddenly, from 10 to 20% of chickens fall ill with a mortality rate of 0.5-15%.
In sick chickens, we note depression, disheveled behavior, refusal to feed, trembling, unsteady gait, symptoms of diarrhea (watery diarrhea with whitish-yellow feces), soiled feathers around the cloaca. Some chickens appear severe itching around the cloaca, which they try to calm down by pecking at this area. This is often the first sign of an onset of illness for service personnel; the patients drink a lot, their feathers are ruffled.

In the acute course of the disease, the death of chickens is observed, which reaches its maximum on the 3-4th day of illness (3-80%). The mortality curve is very characteristic and must be taken into account when making a diagnosis. The duration of the disease in birds in the affected group is 4-8 days.
In the subacute course, the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced and the death rate is insignificant.

In poultry farms, where the disease is not registered for the first time, it can be asymptomatic. In such farms, chickens do not show signs of illness, and when examining blood serum, virus-neutralizing and precipitating antibodies are detected.

Pathological changes. In chickens, we note anemia and dehydration of muscle tissue; in the muscles of the leg, thigh, wings and chest we often find pinpoint and striped hemorrhages. We also find hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the glandular stomach. The kidneys are enlarged and light gray in color (from the accumulation of uric acid salts in the tubules). The liver and spleen are hypertrophied. In some birds, the ureters may also be congested with urate. We note signs of catarrhal enteritis, serous pericarditis, and peritonitis. At the same time, the most characteristic changes for this disease are found in the bursa of Fabricius. In the first 2-4 days after the bird is infected, it increases 2-3 times. Its mucous membrane is swollen, hyperemic, with hemorrhages and necrotic areas, sometimes in its lumen we find fibrin clots, and later a cheesy mass. At asymptomatic these changes are less pronounced and can only appear in the form mild hyperemia or completely absent.

From the 10-12th day after infection, signs of atrophy of the bursa of Fabricius, thinning of the folds of the mucous membrane, which are often hyperemic and have pinpoint hemorrhages, are observed.
The leading cytomorphological sign is necrosis of cells of the lymphoid tissue of the bursa of Fabricius. In place of the destroyed follicles, proliferation of corticomedullary epithelium is established, fermenting mucous glands. We observe a general picture of purulent and necrotic inflammation with vacuolization in the bursa of Fabricius.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis are based on the analysis of epizootic, clinical data, pathological changes and the results of laboratory (serological and virological) studies, including isolation and identification of the virus. A study is carried out on the bursa of Fabricius, spleen, liver, and kidneys taken from dead or forcibly killed birds. All this is delivered to the veterinary laboratory in a thermos with ice. For serological testing, 20-25 blood serum samples are sent, from daily and over 60 days of age, obtained at the onset of the disease and after 21 days. The veterinary laboratory uses the following research methods: isolation of the virus in chicken embryos or in cell culture; bioassay on susceptible chickens; identification of the isolated virus in neutralization reactions (RN) and diffuse precipitation in agar gel (DPR); definition specific antibodies in blood serum in RN and DNP; detection of histological changes in organs and tissues Research is carried out only on SPF embryos and SPF birds.

Infectious bursitis must be differentiated from the following diseases:

  • , which clinically manifests itself in approximately the same way as infectious bursitis, we make an exception by conducting a scatological examination;
  • in which hemorrhagic lesions characteristic of respiratory symptoms, occurs with high contagiousness and lethality, birds of all ages are susceptible;
  • fatty liver and kidney syndrome, which is accompanied by hemorrhages and kidney damage, very rarely ends in death, chicken carcasses have a pale pink color;
  • nephrosonephritis which is caused by a virus infectious bronchitis, similar in damage to parenchymal organs, but manifests itself in respiratory disorders and does not affect the bursa of Fabricius;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome of a toxic nature - occurs when poisoned by sulfonamides or mycotoxins, observed in birds of all ages, hemorrhages are concentrated in the visceral organs;
  • — atrophy of the bursa of Fabricius is observed, the lesions are limited to the epithelium.

The disease additionally needs to be differentiated from lymphoid leukemia and.

Immunity and means of specific prevention. The recovered bird develops immunity, which is used for diagnostic test and vaccine development.

Numerous live vaccines that are highly immunogenic have been developed and used abroad. In Italy - gumbo-vax, LZD-228 (Merrier, France), Nobilis (Holland). These vaccines are harmless, do not have an immunosuppressive effect, are effective, stable during storage and transportation, and are convenient for use.
Chickens are vaccinated intraocularly or by drinking the vaccine at one day of age, as well as intramuscularly in groups older than 12 weeks. Vaccines can be used for complex vaccinations in combination with vaccines against diseases and infectious bronchitis. Inactivated emulsified vaccines are also used. Vaccination of chickens ensures the safety and usefulness of lymphoid tissue. High titres of maternal antibodies are transferred with the egg and protect the offspring during the first four weeks.

Disease prevention measures. To prevent Gambora disease, poultry farm owners must comply with the following requirements:

  • strictly observe measures to protect the farm from the introduction of infection, and also supply bird flocks with hatching eggs and day-old young animals only from farms free from Gumboro disease;
  • carry out preventive vaccination of young animals in all categories of farms with live vaccines from an intermediate strain, and vaccinate replacement young animals of the parent and breeding herds with an inactivated vaccine;
  • create for the bird optimal conditions maintenance and provide them with nutritious feed;
  • place different birds age groups in geographically isolated areas;
  • equip poultry houses with birds of the same age;
  • observe inter-cycle preventive breaks with thorough cleaning and disinfection of premises;
  • disinfect imported breeding eggs, containers and transport used for their delivery;
  • carry out separate incubation of breeding eggs imported to the farm and eggs received from one’s own parent flock;
  • raise day-old chicks obtained from imported eggs separately from the rest of the poultry farm.

Each farm (farm) should ensure the necessary zoohygienic, veterinary and zootechnical requirements for keeping and feeding birds.

Measures to combat the disease.

When a diagnosis of infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease) is made in accordance with the order of the Ministry Agriculture RF dated December 19, 2011 No. 476 “On approval of the list of contagious, including especially dangerous, animal diseases for which restrictive measures (quarantine) can be established.” By the Decree of the Governor of the region, restrictions are introduced on the farm and in accordance with” instructions for the prevention and elimination of infectious bird diseases bursal disease from October 25, 1995" on the farm prohibited:

  • export hatching eggs. Day-old young animals, grown and adult birds, feed, equipment, inventory, etc. to other farms and sell to the public.

According to the restrictions allowed:

  • sell eggs to the retail chain after disinfection;
  • poultry should be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse (slaughterhouse) of the farm; in its absence, conditionally healthy birds should be sent for slaughter to the nearest meat processing plant only with special permission from the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the region, in a separate batch within the time frame established by the State Veterinary Service and agreed upon with the poultry plant for immediate slaughter with compliance with current veterinary and sanitary rules and other veterinary regulatory documents preventing the spread of the pathogen.

Clinically healthy birds are immunized against IBD; in flocks with subclinical disease, vaccines from intermediate strains are used; in herds with acute and subacute disease - vaccines from moderately pathogenic (“hot”) strains.

Along with vaccinations of young animals with live vaccines, immunization of breeding replacement young animals at the age of 100-130 days (one month before the start of egg laying) is carried out with an inactivated vaccine.

Vaccines are used in accordance with the instructions for their use.
Systematically culled. A weakened and sick bird. All poultry that have reached slaughter standards from premises in which the disease was recorded are killed for meat. Stop laying eggs for incubation, thoroughly clean and disinfect the hatchery, poultry houses, equipment, inventory, territory, transport, etc. Eggs are laid for incubation no earlier than 7 days after the departure of the last batch of incubated eggs.

Each poultry house is assigned maintenance personnel who are provided with special clothing, safety shoes, disinfectants. At the end of the working day, workwear is disinfected with formaldehyde vapor.
In premises with sick birds, aerosol disinfection is carried out in accordance with current instructions on carrying out aerosol disinfection of poultry premises in the presence of birds.

The farm is improving the feeding and maintenance of birds, and introducing anti-stress additives (drugs) into the diet.

For wet disinfection of bird-free premises, use one of the following drugs: 2% formaldehyde solution, 4% sodium hydroxide solution, clarified bleach solution containing at least 3% active chlorine. Exposure for at least 6 hours. Consumption of disinfectants is 0.5 l per 1 m² of surface area to be treated; ceilings, walls, floors, wooden surfaces are whitened with 20% freshly slaked lime twice with an interval of 1 hour.

Litter and deep litter are transported to a manure storage facility for biothermal neutralization.

Restrictions on the farm are lifted after the delivery for slaughter of all poultry from poultry houses in which IBD disease was observed, completion of final veterinary and sanitary measures, and in the absence of the disease in more than three batches of young animals raised up to 90 days of age in all poultry houses of the farm during the professional break.

Infectious bursal disease, or Gumboro disease, is a common disease in chickens under four months of age. Manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, damage to the cloacal bursa, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, intramuscular hemorrhages.

What is Gumboro disease in chickens, how to diagnose it and how to protect yourself from it– we invite you to talk in this article.

Gumboro disease: affects chickens and turkeys

Pathogen bursal disease is a virus of the Birnoviridae family that infects lymphoid cells, causing a sharp decrease in the bird’s immunity. The virus targets immature β-lymphocytes containing immunoglobulin M. There are two serotypes, roughly speaking, types, of this virus: 1 - affects only chickens, 2 - only turkeys. Moreover, the chicken Gumboro virus exists in several variations (subtypes).

Gumboro disease: how to get infected

Gumboro disease is highly contagious: up to 100% of birds of one group can get sick, and 40-60% die.

Methods of transmission of the pathogen Gumboro disease:

Infected birds; sparrows, pigeons, etc. can be carriers of the virus.

Feed, in particular – feed pests

At the same time, in a closed room, the avian bursal disease virus can live for up to three months, and in dirty rooms - in dust, uncleaned cages, and equipment - it can be stored for years. Not afraid sunlight, shows durability outside the room. In dry droppings it remains active for about two months, on the surface of glass and walls - about one month.

Gumboro disease: how it manifests itself

Externally, the chicken bursal disease virus appears already on the third day after entering the bird’s body. Overall feature acute form The course of Gumboro disease (subacute course also occurs) is an unexpected, high incidence of poultry (40-100%), an acute peak in mortality (20-40%) and a rapid recovery within 4-7 days.

At the same time, the Gumboro virus most often occurs at the age of 6-8 weeks, and at 3-4 weeks.

It all starts with diarrhea, the droppings become watery, yellow-white. The chickens look depressed, huddled together, their feathers are ruffled, and their vents are dirty. The bird does not eat or drink. In this form, the disease manifests itself within 5-7 days, after which Gumboro disease is often complicated by manifestations of colibacillosis.

When the bird is opened, a cherry-colored cloacal bursa enlarged by 2-3 times is observed. Often blood clots may be visible in the cavity. There are hemorrhages under the skin on the chest, wings, thighs and in the glandular stomach.

Changes are observed in the bursa of Fabricius already on the third day: due to swelling and accumulation of secretions, it increases in size and becomes gray-yellow. On the fourth day of the disease, its weight almost doubles, hemorrhages, turbid contents and necrotic deposits are found in it. Sometimes intense hemorrhages are recorded, covering the entire bursa. On days 7-9, atrophy and fibrosis of the bursa are observed.

However, to finally put diagnosis of Gumboro disease in chickens is possible only on the basis of laboratory results.

Gumboro disease in chickens: prevention, vaccination, measures in case of a disease outbreak

In addition to compliance hygiene rules poultry owners, chicken owners are obliged to regularly fight against virus carriers - chicken feather eaters, and monitor the quality of feed.

Chickens are vaccinated with Gumboro chicken virus vaccines in the event of a threat of disease outbreak. The following vaccines are used on the territory of Ukraine:

Inactivated vaccine from the BER-93 strain

Virus vaccines from strains UM-93 and VG-93

Gallivac IBD (France)

Inactivated vaccines N.D.V.+I.B.D+I.B. and quadractin N.D.V.+I.B.D+I.B.+Reo and NECTIVE FORTE (Israel).

There is no cure for Gumboro disease!

At diagnosing Gumboro disease in chickens a farm in which a disease is discovered is declared unfavorable and restrictions are introduced in accordance with the Instructions. Two months after removal, the birds are removed from the dysfunctional farm. Carry out complete disinfection of the farm. Farms in which IBD has not been observed for one year are considered free from chicken bursal disease.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"


Vaccines for the prevention of chicken infectious bronchitis (IB) and Gumboro disease are live and inactivated preparations of imported and domestic production. These drugs are produced in the form of monovalent as well as polyvalent vaccines that protect poultry from 2–4 different infectious diseases. A huge role here is played by live vaccines that provide a rapid immune response, including drugs of modern technologies.

Vaccination of birds against IBV is carried out intraocularly, intranasally, orally and by spray method (coarse and fine spray), against Gumboro disease - orally and in ovo.

Infectious bronchitis of chickens

Infectious bronchitis of chickens (IB) is a highly contagious viral disease, manifested by damage mainly to the respiratory and reproductive organs and kidneys. The disease affects birds of all ages and is especially dangerous for chickens.

The causative agent of IB

Caused by an RNA virus with high genetic variability. Mutations of the pathogen are facilitated by a number of factors, including the reproduction of the virus in poultry of different ages, mixed infections, and the co-circulation of vaccine and field viruses in the same flock.

There are many strains of chicken infectious bronchitis virus circulating around the world, which makes the diagnosis and prevention of this disease difficult. Currently, the greatest danger to the Russian poultry industry is posed by viral strains of the Massachusetts serotype, viruses of serotype 793B, as well as highly contagious QX strains and some other pathogens. Several strains circulate simultaneously in poultry farms, but 1–2 main serotypes usually predominate.

Certain serotypes of infectious bronchitis virus can multiply in various fabrics bird's body.

IBV serotype Massachusetts (Mass) primarily affects the respiratory system, causing severe respiratory disease. Immunization against Massachusetts serotype viruses can be carried out from the first days of life.

Respiratory strains of IBV viruses lead to death (mortality rate 15–35%) and create a favorable background for the development of bacterial infections.

The Massachusetts serotype received wide use throughout the world and was identified in the 40s of the twentieth century in Europe and the USA.

Later it turned out that a number of strains of IBV viruses also infect the excretory organs, and respiratory symptoms can be expressed to varying degrees.

The nephroso-nephritis form of IB is characterized by weak and short-term respiratory signs followed by depression, the mortality rate of young animals ranges from 25–30% to 70%. Nephropathogenic properties are most pronounced in the QX strain, which came to Europe from Asia and has been circulating in Russia since the early 2000s.

The highly contagious and pathogenic strain QX actively multiplies in the tissues of the respiratory tract, kidneys, ovaries and lymphoid tissues cecum and colon.

In the 90s of the last century, scientists identified the nephropathogenic serotype 793B, which causes high mortality in broilers. Immunization of chickens against this pathogen is usually carried out during the second vaccination. But there are vaccines that can be used from one day of age.

Serotypes close to Massachusetts, as well as 793B, are the most common strains of IBV viruses in poultry farms in Russia and Europe; the largest number have been developed to protect against these strains immunobiological preparations. When used together, sufficient cross-protection against the QX strain is formed.

Some strains of the IBV virus (including M41) can reduce the egg production of poultry for a long period (causing a drop in productivity parameters from 30 to 89%), deteriorate the quality of egg shells and change their color.

As a result, laying hens are found on farms with normally expressed secondary sexual characteristics, but unable to lay eggs due to adhesions of the oviducts as a result of salpingo-oophoritis, provoked by the multiplication of the IBV virus in chickens at an early age.

Among the new virulent strains that have appeared over the past few years, it is necessary to highlight VAR 2 (Variant 2), circulating in Asia and the Middle East, and recently in Central Europe. This virus mainly affects the kidneys, respiratory and reproductive organs.

Considering the rapidly increasing infectious pressure of IBV types QX and 793B and new variant strains of type 2 in Europe, the Middle East and Russia, Phibro Animal Health Corporation (USA) has developed a live attenuated vaccine TABIC IB VAR 206. It was created on the basis of a field strain Option 2 (IS/1494/06).

The TABIK IB VAR 206 vaccine is produced using the TAbic technology, patented and owned by Phibro (production of live vaccines in the form of sterile water-soluble tablets). This promising development has been appreciated by other major vaccine manufacturers.

Boehringer Ingelheim, based on scientific developments in the production of effervescent forms of Sanofi under license from Phibro Animal Health, began producing vaccines in the form effervescent tablets(NEO line). This dosage form significantly reduces storage space and facilitates the work of veterinarians.

During the study of strains of infectious bronchitis pathogens in chickens, interesting facts were revealed. For example, a combination of some strains of IBV pathogens can cause cross-protection from other strains. For example, immunization with strains Ma5 of serotype Massachusetts and serotype 793B protect birds from the highly pathogenic strain QX (vaccination occurs with one strain, revaccination with another strain). The phenomenon of such a synergistic effect of vaccines is called protectotype. It was discovered by Jane Cook, and today it is the main concept in IB immunity.

IBC protection programs

The infectious bronchitis virus is constantly changing. PCR studies on sequencing the IBV genome, carried out in the early 2000s in Russia, showed that about a third of the viruses were previously unstudied and constituted a group of local strains.

Programs to protect chickens from infectious bronchitis include live and inactivated vaccines. The main purpose of vaccination is to develop immunity in birds against a wide range of viral agents. Immunization against IBV is carried out once or twice (depending on the recommendations of the drug manufacturer and the epizootic situation on the farm). Chicks are vaccinated from the first day of life, regardless of the level of maternal bodies. A third (additional) revaccination against IBV should be carried out in both parent and commercial flocks before the start of laying (on days 98–120).

Live vaccines are the main tool for protecting chickens from parent flocks, broilers and laying hens from IBV. They create an early specific protection, developing in a chicken within 2 weeks. The main disadvantage of live vaccines is the potential ability of the vaccine strain to revert to the wild type and restore virulence due to mutations. Viruses of respiratory diseases are able to compete for the same receptor sites in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, when using two live vaccines with a different set of strains in an IBV immunization regimen, it is necessary to maintain a time interval of at least 14 days.

Inactivated vaccines used for young laying hens and parent flocks (re-vaccination), they cause the production of maternal antibodies. For vaccination with inactivated vaccines to be effective, a live vaccine must first be used to prime the antigen, at least four to five weeks before use. inactivated vaccine. The content of several heterologous strains in an inactivated vaccine causes the formation of high levels of antibodies to more strains of the IBV virus. Primary vaccination with a live vaccine and revaccination with an inactivated one provide protection on average in 95% of cases, while the combination of two inactivated immunobiological drugs provides approximately 90% protection.

Identification of the type of virus circulating in the herd using PCR and other methods in specialized laboratories will help you choose the right drug for immunization.

From the moment they are born, chickens are at risk not only of IBV, but also of Newcastle disease. For comprehensive protection A fairly large number of drugs have been created against these diseases.

The company Ceva Sante Animale proposed a vaccine for vaccinating day-old chicks against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis (strain H-120) VITABORN L.

A high-quality vaccine against infectious bronchitis of chickens BRONIPRA-1 (strain H-120) for use on the first day of life is offered by the Spanish company Laboratorios HIPRA, S.A. For areas unaffected by Newcastle disease, the company also has bivalent vaccines HIPRAVIAR-B1/H120 and HIPRAVIAR-CLONE/H120, which are successfully used from the first day of life using the large-droplet spray method.

Monovaccines for the prevention of infectious bronchitis in chickens



Strain and serotype of the pathogen



live dry

A/91 serotype 793/B

NPP "AVIVAC", Russia


live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

NPP "AVIVAC", Russia

Bioral H120 NEO

live tablet

H120 serotype Massachusetts

Boehringer Ingelheim, France


live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

Vaccine against infectious bronchitis of chickens from the variant strain RV-07 live dry

live dry

strain RV-07

live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts


Vaccine against infectious bronchitis of chickens from strain N-120 live dry

live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

OJSC "Pokrovsky Plant of Biological Preparations"

Vaccine against infectious bronchitis of chickens, multi-strain inactivated emulsified

inactivated emulsified

Taganrog serotype 793/B + Kaluga strain + H-52 serotype Massachusetts


Live dry virus vaccine against chicken infectious bronchitis (IBV) from strains N-120, RV-07

live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts, variant strains RV-07

Kronvet, Russia

Volvac IB Mass MLV

live dry

modified Massachusetts serotype virus

Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany

Galliwack IB 88

live lyophilized

CR88121 serotype 793B

Boehringer Ingelheim, France

Galliwack IB 88 NEO

live tablet

CR88121 serotype 793B

Boehringer Ingelheim, France

Gallimun 793B

dry inactivated

variant strains of serotype 793B

Boehringer Ingelheim, France

live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

FKP “Shchelkovo Biocombine”, Russia

Nobilis IB 4/91

live dry

4/91 serotype 793B

Intervet/MSD, Netherlands

Nobilis IB Ma5

live dry

Ma5 serotype Massachusetts

Intervet International/MSD, Netherlands

Pulvak IB H120

live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

Zoetis Inc., USA

Pulvak IB QX

live dry

serotype QX (L1148)

Zoetis Inc., USA

Pulvak IB Primer

live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts + variant strains D274

Zoetis Inc., USA

Sevak iBird

live dry

1/96 serotype 793B

Ceva Sante Animale, France

Sevak MASS L

live dry

B-48 serotype Massachusetts

Ceva Sante Animale, France

Sevak BRON 120 L

live dry

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

Ceva Sante Animale, France


live dry tablet

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

Phibro Animal Health, Israel


live dry tablet

233A serotype 793B

Phibro Animal Health, Israel


live tablet

Phibro Animal Health, Israel

HatchPack IB H120

live frozen

H-120 serotype Massachusetts

Boehringer Ingelheim, France

Immunization of chickens against IBV can also be carried out polyvalent drugs:

– produced by Ceva Sante Animale: Sevak Megamun ND-IB-EDS-SHS K, Sevak NB L, Sevak VITABRON L;

– produced by Intervet/MSD: Nobilis Ma5 + Clone 30, Nobilis IBmulti + ND + EDS, Nobilis IBm + ND + EDS, Nobilis RT + IBmulti + G + ND;


– produced by Boehringer Ingelheim: Volvac ND + IB + EDS KV, Gallimun 303, Gallimun 407;

– produced by Abic Biological Laboratories Ltd (a division of Phibro Animal Health): VH + H120, Quadractin VP 2, SSY + NB + IBK;

– produced by Zoetis: Provak 4, Pulvak Aero;


and some other vaccines.

Gumboro disease

Gumboro disease, or infectious bursal disease (IBD) is a highly contagious viral disease of chickens 2–20 weeks of age, accompanied by damage to the bursa of Fabricius, to a lesser extent to other lymphoid organs and kidneys, the presence of hemorrhages in the muscles of the thigh, chest, wing and mucous membrane of the glandular stomach. Along with Marek's disease, IBD is the main immunosuppressive disease in poultry.

IBB - a blow to poultry farming

The Gumboro virus was first discovered in the 50s of the twentieth century in the USA. Today it circulates in all countries of the world with developed poultry farming and causes great economic damage. From time to time, outbreaks of highly virulent strains of IBD are recorded in Europe, leading to mortality of 10 to 30% of young poultry.

The causative agent of the disease is stable in the external environment. In droppings, water, and feed, it does not lose its infectious properties for 56 days; on poultry farm equipment - up to 122 days or more.

Infectious bursal disease can occur in both acute and subclinical forms, accompanied by retardation in the growth and development of chickens, suppression of their immunity, susceptibility to viral, bacterial and other diseases.

The subclinical form of the disease, no less than its acute course, causes significant damage to farms. According to Intervet/MSD, the profit from raising broiler flocks free of Gumboro disease is on average a third higher than that obtained from raising birds with subclinical disease.

It is possible to detect the IBD virus by ELISA, PCR, diffuse precipitation reaction on agar gel and some other methods.

Modern methods of protection

Live vaccines IBB is used for vaccination of healthy broiler chickens and replacement young animals of meat and egg breeds. They provide rapid formation of immunity. The frequency of vaccination is double or single, depending on the recommendation of the manufacturer of a particular drug. Live Gumboro disease vaccines are given 6 to 8 weeks before the inactivated vaccine. To the shortcomings of the living IBD vaccines refers to immunosuppression, which provokes an insufficient response to vaccination and increases the likelihood of developing other infectious and invasive diseases.

The range of industrial strains is quite extensive. For example, vaccines containing a moderately attenuated strain of the Gumboro disease virus are produced, such as AviPro Presize (Elanco) - LC-75, Nobilis Gumboro 228E (Intervet/MSD) - strain 228E, HIPRAGAMBORO-GM97 (Laboratorios HIPRA, S.A.). To protect poultry, the intermediate vaccine strain Winterfield 2512 is used, which is part of the imported and domestic immunobiological preparations Sevak TRANSMUN (Ceva Sante Animale), HIPRAGAMBORO-CH/80 (Laboratorios HIPRA, S.A.), AVIVAC-IBB ​​(NPP AVIVAC). There are vaccines containing weakly attenuated (hot) strains, for example TABIC MV (Phibro Animal Health) - strain MV, etc.

Prevention of Gumboro disease is complicated by the presence of maternal heterogeneous antibodies in chickens. At high level maternal antibodies, the vaccine virus is quickly recognized and neutralized by the cells of the chicken's immune system.

Thanks to special innovative technology, Ceva Sante Animale specialists created immune complex vaccine Sevak TRANSMUN, which allows solving the problem of preventing Gumboro disease in chickens with a heterogeneous level of maternal antibodies. The vaccine is administered once to chicken embryos at the age of 18.5 days using the in ovo or day-old broiler chickens subcutaneously. Once the vaccine virus has replicated, the immune response culminates in the production of protective antibodies against Gumboro disease.

At the origins of the creation of immunocomplex vaccines was the company Embrex, owned by Zoetis, a manufacturer of equipment for in ovo vaccinations.

There are other similar drugs. The Zoetis company has developed the drug Bursaplex based on strain 2512 of the Gumboro virus and antibodies from the hyperimmune blood serum of SPF chickens.

Cloned live vaccine HIPRAGAMBORO-CH/80 has a minimal immunosuppressive effect on the bird's body and has high antigenic activity and immunogenicity. Intended for use in safe, unfavorable and endangered breeding and commercial poultry farms. Contains a culture of fibroblasts of SPF embryos of chickens infected with the cloned virus CH/80 of the Gumboro disease strain Winterfield 2512. Chickens are vaccinated twice starting from the age of 7 days.

Along with immune complex preparations, recombinant vaccines do not require monitoring the level of maternal antibodies.

Recombinant live vaccine Vaxitek HVT+ IBD is manufactured by leading health protection expert Boehringer Ingelheim. The vaccine contains the V2 gene, cloned from the Faragher 52/70 strain, using the turkey herpes virus as a vector. The drug is prescribed to chickens of meat and egg breeds once at one day of age or in ovo and provides protection against both classical and variant and highly virulent strains.

Thanks to ongoing developments in the field of recombinant and immunocomplex vaccines, it is possible to take a step towards eradicating a number of animal viruses.

But it is too early to write off classical drugs. A properly selected traditional live vaccine based on an intermediate strain provides the necessary level of protection. This is evidenced by a number of studies, including those from Phibro Animal Health specialists.

Domestic manufacturers offer vaccines with a wide range of current vaccine strains. The drugs are produced on modern equipment and meet international standards. A great contribution to the protection of poultry health and ensuring food security in Russia is made by the vaccines of NPP AVIVAC, FKP Shchelkovo Bioplant and FGBU ARRIAH.

In 2018, a new drug was registered by the Federal Center for Animal Health (ARRIAH). The basis of the live dry vaccine Gamboromix is ​​a combination of Gumboro disease strains Winterfield 2512 and GD, positioned as “intermediate” and “hot” variants of the virus.

Monovalent vaccines against Gumboro disease


Dosage form



AviPro Presize

live dry

Elanco, Germany


live dry

NPP "AVIVAC", Russia


live dry

NPP "AVIVAC", Russia


live dry

Winterfield 2512

NPP "AVIVAC", Russia


liquid inactivated

NPP "AVIVAC", Russia


live dry

2512 + antibodies of hyperimmune blood serum of SPF chickens

Zoetis Inc., USA

Bursin Plus

live dry

Lukert, protein stabilizer H

Zoetis Inc., USA

Vaccine against infectious bursal disease from the VNIVIP strain, live, dry

live dry

FKP “Shchelkovo Biocombine”, Russia

Virus vaccine against infectious bursal disease from the BG strain

live dry


Virus vaccine against infectious bursal disease from the Winterfield 2512 strain

live dry

Winterfield 2512



virus vaccine against infectious bursal disease live dry

Winterfield and BG


Nobilis Gumboro D78

live dry

Intervet/MSD, Netherlands

Nobilis Gumboro 228E

live dry

Intervet/MSD, Netherlands

Pulwak Bursa F

live dry

Zoetis Inc., USA

dry live

Phibro Animal Health, Israel


live dry

Winterfield 2515, G-61

Ceva Sante Animale, France


live dry

Ceva Sante Animale, France


live dry

Winterfield 2512, clone CH/80

Laboratorios HIPRA, S.A., Spain


live dry

Laboratorios HIPRA, S.A., Spain

Transmoon IBD

dry live

Winterfield 2515 + immunoglobulin complex from hyperimmune blood serum of SPF chickens

Ceva Sante Animale, France

Inactivated vaccines against IBD are used as part of polyvalent drugs for parent stock. They ensure the creation of the proper level of maternal antibodies in chickens.

Polyvalent vaccines against Gumboro disease are presented:

– Nobilis RT + IBmulti + G + ND (Intervet/MSD);

– HIPRAVIAR-TRT4 (Laboratorios HIPRA, S.A.);

– Sevak ND-IB-IBD-EDS K (Ceva Sante Animale);

– Provac 4 (Zoetis Inc.);

– Vaxitek HVT + IBD, Bursa Guard REO (Boehringer Ingelheim);

– Quadractin VP 2 (Abic Biological Laboratories Ltd, a division of Phibro Animal Health)

and some other vaccines, including those manufactured in Russia.

Number of impressions: 2243
Author: V. Lavrenova, marketer at the publishing house "Agricultural Technologies"