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Rhodiola rosea: beneficial properties, instructions for use. Rhodiola liquid extract: medicinal properties and contraindications

IN alternative medicine Radiola pink has been used for many years.

It is used as medicinal drug V complex therapy various pathologies.

About how to use the tincture, how to prepare it at home, the benefits and harms we'll talk in this article.

Brief botanical description of the plant

Radiola rosea is a perennial herb that grows no more than 50 cm. Radiola rosea has a powerful and fleshy root system.

The stems are erect and bear cupped foliage. The sheets have dark green color. The apical inflorescence is located on the upper part of the stem.

Radiola's foliage is sessile and may be elliptical or oblong. The edges of the leaves are jagged. Flowers are unisexual.

The yellow small flowers of the plant are arranged in a corymbose inflorescence. The fruit of radiola is a leaflet that can be red or yellow-green. The flowering period occurs in mid-summer and late August.

The fruits ripen at the end of summer. Radiola grows on rocky areas, it can be found in the tundra, in rocky areas, along river coasts.

Radiola also grows in Russia, on Kazakh and Siberian territories.

Radiola rosea tincture - composition of the drug

The tincture contains the following components:

  1. Minerals.
  2. Essential oils.
  3. Squirrels.
  4. Flavonoids.
  5. Phytosterol.
  6. Organic acids.

Natural ingredients provide an excellent tonic effect on the human body, normalize performance and give strength.

Useful properties of tincture and its use

Radiola rosea promotes activation protective properties the body, helps in the fight against stressful situations.

The medicinal plant makes it possible to calmly survive high physiological and psychological stress.

With prolonged stress, the central nervous system loses the severity of its reaction, which causes the following problems:

  • depression, feeling of constant fatigue;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • slow tissue regeneration in a natural way.

Extract medicinal plant helps relieve negative feelings that are caused by work fatigue, the start of new workouts, and increased stress in everyday life.

The plant increases the level of serotonin and dopamine, hormones that are responsible for emotions and mood. If you take the tincture systematically, the result will be impressive.

The tincture is prescribed to people suffering from depressive states. It is useful for men and women who are on mono-diets, and for anyone who works in hard work.

The dose of tincture for general strengthening purposes cannot be higher than 600 mg.

  • This herb is often included in complex therapy to relieve depression.
  • The drug is also prescribed for asthenics, especially in acute period. Doctors have proven that radiola extract has a positive effect on recovery processes skin.
  • The active ingredients of the plant stimulate cell metabolism and increase collagen synthesis.
  • Therefore, the tincture is often prescribed to people who are struggling with obesity. It is useful for men, but it is also indicated for women in the fight against extra pounds.
  • Tincture medicinal plant not only helps in adapting to heavy loads and dietary restrictions, but also makes tissue elastic, which makes it possible to lose weight without further sagging of the skin.
  • Cosmetologists often use creams and massage oils based on rosea radiola. People who want to lose weight are recommended to use capsules.
  • An alcoholic tincture of the plant has healing qualities and is inexpensive, often prescribed as a general tonic.
  • It is often prescribed during the recovery stage after complex pneumonia, for bronchitis, especially in winter.
  • Taking the drug eliminates weakness and reduces the risk of developing any infectious disease.
  • Nowadays, radiola rosea is often used in sports; it is recommended to include it in herbal medicine courses to support athletes who are professionally involved in athletics, swimming, and running.
  • The drug is often prescribed to people who like to visit Gym and do fitness.
  • In addition, the tincture is prescribed for complex treatment heart pathologies. It has been proven that the medicinal plant prevents damage from developing coronary arteries, makes blood vessels stronger and normalizes blood supply to tissues.

Tourists and skiers often use the drug as a means of preventing the development of altitude sickness. In this case, the course should be started 2 months before climbing the mountains, and taken together with Leuzea and Schisandra extract.

How to make medicine at home with your own hands?

Preparing the drug is not difficult. 20 gr. the raw materials must be crushed, pour in 0.2 liters of 40 degree alcohol, leave for about a month, filter and keep in a dark place.

The resulting composition should be drunk 10 drops three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment can last 2-3 weeks.

In psychiatry, this tincture is used for initial stage treatment with 10 drops three times a day, and subsequently the dose should be gradually increased to 40 drops. in one go.

Take up to 2 months.

Radiola rosea tincture - contraindications for use

Accept medicine necessary only as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is contraindicated if the following pathological conditions are diagnosed:

  1. Overexcitement and neurosis.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Fever.

You should not take the medicine while pregnant. The drug is also not prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

The beneficial properties of rosea radiola are difficult to overestimate, but it is important to understand that any treatment should be prescribed experienced doctor. Self-medication can be harmful to health.

Rhodiola rosea

Hello, dear readers of the site! You will read about the benefits of Rhodiola rosea tincture and instructions for its use in this article.

Rhodiola rosea has been used for treatment for 3 thousand years. It is especially valued in European countries. For its ability to heal humans, experts call the plant golden root or Siberian ginseng.

Rhodiola rosea tincture: medicinal properties

1. The plant accelerates fusion bone tissue after a fracture.

6. The use of tincture from the root of the plant increases sexual desire in people of both sexes.

7. Rhodiola tincture is used to treat gynecological diseases: polycystic ovary syndrome, mastopathy, adnexitis and lack of heavy menstruation. Tincture reduces negative impact on the body during time and helps a woman maintain her youth and beauty longer.

8. A drink made from golden root is used to moisten wounds, abscesses, skin rashes and wash the eyes when suffering from conjunctivitis.

9. Treatment with tincture reduces cravings for drug use.

Tincture of Rhodiola rosea in a pharmacy

Rhodiola rosea tincture: instructions for use

1. For the treatment of depression. Essential oils, proteins, manganese and glucose were found in the root of the plant. Therefore, just a few drops of tincture from the plant improve mood and increase the body’s endurance to stressful situations.

2. For the treatment of mastopathy tincture from the plant only complements the medication prescribed by the doctor. To prevent the disease, it is enough to drink a few drops in the morning and evening every day.

The treatment will be more successful if you add sea buckthorn oil to the drops of tincture, grated carrots or beets. The resulting mass is applied as a compress after 4 hours for 2 weeks.

3. To relieve diabetes. Rhodiola contains a large amount of fructose, which makes it possible to prepare dietary dishes for patients with diabetes. A diabetic patient's metabolism decreases. This provokes the formation of fistulas and ulcers on the skin, which are difficult to cure.

Rhodiola tincture reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and prevents epidermal diseases. It is enough to drink only 15 drops daily to prevent the development of the disease. But treatment should not last more than 10 days. Otherwise, instead of benefit, health will be damaged, even death.

4. To strengthen Using a drink from medicinal plant enhances immune system person. It produces antibodies that prevent infections from entering the body and developing there.

5. With low blood pressure. To prepare the tincture you will need 50 g. Soak the crushed root in 500 ml of alcohol. The product should be left in a dark room for half a month. Take 5 drops before meals daily.

6. For the treatment of diabetes and to increase vitality body. To prepare the tincture, you will have to soak 1 part of the crushed roots in 5 parts of alcohol and place in a dark room for 3 weeks. You need to take 20 drops three times ¼ hour before meals daily.

7. For the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, impotence. To prepare the tincture, you will have to soak 1 part of the crushed raw materials in 12 parts of 70-degree alcohol. Leave in a dark, warm room for half a month. Filter the tincture and drink 10 drops before meals 3 times a day.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

Rhodiola rosea tincture: indications for use

1. For recovery physical strength in athletes. People who play sports lose a lot of energy during their workouts. When an injury or muscle strain occurs, pain appears. A tincture of the root will reduce pain and aid recovery.

This is appreciated by gymnasts and bodybuilders who need to build muscle. Drinking the tincture will strengthen muscles and speed up coordination of movements. For this purpose, it is enough to take 1.5 ml of tincture every 8 hours during the day.

2. To increase female libido. Sexual desire promotes health genitourinary organs. Decreased libido negatively affects the functioning of the heart valves. It is necessary to drink a couple of small spoons of golden root tincture 1 hour before intimacy with a man.

3. For the treatment of stomach ulcers. The disease causes tissue death and bleeding. After treatment, the surface of the ulcer heals. For complete recovery organ, doctors advise drinking Rhodiola tincture. It accelerates the regeneration of a new layer of cells.

4. For men's health. It happens that a man’s sperm quality and quantity decreases, hormones become disrupted, the urinary organs become infected, and erection decreases. You can eliminate problems using Rhodiola tincture.

In particular, to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, you need to drink about 5 drops of tincture 10 minutes before intimacy with a woman. Increasing the dosage will lead to the opposite result. It must be remembered that the tincture only helps the main treatment, and does not replace it.

Rhodiola rosea tincture: how to prepare

How to make Rhodiola rosea tincture

There are several recipes for preparing the tincture:

1. To prepare the tincture, you will have to grind the rhodiola root to a powder consistency and pour it into a 40% alcohol solution. The root and alcohol are taken equally. The composition is removed for 25 days in the dark, cool room. Then the composition should be filtered and used. For treatment, it is recommended to drink about 10 drops three times daily ½ hour before meals.

2. Another way to prepare the tincture is to prepare it in exactly the same way, only you take 2 times less alcohol than the crushed root. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, the benefits will not decrease.

3. It is necessary to crumble 120 gr. soak rhodiola roots in a liter bottle glass jar, filled to the top with vodka. Seal the container tightly and leave for 22 days in a cool place. The roots cannot be removed from the jar until the medicinal drink is completely consumed.

For treatment, you need to drink about 2 ml 3 times a day before meals. The treatment cycle lasts ½ month. Then you need to give the body a rest for 16 days. To prevent diseases, you need to drink about 10 drops every day for 3 weeks.

Rhodiola tincture: contraindications

1. If a person has hypertension, then Rhodiola drinks should not be used. Then a hypertensive crisis may occur.

2. When a person has a fever or has a brain disease, Rhodiola should be discontinued.

3. If the rules are not followed, the victim may experience heart pain. He will become irritable and get tired quickly. Such signs are detected on the 3rd day after using the tincture.

In contact with

There are many herbs created by nature that have excellent medicinal properties, among them Rhodiola rosea takes pride of place. A tincture prepared from this plant has long been used in herbal medicine, it is even recognized traditional medicine. Tincture of radiola rosea is freely sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive. Its use is indicated for many diseases, it has excellent restorative properties, and the contraindications are minimal.

Indications for use

Another name for the plant is golden root. The list of diseases that can be treated with the help of the root is quite long. It has properties to help with fever, diarrhea or headache. Also widely used pink radiola for zinc, fatigue, problems with appetite, toothache and jaundice. In addition, it is believed that Rhodiola rosea can help with hearing loss.

This plant comes from Tibet, where golden root is still widely used today for heart disease, injuries, and as an antipyretic. Decoctions from the root are usually given to animals, as it has medicinal properties against exhaustion. Altai healers believe that Rhodiola is practically universal remedy with bleeding, women's diseases and disorders of the nervous system.

Official medicine also widely uses the medicinal properties of golden root. Rhodiola tincture is prescribed for neuroses, hypotension, impotence, amenorrhea and many other diseases.

Actions that Rhodiola rosea has on the body:

  • stimulates brain function;
  • improves memory;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions;
  • promotes healing of injuries.

At the right approach Taking into account all the contraindications, the use of radiola is very effective.

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herb that rarely grows more than half a meter in height. Its root system is well developed, and its leaves are green and long. Goldenroot flowers are yellow or red. There are no rose plants; the name comes from the smell, which is very reminiscent of the aroma of a rose. The plant loves a lot of moisture, temperature environment doesn't matter. Flowering occurs in mid-summer, and collection of roots in mid or late autumn, since it is very important to let the seeds fall so that the plant does not disappear.

Rhodiola rosea is in the Red Book, so it is better to grow it yourself.

Preparation and use of tincture

The main medicinal properties are concentrated in the roots of the plant. The roots must be carefully dug out of the ground, thoroughly washed and cleaned, leaving only the most beautiful and fresh ones. They should dry a little in a dark place, after which it is cut lengthwise and dried. You can use a warm oven for this. If the root is dried properly, it will turn golden in color and the media will be pink and beige. At proper storage The roots can be used for three years.

To prepare the tincture, you will need fifty grams of crushed roots and four hundred grams of vodka or alcohol. The roots should be placed in a glass container and filled with an alcohol base; it is recommended to leave for fourteen days, shaking the container periodically. Ready-made Rhodiola tincture has dark color. It should be stored in a cool, dark place.

It is considered correct to use the tincture half an hour before meals three times a day. But it is necessary to take into account contraindications and individual characteristics body. You need to drink the tincture in a diluted state in the proportion of ten drops per quarter glass of water. The course of application varies from ten to twenty days. When we're talking about O mental disorders, the course can last up to two months.

Rhodiola rosea is also sold as a ready-made tincture in pharmacies. In this case, the method of use and medicinal properties are described in the instructions. The tincture can not only be drunk, it is also used for external use. You can use it to wipe wounds or rashes, rinse your throat. They even wash their eyes with a weak diluted infusion. In addition, a decoction or tea is prepared from golden root.

You should not take the tincture before bed, as it has the properties of causing insomnia. It is good if the duration of treatment and dosage are controlled by a doctor, because the medicinal properties of the plant are complemented by contraindications and side effects.

Side effects and contraindications

Uncontrolled use of tincture can lead not only to insomnia. Rhodiola rosea can cause destabilization of blood pressure, which leads to headaches and increased excitability. If such symptoms are observed, it is better to stop taking the tincture or reduce the dose.

Taking the tincture also has contraindications, which include sleep disorders, high blood pressure, nervousness and allergies to the components of the tincture. In addition, the tincture should not be drunk by children under the age of twelve, or by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of Rhodiola rosea remained virtually unknown to science and little studied until the middle of the last century. The reason for this is the limited area of ​​distribution of the culture, small areas of its natural population. The local population of Altai kept the areas where the golden root grows secret. Only in 1961, samples of the plant were discovered in the taiga by an expedition of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


Perennial herbaceous plant has a large, powerful root. It develops horizontally and becomes woody on the surface. The color of the root is close to the shade of bronze or old gilding with a characteristic shine, for which the plant received the second, common name “golden root”.

Numerous adventitious roots extend from the rhizome, allowing the crop to extract
enough nutrients from the poorest rocky soils. The compact herbaceous part of the golden root plant develops on the surface. It consists of many stems ranging from ten to forty centimeters in height. Typically, one plant has up to ten stems, although there are also specimens with single stems.

The herbaceous part is covered with paired opposite leaves. They are oblong, ovoid, pointed, with carved edges. In June and the first half of July, inflorescences form on the tops of the stems. They are shields of numerous yellow flowers, collected in compact groups.

In August, in place of the inflorescences, fruits ripen in the form of cocoons of green leaves. They contain seeds, which are used to propagate the golden root herb. Vegetative propagation of the crop is much weaker than seed propagation.

Useful properties of radiola

Rhodiola has many beneficial properties, for example, it improves heart function and increases arterial pressure, promotes the secretion of bile. The roots of the plant contain substances that are used to stop bleeding and restore the body's strength after extreme fatigue. Rhodiola is used as an excellent tonic and sedative.

Rhodiola is used for poor appetite, metabolic disorders and inflammation various kinds. Rhodiola preparations are also used as an antipyretic or anti-allergenic agent. Rhodiola is used to treat acute and chronic radiation injuries, overheating or hypothermia. Rhodiola quickly heals wounds, improves vision and increases hearing acuity.

Rhodiola tincture is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system. Rhodiola has a good effect on pulmonary tuberculosis, skin diseases and bone fractures. Rhodiola also has restorative effect. It is used not only inside the body, but also externally, it has also found application: they make lotions and baths.

The delightful Rhodiola rosea boasts big amount useful properties. The roots contain essential substances that can quickly stop bleeding and restore the body's defenses after overwork. Rhodiola rosea can increase blood pressure and significantly improve heart function. This herb stimulates mental activity and promotes the secretion of bile.

Rhodiola rosea has a calming and tonic effect. It is often prescribed for metabolic disorders, poor appetite and various inflammations. It should be noted that Rhodiola rosea has anti-allergenic and antipyretic properties. This herb has long been used to treat radiation damage, hypothermia and overheating of the body.

Rhodiola rosea can significantly improve vision and increase hearing acuity. This plant has therapeutic effect for skin diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, and bone fractures. Juice Rhodiola rosea has early cleansing properties. In addition, Rhodiola rosea has an excellent general strengthening effect.

Rhodiola rosea: contraindications

This one has potent drug Traditional medicine has several contraindications:

Uses of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola cures many diseases and ailments, and this is thanks to the ingredients it contains. useful substances. It is used for diarrhea, headaches, scurvy, menorrhagia, gout, scrofula and diabetes mellitus. Rhodiola is used externally to treat conjunctivitis, abscesses, and skin rashes. Its juice can be lubricated on the gums during pyorrhea. Rhodiola juice cleanses wounds. Rhodiola preparations help with impotence, gynecological diseases and anemia.

Rhodiola tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 50 grams of the plant root and grind it into powder, pour it with 2 glasses of vodka. Leave it to infuse for 14 days in a dark place, shake it periodically. After straining the finished tincture, take it 20-30 drops three times a day half an hour before meals. This tincture is also taken by people who have a tendency to hypotension, although at first the tincture should be taken no more than 5 drops three times a day (but over time, the tincture is increased to 10 drops).

Collection to enhance immunity. Take 20 grams of rhodiola roots, the same amount of zamanika roots and rose hips. Add here 15 grams of hawthorn fruit and the same amount of nettle. All that remains to add to this mixture is 10 grams of St. John's wort herb. Now take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Place on the fire for 10 minutes and remove from heat. Let it sit for 4 hours and strain. The raw materials from the tincture must be squeezed out and thrown away, and about 200 ml of boiling water must be added to the resulting tincture. Take the ready-made collection, 70 ml three times a day.

Rhodiola infusion for colds and heart weakness. Take 10 grams of plant roots,
grind them and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 4 hours and strain. Take the prepared infusion half a glass three times a day. This infusion is used for nervous diseases and diseases gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine for effective treatment of such serious illnesses decoctions and tinctures containing Rhodiola rosea are used for diarrhea, menorrhagia, fever, headaches, and scurvy. This herb is often prescribed for respiratory infections, to relieve fatigue and effective increase performance. Rhodiola rosea is effective for scrofula, diabetes, anemia, stomach diseases, impotence and severe toothache.

For conjunctivitis and all kinds of skin problems the plant is prescribed externally in the form of poultices and lotions, which are also effective for treating gums with pyorrhea (festering of the gums). Moreover, preparations with Rhodiola rosea are indicated for various gynecological diseases. To boost immunity, it is recommended to mix 20 grams of rhodiola rosea roots, 20 grams of rose hips, 15 grams of ripe hawthorn fruits, 10 grams of St. John's wort, and 20 grams of dense roots. Take a glass of boiling water for one and a half tablespoons of this mixture. Pour boiling water over the mixture and boil for 10 minutes.

After 4 hours of infusion, it is necessary to strain the product and squeeze out the raw materials. Add a glass of boiling water to the resulting tincture. The infusion is ready. It should be taken 60-70 ml 3 times a day. This product can also be used for lotions. To stimulate the central nervous system, it is recommended to use an alcohol tincture.

Rhizomes are isolated from Rhodiola rosea for medicinal purposes. They should be harvested in July or August. To do this, you need to dig up the roots, thoroughly wash them of soil particles in cool water, then clean off brown cork and rotten parts.

After this, you need to cut the rhizome crosswise into small pieces, the length of which will be about 10 cm. And only then dry the raw material at a temperature of at least 50 degrees.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

For proper preparation For this remedy, it is recommended to take 50 grams of crushed plant roots, which should be filled with 400 grams of vodka. After this, set the mixture aside to infuse in a dark place for 14 days. It is advisable to shake the container once every few days. Before use, filter the finished tincture and use 5 drops at first, gradually increasing to 20 drops. The product is used orally 20 minutes before each meal. This wonderful tincture is indicated for patients prone to hypotension.

Rhodiola rosea infusion

A medicinal infusion of rosea rhodiola is prescribed for heart weakness and frequent colds. To prepare it, take 10-15 grams of roots, which we chop thoroughly and pour 250 grams of boiling water. After 4 hours, the mixture must be strained through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. A ready-made infusion of 80-100 ml is taken 3 times a day. It should also be noted that this remedy indicated for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous diseases.

Rhodiola rosea decoction

Miraculous decoctions of rose rhodiola significantly improve the functioning of the heart and important
cordially vascular system. Vessels become stronger, more functional and more resilient. A decoction is often prescribed for housing and communal services diseases, uterine bleeding, as well as with impotence.

This remedy helps effective treatment thyroid gland and regulates blood sugar levels. For toothache and anemia, such a wonderful decoction will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. And healing decoction from the upper part of Rhodiola rosea is used to wipe the skin for cosmetic purposes.

Rhodiola rosea for children

Various decoctions and tinctures of Rhodiola rosea, as well as numerous preparations containing this herb, are not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age. Otherwise there may be skin rashes, nausea and vomiting.

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 50 cm. The rhizome that passes into the root is thick, resembles a bent human hand, is covered with brownish bark and can weigh up to 2.5 kg. Rhodiola grows on rocky areas and in the tundra, and is common in the Far East, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Rhodiola is popularly called rose root or golden root. The plant is protected and included in the Red Books of many regions of Russia. In earlier times, due to the unique medicinal properties The places where the golden root grows were kept secret, and valuable recipes were carefully passed down from generation to generation.

Features of Rhodiola rosea

There are many legends and traditions associated with this culture that live among the local population Altai Territory. The plant is attributed miraculous properties, And modern science I agree with many of them.
But in last years Rhodiola rosea has become a fashion trend, a “cure for all diseases”, expensive and rare drug from cancer and severe blood pathologies. The properties of the plant do not always justify the hopes placed on it, since advertising repeatedly embellishes the actual capabilities of medicinal raw materials.


The perennial herbaceous plant has a large, powerful root. It develops horizontally and becomes woody on the surface. The color of the root is close to the shade of bronze or old gilding with a characteristic shine, for which the plant received the second, common name “golden root”.

Numerous adventitious roots extend from the rhizome, allowing the crop to extract enough nutrients from the poorest rocky soils. The compact herbaceous part of the golden root plant develops on the surface. It consists of many stems ranging from ten to forty centimeters in height. Typically, one plant has up to ten stems, although there are also specimens with single stems.

The herbaceous part is covered with paired opposite leaves. They are oblong, ovoid, pointed, with carved edges. In June and the first half of July, inflorescences form on the tops of the stems. They are shields of numerous yellow flowers, collected in compact groups.

In August, in place of the inflorescences, fruits ripen in the form of cocoons of green leaves. They contain seeds, which are used to propagate the golden root herb. Vegetative propagation of the crop is much weaker than seed propagation.

Composition of Rhodiola rosea

Modern research has made it possible to clarify the composition of the medicinal plant more fully. Goldenseal (Rhodiola rosea) contains at least one hundred and forty organic compounds, many of which are extremely rare in the wild.

A small amount of it contains the glycoside salidroside, which, according to Professor Tomsky medical university Albert Saratikov, and is the main agent therapeutic action medicinal plant.

Availability established high concentration tannins - from sixteen to twenty-two percent. According to this indicator, the raw material exceeds the composition oak bark. The presence of such a high amount of tannins explains the high astringent properties of the plant.

Biological composition of Rhodiola rosea, reasons why Rhodiola is so valuable:

  • Phenol alcohols are substances that help launch the immune system, help antibodies to properly find and fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • Glocosides - these chemical elements take part in the redox reactions of each cell, transport sugar, and have a beneficial effect on the vital activity of cells individually and in the body as a whole.
  • Kaempferol – increases life expectancy, has anti-inflammatory properties, and the ability to prevent diseases of the kidneys, liver, and heart.
  • Hyperoside – has a beneficial effect on the condition of capillaries, blood vessels and arteries, reduces spasm and promotes the body’s ability to stop bleeding.
  • Quercetin – slows down the aging of the skin and internal organs, reduces pain, has a diuretic effect, improves general state body.

Per 100 gram serving there are

Nutritionists evaluate glycemic index Rhodiola at 35 units. This value indicates no increase in blood glucose levels after administration.

Rhodiola rosea - 7 beneficial properties

Rhodiola rosea roots contain concentrated a large number of useful and biologically active substances: organic acids, flavonoids, essential oil, anthraglycosides, sugars and salidroside.

Boosts immunity

Rhodiola rosea renders positive action on the immune system, strengthening it. Substances contained in the root of the plant normalize metabolism and increase the body's resistance various infections. Rhodiola stimulates the production of NK leukocytes in the stomach and spleen, improving immunity and maintaining proper homeostasis within the body.

Prevents heart disease

Excess stress hormones negatively affect the body and can lead to heart disease, hypertension and critical level potassium Rhodiola rosea helps regulate heartbeat and eliminate arrhythmia, thereby reducing the chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Cancer Prevention

A high concentration of antioxidants and the substance salidroside increase the body's natural ability to resist toxins, exhibit antibacterial and antitumor activity, which makes it possible to use Rhodiola in the treatment of certain types of cancer and for recovery after chemotherapy.

Supports Sexual Health

Rhodiola rosea is widely used to restore emotional and physical health, including the normalization of sexual function in both the stronger and weaker sexes. Rhodiola preparations are prescribed to men for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, and for women, golden root helps during menopause, infertility, uterine bleeding, irregular periods and thrush.

Promotes weight loss

Recent studies confirm the effectiveness of using Rhodiola rosea extract for integrated approach to the problem of weight loss. Golden root enzymes speed up metabolism and promote the burning of fat cells in the body. The plant extract also tones and increases endurance, which is very important during active physical activity.

Fights stress and depression

The components that make up Rhodiola rosea affect hormonal levels body and ability to relax. Thanks to its adaptogenic properties, the plant stimulates nervous system, normalizing the psycho-emotional state, regulating the production of corticosteroids and catecholamines. The use of Rhodiola rosea preparations for the treatment of some forms of depression and chronic stress can be compared in effectiveness to many well-known antidepressants.

Improves memory and concentration

The active substance salidroside not only protects red blood cells from oxidative stress, but also participates in the supply of oxygen to cells and also stabilizes nitrogen metabolism. This is especially important for older people at risk of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Regular consumption of tea and infusions with Rhodiola rosea stimulates brain function, improves memory and concentration, and prevents neurodegenerative disorders.

Rhodiola rosea - contraindications

To avoid insomnia, it is recommended to take Rhodiola 4-5 hours before going to bed. Strong emotional arousal is a contraindication for the use of drugs based on the plant, so you need to calm down (optimally sleep for a few hours) and only then take 100-150 ml of infusion or 5-10 drops of golden root extract.

Sometimes during the use (most often overdose) of Rhodiola rosea preparations, side effects such as headache, increased excitability, irritability, sleep problems, discomfort in the heart area. In people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension, as well as diencephalitis and menopause, a general deterioration in health and sudden jumps in blood pressure may be observed.

The use of drugs based on Rhodiola rosea is contraindicated for the following conditions and diseases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 12 years;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • epilepsy;
  • fever;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • acute heart failure;
  • severe forms of cardiovascular diseases;
  • serious disruption of the central nervous system;
  • post-influenza encephalitis;
  • individual intolerance.

The use of Rhodiola rosea in official medicine

Can be used in the form of purified rhizome extract according to indications. Recommended as an adaptogenic agent for stimulating the immune system and mental activity.

  • U healthy people . According to reviews, Rhodiola rosea improves memory, increases concentration, and increases performance;
  • In people suffering from neuroses. Reduces excitability and irritability, improves sleep. When receiving patients, they are not bothered by drowsiness, apathy and fatigue, which manifests themselves when using other sedatives;
  • In patients with schizophrenia . Used as a remedy side effects during treatment antipsychotic drugs. The frequency of side effects is reduced by two and a half times;
  • In patients with hypotension. The extract increases blood pressure, which normalizes the condition, eliminates headaches and weakness;
  • In athletes. For people involved in swimming, bodybuilding, athletics and other sports with high intensity loads, it is recommended to use it as an adaptogenic herbal remedy. Under the influence of intense physical activity in the brain are disrupted metabolic processes. The concentration of glycogen decreases, while the volume of lactic acid increases. This leads to the activation of anaerobic processes with a decrease in the energy reserves of the brain. The result of these processes is fatigue, weakness, increased fatigue. Taking the tincture normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and improves resistance to stress factors.

How to take golden root depends on the patient's condition.

  • With high mental load. 5-10 drops morning and afternoon. You should start taking it two weeks before the upcoming intensive work;
  • For schizophrenia. 20-25 drops twice a day in combination with the main treatment of a nervous disorder;
  • To increase physical endurance. 15-30 drops two to three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The dosage of the product should be increased gradually, starting with five drops. Every three to four days, add five drops, observing the patient’s condition. The course is continued for fifteen to twenty days.

Rhodiola rosea - medicinal recipes

Preparations of this plant can be purchased at the pharmacy, but ethnoscience offers recipes for making them yourself. Depending on the disease, they can be used various shapes traditional medicines.


Rhodiola rosea infusion is used in the treatment nervous disorders, stomach diseases, hypertension and malaria. This remedy increases blood glucose levels, helping to maintain activity brain activity even during prolonged physical activity.

To prepare the product, pour 200 ml of boiling water into 10 g of plant root, leave to infuse for four hours, then filter. You need to drink the infusion two to three times a day, 150-200 ml.

Due to its wound-healing properties, the infusion of golden root is perfect for both internal and external use: it can be used to rinse the mouth for a sore throat or applied to wounds, abrasions or cuts.

For colds and weak hearts, the following recipe is recommended: grind 20 g of rhodiola root and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave for four to five hours. After this time, the roots need to be squeezed out and the infusion itself must be strained. The resulting drink should be consumed half a glass three times a day.


In the form of a tincture, Rhodiola rosea is successfully used to treat many diseases, including heart disease, endocrine disorders, strengthening the immune system and improving performance.

You can prepare the tincture yourself in the following way: crushed rhizomes (50 g) of the plant are placed in a half-liter jar, filled with vodka to the neck, tightly closed and put in a dark and cool place for twenty days. The finished tincture should be stored in the refrigerator and drunk 15-20 drops twice a day. There is no need to remove Rhodiola roots from the jar.

For loss of strength, anemia, liver diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, impotence in men and some female diseases, you can prepare a tincture according to the following recipe: 100 g of crushed roots are poured into 400 ml of vodka and placed in a dark place for 7-10 days. Use ready-made product You need fifteen drops three times a day before meals. It must be borne in mind that an overdose or taking the tincture for too long can have the opposite effect. therapeutic effect and cause harm to the body.


A decoction of Rhodiola rosea roots is a powerful central nervous system stimulant, superior in effect to coffee and caffeinated tea (Indian, Ceylon and Georgian). In this regard, decoction or tea from Rhodiola should not be consumed every day, but only when necessary.

To prepare a decoction, one teaspoon of chopped plant root is poured into a liter of water, brought to a boil, boiled for ten minutes, and then left to infuse for forty minutes. You are allowed to drink this tonic drink two to three glasses a day, adding sugar or honey if desired.


How pharmaceutical product golden root extract is prescribed to improve the physical and mental performance of patients. It is not recommended to take the extract in the afternoon as it may cause sleep disturbances.

The dosage and duration of taking the drug are determined by the attending physician, but usually 5-10 drops are prescribed two or three times a day. Before use, the product must be dissolved in a small amount drinking water and drink 10-15 minutes before meals.


Besides independent use Rhodiola rosea is a component of many medicinal preparations.

The collection for colds and gastrointestinal disorders in equal parts includes:

  • Rhodiola rosea (roots);
  • blackberry (leaves);
  • raspberry (leaves);
  • strawberries (leaves);
  • bergenia (black leaves);
  • black currant (leaves);
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort (flowers);
  • Potentilla fruticosa (flowers).

Three tablespoons of the prepared dry collection must be poured with one liter of boiling water and left for an hour. To improve the taste, the finished herbal tea can be sweetened with honey or sugar. This drink perfectly tones and normalizes metabolism.

The collection to support immunity includes:

  • Rhodiola rosea root (20 g);
  • rosehip fruits (20 g);
  • zamanikha root (20 g);
  • hawthorn fruits (15 g);
  • nettle (15 g);
  • St. John's wort herb (10 g).

One tablespoon of the collection is poured into one glass of boiling water and boiled for fifteen minutes, after which it is left to infuse for four hours. Add another glass of boiling water to the squeezed and strained broth. The product can be drunk three times a day, 70 ml.

Rhodiola rosea in cosmetology

This unique plant has also found its application in cosmetology. Golden root extract has positive influence on aging, sensitive skin, improves its general condition. Biologically rich active composition allows the use of plant extracts in various creams to give them stimulating and adaptogenic properties, slow down the aging process of the skin, increase resistance to unfavorable factors environment.
Cosmetic preparations with golden root:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the skin;
  • improve energy metabolism in cells;
  • accelerate skin regeneration processes;
  • minimizes transepidermal fluid loss;
  • increase skin barrier functions;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • reduce the level of depression.

Ice for washing is prepared as follows: pour a spoonful of dry leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave, cool and, after straining, pour into ice molds. Wipe the skin for pallor, lethargy, and also to give it tone.

For inflammation of the eyes, wounds and gum diseases, lotions are made from an infusion of golden root: 50 grams of the root are boiled in 0.5 liters of water for 15 minutes, then infused for 40 minutes and filtered. Apply moistened cotton pads to the affected areas for 15 minutes a couple of times a day.

Rhodiola rosea in cooking

A few decades ago, fresh young leaves of Rhodiola rosea were widely used in the cuisine of the peoples of Altai. They were added to salads and eaten fresh. Today, wild species of Rhodiola rosea are not used in cooking due to the ban on private collection of the plant, but those who want to taste them can use cultivated varieties that are successfully used in floriculture.

Golden root for men

For representatives of the stronger sex, the use of rosea Rhodiola helps with problems with potency. This eliminates not only the dysfunction itself, but also the main causes leading to it. Rhodiola rosea for men has a beneficial effect on the genitals and increases the ability to conceive. Reviews from men who use it say that the plant helps prevent premature ejaculation, prolong sexual intercourse itself, enhances libido.

This action rose root due to the fact that, as a rule, all problems in the male part are caused by external factors: stress, poor sleep patterns, bad habits, poor nutrition. The plant, which contains phenols, helps solve all these problems and at the same time has a beneficial effect on potency, relieves not only dysfunctions, but also diseases genitourinary system: adenomas, prostatitis.

Under the influence of the components of the herb, the activity of the gonads improves, and in this case it turns out to be much more more effective than ginseng. Rhodiola rosea tincture can improve a man's sexual power. In this case, the use of the drug (25 drops) is allowed three times a day for a course of 15 days.

For many years, Rhodiola rosea (golden root) has been used by professional athletes as a completely safe non-steroidal drug to increase activity and physical endurance. It acts similarly to synthetic anabolic steroids, but unlike them it does not have negative influence on the body.

The use of Rhodiola rosea in sports promotes a noticeable increase in muscle strength and endurance, accelerated utilization of lactic acid formed in muscles during heavy loads. In terms of general strengthening and tonic effects, the plant is not inferior to ginseng. In bodybuilding, Rhodiola allows you to build muscle tissue and increase strength naturally without harm to health or threat to normal life.

The tincture (20–30 drops) is taken in the morning and before training (an hour before). The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, since continuous use of the drug is unacceptable.

Rhodiola rosea for women

The plant found wide application in gynecology. Golden root for women is recommended to be used in the treatment of:

  • early menopause;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • primary and secondary amenorrhea;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • adnexitis.

Douching with Rhodiola tincture is prescribed for:

  • candidiasis;
  • endometriosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • colpitis.

Rhodiola rosea in bodybuilding

Athletes often use this plant instead of steroids, which makes them more resilient. Rhodiola rosea is considered natural in sports non-steroidal drug, saturating the body with vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes and minerals, has adaptogenic properties. Rhodiola rosea helps the athlete's body:

  • It is easier to endure extreme physical activity.
  • It is easier to cope with stress before competitions and other important events.
  • Relaxes muscles, reduces the level of excitability of the nervous system.
  • Normalize blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Recover faster.
  • Become more resilient.
  • Improve coordination.

Rhodiola rosea for children

Various decoctions and tinctures of Rhodiola rosea, as well as numerous preparations containing this herb, are not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age. Otherwise, skin rashes, nausea and vomiting may occur.

1) For a long time, the inhabitants of Altai drank tea from crushed golden root during their campaigns, which gave them strength, and fresh juice treated wounds.

2) The young spouse was given a golden root as a gift and maral root, which was a symbol of longevity and the reproduction of strong offspring.

3) Chinese emperors equipped entire expeditions to extract the golden root.

4) The legend said that the one who finds the golden root will shine long life, happiness and health.

5) The places of growth were kept secret, and the secret was passed on from father to son.