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Symptoms of diseases and their treatment. Detection of diseases by external signs

Symptoms are clear signs of something that accompany certain manifestations of diseases or deviations in development and functionality. Based on the totality of symptoms, doctors make a presumptive diagnosis of the patient’s condition.


Each disease has a number of characteristics and is expressed in a certain way. The main symptoms of the disease are always of a restless, unhealthy nature.

There are diseases, for example, of the genitourinary system, when the characteristic signs of their manifestation in men are not at all similar to the symptoms in women.

An organism as a collection of different systems

IN human body intertwined together following systems, functioning in a natural normal mode only in compliance with complete harmony and balance:

  • Cardiovascular
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Respiratory
  • Digestive
  • Urinary
  • Nervous
  • Immune
  • Endocrine
  • Brain system
  • Pokrovnaya
  • Reproductive

Of the main systems, we can distinguish separate subsystems that are tightly interconnected. An example is the musculoskeletal system, including: muscular, joint, bone.

Signs of illness

The main symptoms of diseases of various types, regardless of the disease itself, are:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Increase or decrease in body temperature
  • Dizziness or headache
  • Asthenia

Pain syndrome is present in many cases. These can be certain pain points inside the body, muscle and bone pain, painful sensations in different places.

Various symptoms

Organ diseases or systemic diseases accompanied by characteristic symptoms. For digestive system and gastrointestinal organs when unwell, the following are characteristic: bloating, indigestion, increased flatulence, changes in the color of the skin and mucous membranes, enlargement of internal organs, bleeding, hiccups.

There is often a coated tongue, impaired taste sensations, pain, decreased or increased appetite, change in stool color, disorder of consciousness, impaired swallowing function, changes in body temperature.

For diseases of the bronchi, lungs, and nasopharynx, the main symptoms are: shortness of breath, cough of various types, pain in the sternum, wheezing, sputum production, high body temperature, and changes in the fingers.

Frequent allergic reactions, swollen lymph nodes, bone pain, numerous colds, wounds that take a long time to heal - may indicate problems in the immune system.

Diseases of the reproductive system of men and women have different symptoms from each other, which is associated with differences in the structure of the genital organs. Symptoms in women are more pronounced and painful.

With venereal and inflammatory diseases the following are observed: decreased libido, discharge of different nature, pain when lifting minimal weights in the lower abdomen, rashes in the genital area and the whole body, hyperemia, fever, itching.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by symptoms: stiffness in movement, pain in joints and tissues, subluxations and displacements, impaired movement, muscle pain, muscle atrophy, weakness throughout the body, temperature fluctuations, swelling.

Increased sweating, irritation, weight loss or gain, hair loss, thirst, sweating, ovarian dysfunction in women, changes in blood pressure and mood can signal disturbances in the endocrine system.

From the “Symptoms” section you can find out in detail:

  • about the characteristic symptoms of the most common diseases
  • about the signs of various diseases
  • about rare symptoms
  • about what you need to pay priority attention to
  • about the symptoms of infectious, fungal and bacterial infections

Any signs of deviation from normal condition can and should be perceived as symptoms of a disease.


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Thus, symptoms refer to the patient’s subjective impressions when describing his condition. External signs of the disease are considered to be indicators identified during the examination. Clinical signs of the disease are considered to be data obtained from medical laboratory tests.

You need to pay attention to the characteristic signs of the disease even before providing assistance to the sick person. Moreover, the same increase in body temperature or abdominal pain can indicate a variety of ailments. And they are all treated differently. Therefore, you need to know what this or that external sign of illness indicates, and you can determine the general condition of a person simply by observing him, assessing the state of his consciousness and psyche, skin and the functioning of the physiological systems of his body.

What are the most characteristic signs of the disease: changes in consciousness

A sign of illness in a person may be a change in consciousness: darkness, stupor, stupor and coma.

Even not too obvious changes in consciousness, so-called retardation, should cause alertness. When inhibited, the sick person is indifferent to himself and to others. He answers questions intelligently, but his speech is different from the speech of ordinary people (slower). In some cases, it gives correct answers only to certain questions. Sometimes there is a noticeable disturbance in orientation in time and space.

The next degree of change in consciousness is characterized by more pronounced inhibition. A person in a state of stupor (stupor) is as if half asleep. He answers questions thoughtlessly and is not aware of his answers. It is very difficult to get him out of this state.

A clear sign of illness– dullness (stupor). In this case, the sick person is completely indifferent to the people and events around him. He does not answer questions addressed to him, but his reflexes are preserved.

In the extreme degree of disturbance of consciousness - coma - a person completely loses consciousness, body functions and reflexes are lost, and the muscles relax.

In addition to the above-mentioned disorders, diseases can be identified based on signs of mental disorders: hallucinations, delusions, affective and motor disorders. They require emergency psychiatric help.

Identification of diseases by basic characteristics: body position

Identification of the first signs of the disease is possible by the position of the human body. Thus, there are three types of position of the sick person: active, passive and forced.

An extremely serious condition of a person is indicated by such a main sign of the disease as a passive position. He lies motionless, sliding towards the foot edge of the bed, completely indifferent to what is happening, his expression is indifferent.

Often patients take a forced position to relieve some symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, etc.):

1) sitting position - taken by patients with shortness of breath resulting from heart failure, bronchial asthma, etc.;

2) supine position - used by patients with appendicitis, peritonitis, etc.;

3) lying on the stomach - taken for pain in the epigastric region (for example, with diseases of the pancreas);

4) position on the side - typical for patients with pleurisy, pneumonia;

5) knee-elbow position - taken by patients with hepatic, renal and intestinal colic, trying to reduce severe pain; they are often restless and tossing about in bed;

6) position with the body bent forward - taken by patients with pericarditis and pancreatic cancer.

How to identify signs of a person’s illness by looking at their faces

The facial expression of the sick person also reflects his condition. As they say, the signs of the disease are on the face, that is, visible to the naked eye.

If a person experiences severe pain, his face becomes similar to the “face of Hippocrates”: sunken eyes, sharply defined nasolabial folds, pointed tip of the nose. This is usually observed in abdominal accidents and severe bleeding.

How to determine a person’s illness by looking at his face, and what external manifestations should promptly consult a doctor?

It is possible to identify diseases by such signs as one-sided blush and rash on the lips. This most often indicates lobar pneumonia.

Patients with kidney diseases are characterized by such main signs of the disease as facial swelling, pallor and swelling.

A “mitral” face with a bluish blush is the most characteristic sign of a disease such as heart disease.

People who have had a stroke or encephalitis, as well as people with brain damage, have a mask-like face.

Patients with lupus erythematosus develop a typical rash on the face in the form of a pink “butterfly”, located on both sides of the nose.

How can you identify infectious diseases by looking at your face? In this case, a rash appears on the face - it is characteristic of measles, rubella, scarlet fever, typhus, etc.

Signs of any disease: condition of the skin

What other signs are there of illness or overload of the body? The disease can be determined by the condition of the skin. Human skin performs a number of functions: protective, respiratory, excretory, etc. In addition, it takes part in vascular reactions, metabolic processes and maintaining body temperature, so its appearance often reflects the general condition of the body.

When examining the skin, it is of paramount importance to determine the degree of moisture and elasticity. Color, skin rashes, etc. play an important role.

When the body overheats, physical overload, feverish conditions and critical drops in body temperature, the skin has increased humidity - this is how the body adapts to unfavorable environmental conditions. One of the signs of Graves' disease (thyroid disease) is increased sweating. A very unfavorable sign is profuse cold sweat; it may indicate sepsis, a severe drop in blood pressure, suffocation, or. A type of sweating is critical sweat, which occurs when body temperature quickly drops, which is typical for patients with febrile conditions. The opposite situation is observed with insufficiency of thyroid function, diseases of the arterial vessels of the extremities (endarteritis). In this case, dry skin is characteristic.

A sign of a disease may be blue skin or cyanosis. The degree of severity of sishoshnosti depends on the patient’s condition; its intensification is a signal of deterioration or improvement of the patient’s condition. There are central and peripheral cyanosis.

In peripheral cases, the ears, cheeks, lips, tip of the nose, fingers and toes, and chin turn blue, which indicates a slowdown in blood circulation. When rubbing the earlobe, the syoshiness decreases and even disappears. Sometimes, when oxygen is inhaled, the stress may decrease, but with physical stress it always increases. This condition is typical for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The central sishoshnosti is uniform and spreads throughout the body. The reason for its appearance is a decrease in the body's ability to absorb oxygen. Unlike the peripheral form, human limbs remain warm. The diseases in which central systolicity occurs are chronic and occur in a severe form: lung damage from silicon dust, congenital heart defects, etc. Syshyness also occurs during poisoning with aniline derivatives, phenacetin, sulfonamide drugs, etc.

Keep in mind that the appearance of any type of sishoshnosti requires immediate intensive treatment.

In some cases, the skin may become jaundiced. Jaundice is associated either with blockage of the bile ducts or with increased destruction of red blood cells, but sometimes occurs as a result of eating large quantities of carrots.

Some diseases are accompanied by itchy skin. This symptom accompanies allergic diseases, blood diseases, kidney failure, and diabetes.

The severity of the disease or deterioration of a person’s condition is indicated by the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhages. This symptom is a sign of blood diseases, infections, kidney or liver failure.

Bedridden patients are characterized by necrosis of soft tissues, or bedsores. Their appearance is associated with poor circulation due to prolonged pressure. Typically, bedsores appear in the sacral area, on the heels and shoulder blades. To avoid such problems, bedridden patients require special care, which consists of daily skin treatment with camphor alcohol, cologne (for the purpose of disinfection), washing after urination and defecation, keeping the body clean; the bed must be carefully straightened; for physiological functions, the person is given a special rubber duck. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the mucous membranes of a bedridden patient, treat them (rinse the eyes with a sterile gauze swab moistened with a warm solution of furatsilin, wipe the mucous membranes of the mouth with a solution of soda or boric acid, etc.).

Determining the disease by signs: dehydration or excess fluid

In some cases, patients develop a deficiency or, on the contrary, excess fluid in the body. Both cases are undesirable.

How to identify diseases by external signs indicating dehydration?

A patient with dehydration experiences:

  • , which does not stop when rinsing the mouth;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • dryness in the groin and axillary areas;
  • decreased tone of the eyeballs;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dry tongue;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • decrease in the amount of urine excreted - less than 500 ml of urine is excreted per day.

Skin elasticity is checked as follows: take the skin of the abdomen into the fold with your fingers and release. Normally, the fold smooths out quickly, but when elasticity decreases, it smoothes out slowly.

Depending on the lack of water in the body, signs of dehydration are divided into degrees:

  • I degree (fluid deficiency less than 1.5 liters) - a person complains of thirst;
  • II degree (fluid deficiency 1.5-4 liters) - a person complains of severe thirst; There is dryness of the tongue, oral cavity, groin areas, and armpits.
  • III degree (fluid deficiency more than 4 liters) - a person complains of unbearable thirst. There is urinary retention, loss of body weight, and the person is in a state of stupor. If he is not provided with timely assistance, death occurs after coma.

Excess fluid in the body is manifested by edema. At the same time, the skin swells, tissue elasticity decreases, and the skin becomes pale or bluish.

Edema occurs:

  • cardiac origin - develop slowly, dense in structure, accompanied by cyanosis, most often found on the legs, back and lower back. Patients experience shortness of breath, so they take a forced standing position. The neck veins swell;
  • allergic origin - Quincke's edema. It appears on a limited area of ​​the body (usually on the face, hands, neck) almost instantly, accompanied by itching of the skin;
  • renal origin - swelling that is soft to the touch develops quickly, is located on the face or only on the eyelids, the skin over the area of ​​​​edema is pale;
  • inflammatory origin - the skin around the swelling is reddened and feels hotter than the surrounding tissue.

How to determine the disease by clinical signs: pulse and blood pressure

State of cardio-vascular system can be assessed at home by measuring blood pressure and pulse.

Pulse measurement. The pulse is a periodic fluctuation in the volume of blood vessels. Pulse examination is necessary to determine the rhythm, frequency, filling, magnitude, tension and condition of the vessel wall. A normal heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. The pulse rhythm corresponds to the contractions of the left ventricle of the heart.

An increased heart rate is called tachycardia. Its causes may be changes in body temperature, excited. Tachycardia accompanies anemia, intoxication, and cardiovascular diseases.

A slow heart rate is called bradycardia. It is typical for patients with inflammatory damage to the heart muscle, heart attacks, and heart defects. Its appearance may also be caused by an increase in intracranial pressure, infections and intoxications.

The pulse can determine diseases such as:

  • extrasystole - after pulse waves, the magnitude of which is less than usual, there is a long pause;
  • respiratory arrhythmia - when inhaling, the pulse becomes faster, while exhaling - slower;
  • atrial fibrillation - pulse waves of different sizes follow each other randomly;
  • pulsus paradoxus - during inhalation, the pulse wave weakens.

A condition in which the number of heart contractions is greater than the number of pulse beats is called pulse deficiency. Basically, pulse deficiency is characteristic of patients with atrial fibrillation and extrasystole. The work of the cardiovascular system is characterized by pulse tension. It is determined by the resistance of the artery when pressed with a finger. If the pulse is weakened, it means that the heart’s function is suffering.

Measurement blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured using a tonometer. A cuff is placed on the shoulder into which air is inflated. A phonendoscope is placed in the cubital fossa, at the place where the pulsation of the artery is felt. After this, the valve is opened slightly and air is released. Systolic (upper) pressure is determined at the first shocks heard through a phonendoscope. Diastolic (lower) pressure is recorded when the pulsation disappears.

Main warning signs of the disease: breathing pathology

Another alarming sign of the disease is breathing pathology. During the process of respiration, oxygen is delivered to the body's tissues and carbon dioxide is removed. U healthy person The respiratory rate is 16-20 per minute. The following types of breathing are pathological:

  • Cheyne-Stokes breathing- characterized by cyclicity, alternating deep breaths and stopping breathing for a period of 1 to 2-3 minutes. During a stop, breaths are rare and superficial. Basically, such breathing is typical for patients with strokes, brain tumors, and in a dying state;
  • breathing Biota - characterized by decreased breathing with pauses between respiratory cycles (inhalation - exhalation). The duration of pauses ranges from several seconds to half a minute;
  • Kussmaul's breath - uniform, rapid, noisy, deep.

Many patients suffer from shortness of breath. There are several types of shortness of breath:

  • inspiratory - inhalation is prolonged and difficult; breathing is accompanied by a noisy, whistling breath;
  • expiratory - exhalation is difficult and prolonged;
  • mixed - both phases of the respiratory act are difficult and prolonged.

In severe cases of shortness of breath, breathing slows down and coma occurs. Timely measures taken can save the patient's life.

A sudden decrease in breathing or stopping is called asphyxia. This stops gas exchange in the lungs and blood. Choking occurs due to mechanical obstacles to the flow of air into the lungs, gas exchange disorders due to diseases, etc.

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases are the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the mouth, heartburn, appetite disturbances, pain, and belching. The following points must be clarified to help identify problems in the digestive tract:

  • appetite: good, reduced, elevated, perverted (aversion to a certain type food);
  • saturability: normal, fast, constant feeling of hunger, fullness in the stomach, etc.;
  • thirst: absent or intermittent; dry mouth - constant with up to 10 liters per day or periodic;
  • taste in mouth: regular or bitter, sour, there is a taste of metal or something else, loss of taste;
  • burp: no or there is (if present - periodic or constant) belching of what: air, food, bitter, sour, rotten;
  • heartburn: no or yes; Is it related to food intake, what foods cause it, frequency, does it happen at night, what is removed;
  • nausea , if it exists, then it is constant or periodic; the time of its occurrence, is it related to the intake and nature of food, is it resolved by vomiting;
  • vomit , if present, is it related to previous nausea or is there no connection; The time of its occurrence is noted - before, during, after meals; character - ingested or stagnant food, “coffee grounds”, “meat slop”, streaks of blood, blood clots; does it bring relief;
  • pain syndrome is clarified in detail: time of occurrence, nature of pain (constant or spastic), localization and irradiation, change in the nature and localization of pain, their connection with food intake;
  • stool character - normal, constipation or diarrhea; formed or liquid, the color of stool, the presence of mucus or streaks of blood in it; in the presence of bleeding - before or after stool, volume, type of blood.

Even myself appearance patient says a lot. For example, significant weight loss and jaundice may indicate cholecystitis, accompanied by stone formation, or pancreatitis; chronic pancreatitis is indicated by thinning subcutaneous tissue anterior abdominal wall in the left hypochondrium and microscopic enlarged vessels, similar to bright red rashes on the skin of the abdomen, chest and back. An enlarged abdomen may be associated with obesity, bloating, or a large tumor.

If present in the abdominal cavity large quantity water (the so-called dropsy) is an easily displaceable liquid when horizontal position the patient's stomach accumulates in the lower and lateral sections, while the abdomen flattens in the middle part ("frog" belly).

In an upright position, fluid accumulates in the lower abdomen, which begins to protrude in the lower sections and takes the form of a half-filled sac. With severe dropsy, the navel protrudes.

Bulging of the abdomen in the upper part occurs with an enlarged liver or pancreatic cyst.

Diffuse bloating is possible with dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract.

A retracted navicular abdomen is characteristic of severe exhaustion or strong spastic contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Retraction of the abdomen in certain areas occurs with prolapse of the stomach; limited protrusion of the abdominal wall is observed with hernias of the white line, umbilical, and inguinal.

How can a disease be determined by stool?

You can determine the disease by stool; for this you need to examine the stool. The weight of feces excreted per day with a normal mixed diet normally ranges from 150 to 200 g.

Normally, feces have a cylindrical shape, a thickness of 2-4 cm, and a dense consistency. It is colored in various shades of brown, depending on the nature of the food. After eating dairy foods, the color of stool may be light brown, even yellow. After eating meat products, it turns dark brown, plant food- greenish (from sorrel, spinach) or reddish (from beets). Thick brown-black feces occur after taking blueberries, black currants, coffee, bismuth and iron preparations.

The consistency and color of stool changes in pathological conditions. When the passage of contents through the colon accelerates or dysbiosis develops, the stool becomes golden yellow; with fermentative dyspepsia, it becomes yellow with an acute sour smell. White or grayish-white feces are characteristic of bile outflow disorders and viral hepatitis. Grayish-yellow color of stool indicates insufficient production of pancreatic juice. Tarry black stools appear when there is bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. Chronic ulcerative colitis is characterized by loose stools with dense lumps, with coagulated blood, mucus and pus. Scarlet blood in the stool is detected in patients with hemorrhoids or rectal sphincter fissures. With enterocolitis, undigested food remains appear in the stool. In people who do not chew food well, large remains of vegetables, fruits, and seeds can be found in their stool. Discolored stool indicates blockage of the common bile duct by a stone.

Aromatic substances such as skatole, indole, phenol and others determine the nature of the smell of feces. With protein foods, the smell is sharper; it becomes fetid with putrefactive dyspepsia. The smell of feces is weaker when consuming plant and dairy products and becomes sour with fermentative dyspepsia.

How to determine the disease by examining stool? Pathological impurities of non-food origin include blood, pus and mucus. The detection of blood indicates a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Pus in the stool is found in dysentery, ulcerative colitis, tuberculosis of the colon, collapse of the tumor of the large intestine. Normally, mucus is practically undetectable. When mucus is released from the small intestine or upper sections of the large intestine it is mixed with feces, from the lower part of the large intestine it lies on the surface of the feces.

Vomiting is also a sign of the disease; it can be of the following types:

  • morning, or vomiting on an empty stomach;
  • early (soon after eating);
  • late (several hours after eating);
  • night;
  • cyclical, not associated with the intake of food.

Depending on the nature of the masses, vomiting is distinguished as:

  • vomiting freshly eaten food;
  • vomiting of food eaten long ago (congestive vomiting);
  • bilious vomiting;
  • bloody vomiting;
  • fecal vomiting;
  • purulent vomiting, etc.

Undigested pieces of food in vomit indicate a sharp decrease in acidity gastric juice. Putrid smell vomit can be observed with disintegrating stomach cancer, the smell of alcohol - with alcohol poisoning. Fecal vomiting is characteristic of intestinal obstruction. Bloody vomiting indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. This condition always requires urgent action.

With prolonged contact of blood with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the vomit takes on the color and appearance of coffee grounds.

Bile is almost always present in masses with severe vomiting. An abundance of bile in the vomit is observed when peptic ulcer, narrowing of the duodenum.

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    Clinical symptoms and course of the disease depend on its stage. The main symptoms of acute oophoritis: severe pain of a sharp nature, which is localized in the lower...

    This pathology is characterized by slow development in the initial stages of the disease and rapid rates of development during the protracted course of the disease. Against the background of prolapse of the vaginal walls, it is often...

    The clinical picture of this disease largely depends on the type of pathogen. The main symptoms of acute adnexitis are as follows: symptoms of general intoxication (sharp increase in body temperature, increased…

    The clinical symptoms of acute bartholinitis depend on the form of its course. According to the course, bartholinitis can be divided into acute and chronic. There are several stages of acute...

    Acute vaginitis always occurs suddenly. If the causes of the disease are the presence of infection, then from the moment of infection until the appearance of the first symptoms of vaginitis ...

    The acute form of the disease in women is characterized by the following symptoms: hyperemia, swelling of the genital organs; discharge: purulent, watery, sanguineous; increase in regional lymphatic...

    Acute vulvovaginitis occurs with pronounced symptoms: severe burning and itching sensations in the pelvic area, aggravated by urination; purulent discharge...

    Acute endometritis most often develops a few days after various intrauterine manipulations (such as abortion, childbirth, uterine surgery, curettage, and so on).…

    An informative factor about the presence of the disease is menstruation (pain in the pelvis, heavy bleeding). Many patients complain of weakness and anemia.…

    The main clinical symptoms of acute adnexitis are as follows: severe pain of a pulsating nature, which is localized in the lower abdomen and can radiate...

    The main symptoms that make it possible to diagnose polycystic ovaries are: the presence of multiple cystic formations in enlarged ovaries; menstrual dysfunction in the form of...

    When diagnosed with cervical polyp, symptoms may not appear at first. Their presence is mainly diagnosed during a routine preventive examination.…

    Polyps in the uterus manifest themselves in different ways; the most common symptoms are menstrual irregularities. You can also highlight the following symptoms of polyps in the uterus: profuse hemorrhage in…

    If we consider absolutely all the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, then they can be divided into two groups: Neuralgic or psychological; Physical. But both types...

    Hydatidiform mole shows enough severe symptoms, and every pregnant woman can identify the first signs of this disease. A sharp jump in the level of hCG (chorionic...

    There are three types of salpingitis - acute, subacute and chronic. Acute salpingitis is expressed by sharp, sometimes unbearable pain in the abdomen, sharp increase body temperature. Also…