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The joints of the fingers hurt after physical activity. What is the most effective treatment for arthritis of the finger joints?

Human body can be compared to a mechanism, each part of which performs a specific function. Human hands, his fingers - just imagine what a variety of work they perform: from the most difficult, for example, lifting weights, to jewelry, be it making small parts, knitting or surgery.

So that they don't let you down right moment, they need to be looked after and treated promptly.

Very often you can hear complaints from people that their finger joints hurt after physical work or that their fingers go numb when they sleep. As a rule, they are in no hurry to go to the doctor with these problems. But in vain: if you do not start treatment on time, and also do not find the cause, then this can lead to more unpleasant and serious consequences.

This article talks about the causes of pain, as well as methods for treating them.

Causes of pain

Why do painful sensations occur? Rheumatologists divide joint pain into mechanical And inflammatory. Inflammatory pain manifests itself in the morning with stiffness in the fingers for an hour or even longer.

If you start moving them, the pain becomes less. Patients also report other symptoms: the skin around the joints is red, the fingers are swollen and they are unable to make any movements, that is, they have become less flexible.

Mechanical pain is often accompanied by local inflammation. Sometimes weakly expressed that not everyone pays attention to it.

What can cause pain and how do the symptoms of different diseases manifest themselves?

1. Rheumatoid arthritis. In 5-7% of patients painful sensations associated precisely with this chronic autoimmune disease. This disease has a systemic inflammatory nature: Small joints are mainly affected human body, but in exceptional cases this process extends to large, as well as internal organs.

Inflammation begins in the metacarpophalangeal joints of the index, middle and ring fingers: a person can see swelling and redness of the skin in this place, which is also hot to the touch. The pain is very strong: it becomes a problem for a person to clench his hand into a fist.

Usually both the right and left hand. Distinctive feature This disease manifests itself in the fact that pain begins at night or in the morning, while it is difficult for a person to move his hands. By evening everything usually goes away.

2. Psoriatic arthritis. With this disease, pain occurs in the area between the distal phalanx and the bone. Traces of the manifestation of this disease are noticeable on the surface of the skin: the fingers swell to such an extent that they begin to resemble “sausages”.

The skin color also changes to red with a bluish tint. It is very difficult for the patient to simply bend and straighten his hands and thumbs.

3. Infectious arthritis. Appears sharp pain, which does not go away within several hours or even days. The affected joint is hot to the touch. The temperature rises, the person shudders.

4. Gout. The symptom characterizing this disease manifests itself in unbearable pain both at the tips of the phalanx and throughout the finger. The victims of this disease most often are women and men who are over 50 years old.

At this age, metabolism may be disrupted uric acid, which accumulates in joints and cartilage, preventing them from functioning properly.

5. Osteoarthritis. Older women are more often susceptible to this non-inflammatory disease. In addition to the fact that the joints hurt, they also become deformed and thickened, and their mobility is limited. What can serve as an impetus for the development of this disease? Doctors name among the main ones such as heredity, metabolic disorders, work characteristics, etc.

6. Stenosing ligamentitis. A person complains of pain when flexing and straightening the wrist. Sometimes the palm cannot be straightened back; it seems to be “jammed.” When extending, the patient can clearly hear a click. In terms of symptoms, all this also resembles arthritis and arthrosis. to install accurate diagnosis, the doctor will order x-rays.

7. For rhizarthrosis joint hurts thumb On the hand. It can develop after a person has suffered an infection, intoxication or injury, or performed actions that led to overload of the joint. The symptoms leave no doubt about the diagnosis: the pain is concentrated in one place and intensifies when you turn the key, open the lid, or turn the door handle.

Initially, the thumb on the hand hurts only after some specific actions, but later the pain does not go away even at rest. Over time, deformation of the joint occurs, during which its activity comes to naught.

8. For rheumatism the pain appears sharply and suddenly. In addition, the fingers become red, swollen, swollen and inflamed, and are difficult or impossible to move. The patient also develops a fever and may develop skin rashes. You need to be treated only by a doctor, without any amateur activities.

9. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in people whose activities are related to the computer: due to long work with the mouse, the index finger begins to hurt. It is also diagnosed in young people who spend computer games a large number of time.

Risk factors

All these diseases can occur for the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance: very often observed during pregnancy;
  • deviations in the human defense system;
  • heredity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • metabolism is disrupted;
  • Availability harmful factors, for example, hands are in cold water for a long time, etc.;
  • microtraumas that occur in athletes or due to working conditions, the implementation of which puts stress on the hands.

Only a doctor, a traumatologist or rheumatologist, will be able to correctly determine the cause of pain or identify the disease that causes the pain, and will choose what and how to treat you.

Pain when bending and straightening fingers

If you feel pain when you bend or straighten your fingers, this may be the first sign of ailments such as:

  • pinching nerve endings spine;
  • stenosing ligamentitis;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • Tenosynovitis.

You should see a doctor immediately if your fingers are swollen at the base, and bending and straightening them causes severe pain.


If you find one or more of the following symptoms, this indicates serious illness and a reason to see a doctor:

  1. Nodular thickenings appeared on the joints.
  2. My fingers began to creak.
  3. You feel a sharp and sharp pain when pressing.
  4. We noticed that the skin around the joints turned red.
  5. It is difficult to make precise small movements with your fingers.
  6. Increased body temperature.
  7. We noticed that the joints had changed - transformed.
  8. A lump appeared on the finger at the bend.
  9. Difficulties arise when clenching your palm into a fist.
  10. We noticed inflammation and swelling around the joints.
  11. The pain is worst at night; during the day it practically disappears.


To assign correct treatment, as well as take preventive measures, it is necessary to identify the cause of the pain and make a diagnosis. Doctors usually order the following tests and diagnostics:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood for biochemistry to check for the presence of rheumatoid factor, purines, and antistreptococcal antibodies.
  • to make an X-ray;
  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

You must understand that any discomfort that occurs when bending your palm should be a reason to consult a doctor. If you don't pay attention to this problem, then this may lead to serious consequences, up to and including disability.

What to do if you have pain in your finger joints?

It is necessary to contact a surgeon if you notice symptoms such as:

  • The use of painkillers does not provide relief and the pain does not go away.
  • If pain occurs in the joint, an increase in temperature or other health abnormalities are noticed, for example, conjunctivitis, skin rash, etc.
  • After the injury, pain, swelling of the joint and deformity appeared.
  • The pain does not go away for more than seven days.


It is necessary to treat first of all the disease that caused the pain. If the cause is an inflammatory process, then a course of antibiotics, hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. But in case of dystrophic damage, damaged cartilage is first restored with the help of chondroprotectors, as well as massage, manual and physiotherapy.

Treatment with drugs

If it goes inflammatory process, then the patient is prescribed drugs that relieve pain and fever, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect, such as indomethacin, ibuprofen, piroxicam, voltaren and others.

If the pain is very strong, corticosteroid hormones are prescribed, which are injected directly into the joint cavity. Long-term use chondroprotectors are indicated for osteoarthritis: they stop the destruction of cartilage.


First of all, if pain occurs, it is necessary to remove any physical stress on the hands.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, which include electrophoresis with novocaine, magnetic resonance therapy and electrosleep, also have a good effect.

When improvement occurs, you can also be treated with methods such as physiotherapy, mud therapy, massage, recreational gymnastics, paraffin therapy and ultrasound.

If there is no exacerbation of the disease, you can continue treatment in a sanatorium, where hydrogen sulfide, radon, and mud procedures are recommended. All this can be applied only after full examination doctor.


If your joints hurt, you should eat the following foods:

  1. Fish and other seafood. They are rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus and help normalize mineral metabolism.
  2. Flax oil or fish fat. Contains omega-3 fatty acid, helping to improve the condition of blood vessels and help restore fat metabolism.
  3. Vinegar made from apple juice, promotes the process of alkalization of the blood and removes salts from the body.

Fish Oil Vinegar

In addition to the above, you need to add to your diet the following foods:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • radish;
  • egg yolks;
  • currant berries;
  • nuts;
  • pomegranate;
  • figs;
  • cauliflower;
  • olive oil;
  • ginger;
  • natural cheeses with a low fat content.

Limit or eliminate completely from your diet following products food: fatty dairy products, sweets, flour products, mayonnaise, smoked products, strong tea and coffee, all spicy and salty dishes. It is also not advisable to consume spinach, sorrel and rhubarb, as they contain oxalic acid.

Pain in the joints of the hands is one of the most common reasons why people consult a doctor. If discomfort too strong and persist for a long time, even simple household chores become painful. This causes a lot of inconvenience to a person and disrupts his professional activities.

Joint pain can vary, as can its causes. It is important to consult a doctor if you experience discomfort and pain, even if it is minor. Advanced disease can lead to deformation of the hands, which is very dangerous. They often significantly impair joint movement.

Why do joints hurt?on hands?

Rheumatologists divide all joint pain into 2 large categories: mechanical and inflammatory. Painful sensations of a mechanical nature develop due to degenerative changes in the joints. They do not manifest themselves as a feeling of stiffness in morning time. Only in in rare cases she is present. But, as a rule, it is very minor and mildly expressed, and goes away within 30 minutes after waking up. Mechanical pain subsides in a calm state.

Painful sensations of an inflammatory nature are characterized by prolonged stiffness in the morning, which can persist for an hour or more. Pain decreases with movement. In addition, when inflammatory pain patients also note other symptoms: redness in the joint area, swelling, decreased range of motion, impaired flexibility. Mechanical pain may be accompanied by signs of local inflammation. But the latter, as a rule, are insignificant and weakly expressed. Often patients don't even notice them.

Pain in the joints of the hands: causes and diagnoses

  • Rheumatoid arthritis It is the most common cause pain in the joints of the hands. This disease is systemic in nature and affects not only the joints, but the entire human body. The disease can develop at any age. It is often diagnosed in children and young people. A characteristic feature is symmetrical joint damage. That is, with rheumatoid arthritis, the joints of both hands hurt. If you have pain only on one side, then the reason most likely lies in another disease. Also, with arthritis, periods of exacerbation are followed by periods of recovery and reduction of pain and stiffness.
  • Osteoarthritis manifests itself as deformation of the joints - they thicken and lose their former mobility. Osteoarthritis mainly affects older women. The development of pathology is associated with estrogen hormones: when there are few of them, joint deformation occurs. The development of the disease is also influenced by hereditary disposition and professional loads on the hands. Characteristic- nodules and swelling of the periarticular area.
  • Rhizarthrosis affects only the thumbs; other joints are not involved in the process. The disease occurs when overloaded thumbs while working.
  • Ligamentitis stenosing characterized by an inflammatory process in the joint ligaments. Pain is felt during extension and flexion. The fingers get stuck in a bent position, and in order to straighten them, you have to use force. When moving, you can hear characteristic clicks.
  • Gout is a fairly common disease that mainly affects people over 50 years of age. The cause of gout is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid - the latter is poorly excreted from the body and is deposited in the joints and cartilage, interfering with their normal function. A characteristic symptom of gout is intense burning pain.
  • Psoriatic arthritis occurs with psoriasis. In addition to the joints, the disease affects the skin and internal organs. At the same time, the fingers swell and increase in volume. Characteristic symptoms are pain and impaired movement.
  • Arthritis infectious nature occurs when joints are damaged by bacteria or viruses. One or more joints may hurt. Often this inflammation is accompanied additional symptoms(for example, increased body temperature).
  • Pregnancy. Joint damage during pregnancy is associated with a lack of calcium.

Factors influencing the occurrence of joint pain:

  1. Immune system diseases
  2. Hormonal imbalance
  3. Chronic infectious diseases
  4. Exchange disorders
  5. Genetic disposition
  6. Injuries
  7. The influence of physical and chemical factors environment.

Hand joints hurt: what to do?

The first thing you must understand: no self-medication! Firstly, this will not bring the desired result. And secondly, it can cause significant harm. At initial manifestations If you have joint pain, you should consult a rheumatologist. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the cause of their occurrence and, based on it, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment methods depend on the cause of the pain and its intensity:

  • If the pain is not severe, there is no swelling or deformation, it is enough to provide rest to the affected joint. To do this, you should put on it elastic bandage or a regular bandage.
  • In case of injury, in order to prevent the development of swelling, compresses are placed on the joint: cold - on the day of injury, and warm - on the 2nd and subsequent days. This helps improve blood circulation, and joint tissues recover faster.
  • If the cause of pain is an inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed treatment antibacterial agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes treatment with hormonal drugs is indicated.
  • If there is degenerative damage to the joints, chondroprotectors, physiotherapy, manual therapy and massage.
  • When the pain is very severe and excruciating, the patient may be prescribed painkillers in the form of injections, tablets or ointments.

Exists standard scheme treatment for joint pain, which is used by doctors. For various diseases it is corrected and supplemented. This scheme includes 3 stages:

Purpose of chondroprotectors. Chondroprotectors are drugs that consist of natural ingredients, included in the tissues of the joints. Most often, chondroprotectors are recommended to be taken in combination with vitamins and minerals. They give a good anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate the processes of regeneration and metabolism in affected tissues.

Prescription of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. These groups of drugs relieve pain well and alleviate the human condition. Medicines are taken orally and externally. For local use Ointments containing menthol and anesthetics are prescribed.

Purpose therapeutic massage and hand exercises. This step is also necessary for successful treatment, so you shouldn't ignore it. Massage combined with special exercises, will help restore movement in joints, normalize blood circulation, and prevent stagnation.

How to treat hand joints: the best folk remedies

Traditional medicine is also very successful in combating joint pain. However, before trying its effects on yourself, do not forget to consult your doctor.

Melt a small piece bee propolis and mix it with an equal amount of sunflower oil. The resulting ointment should be applied to painful joints.

Relieves pain well essential oil fir trees It needs to be rubbed into the skin of the affected hand, and then apply a warm compress with sea ​​salt. To prepare a compress, heat the salt and wrap it in a piece of cloth.

The healing mixture with turpentine also has a beneficial effect on the affected joints. To prepare it, mix the yolk chicken egg with 1 tsp. turpentine and 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Rub the resulting mixture into sore joints several times a day.

If you feel pain in your joints, do not put off visiting a doctor! Timely diagnosis and treatment will relieve you of pain and prevent complications. In parallel with traditional medicine can also be used traditional methods treatment. Together they give an excellent effect.

Our fingers are regularly subjected to very high stress. Especially dangerous situation becomes if work activity a person is associated with the constant performance of various small manipulations - in the presence of provoking factors and a certain set of circumstances, this can provoke the occurrence of various diseases.

About the most common diseases of the joints of the fingers, the causes of their occurrence, characteristic symptoms And possible options treatment you are invited to find out further.

Among the most frequently diagnosed ailments in this category, it is worth noting the following unfavorable processes:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout

In addition, pain may occur in the presence of Raynaud's syndrome, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. These diseases occur with an obligatory feeling of numbness in the hands and are not considered within the framework of today’s publication.

If there is painful sensations in the area of ​​the fingers and the absence of numbness, with a high degree of probability the patient has any disease from the list below. You are invited to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the course of such ailments below.

A degenerative disease that mostly affects female patients. The exact causes of the pathology have not been established. The essence of the disease comes down to a gradual decrease in the production of natural “lubrication” of the joints, which is why the joints dry out and crack.

This ultimately leads to the development of inflammation and the production of pathological fluid, which begins to burst the joints from the inside, which provokes characteristic painful sensations and causes deformation.

Features of manifestation

The main symptoms of polyosteoarthrosis are two types of nodules: Heberden and Bouchard.

The former are characterized by localization on the lateral or dorsal part of the affected joints, located closer to the nail plates.

Typically, nodules are characterized by symmetrical development, i.e. appear on both hands at once in the same places.

The size of the formations varies up to dimensions comparable to a small pea. As the disease progresses, deformation processes intensify, accompanied by limited mobility of the affected joints. Burning sensations and pain appear periodically.

The danger is that unfavorable signs go away on their own over time, which is why many patients decide not to see a doctor. And they do this absolutely in vain: after a certain period, the pathology will again inevitably enter the stage of exacerbation.

Bouchard's nodules are characterized by slow and gradual development without pronounced exacerbations. Formations occur predominantly on joints distant from nail plates. More often they form on the lateral surfaces, deforming the natural shape of the fingers. In the presence of Bouchard's nodes, there is a decrease in the mobility of the affected joints.

Diagnosis procedure

Diagnosis is usually limited to external examination. If necessary, blood tests and x-rays are prescribed. The images clearly show narrowing of the gaps of the affected joints in places where the pathology develops, as well as characteristic bone deformations.

The results of blood tests often do not deviate from the norm, but in the presence of uncharacteristic indicators, conclusions are drawn about possible course illness in combination with arthritis. Under such circumstances, the doctor refers the patient additional examinations to reliably clarify the diagnosis.

Treatment Options

To normalize the condition of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are prescribed.

Specific drugs, as well as the treatment procedure in general, are determined exclusively by a qualified specialist, taking into account individual characteristics the patient's condition.

To enhance the effect of taking chondroprotectors, they can be prescribed special drugs to dilate blood vessels. If inflammation is present, the doctor recommends anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly non-steroidal group. For local application ointments on a similar basis are indicated.

Among the most effective and frequently used physiotherapeutic methods, paraffin therapy and the use of therapeutic mud should be noted.

An inflammatory disease diagnosed mainly in female patients. Men, according to average statistical data, suffer from rheumatoid arthritis approximately 5 times less often.


The most common cause of rheumatoid arthritis is various kinds infectious and strong colds, great stress and hypothermia. Otherwise, the cause can be any untimely, incorrect or incompletely cured inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis - x-ray

Features of the flow

In most situations, the disease first affects the joints of the second and third fingers. Often the wrist joints are involved in the pathological process.

The lesion is usually symmetrical, i.e. affects both hands. Quite often the course is complicated by arthritis of the knee, elbow and other joints. The main sign of damage is pain, which is predominantly inflammatory in nature. The severity of unfavorable sensations increases at night and after waking up.

Rheumatoid arthritis on the hands

In addition to pain, patients often experience the following symptoms:

  • general weakness and depression;
  • elevated temperature;
  • chills;
  • weight loss.

Diagnosis and treatment

Methods for diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis are described in the table.

Table. Diagnosis of arthritis of the fingers

Diagnostic methodsDescription

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, x-rays“melting” of the joint spaces differs, i.e. characteristic pronounced reduction in the size of the gaps between the connecting bones.

Erosion begins to form. IN advanced cases The bones that make up the joint are fused. Under such conditions, the affected area becomes almost motionless.

In the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, the material notes an increased ESR indicator(ROE). This indicates the presence of inflammation. It is important to understand that this parameter increases with almost any inflammation, therefore, to confirm or refute the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, other diagnostic measures must be carried out.

Firstly, the so-called "markers of inflammation".

Secondly, a characteristic rheumatoid factor is detected.

The above symptoms are also characteristic of a number of other inflammatory processes, so diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis must be carried out comprehensively.

Treatment procedure

This issue can only be resolved by a qualified specialist.

As a rule, therapy is complex and includes several representatives of the list below:

  • gold preparations;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • antimalarials;
  • sulfonamides;
  • D-penicillamine;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • selective anti-inflammatory drugs.

Additionally, various physiotherapeutic methods and means are used external influence etc.

The main rule is one: do not engage in independent uncontrolled treatment and follow medical recommendations in everything.

Most often, this disease is diagnosed in patients 20-50 years of age. In most cases, the disease first affects the toes, but can progress to the hands. Mostly inflammation develops in the joints of the thumb.

Features of the flow

Inflammation is paroxysmal. Attacks often occur unexpectedly: a person may feel quite well before sudden appearance painful sensations. The pain is usually very acute and extremely difficult to endure. The skin in the affected area becomes red and hot. Some patients experience gout with less severe flare-ups.

The course of gout on the hands - photo

Under any circumstances, a pathology left without proper attention will eventually make itself felt again with attacks already familiar to the patient.

Reasons for appearance

Let us highlight the most common provoking factors that can cause gouty arthritis.

Treatment methods

To confirm the presence of gout, the specialist listens to the patient’s complaints and prescribes a series of appropriate tests. The doctor gives recommendations on eliminating the previously mentioned provoking factors.

During periods of exacerbation, anti-inflammatory treatment methods are used using appropriate medicines. Most often it is Colchicine.

The rest of the list of necessary medications, as well as the order of their use, is determined qualified specialist based on the results of examination of a particular patient.

First of all, the amount of purines consumed (as noted, found in fish, meat, coffee, etc.) and alcoholic beverages should be minimized.

Gout requires avoiding coffee and certain food categories.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and reduce the caloric intake of the diet - as you lose weight, the risk of recurrent gout attacks will also decrease.

More rare diseases of the joints of the fingers

Above you got acquainted with the most common ailments that affect, among other things, the joints of the fingers. But there are a number of more rare diseases, capable of developing in the same part of the body. More about them later.

Ankylosing spondylitis

It is a chronic inflammatory process leading to the formation of scar tissue. fibrous tissue within the joints. Salts and various trace elements begin to settle on the mentioned formations, which causes the mobility of the affected area to significantly deteriorate.

Video - Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease)

Video - About Ankylosing Spondylitis

Among characteristic features First of all, you should highlight the aching painful sensations that intensify at night.

Develops in patients with a genetic predisposition to psoriasis. It is diagnosed mainly during periods of exacerbation of the latter.

Psoriatic arthritis - photo

Characteristic features are:

  • painful sensations in the joints;
  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • violation of symmetry;
  • nail damage.

Develops due to a violation of internal metabolic processes. As a result, calcium salts begin to be deposited in and around the tissues of the joints, which subsequently leads to pain, redness, swelling, fever, and deformities.

Accompanied by aching painful sensations in the locations of small joints. It is a temporary condition that develops due to taking certain medications in excessive dosage.

The appearance of arthralgia can be caused, first of all, by penicillin antibiotics, chemical tranquilizers and sleeping pills, contraception, anti-tuberculosis drugs, barbiturates.

Rarely diagnosed. Treatment in most cases comes down to making appropriate changes to the composition of the main therapy.

Thus, there are many diseases that affect the joints of the fingers. If you experience any kind of uncharacteristic adverse sensations, consult your doctor as soon as possible and follow his further recommendations.

Be healthy!

Video - Disease of the joints of the fingers

The causes of pain in the fingers lie in pathological processes, which occur in the joints and neighboring tissues. They can also appear after injuries (dislocations, fractures). The nature of the disease is determined by a detailed examination (X-ray, ultrasound, MRI). When the process transitions to chronic form pain is accompanied by inflammation, swelling, and loss of joint mobility.

Fingers may hurt in the morning due to arthritis of various origins. This disease can be non-infectious and appears due to problems with the immune system. With rheumatoid arthritis, small joints in the hands. The disease occurs even in young children. The joints are affected symmetrically relative to each other. Joints hurt most often index fingers. You can notice small seals on them that hurt. If rheumatoid arthritis no, the joints become deformed and curved.

Infectious arthritis affects 1 or more joints. The disease develops under the influence of bacteria or viruses. The infectious agent enters through external injuries. The joint of the middle finger becomes infected before the others. In addition to pain, local intoxication is observed and body temperature rises. The joints in the hands hurt due to psoriarthritis. In addition to them, the disease affects the skin.

Symptoms of osteoarthrosis and arthritis

Osteoarthrosis causes deformation and destruction of the joints of the hands. They form bone spurs, due to which the mobility of the fingers is impaired. The disease is characterized by morning pain, accompanied by stiffness and stiffness. Osteoarthritis is most often observed in women, since the development of the disease is associated with fluctuations in the level of the hormone estrogen. Other factors that may influence the onset of the disease include: hereditary predisposition, constant stress on the finger joints, metabolic problems.

Gout is characterized by unbearable joint pain. Attacks of the disease occur at night or early in the morning. It is caused by salts that form crystals and lead to inflammation of surrounding tissues. Gout appears due to metabolic problems and related problems with kidneys. This disease most often develops in men after 40 years of age.

Other causes of pain in the fingers include: problems with general immunity, problems with endocrine system, untreated infectious diseases, hereditary predisposition, slow metabolism, exposure low temperatures And cold water, hand injuries. Finger pain may occur in pregnant women due to fluctuations in hormone levels.

Joint pain is usually associated with illnesses in older people. However, this is not quite true. There are many diseases that can cause this symptom in quite at a young age. What to do if your finger joints hurt, and what causes it?


There are more than 300 joints in the entire musculoskeletal system. Some are constantly involved in human movements, others function less frequently. The joints of the fingers are the most mobile. In addition, they are quite small, which increases the likelihood of their damage at the slightest excess load.

A joint is the junction of bones that surrounds:

  • Synovial fluid;
  • Hyaline cartilage;
  • Bursa;
  • Synovial membrane.

Anatomy of the hand

Pathology of any of the above structures leads to various diseases, which affect the entire joint and provoke pain.

Diseases with pain in the fingers

Each finger has 3 bones and 3 joints. The cause of pain can be inflammatory or traumatic.

Below are the main diseases that may cause joint pain in hand.


This is a disease of inflammatory etiology. It can occur both acutely and chronically. The joint itself and adjacent tissues are subject to inflammation.

Arthritis symptoms:

  • Pain when moving or at rest;
  • Local swelling;
  • Redness and local increase in temperature;
  • Crunch;
  • Limited mobility;
  • Changing shape.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Inflamed connective tissue, and symptoms are more likely to bother people in the middle and index finger hands. Characteristic Features are the symmetry of the lesion on both hands and increased pain at night.

If left untreated, the disease can spread from small joints to larger ones.


It occurs due to metabolic disorders, in particular purines. The accumulation of salts in the joint provokes inflammation, pain and limited mobility.

It usually starts on the big toe and then spreads to other joints. Inflamed and enlarged bones become very swollen and burn. An exacerbation may last up to several weeks.

Psoriatic inflammation

The lesion is not symmetrical. All the bones on my finger ache. The disease leads to deformation of the joints, as a result of which the fingers of the two hands look different.

When an infection gets into the bones or other structural elements of the joint, a infectious arthritis. How to treat such a disease depends on the nature of the pathogen and the location of the lesion.

Such pathologies are accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • General intoxication;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Violation of the patient's condition.

Stenosing ligamentitis

Occurs when the ligament is damaged. Pain appears in all fingers of the hand except the little finger. The patient complains of burning and numbness, cyanosis and swelling are visually visible. With this disease, the knuckles are difficult to straighten. Symptoms occur mainly in the morning. Inflammation of the thumb ligament is called de Quervain's disease.


This is the name of the state when cartilage tissue is destroyed. Why is this happening? The reasons may lie in hormonal or metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, prolonged increased stress.

The patient is concerned about:

  • Movement restrictions;
  • Crunch;
  • In the morning the joint aches and does not bend;
  • Increased discomfort with exertion.

When the joint of the thumb on the hand hurts, rhizarthrosis is possible, which is also degenerative disease. If the thumb is under constant stress, the likelihood of a problem increasing.


The cause is bacteria that trigger a purulent-necrotic process in the joints and soft tissues. TO local symptoms general ones are added - temperature rise, headache, malaise.

The consequence may be curvature of bones and immobility of joints.


Inflammation is localized in articular capsules where liquid begins to accumulate. You may notice that the finger is swollen, does not bend, and upon palpation appears sharp pain. The process may involve the addition of a secondary infection and the onset of purulent bursitis.

Vascular disorders

If the pain is accompanied by certain changes skin(cyanosis, coldness, and then redness), angiospastic crisis of peripheral vessels can be assumed.


An injury to the radiocarpal joint of the left hand provokes pain in the fingers of this hand. On advanced stages the joints are very difficult to bend and straighten. Nerve conduction disorders also include Raynaud's syndrome, when during uncomfortable sensations the fingertips turn white because no blood flows to them.

White color on fingertips - hallmark symptom a condition that is quite dangerous due to high probability tissue necrosis.

Clamp median nerve

Cervical osteochondrosis

Shooting pain, like an electric discharge, penetrates the patient from the joints of the forearm to the phalanges of the fingers. The pain usually becomes after a load on the spine.

An additional symptom is impaired mobility in some part of the spine and pain when tilting the head.


Dislocation of a joint or severe bruise phalanges can cause sharp painful sensations. As a rule, the patient himself knows where he hit himself.

Visible symptoms may be protrusion of the joint of the thumb or, for example, the little finger, redness, and a local increase in temperature.

Vibration disease

Occurs due to frequent work with vibration mechanisms. At first it manifests itself as periodic discomfort, tingling more than average or ring finger right hand. Then the paresthesia becomes permanent and progresses to loss of sensitivity and whitening of the phalanges from the base to the tips.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Quite common in modern world, although few know what it is. The cause is prolonged work at the computer, as a result of which the nerve leading from the wrist to the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers is pinched.

Features of pain

  • Sometimes the nature of the pain may vary high probability indicate the reason. For example, pain in the morning when bending is most likely a symptom of inflammation in the joint, particularly arthritis;
  • If the joints are swollen and twist during pregnancy, then the aches are associated with hormonal disorders. This could be softening of the ligaments or, for example, calcium deficiency. Often joints ache after childbirth;
  • If your fingers bend poorly after sleep, this may be due to vascular pathology and swelling;
  • Unpleasant sensations after physical activity They also talk about problems with blood vessels. Not only does it hurt to clench your fist, but you also feel numb and may experience cramps.

Who is susceptible to joint diseases?

The likelihood of developing problems with the joints of the fingers depends on several predisposing factors:

  • Frequent infectious diseases;
  • Increased load and premature wear of joints;
  • Age over 40 years;
  • Hormonal and metabolic disorders;
  • Hypothermia and injuries.


Diagnose, why joints started to hurt, the following methods will help:

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe urine and blood tests.

Which doctor treats joint diseases?

At the first complaints of twisting and aching bones, you should contact a therapist, who will then refer you to more to a specialist. Depending on the cause of the pathology, this may be an orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon, traumatologist and rheumatologist.


The basis of therapy is drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Movalis, Nimesil). For most diseases, they help eliminate the cause and discomfort (when small or medium-sized joints twist and hurt).

If efficiency is poor, switch to hormonal drugs(Dexamethasone, Metypred)

At degenerative changes, which are especially visible on the little finger and index finger, chondroprotectors should be prescribed (Dona, Structum, Chondroxide ointment).

Many drugs have side effects, therefore, should be selected only by a doctor after determining the exact cause of the disease.

Traditional methods of treatment

If the joints are severely twisted and the pain reduces the quality of life, the patient can use folk remedies in parallel with medications:

  • Lotions made from a mixture of vodka, honey and aloe will help relieve pain in the joints of the elbows and hands;
  • An infusion of lingonberry berries and leaves - it is drunk internally, like tea. Relieves discomfort in the little fingers, ring and other fingers, and is often used for arthrosis;
  • A piece of propolis is mixed with sunflower oil, receiving ointment. Use your fingertips to rub it lightly into the sore joints.

Video exercises for finger joints