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How to learn to lucid dream? Lucid Dreaming: Entry Technique for Beginners The Best Technique for Lucid Dreaming

Dreams have long been considered a phenomenon that to an ordinary person impossible to control. Night visions were attributed to a supernatural origin. People tried to understand what dreams mean and made up various dream books to be prepared for what they are "talking about".

Subsequently, dreams began to be considered only a projection of our fears or desires, and sometimes simply an analysis of past days. And scientists have recently come to the conclusion that night dreams can be controlled. The term " lucid dream ", and some psychologists began to study this phenomenon with interest.

What is a lucid dream?

When a person sees ordinary dreams, he loses his sense of reality. The action taking place in the subconscious seems real. In a lucid dream, the sleeper understands that he is in a state of sleep, and everything he sees is just a figment of his imagination. Therefore, regardless of the plot of the night vision, a person is able to direct it in the right direction.

For example, if the sleeper is in danger, he can turn into a powerful strongman or gain the ability to fly in order to avoid the threat. If desired, he can become a celebrity, a magical creature or an animal.

Despite the fact that a lucid dream is completely controlled by a person, the power of emotions from the sensations experienced in it does not disappear. Sometimes it even becomes brighter, because the sleeper understands that his vision will not turn into a nightmare, but will be what he wants.

How to have a lucid dream? Entry technique

Techniques for inducing lucid dreaming are not difficult and can be mastered by anyone. Listed below are some methods by which you can “enter” this state:

  1. Before you go to bed, you need to put a pen and notebook next to you. After waking up, you need to find a few minutes to remember what kind of dream you had. Details of night visions are entered into a notebook. Describes and emotional condition sleeping at the moment of sleep. Such memory training is necessary to ensure that lucid visions bring psychological benefits in the future. If you don’t want to take notes manually, you can use a voice recorder, available on almost every mobile device. And in order to remember the plot of a dream easier, you need to lie motionless for some time, concentrating on the task.
  2. Since in a dream a person does not realize that what is happening is fiction, in order to learn to control one’s visions, one must master the so-called “sense of reality.” To do this, you need to mentally ask yourself every 2-3 hours, “Am I sleeping now?” And to check whether a person is really in reality, he must pay attention to the clock, to his feet or palms, to some book or newspaper. If a person cannot see the papillary lines on the skin, cannot understand what time it is, or is not able to decipher the text, then most likely he is sleeping. The brain will get used to such a “testing procedure”, and therefore dreams will also become subject to this organ.
  3. Before going to bed, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of suggestion. A person should repeat to himself that he will be aware of the fact that he is sleeping.
  4. People often experience similar signs before the visions begin. This may be a slight haze, flickering, or the appearance of a certain color. There may be other signs. If you re-read your “dream notes” in your notebook, then similar elements will one way or another reveal themselves. Using these signs, it will be easier to determine your presence in a fantasy world.
  5. If time allows, it is recommended to try to take a nap after waking up. Having remembered your dream and described it in a notebook, you need to lie down again and concentrate on the past fictional plot. The thoughts are subsequently projected into the subconscious, and the dream becomes lucid.
  6. It is worth purchasing a light alarm clock, which, instead of the usual ringing, will glow at the time of awakening. You can set the clock to wake up every hour. Light promotes lucid dreams.

Patience and persistence are important in mastering the technique of entering lucid dreams. It will not be possible to learn to enter this state in a few days.

What can you do in a lucid dream?

The possibilities in dreams, in which a person is aware of his sleeping state, are limited only by the person’s knowledge of reality. In lucid night visions you can:

As you can see, the lucid dreaming technique has many benefits.

Books about lucid dreaming

Learn more about the phenomenon of lucid dreaming and methods of entering into this state from the following books:

  • Bradley Thompson, « Lucid dreaming in 7 days"- equates controlled night visions to entertainment, the book is written in simple language, contains a lot of practical advice
  • Carlos Castaneda, « The Art of Dreaming» – describes the traditions of Mexican shamans of entering a state of awareness in a dream;
  • Patricia Garfield, « Creative Dreams"- the author tells how lucid dreams helped her scientific career, gives readers recommendations for controlling night visions.

Studying the above publications will help you navigate your subconscious world.

Humanity has long been interested in lucid dreams, but until recently they were not studied by anyone and remained something unknown, incomprehensible and even strange. Today's practical studies and research by specialists provide us with a lot of information about this extraordinary phenomenon. Lucid dreaming is attracting more and more attention, because it turns out that this state is controllable, and you can enter it yourself. Special training will help you achieve any results in your sleep and realize your plans.

Lucid dream - what is it?

Conscious dream - a dream in which a person knows that everything that happens to him is virtual, he understands that he is dreaming. Being in such an altered state, a person can easily control his actions, for example, transform into a movie character, fly and jump from roof to roof without difficulty, and accomplish the unattainable in life. real life. It all depends on imagination and unresolved problems in reality. Immersed in a lucid dream, people experience what is happening very emotionally. Sensations and feelings seem completely natural to them. There are whole doctrines about similar conditions. They say that anyone can experience lucid dreams and out-of-body travel.

How to use lucid dreaming

In fact, a person knows much more than he thinks. After all, the subconscious of each of us has enormous resources. Our dreams are the work of the subconscious, and if a person learns to communicate with it, then new opportunities will open up for him. By working in this direction and improving, you may even be able to become a pioneer. There are many stories when people came up with something in their dreams or found a way out of a difficult situation. The main thing here is to at least remember the dream.

Fighting Fears

If a person is afraid of something or suffers from phobias, he is not confident in his capabilities, then by immersing himself in a lucid dream, he will be able to model a plan of action, learn to behave correctly, and master fears, emotions and actions. Learning to control yourself in difficult situations during night dreams, he will easily transfer this experience to daily life, and it will be much easier for him to act in reality.

Many psychotherapists offer their patients to play out difficult life stories in their sleep several times. If you find it difficult to complete an important task in real life, you can “rehearse” it in a dream. There a person will pay Special attention your feelings, reactions and all the details of what is happening. Properly designed sleep will help you prepare for business meetings, interviews or exams.

A lucid dream lasts on average about five minutes. Therefore, in order to achieve a good result, you need to learn to be in this state long time. Moreover, lucid dreams are not so frequent that you need to spend them fighting your fears. It is better to fight phobias in reality, this is the only way to get rid of them for sure.

Lucid dreaming as inspiration

When lucid dreaming, you can see a suitable theme for a painting, find inspiration for new works and subjects for poets, inventors will be able to model a new model or get a hint for their creations.

Scientists have found that for the brain it does not matter where a physical action occurs with a person - in a dream or in reality. When processing information, the brain can form new neural connections. It turns out that the theory of a planned action can be worked out in a dream, but practical skills will still have to be acquired in reality. The sleeper is able, for example, to juggle perfectly, and the pins themselves can fly, since the laws of gravity are somewhat different there. But muscle memory cannot be fooled.

In a dream, significant people or sages may meet. The conversation does not take place with real people, and a person receives smart thoughts and instructions not from someone, but from himself, from his consciousness.

Projections of the subconscious

Lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel can be combined, because in this state it is easy to get to the most remote corners of the planet and even the galaxy. The human consciousness can simulate any environment - from the roof of a skyscraper, London parks and moonlit walks. The main thing is not to forget that if you find yourself on the ocean shore, everything you see will only be a projection of the subconscious, which will be based on general knowledge about this area. For a long time forgotten by man the information will be automatically reproduced by the brain.

High-speed flights or trips will be great entertainment. Get adrenaline from racing in a dream, find yourself inside spaceship, feel the excitement of what is happening, and most importantly - develop actions according to your scenario, realize that you are the main character - all this will cause real euphoria.

One of the main useful properties lucid dreams can easily be called the fight against nightmares. Those people who are very bothered by night terrors are recommended to develop the ability to lucidate dreams. After all, at the most terrible moment, you just have to realize that you are dreaming - and all your nightmares will turn into comics. It will be possible to defeat all the monsters, villains and other enemies without much stress.

When do lucid dreams occur?

They may appear during rapid eye movement in the process. When they begin to move in different directions, the person sees a dream. Movements appear at completely different moments of this action. Thus, you can become aware of a dream several times a night.

There are five stages of sleep. The first occurs in the first 5-10 minutes of “falling asleep,” when the body enters a state of rest after being awake. A person may not yet realize that he is already asleep. Then comes the second phase. This period is characterized by unconscious muscle twitching and general relaxation of the body. The next (third and fourth phases) are characterized by too slow wave activity in the brain. These periods determine deep dreams. At such a time, it is very difficult to wake a person, and the person who wakes up will feel weak and will not immediately adapt to the surrounding environment.

The first four phases last for two hours (and several times each, we will talk about this below). Then comes the most important one - the fifth, in which a person is able to dream. Eye movements last from 10 to 30 minutes, at this time the brain is most active, blood flow to it increases, and we are able to dream. At the same time, the muscles are immobilized so that they do not walk or jump in their sleep. The brain studies the subconscious, analyzes available information and independently creates for a person his own internal reality.

It is interesting that when falling asleep, a person goes through the first, second, third phases, and after the fourth he returns to the third and second. Only then comes the fifth - rapid eye movement and sleep. This cycle can occur several times during the entire rest period, but it is not constant. During the night, the time of the third and fourth phases is reduced, when the fifth increases to an hour. This means that a person can experience lucid dreaming up to 5 times per night.

Many people are afraid to enter such states, but practice shows that there is nothing complicated or scary here; on the contrary, it is very exciting. Scientists different countries We tried lucid dreaming on ourselves. They outlined how to enter it in their numerous works. You just need to figure out what you need for this and follow the prompts step by step.

Lucid dreaming in 7 days

Bradley Thompson is the world's leading expert on methods of influencing the human subconscious. His developments are used all over the world. By studying and researching dreams, he developed step by step diagram How to enter a lucid dream in seven days. Following his instructions, some people achieved excellent results much earlier.

The technique of lucid dreaming on the first day involves familiarizing a person with general information about dreams and recognizing yourself in them.

How to recognize yourself in a dream

Many people who begin to practice dream awareness have a logical question: “How can I understand that I am not dreaming?” There are ways to enter lucid dreams. Practice includes several of the most precise actions that need to be done for everything to become clear.

  1. Look at your palms. If they are clear and the lines are clearly visible, then this is not a dream. If the palms are poorly visible, then the person is sleeping.
  2. You need to try to find a mirror in your dream and look into it.
  3. You have to taste something.
  4. In your sleep you can breathe underwater.
  5. Actions in visions do not comply with the laws of physics.
  6. The ability to see dead people. This is one of the most common factors in dream awareness.
  7. Inconsistency of time factors. For example, a person dreams of something that has not been there for a long time. Or the people around you are much younger or older than they really are.
  8. A person finds it difficult to return to the place where he just was. And if it succeeds, then it has already changed.
  9. It is impossible to get out of the room - additional rooms appear, someone stops you, detains you.
  10. A person sees the same things in different places. For example, a friend is talking to you, and when you look back, you see that he has suddenly disappeared or is far away.
  11. People and objects are in different places at the same time.
  12. Ability to pass through walls or any other solid objects. You can easily stick your hand into the wall.

These are the most common methods for those who do not know how to enter lucid dreams, how to learn not to get lost, and try their hand again and again.

The second day of the teaching tells that a person must learn to remember his visions. When you wake up, you need to immediately remember what you dreamed, and it’s better to write it all down. Thompson suggests keeping a diary in which, after waking up, even if it is at night, the student will write down the main characters and details.

On the third and fourth days they suggest starting to test reality. As often as possible, ask yourself the question: “Am I dreaming?” The point is that the question should be repeated often in reality. Gradually, this will become a kind of habit, and a person, while in a dream, will also be able to automatically ask himself this question. After doing a few actions learned on the first day, he will be able to understand what is happening to him. Noticing flying cows or dead people around, of course, makes it easier to realize that you are sleeping.

In four days, a person will be so deeply imbued with the task of realizing a dream that his brain, already at the subconscious level, will automatically help achieve the goal. After re-reading the diary, in which at least four visions can be recorded, one can identify the main signs of an individual dream. This means that you need to determine the nature of dreams, highlight what is more common. If the statistics turn out to be completely different, then Thompson advises not to get upset, but to continue to practice awareness further.

The fifth day promises to exponentially increase the chances of entering lucid dreams. Practice shows that even on this day, not every student can succeed. The challenge for day five is all about technology.

It is necessary to set the alarm clock so that it rings exactly 6 hours after the person goes to bed. After this time, you need to wake up and stay awake for an hour and a half. In the meantime, you can re-read your diary and focus on your dreams. After 90 minutes we go back to bed and for another 10 minutes we practice self-hypnosis and set ourselves up to enter a lucid dream. After this, we fall asleep, and, in theory, awareness should occur.

The sixth day is identical to the fifth, with only minor changes. After 90 minutes of waiting have passed, you need to lie down and concentrate on the score. Repeat to yourself: “1, I am sleeping, 2, I am sleeping...” It is recommended to count until a certain effect is felt: flickering, vibrations, sounds, images. Such appearances mean that a person is on the verge of entering sleep. If he can maintain awareness, he will be able to do whatever he sets his mind to.

Thus, if you tune in correctly and follow all the instructions exactly, you can enter a lucid dream in 7 days. Practice shows good results. And to increase the speed of awareness we developed special glasses.

Are there risks of entering lucid dreams?

The practice of awareness has not yet had time to “acquire” risks and this moment is safe. The scientific study of lucid dreams, one might say, has just begun. The only exceptions can be those people who are unable to draw a clear line between real life and sleep. The experience they have in the virtual world may be too vivid and completely different from theirs. real life. People who are able to become aware that they are dreaming without any problems sometimes become addicted to these dreams, similar to a drug addiction.

Devices for dream lucidity

Research by many scientists has proven that dreams bring great benefit to a person. They are the keys to self-knowledge, a kind of introspection. Scientists have developed a unique device that helps you enter the world of dreams. They produced special glasses for lucid dreaming.

The invention is a gadget shaped like a regular sleep mask. It runs on batteries and does not require additional chargers.

Inside the mask there are buttons that help you turn on the device and adjust the brightness. The mask for lucid dreaming is compact, comfortable and its sizes are universal. Dream control is carried out using LEDs. Several built-in light bulbs provide a light signal, which allows a person to see a specific blinking in a dream and understand that he is sleeping.

Glasses for lucid dreaming must catch deep phase a person's sleep and send several signals to each eye. They are not enough to wake up their owner, but enough for him to realize that he is sleeping. Here a person will be able to fully control his actions, do the impossible and fulfill his dreams.

People who have experienced lucid dreams leave a wide variety of reviews. The mask helped them find their bearings in time and told them that they were sleeping. With its help, people rarely missed the deep phase, which could not but please them. The dreams, according to their stories, were very vivid, believable and completely changed their lives.

Now you know what lucid dreaming is and you can practice it every day.

It has been around for over 4000 years. In this article we have collected the most popular and effective techniques to enter a lucid dream.

This article describes the following techniques:

  • "Drawing" technique
  • Overload technique
  • “Anchors” technique
  • Hyperventilation technique
  • Technique of "return to sleep"
  • Self-hypnosis
  • "Hatching" dreams
  • Mobile phone technology

Auxiliary: dream diary and mask

Dream Diary

The first thing we need is to keep a dream diary. In this case, a regular notebook and pen will do, which should be located near the bed; it is best to put them under the pillow. After each awakening from sleep, we must write down as quickly as possible all the details of what we dreamed.

If we do not do this right away, our consciousness will forget the dream. It is advisable that the bed is not close to the window, since after waking up we are likely to scatter our attention on a large number of objects outside the window and we also will not be able to remember our dream.

Why do we need this diary? Firstly, it promotes the development of memory and attention in dreams, and secondly, some small details that we notice in a dream will help us in the future to improve the practice of lucid dreaming.


Get into the habit of using an eye mask for your workouts. You can see such masks on an airplane, some international buses, or buy them at a regular pharmacy. They are usually simple and cheap. Of course, there are expensive relaxing masks, but the most important thing for us is that it be dark. Therefore, a cheap Chinese one, or just a homemade convenient option, will do just fine.

In addition, with regular training, the mask will help the body tune in to the OS, like an anchor in NLP.

There are also masks that give a signal (light) for a person to start doing exercises. But it’s best to first master OS techniques on your own, and then try technical innovations on yourself.

Well, earplugs often serve as an addition to the mask. This is true if your household is different time go to bed, or do you live in big city and even at night the noise from passing cars does not stop under the window. Earplugs (the drugstore variety or regular cotton wool) will help you reduce noise levels and focus on your workouts.

Remember, all techniques presented require constant practice and repetition. You are unlikely to succeed the first time, but this is not a reason to give up and give up.

There is no best technique for entering lucid dreams, since people are individual and what helps one may not produce results for another.

At the stage of choosing the technique that suits you, you need to choose: do you want to start training in a state of sleep or in a state of wakefulness? Starting training while awake will give you an advantage, and training from a dream state will be more like luck in the beginning.

So, let's get straight to the techniques.

"Drawing" technique.

Also called the silent counting technique, this technique is a variation of Tibetan sleep yoga developed by Tartanga Tulk, a Tibetan teacher living and working in the United States.

From the outside it may seem that the technique is very simple. But in fact it's the other way around. What do we need to do? When we go to bed, calm down and relax the body, it will take no more than 3 minutes. Next, we draw numbers in our imagination, starting from one. The presentation of numbers itself is very important; it can be a board with chalk, a stick and sand on the beach, or a spray can and a wall. The choice is yours, let your imagination run wild.

Let's start drawing. We mentally draw the first number, it is important to imagine it clearly and clearly, then erase it and draw the next one, and so on until 1000. At the same time, it is important to constantly repeat to yourself: “I am sleeping.” The difficulty of the practice lies in the fact that the exercise itself takes a lot of time and requires enormous concentration. But if you do everything right, you will eventually achieve what you want.

Soon you will realize that you are in a lucid dream, what to do next is up to you. This technique is also remarkable because it trains well concentration, willpower and maintaining awareness. All this will be useful to us in further lucid dreaming practices.

Overload technique

This is one of the most extreme techniques that requires the longest preparation.

The day before the experiment you need to spend a sleepless night. But you should not just stay awake, but do it intensely and brightly. Best to go to night club or to a place that will fill you with impressions and events. It is very important to be sober at all times.

After our sleepless night we have a busy day to spend. We can go to the cinema, do something unusual, or even extreme, this is of course at your discretion. It is important to spend the night and day so that you don’t get bored for a minute. At the end of the day, your body will be tired, but your mind will be awake as it processes past events.

As a result, you will have a short gap before going to bed, when your mind is still awake and your body is asleep. This can be used, but we need a “starting point” - Carlos Castaneda in his book “The Art of Dreams” suggests looking at your hands at the beginning of practice. Although preparation for this method is quite complicated, the effectiveness of the “Overload” technique is quite high.

“Hypnotic imagery” technique

The essence of this technique lies in special condition“half asleep,” as the Russian philosopher P.D. called it. Uspensky, who for a long time studied the moment a person enters a state of sleep. Subsequently, American psychiatrist Nathan Rapport refined the method of entering a lucid dream by concentrating on hypnotic images.

When we go to bed and close our eyes, after a while we begin to notice various objects in front of our eyes, various waves, circles and figures, they are called phosphenes. If you contemplate them for a long time, you can wait for a certain moment on the border of sleep and contemplation, when we relax, various hypnotic images jump out from our subconscious.

These could be voices, lights, etc., which later become brighter and clearer. These images are the precursors of sleep. The complexity of this technique lies in the fact that we only have one small time gap in order to get into a lucid dream. If we miss it, we will wake up in the morning, but if we try to catch our attention on these images too early, we risk, on the contrary, waking up.

In any case, we won’t succeed the first time; we need practice. But when using this technique, many people noted the brightness and richness of sensations during the dream itself.

“Anchors” technique

This is the most famous and widespread technique. It is also called the “critical state check technique”, it is described in more detail in the book “The Practice of Dreams” by Stephen LaBerge, a man who is considered a guru and the founder of the scientific approach to the study of dreams. The essence of this technique is that we must build a bridge between sleep and reality with the help of anchors.

An anchor is an object or event after which a certain pre-planned action should be taken. An anchor can be anything, the main thing is that we encounter it in everyday life as often as possible. This could be a sign, a car, a billboard, a person, etc. It is also important that the anchor often appears in our dreams, here we help will come the above diary.

After we have chosen an anchor, we need to perform a certain procedure.

  • Termination. All actions that we did before meeting the anchor should be stopped. Everything is clear here, for example, if we were walking, we stop.
  • Question. We ask ourselves the question, is this a dream?
  • Examination. We look at our hands, or at our watch, re-read the same text a couple of times, etc.
  • Action. We do something impossible in real life, for example, we try to force ourselves to fly by willpower.

No matter how funny some points may sound, they must be done necessarily and sincerely. When we bring these actions to automaticity, we involuntarily perform them during sleep. Eventually our consciousness awakens and we enter a lucid dream.

Hyperventilation technique

It also has the name " Breathing method", this is a fairly ancient practice breathing exercises, or pranayama - breathing yoga, which is applicable to achieving lucid dreaming. This technique has been described by many gurus and scientists studying this phenomenon, such as Carlos Castaneda, Stephen LaBerge, etc.

This is the most simple technique but, despite its simplicity, it works, and for us this is the most important thing. Before going to bed, set an alarm for 4 am. When he calls, we wake up and are in a state of vigor for about 20-30 minutes, although everything is individual, for some two or three may be enough. The main task is to achieve such a state that you are aware of what is happening, but still want to sleep.

Next we proceed to the hyperventilation phase. When we lie down in bed, we begin to breathe frequently and deeply, as if after a long run. We do this for no more than 2 minutes. What happens next? We somehow discover that we are already inside a lucid dream.

Technique of "return to sleep"

This method belongs to the so-called “indirect techniques” of entering a lucid dream. Secret of success indirect techniques This is due to the fact that attempts to log into the OS are carried out in the wake-up state. At this time, the brain, according to research, is very close to the desired phase state.

On average, when using the indirect technique, it takes 1-2 days and about 5 attempts to achieve a result. Those. If this method works for you, it will work quickly enough, and there is no point in training it for weeks, and even more so for months if something doesn’t work out.

So, how to do the indirect Return to Sleep technique:

Step 1. After getting a little sleep, after 4-6 hours of sleep, you wake up to the alarm clock. After a few minutes (but no more than an hour), you go back to sleep. It will be great if during this period of time you do something related to lucid dreams - for example, read a book with techniques, or fill out a dream diary.

Step 2. We fall asleep with the intention of entering a lucid dream.

For example, you should have time - at least an hour after falling asleep again. So it is very convenient to try this method on the weekend.

Step 3. When we wake up again, without opening our eyes yet, we try to separate ourselves from the body. To do this, use the following techniques in turn: stand up, roll out, take off. We do this without straining physically, using sensations. The main thing is to try right away without wasting time. Otherwise, you will fall asleep or wake up completely.

Step 4. If it doesn’t work within a few seconds, then we go through well-known easy techniques (for example, visualization of hands, or the mobile phone technique), suddenly one of them will work. Don’t spend a lot of time on each, use just a few seconds each.

Step 5. If it doesn’t work again, we fall asleep and when we wake up, we try to leave the body into a lucid dream again. You can do this several times until you get up.

The downside of this technique is that you can disrupt your sleep schedule. On the other hand, very often the first lucid dreams come precisely when using this method.


The point is to convince yourself in the evening, before going to bed, that today you will definitely succeed. And there will be a lucid dream.
It doesn’t always work, but it can work for people who are prone to suggestion.

The second variation of this technique is receiving reminders.
Before falling asleep, concentrate on the desire to remember your dreams. Repeat a text like this several times, like a mantra: “Next time I have a dream, I will definitely remember it.” You can remind yourself all day, keep in mind to go to the store in the evening and buy bread and milk. The same principle applies here.

Technologies of "awakened consciousness"

This is a collection of techniques close to self-hypnosis, based on an attempt to maintain consciousness while falling asleep. To do this, lie down, completely relax and use any technique that suits you: forward or backward counting to 100, mental contemplation of pictures (so-called hypnotic images), focusing on the sound of tinnitus, etc.

Minor physical discomfort

There is no need to keep yourself sleep-deprived here. It is enough just to give yourself an uncomfortable position, or sit on a chair with a hard back, or something similar.

The fact is that if you lie comfortably in bed, then the temptation to fall asleep will be much greater than to remain conscious in order to see a lucid dream and remember it. It is assumed that when you fall asleep in an uncomfortable position, your consciousness will remain awake longer, and your state will be closer to a trance than to normal sleep.

"Hatching" dreams

Some time before the dream, you begin to think about your dream, for example, “I want to go snowboarding.”
Write down this phrase, think about it, wish for it.. And when you are thoroughly excited about dreaming about such a dream, immediately go to sleep. And try to make sure that your thoughts about your goal are the last thing before you fall asleep.

Mobile phone technology

When you wake up, imagine that you have something in your hand. The easiest way to imagine it is a mobile phone, hence the name of the technology.

Actively concentrate on the feeling in your palm, it should become brighter. Feel it with your fingers (in sensations, not physically). When you can twist the mobile phone in your hand, use techniques of separation from the body - standing up, rolling out.

Now you know more techniques for achieving lucid dreaming.
Apply them and look for the best ones for yourself.

How to find yourself in a dream? How to control your sleep? How to do whatever you want in a dream? Find out 3 effective ways How to immerse yourself in lucid dreams!

What are lucid dreams?

A lucid dream¹ differs from a normal dream in that a person understands the fact of being in a dream. He is able to control the course of events, go beyond the scenarios set by the subconscious².

Lucid dreams are remembered to the smallest detail, in it you can control yourself and your actions, clearly see objects, and also experience sensations.

I must admit that in dreams they are very realistic, sometimes much brighter than in reality!

Lucid dreaming is abbreviated as lucid dreaming.

This is available to everyone!

All people can enter into lucid dreams. Only most of them are unaware of this ability.

Here are 2 main signs that a person is in the OS:

  • such a dream is surprisingly well remembered;
  • very often these are nightmares.

This happens because people do not know how to control their emotions, and in unfamiliar conditions they succumb to panic. Fear causes vivid sensations and provokes the appearance of “monsters” and other dream projections.

You could say that a person looks in the mirror, doesn’t recognize himself and gets scared, shows himself scary figures and gets even more scared!

At the same time, lucid dreams in such cases are very fast: fear forces the brain to concentrate³ on the desire to get out of sleep.

You can try to remember such cases in your practice: you can probably find something similar in your memory. This means that you have experienced an unrecognized OS!

Why do people develop this ability?

There are two main motivating factors for engaging in the practice of lucid dreaming. This is curiosity and power.

One of these qualities is the reason for the desire to control oneself in a dream.

Wasps have enormous potential for human life. Lucid dreams will help:

  • engage in self-development and knowledge of the depths of the psyche;
  • study ;
  • have an interesting and enjoyable time;
  • much more that everyone discovers for themselves.

There is only one problem - the unknown. People don't know how to become aware and what to do in a dream.

Brain training for lucidity in sleep

The first thing you need to do is train your brain. Only with certain skills can you find yourself in the OS.

This article lays the foundation, a condensed concentrate of such training, since 100% OS requires an individual methodology.

1 way

1. The practitioner lies down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of the body, “passing” his attention over them.

2. The person concentrates on his breathing. Inhale-oh and you-exhale. You need to focus your full attention on this process. Breathing should be calm and ordinary.

This needs to be done every day. You may fall asleep, and there is nothing to worry about: with practice, concentration will increase.

As a result, your concentration will begin to be maintained even after you fall asleep. This will give you the opportunity to become aware of yourself in a dream!

You can proceed as follows:

  • simultaneously with the breathing process, you can think about what you want to see in a dream (it will appear in it);
  • When you fall asleep, you send a firm thought that you will now become aware and will be able to control your sleep.

2 way

One of the most famous authors on the topic of lucid dreams, Carlos Castaneda, claims: in order to control yourself in a dream, you need to see your hands there. This method is really effective and has helped many people in mastering the operating system.

3 way

The practitioner needs to sleep on his left side. As he falls asleep, he thinks intently about traveling through his past.

The brain remembers everything that happened and will happen to you. This method, as it were, “closes” the mind in itself, awakening it in a dream. The author of the article claims that this method has worked for him at least 20 times.


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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Lucid dreaming is an altered state of consciousness in which a person realizes that he is seeing a dream and can, to one degree or another, control its content (Wikipedia).

² Subconscious is a term used to designate mental processes, occurring without their reflection in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (Wikipedia).

³ Techniques for developing concentration

⁴ Carlos Cesar Salvador Aranha Castaneda is an American writer and anthropologist, ethnographer, esoteric thinker and mystic, author of 12 volumes of best-selling books dedicated to the presentation of the shamanic teachings of the Yaqui Indian Don Juan Matus (

Mikhail Raduga: technique of entering lucid dreams for beginners

So, you are a new practitioner and have decided to enter an out-of-body journey or lucid dreaming and want to do it as quickly as possible. For this you are invited short description most easy technique– cycles of indirect techniques. This is a universal and most working method of obtaining out-of-body and astral travel, as well as lucid dreams, developed by the School out of body travel on thousands of people around the world. The secret of indirect techniques lies in their implementation against the background of awakening, when the human brain is physiologically very close to the phase state or is still in it.

Cycles of indirect techniques for beginners to achieve lucid dreams consist of trying to separate immediately upon awakening, and if that doesn’t work, then quickly going through techniques for a minute until one works, after which you can separate from the body. Usually it takes from 1 to 5 correct attempts to get a result.

Efficiency of the technique: 1-5 attempts (1-3 days) – 50%,6-10 attempts (2-7 days) – 80%,11-20 attempts (3-14 days) – 90%. The phase is a combined term for the practice of lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel. It is advisable to perform it in the morning on weekends.

Interesting fact!

It was due to indirect techniques that in just 2 nights of attempts at 3-day seminars of the School of Out-of-Body Travel it was possible to achieve 80% effectiveness even in groups of 50 people or more. Once, already on the second day, more than half of the group experienced a phasic experience (leaving the body or awareness in a dream), and the majority did this two or more times.

Attention! The steps described below work great when waking up from nap, and also in the middle of the night. But we will analyze the most optimal option - the delayed method - which allows you to achieve many attempts in one day, which greatly increases the likelihood of results in just 1-3 days, even for beginner practitioners of lucid dreams and out-of-body travel.

Step 1. Sleep for 6 hours and wake up with an alarm clock

On a weekend night, when you don’t have to get up early, we go to bed at our usual time and set the alarm clock so that we can sleep for about 6 hours. When the alarm clock rings, we definitely get up to drink water, go to the toilet and look at these instructions again. You should never do any techniques before going to bed. You just need to lie down and sleep well. How sleep better in these 6 hours, the greater the chance of subsequent results.

Step 2. Fall back to sleep with intention.

After 3-50 minutes of wakefulness, we go back to sleep and concentrate on the fact that on each subsequent awakening we will carry out cycles of indirect techniques for entering a lucid dream / out-of-body trip and implement the set action plan. There is no need to set an alarm clock. All subsequent awakenings must be natural. If the room is too bright, you can wear a special eye mask; if it is noisy, use earplugs.

We also focus on trying to wake up without moving our physical body. This condition is not necessary, but it significantly increases the effectiveness of indirect techniques for beginners.

Next, we fall asleep for 2-4 hours, using each subsequent natural awakening, of which there will be much more than usual. After each successful or unsuccessful attempt, we always fall asleep with the same intention of waking up and once again trying the technique of entering lucid dreams. Thus, in one morning you can make many attempts, up to 25% of which are effective even for beginners (70-95% for experienced ones).

Step 3. The first moment of awakening - separation

Every time we wake up again, trying not to move or open our eyes, we instantly try to immediately separate from the body in order to enter into a lucid dream or out-of-body journey. Up to 50% of the success of indirect techniques comes from this simplest first step, which novice practitioners are simply unaware of.

To separate from your body, try simply standing up, rolling out, or flying up. Try to do this with your own felt body, without straining physical muscles. Remember that this will feel like a normal physical movement. Don't worry about how to do it right moment. Persistently try to separate from the body at all costs in the very first moments after waking up in any way. Most likely, you will intuitively understand how to do this. The main thing is not to overthink and not waste the first seconds of awakening.

Interesting fact!

In the School of Out-of-Body Travel seminars, starting from the second session, successful participants are asked to explain in their own words how they managed to separate, without using the words “easy”, “usually” and “simple”. Almost always people are unable to fulfill this request, since this is the way it almost always happens at the right moment.

Step 4. Cycling techniques after attempting to separate

If it is not possible to immediately separate, which becomes clear in 3-5 seconds, we immediately begin to go through 2-3 of the most understandable techniques for entering a lucid dream within one minute, until one of them starts to work, after which we can again try to separate. From the following five techniques, choose 2-3 for yourself to alternate during awakenings:

Swimming technique

For 3-5 seconds, try as aggressively as possible to imagine that you are swimming or simply making swimming movements with your hands. Try to feel it at all costs and as brightly as possible. If nothing happens, the technique is changed to another. If the feeling of swimming begins to arise, then there is no need to change the technique. Instead, you need to intensify the sensations that arise, after which a real sensation of floating in the water appears. This is already a phase (out-of-body travel, lucid dreaming) in which separation is not required. If such sensations arise in bed, then you need to apply the separation technique, starting the separation movement with the swimming sensations obtained from the swimming technique.


For 3-5 seconds, try to rotate as actively as possible around your longitudinal axis in any direction. If during this time no sensations arise, the technique is changed to another. If there is a real or even slight sensation of rotation, you need to focus on the technique and spin even more. As soon as this sensation becomes stable and real, you need to try to separate again, starting the separation movement with the rotational sensations obtained from the technique.

Observation of images

Peer into the emptiness before your eyes for 3-5 seconds without opening them. If nothing arises, the technique is changed to another. If you see an image, peer at it until it becomes realistic, after which you must immediately separate from the body or be drawn into the observed image. When looking at the image, it is important not to look at the details, otherwise it will blur. You need to look through the picture, which will make it look realistic.

Visualization of hands

For 3-5 seconds, very actively and aggressively imagine that you are rubbing your hands together close to your eyes. Try at all costs to feel them in front of you, see them and even hear the sound of friction. If nothing happens, the technique is changed to another. If any of the sensations begins to arise, you need to stop using the technique and intensify it as much as possible until it becomes completely real. After this, you can try to separate from the body, starting the movement of separation from the sensations received from the technique.

Phantom swing

For 3-5 seconds, try to swing your felt arms or legs, in no way straining your physical muscles, but at the same time not imagining the movement itself. For example, try pressing them down and up, pulling them left and right, etc. If nothing happens, the technique is changed to another. If suddenly a light or viscous real sensation of movement arises, you need to focus on technique, trying at all costs to make the amplitude of movement as wide as possible. When you reach 10 cm or more, you should immediately try to separate from the body, starting the movement of separation from the sensations received from the technique.

All that needs to be done during each entry attempt is to go through 2-3 techniques for 3-5 seconds each. What we get are so-called cycles of indirect techniques, when a novice practitioner goes through techniques circle by circle for a minute, looking for the one that will work. It is very important to do at least 4 cycles of 2-3 techniques during the attempt. You need to understand that if a technique does not work right away, this does not mean that it will not work literally on the next round of techniques or a little later. That is why you need to stubbornly go through the techniques, performing at least 4 full cycles, but so that everything together takes no more than a minute.

For example, the whole thing might look like this: a beginner phaser goes to bed at 11:30 p.m. and sets the alarm for 6:00 a.m.; at 6.00 he wakes up with an alarm clock, goes to the toilet, drinks water, remembers indirect techniques for entering a lucid dream and out-of-body experience, as well as his interesting plan of action in the phase (for example, look in the mirror and fly to Mars); at 6.05 the phaser goes to bed again with the clear intention of getting into the phase on each subsequent awakening; at 7.35 (for example) the phaser suddenly wakes up and instantly tries to immediately separate from the body; having failed to separate in 3-5 seconds, the phaser begins to try to rotate, but it also does not work in 3-5 seconds; the phaser does a swimming technique, but it doesn't work in 3-5 seconds; the phaser does phantom swinging, but it doesn’t work for 3-5 seconds; the phaser again does the rotation, swimming technique and phantom swing for 3-5 seconds; then he again does rotation, swimming and phantom swinging for 3-5 seconds; on the fourth cycle he begins to rotate and it suddenly begins to work out - a feeling of rotation arises; the phaser stops on the technique, spins as hard as possible and immediately rolls out of the body with a rotating felt body; he immediately runs to the mirror, while he actively feels everything around and examines it from close range, which is why his sensations become vivid; after looking in the mirror, the practitioner uses the movement technique and finds himself on Mars, but is unexpectedly returned to his body; the novice phaser immediately tries to leave the body again, but fails; he falls asleep again with the clear intention that the next time he wakes up, he will repeat the attempt to enter a lucid dream/out-of-body experience and spend more time on Mars; etc.

Simply repeat this with the techniques that make the most sense to you, and you will discover a new universe, easily entering lucid dreaming or out-of-body travel even as a novice practitioner!

To make this method work and be remembered better, set aside 20-30 minutes during the day and just practice with the techniques and algorithm. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of entry attempts upon awakening.

Awareness in a dream is also considered a phasic experience. If you suddenly realize in the plot of a dream that there is a dream around, this will already be entering the phase, so you should also begin to implement an action plan and stabilize the state. If such a realization occurs in a dream, it will be an indirect result of trying to apply cycling techniques on awakenings, which very often happens, and all beginning phasers should always be prepared for this.

Step 5. After trying

After each successful and unsuccessful attempt to use the technique of entering lucid dreams, the beginning practitioner should, if possible, fall asleep again in order to make another attempt on the next awakening. This way you can not only get results in one day, but also do it several times at once!

Interesting fact!

Once, at a seminar at the School of Out-of-Body Travel, a beginner was able to leave the body for the first time in his life 6 times out of 8 awakening attempts on the very first morning.

The unsuccessful attempt itself should not last more than a minute. If nothing happened during this time, it is much more effective to fall asleep and catch the next moment of awakening than to persistently try to squeeze a result out of the current situation.

Lucid Dream/Out-of-Body Travel Plan

Before entering the phase itself, the beginning practitioner must clearly outline what he will do there immediately after separation. This will increase both the quality of the experience and its likelihood, since lucid dreaming techniques work much better with sufficient motivation. The following is a list, albeit not always the most understandable, but at least the most interesting actions in the phase for beginners (select no more than 2-3 points and remember them well):

  • Look in the mirror (required in the first phase!);
  • Eat or drink something tasty;
  • Visit your favorite attraction;
  • Fly over the Earth;
  • Fly in space;
  • Fly to neighbors, friends or relatives;
  • Meet your lover/mistress;
  • Meet a deceased relative;
  • Meet your favorite celebrity;
  • Take medicine to heal;
  • Receive information from phase objects;
  • Visit the past or future;
  • Go through the wall;
  • Transform into an animal;
  • Drive a sports car;
  • Ride a motorcycle;
  • Breathe underwater;
  • Put your hand inside your body;
  • Test the vibrations;
  • Find yourself in two bodies at the same time;
  • Find yourself in the body of another person;
  • Move and set objects on fire with your gaze;
  • Drink alcohol;
  • Have sex and achieve orgasm.

In the very first phase, set yourself the goal of getting to the mirror and looking at its reflection. You must clearly program yourself for this action, which will greatly facilitate the first steps in conquering the phase. Then you can implement other points of the action plan and never return to the mirror.

If in a lucid dream the sensations are vague - poor eyesight or an unclear sensation of the body - try to actively touch everything around and examine small details of objects from a close distance. This will make the experience more realistic. The same actions should be done to maintain the phase when the first signs of returning to the body appear (for example, when everything becomes dull).

There is no need to worry about returning to the body. In any case, the state will not last more than a few minutes, especially for beginners who are little familiar with retention technologies.

Didn't manage to enter the phase?

Set yourself a goal: to make 5-10 attempts at techniques for entering a lucid dream upon awakening. If the algorithm is executed correctly, this will be enough for 50-80% of beginners to get the first result. If you have any problems, please refer to this section, as errors that occur in 99%(!) of unsuccessful attempts are listed here.

Under no circumstances try this technique every day, otherwise the effectiveness of your entry attempts will decrease many times over! Dedicate no more than 2-3 days a week to her, preferably only on weekends. If it is not possible to sleep for a long time with interrupted sleep, do not forget that cycles of indirect techniques for lucid dreaming can also be used after any other awakenings, for example, in the middle of the night and, even better, in the middle of a daytime nap. The main thing is to set yourself a clear intention to try them before falling asleep.

Despite the simplicity of the technology, beginners stubbornly deviate from clear instructions, do them their own way, or only do them halfway. Remember the main thing in advance: the more pedantically these instructions are followed, the greater the chances of success. If everyone did everything correctly right away, then 90% of beginning practitioners would get results within 1-3 awakenings.

Interesting fact!

At the School of Out-of-Body Travel seminars, the most important task is not to explain the required algorithm of techniques, but by all means to simply force the participants to carry it out verbatim. Success is guaranteed even if this goal is only half achieved.

Typical mistakes beginners make when using indirect techniques for entering lucid dreams:

- no attempt to separate;

Forgetting to even try to separate immediately after waking up before cycling techniques, although this can account for up to 50% of the total experience. Exception: waking up while moving, after which you can go straight to lucid dreaming techniques.

- no aggression;

The desire to achieve the manifestation of the technique at all costs, to get used to it, is the main condition for the successful application of the algorithm of indirect techniques. In this case, aggression should not be external, but rather directed towards the actions being performed. Its absence is also expressed in the banal falling asleep during the attempt.

- less than 4 cycles;

No matter what you think, no matter what you think, you need to perform at least 4 cycles of techniques if none of them manifest themselves. Failure to do this simple rule suffers the loss of more than half of the chances of getting into the phase.

- unjustified change of techniques;

Contrary to clear instructions, beginners stubbornly change techniques after 3-5 seconds, when they have shown themselves in some way. This is a big mistake. If a technique starts to work, to show itself even a little, you need to stop at it and try to strengthen it in any way.

- unjustified continuation of techniques;

If the technique of entering the phase did not show itself even a little in 3-5 seconds, then you need to change it to another. The point of cycling is to quickly go through techniques until one of them turns out to be working.

- forgetting to separate;

With a bright or medium manifestation of any of the techniques against the background of awakening, the practitioner is almost always already in the phase and simply lies in the body. Therefore, you should always try to immediately separate when stable signs manifestations of techniques. If it doesn’t work, you need to go back to strengthening the technique and try to separate again, etc. If you do not use the first seconds of manifestation of the technique, as a rule, the phase ends very quickly and the desired state disappears. Don't lie in phase!

- redundant analysis;

If, while cycling techniques for entering the phase upon awakening, you analyze what is happening, then you are not concentrated on the techniques themselves and are distracted, which is why almost all chances of results are lost. The desire to feel the technique should completely absorb the beginning practitioner, leaving no room in the mind for analysis and reflection.

- too bright awakening (no attempt or sluggish);

Due to the feeling of too bright awakening, which is false in 70-90% of cases, the practitioner either does not even try anything, or tries very hesitantly, which is akin to not trying at all. You need to mechanically follow the instructions and not pay attention to such sensations when waking up.

- attempt for more than a minute;

If in one minute of cycling the techniques upon awakening the result is not obtained, then you are many times more likely to get the result by immediately falling asleep and catching the next awakening with a new attempt to enter the phase than by stubbornly trying to continue doing the techniques.

- under-separation;

When trying to separate, sometimes you can't do it completely or easily. Heaviness, sticking of body parts, and duality may occur. A beginner practitioner should never give up and stop separation if this happens. This must be resisted with all one’s might, and a complete separation will occur, and then entry into the space of lucid dreaming.

- theoretical unrecognized phase;

Often, beginning practitioners find themselves in a lucid dream or out-of-body experience, but return back to the body because it seems to them that what happened to them was not what they expected. For example, with the technique of observing images, one is often sucked into the picture, and during rotation, a spontaneous ejection into any space can occur. Practitioners think that it is necessary to experience the fact of separation (entry), which is why they return back to the body in order to accomplish it. The same applies to the situation of self-awareness in a dream, when the practitioner is already in the phase and all that remains is to go deeper and implement the action plan.

- awakening with movement (no attempt or sluggish);

Waking up without moving is only desirable, but not necessary. Not worth losing most attempts, stubbornly waiting for the necessary awakening. A beginner practitioner should use all possible awakenings for dream awareness techniques.

- loss of first moments;

You need to try to develop the habit of instantly, reflexively taking action upon awakening, without wasting moments. The more time passes between awakening and the attempt itself, the less chance for success. It is advisable to learn to catch not so much the moment of awakening, but rather the buffer moment of “emerging” from sleep even before awakening. At these moments it is almost always easy to separate.

- selection of similar techniques;

You should not choose techniques in practice that are similar to each other or that focus on the same perception (when using techniques from other sections of the book).

- use of one technique;

Cycling indirect techniques upon awakening is a universal method of entering lucid dreams, accessible to everyone precisely because of the repetition of several techniques. May work perfectly in different attempts various techniques. Therefore, using only one technique upon awakening, instead of cycling at least two, reduces the chances of getting into the phase many times over.

- false physical movement;

Sometimes the separation is so indistinguishable from normal physical movement that beginners cannot believe that they are getting it right. They perceive separation precisely as a physical movement, after which, disappointed, they lie back in the body. You should carefully evaluate the situation in such cases and perhaps do reality tests.

Four Principles for the Effectiveness of This Method of Inducing a Lucid Dream or Out-of-Body Experience

Through thick and thin. When performing techniques for entering a lucid dream or out-of-body experience, beginners should get used to them, concentrating on them as if they were last goal and the task of life. Just rush to get out of your body!

Aggression. Direct all your emotionality and intention into the techniques you perform. The desire to achieve the manifestation of techniques for entering a lucid dream should border on outright aggression to obtain this result.

Confidence. During the attempt, be as confident as possible in the result. Self-doubt and, as a result, during an attempt reduces the likelihood of entering the phase several times. Almost all entries into the phase are accompanied by confidence like “now I’ll do it,” and unsuccessful attempts “well, I’ll try, although it’s unlikely to succeed.”

Mechanicality. Do not think about anything while performing the technical algorithm for entering a lucid dream. You have already been given instructions. Just do it, no matter what you think or think. Also, mechanicalness implies precision. The algorithm of indirect techniques has been honed on thousands of beginning practitioners around the world, and you should not neglect any of its details.

Links to additional materials:
  1. Morpheus is a program that analyzes errors in practice.
  2. The most detailed and modern description technique for entering lucid dreams in the book Raduga M. “Phase”
  3. Download the book Rainbow M. “Textbook” 2011
  4. A short video tutorial on lucid dreaming (3 minutes) and a full video seminar “Out of Body in 3 Days” (10 hours): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlaKrIieYYM
  5. Short video from Rainbow M. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8KEjoVuLDM
  6. Source of material website Rainbow M. AING.RU
  7. Short link to this article

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