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Love and sexual compatibility: Cancer woman, Libra man. Cancer and Libra compatibility of zodiac signs in love, sexual and friendly relationships

In astrology, it is believed that the best candidates for starting a family are Libra and Cancer, but compatibility in love relationships These signs are not so ideal among themselves. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) belongs to the element of Water, which is responsible for the sphere of emotions and feelings; and Libra (September 23 - October 22) is a representative of Air, they are sociable and reasonable. The signs differ only in the nature and depth of feelings, otherwise they are very similar.

Family and relationships are the zone of self-realization for Libra; representatives of this zodiac sign avoid loneliness in every possible way. Idealists and romantics in matters of love strive to make relationships harmonious both on the physical and spiritual levels. Great importance is attached to emotional and intellectual intimacy with a partner. They like extraordinary, energetic and passionate personalities. A life partner is chosen meticulously. He must be intellectually developed, be able to carry on a conversation and have a sense of taste.

Libras are flexible, sensitive and diplomatic partners. For the sake of maintaining harmony and love in marriage, they are capable of making any concessions. In conflict situations, they skillfully avoid sharp corners, are ready to give in and adapt to their spouse. To ensure peace in the family, they are ready to sacrifice themselves. They like to take care of loved ones, raise and care for children, and give gifts. They tend to be gentle in matters of education. They try to develop independence and a sense of beauty in children.

The romantic and vulnerable Cancer enters relationships carefully and slowly. Representatives of this sign look closely at a person for a long time before entering into a relationship with him. They are indecisive and rarely take the first step.

Their ideal love relationship should be based on emotional and spiritual kinship, as well as equality and mutual respect. Cancers have a kind and vulnerable soul. They are able to turn a blind eye to many of their spouse’s shortcomings and actions, except for betrayal.

Family and personal life come first for Cancer. In relation to household members, they are caring, sensitive and gentle, but outside the family, Cancers are withdrawn and behave aloof. Family is sacred to them; they will not tolerate invasion of privacy and will not allow anyone to offend their loved ones. These are devoted, sensual and caring partners. It is important for them to feel emotional closeness with their other half. They take touching and tender care of family members. They love children and take great pleasure in raising them. This loving and caring but strict parents.

The partnership between Cancer and Libra can be long-lasting and strong. The compatibility of the water and air elements in astrology is considered neutral. In this pair, the diplomacy and prudence of Libra combine well with the sensuality and insight of Cancer. Their emotions are of a different nature, but this does not prevent them from understanding each other. They are compatible on creative, intellectual and spiritual levels. Often such a couple runs a family business or engages in joint creativity.

The impressionability and dreaminess of Cancer attracts Libra; they appreciate the care and tenderness of the water sign. Libras live in harmony with themselves and easily achieve mental balance, which they can teach their partner. They will help Cancer get rid of internal alarms and doubts; will teach him to be guided by reason and not by feelings when making decisions. In response, Cancer will surround the airy chosen one with the love and care that Libra needs.

Cancer and Libra couple (love compatibility):

  • Combination of Cancer Woman and Libra Man. Compatibility in such a union is more harmonious than not. For both signs great importance have family values ​​and spiritual closeness with their spouse. Signs draw inspiration and strength from relationships, which gives a favorable family compatibility Cancer and Libra. The Libra man is able to charm the impressionable and dreamy Cancer woman with his wit and charm. The beginning of the relationship will be romantic - beautiful courtship and languid conversations until the morning. Both can enjoy the candy-bouquet period for quite a long time; the signs will not rush to move the relationship into a more serious phase. After marriage, the signs become comrades and friends for each other, lyrics and feelings recede into the background.
  • Couple Cancer man and Libra woman. Their compatibility in love cannot be called ideal, but the signs have common ground. Both want to realize themselves in a partnership, start a family and have children. In the reserved Cancer, wise and sophisticated Libra is able to discern a romantic soul. The Libra girl will be attracted to this duality, and she will want to get a better look at him. After talking with the Cancer guy longer, she will understand that he can become a reliable support and protection for her. In him she will see a faithful and devoted partner who is not afraid to show feelings. For the Cancer man, the Libra woman is the standard of femininity and romance, for her sake he wants to perform feats.

Possible causes of conflicts

There are practically no loud quarrels and showdowns in the family of Cancer and Libra. Both signs are diplomatic and strive for harmonious relationships. Rarely arising conflicts are preferred to be resolved peacefully.

Signs perceive comfort differently. Libras love to surround themselves with luxury goods and can easily spend a significant portion of their budget on designer items. Cancers are unlikely to like this approach to savings. They are prone to hoarding, and it is important for them to have a cash cushion.

Maintaining family budget Cancer and highlighting an article for purchasing an air sign will help in solving the problem of unreasonable spending of funds.

The love of sociable Libra for communication and public attention can cause misunderstanding and jealousy in Cancer. Anxieties and doubts will arise in the soul of a water sign. To avoid misunderstandings, Libra will have to carefully monitor their partner’s mood when they are together in public, and try not to be flirtatious in his presence.

Examples of star pairs

In the acting environment, the union of Cancer and Libra is quite common. Many of these pairs confirm that signs can create a happy and strong family:

Cancer and Libra have every chance of creating a happy and strong union, but for this they need to make efforts. Demanding Libra needs to learn to be more lenient towards Cancer’s excessive emotionality, because watermark does not manage his feelings so deftly.

And Cancer needs to understand that Libra needs outside attention; excessive sociability does not mean infidelity. Their relationship will be harmonious if the partners learn to perceive each other’s shortcomings as features.

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They get to know each other and get along quite easily. Since both of their planets are female, they will feel a kindred spirit in each other. They will fall in love quickly enough, but the feeling of falling in love may not last long if they do not find common interests. Also, the union of these two can stop in place if the Libra woman begins to put pressure on the Cancer man. He just can't stand it. The Cancer man knows when to make the first move, and he hates being pushed into anything. So it is completely useless to try to put pressure on him.

The best thing for Libra women to do in a relationship is to show tenderness and attention, pay attention to little things and try not to conflict with Cancers.

Due to frequent quarrels, a couple can break up very quickly. The Libra woman must get used to the fact that her partner is sometimes too sentimental. Of course, the main quality of a Cancer man is tenderness and attention to his beloved. For her sake, he is ready to do a lot, tries to trust and love deeply. I'm ready to talk about it to everyone. If it turns out that a woman betrays him, then she may consider that she has lost his trust forever. However, like him. Cancers do not forgive betrayal, no matter how much their partner repents.

If the woman is Cancer and the man is Libra

A Cancer woman will be attracted to a Libra man by his charm, sense of humor and openness. He will like her calm manner of communication, friendliness and romance. Nevertheless, Libra men adore brave girls, so you need to fight your shyness and boldly take the first step. The Libra man will appreciate this. They will easily fall in love with each other without memory, and if they try, they will retain this feeling for a long time. A Cancer woman should not care too much about her beloved, because he really needs freedom and independence.

The Libra man, having great patience and a great sense of affection, will endure any hysterics of the Cancer woman, but also do not forget that everything has its limit. So, if you always make scandals and scenes of jealousy for him, then at one point he simply may not be able to bear it and leave. Being too jealous, watching every step and not trusting - this should under no circumstances be done. It will kill the relationship. It is important for him that his beloved trusts him completely. Women better remember that no matter how much a Libra man loves her, he still needs freedom. The Cancer woman can only come to terms with this and try to trust her loved one as much as possible.

Libra and Cancer in relationships

Libra and Cancer are a combination of the elements Air and Water. Cancers are more likely to be introverts, while Libras are more likely to be extroverts. Complex but interesting relationship.

It is quite possible that they will have great love. They will have to go through many quarrels and trials in order to come to true and bright love. They are similar in some ways, such as the fact that they are both sentimental and endowed with a wonderful sense of imagination. Very different, but complement each other perfectly. They are constantly drawn to each other.

Don't forget that Cancers are mutual to the extreme. Libras enjoy being cared for, but don't take too much control of them. They can't stand it. Libras consider themselves to be right in everything and always, which Cancers sometimes really don’t like. They also don't understand hints at all. If something is wrong, then you need to speak directly, but just don’t make a scene. Having a calm conversation will save your relationship for a long time. Libra and Cancer should not forget about concessions. A compromise can be found in any situation, the main thing is mutual desire. Their union can last quite a long time if only both signs make efforts.

Unfortunately, Libra and Cancer are very different, but if they try, they can turn out quite well. great couple. They can try to find common interests, since their souls are kindred and this will not be difficult for them. The biggest plus in their relationship is that in difficult situations they will not hurt each other. Together they will easily overcome all difficulties. But after all the trials, this couple will be the happiest. They both should try to listen to their partner's opinion.

Forget about your pride, apologize first, always go to the meeting. Forget about pride and try not to offend your partner in any way. Then there is a chance for a long and strong relationship, which can later develop into something more.

Libra and Cancer in intimate life

Tenderness, sensual and romantic sex. But sometimes there is passion and unusual experiments. Libras try to listen to any desires of their partner. Cancers, like Libra, love tenderness and sensuality, pleasant touches and passionate kisses, sometimes crazy experiments. They know how to love each other with passion and at the same time tender sensitivity. Sexually, they are absolutely perfect!

Libra and Cancer: the cause of quarrels

They are too different, like ice and fire. Nevertheless, somewhere deep down they are very similar.

Due to their different attitudes towards life and people, they quite often have quarrels. Cancer is very touchy, which sometimes just irritates Libra. Libra does not tolerate hysterics and tears, while Cancer is very sensitive and emotional. Cancers often have attacks of jealousy, which greatly irritate Libra. Libras are sometimes too frivolous and impulsive. Very often, Libra can say things that Cancer will never be able to forgive. Afterwards, Libra does not understand how they could have hurt Cancer so much.

By the way, Cancer’s trust must be protected. It is very difficult to win it, but to lose it, just one extra word is enough.

How to maintain a relationship for a long time?

Libras should pay more attention to the little things, because they are very important to Cancers. Cancers should try to control their emotions and not be offended by trifles. As much attention as possible pleasant surprises and declarations of love will make your partner happier. Each partner should feel that they are madly loved. It is important to trust each other, to tell everything that has accumulated in the soul.

We must try to listen to each other and quarrel as little as possible. Don’t try to break up over a trifle, but don’t accumulate resentment either. It’s better to talk about everything calmly right away. We must cherish each other's love. Forget about pride, give each other as much love and tenderness as possible. Take care, don't forget about good words and respect. Listen to your partner’s opinions and desires. And no scenes of jealousy, Cancer! Try to trust your partner as much as possible.

Libra and Cancer in marriage

Cancers are sad and sad, while there is no sign more cheerful than Libra. This is very good and will benefit their marriage. Cancers will smile and have fun more often, while Libra will be more pragmatic and serious.

After they overcome all the quarrels and learn to hear each other, harmony will come, which will certainly help them in a strong marriage. If everyone feels that the other simply adores him, then he will not even think about cheating. Cheating often occurs due to lack of attention and mutual misunderstanding. If partners learn to agree on everything and seek compromises, then their home will be a model of family comfort, and the family will be an example to follow. They will simply adore children, as well as each other. They will have a simply wonderful and long marriage. With a wonderful old age and amazing grandchildren. It is important that they themselves want it. And then the stars will help them. They can be sure of this!

Video - Libra and Cancer compatibility in love relationships

Libra and Cancer are unlikely to achieve complete mutual understanding. They rarely share each other's opinions, because their attitude to the same situation can be completely different. Enmity, as well as intimacy, is also not observed between Cancer and Libra, therefore they are not conflicting zodiac signs, but if difficulties arise in their relationship, nothing will force these people to tolerate each other’s company.

CANCER man and LIBRA woman

Cancer man and Libra woman are not always delighted with each other’s company, but if the situation requires it, they are quite capable of finding mutual language. This need may arise, for example, in a work environment. Cancer and Libra can cooperate productively, even if they have mutual claims in other areas of life, and in no case will they sort out personal relationships at work. Mental intimacy between these people is impossible, but they will always behave politely and consider each other.

♋ + ♎: In love

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— A Cancer guy may be interested in a Libra girl, but is unlikely to have serious plans for her. Then the situation may change significantly, but initially he is not in the mood for a long-term romance.

If a Libra girl wants consistency in a relationship, she shouldn’t put pressure on the guy. It will be better if the rapprochement does not happen too quickly, because decisive actions can push cancer away. This young man chooses who he should be with, so the Libra girl should act without much pressure, gently letting her beloved know how much she values ​​him. This approach should work. The Cancer guy values ​​​​those who love him very much, and prefers the company of girls who do not seek to control him.

In fact, the development of the situation is completely in the hands of the girl. She can both win over the cancer and repel him. In any development of events, lovers will not fully open up to each other, but such are the properties of their natures.

♋ + ♎: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The everyday side of this marriage looks funny from the outside - the Cancer man and the Libra woman behave like two competing housekeepers in a battle for the only bonus. They are both very economical, but they have different ideas about comfort. When we're talking about about shopping for home or interior improvements, for a Libra woman beauty is more important and the aesthetics of the purchase, while her husband pays more attention to quality. As a result, quarrels may arise over spending money, so it is better for spouses to look for a middle ground in their desires, because each of them is right in their own way.

Intimate life suits both. For both husband and wife, emotional intimacy and a romantic atmosphere come first, so complete harmony awaits them in bed. Unfortunately, when mutual feelings cool down a little, the spouses will have equal chances of cheating. Cancer man and Libra woman are not the most strict rules, so marital status will not become an obstacle for them to seek adventure on the side. What is noteworthy is that after mutual betrayal they can continue to live as if nothing had happened.

♋ + ♎: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— There can be no friendship between a Cancer guy and a Libra girl. The young man takes everything seriously, sometimes perceiving a small thing as something global. The Libra girl is a representative of the air element, so on the contrary, she tries to simplify everything as much as possible, which puzzles the Cancer guy. He thinks this girl is flighty, and she finds it difficult to be with him. Communication is possible only if there is a relationship, and even then, without much intimacy.

LIBRA man and CANCER woman

The relationship between a Cancer woman and a Libra man is most often neutral. There is no trust or interest on both sides. This communication, as a rule, is necessary for both for some reason, for example, they are engaged in a common cause or intersect in a campaign that unites them. Even if it happens that they have to live under the same roof, Cancer and Libra will still not become close friends.

♎ + ♋: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— A Cancer girl and a Libra guy can fall in love with each other, but even so, inner world each of them will be closed to the other. Cancers trust only a select few, and Libras are on their own, so lovers will find themselves in a difficult but equal position.

Cancer and Libra prefer to spend their free time in different ways. At first, the guy will try to interest the girl by going to theaters, museums and exhibitions. She agrees to accompany him, but without much enthusiasm. The Cancer girl has nothing against art, but her lover has too many acquaintances with whom he is connected by social interaction, and she can’t understand this at all. For Libra, spiritual intimacy is not as important as for Cancer. An unsociable girl does not see any point in talking about anything, it makes her mortally sad, and she is unlikely to be able to hide her mood. The Libra guy will be touched to the quick by this attitude towards his surroundings, so next time he won’t invite his beloved with him, but she will only be happy about it.

Slowly but surely, the lovers are moving further and further away from each other. The Libra guy emphasizes his intelligence and love of beauty in front of a more appreciative audience, and the Cancer girl begins to be interested in self-confident and temperamental guys. Most likely, this union is doomed to failure.

♎ + ♋: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— The marriage of a Libra man and a Cancer woman has a chance of a peaceful life and duration if the bride and groom were together before the wedding for a long time familiar and soberly saw what they were getting into. If this is not the case, and the marriage was concluded on the basis of passionate love, it is unlikely to be happy. Unjustified expectations will traumatize the souls of both spouses and lead to divorce.

Intimate life will suit the husband and wife only while their feelings are still fresh. A Cancer woman has a higher need for sex, she wants more passion, and sometimes even extreme sex, but she will not tell her husband about this, for fear of criticism.

A Libra man is never rude or scandalous, but with one word or look he can ruin his wife’s mood. The Cancer woman takes everything her husband says much closer to her heart than his words deserve, and of course, the accumulated grievances will one day spill out.

No matter how hard the spouses try to narrow the gap separating them, they will move further and further away from each other. Husband thinks wife doesn't have enough subtle nature, and she becomes more and more bored with him. To prevent family life from completely turning into a swamp, husband and wife need to stop making claims against each other and start relaxing separately.

♎ + ♋: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— A Cancer girl and a Libra guy cannot be friends. They have completely different interests, preferences, ways to occupy themselves. For Libra, superficial communication is enough, but Cancer does not need this. This girl has a narrow circle of close people, so she is not at all attracted to far-fetched topics of conversation, for example, discussions of news and weather. The Libra guy sees her as a secretive person, so the Cancer girl doesn’t encourage him to be frank. Only common work can contribute to the long-term presence of these people nearby, but in addition business relations Nothing will unite them anymore.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

This compatibility horoscope article is devoted to the topic: Compatibility of Cancer with Libra. We will talk about what kind of friends, lovers and spouses they are.

Cancer and Libra general compatibility and prospects for union

Both signs are signs of relationships, family or friendship. They value a pleasant and joyful connection between two people. When they find such a connection, they appreciate it because they understand that it is not easy to find. However, their value systems are different.

For Cancer, tenderness and care are important, for Libra, responsibility and platonic love are important. Their expectations of their partner are the biggest limitation in their interactions.

Cancer wants someone in charge to take their hand and complement their emotional nature with practicality. Libra wants a partner to be full of life, energy and take the initiative to follow their ideas.

They can greatly disappoint each other if they create high, unrealistic demands at the beginning of the relationship. The best way for them to build a love that can last - maintaining independence by both partners, despite the situation.

If they, each at their own discretion, focus on love and care for earthly things, Cancer will be able to agree to “heavenly love”, and Libra will agree to have a family.

Cancer and Libra compatibility in friendship and business relationships

Since the signs are ruled by Venus and the Moon, it is safe to assume that relationships are very important to both. Although Libra represents the spiritual nature of Venus, it is a sign of partnership, and the Moon further emphasizes the need for intimacy and harmony.

Their communication should not be difficult, but there is a chance that they will have few common interests and not enough respect necessary for a strong friendship.

Problems may arise if they start making unrealistic plans together. A Cancer relationship with Saturn-ruled Capricorn would be extremely practical. Libra exalts Saturn, but it is not an earth sign, so its plans usually remain in the realm of ideas.

They lack a practical approach to their implementation. Cancer doesn't understand how someone can be so far from reality. This can lead to passive conflict that will jeopardize their communication.

He needs to realize that Libra is an air sign, living in the realm of ideas, where implementation is not necessary.

Libras also usually look for a partner with big amount fire and passionate energy, which Cancer has little of. Cancer unconsciously calculates and distributes energy according to an internal list of priorities; it is rarely in excess, sufficient to share with Libra.

They can be good friends, even for life, but it is unlikely that this will be the strongest friendship in the lives of both. For successful business cooperation, they need a third partner from fire or earth signs. They themselves are not enough to implement serious and successful projects.

Cancer and Libra sexual compatibility

At first glance they are far from each other. Both signs have trouble accepting Mars, which results in a lack of passion and initiative in their sex lives. However, the tactful and cautious nature of Libra calms and relaxes Cancer.

Despite the lack of assertiveness, they have a chance for good physical contact if they spend enough time together.

The problem in their intimate relationship arises from their elements. Cancer is a Water sign and Libra is an Air sign. And although the air partner is very patient, the speed of the wind and the development of events is too high for Cancer.

He needs emotional connection before he is ready for sexual intercourse. And Libra immediately needs touch and physical experience before opening up emotionally.

Therefore, they are not often inspired by Cancer and rarely fall in love with him at first sight. Their sex life can be good when they already share deep emotions. Therefore, it is better for them to start an intimate relationship out of friendship, already knowing each other and sharing some feelings, in addition to physical attraction.

In bed they are 40 percent suitable for each other.

Cancer and Libra compatibility in love relationships and marriage

Cancer may be one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, but they don't always feel safe around Libra. The first one wants peace family life without interference from other people, and the latter cannot live without other people, whose love and approval they seek every day.

Both the Moon and Venus represent emotions, and both signs are emotional. But their emotional nature is different. Cancer is looking for love on Earth, while Libra is looking for someone to take them to heaven.

Oddly enough, it is the spiritual side of Venus that robs them of a real chance to share a life together. Venus does not need to eat or sleep when she is deeply in love. Cancer is able to appreciate this, but when he realizes that this is a pattern that will never change, he will probably want to find a more down-to-earth partner.

As two cardinal signs, they can remain in unsatisfying unions for a long time. Both are waiting for the right moment, which will be the reason for separation. Given this tendency, they should not prolong unsuitable relationships, but should simply look for a person who will make them happier.

Compatibility of the signs Libra and Cancer in love relationships is no more than 25%.

He is Libra, she is Cancer compatibility

Fragile in their own way, partners are looking for reliable, safe and stable relationships. And on an intuitive level, they know that the other will not let them down. The Libra man is gentle, romantic and idealistic. His non-aggressive, open approach to life greatly appeals to the Cancer woman. She is sensitive and friendly, her romanticism and loving care cause him admiration.

Their courtship period will be somewhat old-fashioned, but full of mutual respect, kindness and gentle, unhurried, step-by-step progress. By the time the partners are ready for intimacy, they will be truly in love.

The Libra man has a rather abstract, intellectual approach to sex, but the deeply sensual Cancer woman has more than enough energy for both of them. Their sexual compatibility quite high.

Libra is ruled by Venus, so he is easily in touch with his soft feminine side. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is very feminine but has strong masculine qualities such as insight and common sense.

She can be moody and emotional, but Libra can make her feel better by caring and giving her space. They interact well in everyday life.

When everything goes well, it is a beautiful and tender union. The combination of Libra's intelligence and Cancer's emotionality brings the best of both worlds of mind and heart. And being cardinal signs, they are willing to work hard to keep relationships healthy.

However, there is one danger. Their living together may be too closed. The Libra man is very sociable, but his wife can easily convince him to stay at home. He doesn't want to lose her and will give up his friendship if that's what she wants. This means that when difficult times come, it will not be easy for spouses to find help and support from friends.

In general, the compatibility of a Cancer woman with a Libra man is successful. A couple can build a magical and loving family and home, especially as parents.

Cancer man Libra woman compatibility

He seeks stability and emotional security in his partner in order to confront his own deepest feelings. changeable moods. In the Libra woman he finds a calm, loving and charming companion, willing to make compromises so as not to rock the boat.

She is looking for a lifelong partner who will be her knight in shining armor. The Cancer man will love and protect her as if his life depends on it and he will take responsibility for her. As you can see, their story is off to a good start.

Partners satisfy each other in bed. Cancer's emotional approach to love and sex pairs well with Libra's romantic view of sex. Their intimate life full of deep sensuality, although they are not earth signs.

There is a lot of idealism in the couple. A man dreams of a beautiful home and family, and a woman dreams of perfection in everything. Her light and airy attitude towards everything balances the dark moods characteristic of Cancer. And his affection, which could be a problem for other signs, gives his partner confidence that he will not leave her.

However, a spouse can be jealous if his sociable half pays attention to other men. But she enjoys it and it builds her self-esteem. The compatibility of a Cancer man and a Libra woman complements the personalities of both partners.

Problems begin when romance ends. Both strive to create stability, but each in their own way. Money can be a sticking point. The partner loves beautiful, sophisticated things and spends money freely.

For Cancer, money represents emotional security, and he is unlikely to share his partner's passion for shopping.

Raising children is another reason for conflict. The man in this couple is a very loving and exceptional father, but he will not share his wife's approach to motherhood. She loves her children, but will not overprotect them, giving them a lot of freedom.

Overall, this is a very creative and intellectual couple. Together they are able to find innovative ways to solve problems that arise in the family. Since love is a fundamental value for both partners, they are willing to work to fulfill their marriage promises.

The fact that it is not easy for each spouse to leave the relationship is additional factor in favor of long-term family life. Even if love fails, they will most likely stay together. Although this will already be a trap of marriage, in which there is no longer the original magic and warmth, but only duty and responsibility.

What to work on in the relationship between Cancer and Libra

Their main task is not to rush at the very beginning of a relationship. An air sign falls in love quickly, but a water sign takes time. Therefore, all the work falls on the shoulders of Libra.

If they, with their characteristic tender care, allow Cancer to determine their feelings, they can create a warm and loving union that has the potential to make both of them happy.

And Cancer have nothing in common. Their union is subconsciously built on calculation, or inevitably comes to this over time. They are so different that they can only evoke two feelings in each other - curiosity or hostility. Nevertheless, this union has a good chance of a long and fairly successful existence. What keeps these people together?

Compatibility - Libra and Cancer in communication

Both signs can adapt remarkably well to circumstances and people. Cancer is well versed in the psychology of others, and Libra can very accurately adapt to the mood of others. In this matter, they understand each other well and actively support similar principles.

Cancer is attracted to the extravagance and brightness of the image in a partner, and Libra likes that Cancer strives for material well-being and a successful career. Libra uses this practical calculation very productively in building a family. This sign knows how to beautifully and brightly spend the money earned by their spouse.

Just the presence of Libra makes Cancer reconsider their views and slowly change, even if it is painful and difficult. But Libra is also forced to adapt to their partner’s lifestyle, so as not to wither away in his shadow. In a love relationship, this can lead to divorce, and in friendly communication it will help develop weak sides and become stronger.

Compatibility - Libra and Cancer in love

This area combines completely incompatible qualities of partners, because Libra is a fresh wind of change, and Cancer symbolizes the constancy of the family hearth and foundations. Libra is openness and ease of life combined with detachment and harshness, while Cancer is calm, secretive and a little amorphous. He loves solitude and is focused on his inner life, and Libra cannot imagine himself without intense communication, where everything is on display. These signs really live in different worlds.

Compatibility - Libra and Cancer in the family

This role may be confused. If both partners are carried away by career growth, then there will simply be no one to maintain the warmth of the family hearth. Therefore, they will be able to save their family and create everyday comfort only if they clearly agree on who is responsible for what. They must strictly fulfill these roles, excluding the struggle for leadership from family life. Any deviation from the established scenario will lead to a series of exhausting conflicts, because both Cancer and Libra know how to hold the defense.

Libra man and Cancer woman

In this union, the main thing for partners is to allow the other to remain themselves. There is a lot that holds them together: a man’s admiration for the beauty and high emotionality of his partner will allow her to plunge headlong into the attractive atmosphere of gallant and gentle courtship, which overall will ensure high compatibility. Libra and Cancer should agree not to pull the blanket over themselves in order to give each other some degree of necessary freedom.

Conflicts can begin when a Cancer woman is forced to make decisions in the family, since her partner is important issues may hesitate for a long time and show indecision. Her reproaches for passivity and inertia can push the sociable Libra to spend free time outside the home.

Cancer man and Libra woman

This union can be found quite rarely, although they are united by romance and sentimentality. They can talk for hours about their feelings, about the rudeness of the outside world, and will even begin to count each other. The Libra and Cancer horoscope shows that they are good at dreaming, but are too inert to realize their dreams. If there is material calculation in the relationship, then the union will last much longer and be stronger. Otherwise, Cancer and Libra will get fed up with romance and go looking for their happiness on the side.