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The best toothpaste - testing from Roskontrol. Rating of toothpastes: the most effective products

Snow-white smile and fresh breath decorate any person. Achieve what you want - save your teeth, gums, tooth enamel healthy and strong, toothpastes help prevent dental diseases. They are an abrasive agent that allows you to get rid of plaque and prevent the occurrence of caries and gingivitis. You just need to choose the right drug, be it for diabetics, adults or children.

Basic composition of toothpaste

You should be very careful when choosing toothpaste. The effect of toothpaste on the strength of teeth and their health depends entirely on the composition of the drug. Good remedy must contain fluorine, an abrasive substance and auxiliary active ingredients. In order for the remineralization process to be most effective, the technology for creating toothpaste involves the addition of fluoride-containing components, one of which is amino fluoride (more details in the article:). The result of using fluoride toothpaste is a decrease in sensitivity, a decrease in the likelihood of caries and strengthening of hard dental tissue.

What additional substances may be included in the product?

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Additional substances included in toothpaste have positive influence on its ability to better strengthen tooth enamel and clean teeth from plaque. Thanks to auxiliary components added during the production of toothpaste, the drug can reduce bleeding gums, prevent the development of gingivitis and make the smile whiter.

A high-quality toothpaste contains oils, vitamins and substances of plant origin that ensure strong teeth and comprehensive oral care. These components are required for:

  • strengthening teeth and gums;
  • preventing inflammatory processes;
  • slowing down the formation of plaque;
  • getting rid of bad breath.

It should be understood that toothpaste does not involve swallowing. This is due to the presence of active components that can cause harm to human health if ingested. If the amount of toothpaste accidentally swallowed is significant, it is best to consult a doctor immediately.

It is important to know that the technology for creating preventive toothpaste involves adding large quantity active substances rather than hygienic. Alternating toothpastes for different purposes will allow you to achieve good results and not cause harm to your health.

How to choose the best pasta?

When answering the question of how to choose a toothpaste and what products will help get rid of plaque, you should pay attention to several key features:

  • Compound. The main components of toothpaste are an abrasive that cleanses tooth enamel, an antiseptic substance that protects teeth and gums from inflammation, a binder, fragrance and active elements. Microelements, herbal extracts, salts and enzymes can also be included in toothpaste.
  • Purpose. Depending on the number of additional elements contained in the toothpaste, preparations are of 2 types: therapeutic (preventive) and hygienic.
  • Certification and technology. An excellent paste should provide a deodorizing effect, remove plaque well, have a pleasant taste and not contain harmful substances.
  • Hygienic preparations. There are no medicinal substances in such toothpastes. They are intended only to remove plaque and get rid of bad breath. Often, hygienic toothpastes do not even contain antiseptic, so you should carefully study the instructions. Comparisons can be made with other brands.
  • Preventive (therapeutic) drugs. Toothpastes of this type include extracts and decoctions of medicinal herbs, trace elements, vitamins and other substances.

It's no secret that demand creates supply. Toothpaste is no exception. On the shelves of any supermarket today you can find well-known brands of toothpastes, such as Colgate, Diadent and many others, differing in name, composition, cost and stated characteristics.

Which brands are trustworthy, how to make the right choice and determine which is the best toothpaste? Our rating, compiled based on the recommendations of dentists and the results of a test purchase, will allow us to answer the questions posed, as well as find out whether toothpaste affects the strength of teeth.

ROKS - only natural ingredients

The uniqueness of the popular Lakalut toothpaste lies in its composition, which includes aluminum lactate. This is a salt of lactic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the occurrence of caries and other dental diseases. Cleaning with Lakalute also actively helps in the treatment of dental ailments, especially when it comes to drugs with chlorhexidine.

Crest - professional care

The Crest brand is preferred by most Americans. Consumer reviews indicate that this toothpaste is different high quality and fully performs its functions:

  • removes plaque well;
  • whitens efficiently;
  • prevents stone formation and caries;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor.

As for the disadvantages, these include some limitations in application. In particular, we are talking about increased sensitivity of teeth and thin enamel. IN similar cases It is recommended to conduct a preliminary test using a small amount of the product and determine its effect on the teeth and gums.

Parodontax - the choice for gums

The line of the best toothpastes of the Parodontax brand has long won the trust of specialists as an effective remedy for periodontal disease, inflammation and bleeding of the gums, strengthening teeth and tooth enamel. The undeniable advantage of Paradontax is the possibility of regular use by all family members, including pregnant women and children.

As for the minuses, they include a slight salty taste due to the presence of mineral salts. However, if we take into account the ability of these salts to prevent and eliminate inflammation, then this drawback can be ignored.

Sensodyne - against tooth sensitivity

Speaking about the leaders of the modern market, we must not forget about the Sensodyne brand. This manufacturer's popular line of products includes products recommended by experts for daily teeth cleaning, as well as specialized preventative products. Sensodin has no significant disadvantages.

Mexidol - complex therapeutic effect

The production of Mexidol preparations requires the absence of fluorine and active antibacterial substances. Thanks to this feature, the risk of inflammatory processes, stone formation and the appearance of yellow plaque. Even a simple test will help check the effectiveness of the product.

The main component is the drug of the same name Mexidol. It helps relieve swelling, enhance the dental immune system and improve blood microcirculation.

Elmex - enamel strength

One of the undisputed market leaders included in our TOP 10 is Elmex. Elmex toothpaste strengthens and restores enamel well, suitable for all family members. Among the disadvantages is bleeding gums, which occasionally occurs after several uses. In this case, experts recommend purchasing another product for cleaning your teeth and using it regularly at home.

Glister is a multifunctional product

A special feature of the Glister product is the use of network marketing as a method of distribution. Manufacturers have tried to endow toothpaste with a lot of unique properties, claiming that it has a positive effect on the general condition of teeth, fills small holes and retains protective functions for more than 24 hours.

The actual data is somewhat different. For example, manufacturers claim that the creation technology and final composition of Glister are unique. Experiments have proven that the entire volume of substances included in the composition is contained in many other products that help whiten teeth, protect against caries and normalize the acid balance.

Nevskaya cosmetics - affordable care

Thanks to the technologies used, loyal pricing policy and the decent quality of toothpastes, Nevskaya Cosmetics won 10% of the domestic market; it is this brand that completes our rating. Among the brands of this company, “Mint”, “Zhemchug” and “Lesnaya” are in particular demand. The production of the listed toothpastes involves the addition natural ingredients. Many buyers rightly believe that the most useful is Russian paste, the cleaning of which allows you to achieve good results.

Of course, the list is not limited to the brands of toothpastes listed above. There are others trade marks, worthy of special attention, among which you can find toothpastes such as Diadent, Pepsodent and others.

  • According to professional dentists You should alternate the use of toothpastes for different purposes.
  • You need to brush your teeth twice a day: in the morning after tomorrow and in the evening before going to bed. You can use a mild salt solution or mouthwash to remove food debris throughout the day.
  • If eaten natural juices, fruits or sour foods, you should brush your teeth no earlier than 40 minutes after eating. Otherwise, the enamel can be damaged; tests and experiments are not needed for this.
  • The duration of the procedure should be at least 5 minutes, which will allow the active substances contained in the paste to effectively interact with the gums and enamel.

Many people are concerned about the beauty and health of their teeth, because the modern frantic pace of life, unbalanced nutrition and poor environmental conditions provoke various diseases chewing organs and gums.

At first glance, it may seem that following the rules of hygiene is quite enough, but this is not always true: toothpaste manufacturers often abuse people's trust by adding very dangerous components to their products.

How to choose the right oral care product?

Today we will talk about the health benefits and harms of toothpaste, and how to choose the right toothpaste for personal hygiene.

You will learn about natural teeth cleaning products and recipes for making toothpaste at home.

Advantages of toothpastes

Doctors advise brushing your teeth daily, but not every person performs this procedure in the morning and evening due to lack of time, excessive fatigue or simply ignoring the recommendations.

Of course, there are people who never use a brush at all, keeping their teeth healthy until old age, however, such cases are rare and are largely due to good genetic inheritance.

The vast majority require regular hygienic care of the chewing organs, otherwise unpleasant consequences in the form of caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis and other diseases.

Even 100 years ago, special powders based on chalk, sand and other components were used to clean teeth. Chemical analysis of these substances shows the presence of calcium, fluorine and silicon, which act as both minerals and abrasives. These compounds have proven their effectiveness, so over time they were included in toothpastes, which completely replaced powders.

On pharmaceutical market There is a wide variety of such hygiene products, and dentists are increasingly recommending popular brands. The advantages of toothpastes are difficult to overestimate:

  • remove food debris;
  • strengthen enamel;
  • neutralize pathogenic microorganisms;
  • eliminate bad breath;
  • prevent the development of diseases.

However, not all toothpastes are as good as they are said to be on TV, at the pharmacy, or at the dentist. The modern market economy seeks to sell an expensive product to a patient without regard to the possible consequences. So, what is the danger?

Harmful components

As you know, the chewing organs consist of hard tissue and are located deep in the gums. The top layer of the tooth is the most vulnerable to the action of microbes, and it is destroyed primarily under the influence of chemical compounds (for example, acids).

The main components in the enamel structure are calcium and fluoride, and their normal concentration is the key to dental health. In addition, strong fixation of the masticatory organs in the surrounding soft tissues, which can be damaged due to lack of nutrients or pathological processes.

It is precisely to eliminate deficiencies in the oral cavity that the action of toothpastes is aimed, but how often do manufacturers ignore Negative influence some components.

Every person should know about possible consequences excessive use of pharmaceutical products containing the following substances:

  1. Lauryl sulfate is a foaming agent that is added to most detergents. During the process of chemical transformations, it forms oxides and nitrates, which settle in the body and provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching and burning.
  2. Propylene glycol– a solvent used in industry as brake fluid and antifreeze. Accumulates in the kidneys and liver, destroys cellular proteins and membranes, and also causes allergies.
  3. Triclosan is an antibiotic that destroys pathogenic microbes. In medicine, such substances are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and under strict control in a clinical setting. Triclosan has a negative effect on the digestive system, lungs and kidneys, and also disrupts brain activity.
  4. Paraben is a preservative that is added to increase the shelf life of products. It accumulates in the endocrine glands and creates the preconditions for the development of malignant tumors.
  5. Polyphosphates are reaction stabilizers and water softeners used in many washing powders. They cause inflammation of the oral mucosa and contribute to an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the body.
  6. Fluoride is a necessary component for tooth enamel, but you should use a paste with it only as prescribed by your dentist. An increased concentration of fluoride leads to darkening of the chewing organs and dangerous diseases, such as fluorosis.

And these are just the main harmful substances that are often added to toothpastes. Of course, there are situations where it is absolutely necessary to use antibacterial, whitening, and mineralizing agents, but they cannot be used daily. It is much more advisable to consult a doctor and have your mouth examined than to self-medicate.

Which toothpaste is safe?

About 90% of all hygiene products for chewing organs contain certain harmful components. Among them there are not only well-advertised brands, but also little-known products that fill store shelves.

Firstly, you need to pay attention to its composition, and if any of the above compounds are detected, then you should think about the ratio of the risk of complications and benefits to the body.

Secondly, it is better to buy toothpaste not in a supermarket or market, but in a pharmacy. Of course, you can buy a fake at a medical center, but pharmacists and pharmacists are responsible for the quality of goods, storage conditions and the authenticity of purchases from a certified supplier.

In addition, scammers are aware of the high degree of control in the healthcare sector and do not take unnecessary risks trying to profit from people’s health, although such cases have also been recorded.

Reliable substances

How to choose a good toothpaste if there are so many limiting factors? The answer to this question is not so simple, but everyone can figure it out. It is known that any toothpaste contains the following main ingredients:

  1. Water.
  2. Abrasive.
  3. Humidifier.
  4. Supplements

If the importance of water is beyond doubt, then quite an abrasive is sometimes used. useful material. Small grains are added for mechanical cleaning of the surface of the chewing organs, but their hardness in relation to the enamel is not always taken into account.

The most common abrasive is calcium carbonate, although it has fairly large particles. Many manufacturers speculate on the mention of calcium, without revealing the true nature of the compound: carbonate does not dissolve in water, but only roughly removes plaque, so it is pointless to talk about mineralization of the enamel.

Among other abrasives, aluminum oxide is used, however laboratory research prove its harmfulness when used regularly. Accumulating in the body, the compound provokes redness in the mouth, the formation of ulcers and swelling - these symptoms in some countries have even become the basis for the official ban of this chemical in dentistry.

A good alternative is silicon oxide, the finely dispersed structure of which removes food plaque in a very gentle way without having a negative effect.

The humectant in the toothpaste maintains the consistency of the cream, making the product so easy to apply to the brush. Recently, more and more pastes based on glycerin and sorbitol have appeared, which have a safe effect on the body, unlike harmful propylene glycol.

In addition, other additives, such as plant extracts, are also important in a hygiene product. If the toothpaste contains natural ingredients, then such a product should be given preference, although there are situations of banal lure by naturalness, but this is a matter of trust in the manufacturer.

Whitening pastes

It is important to know!

Doctors often recommend that patients use special whitening pastes. Among the variety of similar products on the market, you can choose an individual option for everyone to restore the natural shade of the chewing organs. You should not count on stunning results, because a truly snow-white color can only be obtained in a dental clinic.

They talk endlessly on TV about how to use whitening toothpaste, but few people focus on the possible negative consequences. This product contains a coarse abrasive that actively removes plaque when brushed.

At the same time, the enamel can become thinner, which leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth: they begin to react to both contrasting temperatures and sour foods nutrition. To prevent this effect It is necessary to use whitening toothpastes with remineralizing components, such as active fluoride.

Products based on hydrogen peroxide can also cope with plaque, but their action is based not on abrasive cleaning, but on chemical reaction connections with food residues. Despite such a wide variety, toothpaste is not able to whiten the artificial material in the oral cavity - crowns and fillings will remain the same color, which sometimes does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing next to the natural chewing organs.

Natural Teeth Cleaning Products

There is not a single toothpaste on the shelves of stores and pharmacies that can be called completely safe. Only 10% of products fully correspond to the term “environmentally friendly product”, although they also contain preservatives that ensure a long shelf life. How to get out of this situation without harming your health?

Natural teeth cleaning products are not inferior to commercial toothpastes in terms of effectiveness, but they need to be prepared quite often. By mixing the necessary substances, each person is able to obtain the required composition and consistency for the most different types teeth and gums.

In folk medicine, the most popular ingredients are:

  • oil tea tree– eliminates superficial caries and inflammation of soft tissues;
  • thyme - plays the role of a bactericidal agent;
  • sage – stops bleeding in the gums and strengthens blood vessels;
  • rosemary – improves blood circulation in the tissues that nourish the tooth;
  • clove - removes well toothache;
  • peppermint– eliminates bad breath;
  • chamomile is an excellent antiseptic;
  • honey – contains essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  • baking soda - whitens enamel.

How to make your own toothpaste?

Homemade toothpaste recipes are quite varied and not complicated, although certain proportions must be observed. Some substances are also effective when used alone, such as citric acid or salt.

You can rinse your mouth with such simple solutions during the day, and in the mornings and evenings perform hygiene procedures with multi-ingredient toothpastes.

Sage with chamomile

  1. Stir white clay(70 g) with water to form a paste.
  2. Dissolve 10 drops of propolis in the mixture.
  3. Add 1 tsp. honey and 2 drops each of sage and chamomile oils.
  4. Brush your teeth twice a day.
  5. The paste removes food plaque and gum inflammation.

Tea tree, coconut and mint

  1. Mix half a teaspoon each of cinnamon, fennel and sea salt.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 6 drops each of tea tree and mint oil.
  3. Mix thoroughly and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil before each use.
  4. Store the paste in an airtight container.
  5. The product has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. It should be used no more than once a week due to the presence of soda in the composition.

Herbal powder

  1. Mix the powders of cinquefoil erecta, calamus and birch bark in a ratio of 2:2:1.
  2. Bred in warm water until the consistency of cream is obtained.
  3. The resulting paste nourishes and heals the gums, strengthens and whitens the enamel.
  4. After use, do not eat for 1 hour.

Wood ash

  1. Collect wood ash in a saucer.
  2. Dip the brush and brush your teeth with it.
  3. Potassium hydroxide, which is part of the ash, has a good bleaching effect.
  4. You can also mix it with store-bought paste.


  1. Cut the eggplant into circles.
  2. Bake in the oven until charred.
  3. Grind and mix with sea salt in a 2:1 ratio.
  4. The powder serves as a means to strengthen the gums.


The components of factory toothpastes have passed all the necessary certification and are considered environmentally friendly clean products, however, their regular use will not always be beneficial to health.

Various components can harm the human body, cause an allergic reaction and provoke complications in the oral cavity.

In addition, the mass simple recipes will tell you how to make toothpaste at home and take care of your chewing organs and gums yourself using traditional methods.

Be healthy!

Toothpaste is the main means of oral hygiene. The cleansing procedure must be carried out 2 times a day and, of course, everyone would like to do more than just remove food debris and plaque. The best toothpaste should prevent the development of diseases and help treat existing ones.

Today, the choice of toothpastes for cleansing teeth is huge. The action of each of them is aimed at eliminating any problems. When purchasing, you need, first of all, to focus on its properties and composition, and only then on the manufacturer’s reputation and cost.

Best toothpaste

The choice of paste depends on the individual characteristics and condition of the teeth.

To choose the best option, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Consult a dentist. A specialist will be able to correctly determine what the paste’s action should be aimed at first. You need to focus on your own preferences very carefully, since products with a pronounced effect (whitening, strengthening, relieving inflammation) contain aggressive substances that can cause harm. For example, whitening options may contain large abrasives that thin the enamel.

  • Carefully study the composition and instructions, if it is attached. Professional toothpastes may contain components prohibited for certain diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in childhood. The general information may provide recommendations on the frequency of use of the paste, some of which can be used only a couple of times a day, rather than daily. In order not to harm your health, you must take into account contraindications and dosage.
  • Choose pasta from a trusted manufacturer. Well-known companies have already proven themselves on the positive side; the quality of their products is quite high. It is difficult to find a suitable option among unknown brands; most often for this purpose you have to use the trial and error method.
  • Consider the cost of pasta. The price largely depends on the composition, and the more complex it is, the higher the effectiveness and cost of the product. And if you really need the best toothpaste, then you shouldn’t skimp. These investments will pay off in the future when, thanks to the correct home care, no professional procedures are required.

Which toothpaste is the best? The one that is chosen correctly. It must meet the needs of the buyer and be suitable in its action.

The functionality of modern pastes is very wide, you can find: complex means, and narrowly focused.

Alexander Grebennikov, dentist:"Toothpastes are universal remedy for oral care. They can actually effectively prevent the occurrence of caries, relieve inflammation in soft tissues and make your smile several shades brighter. The main thing is a competent approach to the selection and use of these hygiene products. Modern toothpastes are safe because they contain a minimal amount of chemical inclusions that cannot cause harm to health even if part of the product is swallowed. Unfortunately, there is no one universal or best toothpaste. Even multifunctional products will only provide a certain preventive action. To choose the right toothpaste, you should undergo an examination of the oral cavity and identify the cause of a particular disease.”

Toothpastes that prevent the development of caries

The best toothpaste for caries this is not the one that can eliminate it. If tooth damage has already begun, then hygiene procedures alone will not be able to save the situation; you need the help of a doctor. And pastes are recommended for the prevention of disease. They are indicated for people susceptible to the development of cariogenic bacteria and for restoring enamel after whitening.

Thanks to the action of anti-caries pastes, dental tissues are saturated with minerals, the growth of bacteria is prevented and the formation of plaque is slowed down. All products in this category contain fluoride compounds. This microelement helps tissues absorb calcium and makes enamel stronger.

However, fluoride is toxic, so it is important to follow the dosage of the paste and prevent it from being swallowed. You should not use fluoride-containing toothpastes during childhood or pregnancy.

Pastes that prevent the development of caries are produced in the lines of all well-known companies. Therefore, finding such a tool will not be difficult.

Toothpastes that restore normal tooth sensitivity

The best toothpaste for sensitive teeth should contain compounds that fill the tubules in dentin and help reduce hyperesthesia. For this purpose, such products are enriched with strontium chloride, potassium citrate or potassium chloride. Such mineral salts restore the structure of the enamel and thicken it.

One more important substance, which combats tooth sensitivity is hydroxyapatite. It has a crystalline structure similar to the composition of enamel, so it can connect with it and restore the natural protection of each tooth.

When studying the composition of pastes from this category, it is worth paying attention to what is used as an abrasive. Since tooth enamel is already thin, the particles must be very small and gentle. The optimal abrasive in this case is silicon oxide. Options with calcium carbonate should be abandoned, this substance acts harshly.

If you have increased tooth sensitivity, then whitening pastes are absolutely not a suitable option. The instructions for them indicate that this feature is a contraindication for use.

Toothpastes that strengthen gums

The best toothpaste for gums is a product whose action is aimed at reducing and preventing the development of inflammation of the periodontal tissues, reducing bleeding and strengthening the gums, as well as destroying pathogenic microflora. Often these pastes contain astringent components, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances (for example, chlorhexidine and plant extracts).

All options on sale contain herbal ingredients. Most often these are the well-known calendula and chamomile, as well as echinacea, gamma hazel, and edelweiss. Their extracts have long been used as a means to relieve inflammation. In some samples, the presence of chlorophyll and vitamin E can be detected; they accelerate the healing of microdamages on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Pastes from this category are indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis. But they are not medicines, so in addition to them it is necessary professional treatment: use of medications, professional cleaning teeth, elimination of concomitant diseases of the oral cavity, and in severe cases- surgical intervention. Even the best toothpaste for gums will not cope with the disease.

Toothpastes that eliminate bad odor

What is the best toothpaste for eliminating bad breath? Most people believe that it is one that contains a lot of aromatic additives, such as mint extract. But such options can only kill the smell for a while, and not eliminate it.

Toothpaste that helps eliminate halitosis should restore the normal balance of microflora in oral cavity. Its violation is provoked by the excessive proliferation of anaerobic microorganisms that emit gaseous substances with hydrogen sulfide. Hence the harsh bad smell.

Therefore, pastes must contain substances that suppress pathogenic microflora and act on viruses. These may be antiseptics such as chlorhexidine, triclosan, or baking soda (calcium bicarbonate). Pastes with carbamide peroxide (3-10%) also have an antihaliatic effect.

Toothpastes for bad breath are indicated for microflora disturbances and dry mouth as part of complex therapy. They are a hygienic product. Very often, bad breath is caused by other reasons: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs (tonsillitis, sinusitis), inflammation in the oral cavity (alveolitis, osteomyelitis, abscesses). In these cases, the paste will eliminate the unpleasant odor for a very short time.

Composition of toothpastes

The composition of toothpastes is very complex. All components can be divided into active and auxiliary. The latter provide a viscous thick consistency, foaming, smell and color, and shelf life. The connecting substance is distilled water.

When purchasing paste, you need to pay attention to the presence of potentially dangerous compounds. Harsh abrasives such as calcium carbonate, aluminum oxide or chalk should be avoided in whitening toothpastes. They can damage the enamel, thin it, and disrupt the sensitivity of the teeth.

Currently, the safest whitening toothpaste may contain silicon dioxide, a compound that removes deposits gently without causing harm. Good options are products with dicalcium phosphate and sodium metaphosphate.

Be careful when using antibacterial pastes. Triclosan and chlorhexidine help relieve inflammation and eliminate bad breath, but with prolonged use (more than 3 weeks), the beneficial microflora of the oral cavity is also disrupted.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is another dangerous substance that is present in most toothpastes. It is responsible for foaming and does not affect the quality of teeth cleaning. When buying toothpaste, you need to make sure that this component is not in the first place in the composition, then its percentage will be small.

The best toothpaste for children should be designed specifically for a specific age. Such products are safe and harmless to the body, even if accidentally swallowed. Pastes with fluoride are extremely contraindicated for children; it has a toxic effect on the body, especially if ingested.

Homemade toothpaste

Recently, self-made care products have become increasingly popular. Homemade toothpaste is good because it saves money and does not contain additional “chemicals.”

However, all recipes are based on a mixture of baking soda (sodium carbonate) and sea or table salt. These products act as abrasives, but have rather large particles and easily damage the enamel. And since fluorine-containing compounds are not added to homemade pastes, its restoration does not occur.

Another constant component of such products is hydrogen peroxide. In small quantities it can whiten teeth. But when you hit soft fabrics oral cavity may cause discomfort, burning and redness. Just like large abrasives, peroxide has an aggressive effect on the enamel, penetrating deep into the tooth. Under no circumstances should it be used for carious lesions or microcracks.

Essential oils and hot peppers can be used as additional ingredients, which can cause a burn or an allergic reaction. Thus, the homemade remedy should be used very carefully and no more than 1-2 times a week.

What toothpaste is best for brushing your teeth? One that is individually selected and aimed at preventing and reducing existing problems. It is best to consult a dentist; he will be able to correctly assess the condition of the teeth and oral cavity and recommend the optimal remedy. When purchasing, it is important to carefully study the composition to make sure that the active substances present are safe.


Traditional hygiene

Since childhood, we have been instilled with the skill of proper oral hygiene, and this mainly consists of regular brushing of our teeth with a brush and toothpaste. As an option, you can use tooth powder, although at the moment it is less popular and can only be used at home - a good toothpaste in a small package is more suitable when traveling.

However, as you age, you may find that daily care is not enough. Acquired habits are largely to blame for this - smoking, addiction to drinks that stain tooth enamel (strong tea or coffee). A dental hygienist can give good advice, who will show you the correct movements for brushing your teeth and give recommendations on choosing toothpaste.

Mass market toothpastes: good or bad?

When wondering which toothpaste is the best, buyers mostly choose popular brands or are guided by such unreliable signs as attractive packaging design. However, not a single manufacturer will write on the box that the product is of poor quality, and the consumer is left alone with a couple of dozen multi-colored packages. In most cases, retail sales offer hygienic types of toothpaste, that is, a means for daily removal of soft plaque and ensuring fresh breath. With an absolutely healthy oral cavity, this is quite enough; another question is that such excellent condition of teeth and gums is an absolute rarity.

The “mass market” category is designed for mass consumption, hence the name of the product category. If you read the information on tubes and boxes, you can find four main categories: preventive, curative, treatment-and-prophylactic and whitening toothpaste. If we are simply talking about removing dark plaque from the enamel, then it can be difficult to figure out what a good whitening toothpaste is. You need to remember about the mode of use of this hygiene product. Regular whitening paste contains small abrasive particles, so it can be used once or twice a week, but not more often, otherwise it will negatively affect the quality of tooth enamel.

Special therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes

If you have minor problems with your teeth or gums, then instead of regular everyday toothpaste, it is better to use therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste. The composition usually contains extracts of various medicinal herbs, propolis, and honey. If you need the best toothpaste from the category of therapeutic and prophylactic, then it is better to get a comprehensive consultation with a dental specialist. However, it should be noted that the content of healing extracts in the composition of the therapeutic and prophylactic paste is not so high that it can be considered a panacea for all ills. Rather, it helps keep your oral health in check and makes tooth decay prevention more comprehensive.

For good gum health, propolis is added to the toothpaste, pine extracts, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the soft tissues of the mouth. These compounds will not cope with periodontal disease, but they may well reduce the risk of developing this disease.

Medicinal toothpaste

The composition of medicinal toothpaste necessarily includes all kinds of disinfectants, mineral supplements that help restore tooth enamel. If the paste is designed to treat gums, then it contains extracts medicinal plants, tannins that reduce bleeding gums. Thanks to a high-quality therapeutic component, it is possible to achieve sustainable positive effect with regular use of the product. The composition of medicated toothpaste includes fluorides, which enrich the enamel with fluoride, chlorhexidine, triclosan or hexidine as an antiseptic. Propolis, which is part of the toothpaste, delicately cares for the gums, heals even microscopic damage and has an additional disinfecting effect.

Even the best enamel whitening toothpaste cannot replace a product specifically designed for treatment. Teeth can be perfectly white, but still require treatment and preventive measures to prevent the mineralization of dental plaque, from caries or all kinds of oral diseases that are not directly related to the condition of the enamel.

Best Whitening Toothpaste

Healthy white teeth are considered a symbol of youth and are compared to pearls, so it's no wonder people want to give their smile a sparkling whiteness. Unfortunately, darkening of tooth enamel can happen for many reasons. Addiction to sweet foods, tea and coffee, smoking - all this contributes to staining of the enamel. However, in some cases, this is just a coating that can be cleaned off, especially when it comes to tobacco, tea and coffee.

Not long ago it appeared in stores special remedy Welcome is the best whitening toothpaste for smokers: it whitens teeth well and removes stained plaque from enamel. Such products are abrasive, that is, small particles are introduced into the toothpaste, which act almost in the same way as cleaning powder when washing dirty dishes. Abrasive toothpastes do not lighten enamel, they erase stained plaque, this must be kept in mind! Use them no more than twice a week, otherwise you can significantly thin the already thin layer of tooth enamel, causing your teeth to become overly sensitive.

Is it possible to get used to toothpaste?

You can often come across the opinion that you cannot use the same toothpaste all the time. It’s as if the teeth are “getting used to” beneficial effect stops and you need to look for another paste. Dental problems that arise from time to time contribute to the maintenance of this myth, and patients at dental clinics have a legitimate question: “How is it possible, since we brush our teeth all the time, why do problems begin?” Therefore, people begin to think about which toothpaste whitens well, which one will help cure caries or save from periodontal disease.

I would like to note that toothpaste is not a panacea. Unfortunately, sometimes the development of caries or darkening of tooth enamel does not depend on the thoroughness of hygiene procedures. For example, there is such a thing as “tetracycline teeth” - excessive doses of tetracycline taken in childhood cause persistent darkening of the enamel and significantly worsen the condition of the teeth. These problems must be treated by a dentist; they cannot be dealt with using improvised methods. A properly selected good toothpaste will always work, it is not addictive, and there is no need to change the brand of toothpaste!

Mechanism of action of toothpaste

The hygienic effect of toothpaste is determined by the ratio of ingredients. Foaming is provided by surfactants; chalk, calcium crystals, soda can act as an abrasive component; the latest development in this direction is silicate fillers. Compositions containing sorbents contribute to the active suppression of microorganisms that can develop in soft plaque or food debris between the teeth. The best whitening toothpaste, developed by technologists, not only removes plaque, but also helps soften and remove tartar. It is important to remember that even the best toothpaste will not work if you brush your teeth incorrectly or with the wrong toothbrush.

The best toothpaste according to dentists

Lacalut White, the best toothpaste according to dentists, is manufactured in Germany and undergoes comprehensive laboratory testing. It not only whitens, but also strengthens tooth enamel and enriches it with fluoride. Cost per package (50 ml) - from 150 rubles.

Paste for smokers and coffee lovers

Cigarettes and strong coffee quickly stain teeth different shades of brown. In this case, it is not the soft plaque that forms on the teeth during the day that is colored, but a persistent layer of tobacco resins and coffee coloring pigment is created. At the moment, toothpastes from Splat, Rembrandt, President and Silka can be considered one of the best in the “best whitening toothpaste” segment. Any of them whitens teeth well. The listed brands belong to different price categories, from 75 to 500 rubles per package (50 ml).

Advertising and reality

According to advertising experts and savvy marketers, there is no better way to prove the quality of a toothpaste than by treating half chicken egg and dip this food item in vinegar. Of course, after such a massive advertising attack, inquisitive minds did not fail to test the theory with practice and rushed to test dental hygiene products. Of course, experiments have proven that Blend-a-med is a really good toothpaste, but it’s not capable of protecting chicken shells from vinegar forever.

In most cases, commercials shown on television very poorly reflect reality. However, there is one really significant factor that can prove that we have a good toothpaste - reviews, including professional opinions of dentists. This factor is based on factual data, on statistics, and not on a spectacular picture and the developments of marketers.

Toothpaste for the whole family

Often, in order to save money and simply for reasons of basic household conveniences, consumers prefer to choose hygiene products for the whole family - everyone washes with the same type of shampoo, soap, and uses the same toothpaste. Because of this, you can miss the moment for prevention, because the means wide application cannot be called highly specialized. When asked which toothpaste is the best, consumers in this category rely on the advertising image as an indicator. If a family is depicted there, then with a high degree of probability a purchase will be made. Usually this is mass market - Colgate, Blend-a-med, some lesser-known brands.

However, it would be wise to purchase for each family member a tube of toothpaste that better suits their individual needs. This is, for example, a children's paste for babies, a whitening paste for a smoking family member (and even then it can only be used periodically), a medicinal paste with propolis and oak bark extract for someone who suffers from periodontal disease.

Alternatives and feasibility of replacement

Despite the fact that tooth powders are becoming a thing of the past, they can still be purchased in stores and pharmacies. According to some buyers, it is the powder that cleans teeth better. Imported oral hygiene products have also appeared on sale, which only vaguely resemble paste - hard pastes in boxes, special sticks, the tip of which needs to be chewed and used without paste as a toothbrush.

You can also find a rather revolutionary product on the shelves - a black paste with an admixture of activated carbon. According to many customers, this is the best toothpaste they have used to this day. Perhaps the novelty of the product and the contrast with traditional hygiene products contribute to the formation of such an opinion. It is important to remember that if in doubt, you can always rely on a consultation with a dentist - a specialist will give good advice and at the same time will conduct a preventive examination of the oral cavity.


Types of toothpastes and their features

Dental mixtures fall into two main categories:

  • hygienic;
  • medicinal.

The hygienic product serves to freshen breath and also prevents plaque from forming on the teeth. Hygienic mixtures do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, and therefore they practically lack useful microelements.

The basis of hygienic pastes are abrasive particles that remove plaque, as well as foaming substances. The composition also includes flavorings and flavoring additives.

Medicinal – for the treatment of the oral cavity

Depending on the intended purpose, the treatment category is divided, in turn, into the following types:

  • Toothpaste for caries. This product removes plaque on teeth, thereby preventing tooth decay. Basically, this product contains fluoride, which strengthens tooth tissue. But there are toothpastes without fluoride - with calcium and other useful additives.
  • Toothpaste for gums– treats periodontal disease and eliminates bleeding. Periodontal disease is the destruction of the gums, which leads to partial or complete loss of teeth. The first signs of this disease are bleeding gums. To stop the progression of the disease early stage, you must immediately purchase the necessary medicinal pastes that contain antimicrobial components: chlorophyll, herbal extracts.
  • Toothpaste for sensitive teeth. It does not contain large particles that damage delicate enamel. The product contains potassium and strontium salts, which eliminate sensitivity.
  • Whitening toothpaste. There are two methods of whitening: by removing plaque on teeth using large abrasives and various enzymes; or by bleaching yellows with peroxide. In any case, bleaching agents should not be used every day so as not to damage the enamel.
  • Toothpaste for tartar removal. This dental mixture contains sorbents that absorb microparticles of food, as well as pathogenic bacteria, thereby preventing plaque on the teeth.
  • Product made from natural ingredients contains exclusively extracts from medicinal herbs. Chalk is used as abrasive particles. However, such mixtures must be purchased only from well-known manufacturers, since you can often purchase counterfeits of natural cosmetics.
  • Children's toothpaste created with minimal addition chemical elements so as not to damage the delicate enamel.

For cleaning teeth, there is another product that has been popular since the times of the USSR - tooth powder.

According to dentists, the powder consists of 99% natural substances and does a better job of whitening. The powder does not contain any flavoring additives or fragrances. Its only drawback is that it falls apart. Therefore, for long trips it is better to take a tube of paste with you.

Children's - maximum calcium minimum fluoride

Doctors are very careful when choosing toothpaste for children. After all, kids really love to eat aromatic fruit-flavored pasta. Therefore, in order to avoid various types of poisoning of the baby, parents need to carefully study the composition of the dental product. It is best to purchase such products at a pharmacy.

Toothpaste with calcium is designed specifically for children. Indeed, at the age of 4 to 8 years, the permissible level of fluoride content in children's product should not exceed 1%. It is also undesirable to contain triclosan, which kills not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora.

Black – for teeth whitening

The use of black toothpaste, as strange as it may sound, is necessary for teeth whitening. This know-how appeared relatively recently and was brought to our country from the East.

The base of the black paste is charcoal, which is an excellent absorbent.

In addition, this product contains the following components:

  • extracts of blue berries (juniper, blueberry);
  • coniferous tree resins;
  • essential oils from guava, muraya, mint and cloves;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • natural antiseptic borneol.

In addition to the whitening effect, this mixture perfectly freshens breath and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The best whitening toothpaste in black “Kobayashi”, made in Japan. IN this means, in addition to charcoal, there is great content medicinal herbs. Mint is a good breath freshener, and charcoal microparticles perfectly absorb food particles, preventing caries and tartar.

Thai abrasive toothpaste cleans the mouth well even in the most difficult to reach places. However, you should not use it every day so as not to wear off your tooth enamel. Also, this mixture should not be used by people with sensitive teeth.

The domestic mixture “Black Night” appeared on the market recently, but has already firmly established its position. It contains microparticles from mussel shells, which are rich in useful microelements. Silicon dioxide cleanses the oral cavity, and silver ions have an antimicrobial effect.

Gel - does not damage enamel

Nowadays, gel-based enamel toothpaste is becoming increasingly popular. It does not contain microparticles, which with their sharp edges can damage the surface of the teeth. Along with this, the gentle action of the gel has a cleansing and antimicrobial effect.

Sensitive toothpaste should contain extracts of the following plants:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • propolis.

Which toothpaste is the best? Everyone should be able to choose the best option for themselves, taking into account the characteristics of their teeth and the presence of certain problems.

Toothpastes rating

  • Lacalut;
  • Blend-a-med;
  • Colgate;
  • Pepsodent;
  • Splat;
  • Aquafresh;
  • Silca;
  • President.

This list includes products that are sold in Russia and the CIS countries, and are also affordable to the average buyer.

Composition, benefits and harms of toothpaste

The main task of dental cosmetics is to treat and prevent diseases of the oral cavity.

Toothpaste components:

  • microelements and vitamins;
  • natural antibiotics (chlorhexine and triclosan);
  • calcium;
  • fluorine;
  • salts of other elements;
  • enzymes that remove plaque.

What do stripes on toothpaste mean?

Many people, when buying a tube of toothpaste, don't even think about the stripes that are pictured there. After all, if you look closely, these products are marked with marks different color. What do they mean?

Stripes on toothpaste tubes:

  1. Black – 100 % chemical composition. This mixture increases the manifestation of periodontal disease and bleeding gums. Also, a black stripe may indicate high abrasiveness, so it should not be used for sensitive teeth.
  2. Blue- 80% chemicals, and only 20% natural ingredients. This paste is less abrasive, but can be used no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Red– 50%: 50% chemicals and natural products.
  4. Green– 100% natural raw materials. The paste is made only from environmentally friendly substances. You can brush your teeth with this product every day, morning and evening, without fear of consequences!

When buying a tube, you need to look not only at the strips, but also carefully read its composition. Knowing the harmful and beneficial substances, it is much easier to navigate the purchase.

Beneficial properties - with and without fluorine

The main element of this mixture is fluorine. Toothpaste with fluoride helps fight tooth decay and also helps strengthen enamel.

The benefit of toothpaste with fluoride is that its ions, which settle on the surface of the tooth, combine with calcium ions and other minerals, thereby restoring the integrity of the tooth coating. All cracks are “covered” with a dense mineral film – fluorapatite. This substance is similar in composition to natural tooth enamel.

Thus, fluoride makes teeth less sensitive and protects them from premature destruction. In dental practice, it is most often not pure fluorine that is used, but its compounds with tin, sodium, and aluminum. Sodium fluoride is a popular ingredient in tooth balms. It is even added to children's toothpaste. Despite the positive qualities of fluoride, it has its disadvantages.

And it is not necessary to swallow it when brushing your teeth, because fluoride is perfectly absorbed through the oral mucosa and enters the blood.

Scientists have developed an alternative to the previous remedy - toothpaste without fluoride. It is most often replaced with calcium and its compounds.

Harmful toothpaste - acceptable and harmful impurities

Scientists have determined that a person eats about 2-3 kg of pasta in his life! And the oral mucosa is capable of absorbing the contents in it in 30 seconds!

And toothpaste contains various chemicals, including harmful ones. To brush your teeth with the least damage to your health, you need to know the harmful and acceptable substances.

Allowed substances:

  • silicon oxide;
  • xylitol;
  • sorbitol;
  • zinc citrate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • sodium silicate.

Harmful impurities:

  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose - stabilizer;
  • saccharin is a synthetic sweetener;
  • titanium dioxide – clarifier;
  • cocamidopropyl betaine – foaming agent;
  • triclosan;
  • chlorhexine.

Natural toothpaste: components and substances

An effective toothpaste that does not cause harm to the body should consist of the following ingredients:

  • kaolin;
  • baking soda;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • silicon;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • essential oils;
  • coconut milk;
  • herbal extracts.

IN natural remedies The following substances are strictly prohibited:

  • fluorine;
  • triclosan;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • aluminum lactate;
  • saccharin;
  • decyl glucoside.

Acceptable ingredients in minimum doses:

  • zinc citrate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • glycerol;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • sorbitol.

The natural product is similar in composition to tooth powder, in which the main ingredient is calcium carbonate - chalk.

However, powders contain large abrasive particles that can damage the enamel on sensitive teeth. Therefore, for lovers of natural remedies, the only solution is to prepare homemade toothpaste.

How to make your own toothpaste

The homemade mixture includes natural ingredients and medicinal herbs.

Herbal extracts have the following effect:

  • cloves – can relieve toothache;
  • sage – eliminates bleeding;
  • rosemary – increases blood flow to the gums;
  • thyme – kills bacteria;
  • tea tree – eliminates caries and copes with gum inflammation;
  • mint – gives freshness to breath.

By adding several natural ingredients to herbs, you can get an excellent mixture that can replace store-bought toothpaste at a much lower cost and without side effects.

Homemade toothpaste requires the following ingredients:

  • white clay – 60 grams;
  • baking soda – 2 tablespoons;
  • Himalayan salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • crushed turmeric – 1 tablespoon;
  • mint, orange, green tea oils - 2-3 drops of each.

All components can be purchased at any cosmetic store and pharmacy. There is no need to soak or steam anything. It is enough to mix all the components in the required proportions, and then pour ready mixture in a clean cream box, for example.

Teeth whitening toothpaste requires the following ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • baking soda – 2 teaspoons;
  • myrrh powder - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • kaolin – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • glycerin – 2 teaspoons.
  • rosemary essential oil – 10 drops.

You can replace the last component with lavender, mint, and orange oil.

In order for the homemade product to bring only benefits, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. If you cannot brush your teeth, you should rinse them with plain water.
  2. After snacks, you can use a mouthwash, or add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a glass of water.
  3. After eating fruit, you should not brush your teeth immediately. The enamel must first recover from fruit acids.
  4. It is better to add baking soda separately to the toothbrush, and not to the total mass. The fact is that soda can be used no more than 2 times a week so as not to damage the enamel.
  5. To enhance the whitening effect, you should rinse your mouth with salt water.
  6. Has an excellent whitening effect lemon acid. To rinse your mouth, just add 10 drops of lemon juice to a glass of water. However, you should not brush your teeth for an hour afterwards.
  7. A good alternative to brushing your teeth is chewing cloves.

It should be noted that even the best toothpaste will not whiten teeth or heal gums if you do not maintain regular oral hygiene and do not follow basic rules. This means that you should quit smoking, reduce your coffee intake, eat nutritiously, and lead a healthy lifestyle.


You need to select a suitable brand of toothpaste based on the characteristics of your oral cavity and the effect you want to achieve. We looked at the most popular toothpastes and their properties.

Name Manufacturer Properties Price
Colgate China It has a good cleaning effect, since it contains 2 abrasives at once. 60 rub.
President White + Italy Suitable for periodic use, as it contains a unique abrasive that removes deposits and even hard deposits. 130 rub.
Lacalut Germany Pyrophosphates, fluorides and specially cut abrasives - this composition is suitable for teeth whitening. When used no more than 4 times a week, it also has a strengthening effect on the gums and enamel. 200 rub.
Paradontax Great Britain The product contains chamomile, sage and mint. The paste is not suitable for cleansing, but it helps strengthen teeth and prevent periodontal disease. 150 rub.
Splat Lavendercept Russia Has a powerful antiseptic effect and prevents gum disease. The paste has an anti-inflammatory effect, cleansing occurs with the help of bleaching salts mild action. Additionally helps reduce tooth sensitivity. 140 rub.
New pearls Russia Suitable for preventive purposes. Freshens breath, helps strengthen enamel, cleans plaque. 30 rub.
Blend-a-Med Pro-Expert America Protects against the formation of tartar and effectively removes plaque. Fights enamel erosion, caries, reduces gum sensitivity. 200 rub.
R.O.C.S Coffee and tobacco Russia, Switzerland Ideal for daily use to clean the enamel surface from coloring matter. Cleaning occurs with two components - silicon dioxide and bromelain. With regular use, the rate of stone and plaque formation decreases. Normalizes microflora in the oral cavity and does not contain antiseptics or fluoride. 240 rub.
Forest balm 2 in 1 Britain and the Netherlands Tones and kills germs, improves blood circulation in the gums and strengthens them. In addition to toothpaste, the composition contains a special balm with fir extract, which strengthens the gums. 160 rub.
Sensodyne Instant effect Great Britain The paste can relieve pain due to increased tooth sensitivity. She also contributes fast healing wound on the mucous membrane and is ideal for everyday use. 140 rub.

Video: how to choose the right toothpaste in the “Everything Will Be Good” program.

“Hollywood smile” is a modern standard of beauty. But not everyone can afford to smile from ear to ear. Commercials promise us that miracle toothpastes, gels, rinses, and brushes will help us in this situation. Everything seems simple, but you need to buy a miracle cure.

We go to the store and see huge shelves with goods. Everyone promises whiteness, protection from caries, strong enamel, healthy gums. Which toothpaste is the best? Some are sure that fluoride is harmful to health, others write that only they will protect against caries. Let's find out what to pay attention to and what marketing gimmicks to ignore.

What is the best fluoride toothpaste?

You should choose a fluoride-containing one, since in most areas of our country there is a lack of fluoride in drinking water, and this increases the risk of dental caries. Children can use toothpaste with fluoride, but it must be chosen according to the child’s age.

Fluoride-free should be used by people living in areas where the content of these elements in water exceeds optimal levels.

When brushing your teeth, you need to take a small amount - no more than a pea, about the size of your little fingernail, especially for children! For children of preschool and school age, cleaning should be carried out under the supervision of parents. They should be helped until they are 10 years old.

Do not use tooth powders, as they can cause abrasion of the enamel. They are not recommended for adults or children.

You should also be careful with toothpastes that are highly abrasive or contain hydrogen peroxide or urea. And, of course, you cannot use salt, soda, etc.

To enhance the therapeutic and prophylactic effect and the feeling of fresh breath, you can use the mouthwash in an amount of 10-20 ml - usually there is a measuring cup in the package. It is not recommended to dilute it with water unless it is a concentrated product, as you can read on the label. Rinse for 30-60 seconds.

Rinses containing fluorides and medicinal plant extracts are suitable for daily use. Children are allowed from 6 years old. But products with alcohol are not suitable for them!

Dental flossing daily is recommended. They are designed to remove plaque from the side surfaces of teeth and from interdental spaces. Since these areas are difficult to reach with a brush, threads should not be neglected. But they must be used correctly so as not to injure the gums.

The chance of buying toothpaste at a pharmacy or store that will harm your health is reduced to zero. Since all domestic and foreign manufacturers certified in Russia comply with the requirements of GOST 79883-99. In addition, they undergo laboratory and clinical studies confirming their effectiveness.

However, most pastes must be selected individually, then they will act in your interests, and the possibility of side effects will be minimized. You need to know the basic composition, then it will be easier to navigate the variety of products on the shelves.

Which toothpaste contains the best special substances?

Which toothpaste has the best composition? Some substances included in teeth cleaning products cause concern to consumers due to the fact that in large quantities they will, to one degree or another, negatively affect the condition of the teeth and the entire body. All substances in pastes certified in Russia are contained in concentrations that do not violate safety requirements. On the Internet you can find ambiguous statements about the following components:

  • lauryl sulfate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • triclosan;
  • paraben;
  • polyphosphates;
  • fluorine.

However, these elements are introduced intentionally and in strictly limited quantities.

Sodium Lauril Sulfate promotes foam formation and reduces the surface tension of the solution, which makes brushing your teeth much easier. Possible side effect- dryness of the oral mucosa, therefore, low-foaming pastes are recommended for patients with reduced salivation. The permissible safe concentration is 3%, usually 1-2%. But currently they are trying to reduce the amount of lauryl sulfate.

Polyethylene glycol (PEG-6) - refers to humectants. It is added to maintain moisture and uniform consistency. Sorbitol is often used for these purposes. Both supplements are safe.

Triclosan is an antimicrobial substance wide range actions. Typically contains 0.3%. Products containing triclosan (as well as another popular antiseptic, chlorhexidine) should be used only as prescribed by a dentist to reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Parabens play the role of preservatives. They do not allow bacteria and mold to multiply, which is important for ensuring quality throughout the entire shelf life. There are about 0.1-0.4% of them. These elements are the safest and most effective.

Polyphosphates (in particular sodium hexamettaphosphate) are linear polymers phosphoric acid. They are included to slow down the mineralization of plaque (the formation of tartar) and reduce pigmented plaque associated with food coloring.

Fluoride compounds serve as caries prevention. Studies conducted on the basis of the principles of evidence-based medicine have not confirmed the effect of small doses of fluoride on the development of neoplasms, osteoporosis, endocrine changes and other adverse effects in children. Their concentration should not exceed 0.15% (1500 ppm). Eat high concentration- 2800 and 5000 ppm, strictly as prescribed by dentists.

There are several other components that are subject to restrictions:

  • strontium chloride - up to 3.5%;
  • zinc salts - up to 1%;
  • hydrogen peroxide - in hygiene products up to 0.1%, for whitening up to 6%;
  • benzoic acid, sodium benzoate - up to 1.7%;
  • formaldehyde -< 0,1%.

Which toothpaste has the best composition?

  1. Abrasive components. Up to 40% volume. Provide cleansing and polishing effects. The most commonly used abrasives are silicon dioxide (silica) and calcium compounds (calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate). The degree of abrasiveness (RDA) depends on the size, shape and hardness of the particles. This indicator is not always indicated on the packaging, but dentists know it, and they will give advice on what is best to buy in each case.
  2. Water. 20-30% of volume. Connects all ingredients into a single whole. Distilled, ionized, deionized water is used for production.
  3. Biologically active components. For the purpose of prevention and treatment of dental diseases - the initial stages of caries, gum inflammation, increased sensitivity of teeth. These are extracts of medicinal plants, antiseptics, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and more.
  4. Preservatives. Prevents the development of microflora during storage and use, ensuring its microbial purity (parabens, sodium benzoate, etc.).
  5. Flavoring additives, fragrances. To give a pleasant taste and aroma, add menthol, mixtures essential oils(mint, sage, orange, eucalyptus, etc.), artificial sweeteners. It is prohibited to include sucrose and other easily fermentable carbohydrates.
  6. Moisturizing. Prevents water evaporation and maintains uniformity, easy squeezing out of the tube. For this purpose, polyhydric alcohols (sorbitol, glycerin, polyethylene glycol, etc.) are included.
  7. Binders and gelling agents. Occupies from 1 to 5% of the volume. They serve to stabilize the composition, connect all components into a single whole, and prevent the separation of any of them. These are hydrocolloids (sodium alginate, sodium carrageenate), synthetic, cellulose derivatives (sodium carboxymethylcellulose), etc.
  8. Foaming agents (detergents). 1-2% of volume. They increase foam formation and reduce the surface tension of the solution, which greatly facilitates the cleaning process. The most commonly used is sodium lauryl sulfate.

What types of pastes are there?

Pastes can be divided into several groups.

By degree of abrasiveness:

  • low abrasive (RDA from 20 to 50) - for children and people with hypersensitive teeth;
  • medium abrasive (RDA from 60 to 100) - mainly intended for adults;
  • highly abrasive (RDA more than 100) - “for smokers”, whitening.

According to the presence or absence of biologically active components:

  • hygienic - do not contain biologically active substances, currently practically not produced;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic - include biologically active components that help prevent and treat dental diseases.

By biologically active components:

  • anti-caries effect - for the prevention and treatment of caries, contain fluorides, calcium compounds, xylitol;
  • anti-inflammatory action - for prevention and treatment inflammatory diseases periodontal Contains extracts of medicinal plants, antiseptics, salt additives, antioxidant Mexidol, etc.;
  • reducing tooth hypersensitivity - including potassium salts, strontium salts, nanohydroxyapatite;
  • bleaching - they contain enzymes of plant origin, abrasive particles processed in a special way or in high quantities, oxidizing agents.

Which toothpaste is better to use?

It is best to consult your dentist for clear recommendations. But you also need to have an idea of ​​what you are buying.

Main tips for choosing.

  1. Toothpastes with fluoride and calcium compounds are suitable for daily use.
  2. For gum health - with extracts of medicinal herbs, antiseptics (chlorhexidine, triclosan) that reduce bleeding and inflammation.
  3. With increased sensitivity. Special ones with the inscription Sensitive or “For sensitive teeth”.
  4. For smokers, we use bleaching agents no more than 1-2 times a week, as they are highly abrasive. It is better to choose without hydrogen peroxide or carbamide.

You can find plastic and metal tubes on store shelves. Both materials do not affect the properties and shelf life. Many consumers believe that during use the packaging is damaged and aluminum compounds, which cause cancer, enter the body. But there is no evidence for this theory to date.

Toothpaste should be stored at a temperature no higher than 25°C, that is, it can also be stored in the bath. The shelf life and production date indicated on the tube are for a sealed tube. Also on the tube there is an icon in the form of an open jar with a number, which indicates how long the product can be used after opening. Usually this is 6-12 months.

On most tubes we see stripes of different colors. Usually it is black, green, red, blue. It is widely believed that the color of the stripes is related to the presence of various ingredients. But this is a misconception. The stripes are drawn for a technological purpose, so that the conveyor receives a signal about where to cut and seal. Colors are selected according to design.

At various fairs and from network consultants you can find green and black pastes from Thailand. The label says about the natural composition and whitening effect. But Thailand is one of the countries where there is no mandatory product certification. And only a few are certified in Russia.

The manufacturer can write a 100% natural composition, although in fact it contains a lot of chemicals. Soda, bamboo charcoal, calcium carbonate, and alumina are used as abrasives. Whitening occurs due to a pronounced abrasive effect on the enamel. Complications after use may include abrasion of the enamel, increased sensitivity, and allergies.