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The kitten is cheerful but does not eat. Why doesn't the cat eat anything?

If the kitten doesn't eat anything long time, the owners begin to worry about his health and wonder what caused this behavior. The root of the problem may be stressful situation, the animal is too young or has infectious and inflammatory in nature. It is necessary to find out the cause of lack of appetite as early as possible in order to avoid the development of serious pathologies.

Why does the kitten eat poorly?

Lack of appetite in an animal can be caused by several factors:

  • Stress. If, when moving, the kitten does not play, looks lethargic, does not drink and practically does not touch food, most likely it is difficult for him to adapt to the new home. Usually, getting used to the changed conditions lasts 2-3 days. Family members should provide maximum comfort to the pet and eliminate all sources of fear. The bowl of food should be placed in the far corner so that the baby can approach it without fear.
  • Young age. It happens that breeders sell kittens when they are very tiny, when they have not yet learned to eat. In this case, the baby needs to be fed from a pipette or bottle with a cat's milk replacer until he begins to feed from a bowl on his own. Cow and goat milk is not suitable for feeding - it is too fatty for the baby’s intestines. For older pets, you can lubricate their mouths with milk to stimulate their appetite.
  • Lack of attention. If a cat's owners don't play with it much, the cat feels lonely, sad, and doesn't eat well.
  • Intensive feeding. If family members overfeed the kitten, it may protest or try to eat less.
  • Inappropriate diet. Dry cat food is strictly prohibited for small kittens; special canned food is allowed. Older pets can be given meat, cereals, dairy products and boiled fish.
  • Uncleanliness. Cats can sense if food has gone bad or if the bowl smells like detergent. Apply chemicals not recommended when washing dishes - for better effect you can douse the bowl boiled water. The feeding area should also always remain clean.

Sometimes the reason for refusing to eat is a bone stuck in the mouth or throat; if you cannot remove it yourself, you should contact a veterinarian.

Possible pathologies

Refusal to eat is often a sign of such serious illnesses, How:

  • food poisoning;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infections;
  • helminthiasis;
  • pathology of teeth and gums.

Owners should be wary if, in addition to loss of appetite, the kitten sleeps a lot, loses weight, and constantly looks lethargic. Especially if this is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, gagging and liquid discharge from the eyes.

What to do

If the owners notice that their pet is eating little and poorly, it is necessary:

  • Measure the temperature. An increase indicates the presence of infection in the body, a decrease indicates weakness and loss of strength. The optimal temperature for a healthy animal is 38°. Another sign of hyperthermia is a dry nose.
  • Feel the tummy. If the baby meows and worries, the reason is problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is contraindicated to give a laxative to your pet without a doctor's recommendation - this can lead to intestinal rupture and internal bleeding.
  • Take the animal to the clinic. The veterinarian may order blood tests and x-ray examinations.

The operation is the most last resort, after it about half of the kittens die. To avoid surgical intervention, the doctor may prescribe IVs and injections. Treatment is carried out until the condition of the gastrointestinal tract improves or until surgery becomes the only chance for salvation.

To ensure that the pet eats well and does not have health problems, the owner should:

  • Warm food before feeding; food that is too cold is of no benefit to the animal.
  • Dip your finger in any product tasty for your pet (broth, milk or canned meat) and bring it closer to the pet. If the treat is tasted, he will want to eat from the bowl himself.
  • Do not offer your pet fatty foods, especially if he has been starving for several days - the baby’s intestines may not be able to digest it. For the same reason, lamb and pork are prohibited.
  • Consult with the breeders and find out what the baby ate before the sale. The owner should carefully study the characteristics of the pet’s breed.
  • Place food in a bowl in small portions and remove it if the cat has not eaten so that the food does not spoil.
  • Giving to a pet not only cat food, but also “ordinary” food: meat, boiled boneless fish, dairy products and grated vegetables.

Absolutely a necessary condition For kittens to survive, warmth in the nest is essential. Usually the cat keeps the kittens warm, leaving the den only for a quick snack and visiting the toilet. I put each kitten in its compartment with an ordinary rubber heating pad. For the first week, the heating pad should always be hot, 37 degrees, we had to change the water even at night, because... By dawn the heating pads had cooled down. Then the temperature gradually decreases, one month old the heating pad becomes unnecessary. Except that at the dacha, on cold nights, I put hot water bottles on at night.

The heating pad should be wrapped in a separate cloth, since newborn kittens naturally go to the toilet under themselves. And under the heating pad, on top of a soft warm bedding like an old sweater, woolen hat, etc., you need to put a separate rag, preferably on oilcloth, so that it can be changed if necessary. The following figure shows such a socket arrangement. The kittens always huddled close to the heating pad or slept directly on it.

An old sheet will do just fine, tear it into small rags. One or three large sheets are enough for the entire cat’s “infancy”. If you wish, you can wash these rags, but you don’t have to bother and just throw them away. The main thing is that the nest is always dry and clean, and certainly warm. Kittens get cold very quickly, because... Thermoregulation in babies is weak.

I didn’t take the kittens to the veterinarian, I didn’t give any immunoglobulin injections at one month of age, I didn’t use anthelmintics, anti-tick ear or anti-flea medications, but that’s only because the kittens were found in a tied bag immediately after birth. If it were different, then it would be necessary to show the foundlings to a veterinarian, and if there are other animals living at home, then quarantine for the foundlings would be necessary. Well, we got practically “sterile” kittens.

Regular feeding

While the kittens were lying in the above-mentioned basin, I found on the Internet that you need to feed orphans with a special cat's milk replacer, sold in veterinary pharmacies. But 10% cream and regular high-fat milk are also suitable; sometimes you need to add 0.5 liters of raw yolk and 4 teaspoons of granulated sugar. I immediately went to the store.

I used glass pharmacy vials from penicillin as bottles, and the rubber parts of ordinary pharmacy pipettes became the nipples. They calmly stretch onto the wide neck of the bubbles. But you need to immediately purchase about 20 pipettes. They are sometimes torn, sometimes lost, sometimes spoiled by the kittens’ rapidly growing teeth.

The milk needs to be heated, you can do it for 3-5 seconds in the microwave, check before feeding to see if it is too hot - in general, everything is the same as with human children. And, of course, you need to wash and dry the nipple pipettes and bubbles after each feeding. It is convenient to pour the daily portion of milk into a separate jar with a plastic lid, store the jar in the refrigerator, stick a 10 ml syringe with a needle into the lid, and use it to pour milk into the bottle through a hole in the nipple. And you can draw milk from a jar with a syringe without a needle. This is more convenient than aiming milk from a tetra pack or can into a narrow penicillin bottle, then pulling the pipette onto the filled bottle. The syringe and needle should also be washed regularly.

The volume of a kitten's serving increases from 10-20 ml of milk in the first week to 100 ml by 3-4 weeks; they set the frequency of feedings for themselves. By two weeks, the 10 ml penicillin vial can be replaced with a vial larger volume, for example, a 20 ml pharmaceutical bottle of bacteriophage, and by three weeks - a 100 ml bottle of alcohol, if the number of kittens is more than one. Kittens eat depending on the weather - sometimes every hour, sometimes every 3-4 hours in sleepy, cloudy weather. When they are full, they lean away from the nipple. At night, our kittens slept decently, giving me a rest from midnight until exactly 8-10 in the morning. Only on the first night they made me stay awake, eating every hour.

It is convenient to feed kittens in your arms, with their back facing you, holding them with one hand under their front legs and belly, and holding the bottle with the other. A hungry kitten will fiercely cling to the bottle, preventing itself from sucking on the nipple, so at the beginning of feeding you need to hold your paws, and then when the kitten is calmly sucking, let go, then he will wrap his paws around the bottle.
Visually or on scales, monitor the growth of the babies, by a week the weight should double and reach about 250 g, at 2 weeks - about 400 g, per month about 600-700 g, at 2 months - about 1300 g, by 6-8 months it reaches the size adult cat. If the kitten does not gain weight, is lethargic and weak - immediately go to the veterinarian!

At the age of 15-20 days, you can feed kittens with soaked dry food for kittens, a couple of crackers are enough, or natural food. We started with natural complementary foods, in mini volumes - rice, corn, buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream, boiled chicken or beef. Our kittens refused to eat boiled vegetables. When the kittens were constipated for longer than 3 days, I gave them a little Vaseline oil (from a syringe into the mouth), did mini-enemas with warm soapy water (with a lubricated syringe Vaseline oil). Around the age of one and a half months, we switched to dry food and canned food for kittens, since the kittens refused to eat natural food.

Tummy massage combined with hair and eye care

IN normal conditions The mother cat licks all the kittens’ fur, eyes, and mouth, thereby not only cleaning them, but also massaging them. Massaging the tummies and perineal area is necessary so that the kitten relaxes and goes to the toilet. Without massage, he does not know how to regulate his muscles.

Orphans can be massaged with a barely damp cloth, and their eyes can be wiped with a damp cotton swab. The kitten itself will begin to wash itself in 20 - 25 days. Our kitten Moor (which we kept for ourselves, and gave the second one away at one and a half months) began to wash itself from the eighth day, and was captured on this day - for history.

In the first 2-3 days, the umbilical cord falls off, so the belly must be wiped especially carefully during the first days. The procedure should be done after each kitten wakes up, making them want to defecate. By 4 weeks, kittens can control their urges to go to the toilet, so litter box training can begin at this age. We started even earlier, at about 2 weeks, when the kittens’ eyes had just opened, so that the kittens could get used to the sight of the litter box and to the fact that the smell of the toilet should be located only in one limited place.

When we went to live in the country, we took the tray with us. As soon as the kittens woke up, they were carried to the tray and their tummies and perineal area were massaged, and they knew that they needed to go to the toilet after sleep, a pleasant feeling of relief bladder and intestines are automatically remembered and associated with the tray. In this way, we practically “led” the kittens to the toilet by the hand, so by the age of one and a half months, Moor began to go to the toilet on his own one day. I watched him for a couple of days, no mistakes happened. Of course, then there were a couple of mistakes, but I washed everything with soap, put the lid on with a few drops of vinegar, and Mavrik forgot that place.

Silence and peace for kittens

If there are small children in the house, explain to them that you can only pick up the kitten for care and feeding; the kids are not yet strong enough for play. There is also no need to carry around a nest box with kittens. Kittens' sleep is superficial, restless, with dreams, apparently. They are already twitching their paws, waking themselves up, looking for their mother, looking for something to cling to, so there is no point in bothering them or waking them up on purpose. In the first days, the outer ear in kittens is not developed, the auditory opening does not differ, hearing will be achieved by 9-11 days. But you still need to maintain relative silence, do not jump or stomp near the kittens, do not pull the box - the kittens feel the vibration. The box needs to be covered with something on top, even a dark rag, so that the bright light does not damage the eyes. The eyelids will open by a week or two weeks of age, and the kittens will be able to see clearly in another 5-10 days. If the eyes or one eye do not open by the 17th day, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Saucer training, education

The most difficult thing for us was to teach the kittens to lap up milk on their own and eat solid food from a saucer. They loved the bottle. We put small peas of complementary food into their mouths. Why should they give up such pleasure?

In general, kittens, obeying the feeling of hunger, begin to lap at 3-3.5 weeks from the saucer. But with us, they cried shrilly, poked at the saucer, sneezed from milk that got into their noses and could not understand what to do. There was no one to show how to lap; there were no adult cats or dogs nearby. A week of unsuccessful attempts passed, but then guests came to us - experienced cat breeders and in half an hour they taught the kittens to lap from a saucer. You need to dip your finger in the saucer and let the hungry kitten lick it. Gradually reduce the distance from the saucer to the finger until the kitten understands what to do. The first time the Moor was so tired of lapping that he fell asleep with both paws in the saucer.

If at 2-3 weeks the kittens are not yet playing, if you take them out of the nest, they can barely walk, waddling from side to side, and constantly squeak, then by 4 weeks they are already accomplished tomboys who have learned to climb onto the sofa, jump on a stool, bite and fight.

Do not allow the kitten to do things that you will not allow him to do as an adult - climb curtains, on the table, sharpen his claws on furniture, scratch his owner.
You can teach a nickname at any age, just call the kitten by its nickname, and it will quickly begin to respond to it.
Kittens can rumble and purr from the first days, but they will consciously thank their owners for dinner by about three weeks. Talk to the kitten, and he will answer you with purrs, purrs and affection.

Good appetite and healthy appearance, interest in life in a cat are signs that the animal is in excellent condition. But it happens that a cat refuses to eat, and then the owner has to rack his brain about what is the reason for refusing to eat and whether this is a symptom of some disease. Let's consider possible factors that affect the cat's appetite.

Reasons why a cat doesn't eat well

In fact, you shouldn't always panic when your cat doesn't eat anything for a couple of days. Especially in cases where the animal does not look exhausted, does not have a fever, or does not have any other malfunction of the body. The most common reasons why the cat doesn't eat anything:
  1. Abrupt transition to new or unusual food. Cats have their own taste preferences, just like people, so food suddenly introduced into the diet even high quality can cause food refusal. The owner should always carefully study the composition of the feed, the manufacturer’s feeding recommendations and remember that new product is introduced gradually, only by mixing in small quantities with the old and familiar to the animal.

    This situation can also happen when a cat that is accustomed to industrial food is switched to natural food. It is unlikely that a cat that has eaten will happily eat, for example, vegetables with meat or cottage cheese. But if it’s just a matter of changing the usual diet, then there is no need to worry, the cat is simply not yet accustomed to the innovations in its menu. The animal itself does not look sick, it does not have diarrhea, vomiting, heavy discharge from the eyes, nose.

  2. Stressful situations.– animals are sensitive, they, like people, can be sad, worried, or afraid of something. In a stressful situation, it may be quite normal to refuse food for a couple of days, feel depressed, and apathy. In this case, it would be a good idea for the owner to first try to find out what is the cause of the animal’s suffering, eliminating it if possible. If the situation cannot be corrected (the death of someone dear to the animal, the appearance of a new pet in the house, etc.), then it will take time and participation in the cat’s life on the part of the owner. You may need to consult a veterinarian, as well as purchase sedatives for purring.
  3. Weather conditions. When the temperature outside the window exceeds 30 (or even 40) degrees, even the most voracious animal can look for a patch of shade on the street or lie exhausted on the floor, forgetting about food. In such cases, you should not force feed the cat and lament why it refuses to eat. On the hottest days it is better not to overload the animal’s body, however, clean drinking water At such moments it is more relevant than ever.
  4. The owner does not monitor the cleanliness of the animal’s bowls. Cats are one of the cleanest animals, so the owner should wash all cat dishes after each feeding or at least once a day. Dirty plates, bowls with dried food debris, ants crowding around, and the smell of sour food can make a cat refuse to eat. In addition, neglect of cleanliness can lead to various diseases.
  5. Hormonal surge. When the animal's body undergoes restructuring during puberty, during estrus and pregnancy in cats, the owner may observe a refusal of food in the pet. During the period of cat spree, animals may not eat for up to a week, especially females. The owner should not worry, since the cat’s appetite will return to normal as soon as the animal calms down, and the problem of change hormonal levels will decide by itself. It may not be superfluous to purchase vitamins depending on your doctor’s recommendations.
  6. There are many pieces of fur accumulated in the cat's stomach. In cases where an animal actively licks itself, it accumulates in its stomach. large number wool This problem is especially acute when the owner does not comb out the pet’s fur. Sold in veterinary pharmacies special means, preventing the formation of hairballs that can be acquired by the cat owner. In addition to refusal to eat, this problem is also characterized by stool disorders and vomiting.
  7. Infection of a cat with a viral or bacterial infection. Even a cat that lives permanently in an apartment without leaving the house has a risk of contracting an infection. The owner should be alerted to the pet's lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes with mucus and blood streaks), elevated temperature. During an infectious infection, the animal has no appetite. By taking tests, you can identify the pathogen and decide on treatment.
  8. Anorexia. Anorexia in cats is considered to be a refusal to eat due to the loss of olfactory or tactile functions of the body. The cat loses weight, is not interested in absolutely any food, becomes lethargic, and sometimes salivates profusely. In the most difficult cases The veterinarian may decide to tube feed the animal. The causes of anorexia can be nasal congestion, chemotherapy or antibiotic treatment, poisoning and much more. Self-treatment without medical intervention can lead to the death of the animal.
  9. Diseases of internal organs. You can endlessly list all sorts of diseases in which a cat may lack appetite: diabetes, malignant tumors, liver disease, kidney disease, problems gastrointestinal tract And genitourinary system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and many, many others. If a cat, in addition to 1-2 days of fasting, has various alarming symptoms, the owner should immediately rush to consult a specialist.

    As a rule, for any terrible diseases the very appearance of the cat “screams” about the disease and the following symptoms appear: intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea), vomiting, sudden weight loss, (sometimes purulent), nose, dehydration, sometimes pain upon contact with the disease-affected area, a plaintive meow or complete apathy to what is happening around. All these signs always indicate in serious condition, which must be diagnosed through testing, scrapings, biopsy, and examination by a veterinarian. Always painful sensations will cause the cat to refuse food or eat very little.

What should an owner do if a cat doesn’t eat well?

If the cat feels cheerful and cheerful, she has normal stool, and the hunger strike lasts no more than 2 days, then the owner can be calm. It would be a good idea to try to gradually introduce some new foods into the diet, depending on what your cat’s diet is. If the animal eats natural food, then it makes sense to offer it some new, but healthy products. If there was an animal on the menu industrial feed, can be purchased new look– for cats that are picky eaters. But any food should be introduced gradually and the animal should not be forcefully fed.

Appetite disturbances in kittens can be quite common. If a kitten does not eat anything for a long time, this can significantly deteriorate its health. To treat the disease, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of loss of appetite and promptly take action to eliminate it. A kitten’s refusal to eat can lead to its death; you shouldn’t let it slide and put it off until “later.”

If the kitten for a long time does not eat, this can lead to the development of serious diseases. These are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Poor nutrition in a kitten leads to the development of anemia. This condition is dangerous because blood depleted of red blood cells does not deliver enough oxygen to the organs. Therefore, the kitten’s breathing and heartbeat become more difficult and faster if the kitten does not eat anything.

Prolonged fasting, as well as insufficient nutrition, contributes to the fact that the kitten receives less nutrients, stunted.

Why does the kitten eat poorly?

A kitten's refusal to eat is a sign of many cat diseases:

  • The presence of a source of infection in the body;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Too intense feeding. In this case, the small animal simply decided to take a fasting day and rest;
  • Incorrectly selected food;
  • Disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the kitten must be shown to a veterinarian;
  • The kitten may not eat because it does not have the opportunity to play enough. To do this, it is necessary to organize his leisure time;
  • Loss of appetite can also be a result of weather changes.

What to do if the kitten does not eat

If you notice that your kitten is refusing food or not eating well, you need to do the following:

  • Take the cat's temperature. An increase in temperature indicates the presence of infection, a decrease in temperature indicates loss of vitality. Remember that temperature healthy cat– 38 degrees.
  • You need to feel your stomach. If the kitten starts screaming, then you are in trouble. sore spot. If the animal constantly screams, this may be a sign of volvulus.
  • You should not give your cat a laxative without finding out the reason for the lack of appetite. This can lead to intestinal rupture or internal bleeding.
  • You should not massage your kitten if it shows signs of dissatisfaction.
  • We need to deliver the kitten to veterinary clinic. You cannot refuse tests and x-ray examinations.
  • Remember that surgery is a last resort: about half of the kittens survive after it. To prevent this from happening, you need to support the kitten’s body with IVs and injections. Artificial maintenance of the body should be carried out until digestion is normalized, or until surgery becomes the only, albeit small, chance.

Sometimes a small kitten does not eat anything, what should the owner do in this case? In some cases, the reason lies in a stressful situation. For example, a baby has just been taken away from its mother. Or he moved to new home. For many animals, this is a huge shock when the usual atmosphere changes. But sometimes it’s all about the presence of helminths, inflammation or infection.

Let's figure out why the kitten doesn't eat anything? What made the baby starve?


No matter how proud cats are, they are very sensitive. It would seem, what’s wrong with moving or a change of scenery? But little things like this can affect psychological state animal. The animal needs a couple of days to adapt to the changed conditions. If possible, eliminate all possible sources of stress and provide your baby with peace. Let fresh water and some food be within his sight, but away from people. Perhaps the kitten needs a calm environment and privacy.

Too young

Some people buy kittens that are too small. Unscrupulous breeders are trying to “fuse” kittens as quickly as possible so that the cat goes into heat faster and gets offspring from her again. As a result, kittens do not yet know how to eat on their own. Hence the hunger strike.

The baby would be happy to eat a hearty meal, but he can’t, he doesn’t know how. To prevent the baby from starving to death, you will have to purchase a special cat's milk substitute (it costs a lot, but is ideal for kittens) and a bottle. Cow's or goat's milk are not suitable because the kitten's intestines cannot digest such fatty milk.


Cats are very clean (with rare exceptions), so they are uncomfortable with the fact that their feeding area looks untidy or dirty. The animal will endure to the last, but will not touch even its most favorite food if the bowl is poorly washed or there is a lot of garbage around the feeding area.

Strong odor from food or bowl

Some bowls made of polymers, especially in the first days of their use, have a sharp bad smell. Cats have a keen sense of smell. And such a “bright” chemical smell will repel the pet from food. In addition, food can smell like plastic and have bad taste. But even if the bowl (in your opinion) no longer smells, then detergents, which you use to clean your cat's bowl may have a strong odor. don't forget that they also have quite a variety chemical composition. Still, it is better not to use chemicals when washing dishes for feeding an animal. If you want to kill the infection, then simply pour boiling water over the bowl (if the manufacturer and material of the dishes allow this).


The little kitten does not eat because an infection has raged in its body. At least remember yourself during the flu. Do you eat a lot? And a baby, especially if he is too early or has just been torn away from his mother, can have a huge number of life-threatening diseases. Any infection clings to his fragile body. The immune system is not yet very developed. That is why it is so important to carry out preventive vaccinations according to age on time. This can save the purr from a lot of problems.

What to do?

If you have taken into account all the rules for feeding kittens and knowing the reasons why the kitten does not eat, first of all you need to get rid of it. No reason - no problem. If you have ruled out the effects of stress, and the bowl and feeding area are perfectly clean and without any odor, then run to the veterinarian. It's better to be safe than sorry. Have your doctor examine a kitten that doesn't want to eat. If the examination reveals a disease, the veterinarian will prescribe necessary treatment. Next, we have prepared some tips on what to do if the kitten does not eat anything, which may be useful to you.

Self-medication will not give results; it will only worsen the pet’s condition. Making diagnoses over the Internet is not best way solve the problem of kitten starvation. But even during treatment, appetite may not be fully restored.

Bottle with nipple, pipette or nurse cat

A bottle with a nipple, a pipette or a nurse cat is the solution for very tiny kittens. If the kitten is very small, then buy a bottle with a small diameter nipple so that it fits in the kitten's mouth, and a cat milk replacer. Or find a nurse cat. Perhaps one of your friends has recently given birth to a pet, so you can try to attach your starving baby to her. Just let them smell each other first. Some adult animals defend themselves from other people's children.

Don't try to force feed! This can frighten a kitten who won't eat anything. Yes, sometimes the only way to prevent a small pet from dying of hunger. But this should be a last resort.

Place soft, wet food in a bowl

Just a little. Otherwise if it goes bad. After all, food must be fresh. If you want to offer natural food, then you can try adding a little boiled fish or lean meat.

When a kitten doesn't eat, he should at least drink

Therefore, put a plate with clean (filtered or boiled) water. If the baby does not know how to lap on his own, then he will have to drink water either through a pipette or through a pacifier, at least in small portions.

No fatty foods

Many people drink the broth. However this is not best option, since the meowing fluffy’s body is not yet ready to digest fatty foods. Especially when the hunger strike lasted for several days. For a weakened body, it is very necessary light food. Yes, when the kitten does not eat food for only one day, and the animal’s age exceeds 2-3 months, then you can try giving it broth through a bottle. Just don’t add salt or add any seasonings. For meat, do not take pork or lamb, this is too fatty meat.

Try finger feeding

Alternatively, try giving from your finger. Drop a little on your finger (water, milk, low-fat sour cream, broth) and bring it to the baby’s nose. If he stubbornly turns away, do not “rape” him. Try a little later (in half an hour or an hour). If a kitten who does not eat from the bowl suddenly licks food from his finger, then drip more. Gradually move your finger closer to the bowl; perhaps the kitten will taste the food from your hands and try to eat from the bowl on its own. It is preferable to use soft food so that you do not need to chew for a long time, just licking it off the bowl would be enough. A good option is canned meat for children. They are without salt, the meat is perfectly chopped, and often they also contain cereals.

Contact the breeder

If you took it from a breeder, then ask him what to do if the kitten does not eat, whether the baby was vaccinated, what the baby was fed before the sale. Perhaps you are offering food that is unusual for him. Some purebred kittens are very fussy about food. Wrong manufacturer, wrong taste, wrong form. Therefore, contact the breeder and find out the details of feeding the baby of the breed you purchased from him.

Do not delay visiting the veterinarian, even if the kitten has started to eat. Let him rule out serious illnesses.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comments box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.

    Payrav 20:03 | 28 Feb. 2019

    My cat doesn't eat anything, she started vomiting
    I haven’t eaten anything for 3-4 days now and my eyes are swollen.
    This incident happened when a stray cat was brought from the street.
    Sleep a lot
    what to do?

  • Anna 15:07 | 07 Feb. 2019

    Hello, three days ago we found a kitten, he is about 3 months old. At first he ate, then he refused to eat, attacked the water, and began to swear. Then he stopped eating altogether. She gave me an anti-worm pill, the diarrhea went away, but she won’t eat. Refuses food and water. We don’t have a veterinary hospital, there’s no one to show it to.

  • Hello, I have a small problem. The kitten is not eating well for 5 months. When I was younger I had a beastly appetite. One day, I was out for a walk and came back vomiting (we live in the Moscow region, so the kitten has access to the street). After that it all started. Be sick undigested food, and ingoda is mucus. Now he eats little. She doesn’t eat dry food, but she does eat meat with pleasure. Moreover, the second cat (2 years old) eats the same thing. She drinks water. No fever, deworming once every 3 months. Feels normal. He plays, walks, his eyes are shining, his nose is wet. What should I do? Why is this? Is it normal? We contacted veterinarians, but they couldn’t understand anything. Please help me.

    • Hello! It is necessary to exclude gastritis and others inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. You don’t know what he eats while walking on his own (you need to keep pets at home if you don’t want to treat him or mourn him later). When was the last time you dewormed and with what? How are things going with molting? What exactly are you feeding? What studies did your veterinary specialists conduct that failed to make a diagnosis? What medications were recommended to be given and have you given anything already?

      I dewormed for the last time a week ago. A drug called “Clandestine”. No shedding was observed. I feed PURINA ONE dry food for kittens aged 1 to 12 months. What research was done? We can say none. They only steal money. She didn't give me any medications. By the way, it looks like the kitten is recovering. This morning I woke up to the sound of food crunching in the kitchen. I looked and he was eating, and with what appetite!

      Hello! Didn’t the vomiting start a day or two after the anthelmintic? Have you calculated the dosage correctly? That's why you need to ask everything. For some reason, owners do not consider anthelmintics, dietary supplements, and vitamins in food to be drugs. It is very important to tell absolutely everything about the animal. Now watch the baby. Give food in small portions so that you don’t overeat and intestinal motility stops, which will again provoke vomiting

      I have a four-month-old foundling kitten, a girl. I found her when she was ten days old and has been living with me ever since. They dewormed and treated for worms when the kitten was 6 weeks old. Seen by a veterinarian
      She hasn't eaten for three days now. He drinks water. The vet examined him, there was no temperature, he said that it could be due to the acidity of the stomach, and prescribed phosphalugel half an hour before meals. But she still doesn’t eat, yesterday she ate literally a couple of grams of meat with rice and after a few hours she threw it all up. What could it be? What should I do? What tests should I take?

    • Hello. I bought a small kitten at the market. They only told me to worm it, I dissolved a grain of piperazine and poured it in from a syringe. In the evening he vomited foam and in the morning.
      On the first Sunday evening, the kitten ate wet food from a pack, and on Monday he also ate a little. They also found fleas, drops were dripping, it still itches. He is about 1.5 months old. Since Tuesday he has not eaten anything, only drinks a little. Yesterday I pooped in the evening, different stools, one formed and a little diarrhea (or rather, a little cloudy liquid). Today, Thursday, he wrote in the morning, he’s not eating, they poured in a few grams of chicken broth. He sleeps a lot, but plays, runs after the mouse... He didn’t vomit anymore.. The tummy is sunken, completely empty..

    • Good afternoon, I have a 4 month old kitten who hasn’t been eating well for several days now. The food is the same, nothing has changed. He walks around the kitchen and asks for some food and lets me eat and leaves. The condition is playful, but there is almost no stomach when he eats. Tell me what to do

    • Artemy 01:39 | 23 Sep. 2018

      Good afternoon. I have little kitten. Weeks 3. Picked up at the entrance. He has been living with us for a couple of weeks, he was very restless and loud. As soon as he wakes up, he immediately screams at the top of his lungs and runs somewhere, looking for a tit, apparently they gave him something to drink from a syringe regular milk from the store, he fell asleep and could sleep for a long time, then we feed him again. The problem is that he stopped eating for the last 3 days. Not growing, weak. Now he sleeps all the time... and if you wake him up, he doesn’t eat anything and doesn’t stand on his feet and no longer screams, but seethes or wheezes, as if he’s hoarse. But it is clear that he is in pain and bad. Today we took him to the veterinarian, they injected him with a vitamin, and said that he had a cold and needed to be kept warm. But it seems to me that there is something wrong with his tummy, he seems to be in pain there. And as soon as he wakes up, he immediately cries. And all wet and cold. What to do? How to save... take him to another (normal) veterinarian? And what to feed him when he recovers? (I ate 7% milk with egg and sugar) or maybe I need to drink some water to keep it hydrated?