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Benefits, harms and rules for using dead bees. A decoction with the addition of honey and propolis. Contraindications for treatment with bee death

  • 1. Composition
  • 2. Medicinal properties
  • 3. Application
  • 4. Dead bees for weight loss
  • 5. Recipes
  • 6. Contraindications

After wintering, beekeepers clean the hives and collect dead workers from the bottom. This collection is called dead bees. There are two types of pestilence - summer and winter. The lifespan of bees is quite short, so this medicinal product is not rare.

Dead bees, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone, are considered the richest natural storehouse of unique medicinal qualities. Scientists have proven that this product has excellent biochemical potential, which is successfully used to improve human health.

Not just any bee pestilence is used for treatment. Only dried, fresh, without any signs of mold or decomposition product is suitable for traditional therapy.

Plunging into history, you can see that they were exploited in medical purposes death of bees back in the 16th-17th centuries. Even then, books indicated the treatment of many diseases with this method, among which were dropsy, dysentery, abdominal cramps, rheumatism, gout, urolithiasis disease And so on.


The bodies of dead bees contain a large number of components of honey, propolis, pollen, wax, which have healing qualities for humans.

The main valuable element of the product is chitin. This substance helps restore the biological balance of the entire organism as a whole, which occurs due to regulatory metabolic processes, stimulating immunological resistance to microbes, viruses, infections, etc.

Also bee death in folk medicine popular due to the presence of melanin, chitosan and heparin in its composition. The latter helps suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure, improving hematopoiesis and vascular condition. Heparin is often included in medications, intended for the treatment of pathologies of the liver, blood, kidneys, and heart.

Chitosan is a high-quality lipotropic substance. That is, it takes part in the binding and breakdown of fats, which is why dead bees for weight loss are considered effective and safe means. This element also lowers cholesterol levels, relieves painful sensations heart, allows you to cleanse the intestines, reduce the amount of absorbed toxins. Chitosan is able to activate the function thyroid gland, heal burns and wounds, improves the synthesis of intestinal vitamins.

Melanin has radioprotective properties, binds and removes toxic substances, heavy metals, salt. It should also be noted that the bee’s body contains many trace elements, including sodium, potassium, iron, barium, phosphorus, calcium and others.

Medicinal properties

Few people know what cures bee death. Let's look at the main medicinal properties bee bodies:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • pain reliever;
  • immunostimulating;
  • diuretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antitoxic;
  • choleretic;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • adaptogenic;
  • slows down aging;
  • regulatory function, etc.

The beneficial properties of dead bees can be enhanced by skillfully combining them with other beekeeping products, as well as phyto-additives, oils, and natural preparations.


Treatment with bee death can occur natural product(that is, using powdered bodies), as well as mixing it with water, alcohol, oil, honey, etc. The product is most often used in the form of alcohol tinctures, steams, decoctions, ointments, which can be used both orally and externally.

It is considered appropriate to prescribe the drug in complex therapy for diseases of the heart (heart attack, angina), kidneys, blood vessels, diabetes, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, thyroid, pancreas. Experts advise taking this remedy for treatment purulent processes, mental illness, atherosclerosis.

Counts effective means death due to oncology. It prevents the development of various tumors, activates immune system to fight this terrible disease.

It is considered effective for use in diseases of the joints, muscle tissue, skin, teeth, as well as for strengthening the immunological functions of the body, preventing viral diseases, increasing human performance.

It should be noted that dead bees are considered an excellent assistant for weight loss, the effectiveness of which is due to the presence of chitosan in the composition.
This substance helps reduce absorbed fats from food.

Dead bees for weight loss are usually used in the form of a tincture or decoction, the effectiveness of which is quite high. They contribute not only to weight loss, but also improve the health of the entire body.

Dead bees for weight loss

Tincture. It helps cleanse the stomach and intestines and normalizes metabolic processes. To prepare, take half liter jar bees and pour vodka 10 cm above the bodies. Close the lid and leave for 15 days in a dark place. Shake daily. Take the tincture half an hour before meals, one tablespoon at a time. Course of use – 3-4 weeks.

A decoction based on bee bodies. This tool reduces appetite, burns adipose tissue, helps to normalize the balance of nutritional components in the body. It is prepared as follows: pour 5 tablespoons of dead meat with a liter of boiling water and simmer for several hours (2-3 hours) over low heat. Then you need to cool and strain. Take the decoction one tablespoon in the morning and evening for three weeks.


  1. Preparation of ointments for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. To do this, you need to take half a glass of olive oil and three teaspoons of crushed bees. Heat the oil in a water bath and add 3 tsp. bee powder. On sore spot It is advisable to apply warm. The resulting mixture is capable of destroying bacteria, fungal spores, and viruses.
  2. Ointments for joints, muscles, treatment of migraines, hyperthyroidism, etc. You will need 200 ml of olive or linseed oil and 4-5 tbsp. death. To prepare the ointment, grind the dead fruit into powder. Fill it with well-heated oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Be sure to store the mixture in the refrigerator. It is worth warming up before use. Rub vigorously until completely absorbed.
  3. Prostate adenoma, tumors. It is necessary to place 2-3 tablespoons of bees in a bottle with dark glass and fill it full with high-quality vodka. The bottle should be wrapped in a dark cloth and left for 20-25 days in a warm and preferably dark place. It needs to be shaken daily. After the expiration date, be sure to strain the tincture and pour it back into the same bottle.
  4. Alcohol extract. Used to stabilize blood pressure, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and cerebral arteries. To obtain the extract, you need to pour two glasses of vodka into a spoonful of powdered dead fruit. Infuse for 2 weeks, take 20 drops after meals for 2 months.

Let's try to figure out what this product treats, what the benefits are, what properties it has, and what harm it causes.

Bee death refers to the bodies of dead insects. Its quality depends 100% on the cleanliness and conscientiousness of the beekeeper. In order for a medicinal product to be used for medical purposes in the future, the beekeeper must:

  • Clean your hives regularly.
  • Remove hives from the street in winter.

If the dead bee has a specific bad smell and covered with mold, then the above conditions were clearly not met. It is unacceptable to use such raw materials for treatment. It will only do harm.

Typically, dead fruit is collected in the spring. Immediately after collection, it can be used for health purposes. There will undoubtedly be benefits from raw materials freshly collected on time.

The benefits of bee death

Let's tell you how bees are useful:

  • Very rich composition. More precisely, this full complex vitamins and 27 necessary for human body microelements. This is its main benefit.
  • The value of dead bees or bee fat included in its composition is many times greater than the value of fish oil.
  • Heparin, present in bees, stabilizes blood pressure, stimulates the immune system, helps cope with infections more easily, improves vascular function and regulates metabolism.
  • The beneficial complex of substance elements removes radioactive elements, bacterial toxins, digestive toxins and excess fats from the body.
  • Bee dead chitosain helps wounds heal faster and regulates correct work thyroid gland.
  • Apitoxin reduces blood clotting, increases appetite, tones the body and directs blood to the diseased organ.
  • Funds for dead bees remove cholesterol, regulate stomach acidity, suppress any inflammation, relieve joint pain.

To sum it all up, dead bees have the following healing properties:

  1. Hypolipidermic.
  2. Regenerating.
  3. Antiviral.
  4. Hepatoprotective.
  5. Anti-inflammatory.
  6. Antibacterial.
  7. Immunostimulating.

Application of dead bees

As a result of the numerous properties of dead bees, many diseases can be cured. Let's list what cures bee death:

  • Obesity.
  • Oncology.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Bone diseases.
  • Vessels.
  • Eyes.
  • Nasopharynx.
  • Respiratory system.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Kidneys.
  • Liver.
  • Oral cavity.
  • Diseases of the thyroid and pancreas.
  • Digestive system.

The positive properties of death make it possible to use it after suffering serious illnesses, in case of loss of strength, to improve the general background of the body.

According to the above, the benefits of bee death have undoubtedly been proven.

Harm from bees

Dead insects due to the high concentration of substances can cause allergic reactions. As a result, the person is harmed. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the appearance of extraneous rashes and peeling on your skin.

If a patient has an intolerance to bee products, then his body will certainly react to bee death. In this case, it will also cause harm.

It is undesirable to ingest dead bees if:

  • Leukemia.
  • Heart aneurysm.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Heavy bleeding.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Blood diseases.

It is important!Pregnant and breastfeeding women should absolutely not consume dead bees. This is harm.

As mentioned above, dead bees are dead bees. Below is evidence of harm. Many beekeepers believe that death cannot benefit the body, since medicines are prepared from the corpses of bees, which can be very for a long time. How can it happen useful product from a non-viable organism? The answer suggests itself. In addition, the poison contained in dead bees is doubly harmful. Therefore, it is better to prepare tincture and other remedies from live bees.

Medicinal recipes based on dead bees

Due to its very good versatility, there are many recipes based on dead bees.

We treat myopia and thyroid gland

The recipe is as follows: the dead fish, cleared of debris, are heated and fried in oil. Take the “dish” one teaspoon a day before meals. Wash it down with milk. Required course: 2 months.

We treat fibroids

Prepare an alcohol tincture: pour a tablespoon of dead water with 200 ml of vodka. They keep it for a week. After the time has passed, the tincture is ready. Number of doses: 3. Amount of product per dose: tablespoon. Mandatory course: one month.

We remove Giardia

Treatment is carried out with alcohol tincture, which should be taken 30 drops before meals. Course: one month.

We treat varicose veins, mastitis, severe wounds, ulcers and burns

Prepare the steaming of dead meat: pour 100 grams of dead fish with a glass of boiling water and let it sit for 15 minutes. For treatment, you need to moisten gauze with steam and apply it to the sore spot. Wrap it on top like a compress.

We treat obesity, metabolic processes

You need to drink alcohol tincture. Number of receptions: 3. Amount of product: tablespoon.

We treat blood vessels, hypertension and heart diseases

To do this, drink an alcohol tincture before meals. Amount of medicine: 20 drops. Course: two months.

We treat arthritis, joint pain and varicose veins

For treatment it is necessary to prepare an ointment. To do this, grind the dead fruit into powder and combine with Vaseline. The amount of ingredients can be determined independently by consistency. But basically they take a spoonful of podmor for 100 grams of Vaseline. The use of ointment consists of rubbing the sore spot.

We treat kidneys

Kidneys are treated with a decoction of dead bees. To do this, pour a tablespoon of the product into a liter of boiling water, let it boil and simmer over low heat. Drink a tablespoon of the decoction twice a day.

We treat diseases of the male genital area

Bee death provokes the waste of secretions and urinary fluid. As a result, the prostate gland decreases in size. You need to take a tablespoon of bee decoction or 20 drops of tincture. Course: month.

Treating Parkinson's disease

To improve your health, you need to grind dead bees and honey in equal proportions. You need to eat the product after meals. Number of receptions as usual: 3 times.

We treat flu, colds

Bee dead tincture mixed with tincture wax moth in equal parts, helps with the first symptoms of a cold and during the flu. Take drops.

Treating diabetes mellitus

To improve the condition, take 15 drops of tincture at a time. And one more benefit from taking it. In diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis of the legs often occurs. You can also reduce pain by using the podmor technique. Compresses and rubbing with ointment will have a positive effect.

The effectiveness of treatment for death diabetes mellitus has been proven by scientists. Studies have shown that the patient's blood sugar percentage decreases, metabolic processes begin to proceed correctly, cell permeability increases, cholesterol levels decrease, and vascular elasticity increases.

It is important!An elderly person should use an alcoholic tincture of dead bees for activity and upliftment. vitality. The number of drops consumed should be equal to the number of years lived.

After reading the article bee death benefits and harms, now you can decide whether to take it or not.

This is not the first time I have written on a blog about beekeeping products and their beneficial properties for human health. In today's article we'll talk about dead bees - its benefits and harms, its use in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases. I’ll tell you how to take it correctly and make healing tincture, steam and decoction.

Humanity has been connected with bees in ancient times, because honey was one of the available products. People have created many legends about the extraordinary properties of honey and other bee products. Bees were depicted on cave vaults, and later on coins, vessels and bowls.

In almost all cultures of ancient civilizations, honey was important product in human nutrition, and beekeeping products were used for treatment and in everyday life.

Bee death - what is it?

In short, these are dead bees. Their lifespan is short; in summer bees live for about a month, in winter they live longer - up to several months. In the summer, at the entrance and at the bottom of the hive, you can find a large number of dead bees that have naturally ended their lives.

You can especially collect a lot of them after winter ends. The bodies of such honey bees are called dead bees. There is another name for death that beekeepers use - bee scree.

Dead bees - benefits and harms

A beekeeping product, dead meat is truly unique in its composition. Its regular use will bring great benefits to the entire human body. Widest spectrum impact is due to the fact that dead bees contain not only almost all components of honey, but also healing power pollen, a, bee venom, wax and propolis.

  1. The product contains a full complex useful vitamins: P, E, D, K. There are at least 27 different microelements.
  2. In addition, a chitinous cover has been preserved in the subsea, containing unusually valuable substance heparin. In conjunction with bee venom, melanin, glucosamine, heparin restores biological balance in the body, stimulating the immune system and regulating metabolic processes. Heparin is also involved in stabilizing blood pressure and improving the condition of blood vessels in the extremities and brain.
  3. Chitosan is responsible for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland and also promotes the healing of wounds and membranes.
  4. Thanks to the beneficial properties of dead bees, the human body binds and removes excess fats, bacterial toxins, toxins formed as a result of digestion, and isotopes of radioactive elements.
  5. Liver function improves, over-allocation stomach acid is neutralized. The immune system is stimulated, increasing immunity to infectious diseases.
  6. Thereby medicinal products from dead bees help with conjunctivitis, stomatitis, and influenza.
  7. The beneficial qualities of dead bees are enhanced by fat, which is many times more valuable than the unloved one. fish fat.

Using a bee kill:

  • Suppressed inflammatory processes, and in the shortest possible time.
  • Blood pressure is normalized, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart is stabilized.
  • The development of atherosclerosis is slowed down.
  • Excess cholesterol is removed.
  • Regulates stomach acidity.
  • Joint pain is relieved.
  • Potency in men improves, adenoma is cured.
  • The intestinal microflora is normalized, and therefore the condition of gastritis, colitis, constipation, and ulcers improves.
  • Rising physical activity, the body is strengthened.
  • Immunity improves, which is important during colds.
  • Wounds and eczema heal, and there is a significant improvement in periodontal disease.

Harm and contraindications

Fortunately, bringing health enormous benefit, bee death will practically not cause harm to the human body. Therefore, contraindications to the use of drugs based on it are minimized.

  • Individual intolerance to all bee products.

How to prepare a decoction, liniment, ointment, alcohol tincture and steam

  1. Vodka, alcohol tincture: Grind a tablespoon of podomor in a coffee grinder, pour in 200 grams. a glass of vodka or 40% alcohol. Leave in a dark glass container or in a dark place for two weeks.
  2. Decoction: for 2 tbsp. spoons of the product take half a liter cold water. Let it boil, cook over very low heat for 2 hours. Store in a cool place for no more than 2 weeks, but in treatment it is better to use a fresh decoction.
  3. Rasp. In folk medicine, steaming dead bees is often used. To cook, 100 gr. pour raw materials hot water(don’t use boiling water, you can’t), leave for 15 minutes. Squeeze lightly through gauze and apply as a compress.
  4. Liniment. Good remedy, which has beneficial properties for treatment. To make it, one tbsp. Pour 200 ml of bee bodies ground into powder into a spoon. oil (olive is better, vegetable oil is less preferable). Use warm, preheated. Store in dark glass containers.
  5. Fried dead meat. Fry a teaspoon of fresh raw materials in 50 ml. vegetable oil and then chop. You need to drink the product with tea and milk. Fried dead meat is not prepared for future use.
  6. Ointment with dead bees: Grind the product into powder, add it to hot olive oil, which can be replaced with sunflower oil. Take a tablespoon of oil per tablespoon. Before each procedure, the ointment should be slightly warmed up.

Dead bees in folk medicine - application

In folk and official medicine Treatment with bee death is quite widely used. Preparations made on its basis are convenient to use and low in cost. They are not difficult to manufacture and do not require special storage conditions.

Possessing high versatility, bringing benefits and a minimum of harm, with virtually no contraindications for use, dead bees are good for complex treatment. It perfectly complements other beekeeping products with its properties, enriches them and enhances their healing effect.

  1. In old age, it is very good to take alcohol tincture. The condition is improving significantly, people are becoming more active. You need to take it in a course daily dose equal to the number of years lived. At 65 years old you will need 65 drops.
  2. Myopia. Bee bodies fried in vegetable oil will help significantly improve vision. Take a teaspoon with milk before meals. It is recommended to drink in a course of 1 – 2 months. Which can be repeated after taking a break of 3 months.
  3. Varicose veins, mastitis, panaritium. Steaming the dead will be beneficial. Squeeze it a little and apply a double layer of gauze to the sore spot. Cover the top with cellophane and secure. The compress should remain until it cools completely. You can use steam in the treatment of panaritium and mastitis.
  4. Immunity, body cleansing. Prepare an alcohol tincture and add as many drops to water (glass) as you are old. Divide this dose into 2 parts, and drink half in the morning and evening. Take a course of 1 month.
  5. At . Take 20 - 30 drops after meals three times a day. Take a course of 1 month. Read more about this disease in my other article.
  6. Diabetes. Make a 15% alcohol infusion of Podmor, take 15 drops, dividing them into three doses, drink after meals.
  7. Myoma. Use alcohol tincture - drink 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon per month. Then repeat the course of treatment after a break of a month.
  8. Accelerate healing severe burns, ulcers, wounds, panaritium. Apply a compress to the sore spot: place the bee steam on a double layer of gauze, cover with film and a towel on top, secure elastic bandage. Keep the compress until it hardens completely. Good for wound healing, which I wrote about.
  9. Metabolism. In case of violation metabolic processes, for weight loss, take a tablespoon three times a day alcohol tincture death.
  10. Hypertension, diseases of the heart, kidneys and cerebral vessels. Take 15-20 drops of alcohol tincture after meals. Drink for 2 months. Brew 200 gr. add 2 liters of boiling water and cook for 40 minutes. Then cool, strain, drink 50 ml. shortly before meals for 2 weeks.

Bee death for kidney disease

Make a decoction of dead fish: pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon, let it boil and cook over low heat for two hours. Then cool and leave for a couple of hours to infuse. Use twice a day according to Art. spoon.

You can prepare a tincture of dead bees: pour vodka over the dead bees (just above the layer of bees) and leave for 2 weeks in a darker place. After straining, drink three times a day according to Art. spoon, 30 min. before meals.

Podmore for the treatment of joints

In folk medicine, liniment from dead animals is often used. It’s easy to make: grind the dead fruit into powder and mix with heated olive oil. For 200 ml. oil, take a tablespoon of raw material. Before use, it is necessary to warm up and then rub into sore joints, store in a cool place.

At joint pain or back pain, brew a spoonful of podomor with a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 15 minutes. Make compresses and baths for your joints. Apply first for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 15, but no more.

Bee death for men

Thanks to the course of treatment, normal outflow of urine and secretions occurs, which will avoid surgery and reduce the size of the prostate gland.
You need to drink according to Art. spoon half an hour before each meal. And at the same time take half a glass of water, adding a spoonful of honey to it. Course – 30 days. Take a short break of 3 weeks and repeat again.

Prostate adenoma. Drink 20 drops of alcohol tincture every time after a meal. Take 1–2 months.
Another recipe: make a decoction of dead fruit, add 2 teaspoons of propolis tincture (alcohol) to it, stir until it dissolves and drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach, twice a day.

Podmore for the treatment of thyroid gland

A good result is obtained by taking fried fresh dead meat twice daily. Take milk or tea.
You can take a decoction of the product - according to Art. spoon twice a day for 3 weeks. Then take a break for three weeks and you can continue treatment.

How to properly collect and store dead bees

To use dead bees in folk medicine, you need to know some rules for collecting and preparing for treatment.

  • Only fresh dead fruit has healing power; it is suitable when collected at any time of the year. Used dry, odorless and without signs of decomposition. Death with mold is not suitable for treatment.
  • Podmor should be thoroughly dried. Do this in the oven, the temperature should be no more than 45-50 degrees. If you are afraid that bee feces are present, sift the raw materials through a fine mesh.
  • Podmor is stored in a fabric bag, preferably in a dry place.

A universal action drug that kills bees - truly unique folk remedy. It is difficult to overestimate its benefits; it does practically no harm, but to achieve best result, it is better if you use the recipes with other products in combination. Be healthy, my dears, I’m waiting for you on the blog pages, don’t forget. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

During the period of cleaning the hives after wintering and the first flight of bees, beekeepers collect a fairly large number of bodies of dead bees. They are what are called bee death. Medicines prepared from them have a huge number of beneficial properties. Of course, insects die not only in winter, so you can collect dead dead at any time of the year, but only after winter does dead dead become a storehouse of vitamins.

The use of bee pestilence in alternative medicine has been occurring for a very long time, and recently doctors, thanks to confirmations scientific research, recommend drugs at sea to patients. It can be used to make tinctures, decoctions, ointments and rubs.

The chemical composition of the dead

Alcohol infusion dead bees buy in our store

This beekeeping product is completely unique in its composition. This is explained
because during its life a bee accumulates in its body all the most useful things - honey, pollen, bee venom, bee bread, wax, propolis and much more. Thanks to this, the composition of podmor includes 18 amino acids, about a dozen protein components, peptides and much more. It's quite difficult to list everything, but sample list looks like that:

  • inorganic acids - hydrochloric, phosphoric;
  • histamine;
  • heparin;
  • chitin - only it contains a lot of valuable components;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin PP;
  • folic acid;
  • melanin;
  • antioxidants;
  • chemical elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, aluminum, barium, chromium, selenium and much more.

Properties exerted by death

Complex and unique composition of this product determine it beneficial features. That is why the use of dead bees is so effective in medicine. He provides positive influence for the whole body:

  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • normalizes sugar;
  • inhibits cell aging processes;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • enhances the effects of vitamins;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • has a regenerating and healing effect.

Indications for use

Preparations aged in bees are universal remedy in the treatment of many ailments.

Important! The use of bee kill is not self-treatment, this product should be part of complex therapy.


Medicines based on podmora have several contraindications:

  • children under 1 year;
  • pregnancy;
  • elderly age;
  • allergy to bee products.

How to prepare medicine from dead animals

For cooking medicines Only fresh and thoroughly dried product is needed. You can make a tincture, decoction or ointment from it.

Vodka tincture

The dead bees need to be crushed to a dusty state and poured into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Pour it all with vodka or diluted alcohol, based on the following proportions - for 100 grams of raw material you need to take about 300 - 400 ml of vodka. Place the container in the dark for three weeks, shaking it occasionally. After 21 days the tincture is ready.

Tincture on water

To make an infusion of water you need two tablespoons of raw materials and half a liter clean water. Simmer everything over low heat for about an hour.

Attention! The water infusion is stored in a cold place for no more than two weeks.


To prepare the ointment, you can use any fat, badger, bear or lamb. You can also use bold as a basis. cosmetic cream. Mix 100 grams of fat with a tablespoon of chopped dead bees. Transfer the medicine into a jar and store in the refrigerator.

How to properly treat bee death

To get rid of any ailment, you should know how to take death. In treatment various diseases There is a regimen of its own.

  • Diseases genitourinary system . This recipe is suitable for both men and women. An alcoholic infusion of dead bees should be drunk 10 ml twice a day before meals for about a month.
  • Bruises and sprains. For this type of damage, lotions made from alcohol tincture of dead bees are very effective. Gauze bandage moisten with infusion, apply to the injured area, cover with polyethylene and secure with a bandage. Change the lotion every two hours until recovery.
  • From pressure This method of treatment will help. Pour about 200 grams of dead meat into 2000 ml of water and simmer on low heat. After 40 - 50, turn off the mixture, cool and strain. This medicine must be treated for at least 14 days, taking three tablespoons per day before meals.
  • For vascular diseases The following treatment method is effective - pour 20 grams of dead meat into a glass with heated vegetable oil. Mix and let the mixture sit a little. Moisten the swab generously and apply to the affected area. Change the compress when it has cooled down; to reapply the oil, you can warm it up.

You should know it! This recipe can be made using any vegetable oil- flaxseed, corn or sunflower .

  • Diabetes. It takes time to get rid of this disease. Dilute the alcohol infusion of dead bees with water in a 1:1 ratio and take 15 - 20 drops every day until the sugar returns to normal.

Dead bees for diabetes in our store

  • For myopia need 20 grams fresh product grind. Then heat 20 grams of oil in a frying pan and fry the dead meat in it, stirring, for 8 minutes. When the medicine has cooled down, eat 10 grams of it in the morning and evening before meals. Prepare a fresh mixture each time; the recommended treatment time is 30 days.
  • To remove Giardia it will help use of bee kill in alcoholic form. You need to take 20 drops every day for about a month.

Dead bees for genitourinary problems in our store

  • To strengthen the immune system You need to take the tincture daily for about a month. The dosage is calculated as follows - one drop per year of life. Treatment is carried out every six months.
  • For joint pain and lesions of the musculoskeletal system, rubbing and lotions from the dead are well suited. Pour 150 ml of any oil into the mashed and fried raw materials. Mix and let stand for three hours. Then heat the oil, not too much, so that the skin is tolerant. Rub the sore spots with this mixture or make lotions and compresses using a gauze pad. Carry out such procedures until recovery.

Dead bee Arthrosis-control in our store

  • For the treatment of sore throat need 200 ml warm water dilute 20 grams of alcohol tincture. Gargle with this mixture every 2 - 3 hours until the ulcers disappear. If there is no high temperature, inhalation from an alcohol or water tincture will help very well. bee product. Pour 20 ml of tincture into 200 ml of boiling water and inhale until the mixture cools.
  • For runny nose, polyps and adenoids need to cook oil solution death. Pour 20 grams of dry raw material into 150 grams of oil and boil everything together over heat for 5-10 minutes. Cool the mixture and drop 2 drops into each nostril 2 - 3 times a day. The medicine should be kept in the refrigerator and reheated each time before use. Also, for these ailments, rinsing the nasal cavity is effective. aqueous solution death. Dilute 10 drops of tincture in 100 ml of warm water and irrigate each nasal passage using a small rubber bulb. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery.
  • For the treatment of conjunctivitis you need to wash your eyes with aqueous tincture of dead water. To do this, you need a cotton pad soaked in the medicine, rinsing to the inner corner of the eye. Carry out the procedure until complete healing.

This is interesting! To make the medicinal value of the medicine at sea higher, you can add a little propolis to it.

Even when dead, bees do not cease to benefit humans. Beekeepers collect them, dry them and turn them into so-called dead animals. Treatment with this bee product is not included in the list traditional methods, however, its healing effect cannot be denied. Let's find out what exactly caused it.

Every dead bee is a treasure trove useful microelements. The composition of the ground product includes:

  • honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, wax and particles of other bee products
  • chitin
  • melanin
  • apitoxin, better known as bee venom
  • alimentary fiber

The benefits of bee products in the composition are obvious. They contain vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, H, K), trace elements (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and others), organic acids (formic, citric, oxalic and others) and many others healing substances. Thanks to them, the use of dead bee tincture and other products based on it is strong immunity, a powerful boost of energy every day and excellent performance.

Article on the topic: Treatment with bees: how does it happen?

The chitinous cover of little toilers is a source of heparin and heparinoids. These are chemical compounds that help normalize heart function and blood flow. Therefore treatment bee pestilence effective in case of pathologies of the liver, kidneys and blood vessels. This element also promotes the removal of radionuclides and metal salts. Its healing effect on the endocrine system has been proven.

In combination with melanin, chitosan breaks down fats. This helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, which is the prevention of various diseases: from obesity to atherosclerosis.

Article on the topic: What are the benefits of a bee sting?

Scientists call the fat in the body of a dead bee a product even more valuable than fish oil. IN this moment its healing properties are being researched. However, it became known that it is thanks to this component that treatment with bee death is possible for diabetics. It helps foods digest and does not cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Dietary fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins, waste, and excess cholesterol. In addition, they free from external “pollutants”: pesticides, salts, antibiotics, etc.

So, let's summarize. The combination of all of the above components makes the medicine from dead bees effective for the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis)
  • gastrointestinal tract(colitis, gastritis, ulcer, cholecystitis)
  • pancreas and thyroid glands
  • kidney
  • liver
  • eye organs (myopia, conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma)
  • respiratory system (pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma)
  • nasopharynx (sore throat, sinusitis, otitis media, laryngitis)
  • oral cavity
  • musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, pain in joints and spine)
  • genitourinary system in men (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, cystitis, impotence, infertility)
  • female reproductive system(uterine fibroids)
  • skin (wounds, scars, ulcers, neurodermatitis, psoriasis)

Contraindications to tincture of dead bees and other products based on it include: heat(from 38 degrees), as well as syndromes of cardiac, vascular, hepatic, renal or respiratory failure.

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Folk recipes

There are several recipes for making dead bees. It can be used in pure form, fry, infuse in alcohol or water, grind, boil and much more. We will tell you about the most popular folk recipes for the treatment of various ailments.


The easiest way to improve your health is to consume the product in its pure form. You can buy dried or fried dead meat. In the first case, the beekeeper will provide you with the product ready for use; there is no need to further process it.

Article on the topic: Dry bee dead: how to use?

To prepare roasted bee product, you need to grind one teaspoon of dead bees. Pour 50 ml of unrefined milk into a heated frying pan. sunflower oil. Fry over medium heat for a few minutes. Be sure to cool before use.


One of the most effective recipes for external use - steam. The entire cooking process will take you only 15-20 minutes. You need: pour 100 grams of dead meat with hot water in a ratio of 1:2. Please note: the water temperature should be no more than +80 degrees. Leave for 15 minutes.


Decoction according to your own healing properties resembles a tincture of dead bees, but is recommended for those for whom alcohol consumption is contraindicated. To prepare you will need: pour 2 tablespoons of dry bee product into a saucepan. Pour 500 ml of warm water and bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat for 2 hours.


Among the recipes for treating bee death, the most popular is alcohol tincture. For the purpose of prevention, you can use the following preparation option: pour one tablespoon of dry bee product with 200 ml of 60-degree alcohol. Infuse the mixture in a dark container for 3 weeks. Shake the contents every day. In some cases for treatment serious illnesses It is recommended to increase the proportions of vodka to 1:1. That is, a glass of dead food per glass of alcohol. The cooking rules are the same.


Recipes for bee death also include the possibility of preparing an ointment for subsequent external use: one tablespoon of dry bee product should be thoroughly ground with 100 ml of Vaseline until a homogeneous mass is obtained.


It is not enough to prepare each of the above remedies according to the right recipe. It is also necessary to know how and in what doses to use them.

Dry dead should be taken one pinch twice a day. This should be done half an hour before meals. Gradually increase the dose to one teaspoon. This will help cleanse the body and remove toxins.

Treatment roasted bee product follows the same rules. This method Particularly effective in case of vision problems.

Article on the topic: Honey vs cataracts: the victory will be sweet!

Raspar helps externally - with varicose veins veins, migraines, mastitis and various skin diseases. Wet the gauze well with it and apply it to the affected area. The procedure can be repeated 4-5 times a day.

Decoction strengthens the immune system, has a tonic effect on the body, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, genitourinary and other systems. How to use the water tincture of Podmor:

  • internally - take one tablespoon 2 times a day: half an hour before breakfast and before bedtime
  • externally - in the form of lotions or compresses, applied to the sore spot 3-4 times a day

The course of treatment is one month. Between them it is necessary to take breaks of similar duration.

Increased cholesterol levels, liver problems, prostate adenoma, tuberculosis - in these and many other cases it will help tincture of dead bees with alcohol . Take it as follows: you need to divide your age by two. As a result, you will get the number of drops that you should take at a time. For example, if you are 30 years old, then you need to drink 15 drops at a time. They can be diluted with a small amount of water. Use twice daily immediately after meals.

The full course is one month. Between them it is necessary to take breaks of 2-3 weeks.

It will help with pain in the joints and spine, with various skin diseases, and varicose veins. ointment which should be used externally. It is recommended to warm up the product a little before use. Apply a thick ball onto the affected areas and rub in with gentle massaging movements.

Article on the topic: Treatment of joints with bee death

Please note that the above dosages are approximate. Before taking dead bees, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor.


All of the above products should be stored in the refrigerator, out of the reach of children. But each of them has its own expiration date:

  • steaming - 2 days
  • decoction - up to 3 days
  • alcohol tincture - up to 12 months
  • ointment - up to 3 months

Article on the topic: How to store bee products: instructions and expiration date

This method has both its fans and opponents. In any case, you will never know which group you belong to until you try. Perhaps this bee product will be a happy relief from health problems for you.

Video "Death bees: how to prepare and use?"