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Astral travel: Methods of leaving the body. Techniques for lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel for beginners

Robert Allan Monroe (1915 - March 17, 1995) - American writer, world famous as an astral traveler, one of the first to discover OBEs (out-of-body experiences) to the world.

After graduating from Ohio State University with a degree in engineering, he worked as a director and screenwriter in 1937. Founded his own radio company. He was a popular composer of music for radio, television and cinema. Growing, Monroe's company included several radio stations in North Carolina and Virginia and later began developing cable television.

In 1956, the company began researching the effects of sound waves on human consciousness, including the possibility of learning while sleeping. Monroe conducted most of the testing on himself. In 1958, during one of his experiments, he experienced a state in which consciousness was separated from the physical body.

In 1974, the Monroe Institute® was founded, which to this day conducts research in the field of expanding the abilities of human consciousness, seminars, practical lessons and training courses.

How to leave your body (part 1)

Astral travel- one of the most popular topics among modern seekers of truth. Recently, a lot of methods and exercises for leaving the body have emerged, many of them really work. But in this article I want to turn to the works of a man who is rightly considered one of the pioneers of the astral world - Robert Monroe. His experience has changed the worldview of so many people, and his techniques have been time-tested. Here are a few chapters from his book, Travels Out of the Body. This is a detailed description of how to exit the physical body.

Preliminary exercises

As I have emphasized more than once, the only way to fully appreciate the reality of the Second Body and the Second State is to experience them yourself.

Judging by the fact that this phenomenon occurs infrequently, this is not a simple matter.

I suspect that only innate curiosity can motivate people to make an effort to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving this goal. Although there are many known cases of being outside the physical body, most of them, at least in the West, are spontaneous, one-time in nature and are caused either by stress or physical illness.

I’m talking about something completely different, about a phenomenon that can be objectively studied, when the experimenter acts in such a way that he has the opportunity - albeit not every time, but still quite often - to obtain consistently repeating results. I believe that with a strong enough desire, everyone is capable of visiting the Second Body. Whether everyone should strive for this, I cannot judge.

Observations led me to the conclusion: if not all, then most people leave their physical bodies to one degree or another during sleep. Having become acquainted with specialized literature, I learned that humanity has known this for thousands of years. This is a very important circumstance, because it indicates that this state naturally. At the same time, conscious, voluntary separation from the physical body, judging by the limited data at our disposal, is not consistent with such a model.

No physically harmful effects have been found from this practice. Any physiological changes- both positive and negative, - directly caused by the OBE, were also unable to be established (neither me nor the doctors).

As for the changes psychological nature, then there are many of them. Some of them are felt, but there are probably many more that I just don't know about. Be that as it may, even my friends among professional psychiatrists do not consider these changes to threaten my mental health. My gradual revision of my views and fundamental ideas can be clearly seen by reading this book. If the changes in my psychology and personality carry any threat, then it is hardly possible to correct anything here.

I want to warn those who like to experiment: once you open this door, it won’t close. To put it more precisely, “you can’t live with this, but you can’t live without it.” This practice and the knowledge gained through it are completely incompatible with the science, religion and morality of our society. The history of mankind is replete with the names of martyrs, whose only crime was their non-conformism. If your interests and searches in this area become known to others, then you risk being branded as crazy, a fraudster, or even worse, and you can become an outcast. However, to stop research means to lose something vital. During periods of inexplicable decline, when it is not possible to achieve the Second State despite any efforts, this is felt with particular acuteness. There is a feeling that you are out of work, that you are cut off from the enormous importance of a life-giving source.

So, I will try to describe as clearly as possible the technique for achieving non-physical experience.

Barrier of Fear

On the path to understanding the nature of the Second Body and the environment of its functioning, one (though perhaps not the only) serious obstacle rises.

It seems that no one can get around it. It may be hidden under layers of prohibitions and habits, but when these layers are removed, the obstacle still remains. I mean blind, irrational fear. At the slightest shock, he turns into panic, and then into horror. To consciously overcome the barrier of fear means to bypass an important milestone in research.

I'm pretty sure this is a barrier many of us overcome unconsciously every night. That part of our being that lies beyond consciousness, when it dominates us, does not experience fear, although, judging by. everything, and is affected by the thoughts and actions of the conscious mind. She seems to be accustomed to functioning behind the barrier of fear and is better versed in the laws of this world.

When the conscious mind shuts down for the night, the Overmind (soul?) comes to the fore.

The exploration of the operating environment of the Second Body appears to be the result of the combined efforts of the conscious mind and the Supermind. When these efforts coincide, the barrier of fear is overcome.

This fear is diverse. The bravest of us believe that we do not know it, until, to our amazement, we discover it within ourselves. First of all, it is the fear of death. Since separation from the physical body is very similar to death, as it appears to us, the reaction to it is automatic at first.

The person thinks: “Back to the physical body, quickly! You are dying! Life is there - in the physical body, go back there!

No amount of intellectual or emotional preparation can neutralize this reaction. It was only after eighteen or twenty attempts that I finally managed to muster up enough courage (and curiosity) to stay in this state for at least a few seconds and observe objectively.

Due to habituation, the fear of death has disappeared or, according to at least, weakened

Others who have used this technique have given up after the first or second attempt, unable to overcome this first aspect of fear.

Its second aspect is also related to death: will I be able to return to the physical body again? Deprived of anyone's guidance and appropriate instruction, I was for several years oppressed primarily by this type of fear until I found a fairly simple recipe that has helped me successfully every time since. It's about about a kind of rationalization: I went “outside” several hundred times and always came back unharmed in one way or another.

Therefore, there is a possibility that I will return safely next time.

The third fundamental aspect of fear is the unknown. As for the physical world, its laws and the dangers that await us are more or less clear. Throughout our lives we develop reflexes that help us exist in it.

But then another world opens up, with completely different laws and possibilities, inhabited by creatures who seem to know everything about its structure. At your fingertips - no code of laws, no road map, no rules of etiquette, no suitable courses in physics and chemistry, no undisputed authority to whom you could turn for advice. Under such circumstances, many missionaries perish in distant lands!

I must admit that I have not yet gotten rid of this third type of fear.

And there are reasons for this. The unknown is still very much unknown. There are negligibly few unchanging and steadily repeating patterns learned in the process of immersion into the unknown. I can only say one thing with confidence: so far I have managed to return from these expeditions alive. There is so much that is incomprehensible and incomprehensible, but even more that lies beyond comprehension.

Another type of fear concerns the possible effects of this type of experimentation on the physical body and mind. And these fears are not groundless, because, as far as I know, there is no reliable knowledge about this. We have research on paranoia, schizophrenia, phobias, epilepsy, alcoholism, sleep disorders, acne, viral diseases, etc., but there is no body of objective data on the pathology of the Second Body.

I don’t know how to get around the barrier of fear. I can only advise you to overcome it gradually, carefully, little by little, moving forward step by step. I would like to hope that this book itself will become for readers the first psychological step towards overcoming the barrier of fear. Maybe it will help at least some of those who experienced this to figure out what happened to them. Now let's talk about technology.

1. Relaxation

The ability to relax is the first prerequisite, and perhaps in itself the first step. Relaxation is intentional and should be both physical and mental. Its indispensable condition is self-detachment from the dictates of time. There's no need to rush. No upcoming meetings or activities should distract attention or confuse your thoughts. The slightest impatience can immediately cut off all paths to success.

There are many relaxation techniques of this type, and many good books are devoted to their presentation. Choose the method that suits you best. There are three general directions that are quite effective, two of which can be used for our purposes.

Auto-or self-hypnosis. Most books on self-discovery present this method in different ways. I repeat again: choose the one that seems preferable to you. The most effective way is to learn self-hypnosis from an experienced hypnotist. It can give you a post-hypnotic setting that brings immediate results. However, be careful when choosing a teacher. There are few serious practitioners, but there are many half-knowledgeable ones. Some forms of meditation can also be used for effective relaxation.

Drowsy state. This is perhaps the easiest and most natural way, usually leading to relaxation of both body and mind at the same time.

The difficulty is to walk the fine line between sleep and full wakefulness. Too often the person simply falls asleep and the whole experiment ends there.

With the help of training, you can learn to fully maintain consciousness on the approach to the borderline state, within it and beyond it, until you achieve your goal. As far as I can tell, this can only be learned through practice. The technique is like this. First of all, you need to lie down in a state of fatigue and drowsiness. When you begin to relax and fall asleep, try with your eyes closed to keep your mental attention on something - whatever you want. If you have learned to stay in a drowsy state without falling asleep, then you have passed the first stage. It should be noted here that falling into sleep repeatedly during the process of deepening consciousness is completely normal. There's nothing you can do about it, and don't let it bother you. Results cannot be achieved overnight. You will know that you have succeeded when you become bored and want something more.

If trying to stay asleep makes you nervous, that too normal reaction. The conscious mind, forced to give up some of the power it has while awake, expresses its indignation in this way.

When this happens, stop relaxing, get up, walk around, do some exercise, and then lie down again. If you continue to feel nervous after this, go to sleep. Try it next time. You're just not in the mood right now.

If, while “fixed” in this state, you suddenly lose the thought you were concentrating on and find yourself thinking about something else, this means that you are already close to fulfilling Condition A.

Having fulfilled Condition A, that is, having learned to be calm and detached in a sleepy state, concentrating your mind on one single thought, you are ready for the next stage. Condition B is similar to Condition A, the difference between them is the elimination of concentration. Don't think about anything, but at the same time maintain a balance between wakefulness and sleep. Just look with your eyes closed into the darkness in front of you. Don't do anything else. After you do this exercise several times, you may experience hallucinations—“imaginary pictures” or lights of various types. They do not seem to have much significance, and, apparently, are just a consequence of nervous discharge. I remember once trying to achieve this state after watching a football match on TV for several hours straight. Football players were constantly flashing before my eyes - fighting for the ball, running, passing, etc. At least half an hour passed before these images were erased. The content of the imaginary pictures is obviously determined by what you have been concentrating on for the eight or ten hours before. The more intense the concentration, the longer it takes to eliminate impressions.

Condition B is fulfilled if you have learned, after all impressions have been erased, to lie aloof, without experiencing anxiety and seeing nothing but darkness.

Condition B represents a systematic deepening of consciousness in state B. It can be realized by carefully weakening the rigid attachment to the edge of the waking state and gradually immersing deeper and deeper with each exercise. By “going down” to a certain level and returning back at will, you will eventually learn to determine the degree of deepening of consciousness. The indicator is the switching off of one sensory mechanism after another.

The first thing that seems to disappear is the sense of touch: it’s as if you don’t feel your body in any part of it. The sense of smell and taste soon disappears behind it. Then hearing is lost. Vision is the last to fade. (Sometimes it’s the other way around: first sight, followed by hearing.

I suspect that vision closes this series because this exercise requires a visual paradigm - even in the dark.) Condition D is the implementation of B in the case when before starting the exercises you feel not tired and sleepy, but, on the contrary, rested and full strength

This is very important and not at all as simple as it might seem. Entering a state of relaxation awake and full of energy is a sure guarantee that you will be able to maintain conscious control. It is best to start this exercise immediately after sleep - at night or a short day. Start before you have time to physically move in bed, while your body is still relaxed and your mind is especially sensitive. Before going to bed, do not drink too much fluid so that you do not need to empty your bladder immediately after waking up.

Use of drugs. Neither of available drugs, causing relaxation, apparently is not suitable. Barbiturates lead to a loss of conscious control and only create confusion in the deeper layers of consciousness.

The same, although to a lesser extent, applies to tranquilizers: they provide relaxation, but at the expense of the acuity of perception. Alcohol in all its varieties causes a similar effect. Exotic compounds such as alkaloids and hallucinogens may be more productive. However, my experience in this area is not enough, so I will refrain from judgments and unfounded guesses.

Serious research is needed here.

I tried all three methods, but refused medicinal relaxation at the very beginning, since it greatly limits conscious control and distorts perception. When working with self-hypnosis, I used special tape recordings with hypnotic induction. They turned out to be very useful and effective.

Most often I use the sleep technique. Despite the apparent complexity, for me this is the most natural method.

2. Vibration state

Achieving this effect is critical. I have already spoken about the subjective sensory sensations it evokes. However, achieving it in itself does not mean achieving final success. To do this, another important obstacle must be overcome.

I can only give you the key. It still remains unclear what the mechanism of all this is. In much the same way, when we turn on the light, we have no idea how the switch works, where the electricity comes from, why and how it affects the tungsten filament in the light bulb.

Be that as it may, all the information presented here has been verified as thoroughly as possible through experience. In addition to the main subject - the author of this book - several other people were subjected to experiments, who also achieved positive results.

Preparing for vibrations. Lie down, taking the position in which it is easiest for you to relax, but always along the north-south axis, with your head towards the magnetic pole. Clothes should not be too tight. Cover yourself with something to make it a little warmer than you are used to. Remove all jewelry and metal objects touching the skin or located nearby. Make sure your arms and neck are relaxed and in a position that prevents them from becoming numb. Darken the room so that no light can be seen with your eyes closed, but do not create complete darkness, because then you will not have a visual starting point.

The necessary conditions. It is absolutely necessary that you are not distracted by anything - neither anyone's physical interference, nor phone calls, nor other extraneous sounds. Don't set yourself a time limit. Time spent experimenting is time well spent. Do not feel sorry for him and push aside all your affairs that could interfere with you.

Achieving a state of relaxation. Relax by following the method that you find most suitable for you. Reach stage D (or its equivalent) and try to maintain the deepest level of relaxation without weakening conscious control. After waiting as long as necessary to ensure that you have succeeded, mentally repeat: “I will consciously perceive and remember everything that happens to me during this relaxation. Upon returning to full wakefulness, I will retain in my memory in every detail only that which is favorable to my physical and spiritual state.”

Say this mentally five times. Then start breathing with your mouth half open.

Generating vibration waves. Breathing with your mouth half open, concentrate on the darkness in front of your closed eyes. First, look into the dark - at a point one foot (30 cm) from your forehead. Then move your point of concentration three feet (90 cm) from your forehead, then six (1.8 m). From this position, move it at an angle of 90° along a line parallel to the axis of the body so that it is located above your head, look for vibrations in this place, when you find them, mentally pull them back to your head.

Despite the simplicity of this description, much in it probably remains incomprehensible. How to search? What to pull into your head? I'll try to explain it differently. When starting mental concentration, imagine that from outer surface two lines extend from your closed eyes. At a point located one foot (30 cm) from the forehead, they converge. Mentally imagine that in order to connect these lines, you need to overcome some resistance. applying a compressive force, as if you were connecting charged electrical wires or opposite poles of a magnet. Now move this point three feet (90 cm) from your forehead, i.e., arm's length. Due to the change in the angle at which the lines intersect, the nature of the force applied will also change. As a result of the compression of the space (forces?) between the converging lines, the force of pressure required for the connection should increase. Once you have fixed the intersection point at three feet (90 cm), move it six feet (1.8 m).

The intersection angle in this case will be 30°. (For clarity, you can use a protractor to draw a 30° angle on paper and remember what it looks like.) Once you have learned to hold the 30° angle (that is, at a distance of about six feet ~1.8 m), point the intersection point at an angle of 90 ° (i.e., the letter L) in the direction of your head, but parallel to the axis of the body. Use this point to “search”.

Push it further and further until you achieve the result. It will make itself felt in the following way: something like a hissing, rhythmically pulsating wave of fiery sparks will roar into your head. From there it will spread throughout the body, making it stiff and motionless.

Once you learn this process, there is no need to repeat the entire procedure every time. For vibrations to occur, you will only need to think about them while being in a state of relaxation. A conditioned reflex (i.e., a neural circuit) is formed that acts whenever it is needed. You won't be able to master this technique right away. Achieving success requires effort. The more attempts, the higher the likelihood of achieving positive results. However, one-time success does not guarantee the ability to enter a state of vibration whenever you want. There are many incidental aspects that have yet to be identified and analyzed. As it were, this method works often enough to be worthy of serious study.

3. Vibration control

Having reached a state of vibration, you receive something like a guiding thread in your hands.

Your goal is to exercise conscious control over it. To do this, you need to carefully follow some recommendations, performing them, of course, sequentially, in the proposed order.

No data about harmful effects There are no vibrations on the mind or body, so I am giving a description of some techniques that can be very useful. They are a distillation of literally hundreds of experiments in which I had to proceed by trial and error.

Adaptation and habituation.

In a sense, you can say that you should accustom yourself to the sensation of this unusual state. When the waves, like a painless electrical shock, hit you, do not be frightened or panic. It is best not to do anything at this time. Lie quietly and watch them from the side until they fade away on their own. This usually lasts about five minutes. After several such experiences, you begin to understand that electric shock will not kill you. Try to refrain from frantically struggling with the paralysis that covers you. With a tremendous effort of will, you can force yourself to sit down and in this way break out of it. But then you will regret it - after all, this is precisely why so much effort was spent.

Manipulation and modulation. Once you have gotten rid of fear, you can begin to gain control over this condition. First of all, mentally transform the vibrations into a ring or force them to enter your head. Then mentally pass them along the entire body to the toes and from there again to the head. Drive them in a rhythmic wave throughout your body - from head to toes and back. After the wave gains momentum, allow it to move on its own until it dies out on its own. The full cycle, from head to feet and back, should take about ten seconds - five down and five up.

Practice until you achieve that a vibrating wave will arise at the first mental command and pulsate steadily until it fades.

By this time you should notice that the vibrations are sometimes “harsh”: it feels as if your entire being is being shaken up down to the molecules or atoms. This may seem a little unpleasant and make you want to “smooth out” them. To do this, you need to mentally make the vibrations “pulse” when they become more frequent. Their initial frequency is about twenty-seven vibrations per second (meaning the frequency of the vibration itself, and not its movement from the head to the feet). At first they obey the command to pulsate slowly and barely noticeably. We can talk about success only when they stop being rude and shaking. If you managed to reliably consolidate this result, you are on the right track.

Learning to manage the acceleration process is very important. Fast vibrations are a prerequisite for successful separation from the physical body. Once their frequency is brought to a certain limit, acceleration begins automatically.

Actually, vibrations are felt only at their beginning. They increase the frequency just like a starting engine, then it increases so much that you no longer feel any vibrations. At this stage, the sensory effect is reduced to a feeling of warmth and slight tingling in the body.

Solid skill in reaching this stage indicates that you are ready for the first experiments in leaving the physical body. This is the time to warn again. Having crossed this line, you will probably not be able to turn back, because you will be convinced of the existence of a different reality. How will this affect your psyche? daily life, the future, in your worldview, depends entirely on you personally. Once you have “opened up” to another reality, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to completely “close yourself” from it. Everyday affairs may overshadow her for a while, but rest assured, she will return to you. You can't be on guard all the time. As soon as you wake up or awaken, relax slightly, a vibrating wave will rush in without demand. Of course, you can block it, but eventually you will get tired of resisting - and here you are again in flight. You will realize that you are fighting with yourself.

And who wants to fight with themselves if instead they can just sleep soundly...

How to leave your body (part 2)

Chapter from the book “Journeys Out of the Body” by Robert Monroe.

Separation process

Once you have reached a state of vibration and have learned to control relaxation to some extent, you will encounter another factor that requires attention. You may already know about it, since it usually accompanies the preparatory exercises you have already completed. Nevertheless, this should be discussed in more detail.

It's about thought control. In a state of vibration, you seem to become dependent on every thought, voluntary or involuntary, that appears in your mind. Therefore, you need to strive with all your might to achieve a state of “without thoughts” or “with one single thought” (concentration). For even a random idea causes an instant reaction, sometimes unwanted. I suspect that it is impossible to completely free ourselves from these unwanted reactions. At least I didn't succeed. This is the reason for many of my inexplicable travels to places unknown to me and to people unknown to me. The impetus for them was given by subconscious thoughts or ideas that I didn’t even know existed in myself. The only way to deal with this is to try your best.

Bearing in mind what has been said, the first attempts to separate the Second Body from the physical should be limited in time and intensity. At this stage, the main thing is familiarization and orientation, which will subsequently make it possible to carry out separation without fear and danger.

Release of limbs. The purpose of this exercise is to become familiar with the Second Body without completely separating it. After relaxation and the onset of vibrations, work with your right or left hand separately. This is important because it will convince you of the reality of the Second Body. Reach your hand toward something - the floor, a wall, a door, anything that is out of reach of your physical hand. Reach this object. Do not move up or down, direct the force in the direction in which your arm is extended. As if extend your arm, but do not raise or lower it. Another option: stretch your hand as instructed, but do not create a mental image of the object. Sometimes this method is more effective because it eliminates preconceptions about what you are about to experience.

Having extended your hand in this way and not feeling anything, push it a little further.

Push it carefully, as if you were pulling it, until you touch some material object. If the vibrations are still active, it should work, and the hand will eventually find something. Then use your sense of touch to carefully examine the physical features of the object. Feel all the cracks, bumps, etc. so that you can recognize them later. At this stage, you will not notice anything unusual. Your sensory mechanism will convince you that you are feeling the object with your physical hand.

Now let's move on to the first test. Having familiarized yourself with the object, straighten your hand and rest your fingertips on it. At first you will feel resistance.

Press harder and gently overcome it. At the same time, it will seem to you that your hand is passing through the object. Keep pressing until it goes completely through and hits some other physical object. Determine it by touch. After this, carefully move your hand back through the first object, slowly returning it to its normal position so that it feels “in place”.

Then reduce the vibrations. The best way to do this is to carefully try to make some kind of physical movement. Think about your physical body and open your physical eyes. By an effort of will, return the sensations.

After the vibrations have completely died down, lie quietly for a few minutes to fully recover. Then stand up and write a description of the object that you “felt,” identifying its location relative to your hand during the experiment. Note the characteristic features of both the first and second items. Having done this, compare your description with the real object (first - first). Pay special attention to small details that you might not be able to see from a distance. Physically feel the object, comparing it with what you felt while in a state of vibration.

Examine the second item in the same way. Before the experiment, you may not have been aware (at least consciously) of its presence or location. This is also important. Determine the direction from the place where your physical hand lay, through the first object to the second. Will it be a straight line?

Analyze the results. Is the first object you physically touched probably out of your physical reach? Do its characteristics, especially small details, match what you wrote down?

Compare the data for the second item in the same way.

If they match, then the first experiment was successful. If not, try again the next day. In a state of vibration positive result can be obtained even without special preparation.

You can try something else entirely easy exercise. In a state of vibration, lying on your back, with your arms extended along your body or lying on your chest, try to carefully, without looking, lift and bring them together, connecting them with your fingers. Do this without tension, detached, but remember the sensations. With your hands folded above your chest, look at them - first with your eyes closed. If the movement was performed easily enough, you will see both the physical and non-physical hands at the same time.

The physical arms will rest calmly along the body or on the chest. The sensations will come from non-physical hands located above your physical body. Repeat this exercise as many times as necessary to make sure you don't move with physical hands, but something different from them. Use all the means available to you to ensure that this process is real.

Each time before “turning off” the vibrations, it is important to completely align the non-physical hands with their physical counterparts. If this is not done, any serious consequences It shouldn’t be, but I don’t think it’s worth experimenting at first.

Separation technique. The easiest way to separate is to “lift” from the body. The goal here is not to visit distant places, but to explore your feelings in the familiar environment of your room. This is necessary so that the data from the first successful experiment can be subjected to objective verification.

For better orientation, the first complete separation is best done in daylight. Determine the degree of illumination you need yourself. Electric light is best avoided.

The necessary conditions are the achievement of a vibrational state and complete control over thought processes. Remember the intention not to move outside your room. Mentally imagine that you are becoming lighter and lighter, that you are slowly rising up, and how wonderful it is to soar in space! Be sure to think about how wonderful this is, because subjective associations are extremely important. Imagine that you want this because it meets your emotional need; in your imagination, try to react to the event in advance, before it happens. If you manage to stick only to these thoughts, separation from the physical body will occur and you will float smoothly upward. It may not work the first or second time. But rest assured, if the recommended exercises are completed, you will definitely succeed.

The second method is “rotation”, it was already mentioned above. Subject to the above conditions, try to slowly turn over, as if you were getting more comfortable in bed. Try not to help yourself with either your hands or feet. Start turning over top part body - head and shoulders. You must move slowly, the pressure must be persistent, but soft. Otherwise, without matching your efforts, you risk falling off and spinning like a log in water. This will confuse you, causing you to become disorientated and forced to carefully feel your way back while still spinning.

When you notice that the rotation has become easy, and the sensations of friction and heaviness have disappeared, it means that you have begun to separate from the physical body. Continue to turn slowly until you feel that you have turned 180° (i.e., facing your physical body). This is easy to achieve: just two 90° turns.

Once in this position, mentally stop the rotation and it will stop.

Having abandoned your hesitation, imagine that, lying on your face, you are floating up above your physical body. As in the first case, if you managed to enter a vibrational state, this method should definitely work.

Of the two proposed techniques, you should first try the first, then the second, and after that choose the one that suits you best.

Local experiments and habituation. After mastering the separation process the most important task- maintaining objective continuity of consciousness, which is only possible with complete control. On early stages the only one possible way to achieve this is to stay as close to the physical body as possible.

Whatever your emotional condition, be close to your body. The point of the warning is not that you will be in danger otherwise. You just have to get used to it gradually, being fully aware of what is happening. On initial stage wild, uncontrolled travel can lead to unpleasant situations and force you to relearn what you have already achieved. The process of mental adaptation has no analogue in conscious experience. Gradual adaptation to new conditions will bring with it deep inner peace and self-confidence.

The main thing at this stage is to learn how to return. Once separated, hover above your physical body, staying no more than three feet away from it. Don't try to move to the side or even higher. How to determine the distance? You will feel it. Your vision is zero. You are programmed not to open your eyes. Keep them closed. Stay close to your physical body.

This is achieved through mental representation.

Dedicate the next three to four exercises exclusively to exiting and returning to the physical body. In these conditions, to return, you just need to think about it. If you use the first method of separation, then reunification with the body is achieved relatively simply. Once fully back, you will be able to move any part of your body again and resume any (or all) physical sensations. Each time you return, open your physical eyes and physically sit down to ensure that you are fully “reconnected.” This is necessary to maintain orientation and maintain confidence in the ability to return at will, but most importantly, for the consciousness of constant contact with the material world to which you currently belong. Whatever worldview you adhere to, such contact is absolutely necessary.

If you are using rotation to separate, then to reconnect with the physical body, slowly approach it (again with the help of thought) and, after you feel complete contact, make a reverse 180° rotation.

In this case, apparently, it does not matter in which direction to rotate: you can continue to rotate, or you can take your starting position and make a turn opposite to the one with which you separated from the body.

Regardless of which of the two methods of separation you use, at the moment of reconnection with the physical body there is a slight shudder, like a click. It is quite difficult to describe it exactly, but you will recognize it immediately.

Before sitting down after returning, be sure to wait a little, primarily to avoid discomfort. Give yourself some time to get used to the physical environment again. To physically sit down means to visually verify the continuity of states. This will give you the opportunity to ensure that you can consciously and purposefully alternate between acting physically and non-physically, maintaining consciousness throughout the entire process.

The exercise cycle can be considered complete when you are able to leave the body, return to it, sit down and notice the time on the clock, then leave again and return again without losing the continuity of consciousness. Recording time by clock helps with this.

Next stage. After separating from the physical body, move away from it, following the same rules, a little further - ten feet (3 m). Whenever, especially during these exercises, when the distance from the body increases, mentally concentrate on one single goal, avoiding any extraneous thoughts. Once you get used to being on great distance away from your body, mentally tell yourself what you can see. At the same time, you should not imagine that you are opening your eyes, because this can, by reminding you of the physical body, weaken your vibrational state. Instead, think about what you are able to see, and you will see. You shouldn't feel like your eyes have opened, the darkness will just suddenly disappear. At first, you will see dimly and unclearly, as if you are nearsighted or in twilight (the reason for this is still unclear). Then, over time, your vision will improve.

If you have completed all the previous exercises, then the sight of your body lying motionless below should not frighten you. Once you are sure that it is none other than yourself, look around the room from where you are. Mentally move back and forth slightly, but only slowly and in no case abruptly.

Move your arms and legs to make sure they are still. If you want, spin and jump in a new element for you, without moving further from your body than the specified distance.

Here you can be overwhelmed and almost overturned by powerful desires. On at this stage this is the most serious of the obstacles. Deeply personal and emotional, they arise completely unexpectedly and can easily bury your hard-earned ability to think logically. It is extremely important to understand that we should not see them as evil or delusional. They just exist and you have to learn to deal with them. Remember the rule: don't try to deny their existence. Realize them as a deep component of your “I” that cannot be mentally removed. Until you understand this, you will not be able to control them.

These emotions include: a feeling of freedom (the rapture of liberation from the limitations of the physical body and the force of gravity, sexual attraction (first to a loved one, then purely sensual), religious ecstasy (of different types - depending on upbringing in the early years of life). I am of the opinion , that despite the strictest discipline and self-analysis, every person is subject to these subjective emotions. We are talking about the deep elements of the subconscious that form the basis of character and personality. As already said, these elements manifest themselves because you cease to be only conscious and rational and, perhaps for the first time become whole. All parts of you make themselves felt and must be taken into account in every action you take. The trick is to ensure that the conscious, intelligent part (the one most knowledgeable about physical world). It is not easy.

If you try to deny yourself, you will face difficulties. Therefore, it is better to accept these, sometimes unexpected, desires for what they are - as part of your “I” - and continue to move on. You cannot eliminate them; you can only delay them for a while. Promise yourself to satisfy them later and the resistance will disappear. They will agree to a delay, because they have been accustomed to this throughout our entire life.

After you have learned to more or less control other parts of your “I” and have been convinced of this five or seven times in close quarters (in the same room, close to your physical body), you are ready for more distant and purposeful travel. All of the preceding exercises assume that you have overcome most of the fears that stood in front of you on the way to achieving this milestone. If you fail, repeat the exercises that cause fear until it becomes habitual and as a result disappears.

Emergency return. As already noted, the main obstacle that prevents leaving the body is the fear of not returning back. On initial stages While experimenting, I came across this problem many times. Fortunately, whenever such difficulties arose, a solution was found. Through careful analysis of hundreds of cases, a reliable return technique has been developed. (I’ll make a reservation here: the only guarantee of its effectiveness is that in my practice it invariably works.) First of all, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not panic. Try your best to maintain your ability to think rationally. Horror will only make the situation worse.

Remember well one simple rule and always stick to it: wherever you find yourself, in order to return to your physical body, think about it.

Mentally start moving some part of it. Move your finger or toe. By force of will, physically do deep breath. Activate either all five physical senses or one of them. Move your jaw. Swallow or move your tongue. Any action that involves physical movement or the use of physical energy is suitable. If one of them doesn't have an immediate effect, try another. One or another of these mental actions will definitely return you back to the physical body. The only question is which one will be most effective for you.

This technique ensures almost immediate return by guaranteeing a combination of automatic aiming with “jet thrust”. When used, reunification occurs essentially instantly. But this means that you are deprived of the opportunity to choose or make a decision, since, having put it into motion, you are unable to stop the process. You will return to your physical body without any idea of ​​what is happening to you or how the return itself is accomplished. Therefore, this technique should not be considered as an integral part of developing your abilities, but rather as a backup option in case of emergency.

IN normal conditions you should remember or feel the location of your physical body and the direction leading to it. Then calmly and without haste, maintaining control over yourself, begin your return.

Mechanics of movement. So you're in sufficiently have mastered the skills of self-control, including emergency return, and are now ready for the most important stage - a long journey. Undertaking this type of attempt before you have taken all previous tests and are thoroughly familiar with them is under no circumstances recommended. There is a possibility that at the initial stage you may go on a long journey involuntarily. If this happens to you, you will fully appreciate the importance of the following recommendations.

First of all, define the “goal”. Remember the rule: it must be a person, not just a place. The latter is actually possible if you have a deep emotional attachment to a particular area, but experiments conducted so far have demonstrated the low effectiveness of this approach.

However, this may be explained by the personality characteristics of the experimenter.

Identify the (living) person you would like to visit. Choose someone you know well. Do not tell him about your experiment in order to exclude the possibility of suggestion from the outside. The choice is made before entering a vibrational state and the beginning of relaxation.

Relax and induce a vibrational state in yourself using your chosen method of separation. Move away from your physical body six to seven feet (about 2 meters). Without “turning on” your vision, carefully “think” about the person you decide to visit. Think of him not only by name, but also imagine his personality and character. Do not try to mentally see his physical appearance, because you will be attracted not so much by the physical attributes as by the inner essence of the person.

Thinking this way, slowly turn around your axis 360°. At some point you will “feel” the right direction, you will have confidence that gently attracts you like a magnet. To be sure, you can make another turn and go through this point again. You will again have a very clear sensation. Stop and face in that direction.

Mentally imagine what you can see and start looking.

In order to start moving in the right direction, use the method of fully “stretching” the Second Body, which you have already tested when performing the exercise with non-physical arms. The simplest option is to extend your non-physical arms above your head and clasp your thumbs together, as divers do before jumping into the water. While holding your arms in this position, think about the person you are going to visit and extend your body in that direction. The speed of movement will depend on the force applied. The more you stretch, the faster you will move. Upon arrival at your destination, your body will stop stretching on its own, without your participation.

Use the same method to go back. Think about your physical body, stretch out, and a quick return is guaranteed. As a rule, this is enough. As to why it is necessary to keep your arms outstretched, you can make the following assumption: it is probably easier to plot a route, reflecting objects encountered along the way, with your hands, rather than with your head. In addition, it is easier to stretch out this way than with your arms along your body.

That's all. The above may seem like some kind of ritual, not much different from the magical formulas of the Middle Ages, but this is not so. How this technique works is still unclear. Perhaps in the future, inquisitive physicists, chemists, neurologists and specialists in other fields will become interested in this problem and offer a theoretical explanation for it. If enough people study these questions empirically, a new science may emerge as a result.

In the meantime, pluck up courage and patience, try to go beyond the limits that limit you. The only way to comprehend the expansion of reality is to experience it yourself. Good luck!

The process of leaving the body can occur differently for each person. Today there are a huge variety of these methods, but before you start practicing, you need to study the properties of your body in detail. You can also come up with your own way of leaving the body if none of the existing ones suits you. However, no matter which method you take, each of them has common principles.

Preparing to go out

How to leave the body? First of all, to enter the astral plane, a person needs to separate the physical body from the astral one. It's not that hard to do: relax and accept comfortable position. As you gradually relax, you will begin to lose awareness of your body. First, a slight tingling sensation will appear, then individual parts of the body will become “cotton-like.” This is exactly the result you need to achieve. As for consciousness, its separation is much more complicated. Just like the body, it needs to be relaxed, and then begin to be “carried away” from the body. Internal dialogue must be turned off. The biggest difficulty is control of one’s own mind and consciousness, therefore, to turn off the internal dialogue, a person may need more than one hour, and it is not known whether it will be possible desired result. Gradually relaxing your consciousness, you will fall inside, thereby you will understand that consciousness has been transferred inside the astral body and is ready for separation.

Once you find yourself in the astral plane, don’t be surprised, everything there is different from the material world. You will not be able to move the same way you are used to moving your body. It can be noted that the astral is a very subtle matter that can be controlled only by the power of thought. You won’t be able to control your astral body right away; this requires constant training. The main task is to concentrate on each subtle sensation, otherwise you will waste an unplanned amount of energy. Experts do not recommend that beginners leave the body more than once a day.

Feelings after leaving

After you notice that the soul is leaving the body, a person may develop a panicky, inexplicable fear that should not be feared. It's just defensive reaction mind to current events. Gradually this fear will pass and you will learn to feel your soul. It is very important to learn to control the processes occurring in order to protect yourself from uncontrolled exits from the body during sleep, since your body will get used to this state and, instead of falling asleep, it will travel. Each exit to the astral plane must be purposeful and conscious, so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Thus, you should not leave this matter to chance, because it is much more complicated than it seems.

After you leave your body for the first time, do not under any circumstances try to go beyond own room, since this process is still dangerous for you, because you have not developed the skills to control your own body. It is possible that even after the first exit you will have various paranormal abilities that you are not even aware of: telepathy or the ability to see through a distance. All this is the response of the astral body to current events.

Now you can safely tell everyone about how to leave the body, and even practice it yourself. The main thing is to remember all the nuances and not leave them unattended. Leaving your body is not a toy, so think twice before you try it.

We all experience astral travel in our dreams, whether we are aware of it or not. There are two astral levels - instinctive and altruistic. The instinctive is close to the physical and is governed by emotion and desire. The altruistic is on a higher emotional level; Instead of self-gratification, it involves helping and caring for others. The astral body is an exact ethereal double of the perfect physical body of a person. In other words, if we lose an arm or a leg, it will not be absent from the astral body.

Leaving the body in a dream during life and after death

The astral body of a dying person can often be seen close to the physical body or even far from it if the dying person has a strong desire to see someone before death. How stronger desire, the greater the ability to project the astral body. Many women long before they received official news of death loved one, thus visited by a son, husband or lover killed in battle.

Anwar, the father of my Egyptian school friend, experienced something similar. When he was twenty-five years old, his grandmother died, which he did not know. She appeared in his room and smiled at him. He said that she seemed to be hanging in the air two or three feet from the floor. She was completely recognizable, but looked much younger. About ten minutes after this visit, his parents called him from Egypt and informed him of her death.

My great-aunt used to rush to London and visit Harrods in her astral body long after her legs stopped working.

When death breaks the silver cord that binds the soul to the body, it is believed that this is final and irrevocable. However, I know one person who, while in the hospital and hearing that he was pronounced dead, found his lace intact and therefore tore it off himself. He flew everywhere disembodied and completely happy, meeting sick comrades, but after three days he felt that he was being sucked back into his body, willy-nilly. He was completely shocked, but not nearly as shocked as the mortuary attendant who fainted when he saw a supposedly dead patient sitting under a sheet on a trolley!

Reasons for astral travel in dreams during life and after death

Many people involuntarily experience astral travel when they suddenly find themselves disconnected from their physical body as a result of an unexpected shock, anesthesia, drug use or, of course, through dreams. Usually there is a feeling of awareness of the physical body, with which a person is connected by the so-called silver cord - long, thin, like a spider's web, broken off by death.

If we travel too far during the sleep state, sometimes this cord can pull us back so sharply that we are literally thrown into our sleeping body, and we wake up with palpitations and nausea. In other dreams about falling, we also suddenly wake up before hitting the foot of, for example, a rock, but there is usually no feeling of complete physical shock.

Is lucid astral travel possible in a dream?

You can learn to leave your body by at will. In the books of Carlos Castaneda it is described that he learned from his teacher Don Juan how to make astral travel while dreaming; and in the book Projection of the Astral Body, written in 1929 by Silvan Muldoon and Herward Carrington, a physician and psychic researcher, Muddoon suggests that in order to stimulate astral travel in dreams, we should imagine ourselves going up in an elevator when we go to sleep to the top floor of a tall building.

Astral travel, both conscious and unconscious, prepares us to meet other worlds - those into which dreams themselves introduce us. Many historical accounts of astral travel speak of the presence of a guiding friend and assistant, and I would also suggest that those wishing to undertake astral travel first ensure that they have help and protection nearby before attempting it.

Here is an example of such conscious astral travel.

An example of a controlled exit from the body in a dream

I knew that this was part of the training in the ancient mystery schools and that all shamans, magicians, occultists and healers practiced it. Therefore, when I saw an advertisement in the local newspaper that asked: Do you want to leave your body?, I answered it immediately. Fifty volunteers spent three days sitting on chairs with their feet on the floor while the rest of their body was supposed to fly back and forth while the group leader tapped on the glass. It worked for everyone except me. Everyone told amazing stories about leaving the body, but all I could talk about was the feeling of a draft in the ankles and pain in my head. I returned home angry, upset and convinced that... something terrible happened to me.

Following the instructions given in class, I tried every day to imagine myself jumping out of my body or taking it off like a rain suit. Six months passed, but nothing happened. I decided that I was no longer interested and threw myself on the bed in rage and disappointment.

Suddenly, without any effort on my part, in full consciousness - not under the influence of drugs, not drunk or sick - I found myself standing outside my body. I was so excited that I couldn’t control myself and was spinning around the room like crazy. Before I could think about anything, I flew through the wall of my apartment and, flying through the streets about six feet from the ground, flew into a supermarket, where I soared and dived between shelves of potatoes, carrots and onions located on the level floor, and shelves of champagne at a height of five feet. Despite the fact that I could not control the flight and was rushing towards high speed, I realized that I had to confirm my experience, and so I peered at the names, prices and faces of the service staff. Spinning, I flew through the carts that usually mercilessly passed over the physical toes of my physical body, and even through people shopping, until I flew outside again, noticing the names of the streets so that I could then check where I was.

About thirty minutes after leaving my body, I flew back through the walls of my bedroom. I was completely lucid, could think objectively, and immediately wrote down all the details of what happened. Then I left the house and drove through the streets I was flying over, many of them unknown to me before. I found a supermarket that I had never seen or been to before and mentally replayed every single moment of my experience.

After that I had many out of body experiences. None of them were spiritualistic - in the sense that I did not find myself at the feet of the Dalai Lama, nor did I bow respectfully to a hermit guru in a distant Indian cave. I actually moved from Australia to England to America to Europe at the speed of light, and I actually had an expansion of consciousness that gave me the ability to do, see and know things that I could not do, see and know with your physical feelings.

After many happy moments, something so terrible happened that I was shocked to realize that I should be here in my body, not outside of it. I returned to Australia from a trip to London and found myself in my body, but upside down. I saw the world through your feet. I have never experienced such absolute fear and panic. For ten minutes I looked at my upside down apartment, asking myself what to do. I could call a doctor, see a psychiatrist, or commit suicide, but when you look at life through your feet, it all seems impossible. If I had not known that suicide would not solve anything (because there I would again be forced to face the same challenges that life throws at me), then this would be my first decision. Suddenly I felt very sad because I did not appreciate my body, and also did not look, did not listen, did not touch, did not feel - in a word, did not love life to the highest degree. In the midst of despair, I heard the room fill with laughter and felt severe pain in the intestines, as if they were stirring there with a huge wooden spoon. Suddenly I was in the right position. With a shiver of relief, I felt that I could see again with my physical eyes.

I decided to leave such trips for dreams or for the time when I no longer had a physical body to return to. However, these experiences strengthened my absolute belief in the possibility of my consciousness surviving outside my body.

I have several friends who are blind, paralyzed, or bedridden by illness who often use astral travel to move beyond the limitations imposed on them by their physical disability. Other friends of mine have learned to project their astral bodies as a form spiritual development. This has been a common activity in the past and I am sure will remain so in the future.

In America, a number of laboratories conduct Scientific research on leaving the body, the most famous of them is the laboratory of Robert Monroe in Virginia.

The main ways to leave the body in a dream

One of the basic requirements for astral travel is the belief that it is possible. The second is the desire to accomplish it. Personally, in this case, excessive effort hurt me: the more I tried, the worse it turned out. However, when, after many months of trying, I relaxed and let everything take its course, astral travel happened almost by itself.

Essentially this is true of everything we want to learn. We must practice endlessly until it becomes so habitual that it becomes almost second nature, and then relax so that our unconscious mind can take over and work for us.

Deep relaxation, in which we withdraw from awareness of our own body, mental imagery and meditation can help activate PVITs or astral travel. If we lie down and imagine the ghostly other Self rising or tearing away from our body, and then imagining it moving left and right and up towards the ceiling, then we can be able to tear the astral body away from its physical counterpart.

The astral plane and sleep are similar in one way; in the first and second cases, the soul leaves the body. Only in a dream a person does not always understand what is happening, but in the astral plane everything is controlled by the mind. But without the ability to control sleep, going to the astral plane is tantamount to suicide.

Also, the astral body can exist provided that the physical shell is dead. The information content of such a body remains unchanged, and therefore it becomes possible to communicate with deceased people. We recommend that you study the basic nuances that happen in most cases during a dive.

When going to bed, a person experiences strange sensations. It seems that he is falling through or losing consciousness. During a night's rest, a person is able to see terrible dreams and beautiful landscapes, people familiar from childhood or faceless images. Often actions in dreams occur against our will.

Sometimes events that happen in a dream take strange forms, a little fabulous. And it’s not entirely clear how you could find yourself in a place you’ve never been to. It's not on the map, it's not in real life.

Scientists say that dreams are nothing more than a game of a tired brain. Magicians and sorcerers openly say that by putting your body to sleep, the soul leaves it and goes in search of adventure or to fight evil. But both of them do not deny the interpretation of the elements seen in a dream. Thanks to them, you can find out a hint for the future and find out the answer to a question that has been haunting you for several years, days or weeks.

We can say that in a dream a person receives answers to questions, warnings from higher powers. Whether or not there is a soul in the body at this moment, scientists have proven. Using scales, the person was weighed before and during sleep. It turned out that the person was losing weight, although not significantly.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner, what do you need to know?

In order for a beginner to enter the astral plane, he will have to try and learn the fundamental rules. Start your preparation by studying materials that will help you surprise the whole picture. The better prepared you are, the greater your chances for a favorable outcome. It’s hard to start, and in order to get into the astral plane the first time, you need to learn how to control your sleep. And this can only be done with the help of the mind.

The more you know, the safer your journey will be.

From the beginning, you need to learn to control your bedtime.

You can start training both at night and at daytime days. Take a comfortable position on the bed, close your eyes. You must learn to understand at what point you start to fall asleep. The transition itself to astral world partially similar to a dream, only at the same time there are feelings of security and peace. And during normal sleep, a standard failure occurs without sensations.

Before starting your first trip, you should prepare yourself mentally. For several days you need to engage in visualization, imagine how you are immersed in another world. In addition, you should be confident in your abilities. To do this, training is carried out both in front of a mirror and simply sitting in a comfortable chair. You should think about every step that takes place in the astral world.

For best entry When half asleep, it is recommended to play calm music.

Methods (techniques) for immersion into the astral plane

Do you know how to go to the astral plane so that there are no consequences or problems? Then let's conduct an educational program on all methods, techniques and methods. Yes Yes. There are not two or three. Everyone will choose a suitable and convenient method for themselves. After studying the step-by-step instructions, getting into the astral plane will not be too difficult for a beginner. But experts do not recommend moving far from your body.

Still, the unknown and unknown always conceals many secrets and dangers that can pose a threat to life. We must immediately warn you that in the unknown, it is quite natural to meet dead people. But you shouldn’t risk staying and talking with them longer than the allotted time.

Important! Smoking of any cigarettes, hookahs or drugs is strictly prohibited when using any method.

Vortex method

The technique of this way to find yourself in another dimension is not entirely common. It provides strict fast or diet. It will be much easier to enter the astral plane if you do not eat food at all 3-4 hours before the start. As for the weekly fast, under no circumstances should you consume meat, nuts, or coffee.

During the entire preparatory period, you must eat in unlimited quantities:
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Carrot;
  • Fresh yolk;
  • Tea, especially herbal or green tea, is a must.

Adepts who have completed the young neophyte course claim that the mind itself will indicate its readiness. To enter another world, you must be in a cozy and dark place. During the process, you cannot cross body parts. Let's drink a glass of water and start.

Ophiel technique for a beginner

The simplest and most convenient method suitable for beginners. You need to go to one of the rooms of your house. Find 10 items that really mean something. Pay attention to what the room smells like and try to remember the smells. Try to remember and absorb the entire information flow that the room carries.

Associations, images - all this plays a big role in the quality of astral projection. After examining the room, leave it and go to another. If you have collected the information correctly, then by closing your eyes, you can mentally visit the room you have studied, along an already familiar route. In the future, you will learn to travel to a chair and observe your sleep, and then you will be able to make long leaps.

You must travel in your thoughts along the planned routes and visit the places you have appointed. These methods open up the ability to initiate the astral world.

Because the projection of such a world is what your imagination is capable of. Free author's book.

Hypnotic way

It is used when a beginner is not able to go on a trip on his own for a number of reasons.

For example, he is afraid or unsure of himself. You should only contact experienced hypnotists who have experience in such matters. It will not only take you to another world to communicate with ancestors or friends, but will also return you safely back. Knowing the body's reaction in case of danger will help you avoid trouble. This method is also convenient when two or more people decide to visit the other side of their mind and soul.

"Swing" method

The technique of entering the astral plane using swinging (naturally, imaginary) is suitable for everyone, without exception. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. We take a comfortable position in a favorite place in our apartment. This could be a sofa or an armchair.
  2. We close our eyes and feel warm and comfortable, but at the same time bright rays are shining on you.
  3. Introducing swing rides. She speeds up the swing until she lifts you high into the sky.
  4. We break away from them and fly.
  5. Landing occurs close to the body in the first sessions. On subsequent ones, go where you need to go.

You can start your journey from your body and move throughout space. There is no time or distance here.

Through astral contact

The most impeccable technology. It provides for the presence of a mentor who will not only help you leave your physical shell without hindrance, but will also take complete control over your astral and material body. You should choose such a teacher carefully. There are also those who are capable of introducing another soul into your body. You will be left behind the threshold of reality. Therefore, a person must be verified. The student only needs to relax, the teacher will do the rest.

  • During the session, wear only things made of natural fabric;
  • Be calm and not excited;
  • Avoid consumption of invigorating drinks and soda.

Alice Bailey Method

Exist various ways access to the astral plane. Classic methods don't always fit. Therefore, before you start practicing, it is worth studying individual developments and preparation exercises. Alice Bailey strongly recommends starting with relaxation and control of your subconscious. It is best to exercise before going to bed, relaxing in a pleasant position.

The actual trek requires several months of training. Until the soul decides on its own that it is ready not only to leave, but also to return.

The entire method is based on breathing and visualizing your capabilities.

Method from Kate Harari

Choose any place in the apartment or in another room. The second location should be close to the first. At a distance of about 10-20 minutes walk. Now do relaxation exercises at the first point and go to the second point. We continue to relax with our eyes closed and move mentally to where we came from. Notice everything that happens around you.

Try to mentally walk several times at different distances. Walk to your pre-selected destination one last time. We return home and do exactly the same procedure, but indoors. You should walk along the route in the opposite direction.

Mathema Shinto (in pairs)

Technically, the method is designed for exiting in pairs. This method was used to transmit secret messages. Two people were supposed to meet in one place. To do this, you had to leave your shell and take 60 steps to the designated place, then knock on the door. Wait until it is opened, exchange information, and go back, counting sixty steps.

It is worth determining the meeting place and practicing in advance. The method is convenient because two people will help you start practicing lucid dreams. There is an opportunity to help a friend in difficult times.

Meditation for ejecting the astral body from the shell

One of the ways to get into the astral plane is meditation. It is better to use this method while sitting, in a position comfortable for you. Complete relaxation of the whole body follows:
Meditation is the most main point to prepare for a safe exit and return.

  • Limbs;
  • Muscle tissue throughout the body;
  • Front part. Eyes closed;
  • The body turns into a soft and cottony state.

To make it easier to enter the astral plane, your mind, which you have already tuned to the required frequencies for several days, will help you do this. Brain activity must be suspended. In other words, you need to stop thinking.

What can you see when entering the astral plane?

You should see some kind of tunnel that twists and turns in different directions. It may look like a pipe. The color scheme does not affect your flight. There may be complete darkness And bright color tunnel. Or, on the contrary, there are only multi-colored spots among which you fly.

In the astral world, everything is exactly the same as in real world, the same people, places and shapes of objects. Once there, you can communicate with those who have already died and those who are now living. This world has everything except fairy-tale heroes.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane?

Now let's talk about sensations. Namely, how you should see and present yourself. Since your material shell remains in place, and the astral body leaves it and goes on a journey, it must be felt and seen. Everyone sees themselves differently:

  • In the form of a ball;
  • In the form of a transparent figure;
  • It looks like a stain.

You must choose your image yourself, but it should be noted that most often when the right approach When entering the astral plane, a person first sees himself as a ball and already for the third or fifth time he feels and sees himself as a human being. If everything works out for you, then you shouldn’t go far from your body. Walk around the house, look out the window. The first exit should not take more than 2-5 minutes. And if you did everything correctly, the sensations will be like this:

  • Lightness throughout the body;
  • Reluctance to move;
  • The emergence of a feeling of flight;
  • Complete peace of mind.

Terrible dangers lurk in the astral plane

If you have repeatedly managed to leave your body and walk around the house, then you can safely begin more difficult hikes. For example, on the street. But this is where the first danger may lie in wait. Since the astral world belongs only to spirits, they dominate there. Therefore, if you are planning a long walk, then you need to take into account the fact that you will meet on the way, either a good or an evil spirit.

When meeting with a representative of dark energy, it is better to return to the physical shell as quickly as possible. IN astral dream, it will take literally a few seconds. If you do not manage this, then there is a possibility that you may become possessed (in the world they say possessed).

Rules that will save you from death in the astral plane

To prevent dark spirits from taking over your body, it is recommended to protect not only your soul, but also your body. In your absence, any of the spirits of darkness can take possession of it. After your return, you will already be a guest, and only a strong magician can drive out the demon. Speaking about protection in this case, we mean pectoral cross, prayers.

Second danger- meeting with departed relatives and loved ones. Deceased relatives do not always want to keep you for a long time. In most cases, on the contrary, they even make sure that you leave the astral world as quickly as possible. If there is a threat to your body or your soul has begun to become attached to a calm and measured existence. But there are also cases when, having met their beloved and only person, souls are reunited and no longer want to leave each other.

Therefore, you must understand where you are and what you are doing. That your loved one, unfortunately, will no longer be able to return to this world, but meetings in the astral plane can take place in your life.

Third danger. Quite often, beginners move too far from their physical shell and get lost in the vast world of the astral plane. This also includes staying in the world of spirits for more than the allotted time, and the soul simply does not want to return.

This happens often during clinical death and if the relatives who have become spirits cannot return, the person dies. More precisely, the body dies, but the soul is in the astral plane.

Seven times measure cut once

If you decide to experience truly complete peace and feel light and real, then be sure to follow all the rules for entering the astral plane. Remember that the world of spirits can be very dangerous and has a lot of interesting, but also dangerous, things in store for beginners.

Astral exit from the body has been practiced since ancient times. In ancient times, a person’s ability to leave the body and travel long distances was considered a unique gift and was equated with mysticism. While traveling, the astral body could pass through walls and observe what was happening in other places. It could also easily find lost people and things. This ability, according to the ancients, was only available to a select few. But almost every person has experience of astral travel.

Each person is a combination of physical and “subtle” bodies. It doesn’t matter whether the person himself believes in it or not. Each body perceives the world around it differently. The physical body simply serves as a shell for “subtle” bodies. Subtle bodies include:
- ethereal;
- vital;
- mental.

Humans have a more developed mental body, while animals have more developed etheric and vital bodies. At the same time, any person can consciously leave the body. For some, a few attempts will be enough; for others, it may take a lot of practice. For astral exit from the body to be successful, you need to have patience. Only 10% of people can consciously leave their body. Approximately 85% of people experience this condition during sleep or while falling asleep.

Astral travel during sleep

Unconscious exit from the body occurs very often in practice. Many people report leaving the body during fainting spells or during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. In these cases, leaving the body is rarely controllable, since often the person is not aware of himself outside the body. He sees what is happening around him like a dream.

After much practice, it is quite possible to consciously leave the physical body and control your movements. However, at first, a person may “wake up” in a dream, but in fact continue to sleep, and begin to move around the room. Most often, in this case, all objects in the room have blurry outlines or may even look slightly different. This happens on the thin border between sleep and wakefulness. At the same time, the person gradually begins to realize that he has not fully woken up. Everything looks different, even the body of the person himself seems to be airy and does not have clear contours.

In general, many practitioners believe that sleep is an astral journey through space. That is, everything that a person sees in a dream is seen by his soul, which meanwhile moves through space. For such travel there are no boundaries of time and space. Everything that would seem impossible in reality is quite possible with astral travel.

When going out for the first time, a person may experience a feeling of fear, sometimes bordering on panic. After all, strange objects and limbs without bodies suddenly appear. This feeling of fear can easily lead to the soul returning back to the body. However, these emotions cannot be controlled. The feeling of fear gradually disappears and the person can do whatever he wants.

The more practice, the easier and faster it is to leave the body. Although at the very beginning you will have to make some efforts to carry out an intentional exit from the body. It is easier to do this in the intermediate period between sleep and wakefulness. According to practitioners, at this time you need to completely relax and not think about anything.

Astral exit from the body should not cause fear. Contrary to popular belief, this is not death, but merely proof of the immortality of the soul. After all, during astral exit from the body, only the “subtle” body is separated from the physical shell. In addition, spontaneous exit from the body occurs in every person. Only it has a different name. In most sources, this state is called lucid dreaming.