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Distribution of counterfeit products in Russia. “Edges with chips”: Russia is overwhelmed by an epidemic of counterfeit medicines

Classification of drugs

The most common international Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC). In Russia, it is more common to divide into Pharmacological groups. In addition, there is also Nosological classification.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs

In world practice, there is the concept of “over-the-counter” and “prescription” drugs. The latter suggest a greater potential danger of use without a doctor's prescription. There is a constant struggle between the “pharmaceutical” and “medical” lobbies (respectively, for the expansion of the 1st or 2nd group of drugs and the corresponding business).

State regulation is designed to take into account the interests of the population (the dilemma of “availability” and/or “safety” medicines), - without bias towards the interests of the pharmaceutical or medical business.

Homeopathic medicines

In a number of countries, these drugs are regulated differently - either as a category of "Medicines" or as " Food products and supplements" or as "alternative medicine". Currently, there is no established opinion of international organizations on this matter, agreed upon with national health authorities.

IN Russian Federation homeopathic medicines subject to the same legislative regulation just like regular medications.

Legislative regulation

The circulation of medicines is regulated by law and by-laws, including the regularly updated list of Vital and Essential Medicines (VED), List of Narcotic Drugs, etc.

Economic consequences of legislative regulation

In Ukraine, there is a practice of refunding excise duty for the use of alcohol in the production of medicines - only after their sale.

Bodies of state control over the quality of medicines

Controls the quality of medicines in Russia federal Service for supervision in the field of healthcare and social development (Roszdravnadzor), subordinate to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

In most large cities of Russia there are Centers for Quality Control of Medicines. Their main task is to check organizations selling medicines (compliance with numerous standards for the storage and sale of medicines), as well as selective (and in some regions, total) control of medicines. Based on data from regional centers, Roszdravnadzor will make decisions on rejecting a particular drug.

This is how it should be ideally. In practice, everything looks a little different.

Firstly, the vast majority of drug quality control centers are poorly equipped, and they are not able to conduct a complex chemical analysis of a modern drug. An even more complex situation arises with microbiological research, which are either not produced at all or are produced in very reduced quantities. As a result, all, so to speak, studies are often limited to assessing the appearance of the medicine (whether there is an unacceptable sediment, whether the tablets are cracked, whether the packaging is correctly designed, a crooked label, etc.).

Secondly, according to the current legislation in Russia, it is unacceptable to require additional analysis from the seller if the medicinal product already has a valid certificate (declaration) of conformity. So everything additional research must be carried out at the expense of the Centers for Quality Control of Medicines. In reality, this results in additional costs for the seller.

Thirdly, the Centers for Quality Control of Medicines must produce selective drug control. In many regions of Russia (for example, Stavropol, Tver region, Tatarstan), repeated inspection is of a total nature. This is generally illegal, and due to the lack of equipment in laboratories, it is simply pointless, which leads to significant difficulties in the sale of not only counterfeit and low-quality medicines, but also medicines in general.

As a result of the above, we can say that the majority of regional Centers for Quality Control of Medicines today do not fulfill their tasks, only creating the ground for bribes and unfair competition.

Rejected and falsified medicines are subject to withdrawal from pharmacy chain, information about them is posted on the following sites:

Original medicines and generics

An original medicine is a drug that was first released by the developer. As a rule, the development and marketing of a new drug is a very expensive and lengthy process. From a variety of known compounds, as well as newly synthesized ones, substances with maximum target activity are identified and synthesized using the brute force method, based on databases of their properties and computer modeling of their expected biological activity. After experiments on animals, in the case positive result, limited clinical trials on groups of volunteers. If effectiveness is confirmed and side effects insignificant - the medicine goes into production, and based on the results of additional tests, the possible features actions are revealed unwanted effects. Often the most harmful side effects are revealed precisely through clinical use.

In this case, the manufacturer patents this new drug. All other firms can produce synonyms (the so-called generics), but using our own technology, if the bioequivalence of the drugs is proven. Of course, they cannot use the brand name for this medicine, but only the INN, or any new one patented by them. Despite the new name, such drugs may be similar or very close in their effects.

Are original drugs and generics completely equivalent? From a chemical point of view active substance same. But the production technology is different, it is possible varying degrees cleaning. There are other factors too. For example, it is known that for a long time different companies could not achieve the same effectiveness of acetylsalicylic acid (generic) as Bayer AG, the manufacturer of the original drug “aspirin”. It turned out that the matter is not only in the purity of the raw materials, but also in the special method of crystallization, which results in special, smaller crystals of acetylsalicylic acid. There can be many such nuances. The opposite result is also possible, when the generic drug turns out to be more successful than the original medicine.

IN modern drugs Only one of the isomers (enantiomers) may be biologically active; the other may be weakly active, inactive, or even harmful (see Bioavailability).

Illegal actions in the production and circulation of medicines

Falsification of medicines, counterfeit medicines

The pharmaceutical business is considered the third most profitable, after the arms and drug trade. This attracts unscrupulous entrepreneurs to him.

In Russia, until 1991, the problem of drug counterfeiting was practically absent.


Counterfeiting is a deliberate change in the recipe for the production of a medicinal product. Replacing expensive components with cheaper ones, or reducing the content (or in the worst case, completely eliminating) the necessary component of the drug. For example, replacing the more expensive cefazolin with cheaper (and less effective) penicillin. In addition, other violations during production are possible: violation of the time and sequence of the technological process, underestimation of the degree of purification, low-quality packaging materials, etc.


Counterfeit medicines are medicines produced without the permission of the patent holder - the developer company.

The effectiveness of a drug is primarily determined by the active substance (but not only by it, see bioequivalence). According to international law, the formula or composition of the active substance cannot be a company secret. But this information is closed for some time (about several years) to other manufacturing companies, which, even under a different name, cannot produce this medicine without the permission of the patent holder.

Even after the end of the allotted period, other companies cannot use the name of the medicinal product (Brand) registered by the company - the patent holder (the so-called patented form).

Drug manufacturers are tempted, knowing the formula, to produce drugs bypassing the patent owner. An example is the drug No-Shpa® (registered brand name). In fact, it is a fairly simply synthesized drug, the active substance of which has the non-proprietary name “drotaverine”. However, several generations of people have used No-Spa and don’t know anything about some drotaverine. Accordingly, the price of a branded drug is 10(!) times higher than the price of the drug drotaverine, which is exactly the same in composition, manufacturing technology and action. It is not surprising that in some factories that produce cheap domestic drugs during the day, at night the same drugs are packaged in foreign, branded packaging. It should be added that this usually does not affect the quality of the medicine, since the counterfeit manufacturer is afraid to arouse even the slightest suspicion on the part of the inspection authorities.

Protect yourself and your loved ones.

Due to the increasing number of recalls medical supplies, we have created for you a constantly updated list of low-quality medicines, based on official information from Roszdravnadzor (the body responsible for monitoring marketed medicines). Thanks to it, you can avoid buying low-quality goods, as well as maintain the health of yourself and your loved ones. Look for the manufacturer and batch number on the drug packaging.

  • SotaHexal, tablets 80 mg 10 pcs., produced by Salutas Pharma GmbH, series GA8585.
  • “Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by FKP “Armavir Biofactory”, series 100716.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 940914.
  • “Rinonorm, dosed nasal spray 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by Merkle GmbH, series S05053.
  • “Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 m g/ml 2 ml”, produced by Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC, series 180615.
  • “Lisinopril, tablets 5 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 070715.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 1371214, 540414.
  • “Emend, capsule set 125 mg No. 1 + 80 mg No. 2”, produced by MSD Pharmaceuticals LLC, series L045274, L038452 with secondary packaging labeling in Turkish.
  • “Galazolin, nasal gel 0.05% 10 g”, produced by Polfa Pharmaceutical Plant JSC, series 01VJ0815, 02VJ0815, 03VJ0815.
  • "Hydrogen peroxide, solution for local application 3% 100 ml" produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1580816.
  • “Paracetamol-UBF tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 440915.
  • “Alflutop, solution for injection 1 ml”, produced by “K.O. Biotechnos S.A., Romania/K.O., Rompharm Company S.R.L., Romania,” series 3450815.
  • “Oxaliplatin - Ebeve lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for infusion 50 mg”, manufactured by Sandoz CJSC, series EY9765, FD6560, FU2598, FX0333.
  • “Oxaliplatin - Ebeve lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for infusion 100 mg”, produced by Sandoz CJSC, series EP5828, ES3374, FD8469, FE1438, FG9149, FJ6015, FT5084, FV3353.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 090516.
  • “Ichthyol, ointment for external use 10% 25 g”, produced by JSC “Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory”, series 10416.
  • “Ichthyol, ointment for external use 20% 25 g”, produced by JSC “Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory”, series 10516.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by DAB Pharm LLC, series 711115, 370515.
  • « Folic acid, tablets 1 mg 50 pcs., produced by OJSC Valenta Pharmaceuticals, series 101015.
  • “Nitroxoline-UBF, film-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Uralbiopharm OJSC, series 421115.
  • “Streptokinase, lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intra-arterial administration 1500000 ME”, produced by RUE “Belmedpreparaty”, series 011115.
  • “CardiASK, film-coated enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Kanonpharma Products CJSC, series 100316.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 070516.
  • “Ofloxacin film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs,” produced by Sintez OJSC, series 241214.
  • “Hofitol, film-coated tablets 30 pcs.” produced by Rosa-Fitofarm Laboratory, series VN1466.
  • “Gliatilin, capsules 400 mg 14 pcs.”, produced by Italfarmaco S.p.A., series 260716, 270716.
  • “Acecardol enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 400316.
  • “Drotaverine solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by FKP “Armavir Biofactory”, series 070615.
  • “Aerus, dosed aerosol for inhalation 85 KIU/dose 250 doses”, produced by “VAKE, spol.s.r.o.”, series A08161.
  • “Bifidumbacterin, powder for oral and local use 500 million CFU of bifidobacteria/package 0.85 g (30)”, produced by Partner CJSC, series 187-30616.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1970916.
  • "Perindopril-Richter, - tablets 8 mg No. 30", produced by Gedeon Richter Poland LLC, series H54012A.
  • “Diclofenac enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 020315.
  • “BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by PRANAFARM LLC, series 100616.
  • “Genferon Light nasal spray dosed 50 OOME+1 mg/dose 100 doses”, produced by BIOCAD CJSC, series 25070316, 25100316.
  • “Pentoxifylline, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intraarterial administration 20 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by JSC Biokhimik, series 281214.
  • “Lidocaine solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC, series 190615.
  • “Lisinopril tablets 5 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 070715.
  • “Mukosat, solution for intramuscular administration 100 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 170616, 180616.
  • “Mukosat, solution for intramuscular administration 100 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 190616.
  • "Diclogen gel for external use 1% 30 g", produced by Agio Pharmaceuticals Ltd, series 58245.
  • “Strepsils, lozenges (honey-lemon) 12 pcs.,” manufactured by Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International Ltd., series BX736, BS211.
  • “Ampicillin, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by JSC “PFK Obnovlenye”, series 60616.
  • “Fukortsin solution for external use 25 ml”, produced by JSC “Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory”, series 40315.
  • “Bifidumbacterin, powder for oral and local use 500 ml”, produced by JSC “Partner”, series 187-30616.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml, bottles”, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 100216.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs,” manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 343072015, 162112013.
  • “Sodium chloride, solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection 0.9% 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 351214.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 1371214, 540414.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 330715.
  • “Paracetamol-UBF tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 190416.
  • “Herceptin, lyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for solution for infusion 440 mg, vials 440 mg (1) / diluent - bacteriostatic water for injection 20 ml,” the packaging of which states “Manufactured by: Genentech Inc., USA (lyophilisate) / F .Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland"/Packaged by ORTAT CJSC, Russia", series M3680/1/size B2092/4.
  • “Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC, series 180615.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 410415.
  • “Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 200 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by OJSC Borisov Medical Preparations Plant, series 1990514, 3010813.
  • “Activated carbon-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 100216.
  • “Sotahexal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Salutas Pharma GmbH, series FS0662.
  • “Magnesium sulfate, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 250 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by OJSC “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”, series 600215.
  • “CardiASK, film-coated enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Kanonpharma Production CJSC, series 100316.
  • “Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml”, produced by JSC Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. ON THE. Semashko", series 561114.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 721115.
  • “Proserin, solution for injection 0.5 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by OJSC Novosibkhimpharm, series 590815.
  • “Activated carbon, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant OJSC, series 1060715.
  • “Sodium chloride solution 10% 200 ml”, produced by ARKOD State Pharmacy, series 101.
  • “Activated carbon-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 650915.
  • “Gepabene capsules 10 pcs.”, produced by Merkle GmbH, series X39470 and X23321.
  • "Ambrohexal, tablets 30 mg 10 pcs.", produced by Sandoz CJSC.
  • "Sotahexal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs.", produced by Sandoz CJSC.
  • “Chlorhexidine bigluconate solution for external use 0.05% 100 ml”, produced by Rosbio LLC, series 240616.
  • “Lopedium capsules 2 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sandoz CJSC.
  • “Sodium chloride solution 10% 100 ml”, produced by the State Unitary Enterprise of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Nenets Farmatsiya”, series 740915.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 370216.
  • “Cough medicine for adults, dry, powder for preparing an oral solution, 1.7 g,” produced by Vifitech CJSC, series 010116.
  • “Indomethacin Sopharma, enteric-coated tablets 25 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Sopharma JSC, series 30113.
  • SotaHexal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs., produced by Salutas Pharma GmbH, series OV9582.
  • "Droverin, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml", produced by OJSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" named after. ON THE. Semashko", series 151115.
  • “Kagocel, tablets 12 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by NEARMEDIC PLUS LLC, series 5040615.
  • “Maalox, chewable tablets 10 pcs.,” produced by Sanofi-Aventis S.P.A., series A802.
  • “Betagistin, tablets 16 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by PRANAFARM LLC, series 10216, 40516.
  • Linkas BSS, syrup 120 ml, produced by Herbio Pakistan Private Limited, series 2715 039.
  • “Magnesium sulfate, solution for intravenous administration 250 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by Shandong Shenglu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.", series 140530.
  • “Cough medicine for children, dry, powder for preparing an oral solution, 1.47 g,” produced by VIFITECH JSC, series 030216.
  • “Amiodarone, tablets 200 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”, series 3390616.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1780916.
  • “Diazolin, tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Marbiopharm”, series 90416.
  • “Diclofenac, solution for intramuscular administration 25 mg/ml 3 ml”, produced by Ellara LLC, series 060616.
  • “Mirena, intrauterine therapeutic system, levonorgestrel 20 mcg/24 hours”, series TU01976, indicating on the packaging “Bayer Oy”, Finland.
  • “Mirena, intrauterine therapeutic system, levonorgestrel 20 mcg/24 hours”, manufactured by BAYER JSC, series TU019TZ with labeling in Turkish.
  • “Paracetamol, tablets 200 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Tathimfarmpreparaty”, series 340715.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by R-PHARM CJSC, series 59022015.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 510915.
  • “Quinax, eye drops 0.015% 15 ml”, produced by S.A. Alcon Couvrer n.v., series 14315E, 14328E.
  • “Hofitol, film-coated tablets 30 pcs.”, produced by Rosa-Fitofarm Laboratory, series VN1509, VN1466.
  • “Ibuprofen, oral suspension (for children), 100 mg/5 ml, 100 ml”, produced by EKOlab CJSC, series 651115.
  • “Lisinopril, tablets 5 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 131215.
  • “Bronchipret TP, film-coated tablets 20 pcs.”, produced by Bionorica SE, series 0000097824.
  • “Novocaine, solution for injection 5 mg/ml 5 ml, ampoules 5 pcs.”, produced by JSC Research and Production Concern “ESKOM”, series 020116.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Kemerovo Pharmaceutical Factory OJSC, series 120616.
  • “Glucose-Eskom, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by JSC Research and Production Concern ESKOM, series 210713.
  • “Lisinopril, tablets 5 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 100915.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 1621013.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 500915.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 090516, 070516.
  • “BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.,” produced by PRANAFARM LLC, series 80316.
  • “Paclitaxel-LENS, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 50 ml”, produced by LLC “LENS-Pharm”, series 10915.
  • “Paclitaxel-LENS, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 17 ml”, produced by LLC “LENS-Pharm”, series 20415.
  • “Paclitaxel-LENS, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 23.3 ml”, produced by LLC “LENS-Pharm”, series 10715.
  • “Paclitaxel-LENS, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 20 ml”, produced by LLC “LENS-Pharm”, series 10915.
  • “Sintomycin, liniment 10% 25 g”, produced by Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC, series 80516.
  • “Ceftriaxone, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1.0 g, complete with a solvent 5 ml”, produced by JSC Biokhimik, series 0140516/0880516, 0150516/0890516.
  • "Revalgin, solution for injection 5 ml", manufactured by Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd, series SA1463009.
  • “Potassium chloride, solution for injection 7.5% 100 ml”, produced by the pharmacy of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Tosnenskaya KMB”, An series. 793-94.
  • “Sodium chloride, solution 10% 150 ml”, produced by the pharmacy of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Kirishskaya KMB”, An series. 238-238a.
  • “Sodium chloride, solution for injection 0.9% 300 ml”, produced by the pharmacy of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Tosnenskaya KMB”, An series. 817-18.
  • “Essentiale forte N, capsules 300 mg 10 pcs.”, manufactured by “A. Nattermann & Hsieh. GmbH, Germany", series 4K2291, 4K2721.
  • “Reaferon-ES-Lipint, lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration 250 thousand IU” produced by Vector-Medica CJSC, series 01, 02.
  • "Ultracaine D-S forte solution for injection, 40 mg/ml + 0.010 mg/ml (cartridge) 1.7 ml x 100 (cardboard pack)", produced by Sanofi Russia JSC.
  • “Ultracaine DS solution for injection, 40 mg/ml + 0.005 mg/ml (cartridge) 1.7 ml x 100 (cardboard pack)”, produced by Sanofi Russia JSC.
  • “Avastin, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 100 mg/4 ml”, produced by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland / packaged by ORTAT CJSC.
  • "Exoderil, solution for external use 1% 10 ml", produced by Sandoz GmbH, Biochemistrasse 10, series 13806.
  • “Cerebrolysin, solution for injection 10 ml”, produced by EVER Pharma Jena GmbH, series A3HB1 A, A3HD1A, A3HE1A.
  • “Cerebrolysin, solution for injection 2 ml”, produced by EVER Pharma Jena GmbH, series A3HP1A, A3HS1A.
  • "Cerebrolysin, solution for injection 5 ml", produced by EVER Pharma Jena GmbH, series A3DW1A, A3GH1A, A3DZ1A.
  • “Tax-O-Bid, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g,” produced by Orchid Healthcare (a division of Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.), series 1 9066003/r-l C 160115.
  • “Femara, film-coated tablets 2.5 mg”, produced by Novartis Pharma Stein AG, series X0188, X0206, with labeling and instructions in Turkish.
  • "Amlodipine Zentiva, tablets 5 mg 10 pcs.", manufactured by "Zentiva K.S.", series 3161215.
  • "Chlorprothixene Zentiva, film-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.", produced by "Zentiva K.S.", series 3590216.
  • “Carvedilol Zentiva, tablets 6.25 mg 15 pcs.”, produced by “Zentiva K.S.”, series 2081215, 2010216.
  • “Lozap plus, film-coated tablets 50 mg + 12.5 mg 15 pcs,” manufactured by Zentiva KS, series 3650216, 3620216, 3570216, 3490216, 3510216, 3590216, 3630216.
  • “Milgamma solution for intramuscular administration 2 ml”, produced by Solupharm Pharmazoitische Erzoignisse GmbH, series 14006.
  • “Paracetamol-UFB, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 190416.
  • "Ruzam, solution for subcutaneous administration 0.2 ml", produced by Ruzam-M LLC, series 040915, 050915, 061215.
  • “Concor film-coated tablets 5 mg 25 pcs,” manufactured by Merck KGaA, series 208059.
  • “Concor film-coated tablets 10 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Merck KGaA, series 201982.
  • “Paracetamol, oral suspension 120 mg/5 ml 100 ml”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 110116, 1881015.
  • “Activated carbon-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 420615, 240415.
  • “Mexidol, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 50 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by FKP “Armavir Biofactory”, series 130316.
  • “Mukaltin, tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by JSC “VIFITEH”, series 240316.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 560815.
  • “Selenox, substance-powder”, produced by LLC NPK Medbiopharm, series 01 .1 5Сх-01, 01.1 bСх-01.
  • “FSME-Immun, suspension for intramuscular administration 0.5 ml/dose 0.5 ml”, produced by Baxter AG, series VNKIР06В, VNR1 Р06С, series VNR1 Р07С.
  • “Ibuprofen, oral suspension (for children), 100 mg/5 ml”, produced by EKOlab CJSC, series 651115.
  • “Activated carbon-UBF, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 370515.
  • “Gentamicin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 40 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by RUE “Belmedpreparaty”, series 721115.
  • “Ampicillin trihydrate, tablets 0.25 g 10 pcs.”, produced by JSC “Biokhimik”, series 050115.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by R-PHARM CJSC, series 509102015.
  • “Paracetamol, oral suspension 120 mg/5 ml 100 ml”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 50116.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs,” manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 522102015.
  • “Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Tatkhimfarmpreparaty”, series 2391115.
  • "Eufillin, solution for intravenous administration 24 mg/ml 10 ml", produced by Shandong Shenglu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.", series 140218.
  • “Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1g + 1g”, produced by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series JD562.
  • “Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1g + 1g, complete with a solvent of 10 ml,” manufactured by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series T0546/size JD544, 1B547 /r-l JD544.
  • “Activated carbon—UBF tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 420615.
  • “Longidaza, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection 3000 IU”, produced by NPO Petrovax Pharm LLC, series 161215.
  • “Vasotens, film-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Actavis JSC, series 166880, 167130.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 130115.
  • “Enterodes, powder for the preparation of a solution for oral administration 5 g”, manufactured by OJSC Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. N.A. Semashko”, series 20315.
  • “Griseofulvin, tablets 125 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by JSC “Biosintez”, series 71015.
  • “Concor, film-coated tablets 5 mg 25 pcs.”, produced by Merck KGaA, series 185787.
  • “Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml”, produced by JSC PCPhK Medkhimprom, series 820815.
  • “SotaHexal, tablets 160 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by SANDOZ CJSC, CR8244 series.
  • “SotaHexal, tablets 80 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by SANDOZ CJSC, series FK0449.
  • “Dopamine, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 40 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by JSC “Biokhimik”, series 50414.
  • “Folic acid, tablets 1 mg 50 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Valenta Pharmaceuticals”, series 80915, 90915.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 220215.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 661115.
  • “Pentoxifylline, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intra-arterial administration 20 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by JSC “Biokhimik”, series 30116.
  • “Adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DTP vaccine), suspension for intramuscular administration” series U34 produced by FSUE NPO Microgen of the Russian Ministry of Health (Russia
  • “Trisol, solution for infusion 400 ml”, produced by JSC NPK ESKOM, series 140516.
  • “BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by PRANAFARM LLC, series 70216.
  • “Dopamine concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 40 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by OJSC “Biokhimik”, series 130614.
  • “Pentoxifylline, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by OJSC “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”, series 2131214.
  • “De-Nol film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by R-PHARM CJSC, series 365082015.
  • "Coal activated tablets 250 mg 10 pcs., produced by Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant OJSC, series 670515.
  • “Suprastin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 20 mg/ml 1 ml” produced by OJSC “Pharmaceutical Plant”, series 31A0214, 45C0514.
  • « Sea buckthorn oil, oil for oral administration, local and external use 50 ml" and "Sea buckthorn oil, oil for oral administration, local and external use 100 ml", produced by Yantarnoye LLC, series 050216, 070316, 060216, 080316.
  • “Propazine, film-coated tablets 25 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Tatkhimfarmpreparaty”, series 51015.
  • “Knotweed (Knotweed) grass, crushed grass 50 g”, produced by LLC PFK “Fitofarm”, series 010215.
  • “BETAGISTIN, tablets 24 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by PRANAFARM LLC, series 60216.
  • “Lazolvan, syrup 30 mg/5 ml 100 ml”, produced by Boehringer Ingelheim Hellas A.E., series 144947.
  • “Sinaflan, ointment for external use 0.025% 15 g”, produced by JSC “Murom Instrument-Making Plant”, series 390316.
  • “Xeloda, film-coated tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, JSC “Roche-Moscow”, series X3988B03.
  • “Perinorm solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 5 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Inka Laboratories Limited, series E 354OO6.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by R-Pharm CJSC, series 210052015.
  • “Ofloxacin, film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 210815.
  • “Citramon P, tablets 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 280316.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by DAV Pharm LLC, series 260415.
  • “Longidaza, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection 3000 IU bottles”, produced by NPO Petrovax Pharm LLC, series 161215.
  • “Ethyl alcohol, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for external use and the preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml”, manufacturer “Hippocrates” LLC, series 400616.
  • "Flexen, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intramuscular administration 100 mg", produced by Italfarmaco S.p.A. series 15511/15511.
  • “Taxakad, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 35 ml”, produced by JSC “BIOCAD”, series 06060316.
  • “Taxakad, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 6 mg/ml 50 ml”, produced by JSC “BIOCAD”, series 06070316.
  • “Benzyl benzoate, ointment for external use 20% 25 g”, produced by JSC “Zelenaya Dubrava”, series 040216.
  • “Essentiale forte N, capsules 300 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by “A. Natermann & Sie. GmbH, Germany", series 4K1751.
  • Zoladex, long-acting subcutaneous capsule 3.6 mg, syringe applicator with safety mechanism, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, MF862 series.
  • “Sodium chloride, solution for infusion 0.9% 200 ml”, produced by Anzhero-Sudzhensky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant LLC, series 280415.
  • “Potassium permanganate, powder for preparing a solution for external use 3 g”, produced by JSC PFK Obnovlenye, series 20416.
  • “Nutriflex 70/180 lipid, emulsion for intravenous administration, 650 ml containers”, produced by “B. Braun Melsungen AG, series 160338052.
  • “Senade tablets 13.5 mg 20 pcs,” manufactured by Cipla Ltd., series 485031.
  • “Peppermint leaves, leaves powder 1.5 g, filter bags (20), cardboard packs”, produced by PKF Fitofarm LLC, series 030615, 020216.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 60116.
  • “Latran, solution 2 mg/ml 4 ml”, produced by FSUE NPTI “Pharmzashchita”, series 170415.
  • “Diara, chewable tablets 2 mg 6 pcs.”, produced by JSC “Pharmaceutical Enterprise “Obolenskoe”, series 520815.
  • “Aimafix, lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration 500 IU/ml”, produced by Kedrion S.p.A., series 611427/KA2514, 611428/KA2514.
  • “Iodopyron, solution for external use 1% 250 ml”, produced by YuzhPharm LLC, series 341115.
  • “Potassium permanganate, powder for preparing a solution for external and local use 3 g”, produced by JSC PFK Obnovlenye, series 20416.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml, polyethylene bottles”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 050116, 2041115, 530316, 1350914, 1310914, 2281215, 19021.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 880714.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 020415, 030415.
  • “Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g”, produced by Licht Far East (S) Pte Ltd, series A419NM, A420NM, A462NM, A463NM, A480NM.
  • “Heparin, solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU/ml”, produced by RUE “Belmedpreparaty”, series 750914.
  • “Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 010215, 020215, 030215, 040215, 050215, 060215, 070215, 110315, 120315, 130315, 150315, 16 0315, 170515, 180515, 190515, 200615, 210615, 220615, 230615, 240615, 250615, 261015, 271015, 281015, 291115, 301115, 311115, 321115, 331115, 341 215, 351215, 361215, 371215, 411215, 010316, 020316,080215, 090215, 100315.
  • “Marcain Spinal Heavy, solution for injection 5 mg/ml 4 ml”, produced by “Senexi” series F0128-1.
  • “Eufillin, tablets 150 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”, series 4441015.
  • “Actovegin, solution for injection 40 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by CJSC PharmFirma Sotex, series 250316, 280416.
  • “Actovegin, solution for injection 40 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by CJSC PharmFirma Sotex, series 240316.
  • “Dopamine, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 40 mg/ml, 5 ml”, produced by JSC “Biokhimik”, series 50414.
  • “Ofloxacin, film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 220815.
  • SotaHexal, tablets 80 mg 10 pcs., produced by Salutas Pharma GmbH, series FH5486.
  • “Corvalol, drops for oral administration 50 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 100416.
  • « Castor oil, oil for oral administration 30 ml", produced by Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC, series 40316.
  • "Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1g + 1g", produced by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd., series JD564, JD591.
  • “Haloperidol-Ferein, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 5 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by SOAO Ferein, series 050315.
  • “Dopamine, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 40 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by JSC “Biokhimik”, series 70515.
  • “Diclofenac, rectal suppositories 100 mg 5 pcs.”, produced by JSC “Biokhimik”, series 10116, 20116.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs,” manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 313062015, 128102013, 449092015.
  • “Ethyl alcohol, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for external use and the preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 270516.
  • “Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by FKP “Armavir Biofactory”, series 030315.
  • “Zoladex, capsule for subcutaneous administration of prolonged action 10.8 mg,” manufactured by Astraeneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, series MC239.
  • "Basijen, solution for infusion 2 mg/ml 100 ml", manufactured by Claris Lifesciences Limited, series C442460.
  • "Diclogen, gel for external use 1% 30 g", manufactured by Agio Pharmaceuticals Ltd., series 58259.
  • "Metrolacare, solution for infusion 5 mg/ml 100 ml", manufactured by La Care Pharma Limited, AMT5004 series.
  • “Streptokinase, lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intra-arterial administration 1500000 ME”, produced by RUE “Belmedpreparaty”, series 061215.
  • “Hofitol, film-coated tablets 30 pcs.”, produced by Rosa-Fitofarm Laboratory, series VN1495, VN1496, VN1497, VN1498, VN1499, VN1500, VN1507, VN1508, VN1509.
  • “Bravelle, lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration of 75 IU,” produced by Ferring GmbH, series K1 8203C.
  • “Suprima-coff, tablets 30 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., series X30021, X30022.
  • “Marcain Spinal Heavy, solution for injection 5 mg/ml 4 ml”, produced by Senexy, series F0128-1.
  • “Taurine-SOLOpharm, eye drops 4% 1 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 050316, 060316, 070316.
  • “Activated carbon -UBF tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 240415, 420615.
  • “Fluifort, syrup 90 mg/ml 100 ml”, produced by Dompe S.p.A, series 158 0715, 165 0815, 166 0815.
  • “Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC, series 200715.
  • “Paracetamol, oral suspension 120 mg/5 ml 100 ml”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 110116, 1881015.
  • “Sodium chloride, solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection 0.9% 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 340115.
  • “Diazolin, tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Pharmstandard-UfaVITA OJSC, series 081215.
  • “Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 080215, 090215, 100315, 010215, 020215, 030215, 040215, 050215, 060215, 070215, 110315, 12 0315, 130315, 150315, 160315, 170515, 180515, 190515, 200615, 210615, 220615, 230615, 240615, 250615, 261015, 271015, 281015, 291115, 301115, 311 115, 321115, 331115, 341215, 351215, 361215, 371215, 411215, 010316, 020316.
  • “Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g”, produced by Pikht Far East (S) Pte Ltd, series A419NM, A420NM, A462NM, A463NM, A480NM.
  • “Amlodipine-Prana tablets 5 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by PRANAFARM LLC, series 100416.
  • “Novocaine solution for injection 5 mg/ml 5 ml, ampoules 5 pcs.”, produced by JSC Research and Production Concern “ESKOM”, series 020116.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs,” manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 401082015, 475102015, 518122014
  • “Ampicillin, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 500 mg”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 940515, 550315.
  • “Benzyl benzoate ointment for external use 20% 25g”, produced by JSC “Zelenaya Dubrava”, series 040216.
  • “Sodium thiopental, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration 0.5 g” produced by Sintez OJSC, series 260815.
  • “alpha-Tocopherol acetate solution in oil (vitamin E), solution for oral administration in oil 10% 20 ml”, produced by Samaramedprom OJSC, series 050416.
  • “Heparin, solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU/ml in 5 ml bottles”, produced by RUE “Belmedpreparaty”, series 750914.
  • “Dexamethasone solution for injection 4 mg/ml, 1 ml”, produced by Elfa Laboratories, series OX-184 dated 10.2014.
  • "Mitomycin-S Kiowa, powder for the preparation of solution for injection 10 mg", manufactured by Kiowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd, series 651 AEI01.

The following medications were recalled in July:

  • “Sodium chloride solution 0.9%”, produced by “Pharmacy of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Hospital”, An series. 13, An. 5.
  • “Glucose solution 5%”, produced by “Pharmacy of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Hospital”, An series. 21. “Dexamethasone, solution for injection 4 mg/ml, 1 ml”, produced by Elfa Laboratories, series EX-257.
  • “Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g,” produced by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd.", series 3B1008, 10584, 30546, 30546, 3P563.
  • “Thyme herb, herb powder 1.5 g, filter bags 20 pcs.”, produced by Lek S+ LLC, series 021115.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 030415, 020415.
  • "Creon 25000, enteric capsules 25000 units 20 pcs.", manufacturer "Abbott Products GmbH", series 49476.
  • "Omez, capsules 20 mg 10 pcs.", manufacturer "Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.", series B501420.
  • “Maalox, chewable tablets 10 pcs.,” produced by Sanofi-Aventis S.p. A.”, series A792.
  • “Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 200 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by OJSC Novosibkhimpharm, series 60415.
  • “Albumin, solution for infusion 10% 100 ml”, produced by the Lipetsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station, series 360915, 410915.
  • “Piracetam-Eskom, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 200 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by JSC HICC ESKOM, series 080416.
  • “Allohol, film-coated tablets, 10 pcs.,” produced by OJSC “Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant”, series 420715.
  • “Propazine, film-coated tablets 25 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Tatkhimfarmpreparaty OJSC, series 51015.
  • “Alpha-Tocopherol acetate solution in oil (vitamin E), solution for oral administration in oil 10% 20 ml”, produced by OJSC 2 “Samaramedprom”, series 050416.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 50 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 60116.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 760714, 560414.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 1351214.
  • “Naphthyzin, nasal drops 0.1% 15 ml”, produced by Lekar LLC, series 060316.
  • “Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml”, produced by JSC Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. N. A. Semashko”, series 380614.
  • “Octreotide-depot, lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action 20 mg”, produced by DEKO COMPANY LLC, series 09112015.
  • “Dexamethasone-Vial, solution for injection 4 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by CSPI Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd", series 130804.
  • "Revalgin, solution for injection 5 ml", manufactured by Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd", series A1563007.
  • “Alka Prim, effervescent tablets 2 pcs.”, produced by the pharmaceutical plant “POLFARMA”, series 40715.
  • “Knotweed (Knotweed) grass, crushed grass 50 g”, produced by LLC PFK “Fitofarm”, series 010116.
  • “Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC, series 220815.
  • “Sodium chloride, solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection 0.9% 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 111114.
  • “Nexavar, film-coated tablets 200 mg 28 pcs.,” manufactured by Bayer Pharma AG, series VHL4G2 1.
  • “Herceptin, lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion 440 mg”, produced by Genentech Inc., USA (lyophilisate) / F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland, series N3696/1/ solution B2094/2 with the specified index "117105".
  • “Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by FKP “Armavir Biofactory”, series 030315.
  • “Rifampicin, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for infusion 150 mg”, produced by OJSC Kraspharma, series 60615.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by ORTAT CJSC, series 317072015, 191042015, 395082015.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs,” manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 151112013.
  • “Ofloxacin, film-coated tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 220815.
  • “Magnesium sulfate solution for intravenous administration 250 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by Shandong Shenglu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.", series 140302.
  • “Aminocaproic acid, solution for infusion 5% 100 ml”, produced by JSC NPK ESKOM, series 090615.
  • “Exforge, film-coated tablets 10 mg + 160 mg 14 pcs.”, produced by Novartis Pharmaceuticals S.A., series B8699.
  • “Quinax, eye drops 0.015% 15 ml”, produced by S.A. Alcon Couvrer n.v., series 14017B.
  • “Haloperidol-Ferein, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 5 mg/ml 1 ml, ampoules 5 pcs.”, produced by SOAO “Ferein”, series 050315.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 190216.
  • "Herceptin, lyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for solution for infusion 440 mg, vials 440 mg (1) / diluent - bacteriostatic water for injection 20 ml", manufactured by Genentech Inc., CLHA (lyophilisate) / F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. ., Switzerland", series N3704/1 / size B2094/3, N3680/ 1 / size B2092/4.
  • “Caffeine-sodium benzoate, solution for subcutaneous administration 200 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by OJSC “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”, series 230315.
  • “Indomethacin Sopharma, enteric-coated tablets 25 mg 30 pcs.”, produced by Sopharma JSC, series 20114.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by ORTAT CJSC, series 280062014.
  • “Acyclovir, ointment for local and external use 5% 10 g”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 010116.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1310914.
  • “Arimidex, film-coated tablets 1 mg N214”, produced by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LLC, series MB552, MC47.
  • “Cardioxipin, solution for infusion 5 mg/ml 100 ml”, produced by OJSC “Biosintez”, series 11214, 21015.
  • “PERINDOPRIL-RICHTER, tablets 4 mg 10 pcs.”, manufactured by Gedeon Richter Poland LLC, series H44088C.
  • “Cardiket, extended-release tablets 40 mg, 10 pcs,” manufactured by Eisika Pharmaceuticals GmbH, series 9345401.
  • “Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 200 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by OJSC “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”, series 4971113.
  • “Sodium chloride solution for injection 10% 200 ml”, produced by the pharmacy of the Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital, An series. 277-278.
  • “Potassium chloride solution for injection 8% 100 ml”, produced by the pharmacy of the Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital, An series. 279-280.
  • “Calcium chloride solution for injection 1% 200 ml”, produced by the pharmacy of the Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital, An series. 255-256.
  • “Potassium chloride, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion 40 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by OAO HHK “ESKOM”, series 370815.
  • “Sodium thiopental, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration 0.5 g”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 260815.
  • “Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g”, produced by Licht Far East (S) Pte Ltd, series A462NM, A463NM, A480NM.
  • “Glycerin, solution for local and external use 40 g”, produced by Samaramedprom OJSC, series 371015.
  • “Acyclovir, tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 060115, 070115.
  • “Paracetamol, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by JSC “PFK Obnovlenye”, series 451215.
  • “Sanorin-Analergin, nasal drops 10 ml”, produced by Teva Czech Enterprises s.r.o., series 3A0601015, 3A0280415, 3C0870115.
  • “Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 1271015, 160116.
  • “Lidocaine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC, series 220815.
  • “Cardioxipin, solution for infusion 5 mg/ml 100 ml”, produced by JSC “Biosintez”, series 10715.
  • “Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 100315.
  • “Biseptol 480, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion (80 mg+16 mg)/ml 5 ml”, produced by Polfa Pharmaceutical Plant Warsaw JSC, series O6AE 1213.
  • “Cefbactam, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g”, produced by Protech Biosystems Pvt. Ltd, series RT-1505.
  • "Metrolacare, solution for infusion 5 mg/ml 100 ml", produced by La Care Pharma Limited, AMT5001 series.
  • “Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Tathimfarmpreparaty”, series 1781015
  • “Suprastin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 20 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by OJSC “Pharmaceutical Plant”, series T1A1113, TOA1113, 14A0114, 25A0214, 26C0214, 28A0214, 29A0214.
  • “Guttalax, tablets 5 mg 20 pcs.”, produced by Delpharm Reims, series 150835, 150834.
  • “Guttalax, tablets 5 mg 50 pcs.”, produced by Delpharm Reims, series 150835A, 150835, 150834, 150836, 150731, 150833.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 760714.
  • “Sodium chloride, solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection 0.9% 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 931115.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 2281215.
  • “Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml”, produced by RFK CJSC, series 010813.
  • “Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml”, produced by JSC Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. N.A. Semashko", series 380614.
  • “De-Nol, film-coated tablets, 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by R-PHARM CJSC, series 496102015.
  • “Tsifran, film-coated tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited, series 2685668.
  • “Simvastatin-SZ, film-coated tablets 10 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Severnaya Zvezda CJSC, series 30415.
  • “Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 080215.
  • "Fragmin, solution for injection 5000 IU 0.2 ml", produced by Watter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG", series 54636С51.
  • “Dexamethasone-Vial solution for injection 4 mg/ml 1 ml”, manufactured by CSPI Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., series 130804.
  • "Basijen, solution for infusion 2 mg/ml 100 ml", manufactured by Claris Lifesciences Limited, series C442460.
  • “Octreotide-depot, lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action 20 mg”, complete with: solvent - “mannitol solution for injection 0.8% 2 ml”, produced by DEKO COMPANY LLC, series 09112015 (solvent series 05072015 ).
  • "Cutivate, ointment for external use 0.005% 15 g", manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals C.A., series ZH1880.
  • “Apilak Grindeks, ointment for external use 10 mg/g 50 g”, produced by Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant JSC, series 100915.
  • “Chondroxide Maximum, cream for external use 8% 50 g”, produced by Pikht Far East Pte Ltd, series A419NM, A420NM.
  • “Ruciromab, substance”, produced by JSC Framon, series 010514.
  • “Articaine hydrochloride, substance-powder”, produced by BION LLC, series 050216.
  • “Knotweed (Knotweed) grass, crushed grass 50 g”, produced by LLC PFK “Fitofarm”, series 010215, 010116.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 030415, 020415, 34082014
  • “Peony evading tincture, tincture 25 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 030216.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 050116, 2041115, 530316, 1350914.
  • “Doxazosin Zentiva, tablets 2 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by “Zentiva K.S.”, series 3570815.
  • “Beloderm, cream for external use 0.05% 15 g”, produced by “BELUPO, drugs and cosmetics d.d.”, series 21718104.
  • “Cromohexal, solution for inhalation 10 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by Pharma Stulln GmbH/Salutas Pharma GmbH, series 415973, 415976, 415977, 415978, 415980, 425985, 425986, 425987, 425988, 425 989, 525012, 525019, 525020, 525021, 525022, 535027, 535030.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 100 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 680414, 560414.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 210216.
  • « Acetylsalicylic acid MS, tablets 0.5 g 10 pcs., produced by JSC Medisorb, series 098092014.
  • “Thyme herb, herb powder 1.5 g, filter bags 20 pcs.”, produced by Lek S+ LLC, Russia, series 021115.
  • “Bisacodyl-Nizhpharm, rectal suppositories, 10 mg 5 pcs.”, produced by Nizhpharm OJSC, Russia, series 60216.
  • “Ketotifen, tablets 1 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant”, series 90615.
  • “Heparin, solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration 5000 IU/ml 5 ml”, produced by Elfa Laboratories, series NS-30b.
  • “Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g,” produced by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd.", JD584 series.
  • “Erespal, syrup 2 mg/ml 150 ml”, produced by Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC, series 140316.
  • Betaserc, 24 mg tablets, 20 pcs., manufactured by Abbott Healthcare CAC, series 637972.
  • Betaserc, 16 mg tablets, 15 pcs., manufactured by Abbott Healthcare CAC, series 638365.
  • “Nitrazepam, substance-powder”, produced by JSC Organika, series 10212.
  • “Potassium chloride, solution for injection 1% 200 ml”, manufacturer: pharmacy GBU RME “RKB”, An series. 411, An. 412.
  • “Calcium chloride solution for injection 1% 190 ml”, manufactured by KOGUP “City Pharmacy 206”, An series. 541, 545.
  • “Cerecard solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 50 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by EcoPharmPlus CJSC, series 530515.
  • “Sodium thiopental, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration 1 g, 20 ml bottles”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 230515.
  • “Mexicor, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 50 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by LLC Firm “FERMENT”, series 431015.
  • “Ketosteril, film-coated tablets 20 pcs,” manufactured by Labesfal Laboratorios Almiro, C.A., Portugal, series 18H3 520.
  • “Acecardol, enteric-coated tablets 300 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 1351214.
  • “Paracetamol, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Tatkhimfarmpreparaty”, series 300216.
  • “Drotaverine, solution for injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by JSC “VIFITEH”, series 250614.
  • “Xylometazoline-SOLOpharm nasal spray metered 140 mcg/dose 60 doses (10 ml)”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 100316.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 200216, 230216.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 010415, 050515.
  • “Trichopol, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by the Pharmaceutical Plant “Polpharma”, series 61111.
  • “Beloderm, ointment for external use 0.05% 30 g”, produced by “BELUPO, drugs and cosmetics d.d.”, series 21434094.
  • “Iodine, alcohol solution for external and local use 5% 25 ml”, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 301015.
  • “Flexen, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intramuscular administration 100 mg”, produced by Italfarmaco S.p.A., series 15511/15511.
  • “Paracetamol, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by ZLO “PFK Obnovlenye”, series 451215.
  • “Acyclovir, tablets 400 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Ozon LLC, series 070115, 060115.
  • “Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Jodas, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g,” produced by Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd.", series 3D546, 3D547, JD563.
  • “Sodium chloride, solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection 0.9% 10 ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 991115, 1031115.
  • “Jintropin, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration”, produced by Genescience Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., series 201304012/r-l 20121202, 201406026/r-l 20121202, 201406032/r-l 20121202, 201407042 /p- 20121202, 201501001/r-l 20141001, 201506028/r-l 20141001, 201506029/r-l 20141001, 201506030/r-l 20141001, 20150603 1/r-l 20141001, 201509044/r-l 20141001.
  • “Dikpofenac, rectal suppositories 100 mg 5 pcs.”, produced by JSC “Biokhimik”, series 10116, 20116.
  • “Essentiale forte N, capsules 300 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by “A. Nattermann & Hsieh. GmbH.”, series 4K1751.
  • “Human immunoglobulin normal solution for intravenous administration 50 mg/ml 25 ml”, produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NPO “Mikrogem” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, series N571.
  • “Chlorhexidine, solution for local and external use 0.05% 100 ml”, produced by JSC NPK ESKOM, series 320715, 610815.
  • “Castor oil, oil for oral administration 30 g”, produced by JSC “Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory”, series 50815, 61015.
  • “Paracetamol-UBF, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 10115, 220315.
  • “Citramon P, tablets 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 120115.
  • “Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Tathimfarpreparaty”, series 1781015.
  • “Levomycetin, eye drops 0.25% 5 ml”, produced by OJSC “Tatkhimfarmpreparaty”, series 20515.
  • Sevoflurane, liquid for inhalation 250 ml, manufactured by Baxter Healthcare Puerto Rico, series 15L23L51.
  • “Diameride, tablets 3 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by JSC “Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant “AKRIKHIN”, series 71215.
  • “Silimar, tablets 100 mg 15 pcs.”, produced by CJSC “Pharmcenter VILAR”, series 261014.
  • “Dioxidin, solution for intracavitary and external use 10 mg/ml”, produced by OJSC Novosibkhimpharm, series 421214.
  • “Cefbactam, powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 g + 1 g,” produced by Protech Biosystems Pvt. Ltd", series PT-1501.
  • “Aminocaproic acid, solution for infusion 5% 100 ml”, produced by JSC NPK ESKOM, series 090615.
  • “Glucose, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml”, produced by Grotex LLC, series 090215.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3% 100 ml”, produced by LLC “Iodine Technologies and Marketing”, series 1030615, 150115.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, substance-liquid 35% 10 kg”, produced by OJSC “Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant”, series 10216.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, substance-liquid 35% 25 kg”, produced by OJSC “Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant”, series 371215.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10% 40 ml”, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 050515.
  • “Calcium gluconate, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 100 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by Ellara LLC, series 511215.
  • “Revalgin, solution for injection 5 ml”, manufactured by Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd", series A1 563007.
  • Ambroxol-Viol, syrup 15 mg/5 ml, produced by Yangzhou N~3 Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd", series 140828.
  • “Cardioxipin, solution for infusion 5 mg/ml”, produced by JSC “Biosintez”, series 10715.
  • “Polyphepan, powder for oral administration 10 g”, produced by JSC “Saintek”, series 40915.
  • “Sodium chloride solution 7.2% 200 ml”, manufactured by the pharmacy of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “GB” in Kuvandyka, An series. 265.
  • “Octretex, solution for infusion and subcutaneous administration 0.1 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by Ellara LLC, series 010315.
  • “Sinaflan, ointment for external use 0.025% 15 g”, produced by JSC “Murom Instrument-Making Plant”, series 081014.
  • "Sealex Forte", biologically active additive for food, produced by VIS LLC.
  • "Ali Caps", a biologically active food supplement, produced by VIS LLC.
  • “Glucose-Eskom, solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml 10 ml”, produced by JSC NPK ESKOM, series 091215.
  • "Revalgin, solution for injection 5 ml", manufactured by Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.", series SA 1563003.
  • “Ranitidine-AKOS, film-coated tablets 150 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by Sintez OJSC, series 660615.
  • “Guttalax, tablets 5 mg 20 pcs.”, produced by Delpharm Reims, series 150833.
  • “Validol, sublingual tablets 60 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Tatkhimfarmpreparaty”, series 1600915.
  • “Suprastin, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 20 mg/ml 1 ml”, produced by JSC “EGIS Pharmaceutical Plant”, series 14A0114.
  • “Peppermint leaves, leaves powder 1.5 g,” produced by 000 PKF Fitofarm, series 030615.
  • “Paracetamol, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs., cell-free contour packaging”, produced by OJSC “Tatkhimfarmpreparaty”, series 300216.
  • “Paracetamol-UBF, tablets 500 mg 10 pcs., cell-free contour packaging”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 220315.
  • “Citramon P, tablets 10 pcs., cell-free contour packaging”, produced by OJSC “Uralbiopharm”, series 120115.
  • “Analgin, solution for injection 50% 2 ml”, produced by JSC Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after. N.A. Semashko, series 390614.
  • “Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 95% 100 ml”, produced by JSC PCPhK Medkhimprom, series 041114.
  • “Cerecard, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 50 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by EcoPharmPlus CJSC, series 610615, 600615, 530515.
  • “Norepinephrine, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration 2 mg/ml 8 ml”, produced by EcoPharmPlus CJSC, series 131015.
  • “Mustard plaster package, powder for external use 3.3 g”, produced by LLC Industrial and Commercial Company “Rudaz”, series 10215.
  • “Piracetam, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 200 mg/ml 5 ml”, produced by OJSC “Borisov Medical Preparations Plant”, series 1440514.
  • “Thyme grass, crushed grass 50 g”, produced by PKF Fitofarm LLC, series 010116.
  • “Folic acid, tablets 1 mg 50 pcs.”, produced by OJSC “Valenta Pharmaceuticals”, series 70915.
  • “Trichopol, tablets 250 mg 10 pcs.”, produced by the Pharmaceutical Plant “Polpharma” S.A., series 61111.
  • “Tsindol, suspension for external use 125 g”, produced by JSC “Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory”, series 140715.
  • “Fukortsin, solution for external use 25 ml”, produced by JSC “Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory”, series 130615, 150615.
  • “Apilak Grindeks, ointment for external use 10 mg/g 50 g”, produced by Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant JSC, series 100915.
  • “Biseptol 480, concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion (80 mg + 16 mg)/ml 5 ml, ampoules (5), trays (2)”, produced by Polfa Pharmaceutical Plant Warsaw JSC, series O6AE1213.
  • “Cardiomagnyl, film-coated tablets 150 mg + 30.39 mg 100 pcs.”, produced by Nycomed GmbH, series 11026347.
  • “Ethyl alcohol, solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms 70% 100 ml”, produced by JSC “PhFK “Medkhimprom”, series 440515.
  • “De-nol, film-coated tablets, 120 mg 8 pcs.”, produced by ZLO “R-PHARM”, series 377082015, 506102015.
  • “Cerecard, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 50 mg/ml 2 ml”, produced by EcoPharmPlus CJSC, series 600615, 610615.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10%” 40 ml, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 010415, 050515, 060515.
  • "Dermatol", substance-powder 5 kg, produced by FSUE "SKTB "Tekhnolog", series 020415.
  • “Dysport, lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection 500 units”, series K05752, with markings on the packages and instructions for medical use in Turkish.
  • “Hydrogen peroxide, solution for topical use 3%” 100 ml, produced by Iodine Technologies and Marketing LLC, series 1030615.
  • “Sodium chloride, solution 10%” 200 ml, manufacturer: pharmacy GBUZ LO “Priozerskaya MB”, An series. 381, An. 56.
  • "Herceptin", lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion 440 mg complete with a solvent - bacteriostatic water for injection, 20 ml bottles, manufactured by Genentech Inc., CLHA / F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., series 3714/1/ solvent B2096/3.
  • "Denol", tablets 120 mg 8 pcs., manufactured by Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., series 411082015.
  • “Folic acid”, tablets 1 mg 50 pcs., produced by OJSC “Valenta Pharmaceuticals”, series 60915.
  • “Solution of magnesium sulfate for external use 5%” 200 ml, manufacturer: pharmacy GBUZ “Penza Regional Clinical Hospital named after. N.N. Burdenko”, marking AN.1.
  • “Novocaine solution for external use 5%” 200 ml, manufacturer: pharmacy, Penza Regional Clinical Hospital named after. N.N. Burdenko”, marking AN.2.
  • "Paracetamol", tablets 500 mg 10 pcs., produced by ZLO "Production Pharmaceutical Company Obnovlenye" ​​(Russia), series 160415.
  • "Abaktal", tablets 400 mg 10 pcs., produced by "Lek dd.", series ED9747.
  • "Lisinopril" tablets 5 mg 30 pcs., produced by Ozon LLC, series 141214.
  • “Calcium chloride solution 1%” 200 ml, manufacturer BU RK pharmacy “ Republican Hospital them. P.P.Zhemchueva”, series 157/162.
  • “Novocaine solution 1%” 200 ml, manufacturer: pharmacy BU RK “Republican Hospital named after. P.P.Zhemchuev”, series 158/163.
  • “Novocaine solution 2%” 200 ml, manufacturer: pharmacy BU RK “Republican Hospital named after. P.P.Zhemchueva”, series 159/164.
  • “Ammonia, solution for external use and inhalation 10%” 40 ml, produced by Hippocrates LLC, series 010415.
  • "Eucalyptus tincture", tincture 25 ml, produced by ZLO "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory", series 10715.

We constantly monitor the discovery of problems in food products (as, for example, in the case of the “blacklist” of dairy producers) and write about recall campaigns for products that are used by many consumers: smartphones, laptops, tablets, strollers and strollers for newborns. as well as many others.

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Key Facts

Counterfeit medicines are medicines that are mislabelled as to their identity and/or manufacturer, intentionally and for deceptive purposes.

The use of counterfeit medicines can lead to treatment failure or even death.

Once counterfeit medicines are used and/or discovered, public trust in health systems may be undermined.

Both branded drugs and generics are counterfeited.

All types of medicines are counterfeited, from drugs intended to treat life-threatening conditions to inexpensive analogues painkillers and antihistamines.

Counterfeit medicines may include products with the correct ingredients or the wrong ingredients, no active ingredients, too little or too much of the active ingredient, or with counterfeit packaging.

Counterfeit medicines exist all over the world. They may be an accidental mixture of harmful toxic substances or ineffective, ineffective drug. Some contain a claimed active ingredient and appear so similar to the genuine product that they may be misleading to both healthcare professionals and patients. But in all cases, the manufacturer of the counterfeit drug is unknown, and its contents are not trustworthy. Counterfeit medicines are in all cases illegal. They can lead to treatment failure or even death. Disposal of such drugs is a significant public health problem.

Scale of the problem

Determining the extent of counterfeiting is difficult for a number of reasons.

Due to the multiplicity of information sources, collecting statistical data is challenging. Sources of information include reports from national drug regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies, pharmaceutical companies and non-governmental organizations, as well as specific studies in specific geographic areas or therapeutic groups.

The different methods used to produce reports and conduct research also make it difficult to collect and compare statistics.

Research can only provide a static picture of the situation this moment. Manufacturers of counterfeit products are extremely flexible in the methods they use to imitate products and avoid detection. They may change these methods from day to day so that by the time the research results are published, the results may be out of date.

Finally, information about a case under investigation is sometimes made public only after the investigation has been completed.

Counterfeiting reaches its greatest scale in regions with the weakest regulatory and law enforcement systems in the field of medicines. In most industrialized countries with effective regulatory systems and market controls (e.g. Australia, most countries of the European Union, Canada, New Zealand, the United States of America and Japan), counterfeit medicines are extremely rare - countries estimate that they account for less than 1% market value. But in many African countries, parts of Asia and Latin America, and in countries with economies in transition, a much higher proportion of medicines sold may be counterfeit.

The prevalence of counterfeit medicines can vary widely not only between geographical regions, but also within countries: for example, between urban and rural areas and between different cities.

All types of medicines are counterfeited, from drugs intended to treat life-threatening conditions to inexpensive analogues of painkillers and antihistamines (see table).

Table: Examples of counterfeit medicines

Counterfeit medicine Country/Year Report
Medicine traditional medicine anti-diabetes (used to lower blood sugar levels) China, 2009 Six times the normal dose of glibenclamide (two people died, nine were hospitalized)
Metakelfin (antimalarial drug) United Republic of Tanzania, 2009 Found in 40 pharmacies: insufficient levels of active ingredient
Viagra and Cialis (for the treatment of erectile dysfunction) Thailand, 2008 Smuggled into Thailand from an unknown manufacturer from an unknown country
Xenical (to combat obesity) United States of America, 2007 Contained no active ingredient and sold through Internet sites operating outside the United States
Zyprexa (for the treatment bipolar disorder and schizophrenia) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 2007
Lipitor (to lower cholesterol) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 2006 Detected in the legal supply: insufficient levels of active ingredient

Selling online

In more than 50% of cases, medicines purchased online from illegal sites that hide their physical address turn out to be counterfeit.

Health risks

Counterfeit medicines pose a health risk to people because their contents may be dangerous or may lack an active ingredient. They can lead to treatment failure (and contribute to resistance in the case of antimalarials containing insufficient active ingredient) or even death. Unlike low-quality medicines associated with the presence of problems in a well-known manufacturer production process, counterfeit medicines are produced by people with the intention of misleading consumers.

Due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to track the channels for the production and distribution of counterfeit medicines, their circulation in the markets is difficult to stop. Even one single case of the appearance of counterfeit medicines is unacceptable, since such a case indicates the vulnerability of the pharmaceutical supply system in which it was detected. And, worse, it undermines trust in national health authorities and law enforcement.

Additional factors

The problem of counterfeit medicines is exacerbated by a number of factors.

Medicines can consume a significant portion of personal or family income. Some people look for cheaper drugs. They can often be found in unregulated markets, where the likelihood of purchasing counterfeit medicines is higher.

In addition, people may purchase medicines from unregulated markets and when medicines available in formal health facilities are not sufficient to meet demand, as is often the case in rural areas of developing countries.

Counterfeit medicines can be very profitable. Due to the fact that many countries have not yet adopted laws to tighten penalties, manufacturers of counterfeit medicines often do not fear criminal prosecution.

The growth of international trade in pharmaceutical ingredients and medicines further compounds the complexity of this problem. For example, trade through brokers and free trade zones with weak or no regulation (where drug packaging and labels are changed to disguise the country of origin) are increasing.

WHO response

Strict drug regulatory controls and their implementation by national drug regulatory authorities go a long way in preventing and detecting counterfeit drugs. WHO provides direct support to countries and regions to strengthen medicines regulation.

For effective fight Counterfeit medicines require the involvement of a range of parties, not just healthcare professionals. In 2006, WHO helped create the International Anti-Counterfeiting Task Force. medical products, or IMPACT. Its goal is to attract a number of participants to cooperate to protect people from the acquisition and use of counterfeit medicines. To prevent the manufacture and distribution of counterfeit medicines, IMPACT focuses its activities on the following areas:

  • legislative and regulatory infrastructure;
  • regulatory implementation;
  • law enforcement;
  • technologies;
  • communication.

1. Deadly counterfeit diabetes drug found outside China’s Xinjiang, China View, 5 February 2009.

How to distinguish “linden” from the original

We live in a world where anything can turn out to be of low quality and fake. Even medicines necessary for life.

This is reality, and there is no escape from it. We cannot change it, so we need to adapt to it and learn to survive in it.

It was from this position that MK tried to look at our pharmaceutical market. What is the likelihood that the drugs we purchase are as prescribed?

Our research did not inspire optimism. But it allowed me to formulate several practical advice drug buyers.

About 15% of medicines sold in Russia are counterfeit and can pose a danger to human health.

This is data. A month ago they were voiced by Alexander Buksman, First Deputy Prosecutor General. According to him, counterfeit drugs are not only freely sold in pharmacies, but also become the subject of government procurement - they are purchased by clinics and hospitals.

In total, according to him, for last year More than 8 thousand violations in the circulation of medicines were discovered. However, not all of these violations end with the drug being withdrawn from pharmacies and medical institutions.

On the website of Roszdravnadzor there is an electronic service “Search for medicines withdrawn from circulation.”

Despite the fact that Buksman talks about 8 thousand violations detected, only 2,383 records were stored in this service over the past year (from January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2016).

Each is about a specific series of a specific drug.

They appear thanks to inspections of pharmacies and medical institutions carried out by Roszdravnadzor employees.

If a drug seems suspicious, sales are suspended, the drug is sent for examination, and a decision is made based on its results. If everything is fine, it goes back on sale. If suspicions are confirmed, the series is confiscated and destroyed.

According to Roszdravnadzor itself, in one year its employees manage to check about 16% of all medications that are in circulation.

This means that not everything that is sold in pharmacies and used to treat diseases is subject to inspection, but about one sixth.

There was something floating in the injection solution

In the Roszdravnadzor service about drugs withdrawn from sale last year, the majority of records are about substandard drugs.

There are ants in the tube with ointment, there is sediment in the ampoule, there are flakes in the solution, there is less of a certain substance in the preparation than it should be, or, conversely, more, or it is not at all the substance that it should be according to the documents.

Of the more than two thousand records for the past year, 1,584 were marked with the “poor quality” status, and 797 of them related to Russian-made drugs.

Contrary to the statements of the Prosecutor General's Office, much fewer falsified (counterfeit) drugs were identified in the past year than substandard ones. There are only 34 entries in the database dedicated to them.

There are 32 entries for counterfeit drugs. This status is assigned to series that, according to documents, were intended for sale not in, but in, for example, or Belarus.

In addition, drugs that were not registered in the State Register were withdrawn from sale (there are 10 such records in total, mostly herbal preparations).

Over the last week of 2015 (the most recent reviews), Roszdravnadzor removed the series from circulation the following drugs:

Ascorbic acid, injection solution, Russia, due to the drug’s non-compliance with the indicator “Mechanical inclusions” (something was floating in the injection solution);

Bromhexine 4, oral solution, due to the identified discrepancy between archival samples of the drug in terms of “Foreign impurities” and “Quantitative determination”;

Vikasol-Vial, solution for injection, due to non-compliance with the “Quantitative Determination” indicator;

Drotaverine, solution for injection, Russia, due to inconsistency in the indicators “Description” and “Mechanical inclusions”;

Calcium gluconate-Vial, solution for injection, China, due to inconsistency in the “Description” indicator;

Hydrogen peroxide, Russia, due to non-compliance with the “Quantitative Determination” indicator;

Proviv, emulsion for intravenous administration, India, sales were previously suspended due to the development of adverse reactions during its medical use;

Sintomycin, liniment 10%, Russia, due to non-compliance with the indicator “Weight of package contents”;

Phenibut, tablets, Russia, due to inconsistency in the “Description” indicator;

Fludarabine-Ebewe, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration, due to the detection of particles that are derivatives or degradation products of a pharmaceutical substance;

Efferalgan®, syrup (for children), due to the detection of polyurethane particles in packaging equipment;

Vitatress®, tablets, Russia, due to identified non-compliance with approved specification standards during a stability study;

Polygynax, France, due to possible mixing of the products of these medicinal products with the products of another medicinal product.

Fun tips from Roszdravnadzor

Is it possible to protect yourself from substandard medicines and fakes?

There are no methods that would give a 100% guarantee.

But you can reduce the risk.

For this purpose, Roszdravnadzor proposes to use its electronic service “Search for withdrawn medicinal products,” in which anyone can check the purchased drug. If its series coincides with the one that is listed as seized, there is no need to accept it - that’s all.

Definitely a good way. But in order to use it, you must first buy the drug by spending money.

Also, this approach does not apply to medications you receive in the hospital. Nobody will tell you any episodes there. It's better not to even ask.

In addition, let us remind you that the Roszdravnadzor service contains data on only 16% of all medications that are in circulation. The likelihood that your drug was included in this 16% is very low.

In addition to its electronic service, which, as we see, has very limited capabilities, Roszdravnadzor invites citizens to independently submit suspicious medications to specialized laboratories, where they will examine your drug at your expense.

The Roszdravnadzor website even provides a list of such laboratories - 16 in and 3 in the Moscow region.

This method is also good. But it doesn't work at all.

To find out how much such an examination costs, MK called these laboratories and found out that none of them takes drugs for examination from private individuals, only from legal entities.

To the pharmacy with a magnifying glass

It is almost impossible to distinguish substandard drugs from benign ones without expert examination. But very in rare cases they can be seen with the naked eye. For example, you buy ampoules with an injection solution and see crystals in the neck. OK, thanks, we don’t need such a solution.

But falsified drugs, which are counterfeited by fraudsters, can, in principle, be distinguished from the original ones by appearance. You just need to be very careful.

Experts advise going to the pharmacy with the old packaging and comparing it with the new one you want to buy. The color shades on the packages must be the same. The font and arrangement of letters must be the same.

The differences may be minute, but you can notice them. Here, for example, is how Roszdravnadzor employees describe them in a letter requesting the seizure of a falsified batch of the drug Claritin.

Original: secondary packaging cardboard of blue color. Fake: dark blue.

Original: on the secondary packaging the font of the inscriptions: “anti-allergic”, “anti-allergic drug”, as well as the color of the circles in the picture are bright yellow. Fake: pale yellow.

Original: On the side flap of the secondary packaging, the markings (batch number, production date, expiration date) are embossed at the same depth, with blue paint applied. Fake: with embossing of different depths, with blue paint with a green tint

Original: The surface of the blister on the tablet side is glossy. Fake: matte.

Original: on the blister the inscriptions “Claritin”, “Loratadine”, “10 mg”, “Schering-Plough” are written in blue font with a purple tint. Fake: blue with a green tint.

Original: On the blister the series number is completely stamped: RXFA04С2615. Fake: not completely knocked out: 04С2615.

Original: The edges of the tablets are smooth, without chips. Fake: uneven, with chips.

Last year, a series of the following drugs that turned out to be falsified were withdrawn from sale: enterodes (Russia), omez (India), mildronate (Russia), claritin (Belgium), ketosteril (), potassium permanganate (Russia), zoladex (Canada), valcyte ( ), allohol (Russia).

It is quite possible that there were much more counterfeits on sale. But Roszdravnadzor found only these drugs.

How to look for secret signs

Security signs are another trick that is useful to know about.

Many pharmaceutical companies, especially foreign “giants,” label their products with special brand names.

Different pharmaceutical companies have different ones.

Some companies print packaging in Braille for the blind. If you buy such a drug, touch the packaging with your finger and you will feel raised raised dots.

Some companies use stickers with holograms - small iridescent circles with some letters written on them. Such holograms are usually used to fix the bottle cap to control the first opening.

There are companies that keep their protective marks secret, but indicate the telephone number in the instructions for the medicine " hotline", which you can call. If the drug seems suspicious, they will help dispel doubts or, conversely, confirm them.

If you must take a drug regularly, it may be a good idea to contact the company that makes it and see if it uses safety labels. And if he does, which ones? How can you find them right at the pharmacy, so as not to buy unknown things?

To see how such signs work, the MK journalist purchased an ultraviolet lamp for 500 rubles and examined eight pharmacies in the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region and five pharmacies in Moscow on Kastanaevskaya Street.

In none of the pharmacies did the sellers know about the lamp trick. They were very surprised when invisible letters magically appeared on the boxes.

For the purity of the experiment, in all pharmacies we examined three drugs from the company that labels its products with luminous signs: L-teroxin, prostamol Uno and nimesil.

Everything in the pharmacies in the Voskresensky district was lit.

On Kastanaevskaya Street, three pharmacies did not stock Prostamol Uno. But everything else glowed wonderfully.

Do not be ill!

Our experiments with ultraviolet lamp, of course, do not show the overall picture with counterfeit and low-quality medicines. But on at least they confirm that the security sign system works.

As for the general picture, it is clearly visible in the list of drugs subject to seizure on the Roszdravnadzor website. And this picture is depressing.

There are a lot of antibiotics there. Many drugs for heart disease and medications for treatment oncological diseases. There are many domestic medicines whose composition does not correspond to the description. There are many low-quality injection solutions that are prepared by pharmacists directly in pharmacies or hospitals.

It’s scary to even think how many people took all these drugs last year and how tragically this could have affected their condition.

We present some of the drugs whose series were withdrawn from sale at the conclusion of our article as food for thought.

Perhaps you too were treated for something in the past year, but did not get any effect. If that was the case, then maybe there is an explanation here.

"Abaktal, agapurin, allohol, ambrosol, amoxiclav, ampicillin, analgin, anaprilin, andipal, antigrippin, arbidol, argosulfan, acecardol, asparkam, aspirin, acylok, ACC, bisacodyl, bisoprolol, bifiform, vasoket, validol, valcyte, warfarin, vikasol , gentamicin, heparin, heptor, heptral, herceptin, gino-pevaril, glucofan, guttalax, dexamed, dexamethasone, detralex, children's panadol, diclofenac, dioxidine, drotaverine, zoladex, ibuprofen, indomethacin, interferon, iodine balance, cavinton, potassium chloride, calpol, cardicate, cardiomagnyl, ketonal, ketosteril, claritin, clotrimazole, lazolvan, chloramphenicol, lidocaine, lisinopril, linex, lincomycin, mannitol, meloxicam, meropenem, metoclopramide, metformin, mildronate, milgamma, movalis, mucaltin, naphthyzin, nexavar, nitroxoline, nootropil, oxoline, octride, omez, pentoxifylline, pectrol, paracetamol, omeprazole, piracetam, polygemostat, preductal, proserin, prostamol UNO, revalgin , rinonorm, senade, sparex, sustanon, texamen, triquilar, trichopolum, fastum gel, phenibut, fucorcin, furazolidone, hilak forte, chlorhexidine, chondroxide, cerebrolysin, cefoperazone, cinnarizine, enterodez, epithalamin, euthyrox.”


Doctor, can I drink vodka?


What about alcohol?

In no case!

What about your pills?

Why are you drawn to all sorts of rubbish?