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Snuff (Snuff) - benefits and harm. All about snuff

Currently, there are a lot of people who like to sniff tobacco, the so-called snuff. But people often don’t think about the fact that the harm of snuff can cause a serious blow to their health. But few people know what snuff is and how it is harmful. Snuff (or snuff) is made by grinding "dark" tobacco leaves into dust. In addition to nicotine, it contains various additives and flavorings.

Its relative is sucking tobacco - snus, which is made using a similar technology. There are many varieties of snuff, they vary in flavors and brands. In our country you can find almost everything on sale famous brands snuff: Black Rappee, Bernard Brothers, Copenhagen, Lotzbeck, Carett snuff, Poschl.

Manufacturers report that the harm of snuff has not been proven and no negative consequences snuff will not benefit the body. But that's just marketing ploy to increase sales levels. After all, snuff is not an alternative to smoking cigarettes.

The history of snuff

The first mentions of snuff were found in American literature. It said that snuff was originally sniffed by the Indians and it is not known when exactly they began to use it. At that time it was not yet known whether snuff was harmful. The Americans also learned about this tobacco from the Indians. When Columbus visited America for the second time (in the 15th century), the monk Ramon Payne reported his own use of snuff.

In 1561, a French ambassador presented a package of snuff as a gift to Catherine de Medici. He recommended using this remedy as a remedy for migraines. Then she began to constantly sniff tobacco. Also among famous figures Those who sniffed snuff include King Louis XIII and Napoleon.

Benefits of the tobacco plant

Everyone knows the expression about a drop of nicotine that can kill a horse. But this substance also has a number of positive qualities:

  • tobacco leaves contain vitamin B3, which has a beneficial effect on memory and can alleviate Parkinson’s disease;
  • nicotinic acid has a positive effect on blood circulation, dilating blood vessels and reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, under the influence of this substance, a person’s blood pressure normalizes;
  • nicotine affects metabolism, speeds up metabolism and reduces body weight;
  • for treatment ulcerative colitis tobacco is used because it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Also, a decoction of tobacco leaves is one of the traditional medicines that helps fight cancer;
  • tincture can treat many skin diseases, for example, abrasions, scabies, abscesses.

All of the above properties characterize tobacco as a representative of the nightshade family, and therefore the effects of the plant are favorable. But if we talk about the harm of snuff, it is explained by the presence of various dangerous chemical elements in the tobacco mixture.

Variety of snuff

Snuff is produced using different technologies, which increases the demand for this product. The most popular snuff mixtures include dry and wet snuff.

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Dry snuff is classic version snuff. It is used by inhaling small amounts through the nostrils. German and English companies are engaged in the production of dry snuff. That's why this type tobacco is called "European".

European snuff is produced as in pure form, and with admixtures of flavoring additives. The most popular flavors are cherry, menthol, camphor, apple, vanilla, juniper, eucalyptus, apricot, chocolate and others.

Wet snuff, called “American”, is stronger than the dry version of tobacco. This kind of snuff is used orally, because by placing a tobacco mixture into the oral cavity between the lip and gum. This mixture was popular among residents of the southern United States and cowboys. Wet snuff has only 2 tastes - salty and sweet.

Dark tobacco leaves are used to make wet snuff. They are subjected to fire drying and then crushed. After this, sugar or salt is added to the tobacco mixture. It is impossible to say for sure how much nicotine is in a snuff of this kind, but it is known that there is much more of it in such a mixture than in the dry version of the snuff.

There are some types of snuff, the sale and use of which is prohibited in our country. Among them are Swedish snus and Asian nasvay.

  1. Swiss snus They are used in the same way as wet snuff, but they are distinguished by the method of production. Tobacco leaves for snus are dried in the sun, after which they are steamed and packaged. The distribution of snus in the Russian Federation has been prohibited since 2015.
  2. Asian naswai has a huge destructive effect on the human body. This is explained by the presence of animal feces, slaked lime and plant ash. These elements accelerate the absorption of nicotine into oral cavity and provoke development oncological diseases. Nasvay was banned from distribution in Russia in 2012.

Replacement for smoking

Manufacturers assure consumers that snuff is safe to use and that the harm from snuff is minimal. Moreover, they claim that this product can help cope with smoking addiction:

  • Since there is no combustion, no harmful resins enter the body.
  • Minimum doses of snuff reduce nicotine addiction.
  • This remedy can help fight a runny nose.
  • A dose of snuff will clear your head and improve your mood.
  • This marketing ploy bore fruit - many young people replaced smoking cigarettes with snuff.

There are three ways to use snuff:

  1. Balloons. The snuff mixture is rolled into 2 small balls and placed in the nostrils. When inhaled, you can notice an intoxicating relaxation in the body.
  2. Paths. This method of inhaling snuff is known to many thanks to cinema. The snuff mixture is placed on a flat surface in the form of tracks. Inhalation of the mixture is done using a straw.
  3. Fingers. Take a pinch of snuff, bring it to your nose and inhale.

It should be noted that a full replacement smoking snuff can't be counted. After all, smoking primarily harms the lungs, and the harm of snuff is aimed at the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

How is snuff harmful and dangerous?

Tobacco, regardless of its form of manufacture and use, is dangerous product for the body. What is the main harm of snuff and what are the consequences? using snuff A?

Harm of snuff on the body:

  • Due to frequent irritation of the nasal mucosa, the olfactory ability of the nerve receptors is reduced. Moreover, a person who overuses sniffing may completely lose their sense of smell.
  • At weak immunity and active use of snuff, nasopharyngeal cancer may develop within 2 years.
  • The harm of snuff, which contains a large number of aromatic additives, is the risk of allergic reactions for these components.
  • Because of frequent use snorting powder is highly likely to develop a strong addiction.

In addition to the above consequences of snuff, you can also note:

  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Bleeding gums and lips, cracking.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Loss of teeth due to weakening gums.
  • Damage to gums, tongue, palate.
  • Irregular heartbeat rhythm.
  • Oral cancer.
  • Possibility of irritation of the esophageal mucosa, Bladder and stomach due to the ability of some carcinogens to penetrate tissue walls.
  • High risk of developing tumors and heart attacks.

According to the World Health Organization, nicotine addiction is serious illness. Therefore, a person’s desire to combat this habit of nicotine use may be small. Sometimes, in order to overcome addiction, you need to turn to specialists to select the right therapy.

How to recognize oral cancer at an early stage?

Harm from snuff can manifest itself in the form of oral cancer. With this disease, a person exhibits the following symptoms:

  • The presence of persistent swelling, their pain.
  • The appearance of a bleeding ulcer in the mouth that does not heal for a long time.
  • Plaque is red or white.
  • The appearance of a lump in the mouth or neck.
  • Discomfort when swallowing and chewing food.
  • Unpleasant sensations when moving the tongue.

When thinking about why snuff is harmful, you need to understand that both snuff and chewing tobacco contain nicotine, which can cause a dangerous addiction. It is even worth considering that nicotine from chewing tobacco is not absorbed into the body as quickly as from cigarettes; the amount of nicotine is several times higher than when smoking. In addition, when snorting, nicotine lingers in the body for a long time.

Even though the harm of snuff is clear, the demand for it is not falling, but, on the contrary, is steadily growing. It is especially popular among young people aged 20 years and older.

Facts about tobacco

  • Tobacco was discovered in Europe by Spanish sailors, however, France was considered its homeland in the Middle Ages.
  • In America, there are 2 flavors of tobacco mixture - sweet and salty, this is due to the method of its use.
  • All tobacco products vary in strength. There are 4 types in total: soft strength, medium-soft, medium, strong. There are a great variety of aromas, you can choose one for every taste.
  • When tobacco first came into fashion, it was used only for snorting. They started smoking it much later.

Why does snuff make you drowsy?

When a person uses snuff, after some time changes occur in his state - he begins to want to sleep, and there is inhibition in his actions and thoughts. This is also the harm of snuff, because such conditions are very dangerous for people whose profession requires concentration, for example, drivers or production workers. In some situations, the consequences of snuff may become irreversible. When consuming a large portion of tobacco, a condition similar to nicotine intoxication may occur. After all, due to blockage of the respiratory organs, much less oxygen enters the body and is not enough to saturate the body normally.

Also, the harm of snuff lies in its effect, which worsens the saturation of brain cells with blood. Due to oxygen deficiency, drowsiness, fatigue and powerlessness appear. You need to think many times before you start using snuff, because the harm from snuff is obvious.

A little about secrets..

At the end of the 15th century, Europeans learned about previously unknown potato tubers, red tomato fruits and aromatic coffee beans. But many smokers say the most important discovery was the tobacco brought by Columbus. At first they treated the overseas plant with caution, and only later the strange leaves began to not only be smoked, but also chewed and inhaled. What snuff is, which is what American youth call the process of inhaling crushed tobacco, can be read below.

Benefits of tobacco (plant)

Only the lazy have not heard that a drop of nicotine can kill a horse. In fact, tobacco has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Memory. The leaves contain vitamin B3, improves memory and alleviates Parkinson's disease.
  • Circulation. A nicotinic acid lowers cholesterol levels and dilates blood vessels. The result is that a person’s blood circulation improves and blood pressure normalizes.
  • Metabolism. Accelerating metabolism leads to weight loss.
  • Gastrointestinal tract. Anti-inflammatory effect on gastrointestinal tract used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. IN folk medicine A decoction of tobacco leaves is used to treat cancer.
  • Leather. Abscesses, abrasions, boils, scabies and other skin diseases are treated with a specially prepared tincture.

Surprised by the above facts? There is no mistake, because we're talking about about representatives plants Solanaceae family. A smoker gets a bouquet of diseases not from natural tobacco, but from smoking mixture, containing a number of harmful chemical elements.

Alternative to smoking

Snuff manufacturers position their product as “safe tobacco” that allows a person to quit smoking:

  • There is no combustion process - no formation of harmful resin.
  • Small doses minimize nicotine addiction.
  • In the autumn season, shag will help fight a runny nose.
  • A sniff will lift your spirits and “cleanse” your brain.

Such a marketing move yielded results. Increasingly, young people under 30 years of age prefer snuff to regular smoking. Let's look at three ways to use snuff:

  1. Balloons. Two small balls are made from the snuff mixture and placed in the nostrils. Sharp breath will give the body an intoxicating relaxation.
  2. Paths. Thanks to crime films, this method known to everyone: two strips of snuff are made on a hard surface, which are alternately inhaled using a tube.
  3. Fingers. The snuff is placed between the large and index finger(pinch) and breathe the mixture.

Note that the use of snuff cannot be called a complete alternative to smoking. If in the second case the lungs take the main blow, then the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx suffers from shag.

Why is snuff harmful?

Tobacco, whether it be snuff, cigarettes or chewing leaves, remains dangerous to the body:

  • Smell. Constant irritation of the nasal mucosa leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve receptors. A sniffer not only ceases to distinguish shades of smell, but may even lose his sense of smell.
  • Oncology. People with low level immunity, can “earn” nasopharyngeal cancer within 2 years of active use of the mixture.
  • Allergy. About 99% of snuffs contain shock absorbers, and this is a direct road to allergic reactions.
  • Psychological dependence. Nicotine, in reasonable doses naturally, is not as dangerous as the addiction that arises from its frequent use.

According to WHO specifications, Nicotine addiction is a disease. To combat bad habit A person's motivation alone may not be enough, and in some cases the patient needs in-depth therapy.

Pseudo snuff and its derivatives

Upon a cursory search for the meaning of snuff, most will learn that the term refers to snuff. If you dig deeper, it turns out that this is also a film genre that shocks the viewer with its content:

  • Snuff. Video production that depicts the real murder of a person (death).
  • Pseudosnuff. A film in which death is simulated, and violence and humiliation are simulated.

Many critics do not consider pseudo-snuff a separate genre of cinema. There is a more successful and popular subculture called BDSM:

  • Bondage /Discipline. Limiting the partner's movement (tying), physical and psychological discipline.
  • Sadism /Masochism. The pleasure of violence against a partner obtained as a result of sexual intercourse.

In a nutshell about pseudo-snuff: there are real recordings of maniacs who rape their victims and then kill them. This direction is considered immoral, is prohibited by law and carries with it criminal penalties. By adding the prefix pseudo to the term snuff, directors imitate real death and in this original way bypass the restrictions.

Do you know that:

  1. Despite the fact that tobacco was discovered in Europe by Spanish sailors, in the Middle Ages France was considered the birthplace of the plant.
  2. All manufactured products have four types of strength: soft, medium-soft, medium and strong, and the aromas obtained during use start from overseas bergamot and orange, and end with raspberry, apricot or cherry.
  3. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to sniff tobacco rather than smoke it. The world was accustomed to the second method by sailors who were saved by a smoking pipe in cold and damp sailing conditions.
  4. In America, the tobacco mixture has a sweet or salty taste. This is due to a certain type Usage: snuff is placed under the lower lip.
  5. In 2008, Chuck Palahniuk's book "Snuff" was published. IN storyline tells how porn star Cassie Wright decided to end her career in an unusual way- have sex with 600 men one by one in front of the camera.

Now you know what snuff is: snuff mixture from crushed tobacco leaves, the effect of which begins immediately after the powder enters the nasal mucosa. The safety of the new product, which is constantly trumpeted by manufacturers of fragrant shag, is far-fetched. From harmful effects people around are protected from snuff, and the lover of the mixture, like an ordinary smoker, risks his health.

Snuff is snuff that has been ground into a powder and intended for inhalation. The main target audience of the product is young people, since the process of use seems unusual and elitist to boys and girls. The consequences of using snuff, in addition to the negative effects of increased doses of nicotine, are very unpleasant, especially with long-term use of the substance.

What is snuff?

The product is sold in small bright snuff boxes containing crushed tobacco. Before use, it is crushed even more using improvised means, after which it is inhaled through a straw or without it. Flavorings improve the taste of the product, but the process of cleansing the respiratory tract is poorly thought out. Nicotine is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the throat and nasopharynx, a condition resembling easy stage alcohol intoxication.

Harmful consequences of using snuff:

  1. Diseases of the nasopharynx. Despite the fact that the tobacco is crushed to a powdery state, it fully retains its abrasive effect. Microtraumas appear on the mucous membrane, which can become inflamed, even leading to the formation of tumors.
  2. Dry eyes and loose nose. They burst during the absorption of nicotine. blood vessels, which causes swelling and redness. Also noted discomfort in the eye area - they water, you have to use eye drops.
  3. Nicotine addiction. The enzyme itself does not pose a particular threat to the body, because it is produced in small doses by every person. However, a large amount of nicotine leads to a kind of addiction, which significantly reduces the quality of life.
  4. Memory loss. This effect noted only among active consumers and is caused by the accumulation of several factors. Dementia can develop against the background of early addiction to snuff in adolescents under the age of 16.

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Why does snuff make you sleepy?

Immediately after taking crushed tobacco, a feeling of drowsiness and lethargy occurs, which is especially dangerous for drivers, builders, and production workers.

With an increased dose of the substance, it occurs headache, nausea, in people with a weak cardiovascular system - fainting, severe dizziness. This is due, firstly, to the entry into the body large quantity nicotine Secondly, due to blockage of the respiratory tract, oxygen enters in less quantity.

In addition, brain saturation with blood also worsens, especially with regular use of the substance. As a result, drowsiness appears, so it is highly undesirable for drivers going on a long journey to use snuff.

Is it true that snuff helps with nasopharyngeal diseases?

Another common myth is about the imaginary benefits of snuff for colds. Indeed, when inhaling the crushed substance with aromas, some improvement may occur, but it is short-term nature. In the future, tobacco clogs the respiratory channels even more, and the material itself is fertile ground for the growth of bacteria.


So, the use of snuff is another type of painful attraction to tobacco. Despite certain advantages over traditional smoking, the harm is very noticeable, and those who suffer first of all are: Airways. The danger of asphyxia due to the use of snuff cannot be ruled out, which, despite its rarity, still occurs.

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There is an opinion that using snuff is much safer than other types. It’s worth finding out whether this is really the case. And what health risks are hidden in it.

Historical excursion

Everything about snuff, or snuff, as it is popularly called, was first learned in America. To be more precise, its properties were discovered by the Indians during the time of Christopher Columbus.

The main difference between snuff and its other relatives is the amount of nicotine in it has been reduced by a third. Snuff gained particular popularity when there was a peak in prohibitions and condemnation of the smoking procedure itself. The main consumers of snuff were teenagers aged 16 to 23 years.

As a rule, young people are attracted to the method of using snuff. It is similar to the use of heroin. The main substance is nicotine, which causes dependence and addiction. And in most cases, teenagers switch to smoking regular cigarettes.

Snuff contains much more nicotine than regular cigarettes. This is due to the fact that cigarettes contain a lot harmful substances manages to burn out.

Mode of application

From the very name of tobacco it is clear that it is snorted. The procedure itself is carried out as follows:

  • place a piece of snuff on the hand, in the area between the thumb and index finger;
  • inhale through the nostrils.

Another common way to use tobacco is to lay out a line of snuff and use a pipe to snort it. But this was the case until the 17th century. From that time on, snuff was placed in the nostrils and inhaled strongly. During the first use, tobacco particles may remain on the face and after this you may begin to sneeze.

Effect of use

After consuming even a small portion of snuff, you can feel:

  • cheerfulness;
  • a surge of strength;
  • great feeling of joy;
  • clarity of mind.

Unlike regular cigarettes, snuff is different strong effect and effects on the human body. The first action begins after 2-3 minutes and can last about 10-30 minutes. The impact depends on several factors:

  • experience as a “smoker”;
  • snuff dosage.

You can find out that a person has used snuff by the following signs:

  • dilated pupils;
  • slow reaction.

Beginners often encounter the problem of overdosing, which leads to nicotine poisoning. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • heaviness throughout the body.

What is snuff used for?

If you use snuff in small doses, you can highlight some positive aspects:

  1. On short term with its help you can strengthen the mental process. Like any other tobacco product, it helps to “clear the brain” due to blood flow to the head.
  2. Helps cope with a runny nose. But here you need to strictly observe the dosage and amount of consumption. There should not be more than three times. And with each subsequent use, it is recommended to reduce the dose of tobacco by approximately half.


You can often hear from people who use snuff that it has no effect on the body. In fact, in such statements there is big misconceptions. Let's look at the harm snuff causes to human health:

  1. There is a risk of formation cancer diseases. It is not as great as when using regular cigarettes, but still not reduced to a minimum.
  2. Tobacco dust contains great content carcinogens. People who take snuff have a 5 times higher risk of contracting oral cancer than others.
  3. After 3-4 years of oral use of snuff, there is a risk of serious complications with health.
  4. Major changes in psychological state person.
  5. After a person stops using snuff, withdrawal symptoms occur.

Harm to others

It should be noted that snuff is dangerous not only for people who use it, but also for those around them. This happens due to the spread of fine tobacco dust in the air. Here are his negative actions:

  • disturbances in the functioning of respiratory functions;
  • the mucous membrane of the eye is irritated;
  • heart rate increases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sleep disturbance, severe headaches, constant irritability;
  • loss of appetite accompanied by nausea;
  • sore throat and constant cough.

IN in rare cases People who passively inhale snuff may develop allergies, asthma and various heart diseases.


Of course, the use of snuff is harmful to any organism, resulting in the following consequences:

  1. Nicotine addiction is acquired, which is similar to cocaine addiction.
  2. After long-term use snuff causes dementia and memory impairment in people.
  3. The occurrence of cancer.
  4. In people who constantly use snuff, the nose becomes loose and red.
  5. Watery eyes and constantly want to sneeze.
  6. According to statistics, the life expectancy of people who sniff tobacco is 7 years lower than regular smokers. But in terms of healthy people, then about 20 years lower.

Today, snuff can be found on the open market together with regular cigarettes. Manufacturers produce both traditional and flavored snuff. Among them you can find various aromas, ranging from berries to the smell of cognac.

People who have nevertheless made a choice in favor of snuff should buy a product that contains as few aromatic substances as possible.

It is worth remembering that the use of such substances is not recommended for people under 18 years of age. At this age, a young body and psyche are still just getting stronger and developing, and the effects of nicotine negatively affect their condition, both internal and external.

It's up to you to decide whether to use snuff or not. It all depends on individual preferences and preferences. And of course, don’t forget about your health.

IN modern world, snuff is quite popular among people. Manufacturers insist that this product is absolutely safe, since the consumption process does not involve combustion of tobacco material. Thus, smoke, tar and polonium do not enter the lungs. But is this really so?

The article provides an overview of the benefits and harms of snuff that a consumer can expect.

Snuff is a product of the tobacco industry, with an intended non-combustible method of administration. Snuff, also known as snuff, is made from a very fine fraction of tobacco leaves (dust suspension). Next, it undergoes chemical pasteurization and drying.

There are tobaccos that are odorless and those with added flavorings.

The most popular flavors of snuff are represented by the following flavors:

  • mint;
  • apple pie aroma;
  • eucalyptus and coniferous;
  • chocolate aroma;
  • citrus aroma
  • other flavor options.

According to the law, the use of snuff is permitted in many countries of the civilized world: Europe, USA, CIS countries. Among all users of snuff, the largest proportion of people young from 17 to 23 years old. As a rule, this is due to the peculiarity of consumption of the product - inhaling a dust suspension through the nose resembles the use of powdered narcotic substances.

The main element of snuff is nicotine. This substance, a priori, is harmful to human body, and, sooner or later, causes serious physical and mental dependence. The harm from snuff lies in the fact that the concentration absorbed into the consumer’s blood significantly exceeds the concentration from smoking tobacco. This is due to the combustion effect of tobacco during smoking.

A special feature is a more prolonged effect on the body: through the mucous membrane of the nose and nasal cavities, nicotine enters the systemic bloodstream more slowly, which means the effect is prolonged.

Effect on the body

After consumption small dose snuff, like any other tobacco products, the mnestic functions of the central nervous system, mood improves, performance increases.

The effect of snuff is significantly greater than the effect of smoking.

The effect begins a couple of minutes after consuming the product and lasts about half an hour. Moreover, the duration of the effect depends on the concentration of nicotine in the blood.

Signs of recent snuff use include:

  1. Mydriasis, or dilated pupils. This effect is observed due to the relaxation of the muscle structures of the eyeball.
  2. Slow reactions to external stimuli. Due to the initial suppression of the nervous system.
  3. After the oppression phase, activation of the nervous system occurs. The consumer is agitated and restless.

Exceeding the maximum permissible dose of the product is manifested by signs of nicotine poisoning:

  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea;
  • pressing headaches;
  • body aches;
  • general weakness;
  • hallucinations.

To relieve this situation, they often resort to medical care. The patient should undergo detoxification therapy.

Benefits and restrictions on the use of snuff

Often consumers of such tobacco products claim that the harm from snuff is minimal, due to the lack of combustion of the product. However, before using it, you should understand in detail why snuff is harmful.

An equally exciting question for people is whether snuff is useful. This will seem strange to many, but nevertheless, this product has some advantages. The latter include:

  1. Low social danger. In the absence of the combustion effect of tobacco, harmful microparticles do not enter environment and into the respiratory tract of others.
  2. Absence of resins and polonium, which are highly carcinogenic.
  3. Not reaching the alveoli. Nicotine enters the bloodstream, bypassing the respiratory areas of the lungs, thereby not causing harm to the alveolar membrane and bronchi. Users of snuff tobacco are much less likely to develop obstructive pulmonary disease.
  4. Snuff does not cause lung cancer.
  5. Helps with severe runny nose by constricting nasal vessels. If tobacco dust gets into the nasal passages, by reflex action vasoconstriction occurs and improves nasal breathing. This effect is only accidental and does not eliminate all harmful properties.

There are also physiological and pathological conditions observed in humans in which the use of tobacco in any form is strictly prohibited:

  • pregnancy;
  • dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • glaucoma;
  • high intraocular and intracranial pressure;
  • immunodeficiencies;
  • oncological and hematological diseases;
  • spicy and chronic diseases respiratory system;

Consequences and harm from consuming snuff

Having understood the benefits of using snuff, you should understand the question of whether snuff is harmful to health. Answer medical specialists unequivocal - yes.

Any ingestion of nicotine into the body is fraught with a number of consequences. Despite the absence of smoke, tobacco dust has no less dangerous effects on the body. It contains a huge amount of carcinogens and toxins. In addition, dust has a local irritant effect at the injection site.

People who use “snuff” have a risk of developing the following pathologies:

  1. cancer of the mouth, tongue and larynx is more common among snuff users;
  2. stomach cancer due to the nature of the introduction of tobacco dust;
  3. pancreatic cancer, since nicotine has carcinogenic properties in relation to this organ;
  4. cancer of the female reproductive system;
  5. polyposis rhinitis and sinusitis;
  6. granulomatous inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  7. dust bronchitis;
  8. chronic pharyngitis, tracheitis;
  9. tendency to allergic phenomena;
  10. insufficiency of local immunity;
  11. chronic tonsillitis.

The rate of development of pathologies when sniffing tobacco exceeds the rate when consuming smoking and chewing products. Having weighed all the advantages and disadvantages, it becomes clear that the harm from sniffing tobacco is no less colossal than from smoking cigarettes.

To the main consequences long-term use relate:

  1. Memory deterioration up to amnesia.
  2. Encephalopathy.
  3. Tumor processes.
  4. Decrease in quality and life expectancy.
  5. Deterioration of breathing and constant discomfort in the nose.
  6. Chronic conjunctivitis and lacrimation.
  7. The appearance of allergic pathologies.
  8. Sneezing.
  9. Scleral vascular injection.
  10. Strong dependence and commitment to other types of drug addiction.

Thus, it becomes clear that tobacco use in any form and manifestation is extremely dangerous to health. To combat this, a warning about the dangers is attached to each package, and it is prohibited to sell the product to minors.