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Birch oil, action, application. Birch oil: properties and applications

Name in Latin: Betula alba

Title in English: Oil of Birch Buds

Synonyms (Lat): B. alba var. pubescens, B. odorata, B. pendula

Synonyms (RUS): European white birch, silver birch. Other species: downy birch, warty birch.

Family: Birch (Betulaceae)

Part used: Kidneys

Spreading: It is found as an admixture with various forest-forming species in coniferous and deciduous forests or form forests. This birch tolerates waterlogging of the soil better than silver birch, and grows in damp forests, on their edges, on the outskirts of swamps, in swamps and along the shores of lakes. It grows throughout the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Caucasus Mountains. In the north it is distributed to the tundra and is found here more often than silver birch, in the south it is inferior to it. Outside Russia, it is distributed throughout Europe, with the exception of the Iberian Peninsula.

Description of botanical species: At favorable conditions reaches 25-30 m in height and up to 80 cm in diameter. It is relatively short-lived, living up to 120 years, less often until adulthood. The bark of young trees is brownish-brown, and from 8-10 years it turns white. Juveniles can be confused with alder species. In adulthood, it is well distinguished from other trees by its white bark; The bark, almost to the very base of the trunk, is white, smooth, without black cracks, unlike silver birch, only at the bottom it cracks shallowly in old age. Young shoots are densely pubescent; unlike silver birch, there are no wart glands on the branches. The branches are not drooping. Crown in at a young age slender, narrow, becoming spreading with age. Leaves are ovate or rhombic-ovate, 3.5-7 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide, short-pointed at the apex, with a rounded, less often heart-shaped or truncated base; the edges are double-toothed. When young, the leaves are densely pubescent, then pubescence is retained only at the bottom and on the petioles. The tree is monoecious, but the catkins are dioecious. Fruiting catkins are 2.5-3 cm long, on pubescent legs, seed scales are 3-5 mm wide, ciliated along the edge. The nut is about 2 mm long, oblong-elliptical. The wings are equal to or wider than the nut. The birch root system is highly developed, but penetrates the soil shallowly, so the trees are often subject to wind blows. Downy birch is one of the most cold-resistant types of birch. Suffering from drought. Tolerates waterlogging quite well. Less light-loving than silver birch. Often downy birch and silver birch grow together and form many transitional forms.

Traditional Use: According to legend, the birch tree expels evil spirits. Concerning practical application, then, for example, the juice from the leaves of this tree is used to rinse the mouth when ulcers appear on the mucous membrane. For centuries, a healing intoxicating drink was made from birch sap, and the leaves were brewed to obtain a diuretic infusion. Birch oil is included in lotions and ointments for the skin, which is probably due to its astringent properties. Recently, it has been a component of perfumes. Russia for a long time exported birch tar, which was used in soap production and leather processing. Tar is known to be good for rheumatism of the joints, gout and skin infections. Oil of the Betula alta species was part of a popular hair tonic in Germany known as Birkenwasser. Aspirin is obtained from the main chemical component - methyl salicylate, which indicates the analgesic properties of the oil. In France, the oil is added to men's perfumes, giving it a skin scent, especially popular among men. Durable wood is used to make furniture and in construction. Birch can often be found in cities, where it is planted as an ornamental plant. Birch buds have always been considered a good hair tonic. In Scandinavia and Russia, brooms are knitted from birch branches and used in saunas and baths - they have an excellent effect on the skin and increase blood circulation. The buds, leaves and bark are used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis and genitourinary infections.

Extraction method: From the buds that swell in March-April, from which leaves are formed, a thick essential oil is obtained by steam distillation.

Oil yield during processing: The oil yield is 2-6%.

Physical characteristics:

Pale yellow viscous oil with a woody aroma. Crystallizes at low temperatures.
The Gildemeister-Hoffman reference book (V. IV, p. 545) gives the following technical indicators of birch bud oil:
density 0.962-0.979,
refractive index 1.502-1.505,
ethereal number 35-77,
ether number after acetylation is 140-183.

Main cast:

Sesquiterpene compounds predominate in the composition of kidney oil. Thus, in a sample of oil of Russian origin from white birch buds, F. Schorm et al. (Collect, czech. chem. comm. 1959, 24, 3730) identified about 20% caryophyllene and other sesquiterpenes, 23% alpha-betulenol, 33% alpha-betulenol acetate and 16% beta-betulenol.

Pharmachologic effect: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, antipyretic, tonic.

Therapeutic effect: Has a reputation as a cleanser wide range actions: cleanses the blood, stimulates work sweat glands, that is, it helps the body get rid of toxins. In addition, it clears the lymphatic system of infection. Birch oil promotes urination, removing organic waste from the urine and thereby relieving pain due to cystitis. Used for proteinuria (reduces protein content in urine), dissolves stones in gallbladder and kidneys. Has a tonic effect on the kidneys, relieves renal swelling. Thanks to its diuretic properties, it alleviates the condition of people suffering from obesity, cellulite, and dropsy. Prevents congestion uric acid in joints, helps with rheumatism, arthritis and muscle pain. Birch oil has proven itself as an effective pain reliever.

Cosmetic effect: Proven by practice therapeutic effect oils for chronic skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and ulcers. However, sometimes you should use another essential oil for this purpose, since birch oil can irritate sensitive skin. This oil was considered good remedy to strengthen hair. On its basis, cosmetic lotions such as “Birch Water” were produced.

Spiritual action: Produces an invigorating and exciting effect.

Security measures: Non-toxic, non-irritating.

Alternative uses: Birch tar oil is used in shampoos and medicinal cosmetics. Tar is one of the components of some lotions and ointments used for skin diseases. Also used in soap production and leather tanning. Used in perfumes and aftershave lotions, giving them a “leathery” scent.

Compatibility: The oil mixes well with wood and balsamic oils.

Birch oil produces an invigorating and stimulating effect on the mind.

It is considered a good cleanser with a wide spectrum of action: it helps cleanse the blood and stimulates the sweat glands, thereby helping the body get rid of toxins. Also, birch oil cleanses the lymphatic system from infections.

Birch oil increases urination, removing toxins from the urine and thereby relieving pain in the treatment of diseases such as cystitis. Birch oil is used for proteinuria (it reduces the protein content in the urine), dissolves stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. It has a tonic effect on the kidneys and relieves renal swelling.

Thanks to its diuretic effect, birch oil alleviates the condition of people with obesity, cellulite and dropsy.

It prevents the accumulation of uric acid in the joints, helps in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, and muscle pain. Essential oil birch has proven itself as an effective pain reliever.

The healing effect of birch oil has been proven in practice in the treatment of chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne and ulcers. But sometimes it is better to use another essential oil for these purposes, since birch oil can cause irritation to sensitive skin.

Compatibility of birch essential oil with other oils.

Birch oil goes well with the essential oils of orange, marigold, ginger, cardamom, cajuput tree, lavender, frankincense, lemon, chamomile, and thyme.

Precautions when treating diseases with birch oil.

Birch essential oil is a potent oil that can cause irritation to sensitive skin, so should be used with caution.

Recipes using birch oil for treatment various diseases

Treatment with birch oil infectious diseases nasopharynx.

Birch essential oil fights viruses well. It is an excellent addition to inhalations and medicinal baths, as it is rich in biological substances that help activate the immune system.

Inhalations using birch oil can be of any kind (wet - for treatment in the initial period of the disease, dry - for treatment during the recovery period). Therapeutic baths are recommended several times a day, lasting 5-10 minutes.

Treatment of bronchial asthma with birch oil

Birch essential oil is perfect for massage and baths in the treatment of asthma. This oil contains biologically active substances which contribute to the health of the body.

1. If birch oil is used for massage, Special attention should be addressed to work with the neck and chest. Massage chest it is necessary to carry out both in front and behind, while the massage therapist’s movements must be active.

First, you should do a warming massage of the entire surface, and only then start working with individual muscles. The duration of chest massage in front is 20 minutes, and in back – 30 minutes. The massage procedure should be completed with lighter warming movements.

2. To prepare a bath with birch oil, V hot water 30 ml of oil should be added. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to thoroughly rub the body and dress warmly.

Treatment of urolithiasis with birch oil

For treatment of this disease Use birch bud oil: take 5 ml of oil, stir in a glass of water, drink during the day in 2 doses - in the morning and in the evening.

Healing properties birch oil in the sauna and bathhouse.

Birch essential oil soothes nervous system, helps with psychological diseases, improves well-being and mood.

The most traditional healing option is to use a birch broom. This tree helped our ancestors in ancient times. Birch leaves were an effective remedy for treating wounds, various tinctures from birch buds was used in the treatment of skin diseases and colds.

Scientists have proven that the oils contained in birch have a bacterial effect and purify the air. And a broom in a bathhouse is not just a means to increase heat, it is a massager and a source of healing oils. Besides, birch leaf It has a porous structure, and it not only adheres well to the body, but also absorbs sweat.

Birch oil treatment for impotence

For treatment male impotence ethnoscience recommends the following remedy: mix 20 g of rosemary leaves, 20 g of sage leaves and 20 g of thyme. TO herbal mixture add 20 g of birch buds and 100 g of honey. Pour 400 ml of boiling water into the resulting mixture, cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour, then strain and add 15 ml rosemary oil. Apply the prepared treatment orally, 3 tsp. before meals, 2-3 times a day.

Birch tar. Birch resin oil. Birch tar essential oil. Application of birch tar. Properties of birch tar. Description of birch tar essential oil. How to use birch resin (tar) oil. Birch tar for lice and scabies.


Area of ​​influence of Birch tar essential oil:

  • Scabies, eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, scaly lichen
  • Allergy, pyoderma, diathesis.
  • Wounds, burns, boils, bedsores, frostbite, abscess.
  • Fungal infection of the skin, nails, smallpox, erysipelas, leprosy.
  • Tuberculosis, catarrhal sore throat, asthma, bronchitis.
  • Rheumatism, radiculitis, myositis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, arthritis, gout.

Botanical name: Betula alba

Family: Birch (Betulaceae)

Homeland: Europe, Western Russia.

Country of cultivation: Russia

Raw materials for oil production: bark tar

Production Method: two-level production: pyrolysis of wood, resulting in tar, and then dry distillation.

Exit: 2-6%

Color: brown-yellow

Aroma: turpentine, strong, sharp, smoky, leathery

Consistency: liquid , oily, fluid

Energy: hot, humid

Note: lower

Class: stimulant, adaptogen

Description: Birch tar essential oil is obtained from the Warty Birch tree. It is a deciduous tree, about 20 meters high. The bark is smooth and white. Branches drooping, bare, warty. Leaves are beautiful diamond-shaped with teeth. Blooms with female and male earrings. The fruit is a flat nut with wings.

Commercial value: not high

About the plant: Birch got its name from the Latin - “Beatus” - blessed, happy, light white in Celtic. In Russia, the white Birch is considered a symbol of the Motherland. The ancient Russians considered Birch a talisman. There was a belief that the souls of dead people settled in the tree and continued to live in a new guise.

Since the Middle Ages, Birch, especially in Northern Europe, has been used as a diuretic, blood purifier, and to treat skin diseases. Even in the annals of the 12th century, birch is mentioned as a remedy for healing ulcers, although it does not say what kind of birch product was used - pure resin, oil, juice or infusion of leaves. The whole plant is a storehouse useful substances for a person. Even the chaga mushroom growing on birch is part of many healing decoctions and tinctures.

It's interesting that: Birch bark gets its white color thanks to a coloring substance (triterpene alcohol) - betulin.

And further… The well-known Vishnevsky ointment and soap for lice and scabies are made from Birch tar.

Main Components: phenol, cresol, xylenol, guaiacol, creosol, pyrocatechol

Properties: antiseptic, fungicidal, regenerating, warming, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antimicrobial, insecticidal, local irritant.


General therapy: Birch Tar essential oil is used in Aromatherapy to treat skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis.

Considered one of the most effective means for the treatment of psoriasis. Therapeutic effect due to the fact that blood supply to tissues improves, regeneration of the epidermis is stimulated, and healing processes are enhanced. A reflex reaction occurs associated with irritation of skin receptors, as well as an anti-inflammatory effect and an inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis, which is important for psoriasis.

Birch tar oil is used for muscle pain and rheumatism, myositis, and neuralgia.

Has fungicidal properties. Used in treatment fungal infection skin and nail plate

Psycho-emotional sphere: Birch tar oil is considered a stimulating aroma. It is rarely used for this purpose due to its pungent odor.

In cosmetology: Birch tar has active moisturizing properties, so it is used to care for dry skin. The oil is known as a remedy for freckles.

Body: Birch tar essential oil is used for warming massage . Heals heel cracks.

Hair: Birch tar helps in treatment oily seborrhea. Stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff and prevents hair loss.

In dermatology: One of the most effective remedies for psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and scaly lichen. Prevention and remedy for scabies mites.

Erotic impact: Absent.

Household use: Birch tar is used to make soap for the care of skin affected by psoriasis and dermatitis.

Birch essential oil is used to wash animals infested with fleas (adding to animal shampoo)

Role in perfume composition: Birch tar aroma is used to create the aroma of “Russian leather”.

The magic of aroma: Birch plant is a talisman. It has strong cleansing properties, gives health, love, protects a person from human ill will. The Slavs planted a birch tree near the gate so that trouble would bypass the house. The aroma of birch is considered the guardian of the family. It awakens masculinity and makes women more feminine. From time immemorial, birch brooms were dried for baths. Birch tar aroma is useful for people with upset nerves and depression. It relieves fatigue and gives mental strength.

Element: Water

Planet: Jupiter, Moon

Suitable for Zodiac signs: Cancer, Sagittarius

Compatibility: orange, calamus, geranium, cloves, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, incense, lime, lemon, lemon balm, juniper, patchouli, black pepper, rosemary, tea tree.

Compliments: Cloves, geranium



Anise + Birch tar – sore throat

Birch bark – sore throat, flu

Contraindications and precautions:

Use only in diluted form.

Do not use inside pure tar is dangerous due to the content of carcinogens.

Use with caution during pregnancy.

Use with caution for hypertension

Use with caution for epilepsy

A contraindication may be individual intolerance to the aroma. Before use, you must do a test.

Storage: Store in a dark glass bottle, tightly closed, at room temperature. Keep away from children. Shelf life 2-3 years

Recipes with Birch tar essential oil:


Bath: On a warm bath, add a mixture of emulsifier and essential oil of Birch tar. Application time: 10-15 minutes. Start with 5 minutes.

  • Emulsifier (sour cream, yogurt) – 1/2 cup
  • Birch tar oil – 10-12 drops

Massage, compress: Lightly rub the mixture into sore spot. Cover with cotton cloth. Leave the patient alone for 1 hour. Before use, do a tolerance test.

  • Hot pepper base oil – 1 teaspoon (only mixed with other oils)
  • Wheat germ – 2 teaspoons
  • Birch tar oil – 5 drops

Bath: Steam Birch broom. Add a few drops of birch tar oil to the water. Steam the radiculitis area with a broom.

Plant type: Tree
Part used: Bark, shoots
Family: Birch
Smell phase: First
Planet: Venus
Extraction method: Maceration and distillation
Aroma: Antiseptic smell, although quite fresh.

General information
A very large forest tree with serrated oval leaves and distinctive catkins. More than 100 varieties are known. The tree reaches 25 meters in height and often has drooping (“weeping”) young shoots. Yellow birch is native to North America (US territory); warty and cherry from Russia, Holland and Germany. The smallest, cherry birch is known as the "sweet birch." Before distillation, its bark is soaked in warm water to release essential oil.

History and myths
According to legend, birch exorcises evil spirits. As for practical use, for example, the juice from the leaves of this tree is used to rinse the mouth when ulcers appear on the mucous membrane. For centuries, a healing intoxicating drink was made from birch sap, and the leaves were brewed to obtain a diuretic infusion. Birch oil is included in lotions and ointments for the skin, which is probably due to its astringent properties. Recently, it has been a component of perfumes.

Russia has been exporting for a long time Birch tar, which was used in soap making and leather processing. Tar is known to be good for rheumatism of the joints, gout and skin infections. Oil of the Betula alta species was part of a popular hair tonic in Germany known as Birkenwasser. From the main chemical component Aspirin is obtained from methyl salicylate, which indicates the analgesic properties of the oil. In France, the oil is added to men's perfumes, giving it a skin scent, especially popular among men. Durable wood is used to make furniture and in construction. Birch can often be found in cities, where it is planted as an ornamental plant.

Chemical components
Salicylic acid; betulen, betulenol (sesquiterpenes); methyl salicylate (ester).

Medicinal properties of birch oil:
Antiseptic, analgesic, insecticidal, blood purifying, diuretic, astringent, tonic.

Precautionary measures
Birch essential oil - potent remedy, which may cause irritation to sensitive skin. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

Impact on consciousness: produces an invigorating and exciting effect.

Impact on the body
Birch essential oil has a reputation as a broad-spectrum cleanser: it cleanses the blood, stimulates the sweat glands, that is, it helps the body get rid of toxins. In addition, it clears the lymphatic system of infection.

Birch oil promotes urination, removing organic waste from the urine and thereby relieving pain due to cystitis.

Essential birch oil is used for proteinuria (reduces the protein content in urine), dissolves stones in the gall bladder and kidneys. Has a tonic effect on the kidneys, relieves renal swelling.

Thanks to its diuretic properties, birch oil alleviates the condition of people suffering from obesity, cellulite, and dropsy. Prevents the accumulation of uric acid in joints, helps with rheumatism, arthritis and muscle pain. Birch oil has proven itself as an effective pain reliever.

Effect on skin
Practice has proven the healing effect of birch oil for chronic skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and ulcers. However, sometimes you should use another essential oil for this purpose, since birch oil can irritate sensitive skin.

Orange, marigold, ginger, cardamom, cajuput tree, lavender, incense, lemon, chamomile, thyme.

Note: The maceration method is based on the dissolution of essential oils in vegetable fatty oils.

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of birch oil (tar).

BIRCH OIL (TAR) obtained from buds and birch leaves. Buds are rich in essential oil, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, resins, saponins, flavonoids, carotene, hyperoside and tannins.

Birch tar (oil). Treatment of psoriasis, fungus, oncology, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Video

Characterized by birch oil antiseptic properties. It is used as a choleretic and disinfectant and diuretic.


Birch essential oil. Oil smell– spicy - woody. The oil helps with psychological diseases, improves mood and well-being, and calms the nervous system well.

Birch essential oil spicy - has a woody smell; buds are also obtained from birch leaves. Birch buds are rich in resins, essential oil, ascorbic acid and nicotinic, saponins, carotene, flavonoids, hyperoside and tannins. Birch oil treatment of diseases good results gives - this essential oil has antiseptic, analgesic, blood purifying, insecticidal, astringent, diuretic, and tonic properties, used as a diuretic, choleretic and disinfectant. Helps with psychological diseases, improves mood and well-being, calms the nervous system.

Tar is “ Russian oil" Video

Medicinal properties of birch oil

APPLICATION OF BIRCH OIL (TAR). Birch oil produces an exciting and invigorating effect on the human consciousness.

It is considered a good cleansing agent broad action: and stimulates the work of the sweat glands, thereby helping the body get rid of toxins. Also, birch oil cleanses the lymphatic system from infections.

Birch oil enhances urination, removing toxins with urine and thereby relieving pain in the treatment of diseases such as. Birch oil is used for proteinuria () and gall bladder. It has a tonic effect on the kidneys and relieves renal edema.

Diuretic effect due to Birch oil alleviates people's condition and cellulite.

Tar for dislocations, bruises, during the period after plaster removal After a fracture, compresses with the addition of the following oils are very effective: , cypress, . It is recommended to add ten to fifteen ml for baths. each of these oils in a bath of water (t about forty - forty-two degrees C).

Three ml is enough for compresses. oils of each by 0.5 tbsp. water. First, to do this, put it in place sore compress ice. The duration of action of this compress is ten to fifteen minutes. And then - a hot compress. The duration of the hot compress is the same. It is useful to make a warm compress at the end, or you should just keep the hot compress until it cools down.


Birch oil goes well with: orange, incense, .

Scientists have proven that The oils contained in birch have a bacterial effect and purify the air. A broom in the bathhouseThis is not only a means of injecting heat, it is also a massager and a source of healing oils. Besides, birch leaf It has a porous structure, and it not only adheres well to the body and absorbs sweat.

Be healthy!

Birch oil, birch oil treatment. Video

Tar - natural medicine from 100 diseases. Video

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