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How to make a compress for sore joints. Compress for a sore throat: will warming the throat be useful?

Warming compress:

Target: cause long-term and uniform dilation of blood vessels, help improve blood circulation in tissues, and have an analgesic and absorbable effect.

Indications: treatment of local infiltrates (post-injection), inflammatory processes in muscles and joints, ENT diseases, bruises on the second day.

Contraindications: hemorrhages, purulent skin diseases, violation of the integrity of the skin, tumors of various etiologies, injuries and bruises in the first day.


1. Place a gauze pad on the skin, folded in 6-8 layers, moistened with one of the solutions and wrung out well.

2. Cover the fabric with a piece of wax paper (oilcloth) that is 1.5-2 cm wider than a wet napkin.

3. Place a thick layer of cotton wool (1.5-2 cm larger than the previous layer of compress).

4. Secure the compress with a bandage.

5. Write down the time of application of the compress: the compress is kept from 6 to 12 hours.

6. After 2 hours, stick your finger under the compress and make sure that the napkin is damp and the skin is warm (if after 1.5-2 hours the napkin is dry, then the compress was applied incorrectly).

7. At a certain time, remove the compress, wipe the skin warm water, dry with a napkin; Wrap the place where the compress is placed warmly.

Cold compress:

Cold compresses, or lotions, are used for bruises, injuries, and bruises. They cause local cooling and reduce swelling and pain.


    lead lotion (special pharmaceutical liquid) or cold water;

    a piece of thick towel folded in several layers.

To apply a cold compress:

    soak a piece of towel in lead lotion or cold water;

    Wring out the fabric well;

    apply a towel to the sore spot;

    when warming the canvas, moisten it again in lead lotion or water and apply it to the sore spot;

    change the lotion every 2-3 minutes.

11. Admission of the patient to the hospital, sanitary treatment, transportation

Upon admission of the patient to the emergency department, he is thorough examination to detect pediculosis. In such cases, head, body and pubic louse may be found.

Sanitary treatment of the patient is reduced to hair cutting (according to medical indications) followed by burning them or disinfecting them in steam sterilizers, cutting nails (on the hands and feet), washing them in the bathtub or shower, collecting things (clothes, linen, shoes of the patient) to be disinfected into individual bags for subsequent sending them for disinfection in a disinfection chamber. Before chamber disinfection, the belongings of infectious patients are not given to relatives. At the same time, personal belongings of patients with influenza and other acute respiratory diseases, paratitis, chicken pox and whooping cough do not need to be disinfected. Relatives are allowed to take these things home. After undergoing sanitary treatment, the patient receives clean hospital linen, a robe (pajamas), and slippers.

Body lice are carriers of typhus and louse-borne relapsing fever, the pathogens of which penetrate through damaged skin when the lice are crushed and subsequently scratched. The spread of pediculosis is observed under unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions and indicates, first of all, poor bath and laundry management.

If lice are detected, sanitary treatment is carried out, which can be complete (washing the patient with soap and a washcloth in the bath or under the shower, destroying microorganisms and insects in linen, clothing, shoes, bedding and living quarters, i.e. disinfection and disinfestation) or partial, implying only washing of people and disinfection (disinsection) of linen, clothes and shoes.

To combat PEDICULOSIS, THERE ARE MANY SPECIAL PRODUCTS CURRENTLY THAT ARE NON-TOXIC AND DO NOT REQUIRE STYLE AND HAIR. The product is applied to the scalp and covered with wax paper, a scarf is tied on top of the head or a cap is put on, or simply the hair is washed special shampoo. To remove nits, comb the hair again for several days with a fine-toothed comb and cotton wool moistened with a hot 10% table solution. vinegar.

To kill pubic lice, the affected hair is shaved off, after which washing the body again is usually sufficient. hot water with soap.

The linen and clothes of patients are disinfected in disinsection chambers (steam-air, hot-air, etc.). Medical personnel treating patients with head lice must use special long clothing made of rubberized fabric or thick canvas.

Prevention of lice consists of regular body washing and timely change of underwear and bed linen.

Upon admission to the hospital, if necessary, patients accept a hygienic bath or shower, and patients who need outside help are lowered into the bath on a sheet or placed on a stool placed in the bath and doused with a shower.

All patients must take a hygienic bath or shower in the emergency department (sometimes this is not quite correctly called sanitization), then they change into hospital clothes. In practice, this rule is not always observed, which is due to several reasons. On the one hand, patients admitted for hospitalization as planned usually take a shower or bath at home. On the other hand, the hospital emergency department often does not have enough space and medical personnel to organize a bath or shower for all incoming patients.

As for hospital linen (pajamas and gowns), it is often of low quality, and patients change into clothes they took with them from home. Therefore, patients take a bath in the emergency department and change into hospital clothes, usually only for certain indications (in infectious hospitals, with severe contamination of the skin, etc.).

Not allowed accept a hygienic bath for patients with serious illnesses (with hypertensive crisis, acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, with severe insufficiency blood circulation, tuberculosis in the active phase, etc.), some skin diseases, diseases requiring emergency surgical intervention, as well as women in labor. Usually in such cases, the patient’s skin is wiped with a swab moistened with warm water and soap, then clean water and wipe dry.

You can also use warm water with the addition of cologne or alcohol for wiping. Patients' nails are trimmed short.

If the patient is prescribed bed rest or independent movement is contraindicated, then he is transported to auxiliary diagnostic and treatment rooms, as well as to the dressing room or operating room, on a special gurney.

The nurse must be able to correctly transfer a seriously ill patient from bed to gurney and back.

For ease of carrying, the gurney can be placed in relation to the bed at a right angle, parallel or in series. The patient should be transported on a gurney carefully; the head end should be in the direction of movement.

The trolley for transporting patients TBP-2 is designed for transporting patients to operating rooms, X-rays, treatment rooms and other rooms within the hospital building. The trolley panel is adjusted to the required height by a hydraulic device operated by a foot pedal, allowing patients to be easily transferred. The trolley has folding side guards. Raising and lowering of the panel is carried out by a hydraulic drive driven by a foot pedal. The cart is designed taking into account the requirements of modern medicine, it is safe, has a durable frame structure, which is convenient and reliable in operation. The trolley is mounted on wheels, two of which have brakes.

The therapeutic effectiveness of vodka compress has been known for a long time. External heat improves blood circulation in small vessels, causing increased blood washing of the affected area. Tissue swelling decreases, the inflammatory focus resolves.

A vodka compress has a beneficial effect on diseased joints, cures ear inflammation, and speeds up treatment colds. Enhances the effect traditional methods infusion medicinal plants on vodka.

At home, store-bought vodka or an alcohol solution with a strength of about 40° is used as a base. You can check whether the strength corresponds to the required value by burning: a piece of paper moistened with an alcohol solution should flare up with a yellow-blue fire.

Apply moonshine homemade not recommended as there is a lot of liquid fusel oils that do not benefit the body.

When to use vodka heating

Vodka compresses dilate blood vessels, resulting in more oxygen entering the tissues, reducing inflammation, and eliminating extra salt and toxins, swelling and inflammation are reduced.

A vodka compress is used for the following lesions:

  • hypothermia, cold;
  • ear infection;
  • bruises, contusions, sprains;
  • hardening of soft tissues after injection;
  • joint pain with inflammatory processes;
  • calluses, corns, gout;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • pain in the spine, radiculitis.

Vodka based application medicinal tinctures significantly speeds up recovery.

How to prepare a compress

The preparation of a warming procedure for various diseases occurs in the standard way:

  • It is recommended to heat the liquid in a water bath in a closed container to body temperature 36-38° C;
  • the fabric should be used from natural material, folded several times. The size of the “pad” should be 1-2 cm larger than the perimeter of the affected area. The fabric is thoroughly wetted in the solution and wrung out so that the vodka does not drip down. Carefully cover the affected area and place film material on top;
  • compressor paper or waterproof film should cover the fabric tightly, preventing liquid from leaking out;
  • on top it is necessary to insulate the compress with a warm cloth, woolen scarf or terry towel;
  • the compress should not be tightly attached to the affected organ, so as not to interfere with free blood circulation;
  • It is not recommended to apply a bandage to the lymph nodes.

An example of making a compress for the ear:

The treatment process lasts 4-5 hours. IN daytime It is recommended to change the bandage as it dries. If treatment is carried out at night, in the morning it is necessary to wash the affected area with warm water and lubricate it with an emollient cream. After the procedure, you can go outside 2 hours later.

Features of treatment with vodka procedures

Applying a vodka compress when a certain disease has its own nuances:

  1. Angina. The compress is placed on the neck without covering the lymph nodes and the area thyroid gland. The procedure is carried out at night. The effect of the compress is aimed at eliminating cough and sore throat. It is recommended not to go out into the cold for 12 hours after the event.
  2. Cold. A vodka compress is applied to top part back and chest. It is imperative to monitor body temperature: if it rises above 37°C, the procedure is not recommended so as not to cause additional overheating of the body. After removing the bandage, it is advisable to soften the skin with baby cream or Vaseline.
  3. Otitis. To protect ear canal to prevent liquid from entering, a cross-shaped hole should be cut in the center of the fabric into which to thread auricle. On the side of the cheek, the bandage is fixed with an adhesive plaster. The entire compress is secured with a bandage wrapped around the head and tied under the chin. It is recommended to wear a warm scarf on top. The bandage should be kept on for no more than 4 hours.
  4. Joint pain. Intense inflammation is stopped by applying a layer of Vishnevsky ointment and a vodka compress on top. It is advisable to do this activity at night to reduce the risk of disturbing the joint.
  5. Sprained ligaments or muscles. Heat treatment is performed one day after the injury.
  6. Radiculitis. A vodka compress is placed on the lower back. You can use tincture of wormwood, aloe, and red hot pepper to enhance the healing effect.
  7. Varicose veins“Stars” of veins on the body can be removed by applying a bandage with a tincture of fruits and inflorescences horse chestnut, lilac, acacia to the affected area. The procedure is recommended to be carried out after contrast shower or baths.
  8. Corns. Calluses are quickly removed with a vodka compress, which is made after the softening effect of a bath of salted water.
  9. Lumpy hardening on the body after injections or injuries. A mini compress of vodka is placed on the problem area. The top is insulated with a piece of cotton wool and secured with strips of adhesive plaster.

When the vodka procedure cannot be used

To avoid harm to the body, the following conditions must be met:

  • apply vodka compress after consultation with the attending physician;
  • do not warm up the organs when elevated temperature body, feverish;
  • It is forbidden to apply a vodka compress to children under 12 years of age;
  • It is not recommended to perform the procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • do not apply a warming bandage if there is damage to the skin or purulent inflammation;
  • the event is contraindicated for heart disease, high blood pressure, malignant tumors;
  • It is dangerous to apply the product if you are allergic to alcohol or have an acute illness.

Vodka compress treatment is an inexpensive and accessible procedure for everyone that can be used at home. The main thing is that it is recommended to follow the rules of the event, take into account contraindications, and consult a doctor first.

Joint pain is the most common manifestation of acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Used in the treatment of joint diseases different methods. Most often used drug treatment non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Nonsteroids quickly relieve symptoms of inflammation and pain, but have a pronounced irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, they should not be taken for gastritis and peptic ulcer. Even in the absence of any changes in the stomach, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause the development of drug-induced gastritis, and with prolonged use, the formation of stomach ulcers is possible.

What can replace non-steroids? One of the most effective methods treatments for joint diseases are various compresses, including warming.

How to apply a warm compress?

A properly applied warm compress relieves pain, swelling and other symptoms of inflammation. It is better to apply a warm compress at night, as it acts within 6-8 hours.

The effect of a warming compress is to use internal heat generated in inflamed tissues. The use of a waterproof layer of material in the compress prevents liquid evaporation and cooling. Under the influence of this procedure, local blood circulation increases, which leads to a decrease in swelling, resolution of inflammation, and a decrease in spasms and convulsive muscle contractions. All this leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of pain and an improvement in general condition.

The compress consists of four layers. Each subsequent layer should be 3-4 cm wider than the previous one. As the first layer of compress, use a gauze napkin or a piece of any cotton fabric, folded in 2-3 layers. The size of the napkin or cloth should be 2-3 cm larger than the affected area. The fabric is moistened with water at room temperature and lightly wrung out. You can use a semi-alcoholic solution, for the preparation of which equal amounts of alcohol and water are mixed. This solution can be replaced with regular vodka. A compress with a semi-alcohol solution has a more pronounced warming effect. It is also effective to use compresses with various pharmaceuticals: dimexide, bischofite, medical bile and other liquids. A moistened and slightly wrung-out napkin or cloth is applied to the sore joint.

The next layer of compress is applied on top of the napkin - compress paper, which can be replaced with parchment, oilcloth or a plastic bag. The main role of this layer is to prevent the compress from drying out quickly. It should be 3-4 cm larger than the first.

The next layer of warming compress consists of cotton wool. The joint is wrapped with cotton wool on all sides. It can be replaced with a warm scarf, woolen material or flannel. The third layer should be larger than the second and thick enough to retain heat.

The last layer of the compress is a bandage, which is used to secure all the previous layers well, being careful not to squeeze the tissue so as not to disrupt blood circulation. Place the compress against the surface of the body to prevent heat loss.

Soon after the compress is applied, a pleasant warmth appears, which lasts for several hours. Even when the compress is removed after 6-8 hours, the skin underneath remains moist and warm. You can do this procedure 1-2 times a day, once at night, the second time during the day.

Immediately after applying a warming compress, you should not go outside, especially in the cold season. Long-term use Compresses may cause skin irritation in the form of redness or rash. In this case, it is recommended to take a break for 1-2 days and treat the skin with drying powder or powder.

The use of a warm compress is effective for inflammatory diseases joints, bruises, sprains and other consequences of injuries. This simple procedure also used for acute thrombophlebitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and tracheitis, for infiltrates after injections and other inflammatory diseases. The use of a compress is contraindicated when skin diseases, pustular rash, increased tendency to bleeding.

Alcohol compressor dressings are very useful for blood vessels and the circulatory system.

At the site where the product is used, metabolism improves, tissues are restored faster due to a rush of blood.

Alcohol warms up, allows useful substances penetrate deeper into the tissue, so herbs and oils are added to compressor dressings.

Variations with vodka are removed painful sensations, inflammation and swelling.

Vodka manipulations are used for the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the throat, for example, cough, sore throat, but without pus;
  • no fever;
  • otitis without pus;
  • joint pain;
  • injuries, bruises;
  • bruises after injections;
  • the appearance of corns;
  • vein diseases, varicose veins.
  • radiculitis and muscle pain.

However, this method cannot be used on irritated skin; it is important not to overexpose it so as not to get burned.

How to make an alcohol compress?

It’s easy to make such a product; everyone can find the ingredients for its preparation in their home.

However, despite the ease of preparation and use, these simple wraps help to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Alcohol warming throat pads are especially effective for colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and viral diseases.

How to do it right alcohol compress:

To do this you will need alcohol or vodka (moonshine, cognac, whiskey and others strong alcohol not suitable.), bandage or gauze, cotton wool, plastic bag, scarf and rich cream.

Before the procedure, you should put on things that you don’t mind, because if alcohol gets on the fabric, the material may deteriorate.

The step-by-step preparation of a warming bandage is as follows:

  1. Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. There is no need to dilute vodka, unless this is a children's version, then you need to dilute the alcohol with half the water.
  2. Heat the mixture to about 45 degrees so that your hand feels pleasantly warm to the touch.
  3. Wet the gauze well in alcohol solution, and the gauze should be thick enough and folded several times.
  4. Wring the gauze well so that it does not drip, but at the same time it remains wet.
  5. The area where the treatment will be applied must be thoroughly lubricated with a rich cream to prevent burns.
  6. Apply gauze to the treatment site. A plastic bag is placed on top, and a thick layer of cotton wool is placed on top of it.
  7. Secure the treatment layer with a tight bandage using a scarf or bandage to improve the warming effect and so that it does not fall off.

It is necessary to keep the lotion depending on the disease, sometimes 20 minutes is enough, and sometimes you need to spend the whole night with a compress.

How to make an alcohol compress for children and pregnant women?

For children similar procedures should be made diluted and lubricated very well skin covering baby cream to avoid burns on delicate baby skin.

To do this, you can use a patch or wrap your body with cling film.

The first time you use a warming bandage for a child, you should check his well-being every 10-15 minutes, monitor the condition of his skin for pain or other unpleasant sensations.

It is imperative to interrupt the procedure when the first signs of malaise, swelling, burns, and pain appear.

While wearing the heating pad, the child should not feel unwell, and the skin should not react sharply.

During pregnancy, compression treatment can be used if future mom feels normal, there are no contraindications to treatment in this way. You just need to dilute the alcohol with water.

The vodka composition should be applied during pregnancy as follows:

  • grease the area for the compress with cream;
  • heat the mixture to 40 degrees and soak gauze in it, then squeeze it out and spread it over the sore spot;
  • place a plastic bag on top;
  • The last layer should keep you warm; a diaper or scarf is suitable for this; you just need to wrap it around your neck.

Keep the patch on for an hour in the morning and evening; after removing the bandage, the skin should be wiped and the skin should be smeared with cream again.

This way you can get rid of dry skin after use. this method treatment. Apply baby cream to your throat.

Contraindications for use

  • tumor;
  • sore throat and otitis media in purulent form;
  • bronchitis;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the skin, wounds, ulcers and ulcers;
  • allergy.

Before use therapeutic method You should consult a specialist. You need to be especially careful if you are pregnant and use the compress carefully on your child.

When correct application The compress will be an excellent remedy for treating colds, relieving pain and inflammation in the throat with sore throat.

For even more details about what compresses are and how to make them, read this

Bandages on various parts of the body, based on therapeutic effect which underlie the temperature effect are called compresses. There is a huge variety of them. Let's look at the main ones that can be used as an addition to the main treatment. various diseases. Compresses can be dry and wet, warming, hot and cold.

Dry compress. Prepared from several layers of sterile gauze and a layer of cotton wool, which are secured with a bandage; used to protect the site of injury (bruise, wound) from cooling and contamination.

Wet compresses. There are warming, hot and cold. They are applied to different parts of the body depending on the location of the pathological process.

Warming compress. Prescribed as a resolving or distracting procedure for chronic inflammation joints, sore throat, otitis, laryngotracheitis, pleurisy. As a result of local and reflex action heat comes a rush of blood, decreases pain sensitivity. Warming compresses are contraindicated for dermatitis, violation of skin integrity, and furunculosis. Compresses should not be applied when high temperature body, with different allergic rashes on the skin. This procedure is not recommended if cardiovascular diseases II-III degrees with symptoms of heart failure, with atherosclerosis with damage to cerebral vessels, with fresh thrombosis (thrombophlebitis), with a tendency to bleeding. Compresses should not be applied to patients with active tuberculosis or other infectious diseases. You should not do this procedure during a period of rapid, acute inflammatory process, for example, when there is pain, swelling, redness, or local fever in the joint.

Technique for applying a warm compress. A piece of fabric folded in several layers is moistened in warm water, squeeze, apply to the skin. An oilcloth (compress paper, polyethylene) is placed on top, wider than the moistened fabric, and on top - a layer of cotton wool or flannel of an even larger area. All three layers are secured with a bandage tightly enough, but so as not to disrupt normal blood circulation.After removing the compress (after 6-8 hours), the skin should be wiped with alcohol and a dry, warm bandage should be placed on the warmed area.If you need to put a compress on the entire chest or stomach, you should sew a vest or a wide belt from oilcloth and cotton wool (batting); for the wet layer, fabric of the appropriate shape is cut out, but of a smaller size.

A medicinal warming compress is also used, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of various substances (baking soda, alcohol, etc.) to the water. Usually a semi-alcoholic (alcohol is diluted with water) or vodka compress is applied. You can use alcohol and Vaseline (or any vegetable) oil in a 1:1 ratio. Doctors often recommend ready-made compresses. medications, for example, menovazine. For rheumatic joint lesions, medical bile or dimexide are very effective. But medicinal substances may cause irritation, therefore, before applying the compress, the skin should be lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline oil. IN folk medicine use compresses with leaves of burdock, plantain, cabbage, and buttercup.

Rules for applying a warm compress to children the same, but absolute contraindication for this procedure - increasing the child's body temperature. Usually local compresses placed in pediatric practice for inflammation of the middle ear - otitis, or on the extremities - in case of injury. The vodka or alcohol-vaseline version is more often used.
For children under 1 year of age, compresses should be placed on the ear with caution. They cannot be kept for more than 1.5 hours.

At respiratory diseases with laryngitis (hoarseness of voice), with bronchitis, an older child can apply a compress to chest. This compress is used with heated interior lard, turpentine ointment, warm vegetable oil. It is left overnight.

For sore throats, children are often given a vodka compress on the neck area. In this case, a cloth moistened with vodka should be applied to the posterior-lateral surface of the neck, leaving its anterior part - the area of ​​the thyroid gland - free. Otherwise, the rules for applying a compress are the same. After the thermal procedure, you should not let your child go for a walk or play outdoor games with him.

Hot compress. A hot compress is prescribed for local tissue warming. Under its influence, a rush of blood occurs, which causes an analgesic effect. This procedure is used for migraines caused by spasm of cerebral vessels, colic (intestinal, kidney and liver), pain in the joints, deposition of salts in them, and neuritis.

Hot compress technique. The fabric is soaked in hot water(temperature 50-60°C), quickly wring out and apply to the desired area of ​​the body, cover the top with oilcloth and warm woolen cloth. This compress is changed every 5-10 minutes.

Cold compress. Causing local cooling and contraction blood vessels, reduces blood flow and pain. It is used for various local inflammatory processes, bruises, and nosebleeds (on the bridge of the nose). A cold compress is placed on the head during feverish conditions and severe mental agitation.

Cold compress technique. A piece of fabric, folded in several layers, is moistened in cold water (preferably with ice), lightly wrung out and applied to the corresponding area of ​​the body. The compress is changed every 23 minutes, so it is convenient to have two sets of compress, one of which, after cooling in advance, lies in cold water. Depending on the patient’s condition, the procedure is carried out for 1 hour or more.