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Wax moth - recipes and use in folk medicine. Wax moth - treatment. Wax moth larvae extract. Wax moth - application

Avid beekeepers are probably familiar with the wax moth (also called the bee moth). Essentially, this is a pest that feeds on wax (hence the name), but this pest is short life accumulates so many useful substances in its body that it is not possible to use the fire medicinal purposes just a sin. Which, by the way, is what people have been doing for several centuries.

In this article we will look at the main method of treatment using fireweed - preparing and using a tincture. That’s why the article is called – Wax moth tincture, indications and contraindications.

Beneficial properties of wax moth

Many will probably be interested in how such a powerful effect is achieved when using fireweed tincture. What beneficial properties does wax moth have?

It's no secret that any beekeeping product has a very beneficial effect on human body. In the case of the moth, this is expressed in the fact that by feeding on wax, as well as honeycombs and processing them in its body, it accumulates a huge proportion of useful substances that are contained in all beekeeping products.

Thanks to this, a powerful healing effect is achieved when using bee moth in folk medicine. What beneficial properties can preparations made from wax moth, in our case a tincture, have? First of all this:

  • significant improvement in metabolism
  • powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties
  • improved sleep
  • normalization of the nervous system
  • improving blood circulation
  • lowers blood pressure
  • normalizes hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells in the blood

And this is what the famous moth larvae look like. It doesn't look very attractive, but healing power in them - simply colossal!

Indications for use of wax moth tincture

Indications for the use of wax moth tincture (moth) are the following diseases:

  • many stomach diseases and 12 duodenum(including ulcer)
  • hypertension ()
  • atherosclerosis
  • heart disease (arrhythmia, heart disease)
  • high thrombus formation
  • infertility in men and women
  • scars, abrasions, lacerations and cuts
  • climacteric disorders
  • reduced immunity
  • anemia

Let's look at some points in more detail. For example, immunity. If you are tortured constant colds, herpes on the lips is the first sign that it is time to strengthen the immune system. This can absolutely be done different ways, including using wax moth tincture.

Next point. Are you constantly suffering from high blood pressure, there are heart problems (arrhythmia, cardioneurosis, ischemia) - again, tincture of fireweed in this case will be an ideal treatment option for these diseases. It is also used after a heart attack as a restorative agent.

Moth tincture is quite effective in the treatment of male and female women's diseases. In men this may be impotence, in women – infertility or menopausal changes.

Children's health. Although it is not recommended to use bee moth tincture before the age of 12, in some cases an exception can still be made, and after 12 years nothing prevents you from using it to improve, for example, your child’s immunity. Until the age of 12, the tincture is used (of course, strictly observing the dosage) in the treatment of:

  • strong neuroses
  • dysbacteriosis
  • anemia
  • consequences of birth pathologies
  • developmental disorders

Gastrointestinal diseases. Moth tincture has long been successfully used to treat: liver diseases, gastric ulcers and gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis.

Well, the last moment. Wax moth tincture is recommended for use by those who are actively involved in physical education and sports. This is due to the fact that it promotes rapid recovery body after high physical activity which are inevitable when playing sports. Some athletes are quite legally It is used in preparation for competitions and as a restorative agent after them.

Contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture (moth)

The tincture is contraindicated:

  • if you are allergic to any bee products
  • for individual intolerance
  • during pregnancy
  • during breastfeeding
  • with exacerbation of ulcers, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis

It is also not advisable to use wax moth tincture for children under 12 years of age. Although in the treatment of chronic diseases, children can take bee moth (tincture). The dosage is simply reduced significantly.

In order to exclude possible cases complications after taking it, I always recommend consulting a doctor before starting a course of treatment.

Wax moth tincture - where to buy

You can buy wax moth tincture by placing an order online. A very rich assortment of this product appeared recently in the Ecopiter store (with them). On this moment they offer 10 types of tincture:

You can order any option based on your needs simply by clicking on this banner. All products are of very high quality!

You can also buy a flamethrower in Altaivita (), the prices are approximately the same everywhere. True, Altaivita also offers syrup.

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How to use wax moth tincture

  1. The optimal time of administration is 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals
  2. dosage – 3 drops of tincture for every 10 kg. weight of the patient, diluted in a small amount of water
  3. Frequency of administration: for prevention purposes, drink once a day, preferably in the morning. For medicinal purposes – 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime
  1. The optimal time of administration is also 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals
  2. dosage – up to 12 years, no more than 1 drop for every 12 kg of weight. For the first 2 days you should drink 0.5 of the recommended dose and observe the body’s reaction. If everything is normal, then continue to drink the full dose.

What is important!!! Bee moth tincture is made with alcohol. This means that people with alcohol addiction and to all those who have problems with liver function. It is also important to remember that the moth contains waste products of bees. Therefore, if you have, for example, an allergy to pollen, propolis or honey, the use of the tincture is prohibited for you and can be harmful!

Now let's look at the use of wax moth tincture in more detail.

Chronic diseases, weak immunity

At chronic diseases, poor immunity or after treatment chemicals Bee moth tincture is taken 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 10-20 drops per 50-100 ml. water. The course of such treatment is 3 months, after which a mandatory break is required, after which the treatment is repeated. Most often, one course is not enough and 2-3 are done to achieve the effect.

Treatment of tuberculosis with tincture of moth

For tuberculosis, the dosage is increased gradually - from small doses to the average recommended (3 drops per 10 kg 3 times a day) or even slightly increased - 4 drops per 10 kg. The course of treatment is 2 months. It should be taken into account that during treatment with moth, a patient with tuberculosis may have a rise in temperature and may also experience strong discharge sputum.

In principle, this is normal. You should not interrupt treatment because of this; you can only slightly reduce the dosage of the tincture.

And one more important point for those who treat tuberculosis with moth tincture. Even if the patient feels noticeably better after completing 1–2 courses of treatment and the signs of the disease have disappeared, there is no need to stop treatment. To consolidate the effect, you need to drink the tincture for at least another month.

Treatment of infectious and viral diseases

For viral or infectious diseases, the tincture, as for tuberculosis, is taken for 2 to 3 months, followed by a break. Then, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

The standard dosage is 3 drops for every 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight. Most often, one 3-month course of treatment is enough for the patient to feel significant relief.

Preventing colds and flu

IN for preventive purposes the dosage is slightly reduced - on average to 2 drops for every 10 kg of the patient’s weight.

The intake is standard: diluted in water and drunk for a month before meals or an hour after it.

A course of prevention using wax moth tincture is an excellent solution during seasonal exacerbations of influenza. A very effective remedy!

My review of the use of wax moth tincture (moth)

I will not publish numerous positive reviews about the use of moth tincture, you can easily find them on the Internet. I’ll tell you better about my experience of using it.

I have always respected beekeeping products, but somehow I never had the opportunity to try their effects on myself. The opportunity presented itself last year.

My daughter had to take the Unified State Exam, and already 3 months before she began to simply become hysterical, which turned into severe breakdown. This manifested itself in the fact that she began to sleep poorly and even screamed at night. She taught and crammed like a regular, but the more she studied, the more irritated she became.

Naturally, all this affected me. I also became nervous, twitchy and could flare up for any reason and even without it. As a result, I invited my daughter to drink the tincture of fireweed for a month with her, since I knew about its properties to relieve stress and put the nervous system in order.

We drank the tincture for a month once a day in the evening before dinner 30 minutes, as recommended. After just 2 weeks, both my daughter and I were surprised to notice that we both became surprisingly calm.

The nervous system seems to relax, but at the same time unprecedented activity and energy appear. I constantly want to do something, keep myself busy. In addition, this year we almost did not get the flu. I think the flame helped here too!

Here's a review. Believe it or not, check it yourself. I am writing as it was, without any exaggeration.

Subscribe to our VKontakte news! The group publishes things that are not on the site. I promise a lot of useful and interesting information, advice and for a long time forgotten recipes traditional medicine for all occasions!

(bee or wax moth, blackberry, moth, moth) is a widespread insect pest, one of the species of gray moths that parasitizes bee hives. An adult does not cause significant damage, but its larvae can become a serious problem because they actively feed on honey, wax, damage frames, hive walls, insulation, damage honeycombs and brood, and can destroy bee larvae.

For medicinal purposes, as a rule, small larvae (up to 2 cm long), distinguished by their light yellow color, are used. in a sedentary manner life and excessive gluttony.

They are rich in biologically active compounds, which is associated with the diet of insects, including various beekeeping products. The extract contains enzymes through which the larvae absorb wax and its derivatives - cerrase and lipase, as well as a list of vital important microelements(cobalt, zinc, potassium, chromium, iron, selenium, phosphorus, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, manganese), essential and non-essential amino acids (including aspartic, glutamic, proline).

The extract is characterized by the presence of the following medicinal properties:

Indications for use of the product

A tincture of wax moth larvae can cure various ailments:

Preparation of tincture (extract) based on wax moth larvae

To create the product you need insect larvae and 100 ml. 70% alcohol solution. To obtain a tincture of 10% concentration for a given volume of alcohol, 10 g of larvae are needed, to prepare a 20% concentration - 20 g of animal raw materials, for 25% - 25 g of insects.

Wax moth home cooked

It is also possible to prepare an extract of larvae in another way: add 200 g (1 glass) of wax moth larvae to a container with vodka (1 liter). The resulting composition is aged for 2 weeks with daily shaking, after which it is filtered (animal raw materials should also be squeezed out). IN finished product 0.5 liters of water should be added.

Important! For the treatment of tuberculosis caused by Koch's bacillus, only unpupated caterpillars, the size of which does not exceed 1.0–1.5 cm, can be used as raw materials.

Directions for use and dosage

Wax moth tincture is not only for the treatment of many ailments, but also for the purpose of prevention: the remedy is prescribed on an empty stomach according to the calculation of 3 drops for every 10 kg of body weight once a day. You can take the medicine with any liquid (up to 70 ml). A similar regimen is used for treatment, but the frequency of dosing per day reaches 3 times.

The duration of therapy is 3 months, after which follows month break. For children (under 14 years of age), the individual dosage is calculated based on age: the number of drops is equal to the child’s full years. Duration of use: 3 weeks followed by a 3-week break. The minimum course is 3 months excluding breaks.

It is prohibited to take tincture (extract) of wax moth larvae in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children younger age(appointment is possible if there are certain indications and after a preliminary in-person medical consultation);
  • individual intolerance to the product and its components.

Important! Compliance with the indicated dosages does not exclude the possibility of developing allergic manifestations.

Wax moth is a hive pest well known to every beekeeper. The butterfly itself is practically harmless and does not feed on anything, but wax moth larvae eat honey, bee bread, wax, garbage in the hive, and sometimes even bee larvae and smaller caterpillars of their own species. They entangle the honeycombs with silk, preventing the bees from caring for the larvae and leading to the death of part of the brood.

For treatment various diseases It is the wax moth larvae that are used - small (up to 20 mm) light yellow caterpillars, inactive and very voracious. Tinctures are prepared from them at home, which are taken orally when consumed.

This is interesting

It is not known who and when first came up with the idea of ​​making a tincture from wax moth larvae. Perhaps this was a way for beekeepers to extract at least some benefit from a hated pest. And only then, patients who preferred to be treated with unconventional drugs actively spread the word about the miraculousness of the medicine.

There is little evidence for the effectiveness of wax moth tincture in treating diseases. Among them:

  • some scientific works devoted to studying the composition of the larvae themselves. Substances were found in them that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems organism, however in such modest quantities that wax moth tincture is inferior in its properties to various herbal preparations, and treatment of wax moth diseases based only on these substances is irrational.
  • Research by “professors” unknown in scientific circles who discovered the enzyme cerrase (still unknown to chemists) in larvae, which effectively destroys bacterial cells in the body.

It is officially believed that wax moth tincture is a placebo, the advisability of prescribing it for the treatment of any disease is ensured by the patient’s conviction of a successful outcome (the person believes that the remedy will help him recover). However, this does not prevent thousands of traditional healers from prescribing a tincture of wax moth larvae to gullible patients, regardless of the severity of the disease, and the patients themselves from drinking this remedy instead of the proven long-term medical practice and truly effective medicines.

“When my daughter was diagnosed with asthma, we decided to go first of all to the local grandmother, a traditional healer. She advised us to start treatment with wax moths, she said that this is the most reliable means. At first we were confused by the price of the pleasure - we had to pay 3,000 rubles for the full course - and then by the fact that after two months of treatment the child’s condition only worsened. The cough became constant, and the daughter began to choke at night. We went to the hospital, where they told us that it was still time, otherwise everything could have ended very badly.”

Olesya, Almaty

Wax moth tincture as a treatment

Initially, wax moth tincture was intended to treat tuberculosis. There were even attempts to scientifically explain its effectiveness - supposedly, the same enzyme cerrase, which breaks down fats and allows the larvae to feed on wax, also safely breaks down the lipid membranes of Koch's bacillus and leads to the death of the tuberculosis causative agent itself.

Even despite the absence of the “cerrase” enzyme in nature (no scientific evidence its existence), there are questions about its penetration into the lungs themselves and its selective effect on Koch’s bacillus. Why, for example, does the enzyme not destroy the phospholipid walls of other cells as effectively: for example, cells coli, brain or heart cells, finally.

However, soon after the success of the remedy in patients, wax moth began to be used not only to treat tuberculosis, but also to combat diseases not at all related to bacterial infections. For example, with the product they carry out:

  • cancer treatment
  • treatment of varicose veins
  • treatment of prostatitis
  • treatment of atherosclerosis
  • fight against nervous disorders
  • treatment of impotence and infertility in men

…and many many others.

It is obvious that one remedy cannot effectively treat such a variety of diseases - traditional healers They are simply exploiting the well-known name of the drug and faith in it. At the same time, patients themselves willingly test the medicinal properties of wax moths on themselves and their relatives, which creates scope for the actions of charlatans.

No certified physician or licensed clinic prescribes wax moth tincture, even as a maintenance or preventive treatment.

It is useful to draw a conclusion for yourself: treatment with wax moth larvae is possible only as additional measure to the main treatment. It is impossible to refuse treatment with recognized methods in favor, especially when fighting such serious diseases as oncology and tuberculosis.

But even when deciding to use the product, it is necessary to consult a doctor who is ready to take responsibility for the result of using the product.

“I never knew what it was and what wax moths treated. My son was treated with it for tuberculosis, as it turned out, and I was prescribed it for varicose veins on my legs. At the same time, leeches three times a month and warming with mustard plasters. It's very tiring. I’m doing this for the second month and there’s no living space on my legs. But something has to work out.”

Tatyana, Volgodonsk

Indications and method of use of the tincture

There are some theoretical premises to say that treatment with wax moth tincture may be indicated in the following cases:

  • for atherosclerosis
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • with low blood pressure.

It was the substances useful for these diseases that were reliably found in the larvae themselves. All other indications are exclusively the initiative of traditional healers:

  • tuberculosis
  • bronchitis
  • migraine
  • impotence
  • premature ejaculation
  • phlebeurysm
  • thrombophlebitis
  • nervous system disorders
  • allergy
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • cardiac ischemia.

The treatment of varicose veins with wax moths is especially questionable - neither the larvae nor the alcohol in the tincture have anything to do with varicose veins.

You must also be sure that the tincture will not cause an allergic reaction when used, which is typical for many beekeeping products.

Judging by reviews online, the medicine is made from wax moth larvae traditional healers prescribed even with viral infections- influenza or polio. Following such recommendations can be dangerous, since the tincture will not have any effect on the virus itself, and without proper treatment, the clinical condition may worsen.

The dosage for treatment with wax moth extract is usually prescribed depending on the strength of the tincture itself. Drink 25% tincture 6-8 drops three times a day, diluting them with any amount of water. The 10% remedy is consumed 10-15 drops three times a day. The dosage usually does not change depending on the specifics of the disease itself.

“There is no equal in the treatment of wax moth tuberculosis. I myself was cured with it and recommend it to everyone. I had tuberculosis in both lungs in the upper lobes. I could neither breathe nor move normally. They prescribed so many medications that there was simply no money to buy them. I drank wax moth for two months without a single tablet; an x-ray showed that there was a small lesion in the upper lobe of the right lung. This remedy really works, a few more months and I will be a healthy person.”

Alexander, Tyumen

DIY wax moth tincture: recipes and preparation rules

Wax moth tincture is usually prepared by beekeepers themselves or private beekeeping companies. You can usually buy wax moth directly from them for treatment.

To prepare wax moth tincture, fairly large caterpillars of the penultimate age are used. The age of the larvae has virtually no effect on the medicinal properties of the tincture (you cannot use only the oldest larvae that have stopped feeding and are ready to pupate), but the larger each individual larva is, the fewer of them will be needed to prepare the medicine.

Wax moth larvae are simply doused with alcohol (sometimes vodka) in a mass ratio of 1:10 for a 10% tincture or 1:4 for a 25% tincture. The container with the tincture is tightly and hermetically sealed and placed in a dark place for 2-3 months. cool room for insisting.

Possible side effects and contraindications

To date, there are no known side effects when treating large wax moths. Healers usually warn patients that during treatment they may sometimes experience allergic reactions and your health will worsen. In these cases, taking the tincture should be stopped.

“Even when I was tormented by my heart, I found out that wax moth tincture cures. It turned out to be good for preventing heart attack and stroke. I tried drinking it, drank three bottles according to the instructions, but didn’t feel any special results. Although the pain began to occur less frequently, my health did not improve.”

Ekaterina, Ekaterinburg

Clear contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture are pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood- up to 14 years old. Also, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not use the tincture.

Manufacturers of tincture and prices for it

Not a single pharmaceutical company produces wax moth tincture or extract. All products on sale are exclusively privately produced; only a few are produced by private companies without registration and obtaining a license.

You can buy wax moth tincture either directly from the manufacturer, or via the Internet, in specialized online stores. Moreover, when purchasing online, the product can be delivered to almost any country in the world (which affects the cost of delivery). If an advance payment is required, you should only buy the product from sellers who have good feedback. This will help avoid being scammed.

The price of a 100 ml bottle of 25% tincture is about 700-800 rubles, and a 10% tincture is about 350-400 rubles.

In general, we can say that wax moth tincture is one of those remedies that you can try for fun, but you should not place all your hopes on it under any circumstances. After all, there is a risk of missing the moment to truly necessary treatment when even effective means It will be too late to apply...

Be healthy!

Making a tincture of wax moth larvae with your own hands

Many beekeepers and avid beekeepers know that wax moths are one of the main pests of honeycombs for bees. However, this individual also has useful properties. Fireweed is used to create medicines that have been extremely popular in folk medicine since ancient times. Also in Ancient Egypt, Greece knew the valuable qualities of such a pest.

Wax moths and their larvae serve as raw materials for the manufacture of special traditional medicine. It can be prepared at home using a special recipe. Wax moth larvae can be used to make various drugs, suitable for the treatment of many diseases. Forms of medicinal raw materials:

  • extract;
  • ointment;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • water infusion.

Healing properties

Preparations created on the basis of wax moth larvae, namely ointments, infusions and extracts, have unique medicinal properties, For example:

  • have an antibacterial as well as antiviral effect;
  • improve blood circulation, help improve metabolism in the human body;
  • help to resolve scars after a heart attack;
  • stimulate the functioning of the immune system;
  • stimulate testosterone production in men with reduced libido;
  • normalize strong and healthy sleep, and also improve the condition of the nervous system;
  • used in the treatment of the male prostate, have a positive effect on reproductive system person;
  • raise mental activity and improve brain processes;
  • restore muscles after heavy loads.

If you follow the instructions for use, you can quickly stop unpleasant symptoms and be cured of many diseases. Please consult your doctor before use.

Breeding moths

To breed wax moth larvae for treatment, you need to create conditions suitable for this. First you need to pick up an empty hive. For this purpose, you can use a wooden box with frames. It needs to maintain a suitable temperature regime, namely 25-35 degrees Celsius. You will need frames with, and in the box you need to make a peephole into which butterflies will fall.

To breed wax moths at home, you can use the attic. To speed up the process, special frames are used that are affected by this pest. It is advisable to spray the hive with water to ensure an appropriate level of humidity. In some cases, additional insulation is required.

A wax moth butterfly lives no more than thirty days. When she is three hours old, she begins to actively copulate and reproduce. The moth is an underdeveloped insect that does not have oral cavity and digestive systems.

When collecting larvae, you must be careful not to damage them. Movements should not be sudden or strong. To carry out the selection, you will need a sieve for honey products, thanks to which large individuals remain and small ones fall.

Features of the extract

To prepare medicinal extract, it is necessary to use the appropriate proportion of ingredients, namely:

  • 10 parts 70% alcohol;
  • 1 part wax moth larvae.

Preparation is carried out as follows:

  • the raw materials are placed in a darkened glass container;
  • pour in alcohol;
  • Leave the infusion in a dark place for 7 days.

An extract made in this way resembles a propolis infusion. Before use, dissolve it in water or cow's milk. You need to take it according to a strict dosage, namely fifteen to twenty drops. Before use, please familiarize yourself with the possible side effects and contraindications for use. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient and the degree of the disease.


To create a mild version of the infusion, you can use great recipe. This method treatment suitable for people having problems with gastrointestinal tract. For cooking medicine The following components will be required:

  • 1.5 kilograms of natural honey;
  • 200 ml of infusion made from bee propolis;
  • 50 g wax moth.

The infusion should be ten percent. It is taken one spoon thirty minutes before meals no more than twice a day. Excellent for the treatment and prevention of pulmonary diseases.

If the infusion is prepared using vodka, you need to choose it correctly. Vodka should not contain any impurities or additives. The method of application depends on the type of disease.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • one liter of vodka;
  • 200 grams of larvae.

The infusion is created according to the following algorithm:

  • pour vodka over the larvae;
  • leave for two weeks in a dark room;
  • shake the container regularly;
  • later specified period the liquid is filtered;
  • One liter of water is poured into the infusion.

Take ½ teaspoon 45 minutes before dinner and breakfast. Over time, the dosage increases (provided there are no side effects).

Indications for use and contraindications

There are certain indications for the use of a tincture based on wax moth larvae. You can start this method of treatment for the following diseases:

  • infertility;
  • rehabilitation after stroke;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • oncology;
  • chest pain;
  • haemorrhoids.

There are also contraindications to taking the extract:

  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation (breastfeeding);
  • childhood;
  • conditions when the use of alcohol tinctures is prohibited.

Before you start using these medications, study all contraindications and visit a doctor. Get tested if necessary. Use the tincture only as prescribed by your doctor, strictly following the dosage. Otherwise, complications may arise.

Scientists, who were interested in the moth because it chooses such unusual habitats, conducted a number of studies and were able to prove how useful the wax moth can be for humans, instructions for use of which will be presented below.

Historical reference

The first reviews from doctors about wax moths began to appear several centuries ago, when they began to use it to treat infertility and tuberculosis, which was then called consumption (from the word “waste away”), and Scientific research the composition of larvae began to be carried out by I.I. Mechnikov, it was he who was the first to discover that the larvae of moths are rich in amazing enzymes - cerrase and lipase (thanks to the presence of these substances they are able to digest beeswax). The splitting of the wax-like shells became the impetus for research into the biological activity of the product to continue, because most pathogenic microorganisms protects against cells immune system precisely such a wax-like shell, which immune agents cannot penetrate, so the study of the activity of the moth is still ongoing.

You can buy wax moth tincture at our apiary by ordering it by phone
+38-096-83-44-687, 099-058-51-35

What's the benefit?

Before we talk about how to take wax moth correctly, you need to tell us what to prepare a medicine based on it ( alcohol tincture) beekeepers select young unpupated larvae of this moth (they feed on wax and contain a large number of specific enzyme cerrase - none Living being in the world is no longer able to digest wax, so the whole uniqueness of the product lies precisely in this enzyme) and they are filled with alcohol. In addition to cerrase, the larvae contain lysine, as well as many amino acids, due to which the moth tincture is called the “elixir of youth”.

By the way, the larvae feed on bee products until the pupation stage, the field of this moth grows and develops on the basis of those substances that the larva managed to accumulate in the bee hive, and this once again confirms that it contains such a large amount active substances that the moth can live on the basis of this reserve all its life.

Product properties

Millions of people have already realized how effective wax moth treatment can be, the use of which will have a positive effect on the health of any person. Properties of this product are very extensive, because thanks to cerrase, which dissolves the wax-like walls of pathogenic microorganisms (it is especially valuable that the enzyme has a detrimental effect on mycobacterium tuberculosis, and sometimes even very strong antibiotics) it can be used to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of infectious diseases, and a large number of amino acids allows you to use fireweed to relieve fatigue, improve blood formation, activate brain function and stimulate metabolism. Taking into account all of the above, the instructions for using wax moth state that it can be prescribed for:

  • prevention of aging (gerontologists believe that with its help you can not only improve appearance skin of the face and body, and also help prevent the development of age-related diseases, such as heart attack or heart failure);
  • infertility treatment (increases sperm activity, stimulates the release of eggs from the ovaries);
  • treatment of tuberculosis (even closed form, can be used as additional remedy traditional medicine, or it can be used as the main one);
  • prevention of scar development after extensive surgical interventions(due to the presence of the enzyme lysine in the composition of the drug);
  • treatment bronchial asthma and bronchitis (sometimes moth tincture is the only remedy that helps cure asthma in children);
  • improving brain function during periods of stress or chronic lack of sleep.

Directions for use and doses

Naturally, information on how to use wax moth is very important, because the dosage and the correctly chosen method of its use largely determine how effective the treatment will be. In accordance with general rules When taking infusions, the drug should be taken drop by drop 30-40 minutes before meals. The number of receptions and dosage of wax moth depends on the problem that the patient wants to solve and his age, but it should be said.

That the minimum course of treatment with this drug should last about three months (with breaks), because, useful material, included in the tincture, first accumulate in different organs and tissues, and only then begin to release their healing potential. The exact dosage is indicated in the instructions for use, which should be attached to each bottle of this medicine. Some unscrupulous manufacturers do not give their patients a document that describes the rules of admission of this medicine, and this is bad, since it usually also indicates the concentration of active substances (depending on the number of larvae used in the preparation of the drug, the concentration may be different), so when purchasing a medicine, special attention should be paid to this fact.

The most optimal way to use wax moth is “under the tongue” (sublingual administration). It is believed that the drug placed under the tongue enters the blood faster and begins to act in its own way. in kind, because the liver and gastric barrier (which it would pass through if orally) absent. Children may not like the taste of tincture alcohols. Therefore, in pediatrics, it is customary to drop the solution onto a piece of sugar, and then ask the baby to suck it like candy. If this method of taking the medicine is not suitable, then you can dilute the drug in a glass of water or juice, which will hide the taste of the medicine.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that moth larvae are considered strong stimulants, which means that medications based on them have tonic properties, therefore, they should be used before four o’clock in the afternoon, because in the evening they can make you fall asleep.

You can buy wax moth tincture at our apiary by ordering it by phone
+38-096-83-44-687, 099-058-51-35

Irina Nikolayevna: “I work as a pediatrician in a children’s hospital, so I have a lot of nerves and stress in my life. I recently realized that my stock vitality And Have a good mood It's slowly ending, I'm constantly angry and have trouble sleeping. One of the parents of my patients (who works with bees) advised me to try to restore my strength with the help of fireweed (the medicine was a gift), I decided to try it and was pleased. Literally after a month of constant appointments, my colleagues did not recognize me; they said that I looked younger and behaved very cheerfully. Thank you to the patients for such useful “natural” gifts. Now I’ll buy it myself.”