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At what age does a dog go into heat? When is the time of estrus in dogs, how long does it last and how. You should be guided by the following approximate time frames:

All animals reach puberty at some point, including dogs. This symbolizes their readiness for fertilization and bearing offspring. In order to find a suitable pair, you need to know about all the intricacies of estrus in dogs, its duration, the selection of a male and the behavior of the owner during this difficult period.

Of course, all owners of female dogs will be interested in how long the pet’s estrus will last, what will be its behavior, character and cyclicality of the process, how should the owner behave and when can he put on panties?

What is the frequency of estrus in dogs?

Dogs usually go into heat about twice a year, but some breeds of bitches are exposed to such manifestations of nature only once a year. A reason for concern may be the lack this phenomenon more than 8 months from its onset, if less than 4 months have passed between periods. It all depends on individual characteristics animal body.

The development of cyclical estrus in dogs occurs at the age of two years. Shortening or extending the break between heats is considered absolutely normal. It is impossible to accurately predict the start and end dates of this process and the exact number of days, since everything happens differently every year, and the deadlines shift. It is better for the owner to keep observations and write them down in a diary every year so as not to miss this important period.

The main point is to observe the cyclical nature of estrus in dogs. The period of the process itself can vary from several days to two weeks. Moreover, the rest ranges from 4 to 7 months. If everything is taken into account correctly, you will not have to worry about delays.

It is worth remembering that all dogs different duration in heat. But on average, it can be a period from 2 to 4 weeks. A deviation from the norm will be considered when estrus lasts less than 7 days or more than 30 days.

The entire estrus period consists of 4 phases, each of which lasts a certain number of days:

The onset of estrus indicates the dog's sexual maturity. about her ability to produce offspring. Specifically, even veterinarians cannot say for sure at what age such a phenomenon may occur for the first time and how long it will last. It has already been proven that everything depends on the breed of the bitch. It has been observed that in dogs small breeds this process occurs earlier than in large-size women and lasts fewer days a year.

Small-bred females already go into heat for the first time at the age of six or seven. Although, it is still very early to bear offspring. And the very nature of the manifestation of a natural phenomenon differs from a real estrus, since it lasts only a short time and with small discharges.

In large-sized bitches, the first heat appears at the age of one and a half to two years. In addition, the beginning can be very meager and short-lived. And the first ovulation may never occur. Predicting the next heat is also very difficult. It has been noted that the period of the onset of the first heat coincides with the period of molting of the animal, but it is not so easy to predict this with great accuracy.

The onset of a dog's first heat can be calculated by its behavior. The owner must first inquire so as not to get confused and take appropriate measures. Shortly before the symptoms of estrus appear, the animal begins to behave differently than usual. You can notice a manifestation of aggression in her behavior, increased activity, excessive playfulness. The animal loses disciplinary skills and is difficult to control.

Exists several signs of estrus at the dog. Among them are:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Increasing interest in the bitch on the part of males.
  3. Appearance bloody discharge and traces in the pet’s resting places.

During this special period, the dog can show attention to male dogs, bark in their direction, wag their tail. The owner must be on guard if he does not want to mate his bitch.

How should an owner behave during heat?

A signal of estrus will be the behavior of male dogs towards the female dog in the dog walking area. At this moment, the dog owner must limit himself from future consequences that may arise from close contact between the bitch and the male. For this Some precautions need to be taken:

Of course, it's estrus period adds additional difficulties and inconveniences, but you should not perceive this phenomenon as something unacceptable. On the contrary, every effort must be made to ensure that the dog undergoes such a process without special difficulties, especially the first time.

An inexperienced owner of a female dog may face a lot of problems as she grows up. He should find out in advance how long estrus lasts in dogs, when it occurs for the first time, how it manifests itself and what to do. Useful knowledge will relieve you from worries about any reason and allow you to regulate the sexual behavior of your tailed ward.

This Latin term in animal engineering, the readiness for mating of female mammals is determined. In the language of practitioners, this state is called “estrus” or “hunting stage.”

When the female awakens sexual desire(libido sexualis), it changes before our eyes. During heat, the dog's behavior is marked by noticeable anxiety. Her main task is to become sexually attractive to surrounding males.

Expression of sexual activity

In all representatives of the canine family, signs of the first heat are manifested by similar behavioral reactions:

  • specific vocalization: when isolated from its fellow tribesmen, the dog whines or barks pitifully;
  • increased interest in individuals of the opposite sex, the desire to come into contact with them;
  • frequent urination: the bitch pees under every bush, licks the perineum and genitals;
  • demonstrating a flirting pose when meeting a dog - falling on the front paws, yapping, lowering the head, moving the tail to the side;
  • temperature shortness of breath indoors;
  • decreased appetite or complete refusal from food;
  • on the eve of sexual hunting.

This behavior is consistent with the etymology of the word “estrus.” IN Ancient Greek it meant "tormenting passion."

Besides behavioral characteristics, the owner of a female dog will certainly notice morphological changes in her during estrus:

  • loop swelling;
  • mucous- bleeding from the vulva.

All this speaks of a radical internal restructuring of the body. However, the first time a dog is in heat does not indicate its physical and psychological readiness to procreation. It is recommended to organize “dog weddings” after the second episode of estrus.

Often the first heat is weakly expressed: the discharge is insignificant, and the bitch does not cause much excitement among males. But the owner who is preparing his pet for mating should not let down his guard. In order to tie her in time in the third cycle, you need to fix the periods of the previous two.

When to expect your first heat

The age of sexual maturity in dogs is determined by their breed. In large bitches it occurs later, in miniature bitches it occurs earlier. Usually the test of “tormenting passion” is the change of teeth. In representatives of decorative and medium-sized breeds, puberty occurs at 0.5-1 year, in females large breeds it lasts up to 1.5-2 years.

Many owners of breeding bitches reasonably ask the question: until what age do dogs go into heat? The answer to this depends on many factors: the characteristics of the animal’s body, heredity, general condition health, living conditions.

According to average statistics, from the moment the first heat appears, small dogs experience approximately 10 reproductive cycles with a frequency of once a year. In medium and large females, there can be about 20 periods of sexual activity throughout their lives and are observed more often - once every 6 months.

If a bitch has a libidinal condition more than 2 times a year, this may indicate hormonal imbalances.

Timing of the estrous cycle

The duration of estrus in small and medium-sized dogs is 10-14 days. However, the range of their sexual attractiveness can be extended to 3 weeks. In large reproductive cycle in the first 2 years it is limited to 20-26 days, and from 5 years it increases to 22-28 days.

In the specialized literature you can find information about how many days the first heat lasts in dogs of the most popular breeds:

  • Yorkies, Chihuahuas – 14-21 days;
  • German shepherds – 18-20;
  • Labradors – 20-22;
  • dachshunds – 20-23.

The reason for contacting the veterinary clinic should be discharge that lasts up to 30 days. It is worth consulting a veterinarian even if your dog has there's blood coming out with greenish or yellowish inclusions, there is an increase in temperature, lack of appetite, and diarrhea.

Stages of sexual activity

  1. Precursor (7-10 days): the genital slit swells, blood flows from there, increased excitability, flirting with male dogs on walks with simultaneous growling when attempting to mount, characteristic marking of territory with urine.
  2. Heat (5-7 days): this is the time of coital receptivity, when the discharge turns pink, the vulva becomes very swollen, the bitch allows the male to approach her, moves her tail to the side, raises her pelvis and freezes.
  3. Metaestrus (7-10 days): cessation of discharge, reduction of the loop, demonstration of inaccessibility to males while maintaining sexual attractiveness to them; manifestations of false puppiness are possible, for example, due to high concentration in the blood of progesterone (“pregnancy hormone”), the mammary glands of a non-pregnant female may swell.
  4. Sexual rest (about six months): hormonal background is balanced again, the pet becomes calm and docile.

If you haven't kept track of the beginning of your estrous cycle, don't worry. Laboratory tests will help determine the reproductive status of your pet:

  • examination of a smear from the vulva using vaginal cytology;
  • detection of progesterone concentration in the blood.

Estrus in dogs (estrus or estrus) is normal. physiological process, which is typical for females. It signals that the body is sexually mature and ready for procreation. When choosing such a pet, owners should know not only about the characteristics of the breed, but also when the dog’s first heat begins, how long it lasts and other general physiological aspects. This data will help animal owners prevent the appearance of unplanned offspring or, conversely, plan mating. Any deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of pathology of various etiologies. To determine the cause of the problem, you will need to contact a veterinarian.


How to determine when a dog goes into heat for the first time, you can consult a specialist. The fact is that, unlike all subsequent estrus, the first one has its own individual characteristics, and they are directly dependent on the breed.

A dog's first heat can begin at 6 months. This feature is typical for small breeds, while in large individuals the period of puberty sometimes begins only at 1.5 years. It is generally accepted that an animal reaches a sexually mature state when its teeth change. At what age exactly the first emptying will begin, one can only guess. Owners can only carefully monitor the behavior of the animal. Experienced dog breeders note that if the animal begins to actively shed, then soon a litter can be expected.

It is quite difficult to say how long a dog’s heat lasts for the first time, but, as a rule, its duration is the shortest. It also occurs with mild symptoms.

The discharge is scanty, and it does not always attract the attention of the dog.

Shortly before full puberty, bitches may develop a false heat. It has similar symptoms to the real one, but if mating is carried out during this period, fertilization of the egg will not occur. Feature The false point is that it ends abruptly. As a rule, repeated and now real estrus occurs soon.

If dog owners want to get full-fledged offspring and maintain health, the 3rd period of estrus (cycle) is considered the optimal time for the first mating.

Characteristics of animal behavior

A dog's behavior during estrus changes dramatically. The reason for everything is hormonal surge. The instinct to procreate takes over the animal, so the recently obedient pet suddenly becomes overly active and playful. The dog begins to reluctantly follow commands, and at times completely ignores the owner.

Signs of a dog in heat are as follows:

  1. Frequent urge to empty the bladder.
  2. Increased interest on the part of males.
  3. The appearance of bloody discharge. Their intensity varies. As a rule, owners notice traces of blood in the place where the animal is resting.

Despite the fact that males show active interest, females do not allow them to approach them. At an instinctive level, the animal understands that the mating process does not yet make sense. About a week after the start of estrus, when the animal's discharge changes color, it is ready to continue breeding. It is during this period that the dog becomes overly active and itself provokes the male to mate. The animal remains in this state for approximately a week.

It is believed that the defining indicator of estrus is spotting.

Their intensity may vary. If the animal constantly lives in the house, some experts recommend purchasing special underpants or teaching the animal to lick the marks left behind. An alternative option is to remove carpets from the floor during heat.

Stages of emptying

The dog's reproductive cycle has 4 stages. The passage of each of them has certain symptoms.

  1. First cycle. Its duration takes from 7 to 10 days. This stage called precursor or proestrus. The first phase is characterized by swelling of the vulva, which is caused by an increase in blood flow to the animal’s genitals. The first ones begin to emerge from the loop scanty discharge. It is impossible to breed a pet during this period, since ovulation has not yet occurred, but the pet’s behavior is already changing. While walking, your dog often leaves urine marks behind. The smell of the female already attracts the attention of males, but when trying to mate, the bitch growls and resists in every possible way.
  2. Second cycle. This phase called rut or estrus, and it occurs immediately after the completion of the first. During this period, ovulation occurs, that is, the egg is completely ready for fertilization. The color of the bleeding changes to light pink or it may stop altogether. The vulva swells and becomes even larger than before. During this period, the female begins to let the male approach. The first 2–3 days of the second cycle are considered optimal for fertilization.
  3. Third cycle or metaestrus. Regardless of whether fertilization has occurred, estrus passes. It ends with the subsidence of all existing symptoms. The discharge disappears, and the volume of the loop decreases. The completion process takes approximately 10 days. Due to the fact that progesterone levels are increased in the female’s body, some individuals may develop false pregnancy. As a rule, it goes away on its own and without harm to the pet.
  4. The fourth cycle or anestrus. If fertilization does not occur, the animal completely returns to normal, sexual tranquility remains for approximately 100–150 days.

Duration of heat

According to physiological characteristics, the dog goes into heat 2 times a year. Rarely, in some animals, estrus occurs only once every 12 months without any health problems. But to make sure there are no physical abnormalities, it is recommended to show pet veterinarian

In order to approximately calculate how long estrus lasts in dogs, you need to add up the duration of the first 3 cycles. The average is 3–4 weeks or 20–28 days. Each animal is individual, so the owner can only find out how long a dog is in heat in a particular case by observing the animal. If the female does not have any health problems, then her cycle is regular. Complete absence estrus, short intervals between emptyings or the incessant process of discharge from the loop are clear signs of a pathological process.

During walks, the animal must be on a leash, even if the dog is trained. This way you can avoid accidental mating. In addition, owners of small breeds should be careful. Landing a large cable on a female can injure her genitals and thereby cause harm to her health.

If the mating is planned and the animal’s owners want to get a clean litter, after the first mating with the selected male, the female is restricted from communicating with other dogs (males). That is, there must be one male. After fertilization of the egg, the dog can “walk” for several days.

After giving birth, estrus can occur as early as 4 months.

But a lot also depends on the number of puppies and the period of their feeding breast milk. In the case when the litter is large, or the female feeds the puppies for a long time, emptying can begin after six months. If the animal does not have health problems, the first estrus occurs without any special features. It is not recommended to breed a dog again. Early mating will have a negative impact on the pet. Must pass certain period so that the dog’s body recovers.

Some owners of female dogs prefer sterilization. This procedure has a number of pros and cons. During surgery, the dog's ovaries are removed. Discharge from the loop after surgery or a change in the animal's behavior that indicates estrus signals a deviation. There is a possibility that the ovary was not completely removed or that hormone-like substances are beginning to form in the cervix. There is also the possibility of a disease such as bacterial vaginitis.


How long does a dog's heat last? This question is asked by many owners of adult bitches who are seriously thinking about getting healthy puppies that fully meet breed standards.

The physiological processes occurring in the body of an adult bitch are in many ways similar to those occurring in the body of any female.

At a certain period of puberty, the bitch begins to have discharge, which is the main sign of her readiness to mate and bear offspring.

To determine estrus, veterinary medicine uses a term such as estrus.

When should you expect your first heat?

The timing of the onset of the first heat depends on the age and breed of the dog. In bitches of small breeds (both dachshunds and) discharge appears at 7-9 months, in bitches of medium breeds (fox terriers) they can linger and begin no earlier than 12-15 months.

When planning to mate a bitch, you should not count too much on the first heat. It may occur a little earlier, or, on the contrary, later; its symptoms may be completely invisible to the unprofessional eye, which in some cases leads to errors associated with the falsity of this phenomenon.

False discharge is often diagnosed in young bitches

In this case, symptoms may appear for a short time, then fade away, only to return with new strength, also for a short period of time.

It is very difficult to guess when exactly such a bitch will be ready to accept a male; any attempts to do this can lead to an unwanted and even false pregnancy.

The intensity and time of onset of discharge largely depend on the individual characteristics of the bitch, therefore only veterinarian when conducting a thorough study.

There is no need to make diagnoses on your own and panic.

Signs of heat

The main and clearly visible sign of estrus is the appearance of blood on the floor, carpeting and furniture in the places where the dog sits. Blood is released from the so-called loop.

For a bitch, such discharge is absolutely painless, but mental system The animal may react in a way that is most unexpected for its owners.

Large dogs at this time become extremely aggressive and stop obeying basic commands, so moving around the city with them should be limited.

Small breeds of dogs may experience an unexpected surge of strength; the bitch will begin to feel the need for a minute-by-minute change of environment.

The animal may exhibit:

  • irrepressible joy;
  • to be sad;
  • possible drooling;
  • dilated pupils;
  • violation of orientation in space.

During the first heat, dogs begin to ask to go to the toilet more often, and after that they carefully lick the loop. For many bitches, the onset of discharge coincides with the first shedding. The dog begins to mark its territory while walking, which immediately arouses interest on the part of males.

Duration and periodization of estrus

Estrus in dogs, regardless of breed, lasts at least 20-22 days, twice a year in young dogs and once in old dogs.

In order not to make a mistake with the day of mating, you should remember that the bitch becomes ready for fertilization only by the 9th day after the appearance of the first blood.

Until this time, she may show all the signs of hunting, but attempts by males claiming to mate are usually rejected.

The peak of sexual activity occurs on days 10-17, after which the bitch becomes more and more inert to the encroachments of males and by the 23rd day she finally stops responding to them

There is the following periodization of estrus, generally accepted among dog breeders and veterinarians, which helps even a beginner understand the issues of the upcoming mating:

  1. Proestrus. initial stage. Period from 1 to 8 days. At this time, the bitch begins to show signs of heat, but, as mentioned above, is not yet ready to accept a male, therefore she behaves aggressively, or, on the contrary, is overly shy. At this stage, heavy bleeding is possible; it is recommended to limit the dog’s movement around the room, or use special panties. You need to wear panties for as long as your heat lasts.
  2. Estrus. The active period of estrus lasts from 9 to 16-17 days. The dog feels desire, moves its tail and shows other obvious signs of readiness to mate - squats, lies on its stomach, whines. This time is considered the best for mating and producing healthy offspring.
  3. Metaestrus, or diestrus. The passive period of estrus is 17-23 days. Mating is possible in principle, the female allows the male to approach, but the discharge becomes less and less noticeable, and the desire disappears. The bitch becomes lethargic and stops responding to the opposite sex. Mating is not recommended; it is better to wait until next time, especially if we're talking about on the preservation of breed qualities of such breeds as German Shepherd, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Labrador, or Jack Russell.
  4. Anestrus. The period between heats. The usual condition of a bitch whose hormonal levels are normal.

Important! To make your dog more obedient during heat, you need to firmly teach her such commands as: “fu,” “come to me,” and “near.” The dog must follow these commands flawlessly.

If the dog does not react, you need to stock up on the animal’s favorite treats; they will help attract the pet’s attention in case it breaks off the leash and rushes towards new acquaintances.

How to prevent unwanted consequences of estrus

One of the undesirable consequences of the first discharge is the unplanned pregnancy of the bitch.

To prevent this from happening, bitch owners are advised to:

  1. Before each walk, large and small dogs wear special panties outside. They can not only relieve the owner from the unpleasant task of wiping the floors and other surfaces after the dog, but also prevent unwanted covering of the dog by a male dog encountered on a walk.
  2. Regularly monitor estrus periods, especially in dachshunds and small breed dogs. From the first heat, you should start keeping a calendar, noting the first and last days in heat. Such a calendar will help you prepare in advance for estrus also in small breed dogs, by finding a suitable male. In addition, keeping a calendar will help to detect health problems in your dog in a timely manner.

If estrus occurs more than 2 times a year, or is delayed for an indefinite period of time, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian

The main problem of any heat is that it is far from nervous behavior dogs, but the presence of discharge, forcing the owners to clean the carpets, constantly clean the house and bathe the dog.

You can significantly reduce the time it takes to clean up your house by teaching your dog to lick dirty hair around the loop.

In addition, owners of dogs with early or delayed discharge will have to take a progesterone test, the level of which will determine the most favorable days to mate and reveal possible violations female sexual health.

If natural estrus does not occur for a number of reasons, the veterinarian can induce it artificially, which is a completely routine procedure that does not in any way disrupt the normal functioning of the dog’s body.

Important! Unwanted heat should never be prevented by contraception. Any medications, having this kind of impact, can cause serious oncological diseases, which will develop over time in a pet.

It is important for the dog owner to know how long the pet’s heat lasts, what measures the dog owner can take to prevent unwanted pregnancy dogs. When to contact the veterinarian, can the visit be postponed if the dog is behaving normally, or should the dog be in heat under the supervision of a veterinarian?

The answer to the question of how many days estrus lasts in dogs depends on various factors. Usually this is 3-4 weeks, but a lot depends on the breed, age, maintenance and feeding regime. How to correctly determine the beginning of the process and avoid unpleasant complications - about this right now.

Owners of young dogs are wondering when to expect estrus (also known as estrus) for the first time. At the same time, it is impossible to specifically answer the question of when it begins.

The first heat in dogs of any breed begins only after 6 months of life.

You should focus on such approximate dates:

  • approximately 6 to 10 months;
  • and from 6 to 14 months.

It is important to simply observe the behavior of your pet and other dogs.

Most often, you can determine that the time has come by the following signs:

  1. During walks, the interest of male dogs increases greatly - communication, sniffing, and flirting occur.
  2. The behavior of the dog itself also changes - it becomes either more playful or more apathetic.
  3. If there is a slight discharge with blood, this is a sure sign that the process will begin soon.
  4. Sometimes the dog begins to shed.
  5. Finally, the bitch also begins to urinate much more often.

Important. During walks, male dogs should not be allowed to interact too actively - in particular, you need to be careful that they do not lick the loop. In some cases, this can lead to infection.

Duration and stages of estrus

The normal duration of estrus is 21 to 28 days. The cycle continues with a frequency of 3 times in 14 months, i.e. at least twice a year. Wherein the cycle levels off only at 2 years of age, and before that the duration and interval may differ significantly from the norm. It is also important to know that knitting can only be done after He's in heat the third time.

On average, dogs go into heat twice a year.

The entire cycle is divided into 4 stages, the duration and description of which are given in the table:

NameDurationExternal symptomsPhysiological processes
Proestrus5-12 daysThis stage immediately precedes estrus, so it is important for owners to pay attention to the symptoms:

Slight vaginal discharge;
changes in the dog's behavior;
frequent urination;
active communication with male dogs (but the bitch does not let them near).

The uterine mucosa enlarges and swells, follicles grow rapidly, in which eggs mature.
Estrus (actually estrus)5-9 daysThe discharge does not appear as often, and its volume decreases, while it becomes thick and changes color from white to pale yellow and light pink. The dog's behavior is restless, the desire to mate appears, so it is better to walk on short leash. The follicles burst, and the mature eggs move towards the uterus - at this moment they are completely ready for fertilization.
Metestrus60-75 daysThe bitch categorically resists mating and any form of communication with males, and the volume of discharge decreases significantly, after which it completely ends. The labia also lose volume and return to their normal state.Hormones are produced that ensure the normal course of pregnancy, which sometimes leads to signs of false pregnancy.
Anestrus90-150 daysThis is the phase of sexual rest, there are no special differences in behavior - the dog behaves as usual. However, if there is a dog in heat nearby, this can provoke even a calmed bitch to begin mating.The resting phase of the ovaries - the physiological activity of the glands decreases, fertilization is impossible.

Attention. The dog owner should be sure to note all dates when estrus occurs, regardless of whether there was a mating or not. Usually they keep a special diary, indicate the start and end date, as well as the features of the process, if any.

Postpartum heat

After estrus should be expected at the same time as usual. Since in most cases estrus occurs twice a year, if birth occurred, for example, in April, then you can expect discharge approximately in October-November. Thus, childbirth itself does not reduce or increase the timing of estrus.

In dogs of medium and small breeds, estrus after birth occurs after a different period of time.

However, you need to keep in mind that there are differences between individual breeds:

  • in small breeds, estrus will occur approximately 4 months after birth;
  • for large ones - after 6-7 months.

In addition, these deadlines may shift by 2-3 weeks, which is normal. If the discharge began before 4 months, this is already a deviation, which does not necessarily indicate the development of pathology. But it’s still better to consult a veterinarian, especially if this happened for the first time. Usually they do a pelvic ultrasound immediately after the end of the cycle, as well as tests. If they show normal condition, which means there is no reason to worry.

Features of the process in different breeds

The main factor that determines both the duration of the entire process and the timing of each phase is the dog’s weight parameters and dimensions. Conventionally, all pets can be grouped into three groups - small breeds, medium and large.

In small dogs

It is important for owners of small breed dogs to keep in mind that heat can pass without obvious signs, so it is better to pay special attention to the appearance of bloody discharge. Most often, the dog sleeps with the owner, so small pink spots may remain on the white linen. And during a walk, the pet can sit down more often and leave marks for the males. When estrus occurs for the second time, these spots have a richer color and smell.

In small dogs, estrus may last less - up to 15 days.

Along with this, you should keep in mind the following features:

  1. The first cycle occurs between 6 and 12 months from birth.
  2. The duration is very short - about 10-15 days.
  3. The amount of discharge is almost always small and barely noticeable.

In medium breeds

In medium breed dogs (cocker spaniel, fox terriers,) the beginning of the first cycle may be significantly delayed - in the range from 6 to 15 months.

In large dogs

Representatives of large, oversized breeds have the following estrus characteristics:

  1. It can occur in a fairly large interval - from 6 months to 18 (from six months to one and a half years).
  2. Achieving maximum arousal and readiness for mating occurs approximately 2 weeks after the start of estrus. It is during this period that mating needs to be organized.

During the onset of the cycle and after it, the dog may experience various complications. The main danger is that during estrus the body becomes more susceptible to infections, since internal channels open through which the pathogen can penetrate the tissues.

During the period of heat, a dog can catch an infection from another animal during interaction.

There are different sources of danger, and it’s not just the street:

  • bathing;
  • communication with any other animals;
  • walking outside;
  • games on fresh air, contact with grass and earth.

What to pay attention to

In general, the owner needs to pay attention to the following features:

  1. Consistency of discharge.
  2. Features of color and possible color changes over time.
  3. Amount, frequency and total volume of discharge.
  4. The smell is sharp, strong.

It is also worth paying attention Special attention, if the bitch is in estrus:

  • occurs 3 or more times a year;
  • lasts significantly less or significantly longer than the designated period (namely less than a week and more than 1 month);
  • if over the years the cycle began to change greatly in one direction or another;
  • does not occur for 8 consecutive months or more.

Finally, it is important not to lose sight of those suspicious states of the dog when it behaves and feels differently than usual:

  • decreased appetite;
  • changes in behavior;
  • unexplained fever.

During heat, you can put special panties on your dog.
  1. The duration of walks should be reduced to 40 minutes per day.
  2. If the bitch is behaving especially aggressively, rushing about, it is better to try to exclude walking or at least keep her on a short leash to prevent communication with male dogs.
  3. It is best to remove the carpets in the house in advance, or at least prevent traces from appearing throughout the apartment. It is also necessary to frequently change the dog's bedding and pillow - you can cover it with disposable diapers, which are changed once a day or more often, as needed.
  4. When visiting an apartment with strangers to the dog, it is better to exclude their communication, because the animal becomes quite aggressive, and no one can fully predict its behavior.

What to do in case of complications

In the presence of any complication, unexplained delay in the process, disorders in behavior, nutrition and others obvious signs deviations, it is better to contact a veterinarian. Cycle disturbances do not always indicate a disease, but it is better to undergo an additional examination and make sure that the animal is not in danger.

It is especially important to keep in mind that deviations in diet (increased appetite or sudden loss), as well as large volumes of water consumption or a significant decrease often indicate the development of unwanted complications. If these processes are accompanied bad sleep, severe fatigue, too much or too little discharge and trembling, you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic.

This video will help you understand what estrus is in dogs, how to identify it and how long it lasts.

Thus, each dog’s estrus is an individual process, both in duration and in its course. Experienced owners carefully study and compare different cycles and determine general patterns specifically for their pet. Subsequently, it is the deviation from the individual norm that makes one think about possible complications and the need for diagnostics.